Sunday, June 21, 2020 - Full Service - 10AM

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good morning a theek recurs and welcome to the 10 o'clock service this morning it's live we're right here in the sanctuary piping into your homes cars iPhones wherever you are we're really glad to have you with us we miss having you here in the sanctuary but we're just so thrilled that you guys are willing to stick with it and continue to gather you know digitally but also in their small groups and watch parties and the homes that you're all meeting together in small groups we're so thankful for all of you and we're thankful for all the dads out there on this Father's Day welcome to the church service on this Father's Day Sunday and may the Lord bless all you dads out there what a cool thing Father's Day it honestly did you a Father's Day was kind of an afterthought the the one who brought this there was a woman who was in the early 1900's she was in a Mother's Day Service church service and she thought man we should probably do a Father's Day thing too so I was kind of out of guilt they eventually added Father's Day to the list there wouldn't be officially that until like the 70s where it became an official kind of holiday but but you know what I love about Father's days I'm blessed cuz I have a wonderful dad and thankful for his you know example to me but also you know that my father taught me to believe in and follow the father which is in heaven and that's the best thing you know we we as dads can point to the father Jesus taught us to pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name our holy is your name the word holy means whole lacking for nothing altogether perfect needs nothing that's the father in heaven and we can celebrate and worship Him on this Father's Day on this Sunday and we just invite you to join us the band's gonna be leading us with some worship songs and we're gonna get in the scriptures and we're gonna have communion now we're gonna go to the communion table and eat and drink of the Lord and just remember what he did for us so by the way those of you that are home and if you can get those elements ready before the end of the teaching we're gonna take the the Lord's bread and his cup and we're gonna celebrate Jesus so you can get those elements ready like we mentioned last week have them ready right today that'd be great and we're just gonna gather around Christ behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity that's what we're doing right now so join us Lord we pray he'd be honored blessed glorified in this worship service may your word go out with clarity may worship ascend with beauty lord I pray that you'd find a congregation that has sincerity but above all Lord we come humbly before you just to worship and give you glory in Jesus name Amen well Sophie and the team went you guys lead us out in worship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] still be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for your world [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your kids don't come you now here Oh guess you [Music] and keep our hungry spirits we all are satisfaction and you lose grease has as [Music] give us four helpers trusty [Music] your grace you have sleepover thank you thank you Father [Music] father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't give us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] helpers trust [Music] you have [Music] [Music] it's a word beginning one we've got [Music] you hidden glory [Music] what it is [Music] what a beautiful [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] death could not home but they'll talk before you silence the [Music] the heavens are the phrase [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this morning Lord we're so thankful that we can know that our sins are forgiven we thank you Lord for being a God of mercy in the church mercy endures forever father you don't run out of patience your long-suffering toward us is immeasurable how glad we are Lord that you don't give up or just get frustrated and just chalk us off but Lord you say you'll never leave us or forsake us thank you for your faithfulness Lord and I pray that we would be the faithful as you have been to ask Lord I pray that we would walk with you consistently and steadily Lord give us your church ears to hear what your spear would say through your word today and I pray that we'd have hearts not just to hear but hearts to really do and actually act upon the things we learned today so blessed this time speak to us speak to your church we pray your blessing now in Jesus name Amen amen well thank you guys nice job excellent hey again happy Father's Day we're glad you are with us and we're gonna get in the scriptures here in a second but don't forget to get those communion elements as I mentioned earlier ready because at the end of the study today we're gonna go to the table of Lord adjust worship we'll end it with a time around his table and so you get the bread and the cup whatever you have available there at the house get it ready for the crew that's at your place and don't forget we're encouraging people to have watch parties you know the state of Oregon we can do 25 or less people now so yeah we'd love for you guys to be gathering the Bible says don't forsake the assembling of ourselves together none of us have forsaken that we were excited to get back meeting in this building but it didn't until then we can do like they did in the early church the book of Acts they went from house to house and they met breaking bread which is communion which we're going to do today and they also prayed and get forgiving of the Apostles doctrine we're gonna pray we're gonna study the scriptures that's what that is and then having fellowship Koinonia that's what I think we've missed the most during this kovat crisis as that fellowship you know being able to hang out with each other so you know take advantage of that host a watch party at your house and get a bunch of neighbors and friends and family members and you can do Church at home and they're kind of a biblical sort of way so anyway that's that's gonna happen here in just a few minutes why don't you grab your Bible however and turn to the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 30 and we've got work to do on Wednesday night to kind of speed up the process of our through the Bible study and we're gonna be covering a few chapters Lord willing Wednesday but we take our text from our upcoming study so Isaiah chapter 30 in Isaiah 30 we've got a dilemma and it has to do with what do you do when you align yourself with someone who you shouldn't be linked to have you ever linked yourself with a people group or an organization or someone who you probably had no business being linked up with I've seen it in so many levels whether it's an marriage between a husband and a wife that's unequally yoked the Bible says don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers we'll talk about that later but those marriages are brutal man people that think ah you know my husband he's not gonna he's not a Christian so but I still love him so I'm gonna marry him and I'm sure it'll come around you get this sort of missionary dating sort of thing where someday they'll accept Christ and then when they never do what a disaster it's so brutal and I have my heart breaks for people that have been linked in marriage that's why the Bible gives that sombre warning or maybe some of you that have been linked up in business you went into it on a business venture with someone who was less than honest or somebody who probably shouldn't have linked up with and you know it's amazing how hindsight's 20/20 but when you're in the middle of it sometimes like that how did I get myself into this pickle or on and on the link is go you know the groups and organizations and all that I remember learning this tough lesson in fourth grade when I joined a gang yep your pastor was a gang member and we we were in fourth grade we wanted to be a brutal gang so I remember joining the bad kids and we decided to be the murder gang that's what we called it because I was the meanest name or word we could think of murder game and we were marching around the playground acting all tough we didn't do anything other than just called ourselves a murder gang well mr. Swift our principal figured out that he had a gang problem in his elementary school ruched elementary school there in the thriving metropolis of Roush Oregon and we we got busted I remember mr. Swift called us out of all of our classrooms there and made all of the murder gang run laps around the backstop at around the playground just four hours we ran ran and as a hot day that summer or you know spring afternoon at school and and that was no big deal I mean running was okay but it's when he sent the note home with us and it had to be signed by our parents and it basically said your son is part of a gang called the murder gang just wanted you to know signed mr. Swift the principal and you know my dad was no joke when it came to justice and wrath and I remember that was one of the top five spankings I remember being joined to the murder game I remember getting that one and deserving every bit of that but but at the same time my dad sat me down said Brett you can't join yourself and be a part of something that is just wrong and I had to learn that lesson that you know be careful who you join yourself with because that's gonna get you into trouble well that's the lesson of Isaiah chapter 30 the Jews here they're they're joining themselves with the Egyptians and with Pharaoh the leader of the Egyptians why are they joining with them well that's the story we've been kind of following here and if you were with us when we were studying there in the Kings and other places we read about you know the Assyrian invasion from the north the Assyrians were coming down and they were pretty much trouncing every people group nation kindred tongue the Assyrians were brutal and they were headed toward the land of Judah and the Jews were freaking out what are we gonna do the Assyrians are coming in then there was this guy named Rav Shaka he was the trash talk from from that Assyrian group led by the leader was Sun her Eve we call him Sennacherib but but somehow Eve is a Arab sort of sounding name and and he was coming down and man the the fear had you know grip to the people and it would because it's something we've talked about this before the Assyrians were a scary Bunch man they were known for just being horrifyingly brutal to their enemies so bad was it that the people would surrender before the Assyrians even came because you know they would do stuff like they would take the leaders and skinned them alive in front of everyone and then they would take their skins and upholster their furniture back at home with the skins of their victims they would decapitate the heads and pile up heads outside their own cities of all their victims so that when you'd go to a town in Assyria you know like Nineveh for example you could see piles and piles of thousands of skulls and you say man don't mess with this Aryans your head might be on the top of that pile someday and so history tells us not the Bible but in some of the archeological digs they found these you know prism stones with a Qing zuv words of the exploits of the Assyrians and some of those things include entire cities just laying all their weapons down at the front of their gate and saying we surrender and the Assyrians would come and kill them anyway then there were other groups that decided we're gonna kill ourselves before because the Assyrians are gonna torture us so before the Assyrians even got to the city they all hold whole cities that killed themselves that's that's how fearful people were when they heard the Assyrians were a-comin well this is the situation the Assyrians are getting ready to besiege Jerusalem and the Jews are freaking out they're so worried and so what are they gonna do they're gonna they're gonna seek not God's wisdom not the counsel of God but they're gonna seek the counsel of men what should we do we need that we need so I'm going to back us up so they're going to turn to the Egyptians and make an alliance with them and with Pharaoh and we'll see how that goes let's read here in Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 is where we pick up this narrative it says here in Isaiah 30 verse 1 woe unto the rebellious children saith the Lord that take counsel but not of me and cover with the covering but not of my spirit that they may add sin to sin that walk to go down into Egypt and I've not asked at my mouth to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh and to trust in the shadow of Egypt therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame and the trust of the shadow of Egypt be your confusion man shame confusion that's gonna be the result verse 15 let's go forward a little bit in this chapter in verse 15 the Lord says for less saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel in returning and rest shall you be saved in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and you would not but you said no for we will flee upon horses therefore you shall flee and we will write upon the swift therefore they that pursue you will be Swift 1,000 that is people shall flee at the rebuke of one at the rebuke of five shall you flee till you be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain as an instant on a hill you're gonna be a model an example of losers verse verse 18 and therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious to you and therefore he will be exalted that he may have mercy upon you for the Lord is a God of judgment blessed or happy are all day that wait for him verse 21 and thine ears shall hear of word behind thee saying this is the way walk ye in it when you should turn to the right hand and when you should turn to the left here the the Scriptures declare that you know Isaiah the prophet saying to the children of Israel man whoa unto you rebellious see that's the problem God sees this alliance with Egypt as a rebellion against him when when instead of turning seeking counsel of God they sought the counsel of men and they went with what was logical practical man let's ally ourselves with the Egyptians they got horses and they got chariots and man at least we can stand a chance a fighting chance against the horrible scary Egyptian army I pardon me a Syrian army and so the Lord says yeah you think you've got it all down and what you should have done is in quiet confidence rested and trusted in me you should have sought counsel from me and not of Egyptians in the world and I wanted to pull out my grace and my mercy but I'm gonna wait I'll wait for you guys he says here in our text you can do your little thing if you want but you think you're gonna be swift to those egyptian horses and chariots you're gonna be running for your lives you think you're gonna be fast on those horses they're gonna be faster than you are that's what the Lord says this is not gonna work out for you and he says I want to pour out my mercy and grace I want to fight for you and I also want to give you direction if you would if you just be still and listen he says I'll be that little small voice whispering in your ear saying when to turn right and when to turn left I'll tell you what to do the Lord says I'll do that but you said no we're not gonna listen to God we're gonna do our own thing it reminds me of the psalmist who said Oh some men trust in horses others in chariots but as for me I trust in the Lord the Jews had lost sight of that they were putting their trust in Egypt now Egypt is a type or a picture of the world all throughout the scriptures whenever we hear about Egypt it's not a good thing the Egyptians were known to be godless and then so Egypt is is really the type of the world and the bondage that comes from being in the world the Jews were enslaved to the Egyptians talk about slavery for 50 long years of slavery being whipped under the taskmasters whips of egyptians isn't it funny how sometimes we go back to the very things that enslaved us that's what the Jews are doing they're going back to Egypt saying we need your help and so the Egyptian okay will align with you and they made a pact with Pharaoh but the Lord said it'll be your shame and it'll be your confusion when you make an alliance with someone you have no business making alliance there will be confusion there will be strife there will be contention and you got to know that that's not of the Lord they're aligning with the world and Satan see Pharaoh is a type or a picture of Satan Egypt is a type of the world Pharaoh is a type of Satan when you have strife contention it's of Satan when you have peace and joy and love you've got the Lord let me read to you you can you can run anything through the sieve of James chapter 3 to see if this is of God or this of Satan and check this out it's James chapter 3 verse verse 13 it says who is a wise man and Jude was knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation or profession his works with meekness and wisdom but listen if you have bitter envying or strife in your heart glory not in other words don't be proud of that don't lie against the truth this wisdom descends not from above but is earthly sensual and devilish sensual being it's enticing to be angry and bitter and full of strife there's a there's a there's an enticement to that sensual devilish for where envy and strife is there's confusion and every evil work then James has called it out if you have strife contention its sensual and devilish and every evil work but then he goes on but the wisdom that is from above or in heaven is pure peaceable gentle easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality without hypocrisy the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace now keep in mind the language here is kind of important without hypocrisy that is saying one thing but doing another a double standard kind of thing there's no partiality among people there's gentle and peace and that's that's that's always from the Lord but when you're dividing and causing strife and getting angry that's from that's earthly sensual and devilish so all this to say james's and man you're gonna have the strife and confusion because you're aligning with Satan and and the world if you would egyptian-style it's kind of like good news bad news the good news is the people of Israel heard Isaiah talk here and this is one of the times they're gonna listen to Isaiah and they're gonna say who okay and they'll break off their alliance with Egypt and then they'll say okay Lord what do you want us to do and that's when you know Hezekiah built that tunnel that's when the king said okay the Lord's gonna fight for us and the Lord did the end of the story if you recall Rab shaka and his army from the syria comes with a hundred and eighty five thousand soldiers they surround the city the jews seemed to be on the very edge of death but an angel comes from god by nighttime and slays one hundred and eighty five thousand soldiers of the assyrian army they wake up the next morning look over the wall of jerusalem there's one hundred eighty-five thousand dead men laying in the the mountains around jerusalem what an amazing story the Lord talked about power and might and the Lord will fight for you but the Lord wanted them to be quiet and wait and say we're gonna trust the Lord in this he'll take care of our enemies but they said no we don't want that so the question that we have before us on this Father's Day Sunday morning is how are we doing with this idea of aligning ourselves are we aligned with the world or with the Lord are we getting counsel from God or from the Word of you know the of God or from the world are we taking the counsel of men or of God and this question I think isn't it interesting where we're not in the Bible is where we're at in life you see the problem with these poor Jews in this particular story is they had reason to worry the Assyrians were legit and there's this thing that I call worry hurry-scurry they were worried man this the threat of the Assyrians it was a terrifying prospect of famine fear and death and there was an impatience impatience man I hope you don't try to go and figure out and finagle and manipulate rather than just saying Lauren I'm gonna trust you are you a single person who is worried because you're been single for too long and your timing you think I need to get something what's good now what's wrong with me and you're you're panicking this is where you got to rest with quiet confidence and say Lord you know all things I'm gonna put my true well I'm gonna make it happen I'm gonna I'm gonna go and figure out a way to find someone with a pulse so I can get married I've seen that happen far too many times you have to don't make the mistake of Isaiah 30 and and take the counsel of men it's men that put pressure on single people men and women to put pressure on themselves and on each other if you're a single person and you haven't been married by 21 what's wrong with you that's that's a worldly godless mindset forget that say I'm gonna just trust the Lord I'm gonna with quiet confidence like our text says here Laura says men in in returning and rest shall you be saved in quiet confidence shall be our strength but you wouldn't have that the Lord says but he wants to be gracious giving and blessing you and merciful but you wouldn't have that so you know whether you're in that relationships or maybe a business venture where you're jumping into something I think I got to make something happen I got to pay the bills or ministry you want to get into ministry and so I'm gonna go do this and go on the mission field and people get to a head of the Lord one of the art forms of being a good Christian is to not get ahead of Lord but also not lag behind the Lord but to be in lockstep with the Lord how do you do that the Lord says you've taken counsel of the world but not of me take he says if you listen I will be that still small voice whispering in your ear telling you whether to turn right or left but too many people start to worry by the way worrying man it just doesn't pay worrying is just a lose-lose do you know that anxiety that comes from worrying about everything that's going on did you know that they've done a study on the average person's anxiety and what is focused on 40% of the things that people worry about actually never will come to pass 40% doesn't happen you say well that's what what about the other you know 60% well 30% of the things that people worry about are things about the past that can't be changed so now we're at 70 % 40% things that will never happen that's what people worry about 30% things that have happened in the past but you can't do anything about it 12% of the things that people worry about have to do with criticism of others mostly untrue when people are criticizing mostly it's untrue but they spend 12 percent of their worry on that 10 percent of the things people worry about have to do with their own health as it turns out the more they worry stress only makes your health worse so they're only making matters worse okay so you got 40 30 12 10 now we only got 8 percent left as it turns out about 8 percent of the things people worry about are real problems that you're really gonna have to face only 8 percent so we spend 92 percent of our time worrying about stuff that there's nothing we can do about it or it's not even gonna happen 8 percent of the time legitimate concern and the Lord says I want you to be anxious for nothing not even the eight percent but in prayer with Thanksgiving in supplication let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes understanding will rule or guide your heart that's what the Lord's telling these people man you should have sought me and I would have given you direction whether to turn right or left but you would say no to me and you went and got council of the world and you went with the world system and Pharaoh and man you're gonna be confused you're gonna have strife and you're even gonna die you know he says one person will threaten you guys in a thousand of you'll run from him you're gonna be an example of what it is to lose and so by the grace of God these Israelis at that time said okay and they broke their alliance with Egypt and you know what the Assyrians were wiped out and they lived to fight another day because the Lord took care of them it's actually kind of a good story now later on this same group of people a few hundred years later would kind of be in the same situation only this time they wouldn't turn to the Lord the Babylonians would come and wipe out Jerusalem and take all those people captive that's the bad that's the bad news ultimately it caught up to them but in this lesson here in Isaiah 30 week we can worry and then we have to worry about what happens next when you're worried you tend to get in a hurry to make something happen we mistake God's quietness for indifference so we attempt to speed things up I love the poem that goes patience is a virtue possess it if you can found seldom in a woman but never in a man I think that's a good poem of just reminding humanity man we're an impatient but Bunch and waiting upon the Lord the Lord goes against our grain waiting on the Lord our flesh wants to make stuff happen we find ourselves worrying so we're in a hurry to do something ask Abraham and Sarah so they worried they're in a hurry to have a baby and so they scurried that's the worry scurrying is the part where you start to do stuff manipulate finagle come up with harebrained ideas and that's exactly what happened this that's what happens you hurry worry scurry well let's suppose join forces how did they do that well Abraham and Sarah were promised they were gonna have a child and he would be a son that would grow into a mighty nation of the Jews that was Abraham's the Abrahamic covenant God made it with Abraham well Abraham and Sarah they're getting up in years in their eighties and Sarah's like this isn't gonna happen let's let's give the Lord a and let's jump in and help and so Sara says here's my handmaid Hagar an Egyptian and you guys go in there in the tent and need to do your thing and and and she'll become pregnant and and there that'll be the mighty nation God blesses and so he runs okay cool and so he goes and sleeps with Hagar and she gives birth to a son through Abraham named Ishmael then amazing lo and behold Abraham and Sarah become pregnant who would have thought and in their 90s they have this baby named Isaac so now you got Isaac and Ishmael which one's the promised son gonna be Isaac Abraham Isaac Jacob that would be the the fathers of the Jewish nation Ishmael was the father of the Arab nation see Father's Day sermon right here told you we'd weave it in some way but what a crazy story that is you see Abraham the father was the father of two separate nations and because Abraham and Sarah got in a hurry got in to worry and started to scurry they blew the whole thing did you know that the the Ishmaelites were the Arabs Isaac was the Jews and they're still fighting today thousands of years later one of the greatest conflicts and all the world's history between the Arabs and the Israelis and look at us now and this is because Abraham and Sarah tried to get ahead of the Lord and make things happen and manipulate and finagle they joined forces with the world again abraham joined forces with an egyptian woman the world that's the world's plan and it didn't work out so good hurry worry scurry that's the problem people do stupid things when they don't seek the Lord and they get ahead of the Lord and they had aligned themselves and join forces with the world well the Lord gives this strong admonition now by the way you might ask the question why does God make us wait because that's what the Lord saying you know if you read the scriptures again verse 15 for thus saith Lord holy God it was in returning and rest shall you be saved in quietness and confidence and verse 18 the Lord said therefore will the Lord wait the Lord's waiting on them because they're not waiting so he waits for them you see there's two things here that I see why the Lord makes you and me sometimes wait in the face of our fears two things number one promise number two perspective God makes us wait because of God's promises listen to this Isaiah 64 4 it says for since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither have I see Oh God beside thee what he have prepared for him that waits for him what is it for the person who waits for God is not seen the New Testament quotes this Isaiah passage says I hasn't seen or ears heard you know the glorious the beautiful wonderful awesome things Lord is preparing for those who wait upon the Lord those who get in a hurry and worry and scurry well I have not seen or heard and how horrible things can go for that person but those who wait upon the Lord you see there's a promise that if you're willing to wait and trust the Lord good things will happen so why does God make us wait on him because of promise but also because of perspective look again at verse 18 it says therefore were the Lord weight in all truth it's the Lord is waiting on us he's waiting for us to chill out and trust in him to look to him for direction and guidance instead of us finagling and manipulating and hurrying and worrying and scurrying I love G Campbell Morgan when he was on talking about this idea of waiting on the Lord or waiting for God listen when G Campbell Morgan said he said waiting for God is not laziness waiting for God is not going to sleep waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort waiting for God means first activity under command second readiness for any new command that may come third the ability to do nothing until the command is given waiting on the Lord say Lord I want to hear your command in your direction it's not indifference or apathy you're just sitting around doing nothing G Campbell Morgan Nilla it's not anything but saying okay Lord we're wait we're gonna wait for you and your command that's what the Lord tells these people I will be that still small voice and tell you whether to turn right or left if you wait on me if you put your trust in me but if you're gonna take the counsel of the world and go the worldly way and do the worldly system good luck with that you're gonna be confused there's gonna be strife and contention and you're gonna lose okay Brett so what you're saying is man when things that are bad happen when there's trouble and trials and things that cause us to be afraid we should be careful not to turn to the world but wait upon the Lord yep because man if you wait on the Lord he'll renew your strength you'll mount up with wings like eagles you know like the promises of those who wait on the Lord being still be still and know that I am the Lord this is what the Lord has called you and me to do it's important so you got this idea of waiting on the Lord now how are we doing today with that because we have the Assyrian breathing down our neck right now we have the Assyrian of the Kove advice we have the Assyrian of social unrest and racism in America and protesting and anger and people burning buildings and anti-fur rioting and people that are angry and frustrated because they've been marginalized and treated horribly and our country is divided and people are afraid and they're confused there's groups protesting and their protest and their you might even in some ways argue of course they have a right to be angry and bitter and upset but if you're a person of God a child of God if you're a person who believes in God and follows the Scriptures the Lord he's got a prescription he's given us this chapter in Isaiah 30 as an example to go found down through the generations of what we should do and what we shouldn't do we should join forces with Egypt and Pharaoh the world and Satan we should not take the Council of men and do what everybody else is doing and what everyone else thinks is a good idea we should rest in quiet confidence and put our trust in the Lord and say Lord show us what would you have us to do and in that quiet confidence Lord says I'm gonna wait on you until you're willing to do that then and only then will I give you that word when to turn right and when to turn left and I'll give you a direction and then guess what the Assyrian the problem whether it's racism or covet 19 or the Assyrian will fall the angel of the Lord will come and slay 185,000 powerful Assyrian army it's not gonna be you doing it it's gonna be the Lord oh I'll take care of it but you gotta wait on me and you gotta trust in me the Lord would say well you say okay Brett that's that's that's great could you be a little more specific well I'm going to you see I'm concerned because what I see today with a lot of these problems and we could talk about Cove in 19 or all these things but I'm concerned that the Church of Jesus Christ today we've not chosen to be separate from Egypt separate from Pharaoh but instead I'm concerned or dive in headfirst we're aligning ourselves we're signing a covenant as I see pastors and Christians kneeling before black lives matter and saying we're sorry and we we you know and and and and I understand now let's talk about this for a second I need to say this because there's always those who assume the worst but I gotta say and I don't think my words actually mean anything it's more about what we really do honestly but I'm just gonna say this of course you know african-american people been treated horrible black lives do matter that's absolute and true and if you've been around a that Greek for any length of time I speak out and and we've acted out we've not just words we've actually come to the defense of other people other races nation Tong's kindred because we feel racism is one of the great evils of our time of course it is and we would agree that there are dirty cops that need to be totally taken out and we need to deal with that if there is that and I'm not in it I'm not a in that world as much you know to know exactly what the systemic racism is I'm doing everything I can to learn and grow and my understanding of that and where we see that it needs to be snuffed out of course absolutely so we do believe black lives matter but I do not believe in the institution I am NOT standing with the organization of black lives matter and I'll tell you why because that and we've talked about this the prophecy update that organization is godless it's it's it's not just me just check out their website I'm not making this up but you need to understand I'm so heartbroken to see pastors and entire denominations saying we stand with black lives matter and you know now if they're in ignorance saying of course we stand with black lives I get that and and of course we would all agree with that and we do need to stand with the plight of them those that have been marginalized of course that's that's what we should be doing and we do but to say we're gonna stand with black lives matter you're aligning yourself with Pharaoh I'm just I'm just telling you the truth Bret what do you mean well let's just look at their their own description of what we believe first of all if you go to black lives matter web web page you'll see on the very front the very first thing about defund the police so the first thing is they they want to defy the police and they want to replace law enforcement with a law enforcement that will support their agenda so then you have to ask well what's their agenda because if there's if there's no more police as we know them now which I have to say all the police officers I know personally and we have a ton of them here at Athey I love those guys those are guys that would take a bullet for a person and save their life red brown yellow black white it doesn't matter these are men and women that sacrifice themselves to to support and protect they're the ones I know I've never met a racist cop I'm sure they're out there I think the situation that we watched up there in Minnesota of course George Floyd that's such a heartbreaking and horrifying thing that happened and that police officer it looks like he's gonna get what's coming to him for that behavior of course and I hope he does I hope justice is served there but black lives matter says defund police altogether and they want to replace it read their read their what we believe and what we're all about they want to say we're gonna make a law enforcement agency that basically supports our agenda and what's their agenda well let me read to some of the things they say in there what we believe section we disrupt the Western proscribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages that collect collectively care for one another especially our children to the degree that mothers parents and children are comfortable no mention of fathers who cares about them because we're not into that we're not into the nuclear if you look up the nuclear family in the dictionary it's the father mother and children and it's a family Union that's the nuclear family and they say they call it the westernized it's been around from the Garden of Eden the nuclear families been around for centuries and millennia it's it's a godless notion to say we don't need dads we it takes a village to raise children not not a mom and dad in a family unit that goes against what the Bible teaches this idea of destroying the family I'm gonna go out and be bold on this but I'm gonna say and and I know some people's I brought your white you can't say anything I don't agree I think I think we we should be able to speak truth and what I've seen in the african-american community is one of the greatest difficulties one of the greatest challenges for my brothers and sisters that our in America is the absence of fathers there's something it's bad enough in the white community but it's even worse in the african-american community where they don't value the idea of a husband and wife being married and staying together but there's this notion that has become sort of ignored by so many definitely black lovers not there no I mean ignoring this they're actually saying this is who we are we don't need the dad in the house and because of that I would believe and see that's one of the great problems and difficulties in the african-american community they've just totally blown off the family unit and if you keep reading it it just tells us more about what their agenda includes listen to this right after that as it says we foster a queer affirming Network we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking people that believe and you know one man one woman the family unit says we reject that or rather the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless he or she are they disclose otherwise the LGBTQ community is a major power in the black lives matter movement and it's part of their what we believe what we're standing for and we're gonna have law enforcement replaced we're gonna defund the police and we're gonna replace it with our version of law enforcement that will enforce that and it'll get rid of the nuclear family and it will support the LGBTQ community now what's interesting is there are a lot of african-american and blacks around America who are who are saying yeah black lives matter but all this other stuff we're not really into that what is that and and people are sort of yeah whatever meanwhile you've got all these really wealthy white people financially supporting black lives matter and I'm gonna just tell you there's a massive agenda that I think a lot of people don't even understand blacks and whites around America are jumping on board with black lives matter hashtag black black lives matter and they don't even know what they're encouraging people to do in support I think there's a lot of people well-meaning I know I've seen it here Athey creatures who are Bible believing you know people want to follow God and His plan but they haven't really checked into what are we encouraging people to do sending money to black lives matter supporting you're supporting a Marxist a replacement of what America really is and you're supporting a godless worldly Egypt and Pharaoh kind of thing and you're signing on you're jumping on board pastors churches and tired denominations have done this and I don't hear a lot of pastors I sometimes feel a little lonely here but I'm just gonna tell you it's just wrong you're doing exactly what Isaiah thirty warns the Jews of not doing don't align yourself with Egypt or leanness it seemed logical it seemed like the right thing to do it seemed to be addressing the problem of the Assyrians just like black lives matter seems to be dealing with racism but I'm telling you it is not it's only making matters worse and we see that the sieve of James chapter 3 where there's bitterness strife and confusion that's what I see on the streets people are angry and upset and and and is it really gonna solve the problem I think we're trying to trust in Egypt but bitterness is not a lord you know what I love about Jesus among thousands of other things is Jesus the Bible says he was tempted in all points like as we were in other words Jesus has experienced everything you've ever experienced the African Americans say well what does Jesus know about racism more than you absolutely more than you Jesus dealt with racism yeah you see there was a little Empire called the Romans that were in charge during the time of Christ these people you know up from Italy came down and just trounced that region of the world they were under the iron fist of the Romans and you know the Romans hated the Jews and they enslaved the Jews people don't realize this did you know Rome was built by the Jews you know when you go to Rome we were there you know a couple summers ago and we saw the Titus's arch where you see the Romans carrying off the menorah and all the stuff from the temple in Jerusalem and it's still in there you know beautiful buildings you see the ripping off of the Jews and enslaving of the Jews they brought the Jews it was the Jews who built the Roman Colosseum people don't understand that everybody like yeah you know are you not entertained the Jews built that the Roman Colosseum and a lot of you know slate they were enslaved so not only was at slavery but they would they would just brutally kill Jews hang them on crosses outside the streets if you looked at a Roman soldier wrong they could kill you and it was just brutal racism and as it turns out Jesus died on the hat by the hand of racists they crucified him on a cross now that's Bible believing people we know that the Romans crucified Jesus and the Jews crucified Jesus and we crucified Jesus see we realize that Jesus went willingly and died on the cross for a greater purpose to die for the sins of the world but when it all gets down to the basics the Romans they brutally tortured and crucified Jesus they drove nails in his hands and feet crown of thorns on as they robed him with a robe and said hail King of the Jews as they spat upon him and punched him in the face Jesus experienced racism to the enth degree and ultimately died at the hand of those racists the Romans but while he was dying he sat he looked at them and he didn't say she would slice matter and he wasn't bitter and angry and What did he say he said Father forgive them for they know not what they do this is the James 3 sieve is their strife and bitterness and hatred and envy or is their peace and love and good fruit and no hypocrisy Jesus modeled so perfectly in the face of the worst racism of all and he forgave them okay well Brett that's great but what Jesus know about the temptation to be a racist did Jesus have to deal with that absolutely no Jesus was not a racist because he never sinned but did you know the Jews while they were being treated horribly by the Romans what's amazing is Jesus being tempted in all points did you know the Jews were horrible racist themselves during the time of Christ they hated the Samaritans the Jews hated them they didn't want anything to do with them if they saw a Samaritan they would cross the street and walk the other way you know remember when Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan we missed the whole thing there because there's a nice but you have to understand when Jesus said once upon a time there was a good Samaritan they would've said no such thing that does not exist there's no such thing as a good American American that - no such thing is a good Samaritan but Jesus up there is a good Samaritan and remember he's the one that helped the guy that was robbed and beaten and all that and and Jesus was totally blowing up the the racism of the Jews when he told that story not only that Jesus there in John chapter 4 said we must need go through Samaria and the disciples like you want us to do what yeah we got to go through Samaria so he goes there and finds this woman of Samaria at the well and everybody stunned when they see Jesus talking to this woman a Samaritan woman and you know what he does you guys know the story I'm not gonna go into it but he loves on her and his kinder and forgives her first sins and she's saved and all the town is saved because they realize this is Jesus the Messiah Jesus was able to show us in the face of his his people the Jews being racist toward the Samaritans you know Jesus is the model and by the way you know the Bible handles racism and talks about racism and Jesus the model he doesn't try to deal with racism corporately or organizationally he doesn't say you know we must march against the Romans that's what the zealots wanted to do or he didn't say let's march against the Samaritans and or let's do this or try to fix that and then Jesus just individually handled each situation each person he was kind to the Centurion he was loving toward the Samaritan he dealt with people individually and and their sins individually and and Jesus would ultimately be the answer for all of those issues you see I wonder if we're trying to handle something in a worldly way the church is saying yeah black lives matter so let's jump on board and we gotta support the protest and everybody needs to kneel down before you know it's interesting because as I see people kneeling down it makes me really uneasy because you know we shouldn't really be kneeling before anybody except for Jesus you know someday every knee is gonna bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord but we shouldn't be bowing down or kneeling before people brought you're just prideful nope I just don't I don't think we should be kneeling in that kind of way to anybody except for Christ the Lord and it's so sad to see how people are just kind of being sucked into this what I'm gonna call Egyptian and Pharaohs plan of how to deal with something that's freaking everybody out right now so we're hurried worried scurried we're finagling and the church is jumping on board and we're missing it and we don't even realize we're jumping on board with doctrines of devils blowing up the family that God invented and saying yeah we don't believe in that anymore if you're jumping on board with black lives matter you're jumping on board with doctrines and I can go on and you should do your research because it gets worse when you read what we believe and they basically want no accountability and they really believe things that you might be shocked if you just read their whole statement the parts of their statements that I can say I agree with is you know black people shouldn't be treated badly they shouldn't be marginalized and racism should be squashed out I agree with that but when you read their website you realize there's an old other agenda and I believe Satan is behind it I'm just saying that read it check it out for yourself don't take my word for it now you say Brett what do we do then well I believe we need to do what we've been doing and that seek the Lord you know some of you I think you need to shut down your social media instead of being hurry worry scurry and posting little squares and doing this in that and we gotta fix this racism uh stop worry worry scurry whether you're a black person or a white person and say Lord what would you have us to say and what would you have us to do and what would you have us to believe you know I have to say I'm so impressed there's some very courageous black people out there right now who are trying to say black lives matter is a bad institution and boy those people are getting raked over the coals and I I have to say there's a lot of people who are godly godly people trying to point this out and and they're getting really worked over and it's we should be praying for people who are bold enough to say something there's you know so many people are being silent about this whole thing that they're I think there's a lot of people shaking their shoes because this whole thing is so violent and angry but I think we should be putting our trust in the Lord some people are gonna put their trust in Egypt horses and chariots as for us we're gonna listen to God and we're gonna hear that still small voice to say this is the way walky in it and oftentimes that doesn't look like going with the world the world's plan in the world's way of doing things I'd like to end with one more scripture it's first Corinthians pardon me second corinthians chapter 6 and it says here in verse 14 listen to this it says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers that's what the jews did they yoke to themselves with the egyptians the word yoke there it means when two oxen would plough you'd yoke them with a yoke put them together so they'd pull together but if you're unequally yoked by the way in Bible times you'd one of the oxen in that team if they were unequally yoked you were supposed to have kind of people that were going the same direction with the same strength and the same objective so the horses I don't want you Corinthians to be unequally yoked with unbelievers I'm gonna say it but of Christians and churches and people and some of you guys on your social meet your yoke - yourselves with godless institutions because of a good cause or a seemingly right issue but you're actually going about it like the Egyptian pharaoh way don't be on it listen to this because he goes on don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness what Concord or Symphony is a word that there have Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you are the Temple of the Living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people listen wherefore come ye out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty as it turns out this is a great Father's Day sermon because the Lord says come out from among them be separate and I will be your father and you will be my children I will protect you oh man this is great what good news on Father's Day but what are you what are you called to do come out from among them and be ye separate more and more the church is integrating with the world and we do it for so many different reasons I've seen the church cave of their biblical doctrines because they want to be relevant in in today's world I've seen the church sign on with black lives matter even though they're totally pro LGBTQ which is an abomination to what the Bible actually teaches God says I've seen them sign on even though the family unit is God's invention and black lives matter is saying we want to dissemble disassemble that and people are just jumping on board and the Bible gives us this command come ye out from among them be a separate and then what will happen I'll be your father I'll take care of these things the Lord will take care of racism the Lord will take care of injustice and the marginalizing of people and he might even use us and a beautiful and powerful way to do it but you need to be still first and know that He is God and do what he's called you that's the challenge for you and for me you know if you're one who's jumped on board with all this stuff I know it's hard to reverse that and for you to kind of change your thinking on it I'm not asking you to change your thinking about racism I do think by the way racism is being redefined what it actually means and I think there's a danger even in that we can talk about that maybe later I might talk about that a little more on a prophecy update coming up here in July but but the redefining it's a dangerous thing to even wonder what we're against and what are we actually talking about what are the terms but the confusion that's around us right now that's not of God the confusion that we're seeing among church people and among people of different colors that confusion is drive is coming from Satan and it's something that's causing all kinds of trouble and the divisions are getting worse and worse and you and I need to repent the Church of Jesus Christ needs to repent I love the Church of Jesus Christ because it's full of all kinds of colors of people I heard one sermon about you know Sunday mornings the most segregated hour in America and I get that and I would love to see churches like ours even have more of a multi-racial environment and you know I love seeing churches that actually have communities where whites and blacks live together in the churches I love those churches that are very multiracial that's awesome but I also want to say this in defense of I just love that we have entire churches of black people and entire choices of white people and guess what we're brothers and sisters in Christ and you know we might have different cultural things that we enjoy and different styles of worship that we love and accept and and that's all great but we're still brothers you know I have two sisters Jenny and Tammy and we don't need to march down in port let's say we're our brothers and sisters we're brothers I almost died man I'm so sad I don't get to see my sisters as much as I'd like to they're both very impressive women and they have wonderful families and and I just so value them and it does make me sad that we don't get to hang out as much but at the same time I think my sisters I have kind of this understanding we love each other and we're busy about the kingdom we're busy serving the Lord Jesus and we don't really need to go and demonstrate our unity among the world because as it turns out we're brothers and sisters and we don't care what anybody has to say it's just the way it is I feel that really I love that the Church of Jesus Christ I would make this argument is the most colorful organization in the entire world we are the most multi-ethnic multi-religious guys because guess what we've got churches of different places locations and cultural issues I love that the church people have followed Jesus man I'm so thankful for my african-american brothers and sisters and how they worship Jesus I wonder if we're just buying into the world's narrative and we're way off the rails read Ephesians chapter 2 because that's a racial issue you know we we love the Ephesians 2:8 that we're saved by grace through faith not of our works and we're his workmanship created in Christ Jesus we love those scriptures but you know right after that it says there's neither Jew nor Greek and it talks about the circumcision under criticism the racial issues between the Greeks and the Jews and then the Lord says but I am taking and making out of two groups one new man and as it turns out that one new man is the Church of Jesus Christ I told you I was going to only tell you one more Scripture but can I sneak in one more listen to this he says that at the time you were without Christ you were aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel strangers from having covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Jesus you were sometimes afar off marginalized I would say are made near by the blood of Jesus Christ for he is our pieces made both one and have broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished what is that is in his flesh M natee even the law of Commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of to one new man so making peace then he might reconcile both unto God one body by the cross having slain the indemnity thereby and he came and preached peace which is to you the were far off and to them that were near for through him we both have access to the spirit under the Father so therefore we are no more strangers or foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and the household of God built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone and whom the buildings fitly framed together in whom also you are builded together as a habitation through God through the spirit as it turns out God only recognizes three institutions in this world and blacklivesmatter is not one of them Boy Scouts is not one of them Weight Watchers is not one of them as it turns out God acknowledges the institution of number one government God acknowledges that the powers that be are of him and we need to obey those powers good bad or ugly that's the first institution government God recognizes number two the family the family unit blacklivesmatter doesn't recognize that God says I invented the family and the parents the dad the mom the children that's my organization the third group that he acknowledges is the Church of Jesus Christ those who've been brought together by the cross that's what it says here it's the cross where we all meet and you know what's so great is I feel that you know we might have cultural differences and different things we like and do and all that but you know where I just meet people from all over the world I was a lot of time in Africa and man I barely we can barely even speak our languages well but we are so United because the cross sinful humanity comes together at the cross of Jesus Christ I've seen it with my own eyes and powerful ways meanwhile the church is getting into this social justice and they're trying to solve the problem with Pharaoh and the Egyptians and they're forgetting that's not gonna do anything it's only stirring up more trouble we need the cross the cross the cross one new man the Church of Jesus Christ that's where the answer is people being saved from their sins forgiven for whatever they've done whether it's racism or bigotry or anything like that there needs to be a regeneration of the heart and it's the cross where we where we find that truth and it's for that reason I would like to take this father's day even as we get reconciled to the Father like these scriptures says no matter what race you are man if you've been treated badly and if people have treated you and you've been issue you know you've had issues of racism in your life you can go to the cross where Jesus looked at those racist the Romans and said Father forgive them and you're the one who wins because guess what you're no longer dealing with bitterness and anger and hatred because people have treated you badly you're like Jesus you're the one who gets freed because you've forgiven them before they're even sorry if you're a racist or maybe you were raised in a home that you know your grandparents or parents said derogatory things about people of other skin colors and you recognize that you might say yeah I'm against racism but maybe there's within you something that's just not of God you don't have that just total you know unconditional sacrificial kind of love in your heart for people over the race regeneration starts at the cross you've got to lay that that sinful fleshly tendency to not like other people groups or to think something ill of other people groups just because of the color of their skin you need to repent of that and you need to bring that to the cross and fill in the blake whatever sin you've got in your soul and we all have it bring it to the cross and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna end this service going to the cross remembering the table of communion as we take the cup and the bread and remember what Jesus did let the Lord forgive you if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness that's what the Bible says the cross is the answer Jesus Paul said I have determined to know nothing Jesus Christ and him crucified that's the answer would you bow your heads please with me and let's pray together Lord as we consider your word I know this isn't necessarily going to be received by all I remember reading there of the sowing of the seed of your word and how some people receive the word and it was plucked up by the fowls of the air I know that many people will not hear what I'm saying and Satan will pluck the seed out of your word and others might hear yo yeah that's pretty good and only be rooted shallowly when the Sun comes up it'll be scorched and they'll forget this sermon this word the Scriptures that I've shared some people will the seed will fall by the wayside and be trampled underfoot by other men but Lord we know that one in four of those seeds will fall on fertile soil and spring up and bring forth good fruit Lord for my brothers and sisters who have ears to hear and hearts to do what your word says I pray that we'd see good fruit that is exponential I pray Lord that you would calm the anxiety so that we wouldn't be worried hurried scurried about this world running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to figure out who to kneel to and what group to support or how to solve racism in America Lord we want you to slay like you did that day those Assyrians one hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers Lord slay racism slay all the injustice --is Lords just deal with the the unjust institutions that are pushing things that are godless Lord we want you to deal with that show us how we're to be involved show us when you give us command to action but until we hear what that is help us to be still and so Lord as we take this cup and this bread and remember what you've done I pray that we'd leave all this stuff at the cross so bless your church Lord thank you for your work of salvation none of us would have hope if it wasn't for this the work of salvation if you're not a Christian and you're just watching this and you wonder what's this the whole thing I was the bread and a cup well Jesus told us that he was going to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world and one of the things we get to do is remember and sort of celebrate that our sins are forgiven and then we have life eternal with Jesus Christ on the cross and and and we celebrate that by eating this little bread and drinking this cup just to remember his body and his blood that was shed so take the little piece of bread if you would that you've prepared before church and the Lord we thank you for your body we know that you took the nails you took the whipping the crown of thorns and you dealt with that on the cross for us Lord how I pray that we would be thankful as we eat of you and just Lord that you substituted yourself you satisfied the demand for our sins by dying so bless your church as we eat and drink of you Lord we eat this bread with Thanksgiving in our hearts in Jesus name and let's all eat of Jesus together [Music] you Lord you are my strong tower yes you are my and I'll take refuge do you who are it's with you I find my hobbies and so I'll see in the shadow of your wings and I'll rest here in your arms and so I'll see in the shadow of your wings for a new I'll find my piece [Music] you [Music] after he took the bread Jesus there in Luke chapter 22 then at the end of supper took the cop and he explained to them that it was a new covenant a New Testament no longer the Old Covenant where there'd be Bulls Rams goats sacrificed on an altar those things were to point forward to it Jesus would do where he would be the sacrifice it wasn't Bulls or Rams that took away sin it was Jesus and when he died the innocent blood shed there's nothing that can wash away our sins but the blood of Christ and you as a sinner you can be free of those sins forgiven the Bible says he remembers her sins no more he puts them as far as the East is from the West and you're robed in His righteousness that's what happens you didn't deserve it we didn't earn it but Christ lovingly forgives you and he wants to pour out his grace and His mercy that's what our text told us the Lord says all wait I'll wait on you and you can scurry and worry and hurry but when you wait on me then I will pour out my grace on you that's what he wants to do right now so as we drink this cup we're drinking in of that forgiveness that mercy that grace remembering his blood shed for us it's where we are saved by the grace of God so take the cup in your hands and Lord we thank you so much that you did this work for us and now we drink deeply of you and we thank you in Jesus name and let's all drink of the Lord together [Music] the nails in your hands the nails in your feet they tell me how much you love me thorns on your brow they tell me how you bore so much shame to love me when the heavens pass away all your scars will still remain and forever they will say just how much you love me so I want to say forever my love forever mine [Music] my life or if we give our lives to you we pray your blessing Lord these difficult days we live I pray that rather than being worried and hurried and scurried help us the rest in quiet confidence putting our trust in you pointing people to you for your the answer it's your cross that unites people and races and groups Lord we pray that you'd do a great work in America where there'd be revival in our land that's what we need more of you repentance of sin so go before us lord help us to think rightly act rightly bless your church we pray in Jesus name Amen amen blessings on you and may the Lord just let this word that we've studied penetrates your heart in Jesus name god bless you [Music]
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 2,073
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Athey Creek, ACCF, Christian, Fellowship, Brett Meador, Church, Bible, Study, Jesus, Christianity, Service, Worship, God, Salvation, Saved, Isaiah, Communion
Id: coobT4q5PQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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