Full Service | Sunday, April 11, 2021

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hey good morning and good morning the creek would you guys stand with us man what a beautiful day what a beautiful day to worship the lord in spirit and in truth and get in the word a little bit father we do bless you and we thank you lord for just this time we lift your name up in jesus name all of you weak and wondering all those you've yet to find come lay your burdens down [Music] run [Music] [Music] to praise the key [Music] come lift your hands and together [Music] raise the keys seek come to the father's feet [Music] [Music] you know [Music] raise the kings [Music] our greater redeemer [Music] glorious your name is higher than the rising sun you shine forever your name is [Music] um [Music] oh praise him love god we praise him [Music] our greater redeemer glorious savior your name is [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] is praise him [Music] is [Music] is name is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah glory to savior [Music] your name is [Music] do [Music] only you can satisfy [Music] [Music] my love my planet thy will be done as it is in heaven [Music] as it is in heaven let's sing that prayer today oh my lord [Music] is will be done [Music] is as it is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] as it is in heaven [Music] as it is in heaven [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] broken for the sins of the earth my daddy's pain [Music] because [Music] is lord you gave your life for me [Music] we because did it for love it's your victory jesus you are now you did it for me you did it's your it jesus you have enough you did it for me you did it for me [Music] is over [Music] [Music] [Music] though that is true it's because of the cross because of the love that was shown there that we can worship you freely and justly lord we thank you and as we dive into your word would you just show yourself to us what you have for us lord we love you and in jesus name amen amen you guys can have a seat as we look at some video announcements hey athy creek i'm chris and this is my wife amy and we want to let you know what's going on around the church over the next couple weeks first we have sunday night worship this weekend at 6 p.m right here in the sanctuary so join us here in the building or you can join us online this is an hour-long service centered around worship communion and prayer so if you are at home make sure you grab your communion stuff before you start watching also we are looking for people who are interested in becoming a volunteer to help out with our video production ministry this is a ministry that as you'd imagine has grown a lot in the last year and we're thankful for anybody that might be interested in helping out so you don't need to have a lot of experience if you're interested or willing to do this check us out at the back table you can also go onto the website to learn more we want to hear from you lastly ladies we have two things coming up that i'm so excited about first it's our monthly devoted live is happening this saturday the 17th we're going to get into the word as we always do but i'm also going to be joined this time by a panel of gals that are coming on to answer your questions so if you have questions and you want to send something our way check out our social media post on that or you can email us a question and that will be 9 a.m saturday the 17th we will always have caffeine and calories so no worries there the other event guys is brand new to us at ap and it's called the renewed conference galshee will not want to miss this this year we're going to have elisa childers she is a speaker she is an apologist she is a author blogger she has a book that just came out this last october but she has a fantastic message for us gals and how to confront the lies of culture with a biblical worldview so important for us so the conference is going to be right here at ac june 25th and 26th the sign ups are opening this weekend and guys this one's going to fill up so head to the website visit the back table for more info but make sure you check out the renewed conference all right you guys are up to date with that grab your bibles and let's get into the word all right there it is hey thanks for coming good to see you welcome to the creek and uh man we're all glad you're here did you guys have a good resurrection weekend last weekend that was great that was a good time and man there's a lot of folks here at this 10 o'clock service those of you that are here that were at other services last week go back to that service this is the one where it's hard to park and hard to find room uh hey we're you know we did six services last week and we went back to five and we know that that probably that time is coming so we're kind of working on more of a another plan to try to make more room uh but um but right now the four o'clock saturday service is still uh got a like three or four seats extra so so you might go to that one uh i don't know maybe the 12 o'clock today would be good but don't be afraid to shift around this 10 o'clock service is the one that tends to get kind of packed more than the other ones a little bit so just keeping that trying to nudge you in that direction if you want but anyway good stuff let's get right to it why don't you grab your bible and turn with me to ezekiel chapter four and uh i'm gonna uh you know be on wednesday night studying uh these chapters four or five maybe six we got some work to do in ezekiel some people kind of look at ezekiel as the weird book because it is quite mysterious and ezekiel says kind of some weird stuff but he also does some really weird things poor guy it's not that he's a weirdo it's that god says listen ezekiel nobody's going to listen to your words so i want you to give the people some object lessons um and and some of these object lessons poor ezekiel we're going to see them on wednesday night he's going to cut his hair and throw it in the air and slice it up with a sword he's going to cook some food with cow manure he's going to he's going to dig a hole in his house and sort of shawshank redemption sort of tunnel under his house and out to the street we're going to see some crazy stuff that he does um but i want to show you one of those things um these object lessons that's meant for the the children of israel but i find really kind of exciting and important for us to know so it's ezekiel chapter 4 is where we'll pick it up and we'll start in verse 4 actually ezekiel 4 4. it says in ezekiel 4 4 lie thou not lie thou also upon thy left side and lay the iniquity of the house of israel upon it according to the number of the days that thou shall lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity for i have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity according to the number of the days 390 days so thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of israel and when thou hast accomplished them lie again on thy right side and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of judah forty days i have appointed thee each day for a year man tough gig being a prophet in the old testament what has he got to do he's got to go out in the street and lie down on his left side and he's got to lay on his left side for 390 days that's over a year can you imagine that man i hope he has a sleep number or something that he can kind of you know get comfortable because that's a lot of lying down for a long time and then if that's not bad enough then after he's done with his 390 days he's supposed to add another 40 days but he gets to flip over to his left side and do that man poor ezekiel and you say what in the world is god trying to say with ezekiel lying on his face well see the people of israel weren't listening to anything that he was saying or jeremiah or daniel or any of the prophets for that matter the jews were stiff-necked as the bible calls them and so it would it would happen that ezekiel would be laying out there and they'd be walking by there's ezekiel still out there lying on his right side how long have you been doing that well 120 days well how long are you going to do that well you just watch and see and so every day they'd come out he's still out there another day what does this mean ezekiel and ezekiel would say every day that i'm laying on my side is another year israel will be judged by god wow that starts to hit hit home a little bit so this first time right in the left side 390 days equaling 390 years of judgment because of the rebellion of the jews and then to make it worse 40 days for what you know the men of judah had done for their 40 you know years that they owe god so so now you've got this strange thing and i know it's still kind of early to do math but we're going to have to do that anyway uh but you know you get this 390 plus 40 you you've got you know a long time of 430 years required of israel because of their rebellion 430 years now you say what does this all mean and what's it all about well as it turns out let's look at a few other scriptures jeremiah 25 11. what does it say it says and this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment and these nations shall serve the king of babylon 70 years now some of you that are you know bible students you say brett i recognize this 70 years judgment i mean you know we know we know why jeremiah says this in chapter 25 it's because the jews they owed god seven years that god says you're going to be in captivity in babylon for 70 years now for you real scholars does anybody remember why the lord required 70 years of captivity for the jews anybody the festival year well the sabbath year as it relates to the land remember the land we read read about this in second chronicles uh right there in 36 21 um the lord defines why he required 70 years of captivity to fulfill the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah until the land has enjoyed her sabbaths for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath to fulfill three score in 10 years what's that all about well long ago in leviticus the lord said listen when you get to the promised land in seven years one of those seven years you got to set aside for the land to be followed now horticulturally we all know now scientifically that that's actually good for the land to take a break once in a while let the land sort of heal itself but the jews said yeah whatever we're gonna get ahead by not taking a break in one year of seven and we're gonna just keep planting our crops and they did this for 490 years and they thought they could outsmart god but god says guess what you owe me you owe me those 70 years i asked you to now by the way it wasn't just about the land i don't believe it was about the heart of the jews to be rebellious against god and they said we can get ahead we can do it our own way forget god and we're going to farm the lands however we want and the lord says guess what you became a debtor to me you owe me those 70 years so again most most people that read their bible say yeah we understand the captivity during the time of jeremiah daniel ezekiel the prophets it would be 70 years in babylon that's kind of you know 101 you know old testament uh understanding but but ezekiel in this mysterious way is now introducing a whole nother stretch of years that the jews owe god because of their rebellion and as it turns out it's 430 years not 70 years why did that happen why did during the time of the captivity remember ezekiel was in babylon when he was prophesying and he was in the middle of the 70 years of captivity why did ezekiel by the you know the word of god why did he extend it not 70 years but 430 years why well the reason is because the children of israel never really repented they kept in their attitude of rebellion and they they said yeah whatever we will we'll do our seven years and we'll continue to not walk with the lord see here's what happened uh in their captivity um the jews you know taken from jerusalem which remember was crushed and totally destroyed um in fact we remembered that reading about that in jeremiah 38 remember that chapter 38 17 and 18 the destruction of the city of jerusalem the walls were crushed the city was crushed and the jews are now in babylon and there's nothing back in jerusalem it's all destroyed so picture yourself being a kid born of two jewish parents in babylon man you're starting to talk like a babylonian walk like a babylonian man you're living the jews were starting to live comfortably in babylon they were assimilating to the babylonian culture as it turns out um you know they'd shop in bridgeport of babylon or whatever they were just happy and it was totally happy now now when it came time for the jews to go back to jerusalem back to israel most of the people said yeah whatever we're babylonians oh babylon you know like they're suddenly babylonians and and it was a very tiny remnant of people that said no we're going to go back to israel like god told us to do it was only around 50 000 people that came back out of much greater population of jews most of the jews stayed there in babylon and they were lost but even the fifty thousand that came with ezra nehemiah and zerubbabel remember those stories even those guys that came back they were kind of nice for about 10 minutes but even after that they started rebelling against the lord the jews just kept rebelling and walking contrary to god and so ezekiel says because of your rebellion it's not going to be just 70 years you're going to still be in the judgment you might even call it sort of a curse you're going to be as a people as a nation you're going to be messed up for a lot longer than 70 years he said nope ezekiel said 430 years now this is where this gets kind of interesting because you know as a bible prophecy buff as a bible literalist i take the bible literally it makes me start to wonder okay so ezekiel's given some very specific numbers of years according to the days that he laid out there 430 years so it makes me kind of wonder well what if you go forward you know from the day of their 70 years now now remember the 70 years of captivity that's their first you know payment of their debt 70 years and so um you start to do the math and you say well if they owed 70 years out of the you know 430 years that brings us to a remaining 360 years that they owe god god says because of your rebellion i'm gonna i'm gonna make you go for another 360 years after your 70 years um so so this is where we start to do even more math the full sentence of god you know would be the 430 years owed 70 years already paid if you would during the time of daniel in ezekiel that leaves 360 years yet served are you guys still with me good because this is the only beginning um now uh what does the bible say uh now this is interesting uh before i get into this um you say okay brett that's that's cool so so you know 360 years are left if you go from the end of the 70-year captivity 360 forward what happens it seems like something big should happen right because it's the end of the curse and so if you go forward it brings you to a date in israel that is nothing there's nothing that happened doesn't it seem like in this prophecy where ezekiel is laying on the side for all this time saying thus saith the lord you know 430 day days equals 430 years and if you fast forward is the curse over shouldn't israel suddenly be blessed and have another new chance and and start to flourish and start to do well but as it turns out they were doing just as bad after those 430 years and it just stayed being bad for a long time so was ezekiel wrong well this baffled prophecy buffs and and bible scholars what did this mean and you know if you go forward into 430 years why don't we see any change israel still seems to be scattered and cursed and under the the bummers of sin what happened well that's where i think the secret is unlocked in leviticus chapter 26. way back in moses time when he was given the law the lord said to the jews listen and this is leviticus 26 29 if you walk contrary unto me and will not hearken unto me i will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins fast forward a couple verses there in leviticus 26 verses 23 and 24. if you will not be reformed by me these things by these things but will walk contrary to me then i will also walk contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times for your sins fast forward a couple more verses leviticus 26 27-28 if you will not for all this hearken unto me but will walk contrary to me then i will walk contrary to you also in fury and i even i will chastise you or punish you seven times for your sins now this is an interesting thing that the bible in leviticus very clearly spells out if you in times of judgment refuse to walk with me and continue in your rebellion then i'm gonna multiply the the curses upon you seven times that's interesting now this is why i think this is somewhat of the key that might unlock ezekiel's prediction and prophecy because check this out i find this interesting if you take those 360 years that are left after the 70 have been removed and you apply the seven times curse of of uh you know leviticus 26 that means the jews now oh if they if that's true now the truth is they were in rebellion and walking contrary to god all those years so the levitical curse does apply technically so that brings you to them owing the lord 2 520 years that's a long time now if you apply the 2520 years you have to be careful on this and this is where it gets a little uh sketchy and i can't even go into all the massive details but here's a few things you should know if you're doing your math remember like in our daniel 9 prophecy we talked about on palm sunday you got to use the jewish or the babylonian calendar because they're a lunar calendar we use more of a gregorian calendar that doesn't it's a year of 365 days the jews and the babylonians at that time used the calendar of 360 days it was a lunar calendar so we have to kind of say those 2 520 years we have to transform them into days because days makes it all equal no matter what calendar you're using are you guys with me on that so you go to the different calendar and suddenly you have the 2520 years predicted by both ezekiel's prophecy and the leviticus curse of seven times and that takes that 360 days per year it brings you to 907 200 days that's a long haul of the jews being sort of under the burden of their own sin and the lord saying i'm chastening you i'm i'm punishing you for these nine hundred seven thousand two hundred days um now there's some dates that we actually know that are interesting and these are key dates i've been talking about and you might even say harping on for the past several months remember in jeremiah i was spending so much time talking about the three waves of besieging jerusalem and the babylonians and those three waves there's a reason why i was harping on that because those dates are all significant and you bump into them all throughout the bible um do you remember when i was talking about the the first wave of babylonians invasion into israel started in 605 bc and that first wave kind of went through 605 to 607. do you guys remember when we talked about this and the last wave of the three was 586 bc these are dates that are very important if you're reading the bible and studying the history of the jews but that date of 605 bc that's when the first captivity started happening where nebuchadnezzar came and carried jews in 605 from jerusalem into captivity there in babylon 605 bc now what you do is if you look at that after the 70 years so you got 605 the first jews got taken into captivity you apply the 70 years of of their captivity in babylon that brings you to july 23rd 536 bc now that is a significant date by the way it's it's it's different than the date of daniel remember daniel his thing in daniel 9 was about the commandment to go restore and rebuild jerusalem that was a guy named xerxes we talked about him on palm sunday but cyrus the great he was the one who gave that command to release the people to go home to israel and that was as it turns out july 23rd 536 bc that's kind of an interesting date cyrus releases the people okay so if you do the math of all this you got july 23rd 536 bc and then you add the 907 200 days it brings you to the most interesting date in the future that is may 14 1948. that's interesting you're saying it's not to me what happened in may well as it turns out may 14 1948 is the very day israel became a nation again after 2000 000 plus years of being in total disaster being scattered all over the world being forgotten as a nation losing their hebrew language um being you know uh murdered in the holocaust of nazi uh you know ovens it was then the curse of the jews of ezekiel and the seven times prophecy suddenly the jews something happens where they're doing something and they're blessed may 14th 1948 was the first time uh for over 2000 years you actually see the jews blessed in any way shape or form this is amazing um what happened in may 14th in 1940 well you know after world war ii in the holocaust the league of nations um they voted and it was actually the united states president who voted the final vote that said that was the deciding vote to let israel become a nation and have their own homeland iran was really perturbed at the time and the jews got their little u.n plaque you know eventually and became part of that that didn't work out in the long term though but that's a whole other story but the jews were celebrating the british that were occupying israel at that time left and left the jews in charge of their own country the british had been there a long time before that the ottoman turks in fact for thousands of years the jews were trounced and trampled in jerusalem by the romans the greeks the medes and the persians the ottoman turks and the byzantine like we can talk about all the different people that came and trounced jerusalem for 2000 years but finally the jews become a nation now may 14th may 15th five arab nations attacked israel the the day two of their nation can you imagine that modern warfare i mean jets and the uh the egyptians the jordanians they all attacked this one day old nation and the jews had no tanks they didn't have any big fancy gear the jews had some pickup trucks and some pitchforks and they fought against five of these modern arab nations and they they they won and they got this green little strip of land from the arabs and they even grew a little bit uh and and they they became israel uh in may 14 1948 and defended themselves but the one thing they didn't get in the war of independence there was jerusalem the arabs still had jerusalem the jordanians the the jews only got that green strip of that map and that was a glorious moment and israel became a nation but there was a section of israel that was only nine miles wide like that's that's pretty radical uh the jews that's how it worked out for them well you say brett that's amazing so the curse is lifted there well yes perhaps but there's some interesting questions i still have about this whole prophecy and and what does it mean this this whole may 14th 1948 and and the curse and how it worked out um well there's a couple things that we take away number one um the bible is amazing i think the bible is amazing um when you when you dig deep and you see here's this little story of ezekiel lying on the side and turning over you think what is that all about well as it turns out it's really pointing to and it declared something that we see actually that happened where god judged israel for those 2 500 years and the bible is amazing and that at the very moment when the lord said the curse will be up suddenly they become a nation again after being scattered no other nation in the history of the world has done that that's amazing the bible is amazing but secondly it reminds me that the coming of the lord is near what do you mean about that brett what does israel have to do with that well just about everything you see the bible tells us that when we start to see israel and specifically jerusalem flourish and do well the coming of the lord is near there's a bunch of scriptures some of my favorites is psalm 102 verse 16 says when the lord shall build up zion now the word zion is another name for jerusalem but listen specifically the temple mount in jerusalem keep that tucked away for a second when the lord shall build up zion he shall appear in his glory when is the second coming of christ when zion or jerusalem is built up by the lord back to some previous glory and by the way this particular prophecy of psalm 102 verse 16 has that really come to pass the the building up of the temple mount not really not yet but brett the jews became a nation in 1948 yeah that's the building up of israel and the blossoming of israel we're seeing it start to flourish and no longer in a curse and it's become one of the most powerful nations in the world but have we seen zion come to its fullness not yet but interestingly jesus talked about this in matthew chapter 24 remember in matthew 24 they came the disciples and said jesus tell us about the end of the world and jesus went on that what we call the olivet discourse that is the the sermon that he gave on the mount of olives about the last days or the end times and jesus said well this is what's going to happen in the last days you'll see wars and rumors of wars earthquakes in diverse places there'll be many false christs that will come in my name but these things are the beginning of sorrows they're not the full extent you know uh jesus says you know hang on because this is just getting things up and running but eventually is gonna come the very end and then he talks about the more of the last days kind of events matthew 24. but in that dissociation about the the last days he says something that's really interesting he says in matthew 24 32 right here he says now learn a parable of the fig tree uh now pause for a second the fig tree is a symbol of israel it's a national symbol there's several places in the bible that talks about the fig tree as being a type or symbol of israel so jesus says learn the parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and puts forth his leaves you know that summer is near so likewise when you shall see these things know that it is near even at the doors verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away jesus is giving us a hint here about the end times the last days and he says the generation that sees the fig tree blossom what an appropriate topic of today as trees around portland are blossoming in spring and it gives us hope especially us in portland of the gray days of winter are gone and summer's on its way thank you lord well that's the way jesus is saying when you see israel blossom the fig tree know this that the summer is near and these things are coming at the very door so the question then becomes are have you and i seen the fig tree blossom um i'm tempted to say well yes for sure you might even say may 14 1948 there's people in this room that were alive when that happened now now some of you are like yeah but brett that generation is well it's getting up there i mean we're not trying to kick out the door or anything but but uh those that lived in 1948 that's that's a smaller group that generation is that the generation that will not pass before the end comes well i don't know it's possible that's one of the reasons why i believe it's very possible that even in our lifetime that christ could return the rapture of the church the second coming of christ after the tribulation i think that could happen in our lifetime easily and it would make sense that that's when israel blossomed so it makes me excited because we are privileged as christians to be living in a day where it very could be the possibility that you and i are living in the last days we're going to see this stuff come to pass now you say but brett what if that isn't the generation what if there's something else well there is another event that happened in israel um there's there's famous dates in modern israel that are kind of important but probably the biggest one might just be may 14th 1948 when they became a nation that might be the biggest one but there's might be one that's even more important especially as it relates to biblically but if you ask jews in jerusalem what's the most important date they may not say may 14th 1948. there's a different date but before i tell you what that is um let's use a little different um perhaps model of numbers let's go back to our math i know you're going to need advil by the end of the service but i got a few math items for you here again let's go back um now you remember we we based our last uh you know um servitude of the nations as it's called the the formula we used starting in 605 when the first captives went off into jerusalem i think that's interesting that it brought us to may 14th 1948 that's interesting but as it turns out the temple was finally destroyed and burned and the last the last of the uh captives were taken the very last ones including by the way jeremiah remember when jeremiah was part of that the bible tells us exactly what happened jeremiah was like the last guy and he was chained up with nebus our ad remember that guy and nebuchadnezzar told his numbers adam hey jeremiah the prophet let him go and so they unchained him and said you can either come to babylon or you can stay whatever you want to do and jeremy said i'm staying but that last group of people that happened on the month of of uh again the jewish calendar um uh of ninth 586 bc remember 586 is that most famous date of when jerusalem was also finally completely destroyed and the city was burned off ninth 586 was the completion of that so if you start to apply um after the you know if you take it from that date the seven years of captivity it brings you to august 6th on back to our calendar uh 517 bc if you go from august 16th 517 bc and you add those 900 and 7200 days it brings you to the most interesting date of this june 7 1967 what is that date my birthday true it's my birthday mildred we we've joined a cult let's get out of let's get out of here no no my birthday is not the important part what happened what happened on june 7 1967 israel finally takes jerusalem and the temple mount and a little thing called the six day war the jews to this day put that right up there with may 14th 1948 as the date and it's maybe more important because it's all about jerusalem and more importantly it's all about the temple mount in jerusalem where the former temple of solomon was now now this this is where you kind of go the bible is really amazing because no matter how you shake this out with the curse the seven times curse and ezekiel's lying on the side both dates bring you to the two most important dates in modern israel history now by the way for you that are a little bit timid about like we're gonna study the book of ezekiel yeah ezekiel is a challenging book but one of the things i love about ezekiel unlike some of the other books of prophecy in the bible is a lot of the things ezekiel talks about ends up happening in our day modern day right now even the book of revelation is talking about a day where we're not even going to be here in my opinion uh the tribulation period revelation 6 through 19 is all about the seven year period called the tribulation if you read the book of daniel great prophecy but it's all about the jews and israel and their future so much of the bible prophecy deals with the jews or with the tribulation period but what about the present day and the church age and the before the rapture and before the the tribulation and all that stuff where's the prophecy about that ezekiel turns out he's the one who talks more about our time than any of the other prophets and isn't it fascinating that ezekiel gets us to these you know may 14 1948 and it gets us to 1967 when the jews actually take the temple mount by the way this taking of the temple mount was an amazing story the arab nations were posturing themselves um to uh overtake the jews in the little sliver of land that they had from 1948 so the jews proactively or preemptively i should say did a big strike against those arab nations and they prevailed this time they were more ready than they were in 1948 they had jets and modern warfare and in six days the jews defended themselves wiped out those arab nations that were threatening to to kill them and drive them into the sea and they they ended up going into jerusalem and they took jerusalem these soldiers literally uh took jerusalem soldier by soldier they went up to jerusalem and um and and you can hear audio recordings of their their radio uh broadcast or their you know communications where they were you know you'd hear their guns and then they'd be talking but they'd also be weeping because they couldn't believe they were actually touching the stones of the of the western wall and that they were standing on the temple mount in jerusalem that had been trodden down under the gentiles for hundreds and hundreds of years and the jews were like we finally have jerusalem once again i've taken our tour groups through this very gate that they're running through right there i've walked through there with our teams and and this is you know them taking the temple mount running up there this is literal footage of bible prophecy being fulfilled in kind of a from this guy with the patch moshe diane he was the general who led the forces into jerusalem taking jerusalem in 1967. now by the way do you remember when president obama was the president and he said we need to return jerusalem israel back to the 1967 pre-1967 borders i hope you understand that's him our president saying they need to give up jerusalem back to the arabs that's kind of an interesting thing most people didn't know what pre-1967 meant but as it turns out moshe dayan this this picture was most famous for you older folks in here you might maybe remember this picture because it was a big deal because here's this jewish guy with a patch with a firearm on his side walking in like john wayne into jerusalem and he took over the temple and the temple mount and did it quite handily and the jews were celebrating because they got jerusalem back they were flourishing once again being blessed out of their minds once again they were no longer under those cursed years now they're being blessed but moshe dayan did something that was really peculiar he unilaterally made a decision as the general that took jerusalem he then said listen arab nations we just trounced you we destroyed you and you better behave but as an act of good faith and good gesture moshe dayan said we're going to give back to you the temple mount the jews freaked out what are you doing we just shed our blood and and got the temple mount back and you're giving it back to to the jordanians and the muslims but moshe moshe dayan did that and to this day you wonder in fact i was in jerusalem a few years back and i was in a little store and this little old guy was in there with his things he was selling and he had little ancient coins and some fire you know some uh lamps from the first century and stuff but i i said how long have you lived in jerusalem and he said i have lived here since june 7 1967 and he said i was one of the soldiers who came and took this temple mount and took this back jerusalem and i i thought wow this is one of the guys and i was thinking this is cool and i said i said i have a question for you i said why did moshe diane give the temple mount back to the arabs and suddenly he got visibly angry and he reached down to his pant leg and he pulled up his pant leg and he showed me his leg and it was this horrible scar on his leg brutal scar he said i got this car taking the temple mount in jerusalem and moshe dayan gave it back to the arabs he was like furious i'm like calm down shalom you know like come on now uh calm down he got like visibly angry he was upset and he's he was furious years later uh saying that motion gave the whole see the reason he was so upset and and rightly so is you know the temple mount is the first most holy site in all of judaism for the muslim interestingly enough it's the third most holy site uh mecca number one medina number two and then the muslims now when did it become the third most holy site of all of islam the temple mountain jerusalem in recent history it was yasser arafat do you guys remember yasser arafat the older folks in here it was his great uncle the grand mufti who declared the temple mount is where you know muhammad would have ascended and all that and so suddenly the muslims in recent history said oh yeah it's a holy site for us the temple mount today if you go to the temple mount the muslims on the temple mount will tell you the jews were never here there was never a temple on the temple mount that's what they'll tell you it's all propaganda and the muslims have a thing in their religion that says once you occupy a land the muslim law says you have to have that land and if anybody tries to take it you at all cost get that land back like that's islamic rule so the temple mount is held to this very day because of moshe dan's unilateral action to give away the temple mount back even though they conquered it took it he gave it to the muslims and the muslims are there to this day so that when i bring tour groups to israel we go up to the temple mount at least we try i think it was our last group we were forbidden to go because of it was unsafe there were there was bombs coming into israel on our last trip we were sipping tea on the red sea having a great time but there were bombs and so they said you guys shouldn't go up to the temple mount one of our groups a few years ago uh was on the temple mount we were quietly they won't let you carry a bible on the temple mount you can't talk about jesus or the temple they'll they'll kick you right off of there so when we go to the temple we kind of quietly walk and we kind of get a little group and talk about what's going on on the temple mount show where the former temple was and stuff like that um but one of the times a few times ago we were up there and they could tell we were talking about the jewish temple and so all the muslim clerics and clergy and all that they all came circling around us and then they started yelling a lot and it started to be kind of a little bit of a a scary how many guys anybody here that was on that trip with me uh that was in that oh so 10 o'clock there's none of them yeah that's interesting they were all the last service i think um but it was a little it was a little sketchy i'll just admit it and we're like okay nice little visit to temple mount we're out of here pure because it was getting kind of riled up why because the muslims control the temple mount you say okay brett so i'm confused the curse seems to be have been lifted off of the jews may 14th 1948 might be or or even june 7th 19th say i'll take either date they both work but those are both dates where israel started to flourish but as it turns out jerusalem is still being trodden down under the foot of gentiles why do i use that language well israel again remember israel is god's timepiece when it comes to bible prophecy and and really specifically jerusalem if you want to know bible prophecy and what's going to happen you got to really look at israel that's a the epicenter of everything bible prophecy you have to understand that but specifically jerusalem now check this out it says in luke 21 jesus was saying this talking about the last days in the end times luke 21 24 jesus said concerning the jews and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem shall be trodden down of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled now this gets interesting when is jerusalem going to cease from being trodden down under the feet of gentiles when the times of the gentiles be fulfilled what's the time of the gentiles well if you would there's times of the jews and the times of the gentiles in the bible the times of the jews started you know with abraham and went from abraham and through all the you know eventually the wilderness wanderings and moses and joshua and there were times where god was working in and through the jewish people and and almost only the jews really for the most part but when did the jews cease from being you know really um you know the one god was working in and through you might just say it was when they went off to babylon because really from that day forward they were under that punishment and that sort of the curse from the the seventy years of babylon all the way till 1948 at least maybe to 1967 but but what's happening you and i in our lifetime in my lifetime we're witnessing the blossoming of israel the flourishing of the jews they're one of the most powerful successful nations in the world today fulfilling bible prophecy and later on in ezekiel we're going to see even more imagery of that the valley of dry bones and there's all these skeletons and pretty soon the bones start clinking together and ezekiel sees us and pretty soon flesh gets on the bone and then pretty soon life is breathed and it's it's a picture of god reviving the jewish people in the jewish nation right now i think you and i are seeing the bones come together and life uh well at least skin and and and we're seeing the evidence that god's doing a work but has he breathed life into the jews yet not don't think so when's that gonna happen when the fullness of the gentiles come in you see when jesus you know uh rose from the grave uh and ascended into heaven the church started to happen the church age you might call it and as it turns out largely the jews rejected jesus the messiah remember when paul the apostle who was a jew of jews he said i want to minister to the jews and he'd always say lord i want to go talk to the jews and the lord said no you're you're going to be the minister to the gentiles and paul said no i want to minister to the jews and remember every time he'd go minister to the jews they hated him and wanted to kill him but every time he go minister to the gentiles repent and be saved and the gentiles what must we do to be saved and thousands of gentiles came to the lord through paul's ministry and then he'd go back to the jews hey jesus we're going to kill you what was going on with that well it's the time of the gentiles this this age we live in right now it is largely the gentiles who believe in the true and living god if you go to tel aviv today more than 70 of the jews living in tel aviv are atheists why is it that it's the time of gentiles now by the way um romans 9 10 and 11 is a commentary from god through paul the apostle about his plan for the jews and the plan for the gentiles you should read that because a lot of the church is ignorant about this i have to say there's a lot of denominations in churches that say yeah we don't talk about jews we don't care about the jews because they murdered jesus and the jews they lost their chance they once were god's chosen people but what they believe is the church has replaced the jew as god's chosen people it's called replacement theology totally off the rails god still loves the jews god still has a plan for the jews and if he forsakes the jews why wouldn't he forsake you um it's a it's a real bad theology to say god's done with the jews but what does the bible actually say well check this out romans i told you romans 9 10 11 is the commentary but he sums it up right here in romans 11 25-27 um he says for i would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery don't be dumb on this lest you should be wise in your own conceits what's happened largely the the gentile church we're wise in arkansas saying god loves us but he's done with the jew the whole catholic church believes in replacement theology much of the presbyterian church believes in replacement theology it's the the gentiles are the ones god cares about it's totally wrong um he says lest you be why is your own conceit that blindness in part has happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles be come in and so all israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of zion the deliverer and what will he do he shall turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant unto them when i shall take away their sins god has a covenant with the jews and it's an everlasting covenant in a sense you could say the jewish plan was put on hold and god blinded the jews for a season for a long season and it's all part of that curse of the ezekiel on the side and the seven times curse and they've been cursed but it's in our lifetime we start to see israel now out of that curse starting to blossom starting to come back to life as a nation as a people but there's not life breathed into them when will that happen when the gentiles are all done when the fullness of the gentiles what is it that's going to be the fullness of the gentiles i believe there's a couple things that we can sort of define that could there be a threshold of a time where the lord's looking at the earth and it's the season of the gentiles and many many gentiles like you and me we've accepted christ but is there going to come a time where the lord knows and he knows all things where he says that is the fullness of the gentiles that last gentile that gets saved or becomes a believer that last one that's the one that's going to be the end of the gentiles i wonder sometimes will that be on a sunday when i'm sharing the gospel here and some person raises their hand and i'll say boom we're raptured end of the gentiles could be probably not but it could be uh i the fullness of the gentiles is when the lord says i that season of the gentiles is over and the rapture of the church well brett does the bible give us the day or the hour for that well this is where you have to be careful christians because there are pastors and weirdos that have come along over the years that well i know the day when the rapture is going to happen and you say well brett they you can track the day of the jesus writing into palm sunday you can even track the day of the six day war and even israel becoming a nation why wouldn't we be able to trap tri track the rapture of the church easy answer on that one the lord says in his bible no man knows the day or nor the hour of the rapture the church or the second coming of christ we don't know that and the bible says you won't know that it's a variable so so don't let if you hear somebody saying the rapture of the church or the end of the world is on june 7th or whatever tell them they've been drinking their bath water because that's what they've been doing totally wrong but there is a season the bible talks about the fullness of the gentiles when that happens i believe that's when the rapture of the church is going to happen and the gentile church will be taken out of the world and suddenly it's all about the jews again again for you bible scholars and students daniel 70 weeks the first 69 weeks have already happened there's a 70th week or seven year period remember that is set aside and it says daniel 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city jerusalem not on the church on the jews daniel's people and that 70th week the seven year period that's left is called the tribulation and it's determined for the jews not for the church if the church and the gentiles weren't in the first 70 weeks of daniel why would we be or for 69 weeks why would we be in the six the 70th week of daniel um the people that say the church is going to go through the tribulation i don't agree with that but all that to say this is what the bible says the jews what's going to happen when the fullness of the gentiles come in we get taken up to be with the lord and then suddenly it's all about israel again and it says during that time israel will turn away from ungodliness and all of israel shall be saved and they'll be taken their sins will be taken away that's the plan of god so the reason this is important is we see jerusalem still being trodden down under the gentiles that's what's happening right now that's why the muslims still have the temple mount it'll be during that seven year period where uh there'll be a unholy sort of treaty made that's uh i get off course when i talk about this but they're gonna build the temple again someday on the temple mount in jerusalem and the jews will have it again but that's not going to be that's going to be at the tribulation period but the point that i make is all of this gives you and me christians living in 2021 the sense that we very well could be the last of the gentiles the last generation that has seen the fig tree blossom that has seen jerusalem the city taken by the jews but right now the temple mount it's like they took the nation but they didn't get jerusalem then in 67 they took the city of jerusalem but they didn't get the temple mount because they gave it back there's coming a time where they're going to get the temple mount back and that's going to be in the tribulation period you see you and i are living right on the cusp of those things and and so um so what do we do with that what should we do with the knowledge of this brett you've been talking numbers and dates and showing us some stuff um kind of interesting uh are they just coincidences well i don't believe those dates are coincidences those are godowns but um but what does the bible say um you know some of you might be saying brett you've been talking about this for years yeah i've been doing prophecy updates for uh 25 plus years i even did them before we had this church but the the point is um some people are scoffing i always love it when people scoff brett you think you're living in the last times pastors have thought that for for generations um i say this is awesome why well let me read you from uh you know uh for a second peter uh this is one of my favorite things when people start scoffing it says this in second peter chapter three verse three it says know this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers so when people say stuff to me i say hey you're fulfilling bible prophecy they'll be scoffers and they'll say they'll be walking after their own lust saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning and then he talks about the flood of noah and how god you know judged the world with the flood but then he says but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store are reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and tradition of ungodly men here peter says you can scoff if you want but god's going to come and judge this world and it's not going to be with the flood it's going to be with fire but he says beloved talking to the church be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day in other words you know in god's economy christ said 2000 years ago i'm going to ascend into heaven and i go to prepare a place for you you say that was 2 000 years ago but a day is a thousand years thousands a day that's just a couple days for jesus he's been gone a couple days and then it says and the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness in other words he's not lazy where's the lord where's the promise of his coming lord is not slack but here's why it says but he is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance you see the time of the gentiles do you ever get a sense that we're on borrowed time right now it's like you see the world and you think what's going on and you know you just go man there's so much evil in the world and you even hear the worldling say if god is love why doesn't he intervene and step in and deal with evil be careful what you asked for because that is going to happen the lord promises that he's going to come and step in it's called there's a time period called the day of the lord when you read in the bible this phrase the day of the lord that's the time where the lord says that's it time's up and that when that happens that's the fullness of the gentiles that's the rapture of the church and that's when god says okay i'm dealing with all the problems of the world do you want to know what that looks like he goes on and here in ii peter he says this listen he says but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away and with great noise and with the elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up and seeing all these things will be dissolved what manner of person not you to be in other words hear peter's saying yeah i believe in global warming that's what peter said here did you hear that peter said the earth will melt and be dissolved with a fervent heat and burned up it's not going to be the 12 years of aoc it's going to be the 12 milliseconds of whatever the lord just says it's over and it's going to melt with a fervent heat and so then he rhetorically says because the earth is going to be destroyed and the lord is going to judge and wrath and all that what manner of persons should you be he says and he answers this question he says we should be people of holy conversation godliness and here's what here's what we're supposed to do looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of god where the heavens will be on fire the earth dissolved nevertheless we according to his promise look for a new heaven and a new earth where dwelleth all righteousness you see as the christians some of you if you're not a christian you're saying but this is kind of freaky stuff prophecy and the earth melting and the end of all things it's pretty much doom and gloom no it's not if you're not a christian it's doom and gloom i'm sorry but if you're a christian it's boom and zoom boom the earth blows up you know we get to be in heaven zoom up and be raptured into heaven and forever be with the lord so it says what are we supposed to do live holy walk with the lord and look for and hasten unto hastening of the lord means that we we pray lord come quickly come quickly and rapture your church this is something we get to pray for the early church had a had a a word they walked around saying they said maranatha why did they say that it meant lord come quickly the hastening of the lord for his coming because the believer it's going to be the most glorious time when we get to be with the lord for all eternity and that's why you and i should be given to being holy walking with the lord looking for the lord's coming preaching the gospel to all people because because the lord is delaying not because of laziness but because he's being patient and he wants everyone to be saved you and i have a job to do we should be preaching the gospel as hard as we know how we should be sharing the good news of the gospel with people because this is what's holding things up the lord saying i'm going to be patient even though the world's going crazy i'm going to be patient before i pour out my wrath and judgment because he says i would that none should perish but everyone would come to repentance that's the heart of god so when i read prophecies like ezekiel chapter 4 and see the the way the lord dealt with the jew and the gentile age and the church age his plan is coming to pass exactly to the very day it's coming to pass exactly like the lord knew it would and said it would the only variable we have is when is the end really going to be we don't know but i think he did that on purpose so that you and i would live our lives holy set aside for the lord looking for and waiting for his return that's going to be a glorious day amen amen lord i pray that you'd help us to be a people that our hearts would be encouraged that you are coming that you're going to take us to be with you but until then i pray that we live our lives holy and walk blamelessly and and be lights in a dark world i pray that you'd move solidly in your church and use us to share the good news of the gospel i pray that more and more people would be baptized and discipled and and raised up in faith lord i pray that we wouldn't take lightly the glorious truth of your word but but lord these prophecies only confirm the amazing uh miraculous nature of your word so we're impressed we're impressed by you we're impressed by your word and we worship your holy name lord for the unsaved person may they know their need for salvation may they know that they're in their sins may they know that they can be forgiven by accepting the work of the cross believing in jesus that he died that he rose from the grave and that their sins are forgiven lord may they may they hear that and turn to you and be saved lord we pray blessing now as we go our way in jesus name amen amen let's stand together and before we head out would would we just join us as we just uh think through those things and and then we'll close with one song joey lead us in one more song buddy [Music] we bend our knees oh spirit come make us [Music] give us cleanness forgive us your arms let us not lift our souls to enough won't you give us [Music] let us [Music] and god let us [Music] give us pure let us not lift our souls to enough won't you give us clean hands oh and give us let us not lift our souls to another let us not lift our souls to another our souls to enough [Music] so lord we do await your coming anxiously we look to your word for just instruction on how to live the way that you'd have us live so we love you and in jesus name we pray all god's people said amen hey you guys are dismissed have an awesome sunday you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 12,582
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: -QDzQs-CMQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 24sec (4764 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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