Sunday Night Live Topics in Religious Life Fr Benedict Groeschel, C F R with Mother Agnes Donovan, SV 06 20 2010

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well welcome to Sunday Night Live and we have a very special visitor with us tonight but I want to talk about a couple of things first next week our guest is mr. Pat McChrystal leading of the pro-life movement in Ireland if you're aware there's been many difficulties and misunderstandings and battles going on in Ireland and it should be extremely interesting someone who was a layman who is a leader in pro life in Ireland also I noticed if you're reading the papers which I try to avoid but my friends sent me bad things out of the papers or even now on television there is the continued ating continuing attack on the Pope and on the church and you know we've got to start answering this back and a couple of books I thought would be helpful to you this book is available easily but it's not in our EWTN the clicklist yet pope benedict and the sexual abuse crisis mostly quotations of what the Pope has said about this and the book is written is edited by mr. Earl Anson who is the publisher of our Sunday visitor and Matthew Bunsen who is the editor of Catholic answer magazine both of the excellent writers this is a book would be an hour Sunday visitor excellent book for you and if you're still concerned about the way back a few years ago I wrote this book scandal to hope and with the preface by Archbishop Timothy Dolan and again I'm trying to bring out the the problem the scandal the need for reform but also hope and as I listened to all of the reports and realize some of them are distorted some of them used by the when you read the article and you read the headlines the headlines are not about the article the headline is screaming something and when you read the article it doesn't say much but there has been a scandal and the Holy Father would be the least one the last one to deny that and what has happened in the 70s and 80s there was a decline of the teaching of Catholic theology moral theology dogmatic theology across the board I'm very very fortunate these 45 years I have taught at st. Joseph's Seminary we were broadcasting tonight in the Archdiocese of New York this is a solid and has been over the years a solid Catholic seminary but unfortunately many people many priests and former seminarians and former priests I've written me notes called me up talk to me about the unfortunate decline of sincere committed Catholic teaching on morality and you know it was an old saying seemed the wind and you will reap the whirlwind the hurricane and so I'm praying and I hope you are too the sad scoffs shocking time is going to bring the church to a real convert on a real conversion right across the line and we all need Catholics all Christians all believers of all different denominations in our country to recognize that there is the law of God the commandments and the teachings of the gospel for Christians and if we do not follow this then we lead ourselves into disaster and that's what's going on so please I'll be talking about it more now something much more pleasant one of my very good friends for many years in religious life sister or mother Agnes Donovan the first superior of the sisters of life founded by Cardinal O'Connor welcomed other good to be with you find mother and I share that think we're both doctors of psychology however when I went to Colombia I was just a student and had I gone there a few years later mother Agnes would have been my professor at Columbia and psychology well we're not gonna do too much Sakaya psychology tonight no not more don't say that now we have several things that the sisters of life are quite involved in and a a couple of very different topics first of all the National Prayer for Life campaign something that getting started and if you could tell us about mother or father you were talking when you began this evening about the need for prayer and the for conversion and this prayerful life campaign which has just really is just getting underway it's it will you will be hearing more about it in the upcoming months and certainly in the fall but it is something that's sponsored and co-sponsored by the sisters of life and the Knights of Columbus the inspiration for it father really came from evangelion vitae from Pope John Paul the second let me read just a little section if you don't mind from evangelion vitae number 100 this is what the Holy Father called for let me just our some of our audience don't know their Latin I don't know many of our audience are not Catholics what is Evangelion vitae means it means the gospel of life which was a document written by Pope John Paul the second and it really was the Church's teachings on all of the sacredness of human life and he aims toward the end of the document he says this he says in this great endeavor to create a new culture of life we are inspired and sustained by the confidence that comes from knowing that we can rely on the help of God for whom nothing is impossible and he goes on and he says filled with this certainty and moved by a profound concern for the destiny of every man and woman I repeat a great prayer for life is urgently needed a prayer which will rise up throughout the world through special initiatives and in daily prayer man impassioned plea rise to God the Creator and the lover of life from every Christian community from every group and Association from every family and from the heart of every believer and that was that was the inspiration for this prayer for Life campaign which is a campaign designed to invite people like those who are your friends in the audience of this show who are deeply prayerful Christian people inviting them to pray with us daily a prayer for life asking God to intervene because we live in a strange time you know Cardinal O'Connor used to say and you'd remember this father Benedict he used to say that we have now crossed a line and we are in a period of history that has never existed before where people are under attack force their lives are under attack for simply being alive it used to be that because they were of a particular ethnic or because they had particular religious beliefs or were of a certain race or nation or even because of their economic status they would be targeted you know now simply because a young little unborn child is alive or a very old person is alive they are targeted their lives are threatened and what the Holy Father would have us understand and what I think is the reason for this prayer for life campaign is that the culture of life and the culture of death this tension between these two cultural streams is at root a spiritual battle between good and evil and it's a spiritual battle really for the souls of men and women in our time and God we need to humbly I think place ourselves before God and ask him to intervene because it was he who said only with prayer and fasting can some evils and some Devils be cast out and so with that we've launched this prayer for Life campaign hoping that many through the upcoming months will join us and we're hoping also that people of other religious denominations agree with us yeah I cannot imagine Christians not being praying to save life certainly I do not know any religious Jewish people right in the million years would be in favor of killing an innocent child Moslems strongly against abortion and I can't speak of other religions in the world but here is something we could all get together and in dinner pray you know years ago in the Second World War we all got together to pray for peace everybody prayed for peace and as a result of that the ecumenical movement began to exist we were all praying together so that's the history of our faith you know the people of Israel prayed as the Lord instructed them around the city of Jericho and the walls fell and the city was taken you know Esther went to her people and asked them to pray in the Old Testament and the King stopped his his intention to kill the Jewish people throughout the lands God responds to the prayers of people and unfortunately I'm gonna stick out my head and my neck people have become somewhat tired of the pro-life efforts been going on since Roe vs. Wade 1973 and so you've heard it all and I think I hear a decline on the part of speaking out cries out speaking Christians even clergy like they care about yes of course we're all pro-life but what are we doing anything about it and the particularly about the politicians the politicians will do something only if they have to feel that they're getting pushed and I'm hoping and pray that is the coming elections approach we will have candidates who will be strongly identified with pro-life and otherwise we bring down upon our country a dark dark disaster you know this whole thing of an abortion and euthanasia being legal do you know who has started it legally Adolf Hitler the killing of the unwanted and imagine that you euthanasia and all of that became with Adolf Hitler many of the American people don't even recognize true the truth of the legal situation in our country and wouldn't support it if they understood that abortion was truly legal until the time of the birth of the child that is unthinkable that in our country we could have this and so we need to pray and we hope that many people will join us and join this campaign asking for God to really intercede for us to to change our circumstances and you'll be hearing about this during the summer and especially in the fall and we're going to have a break and we're going to have sister grace Dominic one of the sisters of life join us for this segment so I'll be back in two minutes now we have something a little bit different tonight we have a visitor in the middle of the program I've never done this before and I'm so anxious to do this I'm what they call a sisters student I went to school her sister is teaching sisters for grandmas school and high school and in those days were many sisters and were wonderful teachers and models of the Christian life sad to say there's been a tremendous decline of the numbers of sisters and the quality of religious life and some however you can't even find a sister and if the person is a sister you may not know it I was so pleased and grateful to Cardinal O'Connor when he founded the sister of of life there are a number of new communities of sisters like the sisters of our own community the sisters of Loretto skin sisters of renewal but we've been that right into see assisting sister this evening sister Grace Dominic and so sister is a novice of the sisters of life and you are from where I'm originally from Silver Spring Maryland but your mother and dad my parents are both from Calcutta and older yep one of my favorite cities is the city of Mother Teresa Calcutta Italy and sister how did you ever hear about getting involved in being a sister gosh well um I grew up in a Catholic family devoutly Catholic and I had never thought about the idea of religious life at all in fact even though we went to weekly mass prayed the rosary every night my brother and I both we grew into lukewarm Catholics we just kind of did it because our parents did and I went away to college and I was disillusioned by the party scene I fell away I went to Mass thanks be to God every Sunday out of a sense of guilt and a sense of I know that my mom's gonna call Sunday afternoon and ask how mass was so I went I'm just not to deal with that and my brother actually has a huge impact on my location my brother has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and I didn't know this but growing up he always felt that the Lord had abandoned him because he had been suffering so much and he just went into depression and I didn't know this until my adult life and my brother while I was away in college my brother was going through a bit of a conversion he was provoked by a Muslim kid just asking him why he was Catholic and why he believed what he believed so he started to do some research and he my mom always had EWTN on I'm so Mother Angelica Mother Angelica was always on the on the screen in the living room and that was going into his ear and in the year 2000 it was my parents 25th wedding anniversary and my mom really wanted to go to Lourdes and my brother he heard of the physical healings that happened in Lourdes and he began to pray for a physical healing and he threw away all of his bad music all of his movies that were offensive to the Lord he deleted all his mp3's he did everything to just be purified to be ready and we went to Lourdes and of course I was still I was in la-la land but I went with my family and my brother had a major conversion there and I always say that I moved off with my brother's conversion it was my brother really and he began to speak about redemptive suffering and he went he said that he went to Lourdes looking for a physical healing and he got something better and I didn't understand what he was I didn't understand what he was talking about I didn't understand redemptive suffering what does that mean and under the duress of my brother I went on a youth 2000 retreat right after I graduated from college and and my confirmation sponsor and I got up for the vocations call and I was I wasn't even I was barely getting to mass on Sundays but I I saw religious and priests and there was something in me that I just desired that and I got up for it and of course I went back home and I was in total denial and like that didn't really happen but that was the first seed I think and I began to work for a Catholic newspaper again under the encouragement of my brother it was the end of the summer after I graduated and I desperately needed a job and there was an opening for a position as a journalist in a Catholic newspaper in DC and in 2002 they sent me to World Youth Day in Toronto and I just couldn't believe I couldn't believe what I saw 800,000 young people on fire for their faith totally in love with Jesus they were they were just excited and they were joyful and they had peace and there was something that I wanted that they had and I was there I was a little rookie journalist slash pilgrim and I fell in love with John Paul the second I was totally enamored by him because when I saw him I thought of my brother you know here's this man who is carrying his cross with great joy with great love and I thought of my brother carrying his cross and all during this time I was thinking there's no way the Lord is calling me to be a religious like that's absolutely ridiculous I just I'm not the type you know and at the end of World Youth Day at Downsview Park at the closing mass the Holy Father said something he said lots of things but he said something that I think is indelibly etched in my heart he said we are not to some of our weaknesses and failures we are the some of the Father's love for us and our capacity to become the image of his son and when he said that it was like he was speaking he was speaking to me and your past doesn't make you who you are and and I thought then Wow he's calling me he's calling me but I was in denial for a while not now sister how did you find the sisters of life well because I was in denial I there was no way that I was gonna do discernment also I forgot to tell you that in 2001 on that retreat when I got up for the vocations call everyone received everyone who got up received a packet of literature from different religious communities and I actually saved that in my sock drawer and once in a while I would look at it just to look at it and then I'd put it away because I would get freaked out and I had I ended up going to study theology in grad school and I had a roommate who was from New York who always talked about the sisters of life she volunteered with the sisters and for sadi and the sisters look like this the sisters look like that and so I heard about the sisters of life and at the end of well actually after I graduated a friend of mine said hey do you want to go to a common sea retreat with the sisters of life and I said not really and I prayed about it I just felt like I owed it to the Lord to find out what I'm supposed to do with my life I owed it to the Lord and I felt like there was just something it was like nagging almost tonight just it's like all right Lord I'm gonna go and I'm gonna scratch it off the list just to say that I gave you a chance Here I am and actually my friend ended up not going so I went and the Lord spoke to me in a very profound way and it was more than he spoke to me I felt like he swept me off my feet and I felt like I was badly in love it was I couldn't explain it it was crazy it was absolutely ridiculous and I was in denial I I lied to the book well I didn't lie I am the vocations director she she asked me how it went at the end of the retreat and I said oh it was great it was a great retreat it was very healing it's beautiful you know I had this new understanding of femininity and it's just beautiful but I didn't tell her that I feel called to religious life and I know that I'm supposed to be here I just brushed over that so but that was when when I knew for sure and the rest was history well the rest wasn't actually history because I was in denial I was so afraid and I said lord I can't do this I I just can't do this I don't have I don't have the courage I desire it on some level but I just can't I can't and my can't was I can't give you my brother okay fine I don't have to get married I don't have to be successful in my job I don't have to have anything I can be poor but I can't give you my brother that was I think that was the biggest can't that was the biggest stumbling block for me and I said Lord if you want me if you want me to do this if you really are calling me make me run to you that the prayer and he did I was however your brother have been doing my brother is my hero he is he has been my rock well Jesus has been my rock but my brother has been so encouraging to me and he's the one who tells me to persevere he's the one who tells me to have courage so who knows what he says you know sister I was saying sister Grace Dominic is exactly what I was hoping we were going to have for our broadcast I didn't meet you before I never and interviewed with you for you just came in and I heard mother tell me that you'd be the one speaking but our listeners of all different denominations listening to this very sincere and graceful young woman you hear the opening up of a vocation of a religious vocation and if you could look at it your own vocation of you're young it may be many other things to be a mother to be a father to be a single person to be a good good person and mother I would say this was a wonderful and you weren't too anxious to be a sister I got it right you went to the whole when I was six or seven years old I knew I was supposed to be a priest and by the time I was 13 I knew I was supposed to be a friar so that was it you know but it isn't miss beautiful isn't it beautiful do you think well I think that I I think there's no story I love better than a vocation story because it's like when you listen - sister Grace Dominic father I mean the marvels of God's grace I mean God is so real and he's a lie and he wants to be involved in our lives personal and that's what we learned in our locations it's such a it's such a absolute blessing now you're a novice now sister but as you look off into the future what kind of work what kind of apostolate tell our audience what a one of the sisters of life doing well the sisters of life take care of women who are in crisis pregnancy we we care for those who are most vulnerable for the mom and for the unborn and we have we have retreats in Stanford Connecticut where we just try to build the culture of life we invite young people to come and to learn about their dignity to learn about how much the Father loves them so then they can go out and set the world ablaze too and the Lord through the Knights of Columbus provided a wonderful retreat house yes yes and now we're doing this in Toronto yes just last week we opened we opened another Center in Toronto to do some more of the same but our good friend my good friend Cardinal O'Connor said the sisters of life can do anything long as it's for life that's right so they do other jobs as well well sister thank you for joining us this evening and we pray that you get from the bishop thank you and your dear parents who came over from Calcutta did they ever think where they came from Calcutta but they be doing this wonderful God bless their we'll be back in two minutes and I won't have a chance against to say this but if you have the opportunity to let the media know of its abuse of the Catholic Church under the Pope newspapers radio stations television let them know it now kind of a surprise we have our first caller from a fellow named Harold my brother your brother so we were talking about Harold Harold welcome to the program and we had some nice the chance to hear about you let's hear what you got to say Harold's yes so come on in tell us what yeah hi father how are you I'm old now we have your sister here but I don't want to say hello to my sister sister Grace yeah we're proud of you wow I can't believe you're on yuri-chan Wow well Harold what are you gonna tell us yeah my question is for mother Agnes hello mother Agnes my question is I remember last time you were on the program you were speaking about the having devotion to the unborn Christ I just want to know if there are any prayers that have been written out you know to the unborn Christ specifically to end abortion and I was also you know struck recently because this is a month of the Sacred Heart the unborn heart or the heart of Christ forming in the womb of the Blessed Virgin it's a tremendous image Harold you know to think about the the fact that the Heart of Jesus beat in the womb of Mary after the twenty-first day it's just an incredible thing you know Harold I don't think there is a prayer written to with that devotion to the unborn Jesus it would be a beautiful thing to do I think it's a devotion that needs to develop and needs to be developed by all of us maybe we can all put our heads together and write something that would be beautiful for people to pray it may be important to mention us about devotions particularly the people who are not Catholics will be confused by this how can you pray to the infant Christ how can you pray to Christ crucified he's an eternal glory he's not a baby he's not in the womb he's not on the cross but we pray to Him inspired by those aspects of his life so if for instance at Christmastime the people pray to the infant Christ question at Holy with that Holy Week particularly in Good Friday Christ in his agony and sorrow so it's a part of devotion and beyond that is praying actually to the eternal risen Lord but we see him as you might do in your family if you had a birthday party or anniversary and you're thinking of someone years ago you have a couple we have a couple here coming in toward their 50th anniversary we always come to our program and they're gonna be thinking about their 50th but people will be thinking about at that the day they got married 50 years ago so that's commemoration and the prayer to the unborn Christ is to Christ and eternal glory but reminding us that he was in the moon and by the way any great religion of the world is opposed to abortion opposed to killing babies but is a very special reason for Christians because we we remember that the savior of the world came into this world as an infant and I think the even father that as opposed as we are to abortion and every human person you know with a heart I think is what we also are striving toward abortion simply reveals to us how we've lost a sense of the unique sacredness of every person and we want to restore that to society the sense that every human person at any stage along the journey of life is truly as we say an icon of the Living God you know is for us an image of God and this is a very very Catholic that's two way of approaching this that's right it was there and I think Orthodox as well that not ever you could never leave anybody out and I the Reformation there were theologians in the reform who thought that some people were not predestined to heaven that they had no chat chance that they were lost now I I don't imagine very very few Protestants would think that today but what the church has taught the universal call to salvation that everyone is called to be saved in some way or another by God's Way and speaking about the death of unborn child pope john paul ii said we must never give up hope that in that situation salvation Redemption comes to that little child that's right and I believe that because of the suffering of Christ we have a call this evening from Norma Norma where are you from and what are you going to tell us I'm from Indiana and I wanted to tell you that the people that are running down the Catholic Church remember if you read the Bible you know that Jesus Christ started the Catholic Church and they will try to crucify his church the same way they did him all we need to do is just live right and not listen to the gossip we will be okay thank you well thank you Norma and our Lord tells us in the gospel do not hear what they have to say he tells us to go on and not pay attention to what others tell us now where are you folks out there in the audience out on the toe I'm not getting any questions how about a couple of questions from our audience here in the studio we got anybody to put up a hand here and come on now there we got all right this young lady and tell us your name stand up and Katherine from Orlando Florida um this question is for a sister I know that you talked about the vocations retreat with the sisters of life when was the moment that you knew the Lord proposed to you well you know I said I began to pray Lord if this is your will make me run to you and if if this is from you give me the courage make me run to you and well long story short several months later I had always had a desire to run a marathon and which is absolutely ridiculous because I'm not an athlete at all but the Archdiocese of Washington was running as a charity in the Marine Corps Marathon in DC run for vocations and I did it it took me seven months to train and I ran it but that for me was that was preparation for me for religious life I mean it sounds silly but the Lord was preparing me that it was a spirit there were many spiritual battles as I would run I would pray and I I knew because there were times where I just wanted to lay out on the asphalt and die and and I said Lord if you want me to do this if this is for you if this is for your glory you got to give me strength because I am I am weak and and he was faithful and I knew that if he was gonna give me the grace to do that he was gonna give me the grace to to be a religious and several months after that I I went to the National Shrine for the vigil mass before the March for Life and I actually didn't go to the mass I went after the mass and I saw the sisters again and it was just something in my heart and I ran into one of the postulants who I had met on a common seat on the currency and she just exploded joy on me and I'm the and the Lord used that the Lord just used that moment and I can't tell you like it wasn't one of the the sense is it was something so profoundly deep in my in the core of my being Anna and I said yes Jesus I give you everything I did and that why me like Lord leave me alone leave me alone that became like a like how can this be like and so I left the shrine crying and laughing at the same time and I knew that at that moment so that was that was the moment we have a call now from Peter calling in from outside Peter where are you from and what are you gonna tell us thank you for the verdict I'm from Maryland I'm calling from Baltimore Maryland does to say I love your show and mother Donovan I want to I know the sisters I'm glad to see you on habit and everything because I feel that identity is needed in nature so thank you very much my question today is what is the role of the religious and sisters in helping people to know about Catholics especially to know about issues of life because today priests and nuns are teaching different things so what is the rule of the religious and maybe as a second question I want to ask mr. grace do you think did you ever see the habit as a hindrance to you turning the vocation and a religious life thank you so the question was what is the role of religious teaching life yes and then I did was the habit of Hendry's well no absolutely not in fact I can't imagine giving up everything making an offering to the Lord of everything of you know my cute shoes my you know I mean everything just leaving the superficial things for and not wearing a habit not wearing you know a visible sign of who the Lord has called me to be and it's not for anyone I mean it's primarily for me you know when I look down and I'm like oh oh my gosh I'm a sister I got it I got to be careful I got a you know I got to make sure I'm saying the right things you know I'm not goofing off I'm not you know and it's it's definitely it was not a hindrance in fact I don't think I would have been drawn quite frankly to a religious community that didn't where I have it and Peter I would say to you about the role of religious in understanding the faith on life issues you know it often strikes me that if you're sitting out at a diner and you're taught and you're overhearing conversations you're never going to overhear a conversation in which there's a dispute about the Trinitarian nature of God or something of that sort but you will often overhear conversations where people are distressed or trying to understand the teachings of our Catholic faith of our Christian understanding on the issues of human life and human love so therefore I would say that it is a serious obligation of every religious and every priest to understand what the faith teaches and to be able to teach that in joy and in love to those who so desperately need to hear it well thank you thank you both sisters and we have a call now from Edith it is where are you from and what are you gonna tell us okay I'm Turman de California and I thought you might like to know I grew up in Montclair New Jersey once I wasn't a Catholic then uh-huh might be issue I want I wanted both of you to comment on an issue that really concerns me because if both you have psychology backgrounds and the issue is civility of discourse among pro-lifers because I've encountered the phenomena especially recently where there's a there's a disagreement about a Prudential application of the principle of the right to life and not a disagreement about the principle but just about the best tactic to follow to in order to make to protect the unborn and I'm very concerned in specially in light of the eighth commandment which tells us not to make rash judgments about others and to presume good motive I'm very concerned about a lot of the language that sometimes used like you know things like a betrayer or somebody using a backstabber that kind of language and I would just feel like you both to comment in light of the the eighth commandment and also what you know from psychology about what this does to the sense of community well it is it's an excellent question and it could make up a whole broadcast believe me naturally different people in difficult situations will react and current ways and that questions even relate to faith to Christianity and right in a particular denomination including the Catholic Church you get a whole wide sprayed spray of what can be done so you have very conservative catholics liberal catholics middles of the road catholics confuse concern catholics you have all sorts of people and that's no surprise it would be unhappy and dangerous if everybody was come agreeing with everybody else first of all would be boring and secondly it would be a kind of fundamentalism even if it was a very liberal fundamentalism secondly we in the individual ultimately stands before god alone we come into this world alone and when we leave this world we go before God alone all those years we've been in our family our country our religion our domination our parish our friends a religious order but we go before the Lord alone and we need to remember that so that we may be quite different from one another the issue of life is a very earnest earnest issue and I tell people the word that I use who are in favor of not of abortion but the abuse of the use of abortion nobody believes in abortion that's ridiculous I mean believe being killing kids it means believing allowing the termination of the life of child that's what for some good reason and what I would say to the people who would disagree with me I would say that you are confused and you are deceived I think there's an immense amount of deception in public life and in the United States about many things and where does deception like that come from the Prince of Darkness he is the liar the father of lies the father of lies I think the only thing that I would add to it to what you said father is Edith is that God inspires many responses there are many responses that one could take to the issue and I think that for anyone to know whether they should put forward a response would be to check their own heart and to say am i doing this for the love of another I think that's a measure that would help them would help anyone to know the appropriateness of their response yes we're both psychologists and as these are very basic good use in psychology we have a call from K okay where are you from we got to do it real quick we got two minutes what's a good question Charlotte North Carolina you're gonna ask us I am first of all I'm not Catholic but I love all three of you people and I'm hoping you can give me some guidance I'm 52 years old I'm not married have no children I've been caught up in this downturn in the economy and am unemployed I've been that way for almost two years and I've been praying trying to figure out what my purpose is what God wants me to do with my life not necessarily as a job but what he wants me to do with my life after all I'm 52 I should be doing something that he wants me to do I read my Bible I've prayed on it and I'm hoping you can give me some guidance as to how I can seek the answer to that question other okay I think God is already leading you in the mere fact that you're asking the question and I would say seek some good spiritual advice from those who are spiritually wise and Friends you were already praying God will lead you I think have no fear and trust in the Lord and I don't doubt that he will surprise you with what he will ask of you we have to close now we had a very good program okay we're gonna be praying for you and so many others of our listeners I pray everyday that you'll get your job oh lord help us help because of us and guide us to be your disciples in the name of the Father and of the son Holy Spirit amen and of course I always ask you to help EWTN Mother Angelica keeping the the programs on it's expensive to do this and as I told you we don't advertise dog food things like that so please I know everybody's worried about money right now some people are quite low short of it send at least a little something to show that you caring for the program god bless
Channel: EWTN
Views: 8,613
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: SV 06 20 2010, Catholic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2010
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