Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie - 09/16/21 - What Impact Does Music Have On You?

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[Music] seems to be talking about [Applause] what everybody's talking about well we sure hope right now at this point in time it's take two with jerry and debbie because you're listening right now you're part of the take two family and we've got another a wonderful topic to introduce to you and you as you always have done in the past six plus years you take it away you just drive it home in a wonderful way we learn something we grow each and every time we do these live broadcasts i'm debbie giorgiani with jerry usher the show team is in place and we're just ready for you and jerry this is right up your alley because i believe you were a disc jockey uh that was your first job and so music is probably always playing around in your head always i wake up as i've said on the show before i wake up with a different song going around in my head almost every morning but you're right actually before i even had a career working a job in radio i was playing dj at about a year about the age of 14 or 15 just like some little boys you know play mass and and they end up becoming priests so yeah but my first several jobs were included being a disc jockey also sports play by play but music has had an amazing impact on my life and i doubt i doubt there's anyone listening who can't say the same thing so that's what we want to hear from you about today what impact does music have on your life or has had on your life eight three three two eight eight e w t n eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six well i can tell you um this speaking about myself um music was it was a huge part of my life um i think once i just came out of the womb seriously my family always played music and i was always dancing and they used to oh i was like a little toddler and i rem my brothers and sisters would tell me that i would like put on a little dancing you know exhibition because they would play all these um you know fun music italian music my dad loved music all the time he used to play music on saturday mornings when when he would do work and errands and stuff he had to do um so music was a big part of my life from the very beginning and i think it speaks to my soul i really do um i find that music has an impact on me um profoundly especially in like at just a beautiful understanding of how music can can move you in a wonderful direction so we want to ask you dear listeners our take two family what impact does music have on you okay and share with us that i shared it it really touches my soul jerry shared that you know he loved it so much that he went into uh to work in that in that industry at the beginning of his his career and his ministry career so um we want to hear from you what impact does music have on you eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six well we don't go anywhere really where we don't hear music um you have the uh say you go to the gym they've almost always got music playing you go to the grocery store music is playing you go to the bank um where else um you go to uh just think about it just about everywhere you go there's music being played maybe you're involved in music right now music in your parish maybe you're in a little a band that does some gigs once in a while maybe you've become you know a musician and that has helped to shape your life maybe maybe just maybe there was a time in your life when music had a negative influence on you because there's a lot of bad music out there too so maybe you've had a little bit of a conversion in your taste of music 833-288-3986 well that's a really good point because i actually i really prefer classical music um music that you know is really deep and rich in in sound and composition um i i mean i like the pop music and stuff like that you know the 60s and 70s after that i don't know um but you know it's interesting christian music has really been what i lean on um recently and i wanted i was going to share today um francesca baristelli i hope i pronounced her her italian name correctly uh she just came out with a new song god is good and it is it is such a a wonderful song and i can't get it out of my head and i just love it i love always thinking and humming about about god and joy and peace and it's just it's so amazing christian music really has that impact um on people and i think that's wonderful but i can't do that um i can't do the stuff jerry where you can't hear the words you know it's just kind of banging sounds i don't really like that that's not my cup of tea yeah well you know on my serious satellite radio when i'm not listening to ewtn i listen quite a bit um i will listen to i think it's channel 63 the message which is christian i and and i i actually love the the uh rock you know kind of the classic rockets not not the hard stuff you're talking about but like uh channel 70 which is yacht rock radio and channel um what's the other one um the bridge i think it's 17 anyway um you know eagle chicago uh yeah you know that kind of stuff but yeah i'm with you i uh you know part of my morning routine as i said before is i get to i do my holy hour before mass and i will put my little earbuds in there and listen to some praise and worship to kind of orient my heart toward receiving christ in the eucharist and i do that when i go to bed at night i'll listen to two or three songs to kind of just calm myself and get ready to go to sleep so um yeah morning noon and night debbie we're both impacted by music it sounds like absolutely and you know i i've shared this before as well that i grew up in in a home where there was a lot of tension and you could just kind of feel the tension and music really did um relax me as a young child and made me you know i just kind of feel good again and feel hopeful again and that and so music really played you know a real therapeutic part of me being able to cope through uh being the youngest of a very big family and um have i mentioned lately 100 italian so a lot of robust personalities in the home that's a good way of saying it right yeah and you hadn't mentioned for at least a show or two that you're a hundred percent italian which surprised me because you could not immediately pronounce francesca what is her last name scandalized at your inability to uh pronounce her name debbie yeah i know i know well you know sometimes um italian folks tend to americanize their name you know so that's why i always am hesitant like giorgiani is actually in between american and italian it's actually giorgiani in the town in italy if you go over to italy they say giorgione i like the way that sounds you do you like george yeah yeah then that would kind of roll both hands moving around and pasta being served and all that stuff good glass of wine musical right it's kind of musical yeah maybe that's why i like it it's very yeah yeah the italian language is very rhythmic same with portuguese and spanish very rhythmic i love that that's musical we want to hear from you um how does a music play a part of in your life maybe it helps your spiritual life we want to hear that as well fill up the phone lines this is your show take two with jerry and debbie and you eight 833-288-3986 hi i'm doug keck inviting you to join me next time when our guest author is christine m wahar the book is finding frasadi and following his path to holiness he's called the man of the eight beatitudes and i like to think of that beatitude spirituality rather than the ten commandments the harshness of things we can't do all of the things we can do as a lay catholic ewtn bookmark with doug keck brings you the best catholic authors saturdays at 4 30 p.m eastern sundays at 9 30 a.m eastern on ewtn radio christ is the answer with father john ricardo i tell often times in experience that i had a divine child when i was a young priest one year ordained first time i ever really saw the power of the blessed sacrament and we simply exposed the blessed sacrament at the end of mass one night i encouraged people i said you know what we've been in the habit of praying over people after mass i said we're not going to do that this week i'm just going to invite people to come on up and pray if they want to pray and i put the blessed sacrament on the altar i kneel down as i kneel down the church is in the sanctuary the whole church and as i'm looking at this and i'm looking at the people there and i'm looking at jesus under the appearance of bread there i saw the lord standing on the altar and he's just standing there looking out at all the people and then at a certain point he turned towards me and he just bowed and he says don't you see how easy this is you don't have to do anything you just have to put me out you put me out and i will work [Music] what impact does music have on you that's the question we're asking today on take two with jerry and debbie uh please call in and speak to matt gabinski he's just fantastic to talk to he's amazing and you'll love speaking with him but don't speak with him too long because then he's going to put you on hold and then you're going to come on on air with us and all you got to do is dial 833.288.3986 and jerry real quickly i want to just share this because you know that i'm a huge fan of church pop and i just wanted it to just highlight it again for our listeners because church pop recently has had some really unique um just extraordinary articles and i i would love for our our listeners to subscribe so church pop takes a fresh and fun look at the news shaping our world it's it it features engaging inspiring and informative catholic social media content you can find it on snapchat instagram and on the web at churchpop.com and you can get church pop directly to your inbox and this is the key because i love when it comes in at 3 30 4 o'clock in the morning you visit ewtn.com and click on subscribe and then you can get the articles very fresh in the morning and then you can start sharing them out i think it's brilliant how they did that um very early in the morning so that you can get a jump on everything on all those articles love church pop i actually uh sent brantley um the creator of church pop i just i sent him an email the other day saying you know i'm a big fan have i told you that lately i haven't heard back from him he probably thinks i'm a stalker well he he wouldn't think that because he's been on our show oh that's true yeah we've had uh brian yeah he's amazing great great very creative i just love the articles anyway church pop all right good we're talking today about the impact that music has had or currently has on your life a couple of the lines might still be available i see matt typing away there so there may be full lines but give it a shot eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six let's go to christine in willow grove pennsylvania listening on holy spirit radio hi christine hi how are you doing great how welcome to the program thank you thank you thank you very much i've been on before long time ago welcome back thank you you must still like us christine if you were willing to call back a second time oh absolutely um debbie's from arizona right i'm originally from new jersey christine not far away from you yeah and then i i went to arizona when i came out to initially started arizona state university and i never left 36 years later oh my gosh my daughter's um studying i believe it's arizona state um university um yeah yeah yeah she she lives in casa grande very nice yeah that's about about about 45 minutes from where i live so not not too far that is wonderful small world hun christine and now and now we're talking about music and that brings us together as well right and i think you're going to share something because i see on the notes here about music touching your soul yes uh besides the rosary and the chocolate uh music really really touches my soul especially especially you know um you know spiritual um music um [Music] as a matter of fact um our paris saint david's in willow grove has has made two cds wow yup a christmas one and um one is called bring the dawn celebrating 90 years of saint david uh we're a hundred years now wow wow christine um yeah you talk about it soothing the soul you know so much of our faith is nurtured through the senses you know we use our that's a very distinctively catholic thing not exclusively but a very thing that really distinguishes the catholic faith is we we use our senses all of them to really boost and nurture our faith lives and i'm with you music sues the soul i have uh i try and get a little a stretch out on my bed nap in the afternoon every day for about a half an hour and i put my headphones on and i just look up on on youtube i look up soothing relaxing music and there's this one artist his name is tim janus or tim yanus i'm not sure how to say his name but a lot of his stuff is catholic hymns that are very very set to just this wonderful soothing way of producing them so i agree with you completely christine debbie what do you think you know how to spell it um his name yes yeah it's tim tim and the last name is j a n i s very very simple j a n i s and again i i'm i'm i don't know i don't know how to pronounce it but it's either janus or giannis or something like that but anyway fire away dad no i was just going to say christine is so true it really does touch the soul and and you know we're being we're we have a lot of noise around us there's a lot of you know think about it folks a lot of action around us movement around us music has a way of just calming things and especially when you can introduce god in that or a prayerful type of music or praise and worship it is so relaxing to the body to the mind to the spirit and i i just i encourage folks all the time gregorian chant um having the rosary sung or the chaplet of divine mercy song you know there's so many videos out there now that you can just put it on your phone you know put it and have it playing in the background and and like jerry said the christian music and even you know if you want to get a little you know some people like to run or exercise to some you know a faster pace of music that's wonderful it's a beautiful thing and i think we've lost that because we're in a world that's moving so quickly christine that we're missing those times we can't even sit still for two or three or four minutes to listen to a song and i i just wish i wish folks would get back to that because music does bring us all together and let's face it we're in a very divided world right now but music tends to unite us yes thank you i would be i would be remiss if i didn't mention that i like the i belong to a charismatic prayer group if i those songs that we usually sing at the charismatic prayer group but i'd be very remiss if any of our members happen to be listening right i don't know well you do you were not remiss you made mention of that and that's one of the reasons i'm sitting here where i am today christine was getting involved in the catholic charismatic renewal back in the late 1980s yeah i love the this the praise and worship part of a prayer meeting it is just really as they say you know you want to get get get yourself into the throne room you know and then you can commune and get uh intimate in in prayer with god so great call christine thanks so much for letting us hear from you today thank you from for having this show debbie and jerry you're welcome god bless you thank you christine god bless you have a beautiful rest of your day that was a beautiful call um speaking of praise and worship music i have to mention this again because this is really kind of the last week or maybe next week you could still register but that if you're in the dallas area or you can drive into the dallas fort worth area please consider uh coming as a couple to the marriage enrichment retreat at st gabriel's we're going to be having jerry praise and worship music it's a lot of music actually there's going to be dinner and dancing and we have a couple spots left i'd like to fill those because we have some special things planned marty and i and lisa jones will be presenting and it's not just for newly married couples so you can find it on um just go to take to show dot com take to show.com and on the tab that michael birchfield our producer put where is jerry and debbie just click on that and you'll see the flyer you can register it's very inexpensive it's going to be a lot of fun i think it's going to be great for couples and you know jerry it's time we get back together as best we can because we have been apart for so long you know and i know that virtual is great and getting on zoom and facetime and everything but there's you know there's something to be said when we can really be together right that's right absolutely yeah i'm i'm very much on board with that uh so let's let's hope that things continue to be more and more open as we go forward here all right we're talking today about what the the impact that music has on your life today on take two with jerry and debbie eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six one line is open if you'd like to get that and we go to joseph next in massachusetts listening on the station of the cross hi joseph welcome oh hi hi thank you very much for letting me talk sure i just want to say about the music in 1989 saying the prayer to the holy spirit watching ewtn tv uh it was the beginning of a change in my life and and i'm trying to find the right way to say it is uh i was back going back to mass church and everything and i started having problems in the catholic church after mass with a coffee once a month with men the coffee we talked about different things and i was the one who talked about jesus all the time they weren't comfortable they said mass is over and uh that led me away from the catholic church because here i am after the holy spirit on my heart prayed to the holy spirit the priest said it was the holy spirit so that led me to protestant churches and they were they're far ahead of us in contemporary christian music what i'm what i'm trying to say is to get to worship and um praise in god i've my experience doing volunteer work with the festivals like in new york uh kingdom bound most of it was protestant but there's catholics working with them having mastered bands come in if you how can any i look at this way if i i was into the beatles and rolling stones and bands like that music sounded good but it was most of it promoting sin and i still liked it because it sounded good i realized after my prayer the holy spirit and christian contemporary music is it's not a substitute for uh praise and worship but if i could watch listen to junk music which was just rolling stones and beetles and secular bands because i was amazed that kingdom bound my first experience in darien like outside of buffalo they were using bands to evangelize to young people i would say 18 to 30. most of the audience there was a listen to these different styles of music and i didn't know what was going on and little by little i was learning they had different bands different styles of music and i went to the seminars and draw drew me closer so i did volunteer work for 10 years at different places with the bands and trying to promote the music because that'll lead you because how can i look at this in my opinion how can i still listen to a lot of i call it junk music that didn't promote uh god it just promoted um really things that's not that important doesn't mean you have to be i'm not talking about religion i'm talking about a desire for god contemporary ways nothing wrong with uh the way we do it in the catholic church but how do we get uh i would call it orthodox my understanding in the catholic church to the roots of the church if usually it's hard to go that way when you're young you want to get excited and and you go along with the culture what the christian contemporary music does is there's a lot of beings out there that are christian that use this style of music the secular music style of sound is different styles and the the lyrics fit in but they were visualizing with the music with the lyrics and i noticed that the festivals are saying uh christian beings most of them when they're done performing they remind the audience that we're here for jesus and if it wasn't for jesus we didn't we wouldn't be here we you know he's given us this talent you know joseph forgive me for jumping in here joseph i've got a couple of thoughts that i don't want to lose them you know before they fall out of my head but yeah you just you just made the comment you know we in the catholic church so i take it you have kind of made a return you know to the catholic church you're back as a practicing catholic now yes yes okay okay good yeah well god bless you for bringing this up because the holy spirit though deserves the credit well absolutely but i i feel bad that you had that experience actually i feel um flabbergasted that you had that experience of talking with people right after catholic mass saying hey mass is over cut the jesus talk or however you put that you know because what do they say at the end of mass you know go and you know the mass is over go and and live your life for to the glory of god something like that so we're taught that the mass is is is this it's a seven day a week thing two three twenty four seven three sixty five but you're talking about evangelizing through music and i remember it reminded that vatican ii made the point that catholic radio should be just as good quality wise and sound wise as secular radio the church was telling us we don't need to do it you know b rate stuff we need to do a rate stuff and the same is true musically so i applaud those catholic um you know those catholic artists who were out there doing that um other non-catholic christians the only thing the only caveat i would issue is sometimes uh with non-catholic christian uh contemporary bands their their lyrics can be a little bit off theologically you know because they don't have the the guidance of the catholic you know church and like two thousand years of teaching anyway i am rambling debbie i know you you got probably got a lot of that you would like to share with joseph as well no it just goes to show the impact that music can have on one to move them and you know we're on a journey and it's it's a it's this whole um thing called life it's not a sprint it's a marathon especially with our faith and how we how we approach things and how we deepen our relationship with with god um it it's truly an amazing experience and i think when we can incorporate things to help us move along that journey and and it does benefit us then it's a great thing however if it does tear us away if it does distract us if it does move us away from god well then we need to reject that we need to move that away and i think that's true with anything you know joseph you're we're talking music right right we're talking music right now but we could be saying that about the internet we could be saying that about anything if it moves us closer to god all power to it that's awesome if it takes us away we need to just put it away because it's it's something that is very important for us we have we're on a journey joseph great call love your name in the year of saint joseph you must be benefiting greatly so god bless you um blessings to you and jerry this has been a so far this has been a wonderful discussion about music the impact it's having on people's souls and we love to hear from you at 8 3 833-288-3986 this is your show during this time of crisis join us and pray for an end to the coronavirus radio classics is now ewtn radio essentials featuring 24 7 masses rosaries chaplets and prayers [Music] this is kevin burke of priests for life with pro-life update democrats in the u.s congress have again introduced one of the most pro-abortion bills in history it would elevate abortion to a fundamental right remove common-sense restrictions and limitations that most americans support and prohibit states from protecting the unborn or their moms this is a bill whose provisions like allowing abortion at any time right up until birth for any reason have never been supported by the american public they are only supported by the abortion extremists who have taken over the democratic party now is the time to speak up to your u.s representatives and your two u.s senators tell them that you do not want any law that brings us more abortion or that takes away restrictions on abortion or abortion funding now is the time to act this is kevin burke on the ewtn global catholic radio network [Music] i still have my sanity because of ewtn and listening to your station uh everybody needs to listen to positive things if you only listen to the negative things uh it just gets very bad if it weren't for your uplifting and wonderful people that conduct your programs i don't know if i could still be not crying ewtn helping people grow in their love and understanding of god swaim here tomorrow on the sunrise morning show will celebrate the feast of saints robert bellarmine and hildegard of bingham two doctors of the church plus news weather sports and a whole lot more now back to take two with jerry and debbie [Music] this is where you get to share what's important to you what's in your mind on your heart share your lived experiences your wisdom your insights and today we're asking you the question what impact has music had in your life or currently has in your life you can weigh in on an open phone line that's a rare thing here so get on that line eight three three two eight eight 288-3986 we'll continue with the calls in just about 60 seconds i want to mention that we're getting a lot of social media comments debbie as well not surprisingly because we stream the video on ewtn catholic radio facebook page and youtube channel uh watching on youtube is michael j he says i've been a musician most of my life i couldn't imagine what it would have been like without it just listening to it gets me more relaxed than even sleeping wow that's pretty cool yeah that is really cool you can keep going if you want to i love these i absolutely love the social media comments michael p we heard from michael j a minute ago michael p you guys are both regular viewers thanks so much he says a priest once told me that joseph haydn the austrian composer prayed the rosary in order to get inspiration to compose more music and that does not surprise i didn't know it either but it does not surprise me you know yeah we're hearing from ireland do you want to share martin martin from i says hi from ireland music does lift the soul especially celtic music i agree i love celtic music i love it martin i totally agree and we'll get to joanne and rita in just a moment uh so hang on with us and hang in there with us because we're talking music today on take two and we're gonna go back to the phones uh jane is up next she has been waiting so patiently in atlanta georgia listening on our friends at the quest hi jane welcome hi hi jerry and debbie i enjoy your channel so much thank you very much thank you thank you um yeah you're welcome um the music that i find so inspiring i have the cds i have the sheet music for the piano since the 1970s um the monks of the western priory they are in western vermont and i are you familiar with the monks and father father norbert wrote the music many many years ago i don't know if he's still living or not um but they it's just very inspirational on so many topics um they very often sing at math excuse me i have laryngitis today hosea is one of the songs we do sing that at math but for just about every every thing that you would want some inspiration for whether it be joy elation sadness um your faith all of these songs dawn has come all i ask of you um our heart is filled with joy or take my hand there's just so he's just written prolifically here yes i totally agree i am familiar james and and keep going because you're you're on to something because i actually recommend that music for many people many of our clients in coaching as a matter of fact so keep going because you're on to something well and there's one in the skillness i just love that one um arise cry out in the night there's just so many there's from joy to sadness and everything in between i did go up as i said in the late 1970s and stayed in weston and in and then would go out every day to spend the day there um on the grounds and walking around it's very much uh like we have here too with some of the monks uh not at the same order but um they open their grounds at least they did the 1970s i think they still would um and then the next summer my children my girls were in high school and i took them back i just wanted them to experience the same the same feelings that i had when i was there the holy spirit just spoke me so so deeply i love it everything you're saying is is so spot on and i wish others would enter deeply into into that music because you're you're right and as as you were speaking jane i i was recalling some of the titles and i'm going oh she is so right it is it just transforms the the feeling inside of a person's you know uh body and spirit and mind and it's it's a beautiful um just a beautiful expression and a way for us to just enter in deeply it's it's it's it's a prayer it truly is a prayer each each hymn is a prayer i'm sitting here with with my sheet music in front of me and it it this book contains 32 different hymns i don't know if you could call them hymns songs they're you know it's just a variety the reason i'm calling too today is just that maybe someone would listen and say hmm i'd like to uh just look into that music because you know i don't know how many people are that familiar with the monks of the west weston priory um it's just i wanted to share it well yeah and i think a lot of people are familiar with them not maybe uh you know consciously but through having sung their their hymns at mass i know many of their songs have been in mass and and another point you're bringing up jane here that i think is beautiful is you know sometimes some people might be wondering well what are what where do monks find the time to uh you know to cut cds and cut albums and stuff the fact is um st benedict's motto for the for the uh for his monks aura at labora pray and work prayer and work and so the work part shows itself in many different ways and this is how they support themselves along with having retreats and so forth but i'm just uh i've known so many beautiful monasteries over the years that have put out fruitcake of course and the fudge and mount angel abbey in oregon a few years ago started brewing beer and i know others do too you go back to europe the last few centuries coffee the the the monks the mystic mystic monks in wyoming so i i just want all that to say you know dear listeners take two family if you get a chance support uh the catholic religious brothers and orders and the catholic religious sisters orders because this is how they make their living in quite a number of instances so please yeah these are things you're going to buy anyway you know you can give it to amazon or give it to you know the monks or the sisters i guess exactly exactly well thank you so much for taking my call and jerry thank you for for not being a dj but coming into catholic radio we enjoy you you and debbie so thank you much thanks thank you so much yeah that is so sweet but jane what you did today you know you just you just shared with the world and and it could help so many souls so god bless you for that you took the time out of your day to impart that to the rest of us and that that's so important and that's ministry and so thank you jane thank you and you can just you could even um you know email them and get the lyrics you wouldn't have to buy the sheet music or anything just look on your iphone because they're all the lyrics their prayers that's right yeah good point thanks again jane thank you god bless beautiful talking music today on take two with jerry and debbie it is a part of your life uh maybe subconsciously but maybe very consciously we hear music wherever we go the grocery store the bank the gym um and you maybe you have you know times of the day when you like to listen to music just on your own so we're talking about the impact that that has on your life at 833-288-3986 don't you love going to dinner and having a beautiful dinner and hearing some wonderful music playing in the background i think it's if you can get live music while you're while you're out at a restaurant that's even better but even just like i remember just a couple weeks ago we we my husband and i were we were driving and there happened to be an italian restaurant and so our car just naturally pulled into the parking lot and we couldn't stop our car from going into the italian restaurant and they were playing frank sinatra music and it was so beautiful to eat a wonderful meal and have that music playing in the background and it was just a tiny little restaurant but it was just so quaint and beautiful music adds something when you say that jerry it truly adds you know well it really does yeah like like we said before you know we we live by our senses and our faith is nourished by our senses so the sense of taste and the sense of hearing all uh you know being used at the same time i think it's a wonderful thing absolutely yep okay so betsy's been waiting in tampa florida listening on sirius xm 130 hi betsy welcome to take two thank you um yes um music has helped me out in the past two years i've been fighting depression and um really struggling really bad and music helped me um try to eliminate some of the things that are floating around in my head and [Music] well betsy i want i want to share something with you real quickly and um if you're using music to to really you know relax you and soothe you and get in like you said get the thoughts out of your head try also singing out loud to the music okay and why i say that is because it adds an extra dimension to it you know sometimes have you ever done this betsy we can still listen to music and our brains can still be going working overtime but if you're singing you can't really do that so try also singing out loud or you know and just and and and letting that like jerry said you know we're using our senses and it it it is a way to actually um heal us at some level and and i can relate to you you know i can totally relate betsy i i struggle with things all the time and especially in this last you know 18 months of the pandemic you know it's hard to say you're you're joy-filled every single day because all you got to do is turn on the news and see what's going on and things are happening in in your own personal life and with friends around you and family it's tough but you're right music does help and if you sing i think it even it's it's even one step a little bit better what do you think betsy yeah that sounds the thing is is that i don't a lot of times i don't know the words the song i just like you know so that's i'm gonna have to learn the words of the song yeah yeah and then it takes on an even deeper meaning because once you know the lyrics once you really get into the words you see it's very poetic and it's just it's it's amazing it's i i love that that's the reason betsy i cannot i can't really handle the music of today that you cannot understand a single word you can't even hear the word pronounced in the music it's just to me it's just noise it's loud noise and that's why i love getting into what you know the the the words of of a really deep song what do you think jerry yeah i'm just kind of glancing online right now as you uh brought this topic up betsy and i found that there is a whole a very broad field of music therapy and it uh one of the uh descriptions here it says a type of expressive arts therapy that uses music to improve and maintain the physical psychological and social well-being of individuals and i even one time knew a gentleman who was studying to get a degree in music thanatology thanatos is greek for death and so at that people's dying bedsides they use a harp or various types of music so that's you're right i think this is great that you're doing that um debbie and i have both been through our challenges in life i've i've been through a couple of times a year of pretty uh pretty you know trying depression myself and so um you know those days when i was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling fan wondering if life was going to go on music was music was there for me too so i hope that that really brings you uh healing and peace we're gonna definitely pray for that betsy thank you i really appreciate it because this is the third i've had in my lifetime i have had three episodes of depression and everything normally i'm everything's fine so uh but this time it's been a whopper so anyway so i will try to start learning the words of research for christian music cool and keep it again keep us posted betsy you can always email us at take2 ewtn.com and um and we're we i put you in our prayer book as well so we'll be we'll be praying for you you pray for us okay okay thank you all god bless you thank you betsy for that call joada susan adrian dave uh bernadette we have many other calls to get to more social media we'll do that in a minute but a very very important episode of ewtn news in depth is coming your way tomorrow night at 8 00 pm eastern time now this is kind of the sister program to ewtn news nightly and what this show is with monsieur alvarado it's it's a closer look a more in-depth look at a particular story or issue or a couple of them and so tomorrow night at 8pm eastern with monsieur alvarado they're going to take a look at different responses to covet vaccinations and also the impact of the pope's visits to slovakia and hungary also the heartwarming work of the sisters of saint joseph of the apparition in israel who offer palliative care for people of all faiths so that's the ewtn news in depth tomorrow night 8 pm on many of these same ewtn stations i just received a message um with the with the um when i was sharing with betsy about learning the lyrics and singing just received a message saying we're going to have a lot of take two families singing out loud on the streets that's great everybody sing that would be wouldn't that be a lot better than what we have been experiencing for the past two years well what's beautiful about technology all of the lyrics to just about every song ever well not every song ever composed i guess but certainly songs that we tend to listen to nowadays is available online i just go and i i do lyrics and then i do the name of the song and there's lots of lyrics websites out there yep and you can sing away sing away i like singing in the car too you know in the old days if you if you sang in the car people would look at you funny but now they think you're on bluetooth talking so they just ignore you when you're singing so i say sing in the car sing away joada first time caller from new hampshire listening also on siriusxm 130 has been waiting hi joetta welcome hi jerry hi debbie hi joetta this is really kind of funny for me and i've never done this at all ever called into anybody before thank you for calling into our show thank you i've been listening for several years you know usually in the car if i happen to be in the car during your show i my life is a song for me um everything reminds me of a song and i was thinking about how my when i'm with my granddaughter two and a half just the other day i was pushing her on the swing at her house about a half hour from here and she saw her shadow so it made me think of the song me and my shadow so i called it up on my phone and i played it for her and we sang it while i was pushing her on the swing and when i've had her here on a swing under our tree we have a swing tied to the tree and one day we were out there on a rainy day and it made me think of singing in the rain so i make up i make up words we're swinging in the rain just swinging in the rain um another song that comes to my mind that i use as a prayer oftentimes if i'm out walking you know bend me shape me any way you want me that 1968 song um you know as long as you love me lord it's all right you know and then debbie you mentioned um italian music in the background at a restaurant and i just threw a baby shower for our daughter who's expecting in november our third grandchild and i ended up putting on we did a mexican themed um sorry about that we did a mexican themed shower and of course i had to put on some mariachi music in the background for this for this theme so just everything i love music and music reminds me i mean life reminds me of music and song of course i love praise and worship as well excellent excellent yeah joada you're bringing back a lot of memories for me because as the saying goes if you if for not just for djs or former djs but definitely for those two groups there's a song in everything and that happens to me too and i'll be talking to debbie on the phone i'll be on this program i'll be talking to just about anybody and they'll say something and my mind just automatically completes the line with the song that uh that it reminds me of and i haven't been a disc jockey for decades i've been doing mostly catholic talk radio for the last 25 or 30 years but so i thought i would kind of outgrow that eventually but it just hasn't happened you know so i guess you know yeah once you once you do it i guess you always do it so i i think it's you know it's part of my life too jordan what do you think yeah oh i totally agree joada i i as you were speaking i used to do the exact same things with my kids i would take the these songs and i would put their names in it and i would relate it to them and my kids would giggle and laugh and i'd have the kid i'd have their friends in the car and i'd insert their names and i'd be singing away and they'd they'd start giggling and they'd go home and they'd tell their parents oh miss debbie she was she put my name in this song and and kids love it and they and they just come alive and you were talking about mariachi music i love that music every time there's oh every time at our churches in fact there was just a flyer uh last week at our church and they were they're having a big a celebration and they're bringing in the mariachi band and i said to my husband we gotta go and i just love it it's just it's so uplifting and it it just it's it's alive it just feels right so i'm right with you and congratulations on expanding expanding your family how beautiful is that and you know i think joada this is just my thought okay when when you're finished with your time here on earth and i hope you have many many many more years okay but when god finally calls you home your children and your grandchildren will remember what you have done through the gift of music and song they will because look how it just has that imprint in jerry's mind all these years that's what it happens to kids so i say what a beautiful legacy you're leaving thank you so um and jer and debbie i share your um enthusiasm for the faith too every time i hear you say that you know when you were working in the secular world and you know just it was you just wanted to talk about god so much and that's just exactly what i want to do so beautiful i had this beautiful experience so well yeah i'm sorry go ahead absolutely no you're and call us again because this was your first time calling in the first time ever to a show we feel so honored thank you so very much but email us we'll we'll keep the relationship going it and you can email us at take2 at ewtn.com and i agree with you joada because i cannot small talk i just can't don't bring me to an event that i have to talk about the weather it's not going to work so you can thanks again it was great chatting with you and thank you for allowing me to share with you you're welcome thank you joetta for the call well that makes it a little bit easier um avoiding small talk about the weather when you live in arizona right because it's it's sunny you know yeah it's not like you don't get all you don't get all four seasons on the same day usually like you do in some places true true yeah yeah you wouldn't ask a person from arizona what is it the sun shines what 350 days a year here yeah yeah i've always thought you know how to how to weather forecasters in places like that and and near where i where i live too um they they have to be really really creative and dig up some stuff to talk about right yeah they do they say were you here yesterday good it's gonna be the same today back to you no they say things like the sun is going to be extra hot tomorrow how does it it's hilarious no that's a good point okay so we have social media coming in we have emails coming in and this is we should do like a whole music week or something what do you think yeah well we could we could rita watching on facebook quoting uh the song let it be by the beatles when i find myself in times of trouble mother mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom that song has got me through hard times rita says colette on youtube i am a keyboard specialist i play organ and synthesizer and piano and harpsichord piano synthesizer i find it relaxing also i love discovering new music especially from classical music to 1920s jazz music i also love progressive rock yeah colette that's awesome and uh did you want to share joanne go ahead yeah music is always sweeter after rest in six days the lord made everything and on the seventh day he rested exodus 2011. beautiful joanne we've got more comments coming in but we'll go back to the phones yeah um susan adrian has been waiting uh is it adrian michigan i'm sorry susan and adrian michigan on ewtn app hello susan sorry about the confusion there that's okay how are you guys today doing great better now that you called um i'm actually the polar opposite of your last caller i'm not a fan of music well i like music but most of it just sounds like noise to me but the one thing that i really really like is native american flute music i totally agree yes it is so beautiful well you're you're susan you're talking to someone who lives in arizona we we have the most amazing uh native american population and and their music comes into all the things we do in the diocese of phoenix even at our rosary celebrations and i agree with you so very much susan that the native american flute i love everything about native american music is i love you know it's amazing i just realized that i love a lot of music the only thing i don't like is the noise stuff you're right susan that's exactly where i'm at what what do you think jerry have you heard okay well i have heard natalie flute music yeah go ahead susan please oh i used to live in tucson and um that's where i learned to appreciate it and of course carlos makai is my favorite i am just amazing but i used to love to go to the powwows and the native american drums are pretty much close to the flute music because it's not noise that it's there's rhythm to it and anyway i am a big fan of native american the only other thing that i generally ever listen to is gregorian chant um but um if i want something to calm me and put me in a meditative mood it's the native american flute music beautiful and um i completely agree it's amazing yeah it has such a depth to it you're right susan i i i really agree with that and it isn't interesting you know where we live we can find a richness and music and wherever we live whatever part of the world and i sometimes feel like we're you know living in a place and we don't
Channel: EWTN
Views: 318
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: Hgy_VH7xphI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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