Sunday Morning Service | 9:30AM

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but today i am going to talk to you about water baptism um this kind of as a springboard i want to start with matthew 11 and 12 it says from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of god suffereth violence and the violent take it by force uh you probably some of you weren't yet but uh you may not remember where you on may the first 1975. think about it i made this give me the fifth 1975. i know exactly where i was i was in i was in keith park i was laying on a blanket studying for exams well really i wasn't studying i was i was faking it all right jeannie was on the same blanket and she was probably studying and i was getting ready to ask her to marry me okay uh we had met four months before [Music] right and uh we were in the same prayer meeting and i'm getting ready to ask her to marry me and basically this is you can ask me what i said i said i can't even promise you a mud hut in africa because i knew we were going into ministry but i didn't know what we were going to do and i i i kind of in my heart and we weren't going to be beginning at least in the united states i said i can't promise you a mud hut in africa but i want to spend the rest of my life with you and uh apart from getting saved i think that was the best decision i've ever made shortly thereafter we uh we went to zales jewelers in a mall in dallas all right bought a ring i still remember i'm dutch i remember exactly how much i paid all right uh jeannie put that ring right on all right uh sh she got it she put the ring on and and she went and told her friends and then that we called her parents uh and i asked permission to marry her and yeah you do not come up and talk about that okay but that that ring was a symbol of our commitment in our relationship right water baptism is the symbol it's more but it's a symbol of our relationship with jesus right jesus asks us to be water baptized to identify with him that's what baptism in part is about right jesus is risen from the dead matthew chapter 28 jesus said to his disciples he said all power is given to me in heaven and earth he says go therefore make disciples not just christians but disciples of all nations doing what baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit jesus is not just interested in your being a christian and you're just getting to heaven he wants you to be a disciple right now if you even look at the original 12 all right uh how many you know they got a lot of stuff wrong they did a lot of that's why they're the duh disciples because they did a lot of stuff i mean peter peter ends up jesus rebukes him and says get behind me satan right so it wasn't that they did everything right right but a disciple is a follower a disciple is one who says i'm going to be like my teacher my master like jesus right now as a church we want to see people get saved but we also want them to follow jesus and be disciples in fact as a church we exist to win souls and make disciples that's what we're here for when souls and make disciples but jesus said the first thing that a person should do when they come to jesus is to be water baptized for every one of us there's the next step right if you're not a christian well the first step is to become one this is to receive jesus but once you receive him then you need to be the first step according to jesus let me know he's right first step is to be water baptized now for every one of us after that there's another first step right for you it might be a daily time in prayer it might be serving in church it might be beginning to tithe it might be receiving the baptism of the holy spirit right uh some in fact growth track is designed to help you find your next step right now let me ask you how many of you well let me let what's your fav this is what's your favorite movie shout it out what's your favorite movie man i heard all kinds of different stuff let me ask another question what is your favorite ice cream all right well here's what i want you to catch all right there's a lot of opinions about what's the best movie there's a lot of opinions about what's the best ice cream right but there should be no opinions about what is the first step for someone once they come to jesus because jesus told us what the first step should be he said be baptized peter said repent get saved and be baptized for every christian the first step when you come to jesus is to be baptized and basically you're going public you're going public for jesus when genie got the ring i didn't say to her now don't show anybody no no that was the exact opposite all right when we're married it's like we i want everybody to know we're married this is not private right this is public we're going public with our relationship in acts chapter 8 philip finds the eunuch in the desert he preaches to the eunuch and it says as they went down the road they came to some water and the eunuch said see here's water what hinders me from being baptized and philip said if you believe with all your heart you may and the answer said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god so he commanded the chariot to stand still both philip and the eunuch went down into the water and he baptized him came up out of the water and the spirit of the lord caught philip away eunuch saw him no more but he went his way rejoicing acts 10 peter preaches at cornelius's house the holy spirit falls and this is what peter said he said can anyone forbid water that these should not be baptized would you see the holy spirit as we have and he commanded them to be baptized what did he do he commanded them to be baptized listen if you have not been baptized since you believe i command you to be baptized i command you acts 16. listen they're in prison paul and silas are in prison the earth there's an earthquake everybody's bonds fall off the jailer comes in and sees they haven't left and he falls down and he says what do i need to do to be saved and he tells them look you need to believe on the lord jesus christ this goes for you and for your household right and immediately they get baptized and it says immediately he was baptized in all his household and then they brought them out into the houses had food before them and rejoiced greatly since he had believed in god with his entire house now listen infant baptism i'm going to talk about in just a moment it was never in the church until the year 350 right it's something that christians added but it's not in the bible there's 27 instances in the new testament where people are baptized we'll tell you about every one of them every one of them has to do with somebody who believed notice that this philippian jailer he and all his house rejoiced all of them were old enough right they all rejoiced at what happened right every single time in the new testament without exception it's immersion right now i'll explain this [Music] king james it's very early in the 17th century church of england decides we're going to put a bible into the english language the church of england baptizes infants so they've they get the translators together and the translators realize if we translate from the greek the word baptism and we translate it the way that it actually means which is it the definition is to immerse that is the definition if we translate it immerse king james will have our heads however if we just translate it sprinkle god's going to have our heads because the bible says whoever changes anything will have no part no part in the kingdom of god and so they're like hey we got to do something so here's what they did they invented a word they coined the word baptism the very first time it appears anywhere is in the king james bible and they just took baptiso they transliterated it baptism and said you figure out what it means because we're not telling because we want to live we don't want to we don't want to violate scripture right so literally john the baptizer if you were to translate it it's john the immerser that's what his name is john the mercer and when he says jesus was baptized it says literally jesus was immersed right so every time in the new testament 27 times it's always believers and every time that is mentioned it's always mentioned as being an immersion all right 2 000 years ago jesus went to the cross he went public for you and for me christianity listen is personal but it is not private it's personal but it is not private it was never meant to be private right uh when you're a christian you're to be a christian publicly in the way we identify the way that we go public we identify with jesus when we go public it's through baptism right now again i was personally um sprinkled you say how do you know they told me right i don't know if i was a month old or how old i was when my parents took me to church right and i was sprinkled now when you are re-baptized so to speak you are not saying what happened was not significant right what you're really doing is you're fulfilling what took place when you were a child your parents dedicated you right the the need for immersion i believe every believer needs to be baptized after they believe and they need to be immersed again infant baptism was no place in the church until 350 years after the church began right no one was sprinkled now somebody said well am i going to go to hell if i sprinkled no not at all not at all right but bible baptism right is baptism by immersion now jesus said he who believes and is baptized will be saved you tend to think about that as just being go to heaven but the word saved means to be delivered to be protected to be healed to to be made whole to be preserved right and remember jesus himself was baptized by john in the jordan river now to do that jesus walked over 60 miles he walked 60 miles right i'm just asking you to get in your car and by the way some of you you're online right you need to be here next week you need to get water baptized water baptism gives glory to god right when you stand in that water you're saying i'm no longer living for myself but i'm living for jesus right jesus didn't die on a cross just to get you out of heaven excuse me out of hell into heaven he died on a cross so that he could get himself out of heaven and in to you jesus said pray your kingdom come right and some of us wrongly see jesus as just a simple get out of hell free card right when when we're baptized we are saying my life belongs to jesus that's that that's what we're saying we're saying my old person is dead and now i belong to jesus he doesn't want to just get you to heaven he wants to get the kingdom of heaven on the inside of every one of us right and again jesus walked 60 miles 60 miles to be baptized if jesus had to walk 60 miles i think it shows us the importance of water baptism right jesus said he who believes and is baptized will be saved and again that's just not talking about going to heaven there is so much more to water baptism it is not simply a christian ritual right it is so much more it's an exit it's a burial it's a promise for more right if you have not been immersed should i get immersed yes you should if you were not saved before you were baptized you should get baptized the bible says repent and be baptized it's not be baptized and then repent and for most of us that were baptized as children we were baptized in 10 20 years later we repented right if you were not saved and you were baptized you were just a wet sinner all right and so many of us we were too young to even remember right now it's significant that your parents baptized you because they were dedicating you and you're not negating what they did you're confirming what they did you're saying yes what they dedicated me to god and now i recognize i belong to him and again in all 27 instances in the new testament it's after people receive jesus right it's our way of saying to god i identify with jesus i give my life to jesus personally again i was baptized as an infant but i didn't receive jesus until i was 20 years old in a few months later i couldn't say exactly how many i'm going to say three or four i was baptized and nobody even talked to me about it i just saw it in the bible right but baptism is a symbol that we give our life to jesus in first corinthians chapter 10. it says moreover brother and i don't want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea they were all baptized into moses in the cloud and in the sea see when god brings the israelites out of egypt it's a type of our coming out of the world right they come to the red sea and they're baptized right the sea represents water baptism they cross all night and the bible says that pillar of cloud was a pillar of fire which represents baptism in the holy spirit john the baptist said he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire all right so they were baptized both in water and in the holy spirit so when someone is water baptized it is a confession literally the bible tells us in the book of peter chapter 3 and verse 21 there is also an antitype which now saves us baptism not the removal of the filth of the flesh but an answer of a good conscience towards god through the resurrection of jesus christ water baptism is a confession it's a confession that your old man is dead that you are a new person in christ in second corinthians 5 verse 17 if anyone is in christ they are a new creature a new creation old things have passed away now when something when when someone dies how many know what we do with them we bury them and baptism is a burial romans 6 4 therefore we were buried with him through baptism unto death that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we should walk in newness of life so the bible says when you are baptized that you are burying the old man you're saying that old life is over and notice jesus arose to live in newness of life even so also we should walk in newness of life there is not j how do we say that this is not just some ceremony the power of god is present at water baptism it is present to cut off the past see water baptism is an exit from the world just like for the israelites it was an exit from from uh from egypt it's a confession that we now have a clear conscience because of our identification with christ it's a burial of the old man and it is a barrier right it's a barrier you say what do you what does that mean well moses said this to the children of israel do not be afraid stand still see the salvation of the lord which he will accomplish for you today for the egyptians who you see today you will see no more again for ever right so water baptism is a barrier or it's a wall the sin i believe this there are people who have sinned in their life christian people and they keep trying and trying to get free but what water baptism is is it is a barrier it's a wall the egyptians tried to go through the water and were drowned and what the bible is telling us in the same way at water baptism by faith you drowned the sins the things that try to follow you from your old life into your new life that's why jesus said he who is who believes and is baptized will be saved he's not just talking about going to heaven in fact you can go to heaven without being water baptized but there are things in our life from our old life that try to follow us and baptism is the place where they are cut off well there is a barrier to keep those things in the old life and the bible says you arise to live in newness of life when you come out of the waters of baptism you're to live a different life by the power of god right literally the dirtiest water in all the grand rapids ought to be the baptism of waters all right because there's drug addiction there's gambling addiction there's porn addiction there's immorality there's depression everything gets left in the waters of baptism and the bible says by faith just like jesus came up and lived a new life you are to come up and live in newness of life again it's an answer of a good conscience towards god first peter 3 verse 21 it's identification with jesus romans 6 4 therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we should walk in newness of life we identify with him he was buried we are buried through baptism with christ and it is a promise for more peter said repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ how many of us are to be baptized after we repent everyone everyone right for the remission of sin and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise the promise of the holy spirit it's to you to your children to as many as are far off as many as the lord your god will call so what he's saying is this that at water baptism there is an anointing from god right to receive more to receive more when jesus was baptized in water the holy spirit descended in the form of a dove the holy spirit descended upon him at water baptism the children of israel go through the red sea it's water baptism but they're under the cloud first corinthians chapter 10 and they're baptized in under that fiery cloud a type of spirit baptism so the bible tells us when we're baptized in water there is an anointing all right the spirit of god the presence of god the anointing of god is there to receive the holy spirit and to receive things that god has for you and i um i want to just ask you what are you waiting for are you afraid there's no need to be afraid start obeying jesus start to walk in that newness of life put that barrier there from your past as the bible says thus israel saw the great works which the lord had done in egypt so the people feared the lord and believed the lord and his servant moses baptism is saying god has done great things for me he's delivered me from my old life and i'm going to live in newness of life now if you have been baptized and you said man i didn't know any of that well you can go back by faith right romans 1 16 says this for i'm not ashamed of the gospel for it the gospel is the power of god to salvation to everyone who believes so the gospel the message of what jesus did for you and me it is the power of god in other words when we believe the message the power of the event is present when you believe the message the power of the event is present the gospel is the power of god the gospel is the good news about what jesus did for you and for me right so we can go back by faith to the time that we were water baptized right now somebody said well i want to do it again do it again do it again there's no place in the bible that says no you can't do it again in fact uh very often we go to it when we go to israel there's people who want to get re-baptized and they say well i want to be baptized in the jordan river like jesus i always say just do it again do it again but you don't have to right you can go back by faith because the gospel is the power and that is such an important truth that when we believe the message of the gospel the very power of the event is present the power of the event is present right at baptism our faith connects with what jesus did for us right that's what baptism is it's at baptism that your faith is to connect with everything that jesus did for you uh for example when that when the jews would go to the temple they had the the mexica it was a pool right and every time they were going into the temple they would baptize they'd get baptized right they would get baptized and what they were saying right to become [Music] pure ceremonially pure uh after a state of temporary impurity right they would be re-baptized now i don't believe you need to do that every time i know you don't need to you go by faith you can go by faith right but he says i want to do that again at baptism you connect your faith to everything that jesus did for you and for me when jesus was going to be baptized by john john says no i need to be baptized by you and jesus said permit it to be so now for thus it is fulfilling for fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness right jesus said i need to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness right if jesus needed to be baptized you need it and i need it again if you've been water baptized you can go by faith you can go by faith to that spot again or if you say i want to be re-baptized you can do that and i just wanted to say next week during the service it's going to be a baptismal sir we're going to have a baptismal service and uh if you have not been baptized since you believed you need to be baptized and if you're online and you have not been baptized and you can get here you need to sign up we want you here we want to baptize you all right make that decision i am going to publicly identify with jesus say would you please bow your heads for just a moment as i was uh studying for this i i was very very impacted by the power of baptism but for some people your first step from where you're at today is just get right with god it's to get right with god because you're away from the lord some of you you have never surrendered your life to jesus you've never received him as your lord and if that's you today we're going to pray together and when we say amen at the end of this prayer if you will pray this prayer from your heart you're going to be right with god the bible says that whosoever will call on the name of the lord will be saved we're going to call on his name this morning the way that the bible shows us to and when you will pray this from your heart you're going to be right with god so i'm going to ask everybody if you would if you can take hands with somebody that that you came with somebody that's next to you if you're comfortable doing that take their hand and we're going to pray this prayer together and if you're away from god you're not right with god i want you to pray this prayer from your heart we're all going to pray it out loud just say oh god i believe jesus died on the cross i believe his blood paid for my sins and i believe he rose again and i give him all of my heart and all of my life jesus is my king and i'm going to live for him every day i thank you you've heard my prayer that my past is gone that i'm a part of your kingdom today and forever in jesus name amen now as you're still holding that hand if you just prayed that prayer and you came back to god you got right with god you say i just gave jesus my heart and my life i'm gonna live for him when i say three squeeze that hand one two three squeeze that hand i gave jesus my heart i gave him my life i'm forgiven i'm gonna live for him jesus is my king squeeze that hand now when i say three if someone squeezed your hand would you lift it one two three lift it up lift it up thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you god bless you way in the back thank you god bless you all right well father we thank you for each person that has made a decision to live for you to put their old self their old life aside we pray they grow strong in the lord and the power of your might we pray father that you will surround them with christians to help them in their new life and that their faith will never ever fail in jesus name amen now if you lifted your hand whether you're here or whether you're online and you should have lifted that hand would you please text res yes to 94 000. we want to pray for you and we want to help you in your new life uh before we go i wanted to mention one more thing about uh water baptism uh during the crusades of the 12th century christians were leaving europe going to the holy land to try to uh get back the lands that had been conquered by the muslims of christian lands and they hired a lot of mercenaries right now the mercenaries were not christians but they hired them but what they to go on the crusades they insist that they be water baptized so this is what i thought was hilarious so the mercenaries they'd go into the waters of baptism and they would take their sword and they would hold their sword hand out of the water so they'd go under but they'd leave the sword out and basically they were saying he says yeah i'm kind of christian but everything that happens with this sword is what i want and not what god wants and if you read the history there was a lot of crazy very ungodly things that happened they're basically saying i'm going to do what i want to do. now i say that to say this it seems to me that a lot of people they get baptized and they keep their wallet out of the water it's like jesus i'm gonna follow you except except when it comes to the finances jesus that i'm going to take i think i can do a better job than you all right but but i want to remind you right that jesus said if we aren't faithful with unrighteous man with money he said who will commit to our trust true riches right god looks at how we handle our money and says that's how you're going to hand that's how you handle spiritual things right jesus said we cannot serve god and mammon one or the other is going to be the lord of our life right and the only time that the bible tells us to test or to prove god is with finances the only time it says you just put me first in your finances right you take that first tenth and honor me and see if i will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing uh do we have a video yet no who's to who what's up guys welcome to the over here we got a bunch of stuff coming up so let's dive in every person who has made the decision to follow christ should be baptized as an act of obedience and a public declaration we are holding a baptism service for both sunday morning services next week if you have not been baptized since becoming a believer and would like to take this next step this is your opportunity go to baptism to register join us for our married life series on september 22nd and 29th at 6 30 pm in the rest center find fresh inspiration for your life together and move past obstacles as we address common challenges all relationships face whether you're single newly engaged or have been married for several years this series will help you uncover the purpose and passion god has planned for the relationships in your life dan seabourn will start the series off on september 22nd and pastor duane will close the series out on september 29th for more information about all of our events go to and follow our social media pages if you're new we're glad you're here please take a moment to text reslife to 94 000 this will let us know that you're here and allows one of our team members to connect with you today it was great to worship with you today we'll see you again soon can we give a clap offering to that word thank you lord such an awesome word about baptisms looking forward to next week for sure now this is the time where we continue to worship and honor god with our tithes and offerings and res life is a church that gives our very best and we give our very first and so if you call res life your home church then there are three ways to give today and those ways are through online or you can text or you can give here in-house as you step out of here we have some giving boxes right and the foyer so why don't you go ahead and stand to your feet at this time i want to give you a quick reminder that tonight we do have sunday night service we have pastor daniel van der klott giving us a powerful word tonight in the ground floor at five o'clock until lift your hands to receive our blessing for the day may the lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he show you his favor and his peace today and we all said together amen amen why don't you have a wonderful afternoon thanks for tuning in we love that we can worship and hear the word with you wherever you're at being a part of and being the church can happen anytime anywhere this is your first time tuning in welcome snap a picture of where you're at and tag us on facebook or instagram at hashtag reslifechurch if you call res online your church community and home we invite you to invite others to worship too church happens and is best experienced through community it all starts with an invitation though it's simple you can like and share this service on your page or take another step and invite some family and friends over next week for a service watch party for more information and other online resources classes and events check us out at again thanks so much for joining us today and we hope to see you again next time you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 1,165
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Reslife, Resurrection Life Church, Live, Prayer, Christianity, Christian, Kingdom, Live Service, live church, church live, live, ResLife Church, Grandville church, Grandville Church, Church in Grandville, Grand Rapids Church, Kingdom of God, Live Church Grand Rapids, Sunday Church, Sunday, Live Sunday, Sunday Live, Duane Vander Klok, Pastor Duane, Duane VK, Water Baptism, What is Water Baptism, Should I be Baptized?, Baptism, Why should I be baptized?
Id: pCVpxzf828Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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