Sunday Morning LIVE - June 16, 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] high notes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just lift your hands and just begin to brace both of y'all are just begin to race [Music] all this money let maurices rings on your heart Jesus never said hi I am Ock Olivia come on grace of your antenna wire leads up your heads and begin to worship Him Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus decide about him this morning it's not about us it's all about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus this is his house we are mister gods beyond the temple of the holy God Jesus [Music] with my rights [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you Jesus [Music] at this time we'll be doing the hymnal from our Redemption songbook number 426 tis so sweet to trust in Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're about to enter into pearl I'm going to invite those of you who can make it to the altar to come at this time as we approach the throne of grace [Music] Oh [Music] can't even walk without him holding oil [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the tiger order of them that diligently seek him [Music] before we speak he hears us thank you Jesus thank you God hallelujah we worship you this morning King of Kings mighty Redeemer conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah our Father our Saviour the one who purchased our salvation on Calvary hallelujah let us pray let us rebel evil thank you Jesus Oh glory father God in heaven in the name of Jesus we approach your throne this morning with sons given in our hearts we come with you Lord humbly we bow we want to say thank you for the past week we want to thank you for your blessings that have been rich and many we want to thank you God for having let us the way that your little through the past week Oh God and even throughout the courses of our lives oh god we bless you this morning more than I want to thank you for the gift of salvation because it's because of your shed blood of the preaching of your word and us accepting you as Lord and Savior we are redeemed this morning and it's not with children always cold but it is a precious blood of Jesus Christ that one day reach our souls were here this morning a sense of the Most High God calling on you our Father the Creator the king the supreme majestic Warner the ruler of the galaxy and the creator of the universe you who look beyond our Falls and soar needs and redeemed us God and brought us into a fellowship with you a flare fellowship where we can be blessed in deep down in our soul Oh God where we can walk humbly before you where we can walk in victory Lord we thank you this morning and even as we come to worship you in this service this morning we come not of our own selves but we come Lord Jesus to the sufficiency of your Grace and we ask you to leave this morning's proceedings as you're well able to Holy Spirit of the Living God we empty ourselves this morning and give ourselves totally to you and ask that you will use us as you see fit we pray that as we come with our hearts lift it up in worship and praise to you that our praises will be spontaneous and real because we have experience of your goodness so we have what to praise you for let us not hold back in issue in adoration and praise your holy name because you have been a good God and we are eternally grateful this morning because you keep on keeping us and we thank you we thank you Lord that your sins are forgiven and as we confess them this morning we ask you to wash us one more time in your precious blood we ask that you take full coverage of the lead-ins and the proceedings this morning that your Holy Spirit will rain down on and an uncommon way this morning let your glory be seen let your name be praised let you be magnified in the name of Jesus as we submit to your need in this morning we pray for those who are don't cast and burdened oppressed by the evil one who comes to kill steal and destroy we bind and rebuke in this morning in the mighty name of Jesus and we take our stand this morning and say we are more than conquerors through him that loved us we say this morning no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper will look to you from whence the hills from whence cometh our help I will lift our faith to you this morning and ask you to continue to deliver as you are well able to father God we pray that you increase our faith because your words say without faith it is impossible to please you and he that comments to you must believe that you are that you exist that you are the eternal self-existent Juana and that you are a rewarder of them that diligently seek you let us seek you with diligence this morning because we know you are going to make an appearance in our lives and answer our prayers you know what the needs are Melissa we pray God Almighty for the scenes that will be uplifted this morning we pray for those who are not yet accepted you as Lord and Savior that they will surrender and see the need or God of a Savior in their lives a savior who is pleading and waiting for them to come with arms open wide release them God from the shackles that bind them God Almighty from the fear of Satan that torment them Lord Jesus and keep them from surrendering to you deliver them this morning we pray for the backsliders amorosa that they will be reclaimed by the preaching of your word by some ministry here this morning we pray God Almighty that your ministry will be real and alive and effective because as we declare you through sons and saints and reading of your word and the preaching of your word this morning you will be glorified you will be lifted up and you rain down the blessings in return so we look to you this morning on behalf of the choirs the musicians Oh God Almighty though the person would minister the word although the children will administer all kind of my to the prayer workers as they intercede for the person to all the scenes this morning Lord go before us just do for us and more than all through the one who will bring your word this morning Oh God let it be a word in time a word God on time a word of deliverance healing restoration and whatever you wanted to be let your will be done so we submit everything to you this morning or attitudes or intentions or emotions or this was join our desire we set them aside Lord God and we say happier way Holy Father for we know that with you in our vessels we can smile at any storm this morning so rebuild all evil forces and hinder and forces everything that will withstand us this morning we rebuilt them in the name of Jesus and we send them back to the pit of hell and we say victories are this morning will worship you in spirit and in truth out of the recesses of our souls will hold but nothing I will give it all to you this morning take Jesus and minister to us in the way that you see fit as we ask these blessings in Jesus's name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah short glory glory hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah before you go to your eternity receives let us repeat the Lord's Prayer our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever return to your seats with a breeze put your hands together and clap the Lord hallelujah stop the Lord this morning it's a means of praise we bless your name this morning God We Belong fi you we lift you up we crown your Lord and King we are here on business for the King this morning and we just want to give him all that we brought to offer unto Him the sacrifices of praise I just want to welcome everyone this morning to our Sunday morning service and I want to say to you those feasts at the Masters table I want to greet my bishop bishop dr. Darrell day with Minister Petrova Davis Minister I still don't know tomorrow the battery of Ministers in our presence and congregation members one on our visitors we reach ended in the mighty name of Jesus we'll proceed with the reading of our Scripture will which which will be taken from Genesis 18 we'll be reading from verses 11 from verse 11 to verse 22 Genesis chapter 18 we'll be reading verses 11 through 2:22 hallelujah somebody say hallelujah we won't cease to praise him or praise will be continuous this morning shout glory thank you Jesus say thank you Jesus hallelujah we should have a shot when we come to the house of the Lord let us read now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age and it seems to be with Sarah after the manner of women therefore Sarah laughed within ourselves saying after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah laugh saying shall i of a surety bear a child which I'm old is anything too hard for the Lord at the time appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son then Sarah denied saying I laughed not for she was afraid and he said nay but though did laugh and the men rose up from thence and looked toward Sodom and Abram went with them to bring them on the way and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do seeing that Abram shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him for I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abram that which he has spoken of him and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very Grievous I will go down low and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it which is come unto me and if not I will know 22nd and final and the men turned their faces from this and went toward Sodom and Abraham but Abraham stood yet before the Lord we honor the words of the Lord by sing glory to the Father as it was in the beginning put on your Bibles and raise your hands and dust worship just praise the Lord shall we praise the Lord bless the Lord thank you Jesus you may have your seeds at this time make welcome Minister Sharon the first grant with a general welcome and acknowledgement hallelujah come on get up to your feet and I just want you to sing with me just one time turn to your neighbor I will not suffer I will not beg for bread the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] proverbs 15 verse 5 a fool despises his father's instruction but he that regarded reproof is prudent proverb use capital o King say mercy callosum Kody say an SEO Menace Prezi el consejo de su padre mas LK guarda la correction vendre ser prudent e today all across the world we celebrate Father's Day and I take this opportunity to wish our past and Shepherd Bishop dr. David Davis a Happy Father's Day you are the voice of wisdom and no-nonsense person with a pastor's heart which is protective attentive and tender as you heat the Masters commands and guard your flock from Satan's snares Oh por todas partes del mundo se celebra say celebra el dia de los padres yo Ora voy a tomar la oportunidad de decir a nuestro Pastore el Obispo dr. Alfred Davis feliz dia de los padres ustedes la voz de seborrhea una persona Franta con el corazon de un Pastore KS protect or attend tow occur in Oso mientras attend a almond Otto del signore a Proteus URI Bano de las Trampas del Diablo it is an honor to be surrounded by so many special people and to be blessed in the Fellowship of this gracious occasion may I at this time ask our fathers please to stand all our fathers come on put your hands together for fathers thank you happy Father's Day to all fathers whether your stepfathers biological fathers or just spiritual fathers and all the men who are working diligently to be good fathers may our day be filled with precious memories love joy and laughter as you continue to be the priests provider and protector for your family es una nord estar yada yada port anta gente special editor Ben decid honestok on fraternidad de esto occasion amable feliz dia de los padres a todos los padres yes n Pat rostros Padres biologic OHS o simplemente Padres a spiritualist a los hombres que estan trabajando de la gente mente de ser Padres buenos espero que su dia estoy lleno de memoria speciosus they are more de Alegria de Risa mientras ustedes continuously and Okura provided or a protector de su familia on behalf of our pastor Bishop dr. del Sol Davis his wife Minister petrova Davis Orsini assistant pastor reverend i still denote man the women of worth president Minister Tameka Peter King the ministerial staff and the pfm family we extend a heartfelt and sincere welcome to you our visitors and fathers or viewers on Flo cable network p FM channels 6 or 2 & 6 7 - Giselle play Channel 20 Facebook and YouTube and all browsers vah the internet on g de parte de parte de nuestro Pastore el Obispo dr. Alfred Davis su esposa La Mina stralla doctora Petrova Davis nuestra assistant a superior de pastor la Riva venda I still the gnomon la presidenta de woman of worth La Mina strata makea peter king la kippa ministerial days like la familia de PFA MA queremos Darla's una bienvenida senti de is in Sarah ustedes nuestros visit on tests he Padres nuestros tell espectadores and Laurette de cabra de flow in las Canales they say cientos dos is a siento satan Toledo step AFA ma en la canal painted a digital play and Facebook YouTube in westeros Navigon tests pearl internet and Oh bleep no bleep no bleep a Punto pay FA ma fa a-- ma e la vega punto Oh Aaron hell no matter what your experience has been with your earthly father the truth is your heavenly father is a perfect parent who loves you cares for your every need is interested in all you do skillfully guides you wisely trains you never deserts you generously supplies your needs and he's always available to you and cherishes you as his precious child he loves you with an everlasting love no importa su experiencia con su padre terrenal la verdad es que su padre celestial es el padre perfecto Cali AMA se preocupe adel todas sus necesidades él está interesado de todo lo que usted hace el aghia a bill meant a Ellen train up you dint Ament a el nunca baba abandon abandon early y la apprecia como on hijo precioso la arma con una more eterno thank you for sharing today with us we hope that the fellowship and love that you experienced here today with us will continue to echo in your lives in the days and years that lie ahead congregation please put your hands together join us in offering a warm-hearted welcome to our visitors our viewers our bro and of course our bubbles kebab place de gracias por compartir con nosotros esperamos Kayla confetti need add el amor que experimenta chica nosotros el continue era Reza Nando en su vida en los siguientes diaz Janos congregant s pavo de hablo dear Iranian nose a dar una bienvenida effect Rosa a nuestros petite antes muerta Stella Spector Doris a nuestros Navigon T's imports up West Oh a nuestros padres que tengan on dia ben de sido [Applause] after such an extensive welcome all I can say it's muchos Gracias anyone can be a father anyone can father a child what Vina da takes a lifetime fathers play a role in every child's life that cannot be fulfilled by others this role can have a large impact on the child and help shape him or her into the person they become we want to implore the father's the continued doing the good job that they are doing one more time give you a round of applause for the father at this time please make welcome the Ministry of our children the kid is melodies of praise make them welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can we praise the Lord praise him again thank you I always want the best for my little boy I wanted to tell the things I never had I wanted to give me all the things that he enjoyed and then I heard my little boys always want the best for my little morning I wanted to be be all the things that he enjoyed I wanted to have all the big I never had I heard [Music] [Music] then I be turned away for daddy had never prayed I really didn't know what to do spurt here speed like a Nile but I couldn't believe I was right and I couldn't bring myself to hearsay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I had never prayed and I really didn't know what to do these were tears me like a night rider Levi and I myself I get to here is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord so as we are celebrating fathers there today is that amen and we have enormous undoubtedly a father par excellence a model and an example and that rule that word example has its root meaning mold or model from which other copies can be made an example is a mold or a model from which other copies can be made and we have such a person or Mitch this morning and I'm sure you know of whom I speak none other than our Bishop Bishop the doctor tells for David I'm going to invite Deaconess every Gail to come at this time to make a presentation to our spiritual father Bishop Davis a person who leaves big footprints upon the sands of time is that amen I don't know the size of issues much his footprints are really really big all the things that he does are great and Branca I really want to thank God for him praise the Lord we here at the powerful ministries we are indeed truly blessed to have the man of God in the person of Bishop Danka Delfin Davis live in discharge an excellent father is a spiritual father for so many churches that has come out of this powerful ministries and so this morning we just want to honor you and to say you are worthy of all the praises we have for you and we continue to pray for you and ask God to let you be the father that you are god bless you on behalf of the women's of Worth Department and all of us here are the perfect ministries we present you this token of our love and our appreciation and to say we love you we appreciate you and we always [Music] [Applause] a lot less efficient please make Minister small welcome with a presentation from overseas assembly very more assembly shall we praise the Lord Laurita God we give your thanks for our spiritual dad and also for technology I just receive a note from our overseas pastor who wants to celebrate with our founder Bishop Davis Bishop honorable dr. Dell for Davis it is with honor that I on behalf of my wife Minister Petrie patricia artisan our children assistant pastor reverend Joycelyn rose and her family and the entire Miramar assembly st. Petersburg Brooklyn Bronx and Canada Assemblies wish for you happy and a very special Father's Day bishop you have been an inspiration to us in your time and the times to come teachings your leadership may you be strengthened in the promises and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray for you that you will walk in boldness as you proclaim the good news and that you will never lose heart but that you continue to walk in the perfect will of God we want to wish you happy Father's Day bishop on behalf of all of us overseas we want you to know that we love and appreciate you and we pray that the Lord will continue to bless you happy Father's Day result [Applause] [Music] hallelujah can I get a hallelujah and the host so we are going to continue our celebration of our fathers despoiling and I just want to read a passage of Scripture to encourage our fathers because you are very important our fathers important ladies very important and though sometimes we do not really express our appreciation for them we really want to let you know that this morning fathers we really love you and you are vitally important amen the passages from Psalms 1:28 and is those three verses it says blessed is every one that fears the Lord that walketh in his ways for thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands happy shalt thou be and it shall be well with thee thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the size of that house thy children like olive plants round the boat by tables so I want to encourage the fathers let's keep doing what you're doing keep playing the role that you are playing now God has assumed the role of both my mother and father he can he can exercise these qualities of both mother and father but he chooses to be called a male because because it represents strength protection provision and all those masculine qualities which represent strength and power and that is what we see in our fathers this morning strength and poor confidence and reassurance we get from our fathers when they really take our stands at this time the woman of worse Department really want to show our love and appreciation to our fathers by issuing some tokens of love so we want to receive it as I asked all fathers in the house to stand this morning every single solitary father please stand put your hands together for the father's congregation it's a great number hallelujah control room you may take over this time please remain in father's as we present our tokens of love and appreciation to you [Music] from stud you were first he loves you and your worst he'll do anything a father he shows you love is your treats before you did you give everything like your Evans [Music] hey my phone [Music] her father's like the fun a father's like the father when it carries your [Music] his strength you give any [Music] Oh [Music] like you haven't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] father's night before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] thank you control hallelujah please one more time give our fathers around in applause so we love you we need you and we appreciate you continue to enjoy your day father please stand at this time for me our Bishop will be coming to us at this time please make him welcome thank you exhorted matures let's praise the Lord together everyone worship Him like you're really celebrate Eternal Father Oh glory hallelujah father of creation father of life and lights we worship Him sheikha neighbors on give them a blessing take your seat please praise the Lord first of all I want to give God thanks for this wonderful privilege given to all of us to be in his house together certainly to me for journey mercy and protection over land and sea and for the ministry there in Toronto with the Saints visitors and friends I greet all of those viewing persons across the waters especially from where I just came in Canada we've met so many wonderful friends and viewers of this book this particular church services and we bless the Lord for them amen so we celebrate you my family there in Canada yes sister the Disha and your two daughters brother feel more there's a family in Canada that have adopted me so I have a daughter in Canada and two grandchildren in Canada elixir and Gabriel the Lord bless you all god bless you and we greet all of the wonderful fathers men of God and men of God to be in this house this morning we give God thanks let's give father's across the nation a people please celebrate man hallelujah I am actually on my way to boardwalk they start a little later so what I thought I'd come here to share a few things with you not to get my Father's Day gift that's not why I came okay I came to greet you to tell you thanks for your prayers we had a wonderful convention there in Toronto preached all of the services conduct offices meeting and it was a very taxing period but it was very good and of course I met so many YouTube viewers who came to the service identifying themselves we are your viewers from this side it's not wonderful I mean people from all demographics to God be the glory I don't know how they did this survey but according to and if I had more time I would demonstrate it it is said that they have done a survey in all the states the United States of America which may be what 50 states or 50 to base and what you do in Puerto Rico under why so they did a survey to ask the citizens within each state to give one word that would most aptly describe fathers in their states I don't know how they did it don't ask me what I found it interesting and I thought I'll cheer a few if I had the time like I said I would get me 14 persons here presenting to 14 parishes and give us a word that you think befits the father's in this parsha but listen some of the finding it is said that in California the word is self-devoted in Oregon dependable Louisiana empowerment Massachusetts encouragement Texas fondness Connecticut warmth Rhode Island heroic utha influencer Michigan informed Maryland trusted Hawaii trustafarian that mean wealthy Nevada rebellious Florida cherished misery rugged Georgia overprotective New Mexico unsurpassed Nevada charming engaging South Carolina admirable Colorado legendary I do a memorable Maine tradition Wyoming defiance Washington all the father's in Washington's are to be bold Washington while Stern Oklahoma bonafide authentic Vermont's persistent Minnesota contemplative contemplation whatever that means contemplation fathers Tennessee bulldoze Rhode Island row box and finally sought the Cota self-depreciation these states use these words and say these words a plea describes the fathers in our states did you get the gist of it they says I didn't find New York I wonder they says all of these things about the fathers in rule hilar Rhode Island they are Eroica in Maryland they are trusted in Nevada they are rebellious etc 14 parties of Jamaica 14 representative persons 25 years on Ando what would your word be to describe the father fathers in your particular parish what would your word be to describe the fathers that you have encountered the male person what would your word be what would your word be to describe the fathers within God's church contemplate that and as you reflect and it may God help us that we will be cherished men that will be men of dignity and honor so that the younger generation can learn from us and produce even a better society after we are gone amen give father's are big and again just to remind you before I go that ela family ela nation 2020 will be held on the second Wednesday of January and not the first first being New Year's Day very challenging so please bear that in mind spread the word viewers overseas who plan to come for that special service and it will be held at the National Arena please help me spread the word and I will be saying over time that we need sponsors sponsorship for various areas of ela family some of you hold dear friends you can pay for the venue the National Arena God's been good to you God has blessed you financially why not invest in God's work you can sponsor sponsor defend you you can sponsor the sound you can sponsor the chairs you can sponsor the JPS power you can sponsor Ju TC buses you can sponsor printing you can sponsor the souvenir items that will be given out etc so you will hear me say this over and over again because I'm believe in God as it resonates in my spirit that many persons will take the challenge and be a blessing to God's world I should get an amen down there and I'm speaking to you at home and abroad everybody from this congregation before me behind me around me all around me and wherever you are by radio television internet YouTube Facebook and all the platforms I'm speaking to you let God speak into your heart to become a sponsor in one of these areas amen I need also to say that we are reengage Inglourious ministry and you will hear more announcements in this and promotions on all of that there is steering committee that is not working to put things together and the group will be led for some time will be committee led for some time youth ministry will be committee led with a steering persons to steer the committee until presidents and the other officers are elected or appointed whichever way we go so please bear that in mind are you still with me there let me give you two more and take my leave of you please remember also that on the 30th of this month will be a very special function under the auspices of God's favor ministry hallelujah we have found them rejoice 13 power packed items will be on the program and you can't afford to miss out on that 6:30 on the 30th 30th of June final Sunday we hope you plan to be part of that great spiritual feast and coming up on the heels of that on the seventh of July you're hearing this for the first time we have 16 dedicated choir directors in this church on the 7th of July first Sunday we will in the evening we will recognize celebrate and honor these 16 quad directors in fine style I mean fine stuff so all of you who are part of cars you've been part of the car etc and this General Assembly I'll be the MC for that evening you heard me right so one everybody to mark a Kalinda go nowhere on the 7th of July 6:30 p.m. it is wonderful that we will recognize celebrate and honor our 16 choir directors maybe more give them a big hand please god bless you that's about it from me do you remember that leaven o'clock upper room Sanchar will be ablaze like in this house so those who are still viewing yours late sleepers late rises eleven o'clock upper room Santori and i'll see you there yes I'll be over there too before you close finally finally finally we are the 18th month we're about since we commenced our members drift Club I thought we would have maybe reached 2000 1500 members by now it is designed for you to teach some of you to save the Holy Spirit said to me yesterday the air will finish dawn January to December and some of you my wonderful members who earned some money gets some money whatever some money when here hand you will not see six thousand dollars as having been saved for the year work spend done we're teaching you all to save I want you to become a member of the trip club and today as a father Father's Day gesture I shall be giving away four to five thousand dollars fifth one thousand five hundred dollars each for persons who are not yet members of the truth club and thought $1,500 that I'll give each of you totaling 45,000 dollars is for you to hope and your account for you to open your account and when you calm earrings on the morning you go over there and leave a $500 leave what you hundred dollar when the end of the here come you will be pleased if you'll be pleased because I repeatedly here will finish and it has been so for many years for some of you you don't see 20,000 dollars saved at the end of the year and you heard one you get it from overseas you did your dad you just pay not everything we have make it easier for you you don't have to go to Bank on right here make your truth club lodgement you have to be a member of the church are you with me are you not saying nothing so we are gonna give that away this morning Alomar sneeze he here stand up sir I'm gonna give you forty five thousand dollars okay and you are gonna give one thousand five hundred dollars to members you have to be members to be part of the chief glove persons who are not yet members you're gonna take their names you're gonna take their telephone number because I will check with the club to see if they're registered open the account you're not going to take it I'm gonna meet off excuse me please go heat it off spin it off no it is to open your account when you come on Sunday morning on Church finish you'll find a hex or $200 you go over there and large it and some time you don't have to give all of your offering split the offering and large sum is me say so you can do that with your tights but you can't do it with your heart friend am i right so please collect that money from me before I leave I'm on my way to bagua give Jesus a big and claw for praise everybody come on let's stand upon celebrate father stage Feinstein lift up your hands glorify God worship the king magnify him [Music] continue to worship the Lord you may be seated there goes our bishop in his father's role children obey your father in the Lord this morning sound advice is that a man if you follow it it will do well for you is that a man allow me to make welcome visiting with us on these father's there the Member of Parliament for souls st. Catherine mr. Colin Fagan is here on behalf of our Bishop and all of us er welcome and have a good rest of the service please enjoy at this time we are going to be receiving the ministry of the voices of inspiration please pray along with them as they come in Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh translating the time is near as we continue to celebrate father we recognize our God is an awesome God and father is that so and I'm going to invite the worship team to come and help me to sing this song this morning our God is an awesome God God is awesome the word also means calling causing a feeling of great admiration respect or fear extremely good and when we think about God these are the things my god is awesome these are the things that we think about week we we admire God greatly if that's all it causes us to admire him we feel good about God and we just want to express it this morning my god is awesome two or three times [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was my pleasure to serve you this morning at this time make welcome our finis [Music] the Petrova Davis please make her welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] just heart join hands with the person next to you glory to God hallelujah Oh God you are our God the psalm is the clear how excellent is your name in all the earth you set your glory above the heavens hallelujah your role and your reign in the kingdom of men you Tunder it when your pleases and you shake this earth of God as a drunken man you are God not to be compared Oh glory to God this morning as we come in your presence right now god I ask you to penetrate this audience Oh glory oh Jesus right now God aliamanu Lucia kiria nama-rasa Ariana rakish Shyama vasya spirit of the Living God hallelujah hallelujah transcend boundaries and limits right now Oh Holy Spirit every bench that is occupied every cheer release an anointing right now to destroy every yoke to undo every heavy burden in the name of Jesus Christ yes Lord your God who can be touched this morning Oh glory to God yes Lord yes Lord you're able to reach the place on the inside we are no human can I touch this morning in the name of Jesus Christ right now God as individuals in your presence Lord you know what your people need God you know the frame of mine right now God you know the condition of life hallelujah you know about challenges you know the struggles yes Lord you know all the pains oh god right now Jesus of all the sicknesses and the diseases that is plaguing the bodies of your people god I speak into the domain of darkness right now lose your stronghold ever we are God's people another blood club Anandi you can't touch her yes you're trespassing I plead the efficacious blood over this audience right now release that anointing to destroy every yoke right now the troubled mind Oh Holy Spirit Jesus Holy Ghost of God emotion my Undertaker yes he all about xie na ba Baracus amara thou sever Strongbow a mighty deliverance God in the name of Jesus Christ spirit of the Living God viola freshness morning Oh glory glory glory yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord we inaudible cosas como si yes Holy Spirit rebuke everything follow right now bring a mighty deliverance your glory to God Jesus I declare it right now I speak it and I call it done right now and your name shall be glorified and your people shall be edified and bless we thank you God in Jesus name in Jesus name just lift both hands in his presence now and trying to skate with Thanksgiving into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him bless His name the smaller for the Lord is good his mercies are everlasting and his truth endureth to all generation hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh glory to God yes Lord thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah [Music] Laura took God there his presence is here his anointed is here right now you can receive Oh hallelujah Oh glory to God yes Lord yes Lord thank you Jesus Jesus hallelujah yes Holy Spirit we welcome you hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus oh yes Lord yes Lord we worship we worship we worship we worship we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory hallelujah thank you Jesus yes Lord you are glorified thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelu hallelujah hallelujah Jesus we worship we love and adore you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh glory to God we thank you Jesus [Applause] hallelujah thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] Oh glory to God Oh glory to God thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord we worship You hallelujah glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is a day of God's supernatural this is a day hallelujah where he is present in the house I don't know why you came you know I don't know what your desires are hallelujah but your needs can be met this morning because the king is in residence Oh glory to God this morning is awesome presence is in the house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he want to do it for somebody this morning glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus we worship you we worship you to God be the glory great things he have and continue to do in our lives thank you Jesus I greet our Bishop Bishop dr. positive dr. Telford Davis was senior assistant pastor - I still do not man all the other ministers that are present in the house the beautiful quarrels the elders and all the church officers the membership the viewing audience through the different electronic mediums I greet you from the throne room of heaven this morning God is still on the throne and he remembers his own thank you Jesus I also want to extend special Father's Day greetings to all the wonderful fathers that are present in the house this morning and as I sat the I said how would I describe our fathers I would say that our fathers they are strong they are courageous they are hardworking and they are very godly men give our fathers another big hand this morning and I'm really giving God thanks for the way I see the change on the ship from taking place and the father's rolled I see fathers are now loving their children much more I see fathers are no going out with their children especially their daughters I feel so good and I see those father's especially the younger generation the young men I am so proud of them it's a store being a father it does something for them and they embrace their child or their children we lift our hats to you fathers and we are asking you to continue to excel God richly bless you this morning we are proud of you thank you Jesus glory to God I'm on the preacher's time at this time as you know today's all fathers days also the woman of word missionary service and we think it's wise for a woman to address the men so this morning all the way from st. best they call it the bread parish st. Elizabeth we have Bishop Glen Rice Sutton his dear wife Minister Charmaine Sutton co-pastor with her husband from the Goshen Assembly and at this time she's coming to communicate and to bring us the mind of Christ I wanted with open hearts this morning to receive her now in fear of God on the Holy Ghost us pray for her that their Lord will user to bless this and the viewing audiences God richly bless you minister Charmaine Sutter [Applause] hallelujah come on just wave those hands and give the Lord the Prince hallelujah he's worthy he's worth of this morning hallelujah we bless the king this mornin we bless the father of all fathers oh come on give him a price he is great he's greatly to be praised he's the Alpha the Omega the beginning happen Amos morning oh come on and hate him humming Oh bless the name of Jesus just put those hands together for the Lord thank you hallelujah jewel in the presence of the Lord is in the house this morning and we just come to praise and to adore him praise God I want to greet our Bishop and founder this morning Bishop Telford Davis minister petrova Davis praise God Minister I still denote man all the other ministers members visitors I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus praise the Lord I also want to greet the president of the women of worth praise God Department I greet you this morning on all the workers of the women of worth department I greet you in the sweet name of Jesus just reach across and shake your neighbors hand and tell them I love you and you can't do anything about that come on they say somebody else I love you you can't do anything about that hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah lord have mercy thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the name of Jesus praise God I also want to say happy you may be seated happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the house today this is your day and to all my spiritual father bishop davis is not here but i want to say Happy Father's Day to him this morning amen praise God it's a joy to be in the house of the Lord thank you Jesus you know as I I was sitting there and I listened to the children as a minister and I was yesterday we were with the children there in Goshen and we asked one of the little girl she's about five years old and we said what is your name she said my name is dr. Campbell and she wasn't joking I said what's your name my name is dr. Campbell I went over to her and I said hi dr. Campbell are you going to show me up today and she said yes praise the Lord praise God hallelujah let us pray for our children glory to God praise God happy fathers the men I trust that you will enjoy your day and on behalf of the pastor Bishop Wainwright Sutton and the Saints there in Goshen and in Hatfield I bring you greetings on behalf of them and say Happy Father's Day on the behalf of them today amen praise the Lord praise God I want us to turn to our Bibles the scripture that was ready but I just want to look at read from the verse 17 and the verse praise God 19 to the verse 19 amen here here we go and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that which I too seemed that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him for I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment but the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken of him so I want to look at the verse 19 today this morning amen let's bow your head for prayer father we thank you for this moment we thank you for this morning know God as I stand in the gap to declare the Word of God to your people I know father God that without you I cannot do it so right now I must decrease or that Holy Spirit can increase Almighty God I pray that as the words go for today God your word shall go forth with clarity and power the hearts of your people shall rejoice and be blessed today in Jesus name Amen praise God I want to talk to us today today's Father's Day I want to talk to us today on the feet of the team the influential father amen praise I remember the last time I shared it wasn't a Father's Day amen praise God and so we are going to talk this morning on the influential father amen and the verse 19 when it is read in the in the New Living Translation it says I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised an influential person is someone that has an impact on or shapes new people new people at our whole things occur a person who convinces others to listen and do what he suggests let Mia praise the Lord hallelujah now I done little research on father and I follow that praise God I follow the research the research shows that boys learn to be men by watching their fathers not necessarily what their fathers said but what they do can short children who honorable man conducts himself so an honorable man conducts himself much of what it is says that much of what a boy does when he dropped when he grows up is learned as child from his father so a father's example good or bad will play a huge role in this in the man his son will be let me appraise the Lord let me a praise the Lord hallelujah so you see that fathers are very important glory to God the Word of God hallelujah what is that the same a bothers we realize that fathers are important and great responsibilities glory to God our place upon father's according to Ephesians 6 and the verse 4 is that fathers should grow up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord let me appraised alone fathers are the bedrock of the family the foundation in the family the base in the family that's so important you are touch yourself others and that are very important hallelujah it means that if father is a bedrock the foundation glory to God father's ought to be firm and be strong praise God because a foundation has to be strong to hold a boot structure let me hear praise the Lord if the foundation of the building it is a foundation of a building glory to God that will determine the upper structure if the upper structure is table glory to God our durable the foundation has to be strong let me appraise alone if the foundation is not strong the upper structure of the building will crumble or let me appraisal or let me appraisal or if you are building a building on the foundation is not properly torn it will not hold the structure of the building the building is gonna crumble oh let me a praise the Lord so in everything that we do with us spiritually or physically there must be a politician oh let me appraise the Lord the type of rotation the type of one once determine the fall de Xiang if you want that little small house glory to God the foundation is just going to be small I me a praise our Lord so what type of house I'm talking about the building no the type of house up he wants we're gonna lay the foundation to match it let me hear praise the Lord Oh help me here well when I was going to primary school I don't know if any of you remember but there was a little nursery rhyme that they had that we used to say about the truly the peaks hallelujah chili the pizza each built a home one was built out of straw hallelujah hallelujah one was built out of stick one was built out of bridge let me appraiser Lord no the strong one when you build it others of strong it is saying I don't have any time a cure wait let me you're praising Oi hallelujah I just want something in a hurry no time no patient Alleluia took to build the house we just grabbed some things and we build a house the stick one is just the same but the one that has padishah that the brick house has to have good foundation now what happened with these three little pigs was that there was a big bad wolf lord have mercy in the forest and this big bad would attack them yeah top the one with the straw house first I'm the one with this straw hole start to post you cannot blow down my house you cannot come in but the holes pop any papa and he blew the house down because it had no foundation whoa let me appraisal or hallelujah the little escaped and he'll run to the second little pig's house that's was made of stick the who run after him and who once came to that house and the wolf says let me in he said oh no you can't come in the wolf said I will hop and i'll papa and I will blow your house stone he did hop and he puffed and he blew the house down or let me appraisal or let me appraise a lot the two people ran to this third little pig's house that was built up breaker and had solid foundation and when you run here or quarry when they ran near the pig I mean the Fox followed them the Fox went to the house and he said little pins in the pizza will you let me either but big said oh no you're not coming God Almighty no you're not coming in here he said I'm gonna Harper and I'm gonna Papa I'm gonna blow your house down but the little suit ferma because he knew in standard a firm foundation he had a foundation students groan he hops he pops he hopes he pops the students got their ground you're not coming in Oh God Almighty you are not coming in here Oh glory to God but he was determined to go into the little pigs house but the liquor Pig because he had firm foundation students groan and listen glory to God he was alert to he would not let his home world of like this because it took him time to build it up let me appraisal oh it took him time to build up that house it did not just hurry come up so he was alert listening hallelujah sunny Fox decided that he was gonna climb up the chimney and go down in the house because the devil is always seeking a way out to get you let me a praise the Lord he will not give up just like that ah hallelujah so he gave up the chimney little Peter patter water a little big lights on fire put the water on Easter and the Fox came up go ahead we're right into the water let me a price the Lord Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 the twenty-seven speak to two builders one build his house on the rock at the one built on the Sun the rain came the winds blew let me appraisal order Oh God Almighty I'm the one that was built on the Sun it crumbles but the one that build on the rocker which stood for me because it was on the rock hallelujah and when the red blows and with pause it will not blow down a house that is well built to me a praise our Lord Oh lift up your hands wave them in here and praise Allah fathers you are the foundation hallelujah you have great responsibility to take care of the home to raise your family Jesus of mercy God is depending on you hallelujah so the one with the with the house that was built on the rock it stood firm hallelujah so for the foundation to be strong you have to build with the right material let me appraise alone and the right amount of material lord have mercy we cannot build with any less material it has to be the right amount of material somebody help me write a mote that is needed thank you Jesus praise the Lord hallelujah so to be that strong firm father your instructions hallelujah came from Jesus who is the head come on let me appraise the Lord to be that strong firm father your instructions must come from Jesus Christ who is the head let me appraisal or who is a rock let me appraise him nobody can come against him nobody can turn him around nobody can bore e to God Almighty walked on him he is a foundation we appraise him all the foundations in here lift up your hands and praise God lift up your hands and praise him this month hallelujah Oh glory to God as foundation fathers you are the priests provider and protector of your family let me appraise alone you ought to give spiritual guidance provide and protect your family put your doubts or what type of father am i this morning hallelujah now as a priest the type of family you want the type of home you want depends on the foundation you laid in your home oh come on let me appraiser lord hallelujah thank you Jesus I said as a priest the type of families or the type of home I did not say house though I should the type of poem you warn it depends on the foundation you laid in your home no God Almighty oh let me appraisal or as priests of God you are called upon to teach your family godly principles oh come on hit me please alone hey God sense of Abraham as a priest Abraham glory to God I know him that he will command his children he's posed hold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that's what God says of Abraham oh god that II know Abraham that every I will command his whole soul to the laws of God to keep the status of God let me a praise the Lord he will command his whole soul after him as a priests of the family someone let me appraising our God Almighty as a priests we should teach did you should teach your children godly principles Deuteronomy 6 and verse 69 and these words of I command thee this day shall be in their hearts and thou shalt teach them diligently diligent me let me appraisal or diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when the liest down and when thou rise it up and thou shalt write them upon the post of the house on that case lift up your hands priests and praise the Lord Joshua it clear in Joshua chapter 24 and verse 15 glory to God as for me and my house we will praise the Lord glory to God Almighty hallelujah as a priest you have to build a foundation with Breyer you got to present your families to the Lord let me a praise the Lord daily job did it in job chapter 1 verse 4 to 5 is said that job sanctified his children open unto the Lord daily for his children all somebody had me praise the Lord glory be to God when job children would have gone out job said I don't know he may seem well as a breeze what to do the command of the Lord what to make sure that his children I make it in with him job said I must pray for my children so job sacrifice daily for his children blood sacrifice for his children or somebody hit me praising Oh God Almighty if you want to have a better Jamaica we have to do what the Word of God Saviour to do let me appraise him let me uh praise Him glory to God hallelujah hallelujah let me appraise him so as a priest glory to God we must pray for our children hallelujah we must make intercession for our family hallelujah Jesus Christ who is a high priest intercede for us the church according to Cory to God Almighty according to Romans hallelujah praise God as soon get to the birth but Jesus Christ intercede for his family glory to God now Jesus is a true foundation so if we are going to be that influential father we have to follow him come on Mia praise the Lord hallelujah France Regent Street verse 11 he said for other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ so if you're going to have that home Oh God Almighty be the influential father we our children glory to God model awesome and muggle us right we must follow Jesus oh let me appraise a lord let me a praise our Lord we must follow Jesus come on a praise Emma or God first straight universe when we said no if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire let me praise the Lord hallelujah so if we don't trial in the proper foundation and have Jesus as our role model our God Almighty when the enemy turned up in the home we were not able to control our children we will not able to know what to tell them we need some more role models father thank you Jesus just translate something here thank you Jesus and so father's I want to implore you today hallelujah that you have great responsibility the children we turn off from our homes into this society very important because what we turn off from the home that's what I think the society you Saturday I pick them either positive or they I fit them in the negative come on let me appraisal or what type of children we want to send out there you want to send children out there who will pick the place card the society in a positive way or in a negative way every child of God every parent should think about that God is expecting are depending on us as children of God to make sure that we turn on positive children because this society in a positive way glory to God let me a praise the Lord let me appraisal or let me a praise the Lord so fathers it is our responsibility to intercede for our family Jesus also a great high priest intercedes for us Romans 8 and verse 34 said who is at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us we have a great rule it's not just to buy them the bling-bling and to buy them and to dress them up but we must ensure that godly principles talk to them come on Mia praise the Lord we have too many busy fathers but every father you're a father we must take time out for our children and families you are too busy that's why the children are going astray no time for them make time if you don't have it naked lord have mercy that's what Jesus says he said he is the head of the man and the man is the head of the woman let me a praise our Lord you've got to look to Jesus okay dancer to guide your home you've got to know Jesus so you can talk to you for your family all family now call it I swear [Music] somebody help me in the house somebody help me in the house today so he mother priests we must know how to dress yourself when it becomes a father you must know to dress yourself the priests back in those days did address any and any how they got to dress different so everybody know that there are priests or God Almighty hallelujah you've got to dress her so that your son know how to put themself together somebody help me in the house Oh God Almighty hallelujah but as a preacher you can't be walking upon your knees son walking beside you but the pants on your knees God Almighty your your circular be folder in the same Rob are ya beside our Father say touch your father I say come on fighter come on come on come on father raise your hands are crazy hallelu hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus he said as a priest you are the mediator for the family father is to act as an ambassador a chosen vehicle to whom God has chosen to serve the people are your family and represent him on his behalf you represent Jesus Christ or God to your family fathers let me appraisal or father you represent Jesus thank you Jesus and so a father was a firm foundation you cannot be shaking because if you are shaking as if foundation is that firm it's only a matter of time your family why crumble things not gonna go all right Lord God somebody help me help me help me the house things are not going to go right if the foundation is not laid properly with the Bible reading with the prior or God Almighty with a daily meditation of the world let your children know you got to teach them the children matter your lifestyle we have some parents in one thing I live in the other thing double standard life but the child is not listening to what is not listening to what you're saying he's watching you there's an other television tomorrow day I was watching it I can remember everything but there was a young man who used to beat on other boys beaten other children and this little ball call his father's attention to it and the father says the father said he's a bully man he's a bully so the father Turner oh the little boy Turner I said Oh daddy so when you are beat up mommy yeah bully [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus lift up your hands and praise the Lord thank you Jesus no research shows that it is a National Center for fathering the children without a strong father figure in their lives are more likely to be poor become involved in drugs alcohol abuse drop out of school and suffer from health and emotional problems Mia praise the Lord hallelujah do we want that for our children fathers step up to the plate tell somebody step up to the plate father step up to the plate Oh God Almighty God now God is depending on you as a father now based on what I've just read I want us to examine a home where the father was not that firm let us look at Eli hallelujah if you look at first somewhere from chapter 2 right up to chapter 4 there you will find out about Eli Eli was a priest of God according to First Samuel chapter 1 and verse 1 Eli had two sons but they were wicked hallelujah they did not follow the Lord glory to God honey and finest who served in the tabernacle but they did not know the Lord according to first summer one and verse 12 they violated the law by eating and keeping meat from the sacrifice that was not allocated to them they also had folks we do women they lie with the woman hallelujah who served they do away to the tent of meeting first somewhere - and verse 22 Eli knew about the sins of his sons he rebuked them yes but was not permanent although he reputable is they continued yesterday I hear your but glory to God I'm gonna do my own thing or let me appraise the Lord or don't allow rebuked the bodies they continued in their own sinful way God was not well pleased because of the sin that was going on God was not well pleased so God sent up manna God don't - Eli - on Eli hallelujah Eli did nothing about it he just allow the sons to room and do what they want to do or let Mia praise the Lord the sons continue to Roma and to do what they want to do let me appraise the Lord let me appraise alone hallelujah but God whatever God says God means he said either keep your eyes on your children so the boys had continued to do what they want to do what they wanted to do glory to God it was a time because God said I'm gonna send vengeance on your homes because you're not doing you're not means you're not standing up as a father you along the boys to have it their way in your house lord have mercy lord have mercy we can't be the whole sin afraid of our children you know sometimes if the parents behave like they're our children thank you Jesus you know went to the hairdresser the other day and my hair just was telling me that this young lady this lady came in with her daughter and the lady the mother said something to the daughter and the way the daughter treat the mother in front of her and the dot the mother was just there and she had to take her she had to take on the young lady I said oh no you don't speak to your mother like that who can you thank you Jesus I cut it short the lady went and she came back she said thank you if you know what you treat me at home hallelujah thank you Jesus so I'm saying Eli refuse to take a firm position in his home hallelujah and God glory glory glory if you refuse to do something I spoke so glory to God these men went to war Jesus of mercy hey life went to armed to worry with the police team the police did wipe them out because she was in the cap the finish did wipe them all completely Jesus they start to wonder what happened why the Philistine overcame OSHA Alleluia and so their brother or godly I got the Covenanter and the usual I said we are going back and the place Ark of the Covenant of God in the camp of the Israelites but the waters to note something why the Bible just say and Eli and were there praise God they named the mode because they were hinderance I mean appraisal or there were hindrances to the blessing your some of your children can cause hindrance to your blessing you must stop to them whenever the ball runs speak to them correct them lord have mercy hallelujah when they went back worship praise God joyful because they had the Covenant but then I said that work let me appraisal Lord in cities in the camper Oh God Almighty God Kiawah wishing good God Almighty and when they were rejoicing because the second sensor we must get the victory because the ark because they took the Ark of glory to God Almighty we really consideration but they were going to win the aqwal mean and win because they represent the presence of God but while they were there the Philistines heard them and the Philistines strengthen themselves against them and so the Philistines when the Philistines attack them there were white tote Jesus of mercy not only that but Eli two sons died in the battle Lord Jesus Lord Jesus when Eli's sons died in the battle that took the continent also deal with sin deal with the children who are rebellious so they took the Ark of the Covenant also hallelujah and when Eli heard the news that his son side and more so than the Ark of the Covenant was taken he fell from his chair and he broke his neck not that it's didn't finish dear his daughter-in-law who was pregnant at that time when she heard the news she went into labor immediately but before she glory to God before she died she was able to name the child and she named the child become the glory glory glory glory glory glory glory let me a praise Allah let me apprised him let me apprised him God is calling on us yes we are doing a good job but we can't do better we can't do better why our children our young children who we hold them in a crate let me rock them I will put them to bed at some time to give them a kiss why same young people turned out to be the notorious Milan woman they are the gun monday night monday acid mine Wow turn away somehow somehow God said we should train them up grow them an order to them why this man look at glory to God a five year old and pop bullet in them Lord Jesus why this man look at a woman even their mother acid on them hallelujah Christ we turn away I'm not following God's example hallelujah all kind of things can happen [Music] hallelujah God must be followed God's order must be followed men of God all others we must take time out for our children take time out sometimes I said we don't have the time what we got to make the time we got to make the communicate with them what is happening to them don't leave it and the mother alone don't put down the money I did tear blessed dishes for your school fee sit down and talk with him oh let me a praise the Lord your praise Allah let me a praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah take time out of your busy schedule talk to the children have conversation with them find out what's happening I know to their friends meet dear friends sit on on top with the friends Oh glory to God Almighty see who's influencing them glory to God Almighty because let me tell you something if we can't influence them somebody out there ready to influence them there is a good man I Batman a knife man I gotta get my ready to influence them to be a part of their camera you know why you're trying to become that oh let me appraisal Lord God Almighty come on apprise him you don't want your child to become to be influenced by a nice man a young man believers were living in Jamaica we're living in Jamaica we can't sit silent to these things we must open our mouth and say that glory to God Almighty this is how God set up the house the home but man man just want to do their own thing and expect things to run all right it's not gonna run all right as long as we deviate from it from what God's Word says it's not going to run and right believers gets up rider sit down by yourself I do some examination what's really wrong really wrong you can't do it doc do you wanna change in any hope I find us to have no time you just leave me chili your gumbo your business mommy must stake here it come on father's mommy must take care of the China oh god that's not what God says God says the father heat up the woman it must be there for our children the perishing hallelujah when you go out on the street sometimes you see some little ones louia sometimes some things coming from their mood passes Harry went to Santa Cruz yesterday and he couldn't help but talk to them when he looked that little corner those guys gonna be more than sixteen seventeen with their lungs and a bottom is their liquor coffee side he could not he could not help but go to them and when he went to let me say what you're doing man what you doing fathers we're not only fathers in a home don't turn a blind eyes when you see what's going on you're a father hallelujah you have children your children can turn out to be that hallelujah don't turn a blind eyes let me talk to the missionaries - don't turn a blind eye is that my child so I don't care about the child I'll glory to God Almighty we are all supposed to have some concern [Applause] [Music] don't bring down anybody's children or let me talk in this house not because yours not be here in like manner don't bring on that child I'm kind of a duty so brave mother child somebody help me I want you to bring your children before God not because it's not yours minister normal doctor God for your child some danger sunken areas of your Google children never get inna dama Oh God Almighty and you cannot believe any CH I know you bring up nurture and cherish bring them before God but don't give up on camera there is a way there is a way that somebody don't give up on ha ha ha ha ha Jeb coming back trainable child the way they are to go and when they depart when they're older they will not depart [Music] they're coming back they're coming back mothers they're coming back violence yeah coming back god no you're try your best god no you're do your best but when it enemy cannot get you get them but getting a oh oh god my dear let me appraisal oh they're coming back I said yeah coming back come on they're coming back Jesus thank you Jesus you have to bring home somebody's child let me tell you something the words that you say over a child very important that's why when I heard a little girl says she's doctor so I said that words are spoken over that child life glory to God we must be careful what word we say you know was in Sunday school once in the morning glory to God I think it was me before last Sunday and I was talking to the children after Sunday school and I was saying to them okay we were asking them to come and do something and everybody was shining and amor Desiree she I didn't where the children will be your shy just speak some word why you know you can't do it man your brain I know you can't do it thank you Jesus and the children they get up you know you're lying tibbe glory to God so the words that we open or more than speak over the children very important it might not seem important so you don't keep calling them wordless and now come on - no no I'm good for nothing no tell somebody change your arguments save your words about the children children are precious you just not getting a damn I use them you see some of those young men by the wayside that do not somebody do not want to be there be a father and go sit down with one of them I talk to them no pass them help them can somebody help me I'm coming down can you believe it I'm coming down thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah so to be an influential father you must have the word it is a word that you're going to use to encourage then we say that a word is a lamp unto my feet to my part he said the word of God something other than 99% we are with our shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to the word when we go to that we must have the word I want with some piace and sham because I want to tell us something believe us you see these young people who have their smartphone we cannot tell them anything that we say you hear the my Google hallelujah but when we have the Word of God it is a word we are going to use to correct our children don't use a stick on the spoons don't use bad word a sitter don't lock them up in a car I like them afire it is the word it is a Word of God that can transform them Lord God Almighty it is a world that can transform them use the word hallelujah Sam so July 19 verse hundred and five praise God thank you Jesus no 119 verse 130 said the entrance of their words give it light it give it understanding unto the simple let me a praise the Lord it is a word that we must use believers so believers his staff also get in the word I like the word sinking off because if not all the time you're gonna have your Bible it must be in you that when they come with their words and they are smart and you say you can say the words say me appraisal ahoy let me appraisal don't try all of them have the word ready to reach oh God thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus you must to be an influential father you must follow Christ following his word your foundation must be firm spend time with your family gosh when we spend time with your family we know them you know that sometimes sometimes some children are going to something that we don't even know because we don't know what's happening find out what's happening and every one of us are guilty at times praise the Lord but God wants us to do father to be that influential father respect yourself first as a father respect yourself glory to God so that children can respect you glory to God hallelujah have the wisdom of God I love your wife love your way thank you Jesus love your way you have to provide for the family you got to protect the family hallelujah praise God protect your family thank you Jesus you know sometimes sometimes sometimes in a cell is that in a home sometimes a father and I we live in this little building to kill the lizard thank you Jesus but you got to protect the family thank you Jesus make sure that you provide for the family and I want to say so as I was preparing this message I want to say something to eat for a family for a wife and a provider even if the wife is working you must take here right away must give the way I don't get plenty Amy give the way her allowance it belongs to her it's your way hallelujah thank you Jesus take care of the family man take care of your wife love your wife because that's what the Word of God said husband love your wife love your way if you want to wait to submit to you love your wife lord have mercy thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I want to close out someone said I know that's not the Word of God said the Word of God says that I am your head so you must submit to me but decipher all my to submit when they're not getting any love so love your way for the weapon easily submit to you Oh somebody had me praise the Lord let me impress you can't disrespect your wife in front of your children or somebody let me talk to this man we cannot be stressed I'm Gloria tonight disrespect your wife in front of your children and you're not to miss respect them anyway I'd love to be respected they love that you talk to them good I [Music] know the way I shall agree with me here today wives open your talk to them with respect if you just respect that woman let me tell you something that woman will show are you in love me appraisal appraisal hallelujah come on Hans when I'm talking to you on a crossword are we too disrespectful to our wives this blood blood run through the body [Music] hazel Oh heart I love them as Christ loved the church and gave himself gave himself parade lovers officially oh come on let me appraise alive let me appraisal oh let me uh praise the Lord let me uh praise the Lord he gave himself for it died for us praise the Lord in closing God is calling on all fathers today to the to be the priests provider and protector he called you to be for your family to be the authority it appointed you to be and to be the positive influence to your father to your family come on just lift up your hands and give oh god just stand with me and worship Him oh mighty God come on give him praise give me praise in the house oh just lift up the name of Jesus he's God he's God come on lift up the name of Jesus he is a father of our fathers Oh bless the name of Jesus he's a wonderful counsellor this morning he is a mighty Gorder come on and give me praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah mighty God we praise you huh mighty God we give you praise we give you glory huh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I keep your cover this morning hallelujah hallelujah oh we bless your name thank you Jesus I'm gonna make a call to all of our unsaved fathers in the house you're a father in the house and you're not yet seen I'm gonna invite you at the altar glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah all I wants a father but invited to come to the altar this morning oh Jesus fix it for you he knows just what to do whenever you brew a label lord I wish the way and he will a sit for you oh let G to speak C for you oh I will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise God praise God listen as a father some of you are getting frustrated because you're trying with the boy you're try with the girl hallelujah I've nothing change seems like it's changing but I want you to change wants you to change give it to him this morning and let him fix it for you praise the Lord he wants you to give him your heart and let him fix it for you this morning hallelujah with all the head you cannot beat a head in your home hallelujah so God wants you first to change and follow him glory to God bow your heads bow your head since I pray for your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I come to you we want to thank you God you are our great father you see all of these fathers standing around this altar Almighty God you know them you know them this morning I present them to you right now I ask God that you will help them to open their hearts right now in the name of Jesus open their hearts God and I love you Oh God Almighty to change them Oh God so that they can be effective in their homes Almighty God in the name of Jesus whatever doesn't love family that doesn't love lover Oh God Almighty what you are created but this morning God I pray for all these fathers that the Holy Ghost will get a hold of their hearts in the name of Jesus and transform their lives God will believe this place our God and reach back to their horrible border the children their family will see something different in them touch them this morning Oh God save them lord help me Lord to allow you to come into their hearts today God Almighty in the name of Jesus savory was this money somebody accept your Lord and Savior let somebody accept yours your Lord and Savior in the name of [Music] Chico Randal about Cody be shaking in the name of Jesus minister to this many satatam holy cosas in the name of Jesus ministry Oh God Almighty we thank you this morning I want to thank you Oh [Music] hallelujah mighty God we bless your name hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus when they actually open the mouth and you say after me praise God Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus Lord I accept but I am a sinner and I need a Savior come into my heart as I open it to you wash me cleanse me in the name of Jesus make me one of your very close Jesus come into my heart Lord Jesus I'm tired I'm tired of this life make me one of your very own today I surrender to you right now in Jesus name come on lift up come on give me praise give it praise give Him praise give him praise hallelujah come on where the might give him praise hallelujah thank you Jesus glory to God hallelujah the Lord bless you receive praise god minister davis now how she come stay where you are in Jesus name glory to God this morning influential fathers I know that I want everyone to stand at this time the Lord is saying something to this church it was when the last that Pastor Tyrone White was in the fasting service and he was talking about influence which is very very important because you can Amin affect a person in a negative way or in a positive way based on the type of influence that you have and this morning in our ministers devotion the team scripture came from Matthew chapter 7 and the foundation the house that was built on the sand and the house that was built on the rock and so the Holy Spirit is saying something to us this morning as a church and as a people that there are things about our lives that we need to change because if we do not change those things about us will not be able to be as impacting and as influential as we ought to be because the life that you and I live that's a testimony that is there that people you are not going to present the word and don't have the life to about the word people see the life we live more than the word that we preach or we teach always speak our lives our testimonies 'im and young men as you stand here at the out of this morning as fathers but like these sons or daughters they are looking to you for example they are looking to you for leadership they are looking to you for guidance they need you to be the first example and I'm sure none of you that stand here this morning would want to see your sons or your daughter live in certain lifestyles because you not be a proud of them you want to be the first example whoever you are would you be proud for your son to be who you are if not you need to do something about it the life that you are living if your son should I mean imitate or your son should start to follow your example would you be proud of that son they need you to guide them they need you to teach them they need you to live that they can follow it's very important it's more than being a father I always tell parents on when we are blessing babies don't be a signpost pointing them to the way you should be their guide by taking their hands and leaving them where you know you want them to go so you fathers that are here this morning we're encouraging you to be the first influence in your child's life and make sure that influence that you are is one that you will be proud of based on their own come all the father's that are in the house this morning this is your day we give God thanks for you the message was communicated the influential father in what way are you influenced in your family it's not just a children it's your wife it may be a fiance maybe a girlfriend what influence are you having on them it is a positive one or is it a negative one very important this morning I want all the father's to raise both hands in the presence of the Lord right now where you are lift those hands God sees them Oh glory to God father in the name of Jesus Christ as these hands are raised in your presence in your creation God you made man in your image and in your likeness and you gave him dominion Oh glory to God even when the woman was created you gave her as I helped meet the man Oh God you've given authority and leadership Lord we need our men to stand out we need our men God Almighty to take my rightful place we need them to be the priests of in the homes that I God to guide their family in a godly manner Oh God this morning will you reach out your nails will you deposit Oh God in these may not get lured many of them divine God do not know their rightful place but oh god this morning will you touch them again Lord will you minister to them again let them hear your eyes some of them are in hiding like Adam they have walked away from their responsibilities you all come this morning let them hear and turn back to you one more time Oh God this morning let your Holy Spirit bring conviction upon them God that church need the men the society need the men they are needed in every or guarding area this morning Holy Spirit sweet anointing of God will you manifest yourself in them again give them a heart to seek after you God this morning we need our men to stand even in the churches in the leadership role to keine and instruct your people in ER I just neste my god oh god this morning pour out of your Holy Spirit Lord Jesus many of them are saved but oh god almighty this morning the level of authority and power that they are supposed to have God their luck because they are not yet filled up with the baptism in the Holy Ghost to properly quit them God for ministry and for service Oh God morning let there be a Holy Ghost are pouring upon our men let them encounter you God in a real personal way father God this morning oh Jesus the Holy Ghost because you were with him to your answer to you Lord here am I here am I my lord I am willing touch our members morning pouring them again God of your supernatural power and make them God Almighty the men that they are to be I give them into your hands this morning and I charged them now before you and God Almighty do with them God as you pleases for your glory and for your honor and we tell you thanks again this morning in Jesus name in Jesus name just the men alone I wanted to raise both hands in his presence just open up your soul to God right now and say Lord here am I just open up your spirit this morning out of a sincere heart and say Lord hallelujah hallelujah Oh glory to God thank you Jesus glory to God God richly bless you I look forward in this church as God called us to be a leadership church where our men will come together as a force to reckon with and start to some serious fasting and prayer and intercession holding on to the hands of the altar until something happened man God is calling you the church needs you hallelujah the call is urgent and many are out there that are waiting on your ministry to impact them men the call this morning is for your influence God is calling you do something about it man and I hope it will start with the elders and the Deacons in this church where you set yourself to see God and to see his manifestation God richly bless you we are happy for you we love your men we can't do it without you and so this morning our heart goes out for you be the man that you ought to be in society and make a difference you can return to your seats and God bless you thank you for worshiping with us this morning and we hope this will become a regular day for you to worship with us and Sunday's God richly bless you praise God hallelujah I'm gonna ask you to stand with me at this time praise God just take your ties on your offerings in your hands tithes and offerings in your hands as we present them to the Lord this morning glory to God hallelujah and as you get your tithes and your offering just stand with me and even if you don't have one with faith in your heart stand and believe God that you will have at the next appointed time just raise those tithes and offering right now father in the name of Jesus all good gifts comes from above God by offering and the ties that we'll be giving this morning we're giving it out of a lot of our hearts Oh God we are giving back to you because you have blessed us and I pray for a special supernatural blessing this morning in our lives Oh God as we give willingly not grudgingly not sparing me because we know you love a cheerful Giver let us give our hearts this morning and I know you'll pour back unto us good natural pressed down and shaken together you'll pour into a bosom bless the gives bless thee give us Lord both are sanctified for your glory and for your honor and we tell offense again in Jesus name God's people say Amen you can have your seats the ushers service first as they come now they serve and go back to their position to direct the congregation as ashes are coming those who will be paying by card debit or credit you're going to go to my left praise God they are there at the office to serve you and while you are doing so just to reinforce the announcement that was made earlier by our Bishop that they heal the family heal the nation 2020 will be held at the National Arena praise God and it beyond the second Wednesday instead of the first Wednesday praise God hallelujah learning chili I am learning [Music] [Music] there you have it a powerful word for fathers this morning fathers lay a good foundation for your family god bless you we thank you for watching this morning and we chose that your heart has been list we invite you to continue to watching the recorded broadcasts you can find them on Facebook YouTube just search and just keep watching the services keep the fire of God in your heart burning and keep hope alive in your heart but also like for you to be a sponsor of these programs and so we ask you to visit our website [Music] Archy click on the donate button and it will take you through the steps thank you for watching keep watching us we're here for you every week join us again at 11 a.m. in the oppor sanctuary when the power of God will continue to burn until then God bless you on behalf of our posture and our presiding bishop bishop dr. Deborah Davis our first lady Minister dr. Petrova Dimas the entire power of faith from family god bless you see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 14,179
Rating: 4.6821194 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: EzjJ6J5YAfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 45sec (11385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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