Sunday March 6, 2022 Live Stream. "Road To Redemption: Probation" Luke 4:1-13 Reference #030622A

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] do wow oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen good morning praise the lord for another opportunity to come up to his house to give him thanks and praise it's another day's journey and i'm glad about it for all of you who are joining us on our social media platforms on our youtube channel and facebook and our on our website thank you so much for being a part of our worship this morning our brothers will come now and lead us in our devotional exercise good morning today's scripture reading will be coming from the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 starting in verse 14 there you refine these words see and then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our profession for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but within all points tempted like we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need may the lord add a blessing to the readers and hearers of his holy word let us pray gracious father lord as we come today we are excited for father god we realize you're still on the throne in spite of what come or may you still your god and today father we come to uplift to praise and to magnify your name for lord you have been a good god it was you who woke us up this morning and started us on our way it was you father who laid us down last night and allowed us a peaceful night of rest father it was you who put a hedge of protection around us that as we lay sleep in our beds you kept out the wood be murderers and thieves who would desire to come into our homes to kill to steal and or destroy and for that father god we say thank you truly you've been a good god we realize father that you're the only true and living god and we put our hope our trust in that god because you've proven yourself time and time again and we thank you father you've been a great god and we realize today father that apart from you we can do nothing it is in you we live and move and have our being and we thank you for that father father when there's times of trouble in our lives you've already told us that in this life there will be trials there will be tribulations followed but the second part of that verse says but give be of good courage because i have overcome the world and right now lord when we find ourselves in dark situations father we look to you we thank you father we know that you will always be there for us because you promised us and you cannot lie that i will never leave or forsake you and we thank you right now father father there are many among us today that is sick and afflicted we're suffering with one element or another you're still on the throne we realize father all you have to do is speak father and things come into existence we ask you to speak right now to our hearts lord those that are on their sixth bed lord speak right now those that are buried touch them right now comfort them lord we come lord thank you for our pastor we ask that you continue to bless and to keep him continue to pour out your wisdom and understanding upon him that he may seize us with wisdom and understanding continue to bless in my personal prayers that you grant him a long and healthy life keep him lord we thank you how he concentrated himself for the word lord that that he preaches that uncompromising truth of the word that father if it was money we could take it to the bank we thank you now for all that you're doing we ask that you bless pastor washington bless his family lord bless every minister on the roster bless their ministries bless their families lord bless their spouses lord we just thank you father you're a good god and we come today to praise and magnify your name this conflict that's going on going on father abroad we ask that you intervene we know father all you have to do is speak it and it will be corrected it will come to an end bless them lord right now lord we just ask that we invite you into this service let every voice that's standing up today father we ask that you bless it to tear down the strongholds of men that are backslidden and converting a man father that is without christ in their lives we pray that you bless them right now father we ask all of this this request in jesus name amen [Music] good morning our hymn for the day is he touched me stand with us as we sing both verses [Music] shackled by a heavy burden [Music] oh [Music] of jesus he touched me he touched me [Music] something happened since i met this blessed savior since i make this blessing [Music] [Music] will never cease [Music] [Applause] oh he touched me oh he touched me something happened oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] he touched me [Music] [Music] hmm amen a.w tozer said that anyone god will use greatly he must first hurt deeply we would live deep lives in this shallow society [Music] every one of us must experience our own gethsemane you're not ready for service you're not ready to give god service until you know something about the crucible of suffering jesus christ went to the cross and became sin for us who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of god but the way to get to the things of god that are really vital and important we need to know something of his suffering we need to know something of his sacrifice don't listen to these people who will tell you that you can name it and claim it no you have to struggle for some things some things you're just gonna have to go through because life will get hard life will get difficult but god knows how to bring us out god knows how to bring us through so whatever you're going through right now go home encourage knowing that you're going through it you're going to come out of it in a minute but for the moment you just have to go through it god will seal through lead me to calvary thing of my life [Music] shall the glory be oh [Music] [Music] lest i forget show me the two shows angels [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] your love for me [Applause] [Music] god our father [Music] how grateful we are this morning to be able to call you our father there was a day there was a time when we were stumbling in darkness but now we've come to the marvelous light the saving light of jesus christ we thank you our father for being so so merciful towards us we thank you for your great faithfulness in spite of the fact that we have been unfaithful thank you for your mercy towards us become our father because we are so glad to be in this service just one more time we could have been dead and in our grave you left us alive and so since you are so gracious towards us we want to say thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for your excellent mercy thank you for your tender heartedness towards us thank you for forgiving us when we've sinned and picking us up when we've fallen thank you for being a hedge of protection around us the devil would have taken us a long time ago but you got a fence around us thank you for protection thank you for grace then our father we come to thank you that you even take the time to hear us we are unworthy to come into your presence we've sinned and we've fallen way short of your glory but you said if we confess our sins you would be faithful to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness we come to confess the sin of pride we've come to confess the sin of anger we've come to confess that we've been mean and stubborn we've come to confess that we've lusted after things that you told us to stay away from we come to confess the sin of laziness and gluttony we come our father because there are some things you told us to do you commanded us to do and we've left them undone we need mercy right now we need you to forgive us of our many sins then our father we come because somebody's back is up against the wall but you know how to provide enough space between their back and the wall that they can come back here sunday morning saying if it had not been for the lord who was on my side thank you for keeping us somebody who's listening to us on our social media platform is struggling to make a decision shine your light on them right now give them that peace that surpasses all understanding and then somebody's in here today lost and on their way to hell turn them around before it's ever lasting too late let the word penetrate let satan be moved that the spirit would have full control that somebody was who who's lost and don't know jesus christ would come running crying what must i do to be saved then our father there's somebody here like myself who's got so much to be thankful for you've been so good you've been so good god you've been so good throughout a worldwide pandemic you've been so good while we slept last night you kept us in our sleep you kept our hearts beating you kept our lungs expanding thank you for waking us up this morning well we got so much to be grateful for thank you for keeping our children thank you for holding our grandchildren have your way this morning hey thank you for all you've done for us thank you for what you mean to us [Music] you know god after a while when the warfare is over [Music] when life's fit for favor is indeed when we have to come off the battlefield to study war no more we want to hear your voice your voice only saying servant [Music] well done you've been faithful over a few things i'll make your ruler over many but until that day help us to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we've been called and we will leave this place and find somebody and tell them that jesus is mighty the same you know what we need you know how to fix it so we put it all in your hands in the strong name of he who loves our souls even jesus christ amen [Music] do [Music] i heard i know old story about a savior that came from glory [Music] how he gave his life at calvary he did it all just for me they nailed him in his hands they nailed him in his feet [Music] they nailed him to a cross to die and all the walls he was thinking of me cause then those are nails was every mistake i made the thoughts were formed [Music] the lashes you took they were meant for me but you told god you would take them instead you agreed to do it you agreed to die you agreed to give your life to save mine oh what a sacrifice you made for me knowing all that you would have to go through you agree oh thank you lord you are green [Music] help me choir i heard it all about a savior he did it all just for me his feet he was thinking of me cause in those days [Applause] the lashes you took they were meant for me but you told god you agreed you agreed to die oh [Music] is oh [Music] but i'm sure we love you we're gonna we praise you oh oh you are [Music] yes there is [Music] [Music] come on help me say that amen [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] through [Music] lose all their guilty [Music] [Music] lose all [Music] is [Music] [Music] me all [Music] bye [Music] blue zone [Music] sin i wish i had another sin in here this morning blue [Music] [Music] open your bibles with me to the gospel record of luke in chapter number four verses one through verse 13. from the new revised standard version i'm glad brother tim's is not here this morning because he would make me go get another bible the new revised standard version jesus full of the holy spirit returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit in the wilderness where for forty days he was tempted by the devil he ate nothing at all during those days and when they were over he was famished the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become a loaf of bread jesus answered him it is written one does not live by bread alone then the devil led him up and showed him [Music] in an instant all the kingdoms of the world and the devil said to him to you i will give their glory and all this authority for it has been given over to me and i give it to anyone i please if you then will worship me it will all be yours then jesus answered him it is written worship the lord your god and serve only him then the devil took him to jerusalem and placed them on the pinnacle of the temple saying to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written satan quoting the scripture he will command his angels concerning you to protect you and on their hands they will bear you up so that you will not dash your foot against the stone jesus answered him it is said do not put the lord your god to the test verse 13 reads when the devil had finished every test he departed from him king james says for a season until and more opportune time thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever i want to begin a series of sermons during this lenten season leading up to easter talking about the road to resurrection and the road to resurrection begins first of all with probation rodney stark at baylor university in a recent analysis by the baylor religion survey entitled what americans really believe rodney stock at baylor shows that roughly 58 absolutely believe in satan while slightly fewer people 48 believe in demons the survey also reveals that among those who believe that the devil is the source of most evil 84 of those respondents also attribute most evil to mankind paradoxically most people believe that mankind is responsible for evil in the world yet most people do not believe that human nature is basically evil many modern readers including christian believers find talk about the devil intellectually embarrassing as a consequence the temptation narratives in the gospel is commonly interpreted metaphorically but the synoptics do not present the temptation as a dream [Music] as a vision as a myth or as a parable but as an historical occurrence in which an intentional and deadly earnest personification of evil attempts to mislead the incarnate son of god from his salvific mission the temptation incident is only the second time in scripture in which a human comes face to face with the devil jesus still wet from his baptism in the jordan with the affirmation of his father still ringing in his ears full of the holy spirit is led by the spirit in the wilderness for 40 days before beginning his public ministry the wilderness is not some idyllic retreat but rather evokes the images of the vast and dreadful desert that thirsty and waterless land with venomous snakes and biting scorpions i hasten to admonish us this morning brothers and sisters that before we are ready for public ministry god sends all who truly seek him into a spiritual wilderness a wilderness that is inarguably dangerous and possibly deadly but also transformational and even miraculous the severity of the temptation is signified by the number 40 which in scripture often connotes suffering moses and elijah fasted for 40 days the flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights the israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years ezekiel lay on his side to bear the iniquity of judah for 40 days offenders and lawbreakers in jewish custom received 40 lashes as a maximum punishment for their crime that's the severity of the temptation but the order of the temptation in the gospel of luke follows psalm 106 at verses 14 and 15 which read but they had a wanton craving in the wilderness and put god to the test in the desert he gave them what they asked for but now a wasting disease comes among them psalm 106 verse 19 and 20 says they made a calf and horeb and worshiped a cast image they exchanged the glory of god for the image of an ox that eats grass psalm 106 verse 32 and 33 read they angered the lord at the waters of mirabar and it went ill with moses on their account for they made his spirit bitter and he spoke he spoke words that were rash like israel in the wilderness jesus is there under divine direction and his loyalty to god is put to the test but what is intended by the devil as a means of defeating jesus becomes in the purpose of god the occasion of the devil's defeat thomas a campus a german dutch cannon regular of the late medieval period said we already know what we can do but temptation shows us who we are thomas the kemper said we know usually what we can do but temptation shows us who we are the fast had lasted 40 days about the limit of human endurance the time when the pangs of quickened hunger clamored for food just before a person starves to death jesus was weakened to the extreme and this was the time the devil chose to attack and satan will wait until you are at your most vulnerable and it is then that the devil will attack walk with me around the text the first temptation is about the will of god if you are the son of god command this stone to become a loaf of bread if you are the son of god now satan knows who jesus is jesus is still wet from the baptism his ears are still ringing satan heard when god spoke through a dove descending saying this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased satan knows who jesus is so much so that isaiah said jesus saw satan fall like lightning but satan is really saying to jesus since since all this baptism took place and since you are full of the spirit if that's true then do something spectacular make this stone make this rock become a loaf of bread satan talking to a rock about bread that's that's not where i'm trying to go y'all y'all you're trying to get me hot and hollering and carrying on right now but that ain't where i'm trying to go yet it would have been as easy for jesus to turn a stone into bread as it was for him to turn water in the wine [Applause] but human life does not depend primarily upon physical food it is more important to obey the word of god even if obedience involves physical hunger the devil tempts jesus to be dissatisfied with what god appoints as the means appropriate for sustaining and attaining life in other words satan says to jesus use your power to command to fix to force to satisfy by turning a good gift of god into something it was never meant to be a stone was never meant to be bread and brothers and sisters if you don't watch the devil he will tempt us as well to turn a good gift of god into something it was never meant to be just as a stone was never meant to be bred what you do for a living was never meant to be your significance somebody don't help me preach it just as a stone is not meant to be bred excellence was never meant to be perfectionism just as a stone is not meant to be bread love was never meant to hurt love is patient love is kind you don't lie to the one you love you don't bruise the one you love talk back to me if you can jesus said it is written man shall not live by bread alone my my source of somebodiness is not wrapped up in what i do because before i did this i was somebody i'm talking to somebody whose spirit is kind of low this morning and and feel that you're not as successful as somebody else is and and your spirit is hunger is hungry for more significance let me tell you when you were born when you were formed in your mother's womb god made you significant and you are not god's child because of what you do or what you have or where you work or what you earn or how you drive or where you live he just loves you because he made you in his image you see i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to move fast here but but when you know your purpose you can pass to test watch this because jesus in the will of god knew that god would not let him starve in the desert because he sent him to die on the cross i wish i had somebody to help me and where you are in your situation right now god ain't gonna let you stay there because god got something for you over here so why would he leave you over that if something has been taken away from you that's because god wants you to open your hands bigger because he got a blessing for you that you couldn't handle like this you got to open your arms like that learn to stop complaining about who left and thank god for who stayed stop crying about what you don't have and shout about what you do have i do have my health and strength i do have the activity of my limbs i do have my right mind i do have somewhere to sleep tonight i do have some food to eat and an appetite to go with it [Music] but i know that man just can't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of god let me let me just let me just give you this for free i'm not going to charge you for this i'm going to give you this for free the the word companion has to do with the word bread companion is is a compound latin word com c-o-m [Music] pan penne panera companion means one i share bread with and that's why we in here this morning because we got somebody we share bread with on the night that he was betrayed jesus took bread i wish i had a bible reader and blessed and broke it and gave it to his disciples and said take this and eat it this is my body and we come today to eat his body because we have companionship and if you are my companion it's because we can eat bread together i don't eat bread with nobody i'm not friends with i don't have to go to lunch with you to love you [Music] i don't have to be in your face or or be on facebook with you to love you if we are companions we cannot see each other for a year and get back together and pick up where we left off because to break bread means to have fellowship to break bread means to have corn o'neil [Music] but man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of god that temptation had to do with the will of god but the second temptation has to do with the worship of god satan in an instant shows jesus panoramically all the kingdoms of the world the parthenon the coliseum the eiffel tower the grand canyon the pacific and the atlantic ocean the great wall in china he shows him the alps in switzerland he shows him the teton mountains in america he shows him the thames river in london and he shows him all of the great sites of the ancient world all of the kingdoms of the world past present and future he shows it to him instantly and satan for the first time in his miserable life tells the truth he says i've been put in charge of all of this that's the truth but then he can't help himself he's got to lie because because devil diabolos means slanderer he says and i can give it to whomever i plead that's something oxymoronic about that statement because if it's been given to you how are you going to give it to somebody else and who gave it to you in the first place satan is really saying i am subordinate to the god i hate [Music] i am underneath the god i can't stand so let me show you all the kingdoms of the world and you can have it all you just got to worship me the devil offers jesus the authority represented by all these kingdoms together with the glory that would accrue to the one in possession of them he's saying to jesus what he's saying to me and you this morning you can have the crown [Music] without the cross the devil tries to lure jesus to forsake god listen through the human hunger for power and to achieve this power by bypassing suffering and service and many of us today preacher deacon crime member church member want power and position without suffering in service if you're gonna get your hand on what god has you're gonna have to suffer must i be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease while others fought to win the prize and sail through bloody seas satan wants jesus to achieve power for power's sake to adapt satanic means of gathering power by exploiting people dominating people crushing people your power satan says will come to you when i give you this authority but as i hurry satan is trying to give jesus what's already his and how short-sighted of you to run after what god already wants you to have jesus said is written worship the lord your god and serve only him but lastly the third temptation is about the word of god the first temptation is about the will of god the second temptation uh here that satan is trying to get jesus to succumb to is about the worship of god but this last temptation is about the word of god he takes jesus to the highest point in the temple that that pinnacle of the temple that overlooks the kedran valley that is hundreds of feet down and says to jesus listen if you're the son of god if you want to prove who you are here's something spectacular you can do let me just throw this in it's another thing i'm not going to charge you for the fallacy the inherent fallacy of prosperity preaching the inherent fallacy fallacy of the word of faith movement the inherent fallacy of prosperity gospel is you've got to come every week with the wow factor and then you got to come next week with the wow factor and the problem with that kind of preaching is that the wow got to get bigger every week one sunday you're preaching on the ladder and then one sunday you're preaching in a casket and then one sunday you preach an upside down and then one sunday you're preaching with no clothes on and then one sunday you spitting in somebody's face like that clown did at their church over in the in the east part of the country the wow factor has to get bigger every week but let me say to somebody here this morning or somebody watching us online with an entertainment philosophy and a nightclub mentality get your clicker in your hand and turn me off right now or go wash dishes or go do something else because if you're gonna watch this church or if you're gonna come to this church it's no wow factor here but jesus and him crucified born in bethlehem reared in nazareth baptized in the jordan perform miracles in the desert place wept over jerusalem prayed in gethsemane died one friday got up one sunday morning he's seated at the right hand of god with power he's coming back again i've been saying that 31 years and you come here every sunday to hear the same thing [Music] he died didn't he die y'all shot on that every sunday morning but ella sunday morning he got up from the grave that has power i'm trying to get to this point satan says if you are the son of god cast yourself down listen to the devil reading the scripture he reads he's quotes from psalm 91 he said if you throw yourself down he will give his angels charge over you to keep you unless you dash your foot against the stone that is partially what the scripture says but that's not the most important part of the verse he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all my ways satan left that part out now the the best part of the sermon is this that i'm about to read right now the most dangerous temptations are often subtle appeals to spiritual pride cloaked in poor hermeneutics the most dangerous temptations are often subtle appeals to spiritual pride cloaked in bad scriptural interpretation origin an early christian scholar ascetic and theologian listen origen said this the devil like all heretics is quick to quote the scripture this this is origin speaking whenever you hear quotations from the scriptures he says be careful of trusting the speaker immediately consider the person reading what sort of life does he lead what sort of opinions does he hold what sort of intentions does he have when he's reading the scriptures otherwise he might pretend to be holy when he's not everybody with a bible open standing in the pulpit ain't preaching they are doing their best impression of a preacher but what they are really doing is trying to manipulate emotions and crush you and put you under their thumb and say you got to do what i say and you better do what i say and i'm the pastor of this church i'm the boss over here you're going to do everything i tell you to do oh really really brother pastor do you not know you pastoring black people and you gonna make me do what you say if the word doesn't move you my crushing and my shaming and my brow beating is not going to make any difference because people who love god love his word [Music] i'm i'm trying to quit here now but but some people read the bible and they get sleepy when i read the bible i wake up because there's something about that word that sets my heart on fire i wish i had some bible readers in here your word have i heard in my heart that i might not sin against thee hide your word in my heart your word is a lamp unto my feet and it's a light onto my pathway in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god i wish i had somebody to help me close and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth there's power in the word there's hope in the word there's joy in the word there's salvation in the word that's favor in the word there's peace in the word there's love in the word there's hope in the word of god thank god for his word i wish i had somebody to help me the only reason why we shout this morning is because we have god's word his word says if you be not weary in well doing in due season you'll reap if you faint not his word says blessed are they who hunger and face after righteousness for they shall be filled i wish i had a bible reader his word says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god you're gonna help me close this won't you the word of god says blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in that law in that world but he meditate both day and night and as a result of meditating on the word he shall be like a tree [Music] planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not rhythm and whatsoever he does shall prosper but the ungodly are not so they are like the child that the wind driveth away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the lord knows the way of the righteous and the way of the ungodly shall perish the word of god says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name say yeah i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for god is with me your rod and your staff they comfort me thy preparedness a table before me in the presence of my enemies thou will notice my head with oil my cup is just running over surely goodness and blessing shall follow me all the days of my life and i will i will dwell in the house of the lord forever his word says make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god and it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his corpse with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good [Music] for the lord is good and his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations his word said let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house in my father's house in my father in my father's house of many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i'll go to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto but myself i am there you will be also this word says god shall wipe away all tears from what he did thank you for your help one friday on a hill called calvary he died didn't he die but right ahead sunday morning he got up from the grave is there anybody here got a testimony is there anybody here say i know he got up i know he got up i'm already got up cause he got up in me he got up in me he got up in me i looked at my hands and my hands looked loose i looked at my feet and they did too do your name have you tried it won't he say this tell him thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] i know i know what's going on overseas i know what they're trying to do with voting rights and in the george floyd bill i know what's going on in this country i know what's going on out of this country but you know why i sleep at night because it's where it says i will lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from [Music] my health [Music] comes from the lord who made the heavens and the earth he will not even suffer my foot to be moved behold he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is my keeper the lord is the shade upon my right hand the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve me from all evil he shall preserve my soul he'll preserve my going out and my coming in from this time forth and even forevermore and i'm asleep harder tonight because his word says i will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me our brothers are standing now and there might be somebody here this morning there might be somebody here this morning who is without a church you without a pastor you're in between churches you're you need to be spiritually fed you need brothers and sisters in christ do it now perhaps you're watching us online on our live stream we want you to know that there is a way that seems right but the end thereof are ways of death but if you would trust jesus christ this morning the hebrews says he saves to the utmost that's right god bless you come on i'll see you coming [Music] praise the lord for you come on man somebody's in the balcony somebody's been thinking about it now for some years for some months do it now god bless you [Music] is hallelujah [Music] hallelujah my [Music] [Music] come on let's say that again lord else is here this morning don't wait another sunday don't put it off another week do it right now come to jesus christ let the lord save you he loves you and he does not want you to be punished forever he wills that none should perish but that all should come to eternal life come on do it now is [Music] i don't deserve it he gives it love you all thank you jesus you're the source of my strengths that's where my health comes with [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord i see you coming that's right thank you jesus come on that's right thank where you i live lift my hands hallelujah come on baby that's right the strength of my life hallelujah hallelujah wow uh [Music] i was thinking about it this morning it was 10 years ago this sunday that i'm supposed to be in my grave [Music] but the lord kept me the doctor said in two hours this man will be dead he's the sickest man in md anderson hospital but god said [Music] i was on the ventilator and i'm told by the nurses who were in the room that i did not breathe on my own the machine breathed for me 100 the doctor said it's over i'm told that members of my family and members of lilly grove were at the hospital this big room they put him in i'm told that reverend washington was on his face on the floor praying that god would raise me up the doctor said we can't do any more that was 10 years ago here i am this morning when nobody do me like you and then the doctor says if he lives you need to choose a nursing home to put him in if he lives he will be a vegetable for the rest of his life here i am clothed and in my right mind to testify if you trust and never doubt god will yes he will somebody help me testify not all has god been good to me but there's somebody else in here saying you are the source of myself hallelujah i live i'm not ashamed to lift my hands [Music] hello [Music] now i i know i know we're running a little over time but [Music] we have time for somebody to come to christ we have time for somebody to make a decision to come to know the man who is jesus christ what can wash away [Music] [Music] what can make me whole again what [Music] we're precious [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] this is all my hope and peace this is all my hope this is all my righteousness [Music] real precious oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody that god would get his hands on has got to go through the wilderness [Music] before you are ready for public ministry before you are ready for public acclaim before you are ready for the spotlight you got to spend some time in obscurity you've got to spend some time with god in the desert this time of lent listen people usually think lent is about making sacrifices [Music] god does not want your sacrifice he wants your devotion he wants your obedience because obedience is better than sacrifice because all sacrifice does is try to make up for what obedience would have prevented in the first place no i i i'm not giving up sugar i'm not giving up poke balls i'm not giving up sweets i ain't giving up nothing [Music] all the sacrifice that needs to be made was made on the cross i'm gonna give god more of my life more of my devotion more of my time in prayer and preaching god does not want me to release anything he wants me to get something and what he wants me to get is more of him divine invitation has been extended to you and as always it is yours either to receive or to reject let's give god the glory for these who have joined not just this morning [Music] we have coming today through stem we call your name renega kirkland ministry number six [Applause] felicia dougas ministry number five marcus may minister number one [Applause] they almost made ministry number one [Applause] jasmine mason ministry number two [Music] uh samuel mccain ministry number five [Music] sunshine mccain ministry five schuyler mccain ministry of ministry 5 and summer mccain ministry 5. [Music] autumn corbin ministry 4. [Music] and latonya mcduff ministry 7. [Music] let the church say amen praise the lord for this tremendous harvest of souls how glad we are to have you in lily grove this morning thank you so much for coming you're welcome to be a member and a part of our fellowship we are glad to have you here if you follow brother scott in the back they'll get some more information from you before you leave right this way [Music] i want to recognize reverend ricky allen and mrs billy allen visiting with us from dallas they went to bishop college with me where where are you you're back god bless you girl it's so nice to see you i ain't seeing you since 1977. don't you owe me some money [Music] god bless you thank you for coming there's some other presidents here from omaha nebraska who are visiting with us this morning would you stand we want to acknowledge your presence god bless you we are glad to have you here thank you so much for your presence i was supposed to preach in omaha for reverend terry rv but i wasn't able to make it but when i'm in in omaha i need you to cook for me and i'll come over there and eat everything you put on the table god bless you thank you so much all of you who are visiting with us this morning who are not members of our church would you stand we want to acknowledge your presence wow before we observe the lord's supper i want to acknowledge the presence of brother cleophus henry who's in worship this morning and sister henry god bless you he's been out for a while with some health issues but the lord has blessed them to be in church this morning and we want you to know how glad we are to see you and we are still giving god praise for you and for sister henry the health awareness people would have me to announce to us that starting on next first sunday we will do away with taking temperatures uh because the covert numbers are going down and uh we're still going to wear masks for for the time being and even when we take them off if you are uncomfortable doing that and you want to wear your mask you you can do whatever it is that you feel comfortable doing but next first sunday starting in april we will not take temperatures anymore and we will still socially distance but we will not be every other pew uh hopefully we will be able to get six people or seven people on every pew but we are relaxing some of the coveted restrictions because i don't know who's in here with these masks on and sooner or later we're going to come out of these masks but for right now we need them to stay safe and so i need you to keep doing that but starting next first sunday we will not have to take temperatures just come on in the sanctuary and be seated all right let's look to the lord now as we make ready to take the lord's supper [Music] oh [Music] crucify [Music] [Music] gracious god our father we come to thank you that because you withstood probation because you were able to foil the tempter's snares we are asked now and joined us with jesus christ thank you for your finished work on the cross that we are now citizens of another kingdom thank you oh god for the observance of the lord's supper that we will ever be reminded of the awful sacrifice that you made for our salvation thank you that you knew no sin but became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god sanctify these elements that represent your body and your blood may we always remember that jesus paid it on in the strong name of he who loves our souls even jesus christ amen the scripture says that as they were eating jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to his disciples and said to them take eat for this is my body may we eat together and in the same like manner he took the cup and gave thanks and said drinky all of it for this is the blood of the new testament which was shed for many for the remission of sins for i say unto you that i will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine until that day when i take it new with you in my father's may we drink together [Music] those of you who brought your offering with you our brothers will be standing in the back with offering receptacles and those of you who are continuing to give online god bless you for your gifts let's all stand [Music] i know me [Music] the lord bless you and keep the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the strong name of jesus christ our lord amen [Music] do me oh oh oh oh [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 8,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cWcV43gGFGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 35sec (7055 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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