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every family has a strong man the strong man of every family is satan's ambassador he works for satan he takes interest in what satan is interested in just as you have foreign countries and nations sending their representative to ghana to represent their interests here satan also has strong men to protect his interest in families and then in communities then in cities then in nations in continents and then churches have strong men i visited a church in baltimore some years ago and i preached for a guy and something happened and after some time he lost the church and he had to sell it to another young pastor who was doing very very well and the pastor took over the church and the church grew up to ten thousand it was huge and i went to preach for this young pastor and i told him i said i'd like for you to study the history behind this church you bought but he was doing so well young pastor he was all over on tv end and good guy making money and he was huge all over the place and so when i told him he just looked at me somewhere like who's this african preacher you know and i just left him two years after i was preaching in a church in baltimore a friend of mine by pierce and i saw this person sitting in the cloud crowd at the back so when i finished preaching i took protocol bring me that pastor so he came to see me in the bishop's office i say is everything okay he said no i said what is happening and he said you remember what you told me the same thing had happened somebody said paradigms same thing has happened and as i'm speaking to you he had he also lost the church history repeated itself you know why they didn't deal with a strong man the strong man has a particular interest and every family has a strong man and every one of you seated here there is a strong man responsible for your bloodline and even though you are born again you can look at me the way you are looking at me somewhere without your strange look as if i'm talking in some strange language but the fact of the matter is that every one of you sitting there including me there are strong men position in our bloodline that even after you are born again they will oppose you and their job is to see to it that satan's agenda prescription and plan for your family for the men and for the women in the family is carried out and enforced from one generation to another generation you know years ago i used to pray for to a champion the head of state and it's amazing that the same strong man that fought could do a champion when president lee man came and he presented the man very well used to come to my father's house where we live at the airport with the graf johnson who was then the vice president and i used to go to the castle the same strong man that fought to a tampon when the man came that same strong man was there then i watched when president rollins came that staying strong man was there yeah one day i went to the castle to have a meeting with president rawlings and the vice president and we drove out of the castle and opened the gate and when we were coming i saw this car driving right into our car at the castle gate full speed and everybody was screaming and shouting and was stopping the car and i told francis i said they have failed him so we have to find a way to escape we have to escape and we escaped narrowly when we he stopped the car he was on his knees apologize you know what said he said he didn't see our car he did not see the car he saw the gate open and that day i went to the council to pray with the president it was a very strong prayer about some issues so i wasn't surprised about the reaction right at the castle gate he didn't see my car then one president kuffar came any time i went to the castle to pray that same strong man is there interestingly when president john muhammad was in office any time i went to the jubilee house there's another strong man there that one he was he came by kwame nkrumah flagstaff house remember first that strong man came through coming chroma and he lives in a setting house there where you enter on your rider there's a house there i guess and that's where he lives and anytime i went there to see the former president he's there he walks around and when this new president came any time i've been there the guy is still there you know sometimes and when i hear people talk criticizes i just look at them and i pity them if you can see what is behind the scenes a madman in kumasi was holding light you know this african lantern in the afternoon and somebody said crazy maybe i could take it psalm 13 verse 3 psalm 13 verse 3. today let the lord enlighten our eyes let our eyes be open consider hear consider and hear me o lord my god yes lighten my eyes lest i sleep the sleep of death do what lighten my eyes again lighten my eyes lest i sleep ephesians 1 17 and 18. ephesians 1 17-18 that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may keep unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding in the world in the knowledge of him your what the eyes the eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know what is the hopelessness place one of your hands on your eyes say i command revelation i command clarity i command sight i command the recovery of sights i destroy every veil i destroy the symptom of physical and spiritual blindness i block double vision in the name of jesus i command clarity i command sight sight eyes be enlightened eyes see see see the name of jesus you know yes healed a blind man and said to him what do you see after touching him the first time he said i see men walking like trees say double vision double vision from tonight in the name of jesus let your vision be clear receive vision in the name of jesus your eyes will not go deep any attack on your spiritual or physical eyes will intercept it in the name of jesus say interception interception see any attack on my spiritual or physical vision sight in the name of jesus i intercept and block it as i open my mouth and put my hands together block it block it i block and intercept intercept intercept intercept any form of blindness in the name of jesus amen [Applause] so there is a strong man he has a house he has goods the goods of the strong man are your stolen goods and you can't have it until you override him until you override him you can't take your goods and the bible said when the teeth be found he will return seven food of all that he stole and took from us including all the goods of his house today let the strong man assign to frustrate you assigned to hinder you assigned to oppose the will of god for your life assigned to perfect you your health your finances your investments the works of your hands your breakthrough your next level let the strong man be disarmed be dispossessed be disinherited and be bound in the name of jesus like the prayer prayer i find a strong man i dispossess i disinherit every strong man assad from my bloodline my father's house my mother's house to oppose the will of god for my life to frustrate to frustrate to complicate my life to implicate me to sabotage me to undermine my breakthrough my next level let that strong man be bound be bound be dispossessed disinherited in the name of jesus disarm this arm disarm this arm in the name of jesus disarmed amen luke chapter 11 and verse 21 to verse 22. luke chapter 11 when a man armed keepeth his palace so this strong man we are dealing with is armed he's not just a strong man he's a strong man and he's also what armed and in order to deal with him you have to disarm him somebody said disarm say disarm let the strong man of your father's house and of your mother's house and let the strong man assign to perfect ghanians and the women of your father's house and the men of your bloodline let that strong man be disarmed let him be dispossessed and let his weapons by the power of jesus name be taken away from his hands we dismantle his weapons we demobilize all his weapons in the name of jesus we incapacitate every strong man open him up incapacitate command every strong man opposing on the mining let him be incapacitated we command financial strong men causing discouragement undermining causing setbacks holding back breakthroughs with this arm dispossess disinherit dismantle your weapons by the power of jesus name we incapacitate every strong man of our bloodline every strong man of my father's house my mother's house every strong man in ghana here in ghana by the power of jesus name be bound be bound be bound in the name of jesus bound hallelujah there's a prayer i want us to browse talking to a very good gentleman the other day great guy and he was doing some deals and everything had gone through and the day before the deal will be signed finally you keep looking at me the way you are looking at me some of you are just eyeing me i can see you think i can see tell somebody you think i can see tell somebody you have expired but he said he had a dream and in the dream he was driving and he saw a friend so he stopped pulled the car by the road came out of the car and was talking to this friend by the time he finished talking to the friend somebody had come and taken the car stolen the car driving the car away so the next day he went for the signing of the deal and to a sabotage somebody raised an objection that we are not agreeing to this thing it's not going to happen see spiritual hijackers and spiritual and robbers say by the power of jesus name tonight we recover that car and we bind spiritual hijackers we buying spiritual armed robbers by the power of jesus name said we overthrow spiritual hijackers and spiritual armed robbers and spiritual assassins who hijack testimonies of nations of families of churches of individuals of businesses spiritual hijackers responsible for hijacking breakthroughs testimonies blessings and dreams by the power of jesus name we intercept them overthrow them and we incapacitate spiritual hijackers spiritual armed robbers as we open our mouth put ourselves up incapacitate them override them overthrow revoke their powers you can stand on your feet if you want to and you can see that if you want to but incapacitate them incapacitate them spiritual hijackers spiritual hijackers spiritual hijackers spiritual and robbers yeah robbing people destiny robbing people of their destiny hijacking the destiny of our children our loved ones we bind spiritual hijackers we command let nation hijackers be incapacitated let them be incapacitated let them be incapacitated let them be stripped of all their power their networks their influence by the power of jesus name let them be incapacitated that hijacked the destiny of nations by the power of jesus name let them be incapacitated by the power of jesus name we recover our nation we recover the destiny of this nation from the hands of spiritual hijackers and i'm roberts [Applause] sit down for one minute sit down for one minute hear me there are nations and destinies hijackers the hijacked destinies of nations and the hijacked destinies of families communities cities nations even churches they can hijack the destinies of churches i've been to places amazing places and you can tell that the destiny of the church has been hijacked yeah some hijacked through the pastor's wife yeah i told you about a man of god came to me and said anytime he dreams he sees himself sleeping with a snake and he asks and i asked my you married and said yes and he said what is the meaning of my dream and i said i don't know this is one dream i can interpret till jesus comes i should tell you the meaning of the dream when you keep sleeping see yourself sleeping with me you can't tell what it is now a man sleeping with a snake and a man sleeping with an angel which of them will do well so if you're a man of god and you are sleeping with a snake can you imagine what will happen to your church spiritually yeah tonight we incapacitate destiny hijackers any forces and any group of people and individuals and any virus they have released from the underworld to hijack the destiny of our nation let them be incapacitated let their powers be revoked let their powers be terminated let them be disarmed and be dispossessed and be disinherited of their powers disarm them dispossess them of their weapons and powers let them be incapacitated powers assigned to hijack the destiny of ghana our economy our destiny our economy somebody open your mouth incapacitate [Applause] them hey [Applause] sit down for two minutes please write down these things and don't play with them i'm telling you there are destiny hijackers yeah the hijacked the destinies of individuals the destinies of cities of communities and of nations and families yeah let nothing hijack your destiny [Applause] and whatever has hijacked the destiny of this nation by the power of jesus name let it be discontinued yeah yeah the hijacked economies of nations when you hear the effect of these viruses it's amazing how is literally crippling economies of nations big boys deep pocket companies suddenly overnight they are losing billions of dollars in a day billions of dollars in a day as it came so let it disappear [Applause] yeah go ahead look 11 22 to 21 21 to 22 sorry when a strong man armed keeping his palace his goods are in peace so he is armed he has a palace and he has goods tell us about that that goods are yours yeah his goods they are your goods those are your stolen goods those are breakthroughs you should have had long time ago that was diverted i was talking to a gentleman who came to see me today and i was telling him that i said you i saw you standing at the crossroad there was two roads one to the left one to the right and you took the left one and you've been on the journey for over 40 years he started crying and i said you can't finish anything you begin the case of non-accomplishment the strong man assigned to cause you to do foolish errands you are always busy you have nothing to show for you work no harvest yeah you see some men handsome and intelligent and brilliant but the devil has made them hustlers and beggars yeah and i was telling the guy i said you were you are a prince walking barefooted and sevens are riding on your horse but from today let the rules change i said let the rules change and let the table stand in your favor let the tables tend 10 10 turn in your favor as with this inheritance dismantle and disarm the armor of the strong man we spoil his ammo and we'd spoil his goods for 122. but when is stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his ammo tonight let him be stripped of all his armor let him be stripped of his defensive and offensive ammo through which and by which he has frustrated perfected and hindered and delay the breakthrough of a lot of you listen everyone sitting here have great dreams and aspirations and visions in life but something has sabotaged you and that something he says someone he said somebody says he says someone yeah he said someone he says someone but he's a person without body and his job is to sabotage you so that you are always struggling and marking time but after tonight no more sabotage i said no more sabotage whatever you put your hands to do after tonight it shall prosper in the name of jesus it shall prosper in the name of jesus and one thing i must tell all of you please learn to be faithful to god please give god his portion whether his personality corporate tithe weather is offering helping the work of god supporting the house of god don't be stingy don't be that is the difference between us and other religions other religions they support their religions seriously we are the only religion that when we are blessed the first thing we take care of is us we don't feed what feeds us that's why the church is not spiritually where it's supposed to be i'm telling you i'm telling you because if church people and like this first thing we are doing the electricity bill is going to go up whether you like it or not because we haven't budgeted and the financial people some of them are here sitting behind me yeah if i follow them i won't declare prayer meeting because they are keeping to the budget we haven't planned me i don't deal with budget i deal with faith let them do budget me i do faith and me i do spirituality i do spiritual amen but if church people will begin to care and put value on spiritual things i'm telling you there will be no need among us because there will be enough power there will be enough power to solve every problem and the time i used to solve problems to be holding meetings dealing with they are all distractions i need that time to be in the presence you remember how moses came back after 40 days and 14 night his countenance was filled with glory and the people couldn't see his face are you hearing me hey i'm not going to tell you what i don't tell you those things when i come back from my buddy are the students there demons will be screaming and talking in the church demons they'll be kind and screaming letting go letting go we don't want him why are you tormenting us they will be talking saying things those days are still here you know what the problem is too much meetings too many meetings today i've had over 10 meetings yeah try solving problems on the phone dealing with this dealing with that then everything i need to see papa your ideas people should stop trying to see me go and see jesus i don't see jesus leave me alone amen read it again verse 22 but went stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him he taken from him all his amber wearing he trusted and divided his spoil luck his ammo defense and offense be taken away from him let the strong man in ghana and against ghanian's prosperity let every strong man in your mother's house from your father's house responsible for your frustration are you hearing me and the chaos in your life let them be stripped and be disarmed of their weapons and the ammo in which they trusted and let the treasures they have and their goods be taken away listen you can't take your stolen guto you can't take it but you deal with a strong man you keep making time i'm telling you but between today tomorrow and friday all night are you hearing me we will deal with every strong man well well somebody said well well that's the nigerian language where will we go deal with him where are you hearing me you remember the other day and they were going to prayer the other day daniel prayed and fasted and the bible said the first day he embarked on the prayer and the fasting his prayers was answered and an angel of the lord was dispatched with an answer daniel chapter 10 on his way coming with the answer when he stepped into daniel's geographical location or the atmosphere under which daniel lived a strong man appeared on the scene and said to india gabriel where do you think you are going gabriel india where are you doing he said i have come in response to the prayers of daniel and the strong man said i'm sorry this territory i control it nothing comes in and nothing goes out i am the i am the chief custom officer of this territory i have to clear you before you can pass you are not passing and there was a fight there was a fight between the strong man who control the atmosphere where daniel dwelled in but daniel kept praying he didn't relent you know what your prayer your problem is you give up too early yeah you give up you get discouraged too early other religions they're muslims they pray five times a day they're jews they pray three times a day all their life whether they are sad whether they are happy whether they have whatever they do it's a lifestyle tell somebody prayer must be a lifestyle to see permanent breakthroughs sweet victories and breaking through with ease comes as a result of continuous prayer tell somebody continue in prayer say continue continue today as we get into prayer let him be stripped of his armor in which he trusted he has a network and you know what brought angelic reinforcement for gabriel to come through danielle did not relent yeah he didn't give up doing what he has to do he didn't stop praying he didn't stop tightening didn't stop giving he just stayed at it tell somebody stay at it stay at it let me tell you true intercessors don't pray according to time they pray until something happens tell somebody through intercessors don't pray according to time they pray until something happens tell somebody i will not relent nor hold my peace until i see the full manifestation of everything that the lord has spoken concerning this house my nation and all that concerns me i will not hold my peace nor relent today let the strong man of your mother's house your father's house your bloodline let the strong man of ghana listen the situation with the economy let the masters in finance the economies let them talk their language are you hearing me me i'm telling you the language we call it biblical language i'm talking biblical language and from biblical language research and perspective i'm telling you that there is a strong man responsible for the financial situations and crisis of the world and of nations and of this country but today as we stand in prayer let the strong man be disarmed let him be stripped of his weapon in which he trusted hear me do you know why he trusts in his ammo do you know why it runs because it works it does work for him so he has confidence in it but from tonight as we incapacitate him his armor won't work anymore it will not work anymore because we are stripping him of it spiritual i'm roberts spiritual hijackers nation hijackers destiny hijackers blessing hijackers are you hearing me any group of evil cartels said demonic cattails yeah their cartels the world today in the name of jesus for the next few minutes listen strong men are not just assigned to you per se they are assigned to your health some are assigned to your finances to the works of your hand your dreams your investment your vision your land so you have a land listen there are people eh they are grandfathered being built their grandmother didn't build their mother didn't build they have florida didn't build they buy a land they pay for their land and they buy the land three times and they have land title and they are still buying the land and they try to build and there's a contention and a fight and people come and drive them away from the landing bottle and have title on it you know why because the strong man who prevented their father and mother from building has come on the scene and has entered a group of people to raise an injunction an objection objection to say this one they are not to build they don't have to have possession in the land they must not prosper they must always rent somebody's house and pay somebody's debt for them they must not own their house they must be tenant the rest of their life from today that case is lifted you become a landlord do you know that is only judges who are dressed as lord my lord my lord do you know the other the only time you become a lord is when you own a house or a property from today become a landlord [Applause] i said become a landlord whatever has prevented you from becoming a landlord let that strong man be bound open your mouth and begin to release fire [Applause] i can't hear you attack the strong man let the strong man that has hindered you over the years be bound that strong one the mighty the terrible one be bound be incapacitated and strip of your armor in which you trust it any strong man assigned to this house action chapel international any strong man assigned to act bishop nicolas duncan williams my household my children my seed my wife my loved ones and this house let that strong man be incapacitated let the armor of the strong man be taken away and i spoil the goose of the strong man open your mouth somebody i can't hear you attack the strong man attack the strong man [Applause] take possession of the goods take possession of the goods it doesn't belong to him that is the law and the fullness the wrong take possession of the goods [Applause] push it push it push it push it push it open your mouth nothing happens until you say something say something push it push it push it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] push it push it push it push it push it [Applause] so [Applause] push it push it get violent get fouling the fallen take it by force stop being nice open your mouth get [Applause] [Applause] violent [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now hear me we need to bind and reverse the fear of the virus this is something we have to deal with fear the fear of it yeah some people are so afraid that they are dying before the thing even touches them yeah fear it opens you up we bind the fear of the virus and we bind also the effect of it yeah the effect is to people financially yeah cause financial bankruptcy financial bankruptcy in the name of jesus we overthrow it we expel it i said we overthrow and overwrite it in the name of jesus attack it open your mouth attack the fear of the virus find the terror of the virus corona virus we cast the terror of it we bind the terror of it psalm 91 verse 5 in the name of jesus bind the terror of faith the fear of it the effect of the virus we bind it from our borders from our high seas from our dwellings we bind it in the name of jesus we bind [Applause] it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now let's command the virus to stay out of our environment stay out of anywhere that concerns us are you hearing me now a lot of things comes a lot of nations concerns me i have interest in many nations not just ghana are you hearing me so quran virus stay away from anywhere and anything that concerns me by the blood of jesus stay away open my prayer prayer commanding to stay away stay away from ghana stay away from this country stay away from cote d'ivoire from dlc stay away from president suzuki stay away corona viola stay away from my loved one stay away from them that concerns me by the blood of jesus stay away from ghana stay away from nigeria from togo from benin from la cote d'ivoire from from mali in the name of jesus celerio liberia coronavaro stay away from london north america south america europe all of europe stay away the middle east asia by the blood of jesus corner stay away [Applause] [Applause] now now jeremiah 22 29 and 30 jeremiah 22 29 and 30. o s f hear the word of the lord thus saith the lord write ye this man childless a man that shall not prosper in his days do you hear me you see these are some of the things i'm talking about that there are some families there are written cases and written judgments it's a prescription they have prescribed for certain people that they will not prosper in their day and they are brought like uh but from today let the church be reversed let the cast be reversed go ahead for no man of his seed shall prosper you see so is not just against you the thing is transgenerational no man of what of his family of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of david umbrelling anymore in judah will be humble render him childless there is a reason why some people are not fruitful yeah there are some people it doesn't matter what you give to them it will never prosper because and it doesn't matter the school they attend they won't do well in life because something is responsible to mix what they feel but from today let the rules change i say let the rules change somebody stand on your feet and open your mouth reverse it reverse that case it's a spoken judgment a spoken case and a written case reverse it reverse it reverse it reverse the curse reverse it by the power of jesus name reverse it and overturn it open your mouth and say i over 10 over 10 i over 10 smoking kisses written cases i overturned it overturning the case of unfruitfulness the case of barriness the case of poverty the case of foolish errands the case of indebtedness overturn every case of financial entanglement in the name of jesus hear me one one prayer i want us to deal with today tomorrow and friday night and even tuesday morning is the case of financial indebtedness and entanglement yeah a lot of people are entangled financially they can't get out of it you are in debt and it's like you are trying everything to come out and the more you try to come out the deeper you find yourself in debt today be disentangled we command you to be disentangled and today we overturn the case of financial indepthedness indebtedness and entanglement overturn it open your mouth put your hands together open your mouth deal with that case of entanglement financial indepthedness financial entanglement is a form of a curse and wickedness by the blood of jesus over turning over turning over turning over turning over tonight [Applause] push it push it push it speak nothing happen until you open your mouth and say something say something [Applause] over time over time over time over time over time over tenant over ten minutes [Applause] um [Applause] now genesis chapter 27 verse 39 and 40 message translation genesis 27 isaac said to him you will live far from earth's bounty remote from heavens to you you will live by the sword head to mouth no more hand to mouth we reverse the curse of heart to mouth are you hearing me somebody from today i release you into abundance i said you are released into abundance you are releasing to plenty refresh the case of hand to mouth turn it right now open your mouth and say i overtame every case of hand to mouth that from today that look is broken in my life in this house in my business in my family no more hand to mouth [Applause] now we'll continue tomorrow guys there's so much inside of me we'll continue tomorrow we have to go home this is what i want to do i want you to take an offering but before you take an offering i don't want it to be a normal offering because i want us to invoke deuteronomy 111 that your finances god will multiply your finances a thousand times and more i said a thousand times and more so everybody i want you to go beyond normal offerings some of you can give a thousand ghana yeah a hundred and more mobile money you can give by mobile money the mobile we have the number is on the screen but god has promised to give us a thousand times and more whatever you are giving today i command it to return a thousand times and more tell somebody you are about to receive the blessing and the anointing of a thousand times and even more tell somebody you are bound to receive the manifestation of the blessing of a thousand times and even more let that blessing come unto you right now i said let it come unto you let everything you give today be multiplied a thousand times and even more receive that promise in the name of jesus i command it in the name of jesus and i command divine compensation divine compensation for every setback for every sabotage and disappointment you bring through mentally emotional financial receive divine compensation divine compensation lift up your seat stand on your feet we declare no more hand to mouth no more foolish errors no more say no more no more no more hand to mouth i command divine rearrangements of your life and your finances in the name of jesus you are disentangled from every financial entanglement disentangled from the yoke and the curse of indebtedness that you owe no man anything from today that you walk in abundance on today that you recover all your stolen goods you recover all your wasted years the spiritual hijackers and armed robbers are incapacitated in the name of jesus lift it up say as i lift up my seat any demonic come back any satanic reactions and retaliation in my bed my sleep my spirit my body in my going out and coming in say in the name of jesus by the power of jesus name i intercept intercept intercept intercept and i block them in the name of jesus for it is written behold i give unto you power to threat upon separate scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by no means hurt you i do so and declare on the authority of the word of god that nothing shall by no means hurt me or anyone that concerns me in the air on land on water in the name of jesus nothing shall by no means hate me or those that consents me in the name of jesus you believe it bring us our friends bring it laid on the order and those of you who want to sign some checks to help us with the electricity bills last week and this week we've we haven't wasted electricity we've used it for good it's for a good cause and we haven't wasted with a good cause some of you can do something special go ahead and do it let's do it and let's go home and thank you for being faithful thank you thank you for being deliberate and for being faithful thank you make room please make room you can take your chairs and go back take your chest back don't leave it here wherever you brought it for carry it back there thank you and make sure you don't hurt anybody don't hurt anybody be gentle be deliberate take it back to where you took you brought it from [Music] [Music] she [Music] go down [Music] from [Music] [Music] foreign foreign stand on your feet with your hands lifted let's worship and go home thank you jesus we lifted up saved by the superior blood of jesus and from that room perspective i declare i will not die prematurely but me and my house this house and all that concerns me shall leave and proclaim the wonders of the lord in the land of the living say i will not be disadvantaged me and my house and them that concerns me and this house will not be implicated our life will not be complicated my blessings will not be complicated say i will not be escaped good i will not be a sacrificial lamb i will not be a victim or a casualty in the name of jesus of any manipulation or any work of the enemy in the name of jesus say i command good news as i leave here i secure the openings of the floodgates of heaven to release the flow of abundance over this house over my house over this nation over the leadership of ghana we release we release the blessings of the overflow overflow we command it with command open your mouse yeah command overflow overflow overflow overflow command overflow overflow overflow command the overflow in the name of jesus say i secure the overflow see i secure the manifestation of the overflow by the superior blood of jesus i command in the name of jesus right now sweet victories say i secure sweet victories permanent victories in the name of jesus and i dis engage and disentangle my emotions from every yoga bondage i free myself from every yoke and case of emotional emotional financial entanglement and indebtedness i proclaim as i live here freedom freedom than god almighty free at last freedom freedom go to two people and do this don't shake them they say freedom
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 126,480
Rating: 4.8108373 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 57sec (4077 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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