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[Music] you may be seated want to challenge your thinking the bible said that the snare is broken see the snare is broken and we have escaped like a bed from the snare of the fowler i declare you and your house will escape you and your family will escape eminent dangers you will escape every spiritual ambush you will escape the traps of the enemy you and your house will escape if you believe it shout yes i'd like to talk to you to challenge your thinking because i realized that a lot of our problem has to do with our thinking and our attitude the bible said as a man thinketh in his heart so he is a lot of people have asked me whether the black man is cursed and i said no we are not cares the black man was not cares we came from the lineage of cush cush was one of the sons of well let me put it to one of the grandsons of noah and kush came from ham who was the one who uncovered his finest nakedness but ham was not cursed because in genesis the ninth chapter the first breath the bible said and god blessed noah and his children and you can cast what god has blessed and because god blessed noah and his sons one of the sons that was blessed uncovered his father's nakedness and the old man could not cast him because god had blessed him and because he couldn't cast his son blessed of the lord what he did was he placed the case on the last bone of ham and he cast canaan and said a servant of seven shall he be but he did not cast kush the word kush means the man with the dark skin and that is where we came from we are descendants of kush the black man is not case we have so much resources on this continent there is no reason why we should depend on foreign aid but the problem we have is the fact that for whatever reason we have too many selfish people in this continent and the selfishness is a result of poverty mentality and poverty is an attitude and it's a mentality that people can be wealthy physically and still be poor in their thinking and in their attitude greatness is an attitude it's not a privilege it's an attitude and i want to talk to you this morning about a message i've entitled which i'm working on is a progressive message good is an enemy of great tell somebody don't settle for good go for great so many people are born and they settle for good when they can go for greed you are born to be great there is greatness in you when i was studying yesterday i discovered something that blew my mind that it takes an eleventh 18 to 20 two months to give birth to a child 20 to 22 months an elephant an elephant does not pray to be big an elephant is big automatically when he's born if you are born of an elephant you will not be a grasshopper or an ant on this head you are not an ant you are not a grasshopper you are an elephant and i dare you to think as an elephant is anybody hearing me put your hands together shout the ass [Applause] [Music] the problem is our mentality the bible said be not conformed don't conform tell somebody refuse to conform there's a problem in this country where our way of thinking and our mentality and our attitude towards greatness is questionable have misunderstood greatness with humility and for whatever reason we don't like smart people we can't smart people arrogant and proud and we have problem with anybody who is progressive in life we tag them with all kinds of names if any young woman or any young man is making progress in and he or she was not born by old money or some rich family we have to tag them she's moving with some sugar daddy or she's selling cocaine or doing some bad deals or something and that's why he or she has made it we question success and yet we last for it yet we kill for success we slander we character assassinate and we covet it and at the same time we fight it and you can never be anything you find and you can never be what you despise and dishonor you attract what you honor and you become what you celebrate and until we learn to celebrate the success of others as a people and a nation we can never be successful we will always be bringing each other down there is nothing wrong with your color greatness has nothing to do with your color neither has greatness anything to do with the environment or condition under which you were born or who your father or your mother is jesus was born in a manger but there is none greater than him from the beginning of time up to today and to the end of the age there is none greater and none that will ever be greater than him and yet he was born in a manger under a very terrible circumstances so it doesn't matter who your father is and who your mother is and what the color of your skin is and your background and upbringing or the school you attended the school you attended has nothing to do with greatness there is a seed of greatness in you i dare you today to have an attitude of greatness somebody put your hands together saudias [Applause] i want to talk to you about men who believed god born in the desert and they lived in the desert and they turned desert into cities by faith in god by audacity in the living god they changed desert into cities and the cloud streams to flow in the desert and in the wilderness ladies and gentlemen you are no chicken you are an offspring of an elephant you are designed to be big and the only thing that is restricting and limiting your greatness is you it's not the devil it's your thinking it's your mentality you are not case there is nothing wrong with you your problem is your thinking your problem is you for as a man getting his heart so he is as long as you think that you are nobody you will be nobody as long as you think that you are going nowhere you will go nowhere but i dare you today to see yourself as one that is capable and one that can make a difference and one that is up to the tax give somebody a high five and say you are capable you are capable to make a difference to make a difference tell somebody you are up to the tax you are up to the tax if you believe it shout yes [Applause] turn your bibles with me to psalm 48 and verse 1 psalm 48 and verse 1. great is the lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our god and in the mountain of his holiness 1 47 verse 5 great is our lord again and of great power his understanding is infinite psalm 95 verse 3 for the lord is a great girl and a great king above all gods aren't you excited that your god is a great king about all gods are you hearing me it doesn't matter what the power of your god is may i announce to you let nobody intimidate you let no man and woman threaten you by any means by having or by earth by the elements or by the beast in the sea or by the forces of the underworld let nobody threaten you for your god is lord and great above all other gods there is no rock like our rock there is no god like our god if you believe it put your hands together shout the ass and this great god and great king he's not just a good god and a good lord but he's a great god say great say great tell somebody don't set you for good don't settle for the average don't settle for crumbs tell somebody you are better than this go for grace and hear me greatness has nothing to do with where you live or the color of your skin or the school you attended waran buffett said something he said when business is bad and everybody is running from the marketplace that is the time to go there and when bitnet is booming and everybody is running to the marketplace that is the time to leave the place it's a way of thinking i like the way the man thinks he's wired in a particular way that when every when times are difficult we have a lot to thank god for as a nation let us not forget the goodness of god that even though we have challenges and we are problems we are not facing a tsunami like what is going on in the in indonesia when the ebola came and was killing people in other countries around us god spared this nation and we need to be thankful i mean are you hearing me somebody i'm not saying we shouldn't recognize hardship and difficult times but i'm saying that we have more to be thankful and sometimes we don't thank god enough sometimes we complain and complain and complain and complain and criticize and criticize and we are literally killing the atmosphere of this country let's acknowledge the good of one another and let's criticize what is wrong let us not just be negative about everything because if one tsunami hits this country it will wipe everything away but may god forbid and may god spare this country is anybody hearing me put your hands together and give god some praise we need to develop an attitude of gratitude i'm telling you we are too negative too negative walk with walk with me in the book of genesis the 12th chapter reading from the first to the third verse god called the man called the man by the name of abraham pulled him out of his country his father's house and his kingdom and he impacted into him faith to a land where he knew not and said i'm calling you to become a great nation and out of you shall all the families of the ed be blessed and you and i are here today because of this one man called abraham and i want you to know that you are a custodian of the abrahamic covenant that the legacy of abraham continues and lives on through you and i and if you are the seed of abraham then the blessing of abraham belongs to you if the blessing of abraham belongs to you then you must do what abraham did when i see people complaining about the tides it it it baffles me because under the old testament we practice healing and healing is practiced in the new testament and we accept healing communion was practiced under the old testament we accept it in the new testament praise and worship was practiced under the old testament we practiced that in the new testament washing our feet prayer fasting holiness righteousness faith all these things were practiced under the old testament and we don't question it in the new testament why is it that tithe is the only thing we question and we say that as for tithe it remains in the old testament everything else is accepted in the new testament is an attitude of rebellion because god gave man everything in the garden of eden and the only thing god said don't touch is because it is holy and it is set apart unto the lord is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was the tide and god said you can have everything but don't touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the tithe he separated unto me and man went after it the offering is different because god gives you freedom and liberty to do with the offering as you please but the tithe is very specific and he said it is mine and tight is not old testament it's a principle of reverence is under the law of first things that you you honor god and it's not the amount of the money is the principle that number the number 10 is the number of redemption and i can't say it enough because i see people trying to misplace priorities but somebody needs to keep saying it because it's nothing but a deception i've had people come to me and said papa since i i started tightening and doing it the right way even though things are difficult god is blowing my mind god is blowing my mind firstlings vaselines is the tide the difference between abell and kane was the fact that cain brought his offering but abel brought tides and offering firstlings means tides that's what it stands for first things first and he brought tights and offerings and god had respect for abel but didn't have respect for cain and ken was angry with his brother because his brother had favor with god and god said something which every one of us must not forget of he said if you do what is right will you not be accepted which stands to reason that ken knew what was right but refused to do it he will not do the right thing there are people who know their writing but they won't do it and then they will attack somebody who does the right thing and gets river from god and instead of him to do the writing and be favored he rather decided to kill his brother for doing the right thing and there are people like that in the church they won't do what is right they know the right thing but they want to do questions they will argue it out come up with all kinds of arguments to prove no point but let me move on with my message today genesis 12 1-3 now the lord has said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house onto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation on the line i will make of the great he didn't say i'll make of you a good nation he said great cigarettes somebody say great go ahead and i will bless thee he said i'll bless thee and make thy name great and i'll make your name great not good but great and thou shalt be a blessing he said and you will be a blessing and i will bless them that bless thee and i will bless them god and test him that case of the singular and in that case thee so those who bless you are more than those who case you oh it's a good place to have clapped your hands and shouted i said those who bless you are more than those who catch you may many bless you be blessed by many in the name of jesus and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed our families not some but all families of the year be blessed we are here because of the obedience of one man abraham and we are the seed of abraham there is greatness in you you can settle for good for crumbs for the average or you can go for greatness but there are things that are required if you are going to go for greatness in life because life is not fair life is not fair and life doesn't give you what you deserve or wish for but it gives you what you fight and negotiate for are you hearing me somebody you must develop the skills of toughness life is not for chickens are you hearing me somebody is for go-getters work with me work with me come to psalm 2 verse 8 ask of me and i shall give you the heathen for the inheritance act of me and i'll deny you thank you somebody what what what have you asked for what have you asked for ask somebody ask two people have you asked for anything we don't ask for big things we don't ask for big things somebody was asking me the other day he said tapper if if god comes right now and asks you to ask him of just one thing what will you ask him for and i said more insight and illumination of the world you know why i don't need anything because in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and all things was made by the word and there was nothing made that was made without the word and the word took flesh and dwelt among us ladies and gentlemen if you have the words you have everything are you hearing me somebody do you hear what i said i'd rather have jesus the word than silver and gold are you hearing me somebody the bible says the grass of the field witness and the flower faded but the word of our god shall stand forever are you hearing me somebody give me the word of god and i will transform my world say yes [Applause] [Music] so i will give you the heathen for the inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession some of you since you were born you've never traveled out of a crowd some of you have never been to even lumen some of you have never had a passport before some of you since god said let there be light nobody in your family have sat in a plane before you've never seen snow before you've never been anywhere you satisfy where you are you are good you are okay good is average are you hearing me somebody you are better than good you can be great he said ask me of nations when god is dead in you and i to ask him of nations you are praying and thinking about your wife and your children and your brothers and your sisters and your immediate family that is wrong thinking the problem why we are not doing well and going anywhere it's our thinking we think small we ask for small things but god said i dare you to think big ask me of nations and the uttermost part of the ends of the head for your possession may that anointing come upon you today may you begin to ask god for nations may you have possessions in the uttermost part of the earth shout ass ladies and gentlemen it's a possibility tell somebody is a possibility tell somebody take the limits of god take the limits off take the limits off you are the one limiting god you are limiting god with your own mind the limit is you you are putting limit on god because you are looking at your immediate environment you are looking at your background the color of your skin where you live where you've come from but god is the respecter of no person god can do anything listen these people i'm talking about they lived in the wilderness in a desert and they turn deserts into cities when i came here 30 years ago this place was a desert and the lord said to me he said if you move the church to that place you call desert i will bring the city to you today the city is on the sprinter's road we don't want anything complicated we want what is convenient but if you want to make a difference in life you have to go against inconvenience you have to go against complications are you hearing somebody you must be determined to challenge stubborn situations and mountains and difficult situations those who make a difference in this life don't make it by convenience amen i will give you the headings for your inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for your possession oh god genesis 13 and 2 and abram was very rich in cattle in silver and in gold who told you that we are called to take the poverty vow there's nowhere in the bible god commands us to take a poverty vow it's a religious philosophy and doctrine it's not in the bible and abraham was a friend of god he lived in the desert and god said i'll make your name great and i'll make a great nation out of you and i'll bless you so you can be a blessing you are not a blessing until you become the point of reference of the blessings of others until you become the point of reference of the blessings of others you are not a blessing and there are people who live in this world and are blessed with so much and die as puppets make no impact never lived because it was all about them and their immediate family they never cared about their community and the village they were born in but if everybody will build in your village a school a church a borehole something that would benefit and profit just you but the community and that village where you came from after you are gone you'll be remembered that once upon a time someone like you leave i'm not talking about building a major building in your village that one is for you and your kids it doesn't profit the village but if you build a school if you build a church you build a bowl build something for the community it will outlive you and there's so many of you you come from communities where you were born there's no water you live in a crowd you build mansions buy homes and houses in dubai in many nations of the world where you are not born while your children will never live there and you never do anything for your village and where you came from and where you were born and if you die and live that village and where you were born in the same communi in the same condition you met it when you were born you were not born you didn't come into this world you you are a disappointment the reason why we don't have all money in ghana and most african countries when the rich people die their riches die with them when we build for just us and our children we die with it but if we want the legacy to continue after we leave here then we have to stop thinking about our kids and our immediate family we have to stop being selfish and become selfless people like doctor kwame nkrumah and people like mendiva through my build a motorway he built a mahabhara and he did things that no president of this country has been able to do to challenge him and yet he had nothing to his name personally and he said that the independence of ghana is meaningless until it is connected to the total freedom and repression of the continent of africa when they see mandela was told after being in prison for 27 years go home you spend 27 years here in prison go and be with your wife your children and grandchildren and he said give my freedom and my liberty will not set free the people for which i've been in prison for 27 years then i don't want this freedom i don't want to be free and still see my people in bondage if my people will not be free then i don't want freedom let me remain in prison that is the kind of mentality we are looking for if you are going to be great one of the fairest things you must cultivate is selflessness selflessness and dissatisfaction is anybody hearing me if you are not selfless you will never attain to greatness in this life and that is the problem on this continent whether in the public as preachers or whether as politicians or whether at the marketplace or a professional as long as we think of ourselves and our immediate family we will never make an impact and generations yet unborn will judge us but if we want to rise on the right side of history and be remembered by posterity then we must develop and cultivate an attitude of selflessness and dissatisfaction and understand that it is not about you and your immediate family but it's about the families of others and it's about a community it's about a city a nation and a generation put your hands together somebody and give god praise [Music] [Applause] genesis 14 14 and when abram had that his brother was taken captive he armed his trained servants born in his own house 318 and pursued them unto them look at this guy living in a desert but had 318 bodyguard armed men born in his house can you imagine the kind of house it was that was a city they were all born 318 trained armed men born in the house of one man in the desert now these were men to hover their wives and then add the children to it mothers children 318 just men are the women at the children to it all born in the house of one man in the desert we have to have a mind of possibilities that a lot can change in our lifetime if we are selfless we can make an impact [Applause] genesis 24 and 35. and the lord have blessed my master greatly look at the word oh bless my master great not goodly bad word greatly there is greatness in you it doesn't matter where you live upon the earth the school you went to the family you came from or your background all things are possible to him that believed and with god nothing shall been possible are you hearing me somebody tell somebody don't look at me with that look don't look at me with that look are you hearing me somebody for it is written eyes have not seen nor entered the hearts of men ears have not heard what god has prepared for those who love him are you hearing me somebody [Music] if god can open your eyes and show you just two or three years of the possibilities ahead of you your whole life will change are you hearing me somebody tell somebody if only you know who is sitting next to you you will take me to the most expensive restaurant in this city today and give me free lunch you take me to new seasons new seasons here and pay for free lunch [Music] you don't know what people are capable of becoming [Music] amen the lord has blessed my master greatly and he is become great and he has given him flocks and heads and silver and gold and men servants and made seven and camels somebody said somebody said that is what i'm talking about yes sir say yes sir that is what i'm talking about and eleven don't apologize huh have is an elevator apologizing because he's big no he's in the dna even if an elephant decides to be small it's too late are you hearing me somebody our problem is the way we think is our mentality and our attitude let's look at the next generation before then come with me to galatians 3 29 and if you be christ then are you abraham's seed and has according to the promise is there any seed of abraham here oh come on talk any seed of abraham here tell somebody i'm a custodian of the abrahamic blessings are you the seed of abraham then you are entitled to the blessing of abraham then it is required of you to do what abraham did and if you do what abraham did the blessing of abraham is yours look at the blessing of abraham look at it in the life of the generations i look at look at what happened to his son isaac genesis 26 13 and 14. and the man works great and went forward and crew and you became you you will work great not i said you works great and i said irrespective of the condition we find ourselves in this country and now well you will go forward i said you will go forward if you believe in shout yes [Applause] and he grew until he became very greedy listen you will grow you will develop you will increase in stature you shall be fruitful against all odds against our contradiction i declare over your life that you will be great you'll be fruitful you will bear fruit you will have dominion you will multiply if you believe it shout yes go ahead for he had possessions of flocks you have possessions i said you have possessions you will possess possessions before you die this world will know that you live you will have possession that that the world will take note of you you will not be ignored you will not be ignored you will have so much possession that people will take notice of you even if you want to hide it's too late you can't hide anymore before he had possessions of flocks and possessions of heads look look a great store of love look again again he had possessions of flocks uh-huh possessions of heads uh-huh and a great store of seven uh-huh and the philistines envied him you see he this guy was walking in the same blessing his father walked in same blessing say like father like son say like father like son that's why i'm just like my father see i can't help it i'm just like my father even if i don't want to be blessed it is too late come on somebody i'm not feeling you this morning i said come on somebody put your hands together and give god some praise [Applause] somebody say their legacy continues okay let's move away from isaac genesis 30 43 from the english to non-version so thus the man increased greatly and had large flocks female sevens and male sevens and camels and donkeys who was this jacob say third generation say the legacy continues third generation and they all live in the desert there was no electricity no standby generator no water no internet no laptops no cell phones no computers no cam not even motorbikes they live in a desert and yet they turn the desert into cities my god my god my god is anybody hearing me this morning you are living in better condition than these people and yet they had more than you and i they didn't buy and they didn't sell that was the third generation look at the fourth generation genesis 41 40 to 41. thou shall be over my house and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne will i be greater than thou and pharaoh said unto joseph see i have savvy over all the land of egypt fourth generation and this time this fourth generation was a slave in a foreign nation he didn't have a passport he didn't have a visa he didn't have a residence permit he stole away he was a stowaway didn't have a passport and a visa and yet became the prime minister in a foreign country my god my god my god tell somebody that is what i'm talking about god has a sense of humor when i began they used to call me brother nick then i became evangelist nick then pastor nick then dr nick then bishop duncan williams they're not bishop then papa are you hearing me and hear me hear me i am not finished i'm not finished i'm just beginning i'm just warming up are you hearing me my latter shall be greater than my past you know why because i am better today than i was yesterday i am wiser today than five years ago there are things i couldn't handle last year by god grace i can handle today i am getting better every day getting better every week every month and every year i'm just beginning so if you think i'm finished you are talking i'm just warming up are you hearing me somebody i'm determined to raise up more sons and daughters across the nations of the world impacting my wealth impacting my generation i want to see my sons and daughters making a difference everywhere opening churches everywhere i'm changing the structure of this church next year i'm believing for 500 500 churches are you hearing me and some of you will pass down some of those churches some of you are pastoral materials and you don't even know who you are but i release you in the name of jesus i release the fail in the name of jesus you will be made aware in the name of jesus shout yes shout yes sit down for a minute genesis 41 and 44 and pharaoh said unto joseph i am pharaoh uh-huh listen and without thee shall no man lift his arms listen he said without you shall no man lift up his hand of foot in all the land of egypt can you believe that an alien in a foreign land and the president makes a decree that without you let no man lift a hand or a finger nobody makes any move in this country politically financially economically socially spiritually under any circumstances without your permission somebody said that is what i'm talking about it's more blessing that people become arrogant and very proud and think they have arrived and that is if you are joking i'm talking about transgenerational blessings i'm talking about the abrahamic blessing and legacy see the legacy continues you know there's something that i saw on cnn the other day i think a guy went to france and he didn't have a resident permit and he saw a kid i think falling from a story building and he climbed up and rescued a child and they gave him citizenship the president invited him do you know the next event in your life you'll be having dinner oh you didn't hear me you'll be having dinner with presidents [Applause] god can take you from nowhere to somewhere from nothing to something you are about to become something you are about to become somebody don't settle for good go for great [Applause] [Music] tell somebody i am not finished i'm just beginning so if you think i'm finished you are joking i'm just beginning i'm just warming up [Applause] are you hearing me i'm just warming up come on somebody [Music] [Applause] if you want to be great you must have write down determination tell somebody determination you must be determined because there's a lot of discouragement in life the enemy will throw everything at you to discourage you you must have determination number two you must focus tell somebody focus focus tell somebody concentration concentrate doesn't matter don't be distracted say focus focus if your eye be single then your whole body will be full of life tell somebody have stamina [Music] that's what you need mental stamina emotional stamina spiritual stamina stamina and right tell somebody you need courage courage courage be courageous and very courageous life is tough life is not simple it's very complicated it's not easy it's very complicated you must be courageous and very courageous amen and then you must develop an attitude of selflessness say selflessness you can't be thinking about yourself your children and your immediate family you will not amount to anything i'm telling you posterity will never remember you i'm just telling you the people who are remembered by posterity are those who are selfless people selfless vision selfless leadership who did something for the benefit of posterity and not themselves and their immediate family if africa would make a difference we need selfless leaders who think about posterity and what they can do for generations yet unborn than themselves last point you must cultivate and develop an attitude of dissatisfaction see dissatisfaction i can't hear you say it again some of you you settle for good and crumbs when you can go for great come with me to philippians 3 13 and 14. brethren i count not myself to have apprehended he said i haven't yet arrived that's why i'm telling you that if you think because i might bishop i haven't done anything crap i'm just beginning i'm just beginning i'm just warming up so you can call me papa you can call me bishop it doesn't mean nothing because i have bigger dreams and better dreams i'm dreaming new dreams i'm seeing things i didn't see 10 years ago i'm seeing them i'm seeing possibilities that i've never seen before i am determined to accomplish more than i have ever accomplished in my life i believe god that my latter shall be greater than my beginning and than my past so paul said i don't count myself as one that have arrived i haven't yet arrived i'm just beginning it is a deception to think you have arrived i'm just beginning why but this one thing i do this one thing you must do forgetting those things which are behind you have to forget of your failures the failures of the past the failures of yesterday the bible said the righteous followed seven times and seven times he rises up again it doesn't matter how many times you have fallen get up tell somebody i know you are falling but get up get up get up get up [Applause] get up get up [Music] go ahead and reaching forth onto those things which are before that's somebody break loose well i pressed towards the mark please press you know what press means effort applying pressure to apply pressure say keep the pressure on keep the pressure on keep it on go ahead i pressed over the back of the price of the higher calling there's a marco there is a match ladies and gentlemen there is a mark we must meet the target there is a target and until we meet that target we were not born we didn't come here and to meet that target you got to forget about you [Music] sometimes it takes everything you have to get what you've never had before
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 5,192
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: Archbishop Duncan-Williams, Action Chapel International, Christian Channels, nicholas duncan-williams, nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, prayer life, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer, archbishop duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams sermons, archbishop nicholas duncan williams 2020, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer key new destiny, archbishop nicholas duncan williams messages
Id: U9yAmXRjxZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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