Divine Stability

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[Music] that is a word we've heard of and i use it and i've used it over the years and being a friend of israel it's something that everybody uses and the word is shalom shalom shalom s-h-a-l-o m shalom and as i research the meaning of the word i realize that there are two meanings of shalom and one meaning of shalom is peace peace simple as that peace then you can look at the various definition of the word shalom or peace which means calm tranquility order or divine order divine order or divine alignment or stability or security it means so many things but the other side of shalom means destroying the authority behind the chaos that peace may prevail tell somebody you must destroy the authority for peace to prevail in your life you must destroy the authority behind the chaos in order for us to appreciate and understand what shalom means and to better work with the meaning of shalom in its through sense i want us to begin our journey from the book of revelation the 12th chapter reading from the seventh to the 12th verse and there was war in heaven please on the line there was war in heaven the first war that ever took place in creation was in heaven it began in heaven and as utterly as god is and sophisticated and secure as god in heaven is there was war in heaven there was chaos in heaven the first war we ever heard of or read of was in heaven and not on earth so keep that in mind there was war in heaven and somebody was responsible for that war ladies and gentlemen wars don't just happen there are things that three guests wore from the first world war to the second world war if you look at the first war the first world war second world war something caused it it didn't just happen there were reasons but there was a cause for the first world war for the second world war and shalom is not automatic peace is not automatic until we do what needs to be done for peace to prevail there will never be peace and this world will never know peace until the prince of peace comes back again irrespective of the effort of the united nations and the nations of our world there will never be peace on this world and in this earth until certain things happen and in order for you and i in the midst of the turmoil and the chaos and the wars to experience and to live and to dwell in safety we need to understand the workings of the peace of god we need to understand what peace really is and means and how critical it is for you and i to have peace in the world full of trouble and chaos that will never know peace because they have rejected the prince of peace and all our intellectual iqs and capabilities and capacity can never secure us peace because peace is not an element peace is not something peace is someone and until we have him in our lives we can never know peace say i hear you remember the first war that ever took place in creation in the history of humanity was in heaven please go ahead michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels remember he's a dragon and a dragon here has to deal with violence threatening and intimidation that is the nature of the dragon violence threatening intimidation eminent dangers he threatens the lives of people and enforces fear and insecurity threatens your very existence and future violently that is who he is but after today have an upper hand over the dragon in the name of jesus put your hands together shout he hears somebody go ahead and he prevailed not nana that saigon prevail hear me he will fight he will always put up a fight because that is his calling that is his ministry that is his anointing if you think that because you born you're born again and you've come to know christ the devil will leave you alone and will not fight you you are joking he was your former master and now that you have another master he's contesting and protesting is the spirit of pharaoh even though you've left egypt he is not willing to let you go he will pursue you through the wilderness pursue you through the red sea of sinai he's not going to give up on you he wants you back in bondage and in captivity because he was your former master the power people said when an evil spirit leaves a man it goes walking in dry places and after a while it says i will return to my house from whence i came from [Music] tell somebody your former master wants to come back i know you are acting like you didn't have a former master you ordered it before you got born again satan was our master and he knows us very well very well he's very familiar to us our strengths and our weaknesses and he said i will go back to my house tell somebody do you know you are satan former's house yeah to be his house doesn't you you used to beat the dance house yeah and he said he will come back and when he comes and he finds the house clean he then goes and invites seven wicked spirits stronger than him to come and occupy that person now watch this demons don't care who gets the credit for us believers we want the credit judas wasn't a devil in the beginning the bible said and satan entered into judas and satan word satan word so demons can enter you lucifer changed and he became a trigon he was in a dragon in the beginning and people begin well and they fall by the wayside galatians said foolish galatians galatians chapter 3 foolish galatians who bewitched you not to continue in the truth did you he said have you begun did you begin in the spirit and you are now ending in the flesh so don't be fooled don't be fooled solomon began very very well and he ended up with one thousand women and concubines one thousand and his heart departed from the this is somebody god loved him and call him solo and the name the meaning of solomon is this because i have loved him [Music] so people can change you know what i said people can change so don't just be don't be full and deceive following everybody just because somebody teaches well or prophesied very accurately doesn't mean they have character are you hearing me yeah yeah yeah people can prophesy accurately preach and teach very well and have a bad character are you hearing me yeah you want to follow people you follow people with longevity and stability and consistency you look at their life and you can tell that this person is correct look at someone like bishop nyanko he's very correct very very correct yeah he's very correct but hear me even bishop nyaku can change oh yeah don't be fooled as correct that he is he can change the devil is not the respecter of any persons so don't be fooled don't be full crown hear me don't be fooled david was a man after god's own heart he was a king he was a priest he was a prophet he was a man after god's own heart he was a worshiper and he committed pre-meditated adultery and medic david are you hearing me lucifer was not a dragon in the beginning and czech people are so naive that they follow everything and they follow everybody yeah they just follow everything everybody i'm telling you and there are people why they follow they intentionally invite people to come and preach and my people and then when you go there they will say prophecy though say the lord said you belong to this house you should stay here you shouldn't go back to papa let somebody say the prophet said the prophet is not god the prophet is not the holy spirit and god gives us the right to judge prophecies so prophets are not alpha and omega listen i have a prophet son he can see power something happened to him and i said to him didn't you see that one yeah he came to send papa and i said but i told you i see her how come you didn't see that one and i said that tells you that we are all limited and we are all human beings and it's only god that is unlimited so humble yourself are you hearing me [Music] let's go on and prevail no neither was there a place found anymore he will not prevail against us and he will not have any place among us if you believe it put your hands together shout yes go ahead and the great dragon was cast out you see he wasn't a great dragon he was lucifer in charge of praise and worship in heaven beauty the bible says for your heart was lifted up because of your beauty yeah the beauty entered into his head and he stopped oxygen from flowing and a lot of people in the church when they get blessed and they become powerful and they see power and gold they change and they become something else lucifer was in a dragon in the beginning he was perfect from the day that he was created until iniquity entered him and it doesn't matter who you are how gifted and anointed you are iniquity can enter you that's where humility is important because if you don't learn to humble yourself and you think you have it all iniquity can enter you go ahead and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan you see the meaning of devil means a deceiver and diabolos diabolical the bible said and it shall come to pass when the whole world will look at the devil and will say add down he that deceived the nations a day is coming when he'll be revealed and the whole world will see him for who he is and say are you the one that deceived the whole world he said deceiver diabolos diabolical next satan the meaning of satan is the the resistor satan's number one priority is to resist human beings number one to resist you from coming to christ that's why a lot of people are not getting born again number two if you get born again his second time is to resist you and stop you from serving god effectively so the number one stop you resist and hinder and block you from getting born again second corinthians 4 4 and if you get born again it will do everything to stop you from serving god effectively to get you to go to hell effectual eventually even though you are born again make you fall by the wayside go ahead and satan which deceived the whole world he received the whole world he was cast out into the earth listen and his angels were cast out with him go ahead and i had a loud voice saying in heaven now it's come salvation when when when did salvation come when salvation came after satan was cast out say out come on useless when he was cast out then came salvation strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ so as long as satan the accuser is in place we will never experience the power of his salvation of his christ and of his strength and of his kingdom [Music] his salvation his strength his kingdom and the power of his christ will never manifest fully there will always be some restriction and limitation it takes him out of the place for these benefits to come in fully go ahead for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accuse them before our god day and night for the who the accuser of our brethren who accuses them before our god when and day and night aren't you glad that the god you and i saved is a god that does not slumber nor sleep are you hearing me so why satan is working 24 7 around the clock our god is also at work 24 7 around the clock somebody put off your hands shove it now go ahead i want you to know why the earth needs peace and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony who deal with the blood that's why communion on wednesdays are very very important because you need to understand the workings of the blood and the place of the blood of the lamb in our life and testimony the word of our testimony go ahead and the love not their lives unto the death therefore rejoice ye heavens you know and those that dwell in them rejoice go to the inhabitants of the earth yes sir and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you woe to who the inhabitants of the earth go to who the inhabitants of the earth come to somebody and say where do you live where do you live how many of you live on earth give me a wave of relief on earth the bible is a woe it's a woe what to the inhabitants of the earth one means trouble chaos adversities wars restlessness and unrest a state of perplexity hopelessness and powerlessness yeah that is the portion of those of us who live on earth why because the one responsible for the chaos and wow in heaven is now dwelling among us go ahead for the devil has come down unto you unto whom unto the people of the earth tell somebody he lives with you you release with you he's your next daughter but tell us about the devil is your next door neighbor i know you don't want to say it but that is the truth yeah that's somebody i know you don't want to accept it but satan is your next next-door neighbor tell somebody i'm telling you tell them you have to make people see the truth this nice nice preaching we have to stop it people have to face reality satan is your neighbor you are looking at me i'm telling you what the bible says go ahead having a great rough because he knoweth that he have but a short time a short time he's working overtime to destroy the inhabitants of the earth and watch this you see the chaos all over the world the demonstration the unrest that's why we need a shalom and unless he's dealt with the world will never know peace and peace is not automatic peace is something you work at it you can only have peace when you have destroyed the authority responsible for the lack of peace and chaos let me show you some scriptures quickly come with me please mark chapter 4 verse 39. and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind seized and there was a great calm there was a what a great car there was a what a great car one and the wind sees and there was a great cam why because the source the cause and the authority responsible for the storm was dealt with so when jesus dealt with the wind he didn't need to deal with the sea because the authority responsible for the storm was dealt with so after that he had dealt with the wind and the authority responsible for the storm and the chaos he said to peace peace relax tell somebody relax relax relax yeah relax be at peace rest take it is that somebody take it easy why because the authority responsible the storm has been dealt with so now let peace prevail let peace reign let peace reign let peace reign to every area of your life let peace reign let peace prevail from the sun to the west from the east to the north let peace reign let peace reign are you hearing me but before peace reigns and peace prevails we have to deal with the costs and the authority responsible for the storm see i hear you peace be still peace relax peace become the authority responsible for the storm is dealt with amen come with me to deuteronomy deuteronomy deuteronomy the american city run army and the canaanite detroit on me okay deuteronomy 33 27-29 the eternal god is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee let every enemy before you be driven out in the name of jesus and shall say destroy them israel then shall dwell in sin when israel dwell in safety can somebody talk to me when will it dry dwell in safety he said and he shall say destroy them and thereafter shall israel dwell in peace how many of you want to dwell in peace come on you want to dwell in peace you have to destroy the authority responsible for the chaos he said then shall israel dwell in safety until the authority responsible for the chaos you can experience shalom if you want to know the state of the church look at the state of the nation of israel look at the state of israel when you go to israel you go to jerusalem men and women are armed 24 7. they live on an edge because anything could happen at any time that is the way we should be living as the church at the edge ready for come back at any time because we are living in the last days and this enemy that caused hell and war in heaven dwells among the inhabitants of the earth and is not going to allow shalom on earth till we enforce say enforce it say superimpose it say peace is not automatic you have to work it out tell somebody work it work it work it [Music] that's what the bible says blessed are the peace world make it say make us make us make us we have to make it we have to create it and force it make it happen amen come with me john chapter 16 verse 33 the things i have spoken unto you that in me you might have you might have peace peace in me in me might have peace yes in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world so where is tribulation trouble chaos in this world jesus said there will be chaos tribulation was trouble in this world but in me you shall have peace peace can only be found in the lord and even when you are in the lord you must enforce you must secure you must maintain you must supply impose it over chaos see i hear you luke 2 14 glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men you say you see he said on us shallow and to the highest glory heaven don't need peace peace is needed on earth so he said because the one responsible for the chaos dwells among you you need shadow on earth you have to work it you have to enforce it peace on earth peace on earth you must be very deliberate when it comes to the authority responsible for the chaos because he will not relent and you must not relent see i hear you put your hands together somebody give god praise the authority responsible for chaos will cause conflict war unrest between husband and wife between daughters and mothers and fathers and sons and siblings loved ones brethren countries churches nations communities political powers to always make sure there is hatred bitterness unforgiveness offences towards one another that is his assignment to undermine authority and order and to cause betrayals and cause people to betray their father if you look at how absalon went to hebron and set up his own attempt a throne a kingdom to compete with his father what makes a son do that to his father when the kingdom is yours anyway what do you want and then he made every attempt to kill the father before time what makes a son go to that extent and people forget that the power to bless and to curse is with the father it doesn't matter how broke a father is check your bible the power to cast and to bless is always with the father is not with your brothers your friends it's not with rich people your father has the power to bless or to curse so be careful how you treat fathers amen come with me to proverbs 4 16 proverbs 4 16 for they sleep not except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall they don't sleep they have been the bible said and satan entered into judas satan deploys human beings to carry out his agenda he uses humans against humans because he's not allowed to function on earth without coming through the womb of a woman that's why jesus had to be born to come here you can't come spirits are not allowed to operate among men without the cooperation or agreement of men and women so he deploys men to fight men we meant to fight women he needs flesh and blood to operate that's why he came through the serpent because spirits are not allowed to operate here on earth without the human body see i hear you you're oppressed through and the bible said there are people whom satan has deployed and they will not sleep until they do a mischief and even their sleep are taken away from them until they cause somebody to fall their job and assignment in life is to cause somebody to fall let any such conspiracy backfire come on put your hands together and shout backfire backfire amen first john chapter 5 verse 18. and then verse 19 we know that whosoever is born of god sinneth not but he that is begotten of god keepeth himself and that wicked one touches him not the plan of that wicked one is to touch you and that word touch means to afflict to exact upon to torture to torment or to perfect say to torture can you talk to me say torture mentally emotionally physically bodily spiritually and to exact upon to afflict to torment to harass we call it satanic harassment torture you and harass you to a point where they compel you to take your life see god forbid yeah look at verse 19 and we know that we are of god and the whole world lieth in wickedness the whole world lighting what in wickedness ladies and gentlemen what are you lacking on this well then it's under the spell of the devil it's under the control and the command and the hold of the wicked one the whole world is full of wickedness say wickedness say injustice so you must be aware of these things and stop saying i'm born again i'm born again i love the lord you know i love the lord yes you love the lord but satan hates you and he dwells among us and until he's dealt with you are going to have to deal with him he's your neighbor he will create problem between you and your wife your husband your children your loved ones your siblings your friends churches divisions strife disharmony contention unrest chaos wars and rumors of wars but in the name of jesus from today have the upper hand in the name of jesus luke chapter 24 36 and as the thus speak jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you you see he stood in the mixture and said world peace be on he said what somebody scream and say shalom shalom he said word shalom because you can't function without peace peace means a state of tranquility safety and harmony and security and hear me peace produces creativity and creativity produces productivity and productivity produces stability and stability produces progress are you hearing me [Music] if you don't believe me look at all the nations that are at war there's no development there go to see the countries that are at war they can develop chaos everywhere nothing is working nothing works there are resources but there is no peace we lift our prayers we lift our prayers for congo dlc we lift our prayers for afghanistan we lift our prayer for celery in liberia we lift our prayers for niger come and put your hands together pray for some of this nation i'm mentioning right now let there be peace let there be peace in some of these nations in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you hear me thank you the first thing jesus did was to command ward peace shalom john 14 27 peace i live with you my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid you see he said two things here one he said peace i live with you number two my peace i give unto you i leave you peace and i also give you my peace my shalom i have it possess it walk in it and force it live by it let peace settle you let your waters be steal one of the things the enemy does i was talking to my staff the other day i said one of the things the enemy does is to trouble your waters like the angel came once a year to trouble the waters satan is a counterfeiter he will sell demons to come and trouble your waters at home at work at the market so every time you are agitated every time you are trouble every time you have to step every time something is happening you never rest you don't relax it is a deliberate effort of the enemy to constantly put you at the edge so that you are never at rest you are never at peace today let the authority responsible for the unrest in your life be overwritten and overthrown by the power of jesus name as you put your hands together let that authority be destroyed in the name of jesus destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed amen you know some of you when you are in church and i'm teaching and preaching when i say clap you don't clap when i say shout you don't shout and you are sitting like like that it's very clear to me that the devil has finished you yeah you are in the fridge then he's waiting for your funeral so use the bible say woe unto them that see that is in zion comfortable in the church you are sick it doesn't matter what they preach you sit there like that you won't move anything you are trying to use intellectual capabilities and skills and ask you to analyze my preaching you need deliverance be delivered in the name of jesus [Music] the devil is not the respecter of how handsome or beautiful oh yeah yeah he's smarter than you and i you talk about smartness brilliant he's better than us please don't even go there don't go there tell them don't go there i want you to be angry the bible said when the sons of god gather satan also appeared there and none of the sons of god knew that satan was there it was the lord who said satan what are you doing here before they realized that satan was among them satan comes to church on sunday morning if you don't know i'm telling you he's here right now that's why some of you are sitting there because he's done something on you already cast some spells on you that you hear the message and not benefit from it so you are just sitting there the message is not making sense to you are you hearing me somebody so you sit down there and look at me that way don't shake yourself and get up are you hearing me yeah his assignment is to make you unhappy are you hearing me steal your peace steal your joy and make you struggle but in the name of jesus today you can decide that enough is enough today you can get angry you can rise up and put down your feet and say no more no more somebody give somebody a high five and say no more no more are you hearing me sit down for one minute the bible says from the days of john the baptist the kingdom sufferings violate and the violence take it by force say first come and say first say action is critical necessary required to possess your possession [Music] john chapter 20 verse nine then the same day at evening yeah being the first day of the week when the doors were shut this is after his resurrection and the apostles were in trouble afraid for their life confusion everywhere chaos everywhere a sense of powerlessness hopelessness instability and fear of the unknown here watches when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you that's it came again realizing that this world is full of chaos and trouble he said shut up let the authority responsible for the fears and the threatenings and the intimidations you are experiencing be destroyed and peace be still let there be order and let all things come into divine compliance and alignment with immediate effect so whenever i say peace be still he's enforcing order say divine order [Music] causing things to come into order [Music] john 20 21 then said jesus to them again again say again then said to jesus what again what again and what again a what again ladies and gentlemen you realize throughout the bible mentions peace 400 times and in the new testament about 150 times and if you look at the epistles they always begin with grace and peace grace and peace because without grace you can accept truth and without enforcing peace you can't dwell in safety jesus said to them again again say again peace be unto you say again as my father has sent me even so sent are you peace 20 26 20 and after eight days again his disciples were within what a word again and thomas with them then came jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you listen peace is a commodity you can buy i'm telling you and i decided long time ago that my peace is important to me that my reputation and my peace is important to me than being right sometimes i don't want to be right because if being right means i'm going to lose my peace i'd rather be wrong to maintain my peace and i don't care you can be right and lose your peace my peace is very important to me my safety calmness to sleep at night without worrying is very important to me than having everything and not being able to sleep at night peace is critical you can't buy it and it's a blessing to have a wife or a husband who is peaceful yeah thank god for that yeah some of you husband you take a good woman for granted and some of you women you take a good man for granted are you hearing somebody a wife who allows you to have peace she needs to be blessed and a husband who allows you to be yourself to happy you have to bless that man because the bible said [Music] it is better to live in a wilderness than to live with a contentious woman or a man in a white house yeah there are some women they cause trouble for no reason why because their authority responsible for chaos has entered them and provoked them to trouble you and there are some men they will just create trouble when there is no need for trouble why the authority responsible for the chaos have provoked them and entered them so when you see your wife or your husband misbehaving that is not the time to argue just change the gear cardios somebody put your husband ice cream [Music] a couple came to see me and they said they haven't made love for four months and i said why and they said anytime they plan to make love few minutes before action there will be a fight something will happen and you'll fight and as soon as they fight everybody loses the anointing to function so i said why are you telling me this can't you see what is going on that the enemy and they didn't have children and most times a lady said it's around a particular time the doctors have told them to make love [Music] those are the times she can get pregnant and those at the time the enemy causes crisis between them she said they will always be confusion papa and i said don't you get it what is wrong with you very educated but spiritually ignorant and bankrupt and i said can't you tell that somebody doesn't want you to have a baby why is it that every time every time you are that place to be pregnant you can make love you fight yeah then after the fight both loses the onsen to function yeah because making love is celebration you're celebrating and you can't celebrate when that there is war throwing strange fires at each other and i said to them when it happens that way both of you start praying tongues say what are you saying i said just do what i'm telling you speaking tongues when you speak in tongues you confuse the enemy and i said after you finish beginning tongues make love by force [Music] hey you're not clapping [Music] turn to somebody and say i didn't know you are spiritual like that they started doing it and they had a baby [Music] now throughout the episodes throughout the pieces all the episodes they all begin with grace and peace grace and word peace you need shalom you must have shalom your family needs shalom this church needs album and shalom means divine order it means divine protocol structure calmness stillness safety and it's not automatic you have to work it demand it superimpose it and fast it by dealing with the cause and the root of the crisis stop dealing with the branches and the fruits and the trees lay the axe towards the roots today let the axe be laid to the root you know what we are going to do today today we are going to your father's house in prayer we are going to your mother's house and we are dealing with your bloodline every case and every demon of your bloodline today we override them in the name of jesus we override them in the name of jesus say ah hear me i want you to stop being nice oh you see the devil he's not nice alone and me i have probably been preaching for 42 years i really have a problem with these christians who come to church and they are so nice meanwhile the devil is beating you slapping you everywhere torturing you that you come to church and you are acting like tell somebody i need you to be angry yeah what is your sin will not go to another your miracle will be on schedule your breakthrough will come on time there will be no more delays in the name of jesus no more frustrations no more disappointment if you believe it clap your hand shout yeah [Music] after today god will speak to somebody after today there will be structure and order in your life after today there will be shalom in your life stand on your feet everybody please from today you have more than enough you have abundance in the name of jesus i declare you are first class and not second class receive that anointing in the name of jesus say no if he said no say i have had it i have heard it say that's it that's it say that's it you didn't hear me so i'm going to ask you to pray a certain prayer today i'm going to my father's house in prayer and to my bloodline and my mother's house any authority in my father's house and in my mother's house opposing and resisting my breakthrough and my next level by the power of jesus name let that authority be destroyed open your mouth put yourself pray that prayer [Music] i don't know what's going on in your life i don't know the kind of visual cycles you are dealing with and i don't know whether yours is mental torture or bombardment or emotional torture or i don't know whether there is some kind of a conflict unrest whether it's conflict of destiny or whether it's some kind of a background issue of your spouses or loved ones i don't know what kind of chaos you are dealing with but hear me there is one prayer you must pray today before you leave here let the authority behind that situation be destroyed override the authority behind the situation are you hearing whatever the instability is whatever the financial crisis in your business whether it is an issue of health complication something is behind it something is responsible open your mouth put your hands together pray that prayer [Music] proverbs 23 23 says to buy the truth and sell it not stop by the dominion bookshop today for exciting items just for you from prayer shawls to books and dvds anointing oil audio cds journals and much much more don't forget that the cds and dvds from every service will be available right after the service and you can also purchase materials from all of our powerful impact speakers at the dominion bookshop or one of our booths located in the
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 4,633
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, Divine Stability, sermons, Ghana, teachings
Id: ufFbLiBiSF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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