Sun n Fun 4: The Arrival STRESSES Her Out!!

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that's the lake right there you see the power plant yeah breath her out I'm just gonna start at his set now we'll say 3,500 out my Nutella you can line up that we're starting a slow via partisan Jax approached twin says a 771 bravo charlie is starting to slow be of our descent to 3500 - Roger I gotta be bumpy a lot of traffic up here up the left I start darkness of the bat lights down a little in here for immediately after passing the golf course turtle after lunch I would Cali anyway the Sena I do need to have you on a vector fighting one seven zero one Bravo Charlie headache one seven zero want Bravo Charlie good he told us not to go past what I asked him yeah hold on everyone Bravo Charlie if you told us anything else always said we were starting a VFR descent we missed it we're not gonna be able to fly that heading it'll put us at clouds and one Bravo fly Roger then fly to give you 170 to see that 6.5 to be preferred okay I I'm not gonna be able to go to 6.5 we're gonna get stuck on top of this layer I have to descent here to get below this layer or we can't keep going south okay well I got a few sticks out the target off your left and off your right you're clean can you do anything to the right to defense and we'll do we can if you can do stuff to torque your right and if we know what you're going down to outfit was okay we're going down to 3,500 right now and I see the targets off my moving map and we'll just try to try to stay over here by the clouds and do the best we can try to show the block is your team 12 o'clock 3 miles south down is 5 one brother Charlie search traffic ten o'clock in two miles going to wake one 24.5 traffic off the nose to a car or a twelve o'clock two miles southbound flow is assessed at five just let me know what your plan is if you're gonna hang it at five point five for a bit or if you needed to send further plum Papa Charlie won't go well hang a five point five for just a bit we'll come to the other side of these clouds and then hold this that further four Niner four five your pop Jack's approach good morning I don't think so I mean we're we're clear of him I see him tell my got about safe I don't want Baba Kelly has the other one that's a good pot babe oh this one's Oh Charlie the traffic the twin off your left I don't know if you saw or not but you're a bee mum right now they're five they're 45 but you save you know a little bit to the right you'll outrun it allegedly one for having Charlie Kelly oh I know oh I'll run them eventually Oh bill already on random as a dark paint job looks like the next group exploits Bonanza 3 2 3 2 with the 8,000 that's a 3 3 3 3 2 X approach now 7:03 is real free to with I'm just gonna leave it on heading both so the nav mode second Bravo Charlie sample unfortunately he's not taking red our hand off at this time so that keep a good luck out on your scope there squawk VFR frequency change approved out far down there well Bravo Charlie squawking via farming altitude 1,000 to go all right it was in our interest I went over there a few miles I'm gonna give you direct Savannah so blow that up don't go to it yet but expect direct Savannah shortly 3,500 there's a guy that this one here's 700 feet beneath this si to enter deep beneath the set 700 feet beneath us is coming right at us so all right we're supposed to see a Cherokee just overtook the light please don't overtake the guy and the batter is find someone to follow up on someone to follow knows the show again guys correct for the win correct for the win Sinise you guys this hug the lakeshore hug the lakeshore on the what what's the powerful shoreline everyone is holding please turn left turn left counterclockwise turn around the lake to be able to find somebody to follow East to the baseball field these bozos eat well feel that needs you guys to kind of tighten up the powder a little bit around the littler clarity behind you guys just drifting south of the lake if you over the baseball field you've gone too far south I need you to guys the hug the lakeshore hug the lakeshore please define some by the ball don't cut the floor don't cut the corner there - by the following don't overtake the person in front of you know side by side so side by side please five to five if all of the seats and looks a little bit too close go ahead and why how's the small the gun front of you the twincest Annette's westbound is that you rock your waiting system or shortly strobes turn went down now - Anaya for keep it high key that I keep it fact I got a lowing I think that just coming up to North Shore just past the power plant that rockin wing jerky get that you straight in your follow me Skyhawk right Tony we're doing all chasing a pop station guys find somebody follow yep I'm talking to you the following that's right in front of you 150 knots of 1,700 feet somebody just made a let's not turn just a smokestack I think it's a lowing maybe citizen turkey rock swings Cherokee good rock that's good just on the lowing right from you how about Stacy in a hundred knots this is good I know my guys on the south side of Lake that's looking close it's good a half mile spacing and look around eyes we're gonna get some people in again when you get to stop westbound on i-4 you're gonna look for the cakes are at that cake are right at that cake count maybe even about a quarter mile before make the sharp left turn to south on anyone even Airport looking for the blue roof terminal building they're tight left down on my way nine are left there's a matches there's about a four there's there's four dangles up right here the highway might I just call them you're fine you're fine bellowing and sunny the rescue guys make one more turn make one more lap I can't fit you in like that if you go past the lake and I haven't called you and then just keep going around 750 not I think it's guy out just flew past me that it's not that good but everybody left turn left here now left turn around the lake unless decision there between you're fine keep going least all the turns and going over the power plan for me that's the lake right there you see the power plant yeah the linguist they just put the gear down you don't good side you westbound I willing the traffic down and she left tiling there's traffic down and cheerless RV is RV that supposed to pass my recommends good rock you're falling the lowing that's right in front of you making a turn that's why do one more lap around that's good I don't want to send you in like that the RV that just arrived for me slow it up a little bit you're catching the guy in front of you your fall the banan just under you pull the speed back for me neither half-mile space and they're not gonna catch him like that Skyhawk on the motor sort of power play right over the smokestack actually that's good yet to fly view westbound now you're gonna be behind RV pickup screen a little bit keep the half-mile station remember Atlanta only 9/11 almost that honors you're not slowing they just made a right turn you're just over smoke all right we're gonna go all right highway your fault allowing us a possibly an RV right here yeah this is looking real nice guys this is exactly what I want to teach almost like you guys done this before perfect I think it's best I approach in the air smokestack on the notion of a rocket wings good rock turn left now five us down well that looks like about the right settings to hold 159 so my stock that I just sent in following and sunnyhills under the last one I got somebody up high and a left here now at the commander hops are all good you know what you're good commander sly westbound now give me a rock your wings good commander you should be able to get in front of these guys the commander's my last arrival command is my last rival commander state 79 two feet 250 knots everybody rolling on the Comanche was the first guy not make it for the last one there but about 30 minutes appreciate oh you don't took mange not a problem we were trying to work in it but again once yourself put westbound arrived for you looking for the cake tower be left turn over the cake terror and southbound look for the blue route terminal only southbound you can fire a 135 point two two which we're gonna hear beeps and I kill this autopilot okay okay the smokestacks you can continue left turns around the lake again holding disclosed 0 1 2 2 1 500 3 0 to 9 at Lakeland the wind will push your stop the lake I need you guys to crab it back in just to hug the shoreline over the lake if you see a lot of house law bills you've gone the wind is gusting pretty good today kind of a pretty good today cuz I've got a good job running up to Lake it's either 2 or 22 again holding pattern over the lake though 200 up lender talk about a air crash just over the south shore think of the yellow or probably just kind of just over sound so we're gonna rock your wing to be found the cherokee traffic off your right side here crap on the south side if you're looking off the baseball field or something huh help me look for traffic we're gonna orbit the lake I know but he's bringing people house off he's gotta tell her to keep it please do I keep the same thing and not get guys woke up five to budget ball nose to tail we're looking for a half a mile and these guys somebody the smokestack I think if the Twingo ahead and rocky waiting to view the over the smokestack now alright so that good rock twins are gonna keep you guys at 2200 so all the twins the 2200 actually don't matter let's make that change a real quick today also keep the twin that's now stop down and keep between the turning westbound 1700 or give me a wing rock let me know you get the 1700 for the twig thank you guys and there's another twin that's just baseball fields again the twins day 1722 1704 the new cheese go ahead and find somebody to follow if you add 1000 to order I need to do 100 knots find somebody ball nose to tail please 1200 hundred knots need you to find somebody following looking for a half-mile space and please again guys just go all the way around the lake please don't cut the corner and try to hug the shoreline while you're on the south side of the lake the wind will be pushing you over the baseball field so I need you guys to hopefully to correct for the waiting crab into the wind the wind's coming out of the east today to 0 9 0 then 1 2 gusting the 1/5 altimeter 3 0 to 9 5 10 letters model please please went coming on the door side of the lake I need you at 1700 for the twins 1700 airport is closed we are holding left turns over the lake twin 1705 sent by the follow okay guys the Air Force clothes are looking for a half-mile space that's what we need to get you guys worked in a small space that's not normal they go ahead and rock the wings and start your left turn please turn off the light go ahead and start your left tire thank you hug dad lakeshore get trapped by overtaking again yeah 1201 is in the middle of the lake now I don't know baby softening up first outfit again could you tell on our sleeves and I can reside but I need your nose to tail find somebody to follow nose to tail make sure our Swift rats will be down there you guys the correct other ways windows are pushing too far south of the lake sorry too far went to the lake I need you guys to hug the shore of the lake that way we can kind of see what the Mason looks amazing out here Lake good job guys welcome to setup I will get you guys dinner soon as we can't we just wait for the official call from the open up there quick find somebody to follow nose to tail left turns around the lake please I think you just cut it up too tight charge after all that Emily Clark you're doing a good job to continue that counterclockwise turn the 1742 growing ample maintain one-five-zero a little perform overly we just got a big up trap they're at a level off it's weighing upon the North Shore oculus for me losing has been holding up the Comanche wearing a community-wide the air webside head south over the power plant that's rocky old brecht weight and the twins it just X is the pattern to a knife or just make sure the second twin give me a little space behind the first one Sloan we need a mile for the second plane that exits just slowing up a bit for me so we don't have to send you back that's all over the stack just go proceed be west bound to a knife or cutting over butter just did the rock quarry to F onto an iron for a left turn at the golf course they just got here can I follow him and I've been here Oh blowing rock Dwayne blowing they're just fantastic their candy said he's been here right over the phone - lovely little mind blowing fall the highway head we need a mouse place between a mouse facing due west bound to a knife or at the golf course collector welcoming assess the highway rock your wings and be following this although we had the westbound join us or left her at the golf course to be left down one on her left the Comanche were yet the Turk oh it's out over the low wing over the power the low income of the putter smokestack track Ewing North Shore good rock low we saw the high wing ahead just do westbound join now for our glowing follow highway ahead explain twin Cessna rocky wings over the bar plane for me twin Cessna good rock to do west on but I need to keep it high o'clock low zero miles are planned rocks for me from this okay so now we're gonna follow this to 20 heading for come on space between everybody do as far into an Ibis we need to come back in just make a knowing left turn see that little white ball swishy page powers 35 stood to five yeah make sure those guys did the beep you think dr. Wayne turned out one won't be good are twins sorry sir traffic eleven o'clock low which has to turn down one now twincest to turn down one now blue and white sale drag return base the first one minute downwind turn your base I want you to keep a road to wheeler my twin turn base blue and white pattern they directly towards the green dot I want you to turn now direct to the green dot turn now turn out the light torch on your face now keep that turn going all the way the green dot turn to the green dot land orange keep it turning keep it turning white flight swindon like to answer you to sit white wind start your descent you're following twin there and front you Lutz went keep it going keep it in sight I want you to wrap it all the way around for me run where they land all the way to the orange blue and white twin all the way to the green dot hey you go dog-legged and there you go dog-legged I don't think any of these guys are regular right now turn your base down I don't I'm staying at 1600 so I don't there's a base right now to another base aim for the green dot land orange dot just a half mile north turn down one that's you I think Lily my turn fight all the way down to the orange dotted all the way down there Josh you started playing high speed racer and now we're leading the pack and I want you to lay on them orange died for their carbine you're gonna have to approach knowledge you can't just I know twin half mono or turn down one until I'm like the blue and lights went all the way down to the orange dot again you're leading the pack for me sir to beat accident and turn down when start your descent twin turn downwind and start your descent that's the turn base test a turn-based now turn base that this stuff the turn-based turn-based turn-based you roam there you go all the way to the green dot angling it for me a fifteen twelve honor you're cleared to land on the orange dot NSS on the base twin on the downwind turn your base to another that one turn your base there you go that's a nice job rapid all we ready for the white twin turn your base whites win turn your base very good that's the turning on the final aim for the green dot land on the orange the cleveland white twin all the way to the green dot white twin all the way to green dot the one over the runway now you fly to the orange dot there you go we're shot very good come on or turn downwind now there you go twin very good twin all the way to the green that's twin turning on the base to the green dot Cherokee turn bait Cherokee turn base behind the twin keep it tight for me Cherokee turn-based Cherokee turn phase there you go thank you that's number the number is flying all the way to the orange dot land at or after the orange shot you're cleared to land one final you're clear to land to the orange shot slide all the way down Lawrence taught Cherokee on the base towards torn the green notch here he turned towards the green dot on the base Anglet turn turn turn green dot both he turned it in for me serene duh there you go for the green yeah you're cleared - laughs - a turn-based Twitter protein the numbers clear to land on the orange okay let's now in turn-based turn-based us on the downwind turn base way down to the orange keep it tight for me very good does learning base aim for the green dot I want you to clear the land on the orange dot when zero-niner-zero with one two Cherokee on the downwind turn base Cherokee on the downs Cherokee turn base Cherokee turn-based turn-based turn-based very good lolling over the numbers flight all the way down to the orange shot keep it up for me now you got a Cessna creeping up behind you Cessna rolling over the numbers fly it all the way down to the orange dot keep it flying keep it in the air come on over turn down one now Cherokee half mile north turn down art style over the numbers I need you to keep it going all the clear land on the orange dot that's the bottom you're looking good fly for the green but land on the orange dot you're cleared allowing the orange dots oh it's awesome there you go that's I like the low wing dog-legged approaching the numbers flight all the way down to Houston salary little Helens dive [Music] if I ain't like feel like those uh those guys working like Barker you know they like sounded good they sounded like they saw all of us they were doing if I didn't feel like it that I would like I would ascribe ground-cover didn't think they were actually gonna let us hit anyone else but we were doing good camping can you check see if there's a plan to get us in there ha ha ha [Music] but I want to camp with the other campers see that's GAAP this is not he knows [Applause] yeah they come see the piece of paper for himself flaggers dick I got old came up to the window said they loved the channel after we got parked in the wrong spot it's all good but this time be gonna I mean he was like back in his car he just what was that like the guy was trying to tell him no yeah don't you had to see the piece of paper upsell already well that is where you park if you're a twin and you're doing general aviation parking just for everybody to know we show Joel they got a good crew there [Music] [Applause] they'd have had the camera like bow to earth like the side here I'm sorry about that I wanted you to take some pictures of all those planes with a pattern next to us but you are not filling that I know they're not that at all sorry [Music] eret is over there and we're far far away dude oh you're like oh hey - hey Bloo we a kiss man people recognize you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 338,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sun n Fun, Oshkosh, AirVenture, Airshow, EAA, AOPA, ATC, FAA, NATCA, air traffic control, funny, sexy, hot, beautiful, woman, lady, co-pilot, pilot, 310 Pilot, Cessna, Piper, Cirrus, Beechcraft, Lake Parker, arrival, holding, stress, scary, traffic, busy, landing, ForeFlight, steveo1kinevo, Baron Pilot, Premier 1 Driver, Trent Palmer, Aviation101, nervous, airplane, aviation, Garmin, STEC, 3100, Avidyne, apple, clouds, traffic alert, stressful, flight, plane, Lakeland, Florida, pretty, cute, Tampa, Miami, jacksonville, country, camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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