Terrifying Ghost Woman Caught On Camera (Annabelle Cemetery)

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what is that what what is that right over there what right over there it looks like a woman what is up fam welcome to another haunted adventure with your boy omar today i got tiffany with me about a year ago we both visited this very same cemetery also known as the annabelle cemetery now the reason why i call this the annabelle cemetery is the popular movies the conjuring annabelle well that was all started from ed and lorraine warren they are the og paranormal investigators and they are buried here at this cemetery now the last time that we came here was during the day the time before that which was the night right before leading up to the day we came here and we heard screaming oh my god what the heck no babe it was our very first time here at the stepney cemetery and we were trying to do a paranormal investigation before we could even start doing anything it sounded like somebody was in the woods pleading for their life it got so bad throughout our night here that we decided to call the police to have them investigated i had a lot of you reach out to me and ask if i heard anything back from the police and sadly i never did now if you're not following my vlog channel you're really missing out because earlier today we went by the warren's occult museum which is the house of annabelle that's where the movie the conjuring was kind of based off of that's where in the basement the warrens had like all their haunted dolls and haunted objects as well as annabelle we wanted to go by there at night time but we were unsure it's kind of like a dead-end road i do show a little bit of the warren's occult museum in my vlog i'll leave a link down below in the description a lot of you been asking for us to come back here so that's why we're here and we're gonna do a proper paranormal investigation hopefully we'll hear somebody screaming in the woods again i'm trying to mentally prepare myself it was one of her first times being at a cemetery at night so it had been kind of traumatizing for her so let's do [Music] this [Music] cemeteries are always creepy at night upon arrival kind of freaked out a little bit what'd you see a freaking skunk i better not get sprayed by a scared smoke is that a skunk yes oh god i've never seen a skunk in my life look at him go he's going everywhere he's going where we have to go well this cemetery was established in 1794 it's very historic there's a lot of veterans of war that are buried here one of which happens to be ed warren a lot of people don't know this but ed warren served in world war ii and he was in the navy thank you so much for your service all of you service men and women out there as well as my buddy ed warren may he rest in peace along with his wife lorraine she passed away i believe wasn't long ago it's a couple years ago and we were talking to locals last year we were here and had no but nice things to say about her and um of course ed too they said she was always very well dressed i mean these were the people that they started paranormal investigation in my in my book so they are buried here they used to investigate this cemetery too supposedly there was a ghost also known as the lady in white that can be seen here visiting it's so dark what you're worried about that skunk no i thought i heard somebody like really but oh wow could you speak my brain text me now we really didn't get a chance to investigate this properly when we came in we did a spirit box here during the day we played ed and lorraine warren's song their actual song is called sunday monday always and it was like their love song everybody has a song what's our song which one we have a whole damn playlist when we played that song for them it was a lot of a lot of strange things happened and when i turned the spirit box on earlier today too another reason why you should be following my vlog channel the leaves started moving the wind just like started blowing yeah it was crazy it was pretty cool look at this little itty bitty stone we have this one here a veteran civil war veteran cool now when we were here last where we were hearing those screams was from these woods right here they were so loud too thank god there's no screams tonight wow look at this tombstone it's like completely fell over it's kind of sad wow question yes do skunks attack no they get scared and they spray you and it takes a really long time to get the smell off you don't spray me buddy he was right around here too oh what was that oh my god that sounded like somebody yelling but it wasn't a man okay that's a truck but what the hell was that being that we really don't know what happened that night a year ago here at the annabelle cemetery i was thinking about doing a spirit box and asking let's go say hello to ellen remember on your vlog channel earlier when you're doing a vlog and you said when we come back tonight you're gonna do a spirit box to ask and then we heard like talking or something over there oh yeah we did if you didn't know one of my biggest fears which i faced was to come to a cemetery at night time in fact i went ahead and just spent the night at a cemetery at night time and that that was the start of me doing like ghost hunting don't get any ideas oh my god there's bugs fornicating on me they say that if ghosts or spirits are touching you it feels like hair like rubbing on your skin and last time she was here she was complaining about hair yeah cause i was facetiming with patty showing her around and i kept going like this and i was like what the heck there's like hair all over me and she was like oh say out loud you're not allowed to touch me please and as soon as i said it like it stopped she said that's what it feels like and i was like that's why i came and found you oh is this where the oh somebody put a letter here maybe to their loved one so sweet to sheila may sheila rest in peace 2011. it was a while back but not too long ago hope you're resting in heaven sheila what about the woman in white though keep your camera facing outward in that way okay because i feel like they always see a lot more than we see i say this a lot but keep your eyes open if you need to watch this video a few times to catch something that i missed you know let me know put a time stamp i always check all those out i even pin comments if there's something that we hear that's quite compelling something that helps out our investigation something that you see let me know i'm gonna pan through a few times oh oh i i thought it was a bug but it wasn't i thought it was this no no no no it wasn't it wasn't that it wasn't that i felt i felt something grabbing onto my legs shut up i'm sorry if i walked over somebody's tombstone i have a feeling that's what it was i'm so sorry i didn't mean any disrespect was it this one no it was like right around there all right i don't know where to walk you know they they say not to walk over someone's tombstone but some are faced in a lot of different directions like those are faced that way and they're kind of scattered they're not in like a perfect order you can't even read these those got to be from the 1700s maybe it's on the other side yeah it's on this one still it's unreadable yeah see what this one says can't read it if you're gonna touch me be gentle just don't follow me home you're not allowed to not allowed to possess me either is that what i don't know i thought i saw somebody just standing right there i'm serious is that what you're talking about right there it looks like there's somebody with a gray suit on or something i see what you're talking about hello oh god it just got really windy right here i see what you're talking about this is really freaky you can come say hello if you want we don't bite [Music] so we're getting really close to evan lorraine warren's burials right there in front of us and there's even a little bench here looks a little bit different yeah see she died in april of 2019 lorraine one thing i'm not sure if you guys know this but lorraine warren was born on tiffany's b day she's an aquarius and ed was a virgo i believe this is our flower too that we left we had it along like on top right there and it's really cool it's still here a year later what kind of flowers did lorraine like there was a type of i think it was a daisy or something that she liked oh wow what was that what was that what was that back there i don't know oh was it is it the skunk maybe that's too high i still can't climb over that wall hello were you back there or something was i back there i i don't know it sounded like somebody was trying to climb up that wall literally standing right next to you and what do i look like going off into the dark by myself stay there just in case stay right there i'm scared what is this it's like a random vase over here so shine your light back over there now come over here her tomb is a mirror shine that over there oh wow you see that yeah you can't even see the letters when the light's over there it's straight mirror oh that's cool whoa wait i thought i'd seen something what was that i don't know i think it was a truck i think the skunk went that way i think that's what we're hearing look at that wall a skunk cannot climb over that wall i don't know anything about skunks i'm sure there's a skunk professional out there that will refute that and say skunks could climb trees so i'm pretty sure they could climb over that wall all right well a little skunk either way can you just keep it down yeah oh here check this out see this is where ed's original you know stone is and it does stay there s2 us navy world war ii he passed away in 2006 link down below in the description to this app bro what the heck is that in there i don't know what's in the woods making all that noise did that just say ghosts so the screaming that we heard what exactly was it i'm sorry who ghosting it sounds like i said it again was it ghosts warren are you here with us [Applause] i hope you're resting in peace what about the lady in white is she here does she want to communicate with us what's your story lady in white where are you are you in the woods what are the noises we're hearing we keep hearing them they said i can't be quiet we hear there's a video of ed and lorraine warren showing you going in and out of the the stones is that true yeah sounds like yes i would love to see that video that's probably filmed on like one of those like old film oh god this just got so blurry look it won't even oh is it focusing there we go oh there you just focused i wonder if something just walked in front of the camera did something just walk in front of my camera what is that what what is that right over there what right over there it looks like a woman hold this [Music] wait it's gone now please was that you i seen you show yourself again where'd you go why is it doing that yeah i don't know it's the light you want me to turn my light off go okay all right it wants us to go all right thank you hold this and hear that that just freaked me out feeling i saw a woman over there it was straight ahead and you seen it too there was a figure over there dressed in gray yeah it looked like a man was just standing there like yeah i wasn't a woman but i seen a woman over here i mean my eyes are just plain tricks on me it was like right over here i think i'm more excited and scared i legit saw something over here moving my camera is really good in the darkness right now i'm actually believe it or not i'm looking and it's so bright on your camera yeah it's super bright on the camera it's dark like it's really dark like i could really only see that way through the camera look i can pull up my phone yeah so like how it should show your camera like this is this camera is awesome for low light look you can't see nothing it's yeah it's darkness which is good if we catch something i think whatever was coming through the spirit box didn't like my light on now when we pulled into the cemetery i was gonna bring my infrared camera where it's complete complete darkness and it uses ir which that would have came in handy over here too however the battery only had six minutes remaining which was very strange because i completely charged that battery so it's like right when we pulled up here i was like no you ain't using that that camera so um battery's holding up well on on this camera though i have my light off you can come out now all right i gotta turn the light on i can't see i don't think we went over here what oh gosh you scared the crap out of me all right i'm like in the moment right now all right what do you have to say i'm sorry i feel like i'm like straining my eyes to look to find something but i'm like scared at the same time it's like you don't want to see anything yeah ask him to touch you no well boy what is that what am i just thinking oh i'm so sorry let me it was like a family i did you know it's granny right oh look at the little kitty or it's a fox i'm sorry that i'm telling you i've seen something there's somebody in that picture isn't it you see that like what is that right there you sure that's on a stone i don't know i can't tell the only reason i seen this because it like swayed so i decided to take a picture because i can't see all the way over there so you've seen it move yeah well just like that's what caught my attention it just looks pointy like it's just standing there pointy joe what is that nope you know what i thought it was at first maybe like a deer like walking towards us yeah there's nothing there huh okay [Music] this is such a neat cemetery there's a reason why ed and lorraine warren chose to be buried here you don't get any uh evil type vibes if if anything it's more of a mysterious vibe that you know you are a little bit scared but i think you're more i mean me personally i'm just excited like i'm excited that there's activity here i'm excited i mean i seen somebody in a gray suit and then i don't know if maybe the second time i seen something my eyes were playing tricks on me but i don't know maybe you guys will be able to let me know in the comments if you did see something uh we did hear something a few times coming from the woods nobody screaming for their life but definitely some some strange noises could have been anything though could have been animals could have been a skunk i don't know what a skunk sounds like if you want to get to know me a little bit better make sure to follow my vlog channel i'll leave a link down below to the video that we did here during the day it was probably filmed maybe like a week or so ago i mean i'm usually right on top of my vlogs and i i release them usually like the same day or the next day i do appreciate y'all being a part of this adventure make sure to smash the like button if you haven't already i gotta go for now but before you leave give me kiss peace [Music] you
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 517,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annabelle, the conjuring, real ghost caught on camera, ghosts caught on camera, legit ghost caught on camera, real ghosts, real haunted cemetery, most haunted cemetery, haunted conjuring house, haunted conjuring cemetery, haunted cemeteries, haunted graveyard, annabelle cemetery, annabelle grave, resting place of ed and lorraine warren, demon caught on camera
Id: knu7qf54zaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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