Summer Lambing 2020 | SHARING MY FINAL RESULTS *not great*: Vlog 326

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how we doing mom hi little monkey hello have you had a drink you have a warm mouth [Music] these early ones are always tough because is there a reason she's is there a reason she gave birth early i'm not sure look at this one [Music] babies look how little you are hey hi look at like this is my hands that is a small little lamb hi [Music] so it's been three days i've fed these lambs four times a day by tying up this u even tied up she will not let the lambs on her unless i'm in the pen with her one lamb is drinking really well but the other one is too itty bitty so i'm going to take some milk out of mum and feed this one look at that smell you just wait hi guys [Music] someone's surfing just feed them they're right [Music] [Music] i wonder if there just stand with her if she let me [Music] you guys are seeing this right oh my god first time [Music] she just wants me here [Music] good girl look at her utter that's not gonna be good she probably won't be able to get on that [Music] it's just giant so this is what happens the head gets huge see how big that head is [Music] so it's she's taking a breath now but oh those are the worst because you feel like oh if only i was five minutes earlier or 30 seconds earlier but we made it it's walking perfect look oh that makes me so happy that's really bad they were positioned right so i i'm not really sure what happened i don't know it should not smell like this it smells really bad um [Music] [Music] is done and i promised you guys i would have some final results let's visit the lambs i'm going to go over how we did i have a funny feeling it's not great uh livability i think was really quite good but i think lamb's born is not going to be near what i was kind of hoping it would be do some analytics on that and then maybe just give an update on some of my lambs that we've all fallen in love with in this group because it's always nice to see how much they've grown since they were born so i will let you see my little holstein lamb my big head lamb and my two little my two little itty bitty lambs cause they are so cute and they're growing so much so i have to say this first group of views that were born in that first week i always find the first week besides the ones that were still born and the preemies for the most part this group lambed out really really well unassisted i was actually a bit bored as i'm sure my viewers were a bit bored because there was no big drama so yeah like i had a few itty bitty lambs who are growing really well so i'm really proud of them for that so that one's there that little one right there that's my itty-bitty lamb that was 4.9 pounds that little guy or girl i can't remember what it is that's the first one that was born the preemie look at how big he is there's full steam back there holstein [Music] holstein this group the only real struggle i had in this group was that one u it was her first lambing uh she had the number four lambs it took her about a week to calm down and let her feed those lambs and that was a huge accomplishment for me i've never been able to do that i usually totally run out of patience [Music] the one good thing too about the slamming group because it was such a small group all together like 95 years i have extra space right now and i used it so they have a ton of room i get a lot of criticism rightly so that they run out of room as these lambs get bigger and they do they're fine they don't suffer but it makes me feel so much better and a little less claustrophobic when they've got more room to grow and and to run around so yeah they're really big pens now they go about three quarters the way back and i have a couple groups of about 40 used behind them that i needed room for them but for the most part they've got a ton of room probably the most i've ever had for lands and use square footage i'm not really sure i'd have to do some math on that the bottle babies uh this okay so the bottle the milk machine i didn't even need to put up until the second group started lambing and what i found with this second batch is majority of my 2016 use so my pink management tag used were not letting down their milk and those used in particular were overweight very very heavy um they were only having twins really at the max one had three but for the most part they were not over taxed with with a lot of babies in their belly so i never really thought about pregnancy toxicity and my vet thinks that's what it was so i started treating them for preg talks but it was long after i was struggling already trying to get enough milk into these lambs so all the lambs you see here pretty much uh so the blue paint is twins like they shouldn't be in here but it was all the mums that were not feeding their lambs so that really sucks uh the other issue in this group was a you that had an engorged udder really engorged i tried for about four days three or four days to get those lambs on her they could not get on her she actually didn't shrink back till about this week so it's been a strong two two and a half weeks since i pulled those lambs off so they are in here they're the ones that are not marked so that one and the one along the fence there right there and they're doing really well so it was a good call to pull those off these lambs that did not are not getting enough for mom i'm what i'm noticing now is a lot of dirty heads and when you see a dirty head on a lamb it means they're stealing so they go in behind mum they go in behind her to drink out of her udder on a mum that's not theirs and then they get peed on so that's why they're got dirty heads and there is a few of them uh the thing is it's too late to pull them off and put them on the machine i don't think they'll take it because they have nipple confusion um but what i the one blessing that i have is there's a lot of singles in this pen there's a ton of red paint right and the red means singles so those moms those moms for the most part have a lot of milk so i think they've been stealing and getting enough um but it's annoying to see so i'll show you these dirty headed lambs so you know what i'm talking about so that one right there see it's head dirty head so it's it will go in from behind and try to drink out of the mum or not even out of its mom out of any mom there's another one there see the dirty head so yeah i think this problem is going to haunt me this this particular group we're going to have to keep a close eye on those lamps if they look like they're starting to hollow out and go backwards we're going to have to do our best to try and train them on that machine i have a feeling that it's a bit late for that but i would rather that than have them die on me my other lamb big head i had like two videos on on her and she is doing amazing uh so you should you're a single look at how beautiful you are you're gorgeous it's doing really well a beautiful little lamb um yeah and then all the others i think i'm trying to think if there's any other dramas for the most part it was just that those used not letting down their milk and that was a real pain if you guys watched my lambing my summer lambing videos thank you so much i know my core audience loves lambing i will say this it takes a lot out of me um there's a lot of juggling time because i need to be out here while they're lambing so i have to figure out a better way kind of to do that so i can i can bring you guys along for it so just a nice rainy day and they're all relaxing okay you guys chores are done and i just threw up my gallagher here again i didn't throw up my gallagher i just turned it on to my uh group three lambing session that i had and i've been able to really figure the system out a lot nicer use i used to have to go to my computer and put everything on a lot like put everything over to my laptop and and then transfer everything over to excel and then sort on excel but i figured out i actually just took the time to figure out the actual basically computer that they give me i have the results uh this group was disappointing and i've come off a couple really good lambings lambing group slamming numbers and so to see this number it's like i feel like i feel like we're right back to the beginning again however uh there's a few things i did different this january versus last january when i went to breed them uh typically all my you lambs i breed in january and i always use cedars this is the first year i tried without cedars because i was still busy lambing i was really tired uh there was a lot of animals that needed bread and i was short rams so i'm like you know i'm just gonna go natural they should still be okay uh but i was wrong i think uh part of my program has always been using cedars and i think that's kind of the sheep i've developed are a little bit maybe too much relying on using cedars uh out of season so anyways i will probably go back to using cedars again on ulams for their first time in january again so that's something i've learned anyway but um when you do breed you lambs out of when you do breed you lambs for the first time they do tend to have a little more uh singles than than multiples um and the breed that i kept back there's a lot of suffolk influence so that's kind of two things kind of going against them for having singles their first time so that aside i had 146 lambs total born out of 95 u's and if you remember i had 103 in this group so i think a few reabsorbed by the looks of it because i think i have them all i think i have the couple that aborted early i'm pretty sure they're in this group um so yeah uh a little bit disappointing there so the 140 the 146 lambs out of the 95 use if you do the math is about 1.54 lambs born per you now you can't have a half a lamb born for you i realize that people always comment that uh it's just averages i'm just going literally just math just numbers uh so when i say 1.54 it means some had triplets some had singles but if you put them all together that's what it ends up being um now on on a good note the good thing about having singles and twins is there's not a lot of mortality so that's been so that's three groups in a row that i've been really proud of my mortality and if you remember going back to way back when in january my goal for 2020 was livability of my lambs and i'm proud to say that i had seven stillborns which i'm not proud of the snowboards but but it's five percent of the whole group and five percent's probably the best i've ever done yet so far with stillborns between some unknown deaths so just something happened there was two of those and there was three that were just born really really weak there was a couple that were paralyzed if you remember um so five that died after birth um but in a very short period of time in those first few couple days was uh three percent uh if this is your first time lambing i just want you to know that these struggles are not uncommon um i do not talk enough about them even though i feel like i talk about my struggles all the time but i want you guys to feel rest assured that you are not the only one and that sometimes your numbers get better and it's and if if i can be the example of someone that has consistently tried to do better then i will be that person i will be your guinea pig [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 55,524
Rating: 4.9816031 out of 5
Id: 6A7FTsUM_6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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