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it's like christmas i find out how many babies are coming someone forgot her camera battery and she's professional she's got a soaker going the wrong way turn around i have to make a decision tonight do i ship him or do i keep him yeah you're a sucky baby there you go so i'm gonna show you what i got today in the mail and it is just [Music] so [Music] good morning you guys apparently i dressed way too warm i do have shorts on but it is so muggy we got a big storm in last night and we thought it was going to cut the humidity indeed it did not it is hot i'm just running to my bar and grabbing a spare battery for this camera i am going on a road trip today with my friend belinda we are going to work cattle so stay tuned for that because there is a reason i got out of beef cows because i don't know how she does it she is so itty bitty and she can just move beef cows they look at me and they're like not gonna happen lady anyway it should be fun i told her yesterday i am literally only here for entertainment value [Music] [Music] um [Music] i am in the truck parked we are not moving and belinda's in the front she says today is her favorite day cattle processing print checks why is it your favorite day it's like christmas i find out how many babies are coming i guess i like prank check day too yeah it might not be a great day you never know well if it's not a great day then i won't put it on camera and there's our photographer i'm not ever supposed to be on camera the whole clan team awesome team awesome [Music] do [Music] okay honestly like i do this every year but it's just my favorite day okay we're at their pasture they got over an inch of rain last night so everything's this part's muddy but it's gorgeous here i don't know where they went i think they went that way someone forgot her camera battery and she's professional so jody is jody is a photographer but she loves doing egg pictures she's a farm girl too so she does a lot of my work and belinda wandered to come out and take pictures of the pasture and the cows and her i don't know if they need us [Music] do i'm sure [Music] she's got a soaker going the wrong way turn around you can pull that information up every time you come then yeah and then it will like every time we hit the tag it'll bring up their history of which will come up [Music] all right [Music] are they friends yeah but now i don't know like are you the tiger but i don't know again sorry [Music] [Music] okay tell the people what you're doing i'm gonna put a tattoo in this little girl okay so mva is mill valley angus that's me okay she's number four and the other is i literally almost said that looks too fresh i was looking through my display i gotta throw a cat like so [Music] how's that sprinkle doughnut good i feel like we've had [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] they're like you're a funny looking belinda [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so belinda just dropped me off uh we spent pretty much the whole day up north she has a really pretty pasture probably about a good hour from here i think i have a video of us when we were kind of sorting her cows and calves and getting them ready to go to the pasture so for me to see the calves a few months later is just i cannot believe how much they've grown she's done a really good job it's a it's heard she's built on her own and i'm just i'm really proud of her and she's a really good example for young girls everywhere that if they want to farm on their own they can it's always a good day with linda lots of laughs she got a few she's got a ton of blisters on her feet she cut a boot full of water so off goes the socks so she was barefoot in her rubber boots all day and now she's now she's just barefoot because she can't walk but i'm home now i have some market lambs to ship rusty is in this pen and i really i'm really on the fence as to what to do there's a brewery about 20 minutes just west of me uh on lake huron and they reached out on instagram to ask uh if if maybe i would look at um i think selling them rusty so he's in the pen i have to i have to make a decision tonight do i ship him or do i keep him so a part of me thinks i might just keep them and then reach out to these guys um tonight or tomorrow and just see if they still want him so i'm gonna hook up the trailer now and uh maybe i don't know if mark will help me or i might just try to load them myself there's not many i think i could probably load them myself okay let's do this [Music] so [Music] hi guys [Music] surprisingly they all went on really well so i did it all by myself 22 on the truck and i did put rusty back in the pen all right i'm gonna tear everything down now and uh get these guys to market [Music] today was just such a good day uh i know you guys always enjoy belinda she still hasn't started her youtube channel she said she's got like four videos and i'm like just put them out but i think she's just biting her time figuring out life she's got some sheep she started lambing today so that's really exciting but you can follow her on instagram i'll try to remember to put her instagram in the either here or in the description below i am dying of heat so we need to go good morning you guys it's thursday i uh i forgot the other day before chris was here yesterday i had made her a new feed sheet because i brought over my second group of you lambs the other day and they look really good i wanted to show you what they look like what my use that are due in a week and a half i want to show you what they look like just so you guys are you guys get excited like me funny at the end of lambing i'm like oh thank god that miami's done and by this time very excited for the new babes there's still lots to do before lambing start i cleaned out a pen the other day which is good i got ahead of the head of the schedule um i have to clean three more pens i need to clean the whole barn because it's fall i like to get it all cleaned out before lambing starts and harvest starts because it just becomes a gong show real fast i felt like i had a ton of time and now all of a sudden it feels like oh [Music] [Applause] my pretty girl [Music] this is the whole group of them so these are my april lambs there ended up being 54 so i will probably need another i'd say 30 or 40 maybe from this next from that june group that i just weaned last week not too much really to report on them i'm just letting them kind of they've had both their vaccinations their glamback vaccinations so they're kind of good until november-ish and then i want to hit them with a chlamydia vaccination because i do have chlamydia issues in this barn just that's just a haunting of this barn uh so they will get their first one in november and their second one right before they start to breed so most of these you lambs were april so they'll actually only be about nine months old usually they're usually this group would be born in march and i like to breed around 10 months minimum so hopefully they'll be okay uh but to keep them on schedule that's that's what i'm gonna aim for so let's go see how these these very very pregnant mamas are doing i would say we've got some time they don't look as close as they typically do when when there's only a couple weeks left this group did get cedared so when they do start lambing they're probably going to come really fast and all together at the same time likely exactly the same day as we start harvesting beans it's almost a guarantee but i do have carissa helping me here's the mamas they're just starting to bag up a little bit they're udders hi they might come fast when they do come but for now we have time to get this barn cleaned out which is good it's the afternoon everybody's fed uh i have a guy coming to pick up my hay he wants to buy he saw my hay video i'm just waiting for him i have to grab the telehandler and load him with some bales from last year the round bales just don't really work all that well here and we had to get it off the field last year so that's why we went with the round bales but i don't want to sit on him for much longer and he needs to feed so i'm going to get ready for him just have to uh cut the plastic in between the bales just so i can get the bales out and have the plastic still stay on [Music] so [Music] [Music] he's not here yet and now i'm wondering if i get the wrong thursday and if i got the wrong thursday and i've got all this wrap cut now i don't want the bales to go moldy so i'm like oh my goodness good news i had the right day he was just a little bit late because he's driving a tractor in wagon so it does just takes time uh he didn't quite get them all because these bales are so heavy and so big so he's gonna come back a little bit later tonight but meanwhile i have a an interview on the phone with a restaurant magazine or something so that's pretty cool yeah all of a sudden i think people are off summer holidays so i'm starting to get calls for like podcasts and for just random uh random discussions and stuff so we'll be zoom calling until the cows come home i just snuck into the house for that phone call because mark was in the office again i didn't want to bug him i have the best fans in the world and i know i don't i know i don't do shout outs i know i don't talk to people on my youtube channel because i don't want the other people to feel like i'm not talking about them so i love you all but i have a couple people that have worked really really hard to actually make me something and i really wanted to um acknowledge the the work that they did so i'm gonna show you what i got today in the mail and it is just it blows my mind it is so gorgeous and it's my favorite colors and i'll show you look at that quilt isn't that amazing so she is made by a beautiful queen bee and yes it was isn't that gorgeous and the best thing about this quilt it's like so soft on the inside so this will be what you'll see me wrapped up all winter in editing my videos the other one i got a few months ago and i just never got around to thanking her properly but it's got all my favorite things so it's got my shapers it's got coffee and it's got john deere it's got my puppy some chickens it's got everything literally everything i love it so much and the back is so cute and you know you guys i don't ever expect anything i love letters i love hearing your stories you guys get bombarded with me and my stories and my life and i don't i feel like i know you guys but i don't know you guys so when you do send me letters some of them hit me so hard and personally and i love them so much so keep sending me letters you don't have to you don't have to do this stuff but just know how much i absolutely love it when people like send me things that they made it is just i'm not deserving of it but i am so so so grateful i have the best community ever there's a lot of good people in the world so thank you for this stuff you get the hot seat i'm just gonna put my sunglasses onto that cool a real beast you know how to put this thing back together my legs hurt so bad somewhat kind of like sprawling wagons because they're slippery okay i might need your help hi i can't get it come on beast beast mode [Laughter] oh well i'm probably not gonna be much better there you go [Applause] okay that's not very accomplished back window backing up skills were very impressive how'd that feel a year ago jess right now would be quaking that i could just do that and in front of people first try some cool things happening right now uh kit you i just showed you k k soil sampled all our fields before we spread our manure so all our wheat fields that we um that all our refills that we took weed off no kidding uh without we harvested our wheat she went and did a soil sample it took her two full saturdays i'm gonna get out of the wind she's sitting down in the office with mark right now just going over all the fields uh just mapping what that looks like where we're deficient where we need more stuff so we're just really playing catch-up this year trying to get caught up on everything and and soil sampling was one of those things so that's what they're doing oh yes and tomorrow mark and i go to a really good friend of mine her and her husband's place they're part of a peer group mark and i are part of a peer group so whether i'll bring my camera along even just for the car ride down we get together with these guys this group of people probably we try about twice or three times a year and i also did a sheep course with carrie my friend carrie and her last name is woolly appropriately enough and she's one of my all-time favorite people she's got two little babies they're not babies now but she has sheep and she runs them in an orchard uh orchard and she also does some silver grazing so they actually run their sheep through uh forest wood like woodlots now too so it's going to be a really cool day tomorrow so hopefully we can take you guys along for that but until then just justice vlogging too long interception until then you guys thanks for hanging out with me today and we will see you soon bye
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 252,720
Rating: 4.9380398 out of 5
Keywords: a day in the life of a beef farmer, working beef cows on pasture, how to do management jobs on beef cows in a pasture, how to set up a beef handling system on pasture, pregnancy checks on beef cows, evaluating ewe lambs, how old are ewe lambs when you breed for the first time, waiting for new lambs, why do we soil sample, shipping market lambs, sheep, beef, farming, business
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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