I'M NOT READY YET!! (the problem with premature lambs): Vlog 307

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good morning guys it's Monday and I was not gonna vlog today because we have a week until lambing starts a week didn't get the memo [Music] how are we doing mum hi there's a monkey hello have you had a drink you have a warm mouth big lamb week early hey mum I'm just gonna see if it'll stand not quite not yet not quite yet [Applause] attack of the mom supermom I might grab some colostrum just to make sure it's drink cuz I I wasn't here so I don't know if it's drank or not so I got 50 mils into him I don't know if he's been up yet or not but it might have been already up and drinking but usually when mum cause at them together they get up and this one's not even acting at all like it wants to so I have to keep a close eye and and if another hour goes by and I still haven't seen it even interested the one thing is it hasn't been crying for any food like it's not bawling and if it was hungry it would be the skin bounces back which means it's hydrated I think what I was and it smelt as warm but it's warm outside so that's not always a good indication and it does have a sucking reflex these early ones are at least tough because is there a reason she's is there a reason she gave birth early I'm not sure we will we get on doing some chores and I'll just keep an eye on on this little guy so guys I've just got my eye on this one she's been kind of she's been at the back when these girls are eating which is never a good sign unless you are expecting wings the other thing is she's not overly bagged up she's got a little utter but not a crazy one her tail isn't lifted her vulva is not swollen which means she could be trying to miscarry which would really suck when we're only a week away from having babies and I'm always nervous this is a ewe lamb so it's a first-time labor and I'm always nervous with first-time Lammers I want them to make their full-term because I have struggled with chlamydia in this flock which usually affects you lambs and they will abort or miscarry early and I just hope I hope I don't have to deal with that this this group they've been vaccinated I don't know I'm just so I'm just keeping an eye but I don't like the way she looks she was pushing when I was feeding so I'm over in the finishing barn and there's rusty is weaning very nicely is right there see your little black head behind that lamb rib II see you're looking at me so they are doing good everyone is really quiet and their mums are quiet so I think we name is a success we're just working on water bowls I filled up some pails just to make sure whoever hasn't got this figured out still has water I'll do this for probably a good part of the week [Music] hello so good news this is the fourth time I've tried to feed this lamb today and it finally drank a hundred and 50 mils for me and it's looking much more aggressive it's just a really slow start she actually when I was feeding delivered another one and it was stillborn so that kind of sucks nothing wrong with the lamb at all and it was coming out perfectly and it just came out not with no vitals at all so not sure what's going on they're both beautiful size lambs like they're probably eight nine pound lambs for being a week early but this is nice to see we'll take that little win hey and the other one I'm watching she's still pushing so I don't know what to do with her I think right now Jess and I are gonna get all this hay equipment back to Ethan and Johanna now that we got a few now I got this one drinking that makes me feel a lot better so we're going to just go run and do that now it should take an hour a couple hours maybe and then I'll just keep checking the slam don't think overall a little crooked in the back okay so I've dropped off all the wagons to Ethan's but there is a the roads getting graded right now so there's lots of equipment and the the grep the gravel is really soft and the last thing I have to take back to the merger and the merger is really wide on the one side and I'm just a bit nervous because it's mine not my equipment so I think I might just wait for if Ethan doesn't need this right away I might take the merger back another day just because I'm not comfortable with it I lost Jess she is helping Marc clean out a wheat bin right now in this heat so they're gonna be happy thirsty maybe I'm just doing a little evening stroll I'm checking on my little lamb who's doing really well it got up and stretched which is always a good sign for a low lamb if they get up and stretch then it usually means they've ate so it's a lot stronger on its feet which is good and that other you that was pushing when I was feeding this morning I got her in here this afternoon and checked her and sure enough she had a she had a stillborn she was aborting it wasn't even formed it was literally a fetus so why she aborted early I don't know my fingers crossed that there's no bugs there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so the saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink same goes for an lamb that's not 100% I am going to feed it another bottle that will be my that will be a lot today hold it mum this lamb is not right and I don't know what it is but I just my gut is saying it's not 100% [Music] so the problem with creamy Lambs is they're just some sometimes they are slow to just come to life so it's not drinking so it's either drink today or I don't know cuz it did drink for me earlier so no hello anyways first lamb of the day [Music] hey let's go see what else we got going on today so this one had one stillborn see these guys are early these are these first timers so this is the second one so it's just a little unnerving just because there can be a bit of a bug but she is bagged up nicely so it could just have been something wrong with the lamb sometimes at the beginning of lambing you can have some of these issues I mean I might move her down to the lambing pen and just see if there's another lamb in there but I'm not very hopeful it's alive I don't know what is going on I hope it's not the beginning of issues so that didn't end well that the lamb came out with barely a pulse so I worked on it for I don't know two or three minutes and it just never took a breath so I'm praying it's just an early baby and that there's nothing else wrong but it's just so discouraging when some ladies can start out so well and you lambs first-timers I just always seem that the first ones that come out seem to have issues and it is quite common but I got so many vaccination programs and stuff going on trying to not have that it's you it's frustrating had one yesterday as well so that's two out of there's fifty nine you lambs in here so I have to do a percentage and I think it's I think it's four percent so once I hit that I'm gonna have to I have to talk to my bed anyway so I'm just maybe gonna fill them in he'll tell me not to worry until I get to a certain amount but I always worry I have resorted back to putting my Grinch like apparel back in the rotation because it is so hot today no new lambs since since our little catastrophe this morning Jess and I Jess is filling the buggy with some wheat we're trying to empty a bin and it's a lot faster to load majority of the truck with the grain buggy makes things a bit faster for the truckers so they can get in and get out and not have to be here for an hour loading the bottom of a bin now I wait for that light to turn green just to turn green when she wants me to go ahead and then I'll stop when it goes right again where it's green right slick good morning it's what is it it's Wednesday morning mark and I did a quick crop to her this morning and then went to McDonald's for breakfast drive-through of course we got a little bit rain early this morning and it was so hot here yesterday and everything was starting to really wilt up so so nice to get rain I think we only got about four tents but every little drop right now helps crops are looking very relieved this morning so let's go see Graham lambs my little ones doing good it's gonna need process today record it with mum and then I might have to make just a little pen for them this got routine placenta the one that lambs the stillborn yesterday so I gave her some penicillin yesterday I'm gonna have to give her another dose today and another dose tomorrow and hopefully she will clean it while she's in here still I just want to be able to I can't catch them very well when they're in there so it doesn't look like we have any ones today which means one day closer to due date I want them now as much as I want Lambs I don't want them early so I really want them to hold on until they are ready because I'm always scared of abortion bugs when there's new use lambing so looks like we're in the clear I want to give you an update on the lag you the mastitis you Billy because everybody wants to see Billy and Betty my blind you so let's have a look [Music] [Applause] everybody misses your below everything is friendly you know aren't you [Music] definitely got weight on it now doesn't even it's really lift which is nice so I will be taking that off and I'll give that another what she's healing really nice that's the you that had mastitis issues she still doesn't look like surprise you but she's definitely a lot happier than she was a week ago what I was going to show you is how I set up my gallagher for my next lambing group so I'm gonna I'm just gonna quit show you that now because I don't really show you a lot of the behind the scenes I just get right into lambing and it really does take me a week if not longer just to number one get in the mindset of lambing and number two make sure I have everything ready because one slamming starts there's not a lot of time to think about anything and you need to have the stuff right there okay so I'm just going to go into options I'm going to create a new session enter name and I'm going to call this group my group 3 lamb I'm going to add that we're gonna give them selenium because every lamb is gonna get selenium okay and then everything else is already in there to go so we are good to go June 10th okay and now I will go and tag that little lamb okay we set up with my lambing kit and my Gallagher I'm just gonna connect the Bluetooth what I'm gonna do is I'm going to tag the little lamb first with an RFID tag it's gonna scan it which is Bluetooth and and then it's gonna go into here I'm gonna record all the information first wait date of birth the mum the sire well sire Bri that'll actually know the actual sire and then I'm going to put a point mark and it's gonna be number one because it's the first one born so that is kind of what you're gonna see me do right now and then for the ones that miscarried here aborted I'm also I also record them too because even though even though their lambs aren't alive I still want to account for all of that and put them in my numbers because I can never improve unless I know what has happened [Applause] like way the lamb the little harness ran in ten pounds and it's a twin so it did really well great and now I'm gonna give it a little hair so selenium I just do a quarter CC and then typically I would dock their tail the last group I I had actually run out of these so I didn't get them all done so a lot of people about you know why aren't they all dot why why do some up tales whether the ramblings I didn't bother doing some of them are because they really don't need done because they go to market mum stop but I will do them now that I have they're going into some hot weather I'm worried about flies right so I'm just gonna dock it for hygiene and you want that first poop of a lamp to be that brilliant bright yellow it means the strength colostrum classroom is really quite bright yellow hair I'm gonna put singles they're gonna be ready [Applause] [Music] and I'm gonna mark them so baby and mum match so if anything ever happened if the little lamb got in and out or if mom had like two lambs but she was always with one I could easily go find the other one in the pen and match mum with it so that's why a number this idea I got from another producer but I really like it I really like labeling them just so I don't lose track of who's who now I'm gonna put all her and his information in here I already did the the weight of it now I'm gonna change the life data so the sex was a ram lamb date of birth was Monday which was the eighth the damn so for the damn all I have to do is scan her tag and it auto populates right there cuz she's already in my system so because I don't really know her breed and I don't really know who she was bred to I go to pedigree cuz I have all that recorded I know this lambs grandma was a steal you so actually this is one of my first deal sired babies hey baby that's really cool so these are the new Rams I bought in December if this was a female this would be my first replacement replacement you lamb but because it's a ram I won't be keeping it so this is a steel cross because I don't actually know who this damn was sired to so I just say steel cross steel so it's sired steel steel breed I'm gonna have to actually add new breed because I don't have that yet steel cross [Music] deal steel cross steel so that is the new breed and it was a twin so what I do is I take the mother's number which is eight five four so I go eight eight five four eight and then I go it was dead it was stillborn and then I go same thing I got here and the same date June 8th damn I just scan it there we go and then just like before it's a steel lamb steel cross steel and it's a twin and then for this because it's dead I actually go to the animal and I put record animal as dead and then up here I didn't actually waste an RFID tag of course because they're expensive I just made up a number for it and then I just wrote I just it's in my system now as not alive and I said why and it's still got all the information so that is how I record a lamb I just opened up this up of it for them just so they're not in such a small tight little area I really only like leaving the the use with their babies for 24 hours in that bonding pen and that's just so I can observe I can make notes I can keep an eye on how they're doing now these guys were in for 48 hours I was a little concerned that lamb was a little off so I just wanted to watch it a little longer
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 92,284
Rating: 4.9740458 out of 5
Keywords: lambing started early, premature lambs, first time ewe lambs miscarrying, late gestation miscarriages in sheep, trying to get a lamb to nurse, feeding a lamb colostrum, helping a premature lamb, lambing, summer lambing, indoor lambing facility, how to organize a lambing pen
Id: BDitlM6qXg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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