that escalated quickly. (FLOODING, RAINING & AN EMERGENCY SHEEP BARN CLEAN OUT): Vlog 328

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so there are days that i would much rather stay in my bed i think the worst is yet to come oh my god [Music] okay it's never good when you start your day off looking at this that that that brace yourselves last night was a long [Music] night [Music] so there are days that i would much rather stay in my bed and i knew i was faced with this today yesterday was our first day of harvest which was a great day but it was really late when we started putting all the equipment away last night i think it was about 11 o'clock and i noticed those puddles coming up my doors and i'm like oh my god so yesterday it had been a few days since i would clean the water bowls and i'm like i have to clean the water bowls these guys are drinking water like crazy and with the one plug i'm like that plug's really loose i can't believe they haven't got the plug off yet sandy that is your intuition listen to it so anyway that plug came out and this whole pen is flooded the one that i just cleaned out like a few weeks ago the alleyway is like completely manure water um because it's just it has no pack to soak it up so it's just flowing everywhere so i was able thankfully i have lots of room and i did lots of rearranging of pens last week and i'm so thankful because i was able to get i moved some use around real quick last night and moved them on to dry land so everybody is fine but we're a little bit squished so first thing this morning i bailed out of harvest the kids are gonna have to do it until i can help out um but i'm gonna clean out phil to wherever the water stops i think that pen back there is okay uh because that's kind of where the water stops in the alley so i think we're i think i just need to clean out this part and there's not much pack so that is how my day is going to go you never know kind of what you're in for today i knew what i was in for because i saw this last night and i nearly cried but what a mess all right i'll take you guys for i'll take you guys along for my emergency clean out [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah so um ah [Music] [Music] okay it is clean for now there was so much water i've never had that much water so it must have literally as soon as i cleaned that water bowl out i bet you i turned around and that plug came out because it it was so wet now what i have to do is attempt to get this cleaned out because if i don't hurry up and get this out it's just seeping back into the pen so it's hard to do with one person yes i have a squeegee yes it would be better if i had a steiner or some sort of a machine with a squeegee attachment on it but this walkway is too small for most of everything we have and as much as i'd love to blame the sheep this is a management problem [Music] our floors are sloped the wrong way for water but it's done there's a really good breeze thank god today out of the south however it is pushing the water back in so i got the heavy out i'm gonna let mother nature kind of try to dry it out a little bit not much i can do in the pen i'm going to just have to bed it up because i've got to get chores started and and get to the fields because it looks like there's a storm brew and i think he wants to get as much wheat as we can get off before this next system comes in which we also really want a need because we are still so very dry so anyway i'm out of breath out of shape apparently too much tractor time [Music] god [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] man [Music] well you guys harvest got shut down and i haven't seen a sky like this in quite a while we got our million dollar rain last weekend let's pray that doesn't bring nasty stuff we do need the rain we just don't need the other stuff that comes with storms i still have to feed my sheep and i'm afraid of the hydro going out so i think i'm just going to wait and see what this storm does i don't know where mark and jess went i think they just got everything home they got the green buggy home in the combine home we had a little drizzle but i think the worst is yet to come thankfully inside we have everything back to normal all the pens are put back everything's bedded i just have to start feeding now everything oh my god [Music] i think i'll just keep you guys posted on this storm you might as well share it with us it's scary yay and it is so muggy and those are the scariest oh shoot no no no no oh it's just mark thought it was hail this is what it's like when it storms inside the bar that's a lot of rain holy mole oh my god my curtains oh my god oh my god i literally just cleaned up all that water oh my god come on i've never been in here when it's doing this you see this it's crazy i'm putting them up [Music] last year this is like yes and i remember cleaning up my barn last year during wheat harvest this is all just deja vu that was really scary here's the win again i think it's spinning yeah see that's where it's coming down right there looks like it i don't know but it's got a tailor it's got a tail i know which one are you guys watching this whole system the left it looks like it's coming off the ground well i had a wardrobe change because i got soaked uh it was quite a system that went through i think there was a there could have been a tornado or a small downburst just about uh 15 minutes south of us and it's just a nasty system that rolled through nice rain right now but uh all my cleanup i did this morning i am in the middle of redoing uh however the pen is dry so the sheep are happy it got really warm in here because the curtains had to shut uh and that takes a while like the curtains called to shut which i'm glad they were but they just take a long time and that wind was insane so anyway i'm just gonna finish up cleaning again i haven't even fed and it's about one o'clock you just never know what is gonna happen when you wake up every day so guys when i've had a tough day a rough day not a rough day but just a no a tough day i like to come up here because sometimes when i'm down there i don't realize how much i do actually accomplish in a day especially one of those days that you're like what else can go wrong so yeah that alley got cleaned out four times luckily the rain did come in over there but it just it just evaporated so there was nothing over there but looking at the animals [Music] makes me very happy i just hunkered down and did the work but it would be nice on a sunday to just chill i signed up for this i hope you all had a good day thanks for hanging out with me and i hope your sunday went better than mine thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 144,840
Rating: 4.9725399 out of 5
Id: XYZgO9xQaI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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