She had the most wool I've ever seen on our sheep farm yet! 😳| Vlog 439

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that's a lot of wool that's a big winter coat big mama huh hi you got a perfect little set of twinners you ready ladies i thought [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] it's not quite as smooth well we got some little mamas and big monks not all big [Music] get them all there's only moms two [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're almost done the u lambs these ulums have beautiful wool so they are exactly a year old this month so these were yeah these were born last april so we started out with these groups because uh you lands can the good thing about them is um they're smaller so charlie can can uh can get through them pretty quick the bad part is they're you limbs so they're really jumpy but he's done a phenomenal job i've seen really no scrapes or nicks which can happen especially on a rainy day because the wool can pull a little bit gets humidity in it but i think because we've had such dry weather they're still okay and their pen has been nice and dry so that makes a big difference they're also we do our best to not have them full of feed so they haven't been fed for at least 24 hours which is really nice because they get uncomfortable and then they start moving and kicking and belching and coughing and just not comfortable and then it makes charlie's job really hard so that's the other little thing we've actually pushed shearing up a little bit i used to always do it at six weeks and now i've pushed it to eight weeks and i'll work on hoof trimming next and then i'll do their vaccination carissa also if you notice that she is also giving the first of two lice treatments and this is another reason i've pushed shearing to eight weeks because i can do their first um i can do their first slice treatment now and in two weeks when i want to do the vaccination i can also squirt the second dose which has to be two weeks apart so yeah the system works really [Music] well [Music] uh [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so you guys this is billy's mom and she's got like gray hair like me underneath her [Music] [Music] ah [Music] ah i love her color [Music] hmm that's a lot of wolves this one's got a little bit of wool [Music] that's a big winter [Music] try coat get so filled up [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh you look so nice [Music] for everybody that wants to know what it really sounds like when sheep haven't ate all day tad loud [Applause] so uh when we were shearing uh we shared those you lambs that rebecca scanned here what are we now two weeks ago three weeks ago and if you remember um when this breeding group the ones that just land when they were getting bred i had two breakouts i had one breakout with the rams uh two weeks before they were due to get bred and i had a breakout like the last week and this girl was a lucky recipient of one of those boys um so i actually got her sheared it's kind of good i had charlie today i sheared her and i moved her into this pen and i'm watching her because she's really weak on her legs so tomorrow if she doesn't improve i might just treat her for preg talks she's a ulam and it doesn't appear like she's not overweight she's probably not carrying very many many lambs so it's weird that uh if it is preg talks that that it just seems weird to me but i'm not i'm not ruling it out just because i've had such bad luck with it so she is in a little pen she's got some water and feed here so we're just going to keep her here so i can attend to her and if i have to induce her then i may do that too [Applause] hello big mama your lambs are getting big but you you're still big why you've been feeding big mama huh hi what are you saying honey you love it oh i love her so much i love you so much you're just a curvy lady and you're gorgeous you're gorgeous good morning you guys uh we had that you that i put in the the claiming pen yesterday it was everything timing had worked out perfectly and this is kind of what i thought was going to happen i did not have to induce her because she went into labor all on her own [Music] hello mama you're so little you had a perfect little set of twinners so thankfully only one caught so these two and it is the tail end of this group so it's not the end of the world but uh she definitely was not fed to the same amounts as these guys were but the lambs look really good considering but mommy doesn't have much milk so she's just slowly coming into it now so we've been supplementing these lambs which we will continue to do so but yeah good mommy i'm glad i put her in here yesterday and she's been getting up better on her legs so that makes me feel good you caught her just some time hey ladies gotta get some meat on those bones well today's gotten kind of away from me but i'm here it's about four in the afternoon i'm just topping off these lambs carissa fed them twice twice this morning and i just finished feeding the bigger twin and i'm just gonna top up this little one i feel like today has not been very productive oh it's trying to drink you're so itty bitty she's coming into her milk a little little bit but not near enough for these two lambs we're gonna just supplement for as long as we have to get mama back on her feet she's just so little she's too young this is why i don't really like breeding my you lambs so young i like to wait a little bit longer so they're a little bit older but it shows you that they can and that they will so you have to be very careful and we haven't had any breakouts since i started using chains instead of twine so lesson learned there twice good morning uh i busy day today we're gonna start out with uh pulling those cedars i pull i put in uh looks like april first we did that we do use cedar cedars act they look like an iud in the van of the third off you come forward so they look like an iud so what this does is it stops the u from cycling um and then when we pull it the whole point of using this is they'll all come into heat at the same time i like these because it synchronizes the breeding group so this is why i'm using this and then i give them a shot an injection of pmsg and that's helps them ovulate uh so that's that's kind of the plan and the process that will happen in basically 13 days from today it's been 13 days as of today so i want to pull the cedars give them a an injection of pmsg which is uh it's an injection that just helps them ovulate so i'm gonna do that this morning but before i do that i want to actually go on my computer uh go through the data on my gallagher and set up who i want these used bread to just make sure they're not getting bred by the same breed that they were sired by it's kind of how i just book and plan my breeding groups so it doesn't take long i've kind of got my gallagher set up that it's a lot easier to see and maneuver through which took me a long time to figure out my last breeding group when i'm looking at just my gallagher kind of this is kind of just your home page kind of deal and they give you some default just columns kind of what you have but what i really want on this page is who i want to breed my groups to and it was never here and i and it doesn't let you change these so what i ended up doing is using one of these things that i don't use so i don't use draft i don't use group so what i do is i go in and uh like this should say bread to so when i when i look at this i should know that these are the this is the rams i'm going to breed these these particularly used to serve up glare so this is just something that i figured out how to do on my own last time because i was really frustrated it took me hours just to try to figure out how to trick this system this one thing i don't like about the gallagher is that i can't customize these columns i don't like that about this you can customize in different reports and stuff but this is the screen that always comes up it's like your defaults and i wish i could change my defaults a bit but anyway you can't so i'm gonna i just tricked the system into doing this so here is kind of the group that i have all these groups here so um as you can see this group so here's these these these ladies were bred uh like their dads are suffolk and these ones their dads are steel ramps so what i'm gonna do is breed them all to the rito rams because they're not related obviously um but down here these guys were bred by rito rams so what i'm gonna do is actually breed them with the the new burritos that i have so i bought these new these new ritos last year so i just called them rito new and i know who they are and i will put them with these particular particular use and then on my you lambs i'm going to actually they were all bred rito so i'm going to put them with the france the steel and the suffolk rams and it doesn't really matter who greets who in those groups because i'm not keeping them okay chris is just mixing up this polygon here [Music] so this is the step that we're using so chris is just mixing these together and making a solution [Music] and a bottle should do 10 use for me because i'm giving them two and a half mils a piece but this is dependent on the weight of your use so just discuss this whole procedure with your vet but i do use these in conjunction with the cedars and it's expensive this is an expensive way to make my sheep want to breed but we are doing it so we got more you lambs in first they're all in here they all fit there's 44 in this group these guys are all getting bred to my suffolk rams ilda france rams and my steel rams uh i'm not planning on keeping their babies for replacement so it really doesn't matter really through their bread too as long as i'm not breeding them to death so this is this is group number one we're i'm going to go in behind them i don't know if you can see here but i'm going to pull i'm just going to pull the cedar out and give her a shot of pmsg and then we're going to scan the tag and it's all going to go into my gallagher and then they're gonna just i'm gonna put them in the center alley for now and then i'm gonna come back with the rams and put whatever rams need to go with them uh you ready ladies i thought [Music] [Music] wow you just pull it out like so [Music] relax okay okay do two and a half the worst if they see you coming if they don't see you coming they don't even feel it [Music] so if you're brand new with us uh we paint their tail ends kind of as a reverse marking harness so most places around the world will put an actual marking harness on the rams but because i have so many rams working at the same time i don't want to come in here and interchange their crayon their marking crayon or their oil paint whatever you use all the time on because i think i have like 35 rams or something so instead i actually got this from another producer he marks the back ends and lets the rams actually smear the paint off the back ends of the use so so charissa goes once i scan them chris goes behind me and puts a puts a paint mark on their tail end [Applause] [Applause] standing [Applause] [Music] just sneaking in on these rams and ladies [Music] there's some interest lots of paint [Music] broke everywhere rail
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 159,205
Rating: 4.9627414 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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