Sukkot Morning Devotions | Friday | Stephen Lane

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everyone come on in and find a seat so maybe maybe there's a way um oh found out about that all righty good morning come on in let's go ahead and get started and so [Music] i hope everyone had a good night's sleep [Music] i know that some of you are like oh it's still cold it's so cold i'm praying against you is all i can say i'm like bring it bring it so i think we got a couple a couple of nights anyway of pretty cool temperatures down in the 40s so and for those of you in the tent okay uh i'm just just yeah do you i'm glad you do all right no well good morning everyone um glad to see you all here hopefully we didn't have any issues getting over here getting everybody shuttled over and everything um and uh i know we got some folks still coming up here um is there anything that we need to announce before we begin bethany is there anything that needs to be addressed real quick i would look down at the pavilion yeah if you lost something look down at the pavilion in that area oh or in the marketplace which is where today in the restaurant the restaurant apparently what happened was the restaurant we we told you in the email initially that the restaurant was going to be open some days and then they heard that 500 people were coming and they abruptly shut down that's i mean that's what happened like oh i'm out of here you know so [Music] so that's why we moved the marketplace into the restaurant so that'll be open today 12 to 1 so if you have anything that's lost you can really try to reclaim those items now if if i don't know if your child says oh mom i don't know where my hoodie is oh dad i don't know where my shoes are i don't i know where they're at they're at the pavilion lunch boxes crock pots they're they're at the pavilion so if you're losing if you're missing anything i'd look there first all right anything else we need to announce okay all righty very good everyone stand please let's see if i have a voice this morning okay that's what i thought [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yah [Music] is [Music] in thy great compassion i will come into your house [Music] there i will bow there i will fear [Music] thy holyness oh lord [Music] space jerusalem gentlemen is [Music] [Music] ladies everyone please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever and ever amen all right you may be seated this week uh when we have morning devotions of course tomorrow is shabbat and so we'll be here at 11 a.m tomorrow morning so once again if you need some assistance getting over here um you know over the river and through the woods just uh be up here you know 10 30 ish maybe 10 15 so we can help shuttle people over we are expecting a little fuller tent tomorrow obviously since the shabbat and it was brought to my attention that maybe some of us who are in uc who have some extra parking space in their space that we might want to be willing to make that available to help relieve any parking issues that we may have i don't know that it's going to be awful but just if you are in a situation that we've got an extra space in your particular space then let us know and that we know that we can we can find some parking spaces there if we need it so again if you want some help getting over here in the morning please help us out by getting here a little early because at 11 o'clock you know we need to try to get get things moving and i don't want our guys who and ladies who have been so good to serve you uh and all these different ways i don't want them to to have to miss being with their families during our shabbat service so if you could help us out i would appreciate that is everybody glad to be here [Applause] all right when i was growing up the pentecostal church they used to say who's got the victory this morning all right and then i always wanted to say who doesn't find them and pray for them anyway all right this week when we have morning devotionals um i've just asked several gentlemen who um some we have not heard from before um who have come into our congregation who they feel the father's place something on their heart they wanted to share of course i've i've kind of uh i don't want to use the wrong word i've restrained them a little bit i told them you know 10 15 minutes you know they're wanting to go 45 minutes to an hour you know and uh i understand how that goes when you've got something on your heart but anyway you're going to be hearing from some of these gentlemen this week and who are somehow relatively new to our congregation because as you know we want jacob's tent to be a collection of all of the gifts that god has given his people in that he's invested in all these men and women that are part of this assembly and so with that being said i want to introduce to you mr stephen lane who's going to come up here and share with us steven and his family have come into our assembly relatively recently you can tell them anything you want to tell them about that but let's give him a big hand just give him our attention as he shares with us this morning no no good morning poker tove hogsmail and happy preparation day that is a mouthful i have no idea if this thing is working i'm going to push a button yeah but i'm supposed to be able to see something here keynote remote this may or may not work wait let's see all right well that's oh there it goes okay all right yeah okay so basically this morning what i wanted to talk about was noah and of course the joke is already revealed but what i was going to say first was since we're talking about noah there's a lot of things we're not going to talk about specifically that word that begins with n that has been forbidden from you know proper sukkot society and if we were to talk about it there would be no code for you if you don't understand that i don't know how to tell you to find it look up seinfeld and watch until you see it okay but since this thing isn't working i guess i'll just stick it over here somewhere um [Music] should be good all right nope it's all right we're going to move we're going to go now but see oh okay all right i'm sorry you you shall not be punished very good thanks no i don't i might answer right now okay so we're not going to be talking about nephilim we're not going to no suit code for me we're not going to be talking about the ark where the ark is what gopher wood is and that other word for the wood that we aren't even to go there the animals clean or unclean the flood the rainbows we might mention ham one time but ever but what i really wanted to look at was one little part with a big idea and now i'm gonna have to go for my alternate bible since my bible is gone come on here we go skabits amongst yourselves for a moment oh hey um if you put up genesis next one there we go okay one little part with a big idea and it's genesis 9 20-21 and so i'm gonna have to read this backwards no i'm going to read it from here please and nowak began to be a husbandman and he planted a vineyard is it working now very good and he planted a vineyard thing's too big anyway and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered within his tent you're like what in the world are you thinking about trying to teach from that then he drank the wine he was drunk and he was uncovered and then ham the father of canaan saw him and you guys know the rest of the story so there's a number of things that happen here one noah planted a vineyard how many of you guys have vineyards wow more than three that's good okay so we are going to assume from the fact that he planted a vineyard that he must have known how to plant grapes and tens them okay before the flood that that wasn't an accident and you just didn't wander out into the new world and find a vineyard and go oh look wow he then drank of the wine again assuming that he knew how to make wine from the grapes he got drunk of course always the low point in this story and then he was uncovered in his tent he went to bed sleeping in his choice of evening attire and of course ham saw him now i know that a lot of us have heard a number of interesting interpretations of what all that meant okay generally a lot of them tend to be on the um anti-alcohol side oh he got drunk and he brought ruin to his family and curses and all all that kind of stuff to the nice sciency one about how well he didn't really intend to make wine there's something in the atmosphere changed and then wine just or grape juice just fermented because you know no good baptist boy like noah would ever have would ever have intentionally made wine so to kind of give some context i wanted to read um from a different version of this story see if we can do this ah there we go hey you know what that's not working all right oh oh it's just on a delay okay so this is from the book of jubilees all right and okay i'll tell you to turn there but most of you probably don't have one in front of you unless you brought your staffer this morning or a very very old bible that might have had it but i'll just read it for you and in the seventh week of the first year thereof in this jubilee noah planted vines and on the mountain on which the ark had rested named lubar one of the ararat mountains and they produced fruit in the fourth year and he did guard their fruit and he gathered it gathered it in this year in the seventh month and he made wine there from and he put it into a vessel and he kept it until the fifth year until the first day on the new moon of the first month okay now what verse are you hearing in the background of all this starts with leviticus and ends in 19 right okay yeah he didn't just plant a vineyard because he wanted wine he was planting a vineyard with a purpose and he tended that vineyard getting rid of the fruit in the first three years collecting the fruit in the fourth year guarding that fruit and then he answers a very important question for us how many of you guys have ever wondered you know you grow fruit trees you grow vines and you go what do i do with this stuff in the fourth year do i give it to somebody wait we have no priest do i donated to a women's shelter what do i do with this stuff because a lot of us have the same idea we want to grow these things and we want to do it according to leviticus but we don't quite know what to do i think noah answers it perfectly here he made wine with it he held it until the fifth year and he very specifically used it to celebrate the moed the new moon and that's like an interesting answer to that question you know if you can do that with wine what could you do with fruit trees i have an answer for you pie amen i really like pie so you gather up all that fruit you make you some pie filling you can it or freeze it or bury it whatever you do with it to preserve it and then when sukkot or the new moon comes around you bring a whole mess of pies and there will be joy because pie is just joy spelled differently moving on with moving on with this and he celebrated with joy the day of this feast and he made an ascending smoke sacrifice on tiahua one young ox one ram and seven sheep each a year old and a kid of the goats that he might make atonement thereby for himself and for his sons and he prepared the kid first and placed some of its blood on the flesh that was on the altar which he had made and all the fat he laid on the altar where he made an ascending smoke sacrifice and the ox and the sheep he laid all their flesh upon the altar and he placed all their offerings mingled with oil upon it and afterwards he sprinkled wine on the fire which he had previously made on the altar and he placed incense on the altar and caused a sweet saver to ascend acceptable before yahuwah hello hey that um so if you look in numbers 28 which we will in just a moment you will see that this sacrifice is the same as the numbers 28 sacrifice which is describing the ritual if you would of how you conduct how the priest would conduct the new moon sacrifice so we'll get to that in just a second let's finish this section wow brandon you are awesome and he rejoiced and drank of this wine he and his children with joy and it was evening and he went into his tent and being drunken he lay down and slept and was uncovered in his tent as he slept and ham saw noah his father naked and went forth and told his two brethren without now what i like about this is that he did the sacrifice first and then he drank of the wine so that wine that was made from the grapes that was holy unto yahweh was was saved for that purpose what i also like about this is that he was doing this with his children which means what was he teaching his children torah he was teaching his children torah if he knew torah he was making sure the next generation saw this is how we celebrate the moans this is how we treat the fruit that comes from the ground this is what we do with all of that okay now obviously the celebration was good and i can't really fault noah for this it had been i don't know how much wine he packed on the ark but i'm sure he had run out long before and it may have been a two three four year dry spell for him before this stuff was ready so he was probably half buzzed by his first few sips you know so he drank some of the wine he celebrated he celebrated abundantly we can argue back and forth whether it was right or wrong whether there was sin involved in that but as far as i know there's no sin in going into your own room closing the door i hope sleeping in whatever you choose to sleep in your room there's no sin in that the sin was the sin came later and we're not that's not what we're here to talk about i have occasionally been known to write proverbs i have no thought that any of my proverbs will be entered into the book of proverbs but i did i did think of a proverb for this one and goes something like this if thou wishest all proverbs have to be in king james if thou wishest not to see something thou canst never unsee go forth into your parents bedroom not unbidden if you're not following that meditate on it i totally missed what you said what was that ah i'm glad you guys got that because i was a little worried about that one all right so this is from numbers all right and what i kind of wanted to show you was that this version in jubilees it doesn't disagree with genesis it's not that genesis is wrong obviously we believe that genesis is 100 accurate but just like luke occasionally gives a little more light to matthew or john gives a little more light to mark other some of these other versions can give a little more context or light to what you're reading alright so in genesis we saw the vineyard the wine the drunkenness and the thing with him okay the sleeping and the thing with him we saw the same thing in here but there's a second confirmation here with the ah with the sacrifice says in numbers 28 and then and in the beginning of your months you shall offer an ascending smoke offering on to yahuwah two young bullocks one ram seven lambs of the first year without spot and three tenth steel of flour for an oblation mixed with oil for one block and two tenths of a deal with flour for an ablation mingled with oil for one ram several tenth deal of flour mixed with oil for an oblation unto one lamb foreign ascending did i miss them four in a sin i don't have my glasses on and this is really messing with me for an ascending smoke offering of a sweet savor a sacrifice made by fire unto aqua and their drink offering shall be half a hint of wine until a bullock third part of a hin onto a ram fourth part of a hand onto a lamb this is the ascending smoke offering of every month throughout the months of the year and one kid go to the offerings for a sin offering unto yahuwah shall be offered beside the continual ascending smoke offering and his drink offering so there's only one difference between these two and that's in numbers there are two bullocks okay well actually i'm sorry there's two differences and what noah offered was only one bullock everything else was the same and i thought that was interesting do you ever see something like that and go father what's up with that why is that different sometimes you get an answer real quick sometimes he says meditate on it but i felt like he told me something really interesting see the account from numbers is a sacrifice that's being made by a levitical priest and i think we've all noticed that levitical priests offer a bullock to atone for themselves and their families whereas the people offer a kid of the goats right just like on day of atonement all right so since noah wasn't a levitical priest he only offered one block and i was like all right i'm satisfied with that that seems to make sense to me now the other difference in this is that in numbers it calls for flour you know the flour and the oils mixed with the flour and i asked about that one and i didn't feel like i got an answer but i was kind of thinking about it and something about that made sense to me so i'm not saying thus saith the lord i'm saying this makes sense to me the flower was always given so that the priests who were attending and the levites had meat bread and wine to sustain them through their workday okay noah did not receive his provision from the people he received it from his inheritance so his what flower came from that not from this now i am totally open to correction on that and perhaps we could talk about that more during questions and answer but i thought that was very interesting that those two things were missing because of the difference in who's doing it you know anyway see if i can catch up with my notes here somewhere i've been sort of going wherever anyway as you read the jubilees account you realize this sounds a lot more like the righteous man than the genesis one okay the reason the genesis one has so much speculation attached to it is because it has less detail perfectly accurate but less detail context allows us to see more detail we realize that noah you know the jubilees account sounds like the man who found grace in the eyes of yahweh it sounds like the man who was called just sounds like the man who was perfect in his generations and if you go down to verse 22 of genesis 6 it sounds like it reminds us that noah not only did everything according to all that elohim commanded him regarding the ark he did it regarding everything and he taught his children that and that is really amazing so as i kind of meditated on this side of it i a couple things came to mind as i was thinking about it i know that there are some amongst us actually most of us i've seen from the from the hands of who actually had little vineyards who can't make wine to celebrate the moeds i don't have land many of you don't have land or don't have vines planted or are still waiting for your vines whatever it is and i thought about how noah noah's purpose was to make that wine and probably he made it to teach us and it's okay for us to have other purposes not all of us are going to have grapes not all of us are going to make wine not all of us are going to bring that to the moad and celebrate with joy with that not all of us are going to do that so what's your purpose what's your purpose there are also some amongst us who cannot celebrate with wine because of things that have happened in their past because of addictions or family circumstances they can't there's no way wine no that's never going to be part of a joyful celebration for me and he showed me that noah's joy wasn't in the drunkenness amen it was in the obedience okay it was in the obedience and i would add torah obedience over time is what allowed him just to be joyful in that time consider this noah spent three years stripping the fruit off of his vines he didn't he didn't touch him he didn't say well let me just see how they're doing he didn't touch it he stripped all that fruit off and he did it because when the plant is not actively putting energy into producing fruit it can dig its roots down deep okay and you know that i mean i'm sure you guys know this flavor in fruit as well as in vegetables comes from minerals the deeper those roots go the more they can mine up it can also focus more energy on its trunk or its stem you know the vine and i might say it can focus more energy on its resolve okay that that would get stronger and steadier and more able to with more channels to to you know transport what the roots were mining back up to where the fruit is growing and if you grow grapes you know i use my own terminology for grapes there's like two header nodes or two horns at the top of it and those are where the canes come from the canes are what make the fruit those header vines have to be trained to go along a wire if you're going to grow grapes in such a way you know to properly orient them that way they're up and down the sun gets to hit all of those grapes gets to increase that flavor increase all of that stuff it gets the leaves oriented correctly it does that's how you grow grapes that are intended for wine you know anybody can just let a bush go and they'll get some grapes that's how you do it for wine there were years that all of that had to happen stripping off all that stuff to allow those plants to get stronger but for grapes in the fourth year is when that maturity is reached where the fruit of them can be harvested made into wine as noah did that would be um worthy to be presented before the king on his moats it's in the fourth year that that happens sometimes with humans it might take a little bit longer i believe grapes are a picture of our walk in torah it helps us to understand that's why hebrews should grow grapes because if you grow them if you understand how they grow you're going to understand a little bit more about your life and how you grow okay i think our brother brad was really good about showing us that all the natural things that happen are teaching us all the spiritual things that we should be understanding right okay so grapes three years humans sometimes more but when that maturity is reached when that fruit is born when that wine or pie i like pie is made it can be brought into the moa it can it can be brought in obedience to the moab and the culmination of that process of seeing through seeing your way through all of that is where the joy comes from okay and i kind of got the idea from reading the jubilees passage that noah was excited he didn't he waited for the fifth year but you'll notice it was the first day of the first month of the fifth year he was like all right boys bring them things out crack them open you know dad it's it's it's you know we're still preparing don't care just gotta breathe that wine will be ready that wine will be ready so as you think about you know where joy comes from especially if you're still in that place where i'm doing all the things but the joy isn't there yet it may be that we're still in that three year period or that time period where we're stripping off fruit we're letting the roots grow deep we're letting everything you know you know what i'm saying we're letting the trunk get strong um you know for some of us we're still in that resolve phase where i'm resolving that i will not work on the sabbath anymore i'm resolving that i will celebrate the moads even if i have to use all my vacation paid time unpaid time all of it to do it i am resolving that i will do these things some of us are probably still in that phase where we're learning about how these things work but when that maturity is reached when those processes are done and we get into that maturity phase then we then i think the joy comes with it so even if you can't grow grapes or even if you can't celebrate with wine you can grow up and have joy amen yes thank you stephen thank you so much amen i know the first time that beth and i were at a um i don't think now it wasn't a seder it was an air of shabbat we were at a temple in florida and they were talking about joy and they had wine and they were talking about during the seder that was upcoming that they would have these four cups of wine all you know symbolizing joy and i got to thinking about that i'm like if they're gonna be drinking four cups of wine there's gonna be a lot of joy going around that day so thank you stephen um does anyone have anything that they would like to uh brandon i saw you i saw somebody does anybody have anything they would like to to share or add to or ask and stephen if they have questions for you i'm going to bring you back up here all right but does anybody anybody have anything they'd like to there's nate taylor with his hand up first thanks for sharing your wisdom yes thank you stephen the picture that i got when you said that not everybody can drink the wine not everybody because of past hurts or whatever i'm so thankful for our messiah because he said that he is the vine and we are the branches and the wine that we drink of is of the spirit so i'm just really thank thank you for sharing that amen praise the most time this is where you can get involved excellent excellent job steven that was great one of the things that that i just started thinking about that the father gave me revelation was was was ham and kanan being cursed because of him so in relating that to us it's almost as if we're mocking this preparation now having that in context and him uncovering his father's nakedness how that can relate to us how we don't know fully what goes into the situation and how that exactly applies and to a certain extent he was well to a large extent he was pretty immature about the situation and so that just kind of in relation to us how as far as others walks are concerned we may not know what they have done in preparation for where they are excuse me for where they are yeah amen it's it's kind of interesting to note that it wasn't actually ham that was cursed it was canaan and canaan was cursed obviously because he usurped the land that was supposed to go to shem so that i don't know if it was more of a curse or a prophecy you know but uh but yeah good may i say something i just wanted to point out that you know in reading that story sometimes the fact that noah drank of his wine and was drunk and all those kinds of things gets a lot of the emphasis and what gets or can get overlooked many times is the righteousness of his other two sons who refused to look on their father's nakedness but backed into the room and and so from that and i'm sorry if you i just wanted to tag on here you know from that we learned that you know they didn't learn those kinds of values you know by themselves those things were deposited in them and just to kind of tag on to the idea that you know we may not understand everything that happened you know stephen's given us a little more to consider but those other two sons shem and the office they learned those values from their father you know and so that that just kind of gets overlooked sometimes as far as i'm concerned um so gabe and i recently planted a vineyard and with the with the vines all set up and it's interesting how he was saying how you strip the vine because we have seven children and i and gabe is taking the grapes off and i'm like leave it there leave it there look at the poor grapes look at it and they're growing and he's like this you have to take this off you have to take this off and and he's the one that knows and he's the one that's discerning what needs to grow and what and i just think our heavenly father knows what needs to be there and when we don't want to give it up and we want to we want to do our own thing but we're not firmly he knows how to make us strong and what we need and how to make those roots grow and with our children as well and so i just want to share them amen what a blessing that you're doing that with your children that they're going to see those things so i'm not going to name any names but what came to my mind as you were talking about that and how we all need to have a a period of of growing and getting those roots firmly uh in the soil you know i'm sure we all know that it's that people are susceptible to feeling like well you know the father opened my eyes to the sabbath and torah and all this stuff and so i'm going to start my own youtube channel and i'm gonna start teaching all this stuff watch it i'm in the room i'm just playing i'm playing and and and you i know and i'm sure a lot of us here know people where that did not go over very well and i've personally seen people delving into things because they're not mature enough they're not rooted enough in those things whether they have a youtube channel or not um and falling into these you know falling for these anti-missionary uh tactics where and for those who don't know what that is is rabbinic teachings that that show that the old testament uh disproves the new testament and and people end up losing they deny the new testament and their faith in the messiah and it's obviously terrible so it's just it's really important for us to be humble and patient give ourselves that grace to let's just settle down get rooted into this and try and understand this torah stuff and not get swayed by every wind of doctrine and somebody comes along and says oh isaiah 53 that's not about the messiah that's about israel if you understand what i'm saying and and we need to be able to rally around each other and and stay firm in those things and not forget why we started keeping the sabbath and eating clean and the feasts and it's because of our faith in messiah it's not because we're trying to seek out our own salvation through works and so it's it just really um uh resonated because that's something that i've personally witnessed and seen that's people need to take time to just grow their roots um if you have something to say to that i'll give the mic to you but i do want to kind of springboard off of that during sukkot at least the way that we're going to do sukkot as i said yesterday we're going to be light on teaching we're going to be heavy on fellowship communing with one another relationship those kinds of things because as i see it um well sukkot should be our time to show him that we love him you know to celebrate him to to honor him to worship him because we're meeting with our king and in so doing we commune with one another and i feel based on what i've you know i did a study on it one time anyway uh yeah maybe maybe i should put it on youtube um when we come together as one people to honor him that brings him joy and so that's what this is about it this isn't we're not going to get into all of the the heavy heavy teaching and look how much i know and those kinds of things because what does knowledge have a tendency to do puff us up right and anything that gets puffed up is usually going to blow up all right it gets puffed up it blows up okay and when things blow up take it from me having blown up many things in my past that's not good so we're here to build that relationship and to rekindle that first love to reaffirm that we love him and that's why we do his instructions we because we love him that's why we're here and we demonstrate that by caring for one another building relationships with one another i am blessed in the evening just blessed see all the children running around playing moms and dads and families getting together as we build this community so that's what i hear you saying and i'm just kind of elaborating a bit is there anything that you wanted to add to that sir since all right yes sir steve couple questions um our sister in the back mentioned that you know the seven children and eating the grapes when they're not supposed to a lot of us have done that in the world and your picture of the roots going down and picking up the minerals many of us have picked up the wrong minerals and how would you explain or address that in proper teaching and following torah how do we let's say purge what needs to be purged to re-learn and have the capacity to pick up the right minerals through torah excellent question um one thing i've learned from both pruning trees and from pruning grapes is that if something is going wrong you can generally prune things back and as yeshua taught let the father dig up a little soil around there and start putting the right stuff on it and then over time that heals over time that starts to heal but it heals because you're putting the right things in so i would think that obedience over time which is kind of the picture of the pruning and the digging and the fertilizing and all that stuff will correct the things that are wrong anything to add to that hello steven thank you very much for the message i appreciate it my question is you you talked about the torah and noah how would noah know anything about the torah you know that seems like it's later knowing those you know regulations and laws excellent question i think it's i think we all asked that one right yeah uh i'm a firm believer that the torah was from the beginning okay [Music] now if i could tag on to what to jubilees again jubilees points out if you can receive this that adam and eve spent seven years in the garden with the father okay so that means as we've read about how um he would visit them in the cool of the day you could kind of i in in my mind i make this picture of noah's been working all day with noah adam's been working all day long he's come into a few little problems here and there yahweh shows up he goes all right abba here's what i had problems with and he showed him how to correct that and then he showed him the torah principles behind it that's my opinion okay based on my interpretation but if they really did get seven years with him that's seven perfect years of learning torah jubilees continues to tell us about how eventually those things were written down in books through shems line and of course shem has the direct connection to noah and that those books were passed all the way down to noah and through wait sorry seth names through seth's line direct connection to noah through shem direct connection to abraham and how abraham's mind was opened to speak hebrew again and he could understand the books and that's how all of these generations knew something about the torah and the only thing that it was missing with a lot of the generations was the levitical priesthood which came i think during moses's time and that re-centered a few of those things like we talked about earlier how it adds the second ox you know or it adds the flower because of the provision now again my opinion based on my interpretation of a book that's not technically in our canon so that in five bucks will get you a latte at your local coffee shop my my answer is or my response is how did noah know the difference between clean and unclean animals somebody had to have taught him that right okay that had to come from somewhere when the writer of hebrews talks about how abel offered a more excellent sacrifice and that even though he was dead god he still speaks god testifying of his gifts plural and you go back into genesis 4 and i don't want to get into a teaching here but you will see that when king brought the fruit of the ground offering the minha offering is the hebrew word and you know the father didn't accept that and king gets you know all upset and everything but abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat and god had respect unto his menca offering his fruit of the ground offering the point is is that abel understood that there are things that we can do with our hands there are things that we can go and you know and work with our hands and produce fruit works if you will but abel understood that along with what i can do there has to be the blood of a lamb and that's why god had respect to it my point is where did abel learn that from well he had to have learned it from adam well where did adam learn that from he had to have learned it from his father right so i agree with stephen the torah of god's instructions his word his commandments to us just like he is eternal he has no beginning he has no end anything that issues forth from him in that regard that is a manifestation or you know an attribute of him is eternal as well and so the whole idea that it started with moses and ended with messiah to me goes against everything that we can read in scripture it is his word it is eternal it always has been it always will be all right [Applause] i just want to real quick fall through the floor um just as our season of joy i love the story of noah and how the father shows us that he reestablishes his people through torah right so i just want to publicly say thank you because in this season of joy here at this sukkot in this year to be able to witness the restoration of his people and the calling he's given his people through his torah even today has been an amazing blessing and that brings more joy than i think we as humans can fully understand so thank you for your teaching today because it meant so much amen hi candace um i just wanted to give a just a quick testimony like with everything that's being said i always hear yahweh's voice like upon i'll start crying um when i wake up in the morning and so when i was rising up this morning he just said to me he said just arise to the season of your faith and just through this i thought faith that's what brought us here and that's what brings us our joy so that's just you know as you guys all said about it you know it's just our faith is that's our season is our faith that's hello the boss just said one or two more thank you i couldn't help but think um while you were teaching on this of where we are as a congregation and what year we're in according to that and then when he talked about those things that maybe we've learned along the way that weren't exactly right and the good minerals well we're still in that year of stripping that fruit off so that those roots can grow and that our trunk gets stronger and so we're going into our third year right we're about to complete our third about to complete our third year so imagine i look around and i've seen all the joy in the camp this week imagine what that joy is going to be like when we get through some of that stripping and strengthening and so i just couldn't help but think about us as a congregation during that thank you heather you want some you got something go go for it well after work is good like a medicine i'd like to pre-order the proverbs of lane we have a website jason i want you mr kaufman back there in the back i want you to see him that that big tall man where the i'm just playing uh test test okay uh i just wanted to observe that uh showell instructed us that everything that happened in egypt was for admonition and instruction and uh remember that the children of israel were kind of forgetful of what they had been taught by their fathers and they spent several hundred years don't know how many uh forgetting the god of israel forgetting his ways and learning the ways of egypt and so it may be that we're kind of coming out the way they came out we were in egypt we were in the place of trial we were learning about other gods and other ways and then all of a sudden one like moses came into our lives and showed us how to get back to the instruction that he'd given way back in the beginning so i'll leave it with that all right one more this one up here in the front jason sister kathy coming to you i just want to get praised this morning because i had joy before we started so cold went through some trials but you know what god gave me so much joy i was sitting in a dentist chair yesterday and i had asked the lord already i said let this tooth just come out real easy and you know what and i said just wiggle it on i told the dentist and that's what he did never having a tooth pull and when he did i said thank you oh i just can't praise amen and i can praise for being here today i was telling sister mayor i said you know it's not it's been a joy coming from where i've been coming from coming from what i used to believe amen and some of the things i didn't understand and learning it's a joy and i'm so happy to be here because it's a joy it's a prosperity it's a joy i'm pressing into that joy thank you [Music] i think that that is a good word to go forth into the day with thank you okay once you come up here thank you sister kathy we we're glad that you're back here in the camp with us amen glad that you're all here and we've got some folks joining us through that are looking at us through the lenses of those cameras and we want to just we want to just say hey to them and so i don't know which camera we're going to look at but we're going to look back here at the back brandon all right so just just say hello to them hug samia to all of our friends that are joining us from all over all righty i feel like we need to sing a song does anybody have the song in mind that we're supposed to sing i thought about that i don't have much of a voice this morning but no we'll we won't go into the three dog night thing but uh gwen where are you come here gwen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sister the years of not using that gift are over [Applause] i want you to lead us in a song that's going to be you oh you got it you got it do you know you are my strength all right i think we're supposed to stand you are my strength strength like no one there strength like no one there reaches [Music] me you are my strength yes lord [Music] it reaches to me in the fullness of your grace in the power of your race you lift me up hallelujah you lift me up in the fullness of your grace and in the power of your grace you lift me up yes you do you lift me up just one more time you are my strength you are my strength strength [Music] [Applause] um just be seated for just a moment i'm gonna make a quick announcement then we're going to pray and we'll dismiss again if you need some assistance getting back over to your car or your campsite these gentlemen will be out with the carts and so just give them be patient with them and they'll get you shuttled over as soon as they can we we have a is it a shofar class this meeting at 11 30 so if you're not going to be part of that shofar class which is going to start here at 11 30 then kindly move outside uh and respect to that at um i know we've got some events going on today with especially with the kids and everything and and again we tend to be light on teaching and want to be heavy on the building relationships and fellowship with one another at 2 p.m today at the uc pavilions over here for those who are interested i'm i'm not going to teach but i'm just going to share a few thoughts and ideas with you about our community and you know and um some just some general ideas of going forward since we are coming into the end of our third year and very soon we will be in that fourth year um steven's given me a lot of things to consider that i had not um anyway i want to share just a little bit again not a teaching not you know the greatest wisdom in the world or anything like that just some thoughts but in conjunction with that nate taylor's got something he wants to share with you too and uh as it relates to how we become a community not just to people who get together on shabbat and not just people who get together on wednesday nights and not just at sukkot and things like that but how that we truly become a community and that's all i'm gonna say all right but it's it's going to be um something that i think many of you might be interested in and so it's about us learning how to become a better community basically that we are our brother's keeper all right so that'll be at two o'clock at the uc pavilion there's tables and chairs set up over there so there should be plenty of chairs if you want to bring an extra chair your lawn chair comfortable chair that's fine too you won't be sitting very long i will tell you that all right and what's the mystique about well you just have to find out all right now as far as the folks who are online right now asking are you going to live stream that unfortunately we cannot it number one we don't have any cameras set up over there at those pavilions because they're all here uh and number two is because it just wouldn't be practical so unfortunately no we will not be able to live stream that we will be live streaming of course tomorrow at shabbat and i know this is everybody's preparation day so i'm going to ask you to stand and let's pray and we'll dismiss um oh yes that's right tom matunis sung juan's husband how to fall down some stairs and he's okay he's he's okay he's very very sore and my understanding is seguan's going to be back with us today okay that's what i heard is jerry bailey isn't that correct sanguan said she was going to be here today all right so we want to pray for tom and i know that there's some other folks that even here this morning you know bones are cracking and you know knees are popping and stuff like that and you know what work through it just just persevere amen um stephen why don't you come up here brother and you dismiss us in prayer and again let's thank stephen for sharing with us today yahweh most high we thank you so much for the season of joy that we get to enter in enter into enjoy learn from build with i pray that as we go through our day you know with shofaring and childrening and and mysterious classes in the afternoon that you would draw us near to you that we might walk in your ways like our master yeshua did pleasing you in every way saying the things he said doing the things he did shining the light on the path bringing glory to you in yeshua's name amen amen have a great day be safe be happy be joyous you
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 2,637
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 023tV_QNI4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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