The Sukkot Factor and The Seven Blessings

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tonight rejoicing in the goodness of God and the blessings that were all around them seven characteristics seven keys themes blessings of the Feast of Tabernacles now we're going to take that we're gonna take those keys and we're connect them to the prophetic realm so the realm of the last things the last days and see what we get the Feast of Tabernacles as the last feast has the mystery of the last things in it so it's about God's plan when God's plan gets to the end that's what Tabernacles is about it's about the last that the the consummation of the closing of the age and again even the rabbi's folk who said that this feast is about the not only the kingdom of God to come but the age to come which is the age of Messiah and we know that before the kingdom could come before the age can close the Jewish people have to come back to Israel Israel has to come back to the land so the nation of Israel today the reborn nation of Israel is linked to the mystery of Tabernacles and the first thing let's look at the first thing about tabernacle I said it's the Moab it's the appointed time the Feast of Tabernacles is when the Jewish people gathered together well we have seen that in that right now what is happening with Israel what's happening in the Middle East Israel being back in the world is an appointed thing of God God appointed it long before we were born long before the people who are doing the peace process long before that God appointed it he spoke it in the prophets if anything is prophesied it's Messiah and the rebirth of Israel and they go together it is linked to the birth of Israel the rebirth is linked to the mystery of Tabernacles because the Jewish people are back because they have an appointment with God they have a sacred destined appointment the MOE add them which Tabernacles the holy days means the appointment not just the time but the meeting the Israel is back because it has a meeting with God and even Messiah said it because not coming back until that meeting takes place second part second thing that Tabernacle speaks of Israel and the mystery of the end is fruit you have fruit so it's the time of fruitfulness and so you even see that with the land that God gathers the Jewish people back at the end of the age and what happens the land that was a wilderness suddenly starts bearing fruits all over the world - to the point that Israel is one of the one of the few nations on earth that actually exports more than it sends fruit around the world a place that was a desert and so it's ultimately and the ultimate fruit is gonna be when it comes to Messiah third mystery and the key is the Tabernacles as the feast we said of the coming together it's about all about coming together in gathering so what does that tell you it tells you and it's the about the end of the year so it that speaks about the end of the age being at the end of the age there's gonna be a great in gathering there has to be a great in gathering that the Jewish people are going to be gathered back to the Land of Israel from the so it happened you know in the midst of our of our lives many of us that we saw you're still seeing it that around the world from the four corners of the earth they come and they gathered back to Israel God brought them back just like he's building a Sukkah he took broken pieces pieces that were broken the scattered broken children of Israel took them back to the land and put them together piece by piece assembled them as no nation has ever been assembled from death piece by piece he put together they put together their language that didn't exist after two thousand years they put it together piece by piece they put together forest piece by piece from deserts they put together cities piece by piece they put together names they put together everything from from the ancient Israel they put the pieces back together Oh God did it even a zekiel and God says it's like dry bones I'm putting the bones are coming together I'm putting them together Israel is the picture of the end time in gathering fourth key the lulav we said there this is a symbol of redemption it's a symbol that God redeems what was and what was the pain and the tears and so what is that to do with with a reborn nation of Israel it is that Israel being back in the world what it is is God and what it's looking forward to is God is taking all the tears of his ancient people and he is redeeming it and from their tears comes this land from this deer comes this rebirth from all the sufferings company they actually have they actually have trees planted all throughout Israel that commemorate the sufferings now turn to joy or people who are killed now now it's Redemption it's a land of redemption in there is where their redemption will come god there's still the day comes when they say yes to Messiah that is when the healing comes that is when the final redemption of Israel comes they are gathered together to be redeemed fifth the water the water what does the water have to say about the end times the water is a symbol of the Spirit and so what it's saying in the end times God will pour out his spirit on all flesh he will pour out says I will pour out my spirit and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy the end times will be all not only times of great evil great immorality but at the same time God will be pouring out his spirit throughout the end he is already doing that throughout the earth much of it in Africa much of it in Latin America much of it in Asia he is pouring out his spirit in the end times will be also be days of evil but days of the Holy Spirit and not and ultimately what where does it have to be poured out to ultimately it has to be poured out to where it was first poured out to Jerusalem to his ancient people when they receive him that's what the Spirit will cover the earth the sixth mystery or theme of Tabernacles and that now taking into the prophetic realm Tabernacles is about the testimony that what God says he will fulfill his promises he will fulfill the promise land he'll fulfill his promises well it's a testimony of the fact that that today we can say that Israel exists in the world is a testimony that God is not a liar God is true and when he says something he means it and he will do it and everything he has said he has either as either happened is happening or is in line to happen we who have we you have lived a few decades you have witnessed we have witnessed these things happening the world centering on the Middle East the world centering on the controversy of Jerusalem even to this day it's still the controversy it's still what just happened this month in the United Nations was still about Jerusalem it's still when when when Abbas stood up that he said I declare I proclaim Palestine and I proclaim it on the borders before up by of June 4th is he's nice except he's saying we're gonna erase that six-day war gonna erase Jerusalem with having anything to do with Israel he said in the capital will be called will be out goods which is there his way of saying it's Jerusalem will be our capital the world though and the United Nations most of them stood up in route and a standing ovation most of the nations of the world gave a standing ovation to say take Jerusalem from Israel it's still the center because God said it's Jerusalem that's where he's coming and so the enemy is furious over that Tabernacles centers on Jerusalem that's where they are so the end times will go back to all the world will be focused on Jerusalem for the appointed meeting with God when he comes and the seventh one it speaks of the end Tabernacles what does it have to do with it with Israel well it says it's a feast of joy you will rejoice so what's God saying he's saying in the end Israel in the end you will rejoice you have gone through suffering you've gone through so many things but you will rejoice in the end I will turn your mourning into joy I will turn your tears into rejoicing it is written then that when they come back Israel even the virgin shall rejoice and the dance they'll take up their tambourines and a young man the old man shall rejoice again I will turn their sorrow into joy and you can even add it that day is still to come but it's been you see a shadow of it when Israel's come back they dance in the street in fact more dances come out of Israel than any other nation you know that I was told by a dance instructor and actually that that they are dancing they dance in the streets they sing and they dancer it says it's prophecy God said they will rejoice in the dance and so they do and they will but their joy is ultimately when they come to Messiah the Feast of Tabernacles
Channel: Jonathan Cahn
Views: 59,074
Rating: 4.9331999 out of 5
Keywords: Jonathan Cahn, Beth Israel, Hope Of The World, Jerusalem Center, Jewish, Messianic, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus, Messiah, God, Bible, Born Again Christian, Adonai, Elohim, Salvation, Eternal Life, Heaven, Sukkot, Feast Of Tabernacles
Id: UstJi7Bz19s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2011
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