End Time Events and How To Be Prepared

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well are you ready to get into y'all's word today and my answer to that is i am and i know you are as well so we're going to lay the foundation for the entire sukkot season we're going to be talking about this every day and we're going to be talking about end time events and being prepared for end time events it's very very important that that we are prepared and there's certain things that we need to know and grasp from scripture to be ready and we'll talk about different dynamics on each one of the days but today we're going to lay the foundation we're going to talk about the events of the end times now i don't mean to say anything that's going to ruffle anybody's feathers but you know i just um i just preach what yah tells me by his spirit and some people are saying the vaccination is the mark and what i want to show you tonight is you can't have the mark without the beast let me say it again you can't have the mark of the beast without the beast now are we moving toward it absolutely we're marching on the march toward the mark and all these dynamics that you see going on are dynamics that must take place to prepare us and and and we need to be able to witness them and see them and then take action to avoid the things that are from hasaton and walk in the blessings that are from our father abiyah so i want you to go with me over to danielle or daniel chapter 8 and we're going to pick up with verse 1. and we're going to lay the foundation of what we're going to talk about all throughout sukkot we're talking about end time events all right danielle chapter 8 beginning with verse 1. in the third year of the reign of baal shatsar the sovereign a vision appeared to me daniel after the one that appeared to me the first time and i looked in the vision and it came to be while i was looking that i was in the citadel of shushan which is in the province of elam and i looked in the vision and i was by the river ulai and i lifted my eyes and looked and saw a ram standing beside the river and it had two horns and the two horns were high this is speaking of the empire of the medes and the persians now there's much history that's prophesied in the bible prophesied before it ever happened and danielle was one of those who could see it before it took place and the one was higher than the other and the higher one came up last so the persians were greater than the medes and the persians came up after the medes i saw the ram pushing westward expanding taking in other nations and other territories and northward and southward so that no beast or no nation could stand before him and there was no one to deliver from his hand he dominated while he did as he pleased and became great we're talking about the empire of the medes and the persians so make note of that verse 5 and i was observing and saw a male goat some translations say a he goat it's a male goat came from the west so what's west of persia greece greece so this male goat is talking about the kingdom of greece which became the empire of greece and notice it says that this goat from the west was flying so to speak over the surface of all the earth without touching the ground in other words this great empire was moving across the earth and swallowing up nations as if the goat's hooves weren't even touching the grounds like flying moving so fast so quickly now can you think of who this might be talking about alexander the great alexander the great okay and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes speaking of alexander and he came to the ram that had two horns which i had seen standing beside the river and ran at him in the rage of his power i tell you what there was there was no fighting force like alexander's army in those days and he operated in the rage of his power and i saw him come close to the ram and he became embittered against him and struck the ram and broke his two horns and there was no power in the ram to withstand but he threw him down to the ground and trampled on him and there was no one to deliver the ram from his hand so the persians used to torment greece they always would attack greece attack the different cities of greece they were always tormenting greece and so alexander was embittered toward the persians and so he went after the empire of the medes and the persians and destroyed it that's what this is talking about and i saw him come close to the ram and he became embittered and so he attacked the ram trampled the ram under foot and there was no one to deliver the ram from his hand look at verse eight and the male goat became very great in that interesting the bible says the male goat would become great and we call alexander alexander the great but when he was strong 32 years of age is when he died the large horn was broken and in place of it four conspicuous ones came up toward the four winds of the heavens so if you know history when alexander died young at 32 he divided his entire empire up amongst four of his generals and so the one empire became four reigns four kingdoms and from one of them came a little horn now this is very important to understand which became exceedingly great toward the south and toward the east and toward the splendid land the land of islam so one of these four generals would produce over time this little horn wasn't one of the four generals but the little horn came up under the authority of one of those generals and he became great and he began to move out toward the south and the east and toward israel the thing to keep in mind about this little horn by the way his name was antiochus or antiochus depending on how you want to pronounce it epiphanies he named himself epiphanies because he had a deity complex he thought he was a deity epiphanies means the image of a deity and he had a deity complex he thought he was a deity so he named himself epiphanies and it became great up to the host of the heavens now this is important because this is not just an ordinary king this is this is a sovereign who's empowered by hostaton to do the work of hassetan so this little horn is empowered by hasatan he gets his power his authority from hasatan and it goes beyond just an earthly activity it's actually much greater than that it's a it's a spiritual activity because or the adversary satan means adversary ha means the the adversary or the devil might know him better as the devil but hassetan has a plan and he's wanting to destroy the splendid land israel and so he's going to use this little horn this king he was the greek sovereign of syria and tychus epiphanes he's going to use him to do great harm to the splendid land notice verse 10 and it became great up to the host of the heavens and it caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall of the earth and trampled them down that that tells us that it goes way beyond just an earthly activity it's not just men fighting amongst one another it's haciton empowering a particular man to do great harm to the people of yah verse 11 it even exalted itself as high as the prince of the host that word prince can also mean master that's a better translation in my view it even exalted itself this little horn this this sovereign exalts himself as high as the master of the host remember he had a deity complex he saw himself as a deity and it took that which is continual away from him the master of the host and threw down the foundation of his set apart place so what does this greek sovereign of syria do well he stops the continual the daily sacrifices so he goes in and he captures the set apart place the dwelling place of yah and he stops the sacrifices and he sacrifices swine on the altar and he takes the blood of swine and he puts it on every article of worship in the set apart dwelling place defiles the whole place and then we're going to read about this in a moment but he places a statue of a false deity in the most set apart place in the dwelling place of yah this statue had antiochus face on it so he was exalting himself above all that is worshipped making himself out to be elohim now this is important because antiochus is a picture of anti-mashiach because what's happened in the past is going to happen again and if you know that you won't walk in darkness you'll be a child of the day a child of revelation and you'll know what's coming and that's what this sukkot is going to be all about for us is that we're going to we're going to make clear by studying the scripture what is to come so that we're not walking in the dark and we don't get swept away with all kinds of theories and and all of that we know what's happening because the scripture tells us clearly all right look at verse 11 again it even exalted itself as high as the master of the host and it took that which is continual away from him stopped the daily sacrifices and threw down the foundation of the set apart place defiled the set apart place of the temple and because of transgression this is so important and a lot of people read right over this and because of transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose that which is continual so there was a reason why this sovereign was empowered and it's because of the transgression what is this talking about because of the transgression sin is the transgression of torah and what most people don't know that in the time of antiochus epiphanes when he was coming against the splendid land the land of israel there was in those days a great falling away of the people of the people of yah a great falling away and i'll tell you why because antiochus wanted to hellenize every nation that was in his empire what does that mean hello nice bring greek culture make the people adopt greek culture greek language greek literature greek religion in other words make them greek and he was trying to do the same thing in the land of israel and so he banned the study of torah and he forbade that people studied the torah and said if you circumcise your children then you'll be executed for it if we catch you studying torah you'll be put to death you have to sacrifice to our pantheon of false deities and so many of the hebrews in that day felt like it was better for them to go along with antiochus than to resist them and so many chose to adopt the ways of paganism many chose to give up their study of torah many chose to not circumcise their children many chose to not keep the seventh day shabbat this part of the story is hardly ever told but it's the truth there was a great falling away a falling away of yah's people why because they chose comfort and what they thought was safety over following yah and walking in his ways in torah and so there was a falling away now when i get you over into second thessalonians chapter 2 and we look at what shah'ul said about it he's going to echo everything that we're talking about here in the book of daniel even yeshua quoted danielle when he said when you see the abomination of desolation in the sutter park place then he was basically saying make your escape that's your time to move and we're going to talk about that here in a bit it says because of transgression because the people were were falling away from yah and and moving away from his ways and and rejecting torah then an army was given over to the horn to oppose that which is continual i mean if that's what you want that's what you'll get if you're rejecting torah you're you're embracing lawlessness and and if that's what you want that's what you're going to get we're going to talk about the delusion of the lawless the delusion of the lawless that's a delusion that people are under even today when they say the torah has been abolished when they say the ten words are not binding when they say oh you know sha'ul abolished the torah and we don't keep the seventh-day shabbat and all those things you hear people saying that in religion today what are they doing the same thing they're falling away and shall in second thessalonians chapter 2 is going to say the falling away has to come first and he's going to talk about the mystery or the secret of lawlessness what is that it's a spiritual dynamic that's at work it's invisible except you can see the fruit of it and it is hasitan and demon forces at work creating an environment of lawlessness into which the lawless one the anti-machiak is going to be able to rise up and be lauded and be celebrated you see if everybody was following torah and the anti-mashiach appeared he would be rejected so what's going to happen there's going to be a falling away even religion as a matter of fact religion is going to be at the heart of the falling away religion will embrace what the bible calls abominations we see even today whole denominations that are splitting over what the bible calls abominations and who would have known that it would be so difficult to preach to people that they need to obey the bible that to me is remarkable if you teach that you need to obey the bible and not be lawless but be righteous then they say oh you've just fallen from grace and now you're just a law keeper well it struck me one day when i was thinking about that i believe the father spoke to me by his spirit and said to me well if you're not a law keeper what are you you're a law breaker transgressing torah is sin and so there was a falling away during the days of antiochus notice it says and it speaking of the horn through the truth down to the ground and it acted and prospered it threw the truth down to the ground well psalm 119 tells us that the torah is truth and what is religion doing today religion has been doing this for millennia throwing the truth to the ground all that torah that that's been abolished i've heard preachers say the mosaic economy is not for us today it's like show me mosaic economy in the bible somewhere they're throwing the truth to the ground they don't even believe that they ought to keep the ten words and yet we know the ten words are the ten commandments are the commandments of the covenant and they are the commandments of the the renewed covenant as well what's the difference in the original covenant and the new covenant he gives us the want to and the power to be obedient yah gives us everything we need to be able to love him the way he wants to be loved and that's through obedience he doesn't want another failed marriage so he's empowered us all right look at verse 13 then i heard a certain set of part 1 speaking and another set of part 1 said to that certain one who was speaking till when is the vision concerning that which is continual and the transgression that lays waste all right so that's the first time we we see the the mention we're going to see it again of what your bible may call the abomination of desolation which is the image of one who has a deity complex we see it in antiochus we will also see it in anti-mashiach because he's empowered by hasatan hasatan has always wanted to be worshipped so the man who is empowered by hasatan is going to want to be worshiped okay till when is the vision concerning that which is continual and the transgression that lays waste to make both the set apart place and the host to be trampled underfoot and he said to me for three hundred nights then that which is set apart shall be made right and so you probably are familiar with the story of the priestly family called the maccabees who empowered and inspired by yah rose up against antiochus and the entire syrian army and with the help of yahweh was able to drive them out of the splendid land out of the land of israel and rededicate the most set apart place and the dwelling place of yah reestablish the altar and and rededicate all of the articles of of worship all right so let's continue on and it came to be when i danielle had seen the vision that i sought understanding and see before me stood one having the appearance of a mighty man and i heard a man's voice between the banks of ulai who called and said gabrielle make this man understand the vision and then you can read all of that i've already explained all of it but you see it right there is the explanation of of the vision and so let's go quickly over to daniel chapter 9 and we'll pick up with verse 21. it says while i was still speaking in prayer the man gabrielle whom i had seen in the vision at the beginning came close to me in swift flight about the time of the evening offering and he made me understand and talked with me and said oh danielle i have now come forth to make you wise concerning understanding you know that'd be a great prayer for all of us to pray as well to become wise concerning understanding at the beginning of your supplications a word went out that's there's the power of prayer for you and i have come to make it known for you are greatly appreciated so consider the word and understand the vision 70 weeks are decreed for your people and for your set apart city yerushalayim to put an end to the transgression and to seal up sins and to cover crookedness and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up vision and profit and to anoint the most set apart and so this is talking about 70 weeks or 70 times seven years so 490 years is what it's talking about seven weeks are decreed for your people and for your set apart city all right let's look at verse 25 know then and understand from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince is seven weeks all right seven weeks and 62 weeks so that makes 69 weeks or 69 times seven years all right 483 years and it shall be built again and it was by the way this is speaking of yeshua and his sacrifice and what he would accomplish as he gave his life on the tree for the sins of the world it shall be built again with streets and a trench but in times of affliction and after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off and have not and the people of a coming prince shall destroy the city the romans destroyed the city and the set apart place they destroyed the dwelling place of yah and the end of it is with a flood and wastes are decreed and fighting until the end now verse 27 and he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week one week is how many years seven years so there's going to be a covenant all right this is talking about the anti-machiak is going to confirm a covenant with many for one week now we're going to talk more about it over the next few days but i'll just give you a bit of information that you can begin to meditate on the anti-mashiach is going to be a very shrewd politician and he's going to seem to be like a religious person as well and he's going to solve some major issues that's going to cause the global press to really support him to laud him to applaud him and he's going to appear to be a peacemaker because he's going to establish a covenant i believe a covenant of peace between israel and the muslims those especially who are in control of temple mount if you've been there you know there are two mosques on temple mount now but there's a large space between them large enough for the rebuilt temple and it appears from scripture that annie mashiach is going to put forth a property agreement property sharing agreement to allow israel to rebuild their temple and when they rebuild their temple they're going to start up the daily sacrifices again and so this is a covenant of seven years in the first three and a half years many around the world will be crying peace and safety peace and safety and shall said when they they is not us right when they cry peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them not on us we're children of the light after three and a half years andy mashiach empowered by hasatan wants to be worship he's going to have enough of these sacrifices and he is going to stop the daily sacrifices and an image of anti-mashiach it says the false prophet is going to be instrumental in in having that image set up it's most likely going to be some image that's projected through technology by the way just a little insight we love those phones don't we everybody has a cell phone and you can look into those things and you see certain couples you know in the restaurants or whenever wherever you might see them they're sitting across the table from each other and they're both staring into their phone people worship those things and the andy mashiock is going to be able to break into the cell phones and and present a live video a live stream of himself anytime he wants to and people are going to be interested and they're going to watch and they're going to in essence worship the image in that way and so i know some of you are looking at your phones right now thinking i'm going to turn that thing off but at some point we as believers we as followers of yeshua we need to find some alternative source of communication unless you want to get sucked in to the worship of the beast because he's the the false prophet is going to use technology so keep that in mind as we as we talk further we're going to be talking uh this week about how to be prepared what to do you know we're going to talk about finding your goshen and getting there you say what is that well where where did the children of israel go during the the seven years of famine they found their goshen they got there and they were safe right so you need to find your gosh and get there get out of the big cities that's where the controllers are who want to control you so yeah it's going to be eye-opening what i'm going to talk about over the next eight days all right find your gaussian and get there you need to be able to grow your own food because if you don't take the mark you're not going to be able to buy anything you won't be able to go into a store you won't be able to get formula for your baby or food for your family you won't be able to buy anything and you won't be able to sell anything you won't be able to tap into the global markets because it's going to be one world currency you won't be able to tap into the global markets with without the mark because the market is going to be a global passport slash id it's going to have all your banking information on it when you go into a store you'll just get what you want you'll walk through a scanner on the way out it'll scan everything you have it'll tap into the chip if you've taken it there won't be any checkout tellers if you have the money in the in the bank it'll automatically withdraw it if you don't alarm will go off and you'll have to put stuff back but you won't be able to buy anything anything you won't be able to buy a vehicle you won't be able to get on a plane or a bus without the mark it's a global passport it's going to be a one world government and annie mashiach is going to work his way to the top of it all right so these are important things to keep in mind we're going to talk about all those things this week so i would encourage you to stay to the end so there's going to be a covenant a covenant of peace and they're going to law to andy machiac as a peacemaker he's going to do something that other men other politicians have not been able to do and they're going to praise him for it but halfway into it it's going to become ugly and the continual the daily sacrifices are going to stop and then he's going to demand to be worshipped the last three and a half years is the time of yaakov's trouble that's the worst part of it so we're going to talk all about that as well but see i wanted you to see that it's in danielle because when we get over and we we read about what shaol says he's going to echo all these things and sha'ul he quotes danielle in essence yeshua quotes danielle so we're laying the foundation all right let's look at it again and he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week those who control those muslims who control temple mount and and also those muslims are connected with all the muslims of the world and in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and mill offering he's going to stop those daily sacrifices and on the wing of abominations he shall lay waste even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste and so we'll get to that we'll talk about what has been decreed and what will be poured out in in time you
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 8,039
Rating: 4.9212255 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, End Times, Preparing for the End Times, Preparing For End Time Events, End Time Events, The End Is Near, The Falling Away, Lawless
Id: pqbJzubgvJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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