The Two Gambits | AWARD-WINNING Drama Short Film

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[Music] it's open right oh hi I thought you were I'm sorry I'm here on Miranda's behalf Claire so what happened to Miranda I got pretty far I thought you'd have reschedule L me Miranda doesn't work with us anymore there's been an incident of misconduct with one of our other clients which I'm afraid also means we'll have to start from scratch I see what you know what never mind I don't think this is necessary I got far enough with her in our last session you lived here for 30 years right Walter and before that this belonged to your wife's parents and their parents and so on you could call it a family home with not much of that Essence left 32 fact is not many of us were willing to pick up Miranda's mess why you then well from the very little I know I think I'll be able to help now cutting a few Corners I do have some particular talking points in mind for today how in a rush just assumed you wouldn't want to go over every detail again with a new face I'll try not to trck it out this time okay where are we starting Isa come play with us come [Laughter] on oh we've got a new player in the game guess what you can do it far than there are moments that make you feel like nothing else matters or exists out there again but we all have our secrets and the worst ones have a habit of finding you no matter what you do in this case they were my [Music] wives where's my daughter this guy shows up five years into our lives with a letter seriously I told maybe will try to answer the door quietly but I call the Glimpse m my first husband and the letter he had with him was proofed that Sophie was in fact his daughter I mean I me able the say man she left him but I never thought that she how did he manage to do that wouldn't he have had to acquire a sample of your daughter's DNA to prove his suspicion in the first place that's something we never quite figured out is a fact that he was too far ahead of us and those weren't just suspicions what's going on I'm taking it to my sisters for a week I don't trust him to stay away right now what what are we de with what let us Eva and that's when I found out the lights dancing on her face as she looked back at me her face that showed me everything I needed to know she stole his heart and in return he stole hers it's been added for years beinging the case that she wasn't fit to have any custody over Sophie but why such Extreme Measures what did she do to him I never talk into it why not sorry didn't mean to raise my voice anyway none of that matters anymore he got what he wanted she knowingly kept her away from her real father for all those years didn't leave herself with a leg to stand on you raised her for 5 years Walter well let's not D on this topic but my past got a little caught up in everything too complicating things legally speaking the best for me was to stay away from it and if anything my wife was a lot closer to her than I was on morning she she skipped her routine got in the car and drove off two nights later she came back someone else entirely I didn't ask where she went but I I never saw a cry from then on I mean I'm finding it hard to believe it was all that sudden your wife didn't see any of this coming over the years she didn't suppose Marcus was really up to anything there were letters so mild threat from time to time just delusional jealous confus used his words coming from the bottom of a bottle didn't you feel cheated to find out that you were raising another man's child there was nothing I could do and after 5 years you just don't care in your eyes it is your child and I spent more time being strong for a then I did processing my resentments towards her sort of just disappeared afterward if your daughter remembered anything about you or this place do you think she'd visit I like to think she was brought up in a good home and I think it would be better for her not to know what's become of her first family now must be lonely though to not even hope she'd be back surely there was a time you did you're talking well over de now I mean do you remember how you felt 18 years ago honestly no couldn't tell you either seems like a lifetime ago mind if I stretch my legs please so when Isaac grew up you told him everything I tried to reason with AA for as long as I can remember but she didn't want Isaac to know about marus so that was all her then why did she do that it's simple she was ashamed the drawing I mentioned earlier was just one of many to come he drew Sophie in every one of them he always expected her to come home and I couldn't bring myself to tell him that he didn't have a big sister out there I didn't want my wife to go through the embarrassment alone so I live the life with her but he found out anyway didn't he I wasn't careful enough Isaac found out that we've been lying to him for so long and at this age he could make his own decisions mind if I hold on to these did you guys do anything to find him even after he asked you not to go looking we did to no end I never made much of an effort to ask about this private life so we didn't know where to start looking and there we other factors too i' been kicked out of three schools in a space of four years looking back I did not do enough as a parent to manage his Outburst from an early age and as a result the only way we would get close to him is if he wanted us to and how was losing Isaac different to losing me sorry um I've been picturing myself in the shoes of everyone you've mentioned so far and I just did that with your daughter s sensitive um sorry it just helps me understand the people that aren't here in this room a little better and what they might say if they were in fact here I think it makes sense now what makes sense you've been set here and I've been trying to figuring out who you reminded me of that's why I let you sit down in the first place your lips my daughters were almost identical from what I remember isn't that strange guess I just have one of those faces you know everyone thinks they know me from somewhere somehow what I should have asked was how did it feel different to losing your daughter all those years ago I felt a little more lamp I guess I understood how my wife felt all that time after losing Sophie for a good we took comfort knowing that Isaac could still come home at any time mhm what about Ava when did she pass how do you just assumed we were getting to your wife ASD oh months ago now but it still feels like yesterday are you Ste hot condition there were some complications as it hadn't been identified at Birth a basemaker was due for a checkup the following week I had no idea that the noise I heard outside was anything other than some wind rattling the house supposedly even if I got the door it wouldn't have made any difference a little antic climatic I'm afraid but you still blame yourself for not checking the door right but part of me believes you don't have control over everything I feel like I like I shouldn't have it but there's this resounding guilt inside of me and I don't know what to do about it CL Walter forgive me let's say 4 on Monday my next appointment is in 40 minutes and I'm already late that's okay I see you out no don't worry about it thank you CCH us SM thing yeah did I give you enough today honestly more than I expected you'll see me soon are you out of your mind right outside he can't see me from here okay look he's already I should be working with him right now not repairing whatever mess it is you're going to create besides you still haven't taught me what your plan is come on CLA well can't you tell yourself apart anymore Sophie do you even remember after all this time I'm guess you didn't get get very far with him you still haven't managed to tell me how you pulled off this little visit it doesn't matter Isaac look I may have two dads but I only had one mother like you losing her was just as hard for me and even if it's his fault we can't blame him right now she's all I had though until he let her die I had a relationship with her after leaving this place Sophie but you wouldn't know that would you because you weren't around for any of it it's not like I had a choice look everything you don't know is in here maybe next time you should just try a little harder what does that mean it means I lied I don't care what he told you if this means I'm going to feel anything for him right now I don't want to know maybe I'll indulge you another day you know what if it were the other way around I'd just be happy to see you after so many years and I still am but not like this whatever he said you in there to make you feel something for him he has to suffer before he gets better I don't want him to forget a thing you've just jogged his mind for me anyway so your part's done I was raised by another other man to believe that my mom and dad didn't even want me but I am still here Isaac I'm trying to make things right for you for him for myself the loss of his wife and our mother should bring us all together but you don't want that do you it's hardly been 2 months since she died and here you are looking for some sort of Revenge what's your plan you remind me of my father and I'm not talking about the one in there you're intent on getting what you want to help with everyone else you didn't know Mom like I did did you the [ __ ] she said about him in her final years that be too much you to even cope with so I'll spare you Sophie this is my weight this was more my family than it ever was yours we both know he didn't care enough about you that's not already in there you should probably write that down might bring you to question why you even [ __ ] came here you can say you're doing this for Mom or even for me but don't act like this isn't all about yourself spoken like a real therapist if only you were one maybe you'd actually convinced me to walk away from all this walk away from what what are you going to do if it makes you feel any better he's not going to know it's me just like he didn't know that the daughter he lost 18 years ago was just sat right opposite him I deserve to see the [ __ ] look on his face when he realizes who he really is [Music] really what he's ancient man he's not going to hear a thing so what if he does he's not down there one of you needs to go up and check on him by all means your plan whoever goes up can have my bag take what you want from it when we're done a big house though he's probably going to sleep right through it yeah and if he doesn't one call and we're done where you go that bag better be full when I'm back [Music] [Music] if you're looking for money you might find it there [ __ ] shoulder man that b me [ __ ] worth it [ __ ] safety's on man guess I looked in the right place huh down these yeah in one of the bedrooms before I ran into him where's your bag huh hang on let me see something it's you that's meant to be handing me something huh that looks a little light don't worry I'm going to stay here and look but I'm going to need [Music] [Music] that ah remember I know to come looking that bag's not full huh FC see that this is what you want [Music] right oh [ __ ] this pleas please please [Music] please no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you reckon happened here looks like a break-in doesn't it what do you think they stole if you're always so perfect why are you sat here with me you wanted to come here probably so you could see the house one last time maybe you're ready to move on why haven't you told him who you are yet isn't that part of moving on you know too much time's passed he'll look at me now and see everything he missed out on as a father and I have nothing to prove to anyone by making that revelation I'll regret asking you this but do you at least feel better last night the person I thought I'd see wasn't there he's different so what now I don't know I expected to feel different you went in there expecting to see him at your feet this see him weak to remind yourself why you hate him now you don't have the answer you were looking for maybe you don't have to hate him so much this might just be prove your care for when you're ready keep it just because I didn't see it last night it doesn't mean it's not there nothing's changed Sophie nothing's changed you know [Music] that [Music] you know her pacemaker failed even if he got the door nothing would have changed I guess time will give you what you need but at least now you know this isn't what you [Music] needed [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] open [Music]
Channel: Matthew Hazandras
Views: 8,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thetwogambits, shortfilm, cinema, film, drama, indiefilm, director, writer, movie, filmmaking, filmfestival, cinematic, art
Id: 90DA9rlHPDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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