Success Advice from Grant Cardone

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hey just want a big shout-out to everybody that's out there winning right now so many people that are getting overlooked and not heard and you know I know the world is a noisy noisy place right now we're talking about all the terrible things that are happening all the justices and everything all the noise but I think we forget all the self made from scratch claw bone men and women that have created something for themselves their names their brands and their families and if you'd have told me if you had told me if not too long ago you know that I don't my own business are you still used up just let me show you something I used to uh I was a tenant here this was a bank it's Northern Trust great bank by the way I still have money with this was a bank you walked in here very very conservative place there was never more than maybe I don't know Johnny can you just pants showed that all the cars here there was never more than maybe what Johnny six or eight cars here and springing back here that's called own enterprises back there cardova capital's the company on the other side that you didn't see this is caught on university card on e-commerce for you to told me just a few years ago back in 2008 hey grant one day you're gonna own a company it does a hundred million dollars a year you're gonna own a billion dollars whether real estate you're gonna be a tenant in a bank and the bank the landlord is going to tell you they're not really happy with you so you know what you're gonna do grant you're just gonna buy the building that's not even possible 12 less than 12 years ago the things you see me winning at today we're not possible 12 years ago not even like not remotely in my in my mental yeah there's there was an idea that one day I'd have some success and some one day I'd be somebody maybe I'd write a book or something but nothing like what we're experiencing today and the problem is like you really can't there's nothing I can show you guys that somebody's not going to take and try to twist into me being arrogant or me being you know he's uh he's trying to sell me on get-rich-quick I'm the last guy in the world that would ever talk about get-rich-quick if get-rich-quick is real then you're looking at idiot idiot right now you need to turn this video off cuz it's taken me 40 years to get in the neighborhood this right here I didn't even know though I'll tell you how dumb I am okay and everybody's dumb about something when we bought this building I came in here and I put our name on here I paid it I think they wanted 14 million I paid 14 million dollars for this building we had what 40 or 50 employees at the time this is 25,000 square feet about it what it wasn't a good investment I knew it was a terrible investment I tore I put my name on that building I came in and put our flags up okay we put our name on this side of the building I thought that was the appropriate thing to do started taking names off of everywhere else kicked out Berkshire they were one of our tenants I didn't need them awful awful people by the way just just nasty Berkshire u Berkshire real estate the good ones I'm with you but you guys know the ones that used to rent here there were nasty people so we wanted to put names I came in here and put palm trees all the place I didn't know any of this stuff guess what I had to take my name off the building because I was so dumb I didn't know I needed the city to approve it so I got in trouble with the city you're a bull in a china shop but get all these fines I don't know the point of that is this look one if they get rich quick thing is real then I'm a dumb-dumb which I agree I am about a lot of things and two if a dumb-dumb like me can make it anybody can make it and when you hear somebody when you hear somebody you know getting a Super Bowl ring or an NBA championship you don't say they're bragging you know Jordan had six rings people I eat it on him hate it on him for being a winner though certainly his own teammates manly good enough enough we've heard enough of him I don't want to talk about him in every interview can you imagine being Pippen every interview what was it like to be with Jordan you know or plaint playing on the Lakers what's a little brown really like every interview is gonna be about the king so you guys out there like when you see people creating hate content online just remember what good they hate no man what do they hate no what are we all hating on right now success is so important to your family it's so important to your health your mental condition like I need to be successful for me not for the money not for the watches the cars the buildings da da da da you know the ego yeah the ego likes all that stuff but the reality is your mental help needs to know you're winning and I and we need to get back people need to get back to late being positive about hard work possibly paying off you know I've made a lot of sacrifices in my life and I'm not asking anybody to feel sorry for me I'm I do know though that the first the first trick to success is not what you learned you don't need a buy of course for me if you want to be successful and some guy heard some guys in Cardone trying to sell a course ok that's not the first step to success though first step is you have to give something up you have to give up something about who you are you want to solve a problem you got to give up the idea that uwv there tried every way possible you don't know that you know that you've already tried that and that's not gonna work or it's nothing you got to give something up my whole life is different today because I continue to would be willing to give stuff up and 25 it was drugs I had to give drugs up you know at 29 it was people some people in my life I had to give them up I'm like okay I'll grew these people they love them to still love them today but I had to move on at 30 I had to move my location I had to leave where I grew up and moved to another city 31 I had to move again and literally move to another city Johnny open up your your your thing over there yeah well I was feeling that all these times when I've had to change that I gave up the drugs gave up the location gave up the friends I was feeling disappointment in myself I was feeling bored with myself I was feeling like anxiety when am I going to become somebody you know when am I gonna when am I gonna fulfill my potential look at this beautiful piece of property right here see I think people like property like this because it's like wow you you go on a vacation you bring your family here to Turnberry right you stay here for a week I think you like the time that you're getting off that you deserve it but it's also that wow factor it's that piece of real estate you see potential oh we built that the great catch or the the dunk shot oh my god potential its you're about your potential and my potential and the possibility that I could actually do something are you gonna grab them you're gonna grab coffee you know run back here Ryan Seco back here 20 years old becomes the youngest can you shoot get Ryan going to them to the look at Ryan when he grew that beard when he grew that beard he thought he was Conor McGregor why do we love and hate Conor McGregor guys bodacious loud arrogant willing to get his ass whooped you don't care he's in it for the payday man he's in it for the fame cuz he knows everybody's gonna forget his losses and they're gonna remember who he was and how can I remember who you are if I never know who you are yeah I grew up where it was like practice humility be heard be seen and not heard no be heard and not seen be seen and not heard never show off never brag never tell anybody what you're doing okay your actions should speak louder than your words yeah but not today man in today's world man if you don't tell people what you're doing to win you are literally like you're stealing from your friends and your family got to get rich in your mind okay for me that always starts with what am I willing to give up I can't just add stuff if my mind is a Gordon okay and there's trees and and bushes and flowers and weeds and fertilizers and there's all this stuff in my mind my garden well the first thing I might want to do before I start planting new stuff take some of the stuff out of my garden I need to make some space I need to make some space I need to remove the weeds I need to mulch the ground and need to take something out I need to dig in remove stuff okay get the soil ready for new plants and new trees and a lot of times in fact every time in my life for me to get for me to get from this place right here where I am a park right now for me to get from here to there I have to leave here that is the number one rule of success I have to give up something and for me I've given up drugs I've given up friends I gave up a girlfriend that I was like madly madly in love with crushed me for years I've done that two of those they weren't right for me I just want the right people for me I was in love but whatever chemistry it diluted my power I've given up a house in Houston Texas where I had friends and family I gave up a house in La Jolla that I absolutely love still love today still missed that house today 20 years I've been out of that house miss it almost every day had to give it up though to become this guy gave up a house Elena and I gave up a house in Los Angeles magnificent magnificent house you know I would flip my house where I live today I would flip it off to go live back in that house today people don't understand the sacrifices people play every day every day I still go to work today I give up my free time to go to work because I got a hundred and seven employees they're depending on me for a paycheck for inspiration my company feels it when I'm not there I know they feel it Johnny the camera guy starts missing you know the other guys start missing I got a great team to my group my team holds everything together but even when you're the king you work you you're the man the boss you're the you're the queen of the apartment you're still working for us people you can still got to give up your freedom and your right to do whatever you want so just a couple things hope you get something out of this sure somebody'll twist off on it love your comments either way hope you subscribe to the channel I'm just trying to figure out my own way 30 30 years 30 and 40 years I just been trying to figure out who is Grant Cardone it's all I've been doing the whole time Who am I where am I going how can I help people how can I do it right see for me to give up this place and go to Ron I can't stay where I am and I'm gonna tell you folks that every time it's hard every time it's hard perfect every time giving up something hard you know we just went through this terrible terrible two months of being shut down in this country I don't know what I'm telling you right now except don't change is not easy staying the same is terrible Ryan I was telling you about Ryan back there that guy gave up a job gave up a good job with the Airlines six-figure job health insurance cap town okay you can he can he could get he can get laid with every every you know he can get laid anytime he wanted when he went to you know Delta checked it into his little Hilton hotel the bagman would seem to his room I get him a thing of ice tucking in at night he had to give that up to come work with me man I'm a hard guy to work for folks he loses his captain wings there was no plane we didn't have a billion dollars where the real estate you know and he came and started making phone calls what are you willing to give up you guys have lost your jobs 40 million people lost their jobs and everybody's losing their minds man what are you willing to give up and you lost the job okay what are you gonna do now give up the blame give up the blame game give up the I'm angry I'm an angry guy ain't gonna get it you got to change and it's hard to change but it's a hell of a lot easier and staying where you are that's what I was you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 294,231
Rating: 4.9242597 out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, winning, success, attention, wealth, positive, focus on the good, sacrifices, motivational, inspiration, inspired, doing better, how to have a good life, greatness, level up, riots, pandemic, advice, mentoring, leadership, leader, boss, ceo
Id: z3_mV5bOksc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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