Modded Subnautica is Pure Nightmare Fuel!

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hello everyone good morning and welcome to nightmare simulator 47. you know i was thinking that i've just been sleeping a little too well recently and that it would be just amazing to hop back into subnautica and do a bit of a checklist let's say just knocking out requests for mods and stuff that you guys want to see that i've been seeing around in the comments section and of course as a result we're gonna get some true nightmare fuel but without any further ado let's just jump right in ah yes nothing to better prep me for the nightmare that's ahead than seeing this thing on the loading screen okay so the world of subnautica is looking mighty fresh and also mighty vanilla which of course is not the case but you guys already know how we do things around here so in the recent videos you might have noticed the return of the ancient mod be covered and that is truly incredible and probably the most ambitious mod for subnautica currently in production well there are a few minor things to that mod which i didn't cover last time and one of them is a really big one which i'm gonna go cover right now and there's a reason why we're heading to the gun island because it involves the gun not to just find a good parking spot all right so here is the quarantine enforcement platform which is normally responsible for shooting down the sunbeam but as it so happens while there is a bit of a unique interaction that happens right now if you if you watch it shoot down that little trade vessel so let's do that uh ship explodes and you can see it in the background and there it goes look at that that's the gargantuan leviathan eating the sunbeam and uh wow this oh my god this really puts it into scale look how massive this thing is even though it's like all the way on the horizon wait i kind of want to see that again to be honest i mean just so you have an idea of how far away this truly is right there is the mountain island you can kind of see it pop in and out of existence right there that's where the gargantuan leviathans look how far that is just to give you an idea of just how truly massive this creature is and so here's poor little sunbeam about to become lunch yep and there you have it folks it does actually eat it wow i mean honestly like the scale isn't even that far off like it could unironically fit the entire ship into those jaws that is just horrifying now this is more like a temporary thing it's not exactly clear if they're going to be keeping this cutscene or not but i think it looks freaking awesome that really is something isn't it alright so to show the next thing i want to do we're going to kind of need to raise the water level and when i mean raise the water level i mean completely submerge the entirety of subnautica in the void by adding just thousands of meters of water um so let's go quickly do that now see you might be thinking something has gone wrong but it really has not the title of subnautica is just completely black because the whole world is now 8 000 meters underwater but anyways let's jump in shall we okay unironically this mod actually makes me feel super uncomfortable yeah you can see the depth gauge just kind of giving us an idea of how deep we are um that is actually completely accurate if you have colossal phobia you might want to rethink watching further um and yes our life pod will be leaving this realm because uh we're extremely deep um and this makes me very uncomfortable but luckily here are the safe shallows no longer shallow but still safe i suppose so you might remember from one of the previous modded videos i showed you guys the bloop or as i like to call it but actually what i didn't even realize is that this mod adds another leviathan besides just the bloop so let's say i'm just chilling out here in the deep ground reef really deep now i could type in a little console command and would you look at that we have acquired the blob it's like the blaze of iphone but you spell it a little differently like plaza leviathan it's it's a big sea serpent and like honestly this might just be me but it just really doesn't look friendly um it looks truly horrifying uh maybe it's kind of like the deadpan stare of the eyes but definitely not pleasant look at those teeth as well yeah that's that's that's pretty much the last thing you would experience after meeting this thing i do have to say the body looks super smooth and i love these ridges they kind of follow it up i believe it normally spawns in the lost river and i just kind of randomly stumbled upon it while i was exploring just oh my god it even it unhinges the mouth that's freaking creepy just another thing to add to your spooky creature repertoire anyway moving on ever since i showcased the video which adds 10 000 meters of water or what we're rocking with right now people have been asking for me to go to the void which would now be like the double void i suppose it would be double the depth so uh why don't we go check that out shall we okay so herein lies the void um and then the void also lies above there so yeah that's that's pretty much it definitely not what i would call pleasant um like let's be honest i didn't like being this deep before and i like it even less because of what is about to emerge from the water below me oh yeah look at that thing um the gargantuan leviathan is still a thing as well of course so now you can enjoy this combined with the fact that we're already 8 000 meters deep and you know what the best thing about it is you can do this anywhere on the map god i'm never gonna get used to that so you see the absolute beauty of this is that you could be out here in the safe shallows which are no longer safe nor shallow and you could still have huge leviathans roaming around man i sometimes i really ask myself if what i do to this game is ethical clearly not i mean just imagine starting the game and and this is oh my god this is where you are like giant sea serpents 8 000 meters of water above your head ah lovely you've heard of the safe shallows but have you considered the dangerous depths it's a great deal you should definitely give it a try this is just a juvenile by the way but if this is kind of what you crave in your subnautica experience which i don't know why you would but if it is go for it we we've truly transformed the landscape of this game was a feather better definitely not like not even that's not even up for a discussion but it has transformed everything about this module makes me uncomfortable i don't even know where i am i see the kelp forest down here but it's not really helping okay so finally somebody asked if we could actually get like all the way up above the water level and now that's not going to work with riley of course um but we can try with free cam so let me just go on this 15 minute mission i'll be right back yeah the game is not stuck or anything i'm just i'm just traveling and you can't see the depth gauge change of course because in free cam but at some point we should reach the top of the water it might just take a while oh boy we found it as the water level yeah the uh life pot is only six thousand meters deep so this is what you get now that's subnautica somewhere down there around 8 000 meters deep so like you know not quite mariana trench levels but getting close and you could certainly make it that if you wanted to and the surface is just nothing but yeah if if you dove 8 000 meters down there for comparison that's so deep that even with the fog off command nothing loads in of course um yeah you could get to the original game so happy diving campers i guess if this does not interview i don't know what will well friends you know what i think on that note i'm going to leave this episode off so i sincerely hope you enjoyed and if you have any other mod requests or stuff that you would like for me to do with the crazy repertoire of mods that we currently have please let me know down in the comments i would very much like to read it if you liked the video maybe consider leaving a like commenting or subscribing all of those would be very much appreciated and if you want to follow the channel or my own work more consider following me on twitter at the latest bacon or joining the discord both links are down in the description now with that i'm gonna wish you all a beautiful rest off today and i'll see you in whatever next video i make bye bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 698,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, subnautica, the last bacon modded subnautica, subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, subnautica map, subnautica jumpscare, subnautica mods, subnautica scary, subnautica full release, subnautica mods pc, modded subnauitca, subnautica with mods, subnautica reaper leviathan, subnautica horror mods, nightmare, the last bacon subnautica, subnautica horror, subnautica scary mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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