Subnautica Lore: Bleeders & Lava Larvae | Video Game Lore

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this video will contain spoilers from the world and story of noggin please de where in the world of subnautica many animals have developed very creative and unique ways of defending themselves which by extension means hurting and effectively killing the player well in today's video we will be talking about two specifically but for rich involve some form of attaching themselves to either your body or your vehicle and sucking dry of either the blood or the electricity until you are completely screwed whichever location you should find yourself at that time that's right today we're gonna be talking about the bleeder and veal have a larvae I'll be telling you everything we know about these creatures where in the world you can find them what they look like what they behave like and any other interesting point of trivia then I'm able to dig up now since we're trying to make the inter shorter and you've already had one spoiler warning without any further ado make sure you have your ante leach spray put on a pretty thick wetsuit and let's go but first of all let us start with the smaller of the bunch and one that is also slightly easier to encounter especially at the start of the game that being the bleeder now if you want to go looking around for these the most prevalent areas we're gonna be able to find them will be the Aurora the deep sparse reach for the kelp forests that can be found all around the safe shallows now on the round the are a parasitic slash scavenger based type of fauna that will be hostile to anything that swims close up to it including you the player looking at them from the outside we can see that they look similar to what you might picture is a small underwater leech on their back they are dominated by what is a ductile sack which is used for collection and digestion of food drawn from whatever creature it attaches itself to based on the PDA and reversing down its body its color changes from somewhat grayish blue towards more orange and yellow and we arrive at the jaws in front which can actually extend when this creature gets close to its prey and you retract when it's trying to stabilize itself to be able to start sucking up your blood looking closer at a job we can also see several rows of teeth somewhat similar to the floater which would obviously use this to stick to you interestingly enough rather than just having some by and parts it actually seems like the whole body of a bleeder emits a very light glow when viewed in the dark now let's talk a little bit about their behavior and leaders usually tend to gather in swarms as one of them on its own isn't that particularly dangerous only doing about five damage constantly while attached to you but once you get a swarm of them around you the numbers can definitely prove quite problematic it is also very much worth noting that as their name suggests these things are actually attracted to blood including that of other bleeders so if you happen to slash one with a knife be extremely careful as some more mites come on its way now if one manages to attach to you it shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of it especially if you're holding something like a knife you can simply slash it to make it go away but should a swarm come your way something like a stasis rifle can be very helpful in trapping them and giving you ample opportunities to get out interestingly enough in some situations bleeders have also been observed to try attachment to CMOS which doesn't really work too well for them most of the time and it will result in their death before we move on it's also worth mentioning that based on the pda's assessment of inconvenient and unhygenic chances are these things might be transmitting some other diseases rather than just Cara on its own so for anyone out there it would probably be wise to try to not get stung by one of these because who knows you might even cure yourself of Cara and then die from some space crazy illness several months down the line but anyways with that let's move to what could effectively be the polar opposite of this as it doesn't really attach to players and animals as much as it does to electrical sources now the lavalava is similar to the bleeder in the fact that it is a scavenger and a parasite by category but what is very different about them is that rather than trying to suck out your blood they're trying to just make your day really inconvenient by sucking out all the electricity from whatever vehicle that you are currently using but let's start with their appearance looking at them from the outside you can see that they have a dark violet / purple with two protrusions at the top of its head and two glowing orange / red eyes on their head now what's interesting about this is that even though they do have a pair of eyes based on the PDA entry they can actually use them and they do not have the ability to see anything or smell anything with their only or core ability let's say being the detection of thermal and electrical energy looking at them from the bottom we can see the suction cup which they use to attach themselves to any smooth surface that creates an incredibly high pressure suction in fact so high they're not even a CMOS moving at full speed in shakes mouth and then moving down to its torso we can see a skill-based protection somewhat similar to the lava that can be found on the back of lava lizards that is meant to protect it from the high temperatures of the area that these mostly inhabit now as far as their behavior goes these aren't necessarily swarm behavior type enemies most of the time they will can't just swim around producing their you know be your chirping noises but should you come close with your seamoth the Cyclops or the crown suit that will attach themselves to it draining its energy and effectively slowing the vehicle down one of the easiest ways to remove them is to simply get out and slash them with a knife however some other tools such as the perimeter defense system of the seamoth work just as well and now finally just before we in this video off a one final point that I find particularly interesting that was raised by the wiki which is the fact that despite being called a lava larvae currently it doesn't seem like they are actually the larva stage for any animal and the day were or would be supposed to otherwise the vault into what would be the final stage or the final form of vault whatever animal they are a larva - now while the wiki assumes that they simply get their name based on their appearance I think it might also be possible that with the volcano being much less active than it used to be in the past these things might simply be unable to gather enough thermal energy to reach their adults / mature stage that would obviously have to mean that they are capable of reproducing in their larva stage which is a bit of a stretch but hey I suppose that could be one of the explanations but with that I'm gonna end the video off and happy guys enjoy and learn at least something new about the wonderful world of subnautica if you liked the video maybe because they're leaving in like company or subscribing all of those would be very much appreciated and if there's anything that I missed or a theory that you would like to cover maybe explain why the lava lava is a larva make sure to leave those down in the comments well I would very much like to read of those things now with that I mean we should a beautiful rest off today and I'll see you all in whatever next video I make bye bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 68,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, subnautica, subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, subnautica lore the last bacon, subnautica lore, subnautica scariest creatures, the alst bacon subnautica, last bacon lore, subnautica bleeders, subnautica lava larva, subnautica lava zone, subnautica lore bleeder, subnautica lore lava
Id: vzsYEnITFts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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