How to Make Sublimation Ceramic Coasters
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Lorrie Nunemaker
Views: 20,304
Rating: 4.9875903 out of 5
Keywords: sublimation, sublimate, sublimation shirt, sublimation settings, sublimation tips, sublimation help, sublimation transfer, sublimation how to, how to sublimate, sublimation vivid, sublimation press, sublimation adhesive spray, sublimation shirt times, sublimation press marks, Sawgrass, Sublimation printer, SG500, SG800, Iron On, Tutorial, How to, Lorrie Nunemaker, customize, branding, coaster, coasters, how to sublimate a coaster, SG400, Ceramic, heat settings, lorrie nunemaker
Id: 6ftdtTYthck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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