[SUB]美軍機墜伊朗搞的?拜登被以軍弄崩了? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231112 (字幕版)

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Now, of course, there are some voices in the United States in Israel saying that they should stop occupying Gaza . Blinken said that he hoped that the occupied territories should return to the Palestinian autonomous government after the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan , emphasizing that Israel should not occupy Gaza again. The region is good, but what did Netanyahu say about Israel? He took the opposite position, saying that Israel should maintain security control over Gaza in case of emergencies. But Musk also said that if the goal of this conflict is to create peace, you are Israel. We should ask ourselves whether there are more and more terrorists or fewer and fewer terrorists . Of course, the most criticized thing about the current artillery fire between Israel and Palestine is the harm to civilians. So you saw that the largest hospital in Gaza even had a power outage . The power outage was serious because two newborns died in incubators. We saw this British doctor. She was even very excited when she read the emergency message from the Western French hospital because she was After reading it , she started to feel unable to control her emotions and broke down and cried bitterly. Although this may not have been the case that she came to see directly , receiving such a message was enough for her that she just couldn't bear such emotions. She just saw this. Of course, it is very difficult for the medical staff to receive such a message. Well , they also wrote the names and banners of more than 200 doctors who were killed by Israel. Well, not only him , but also many humanitarian issues now point the finger at Israel. The Norwegian doctor also spoke out again. He said , have you people at the top heard the voices of innocent people? Let’s listen together. Who will stop this ? Of course, this is the most wanted question from the grassroots . So now we see As the whole thing develops, the Middle Eastern countries no longer want to tolerate it. The Islamic world , including the Arab United Summit, all unanimously demanded that the United States pressure Israel to cease fire. Then they condemned Israel 's war crimes of aggression and occupation in Gaza, and even the government had committed such crimes. A very inhumane massacre was carried out , and the draft statement requires all countries to stop exporting weapons and ammunition to them. Of course, the one with the most opposition we have seen is Iran. The President of Iran called on Muslim countries to even directly export Israel . The military has set the tone that it is a terrorist organization , and it also said that there is no doubt that the US government is the mastermind and biggest ally of this operation. Well, the most interesting thing is that now the foreign media is criticizing Blinken because he has not been in the Middle East recently. Are you running away? Just say that he is like a hawker because the purpose of running around in this area is to find a solution that is beneficial to Israel. This matter has also evolved into a confrontation between some pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel voices around the world. Now we see the so-called pro-Palestine demonstrations in London. Many people hold up flags and slogans , and they want to support Palestine . They think that Israel has seriously infringed upon this. Of course, Israel has seriously infringed on the people of Palestine. Human rights have been violated and it is very unacceptable from a humanitarian perspective . About 300,000 people took to the streets to demonstrate. This was also the fourth demonstration held in London to support Palestine since Hamas raided Israel on October 7. Good action. In addition, it is said that nearly a thousand journalists from Reuters , the Washington Post and other media signed a petition to condemn Israel and urge the Western media to report this conflict honestly and honestly , especially when you see that Israel is being used in Gaza. The accusation also killed journalists , so they also criticized the Western media's reporting on the new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and believed that there was still bias. Kennedy said that looking at what is happening in the Middle East now , Iran's closest allies are China and Russia . Saudi Arabia supports Venezuela and is joining the BRICS. In fact, the serious thing is that these countries will control 90% of the world's oil. If Israel disappears, there will be a vacuum in the Middle East. Israel's existence is very important, so you can see two voices constantly confronting each other. There are also prestigious American schools. Of course, because many prestigious American universities are Israelis , they have said that they will start taking some actions to solve the problem of anti-Semitism. Columbia even ordered a ban on two pro-Palestinian student organizations. What does the Ambassador think about this conflict in the United States now? Is this attitude also starting to harden towards Israel ? It seems that there is no such thing. It seems that they are still accomplices and masterminds with Israel. Because two days ago, I watched the debate between the Republican candidates in the United States. Basically, every Republican candidate They are supporting Israel's current actions . Then when they proposed supporting Israel, the audience burst into applause. So I think that represents the mainstream politicians and mainstream public opinion in the United States today . Look at the 300,000 people in London. You know, there is only one Nigerian in London. It probably has about 30 to 400,000 people. So London is a city with probably millions of Muslims , so it will have 300,000 people . It is because of the composition of the city and the composition of the residents. It is not that all British people They agree with this position , so the current mainstream value of the United States still supports Israel to eliminate Hamas . They have not mentioned anything about the suffering of Palestinian civilians. They are now in a war to eliminate Hamas . And I think the United States is saying that in In the last political speech of the Republican candidate, they also said that they would also save American hostages because there are still about 10 or 20 hostages with American nationality. This is why they now support Israel in Gaza. The reason for continuing to march and continue to attack is that it is no longer news that Israel is attacking hospitals. The last time it was attacked was not to hit a hospital and kill 700 people with one bomb. Because Israel is now treating it as a war. He believes that he wants to reach the military level. The purpose is to eliminate Hamas. He now believes that Hamas is hiding under the hospital. This Western hospital is the largest hospital in Northern Gaza. No matter how big it is, it only has 700 beds. 700 beds are like ours in Taiwan. There are many hospitals with 700 beds. There are many hospitals. We have 700-bed hospitals. When they are the most popular, guess how many refugees you know. There are 80,000 refugees. 80,000 refugees. Why do they take refuge in hospitals? On the one hand, he Injured and sick, on the one hand, in accordance with the international laws of war and international humanitarian law, hospitals cannot be attacked in wars under any circumstances. Hospitals must never be attacked . But look at Israel, don't say whether to attack now or not. It has been attacking in the past , otherwise the 200 people who died will be killed. How did the doctor die? He was killed by a bomb on the road. Aren't they all killed in the hospital? You killed 200 doctors alone. How many patients died, right? The ratio of doctors to patients in the hospital is almost 1 to 1. 100 , right? 1 to 80. So look at how many people have died in the hospital . But now the United States doesn't even dare to call Israel a ceasefire. It calls it a pause. It's not a ceasefire. It's called a pause. It 's a humanitarian pause. It's not a ceasefire . So do n't call it a ceasefire. Not to mention that the United States continues to increase its troops in Israel , and large quantities of this kind of arms and ammunition are constantly being shipped to Israel. Not long ago , the U.S. House of Representatives passed about 14.3 billion U.S. military aid to Israel . So not only ammunition , but also this military Aid is pouring in. In addition, the US military has also sent a large number of troops there. Has the US said it wants a ceasefire? So I think the president of Iran has made it very clear, right? The US is inseparable from this war. What do you think of the captain? Is the United States the biggest ally in this war ? Indeed, we are. What is most surprising is that on November 5th, the Minister of Culture and Heritage of Israel made wild remarks. He said that in the face of the situation in the Gaza Corridor, dropping a nuclear bomb would be enough. Can we solve the problem ? Does Israel really have nuclear bombs now? If you don't have nuclear bombs, would you make this assumption? In fact, if its Ministry of Cultural Heritage is actually a very border ministry, even if it is not the Ministry of Defense , it will think that it has nuclear bombs . You Do you think Israel has a nuclear bomb ? Israel should have a nuclear bomb , and this matter was already shown in the movie as early as 2002. It was predicted in advance called The Sum of Fear. From the beginning, we can see its fighter plane. The one in the middle is the Star of David , and the Star of David is actually a metaphor for Israel, which was going to attack a country in the Middle East with a nuclear bomb , but the plane was intercepted, so the nuclear bomb fell in the desert . This nuclear bomb actually attacked the United States. This is the plot of the movie. But if we talk about it like this, how can there be waves if there is no wind? Why do the writers of the movie have such extraordinary imaginations ? In fact, this has long been recognized by everyone , but the little captain What do you want to ask us now about which countries in the world should have nuclear weapons? The Nuclear Weapons Club. China, the United States, Britain, France, and Russia. In addition to these five countries, there are also India and Pakistan. There are also two countries, and there is also one country, but one day What is this country that was sanctioned for this reason ? This country is North Korea. If North Korea is sanctioned in this way, does Israel not need it ? So Erdogan directly spoke about it, the leader of Turkey. He directly spoke about it , and now it should be carried out directly , that is, against Israel. We must say this about the inspection of nuclear weapons. In 2018, China, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, plus Germany, these six countries, plus Iran, finally signed the so-called Iran nuclear agreement. It was because Iran was slowly watching that it might have it. So why did we sign this nuclear weapon? The result will be in 2023. I'm sorry. In 2018, Trump had already withdrawn from this agreement and directly imposed sanctions on Iran. If sanctions can be imposed on Iran, should sanctions be imposed on Israel as well ? Should the same standards be the same? Brother Bing , I think Israel and the United States are basically indifferent whether they are protesting or condemning, and they will not change their strategies. The Americans will not listen to these calls from these doctors , because this is not the first time that they have been issued. I don’t know how many appeals have been made . Journalists will still die. Doctors will die. Of course, no one cares about these refugees. So this is the fact that is happening before our eyes. This is something you have no way to change in these Islamic countries. We held a meeting to collectively condemn and asked other countries not to export weapons to Israel. But the problem of exporting weapons is everyone knows that it is the United States. The problem is what you Islamic countries can do to the United States. In fact, there is nothing you can do. They can only condemn it. Iran has been shouting for a long time. From the very beginning, they said they would launch jihad , support Hezbollah, and support Hamas, but I would like to ask if they have made any move until now. So I think it is the powerful power of the United States that suppresses these countries in the Middle East and dare not move. Then everyone also takes advantage of Israel. No way , but I think Israel needs to think clearly. What Musk said is actually worthy of Israel's deep thought. The more thunderbolts you use now, the more people you kill. In fact, you are helping Hamas recruit troops. When these people grow up, They will all become Hamas because this hatred is getting deeper and deeper. So there is no way for Hamas to kill them all. The more you do this, the more Hamas people will be attracted to you. This is a fact that is right in front of you . So Israel has to think about the purpose of doing this. Can you really kill Hamas ? Annihilate? Can you really clear out Gaza? It seems that you may not be able to do this. But I think this little Kennedy said the funniest thing. He said that Israel is the US aircraft carrier in the Middle East. Is Israel going to be finished now? Well, it doesn’t seem like Israel is attacking others at all, right? Why do you make it sound like Israel is about to collapse? That’s the whole thing turned upside down. But to be honest, this is the current mainstream public opinion in the United States. The United States just thinks that it is necessary to support it. Israel's fight against Hamas is to annihilate all of Hamas. Is there any country in the world that can do anything to deal with the combination of the United States and Israel ? Not at all. You see, China and Russia will not choose to directly conflict with the United States and Israel . It's basically like turning a blind eye, so we humans all over the world are watching this tragedy happen and are helpless. This is the fact that is happening before our eyes, so I think each of us needs to think about it carefully. I want to know what role the United Nations has played. The moral justice that the entire human race usually labels has completely lost its effect in the face of power. This is the current situation of mankind. Where are these moral justices now in this war ? Immediately after the advertisement Welcome back, welcome back, news vernacular, let's see , the preparations for Xi Jinping's farewell meeting are coming soon . Actually, it's very interesting to see it first. Now let's say that a photo of Xi Jinping was exposed 38 years ago when he was not famous at the time. He once came to Iowa to learn the experience of capitalist agriculture. At that time, he was warmly entertained by many old friends. When we saw this photo at that time, we circled this place. This is the photo of Xi Jinping 38 years ago . But now Biden He also said that he seemed to have lost his way when participating in the event . Although he had said during the annual health check that he was very good and his health was very good , but when he participated in the Veterans Day event on the 11th, he said It seems to have a bit of a wandering feeling again , but when it comes to the wandering China and the United States , can it really get back on track after three years of wandering through this meeting? First of all, soybean diplomacy is on the stage again, because mainland China has bought soybeans from the United States. It stands to reason . It is actually not in their interests , but some experts pointed out that the Chinese leader will visit the United States this time. This is the only logical explanation for them. Indeed, the American business community also said that they would have a dinner with Xi Jinping, so Gallagher criticized it. He said that this strategy is too stupid. He said, did you spend 40,000 US dollars just to have dinner with Xi Jinping? How on earth are the two people going to have a conversation ? Is it about whether the filet mignon is delicious or whether China has imprisoned millions of Uyghurs ? As for the Muslims, it is obvious that there will be this meeting, and it is true that there is still such a need on both sides , especially in the commercial sector. It is also difficult for American companies to leave China. The new round of China-US economic and trade dialogue can be seen and has been continued. He Lifeng , who was invited to visit the United States and hold talks with Yellen many times, has always stressed that the United States and China do not seek economic decoupling. The Economist also pointed out that Biden's China strategy is not working despite the United States taking a series of decoupling measures . Chain-breaking measures are taken to reduce over-reliance on mainland China. But in fact, this dependence is still there. You saw that at the sixth CIIE, American companies also competed to say that they voted with their feet to participate in the exhibition. The area occupied by the company exhibition area was 1/6 From this point of view, it seems that many people do not buy into the de-linking and de-risking promoted by the United States. But you may not feel it yet. We have seen that in terms of numbers, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, and Tencent have reached an agreement. What does this also mean? Facebook has reached an agreement to sell Meta's VR virtual reality headset in China next year. Facebook will once again set foot in the Chinese market after 14 years since it was blocked in the past. In addition, Tesla's Shanghai factory This production line is really full. The cumulative delivery volume of their Shanghai plant this year has reached 771,000 vehicles, which has exceeded last year. Not only that , but now Uruguay and Latin America also say that they are entirely because of protectionism compared to the United States. Looking up, mainland China seems to be more open, so it is planned that the president of Uruguay will visit mainland China soon to continue to promote trade. You saw a very interesting local school in Uruguay. It is a school. The name of the school is very long because it is called It's a new elementary school in the People's Republic of China . I was taking some Chinese classes there to learn how to make some traditional Chinese pastries and mooncakes. The principal said why this happened because in the past these children were so poor that they couldn't even go to the beach 5 miles away . They have never been to China , but their current dream is to move forward. In May this year, Ecuador also signed a trade agreement with mainland China and became its 27th free trade partner. This is also the first free trade partner of China in Latin America after Chile, Peru, and Costa Rica. What does the ambassador think about the fourth free trade partner ? What kind of tacit understanding can be reached during the next Xi Jinping meeting? I think Xi Jinping basically cares about the issue of Taiwan independence because of Taiwan's future. This six months can be said to be a very unstable period because it is facing a regime change . If the Taiwan independence workers win, then mainland China will face serious challenges. So I think the next six months will be a big test for mainland China. The most important thing is that in this part, they can do little for Taiwan. I think he puts a lot of emphasis on the common views with the United States on the Taiwan issue and the issue of Taiwan independence. He must understand the possible directions that the United States may face in Taiwan's future political development. What is the U.S. view? Then he will also follow The US side shares its views and what measures it will take to respond. I think it is the most important thing for the US to discuss this with Biden , because no matter how good Biden is, he still has more than a year to become president . It will take more than a year , so in the future, in the six months when the Taiwan independence issue will have a huge impact on the Taiwan Strait, Biden will play a very important role. So I think in fact, other economic and trade issues are very small issues , because for example, like Gellar If qualified, he is just a U.S. representative, and his representation is very small. There are 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, so his representation is very small. The real national strength of the United States lies in their corporate world. This corporate community is willing to spend 40,000 US dollars. Would he be willing to spend 40,000 US dollars to have a meal with Fumio Kishida ? Or to have a meal with someone from Japan or India ? Modi cannot do that because mainland China provides it . There is a huge market opportunity. American companies want to make money in mainland China. Of course they hope to have the opportunity to have close contact with the leaders of mainland China. So for these American companies, US$40,000 is what they are willing to spend, and others are happy to spend it on you . It's useless to talk about Gallagher. He is just a very strong anti-China element in the U.S. Congress. It's hard to say whether he can keep his position because his boss was the so- called United States at that time that had already stepped down. The Speaker of the House of Representatives , who resigned while in office for the first time in history, has no backing, so the question now becomes that the relationship between the United States and China seems to be slowly softening because mainland China is slowly opening up and is willing to spend more money. Then buy American agricultural products and try to win some goodwill from the American people. So this is the key. I think it is all about maintaining a situation that is harmonious and talkable on the surface. The economy is one part , but for mainland China. In fact , the most critical issue is the issue of Taiwan independence. So I think the only and most important reason for the issue of Taiwan independence is that this time Xi Jinping is willing to go to San Francisco to exchange views with Biden face to face . I think the captain thinks that it doesn't matter what we say. It can stop the infrastructure maniac from China from actually building a primary school in Uruguay. In fact, this is of course very easy for the infrastructure maniac , but we have to think about the factors behind it . And if people are willing to name it the People's Republic of China , then This is called the People's Republic of China , which means how much they hope to change their poverty . The mainland has provided such resources. In fact, it is not only this. There are more in Africa . There are even military parades in Africa . Their passwords are in Chinese, which is even more scary . His goose steps and The People's Liberation Army is exactly the same . Its password is in Chinese, which actually means this. Mainland China continues to export through the Belt and Road Initiative. But why is it because the Uruguayan government we just talked about has been trying to establish a free trade agreement with the United States , but it is sorry for the United States . Basically, South America is actually a country sandwiched between Argentina and Brazil . It is relatively wealthy and supports a free system . However, the United States does not even look at it seriously, so it is now turning its attention to the Belt and Road Initiative . When we invest in the mainland, we have to think about our other diplomatic country. Our only diplomatic country in South America is Paraguay , our friend of Paraguay. We have to think about what value we can provide them . Why do we say this? Because In fact, during the election at the beginning of this year, they were on the verge of breaking off diplomatic relations with Taiwan . In order to help Taiwan, the United States finally approved on November 10 that for the first time in 25 years, Paraguay could import beef . Is import so important to Paraguay? Indeed, it is the tenth largest beef exporter and the fourth largest soybean exporter in the world . Recently, China has been buying a large amount of soybeans from the United States . This is a breach. We must be careful with our diplomatic allies in Taiwan. Is it possible that we will cut off our relations one by one due to economic reasons? Brother Bing, I think this Gallagher is very interesting. He said that these entrepreneurs’ strategies are stupid. I think he himself is stupid . Are these entrepreneurs all fools? It’s okay to spend 40,000 US dollars. Xi Jinping is having a meal with you. Do you think he has a lot of money ? Of course there are bigger business opportunities to talk about. If he spends these 40,000 US dollars, he may be able to make a profit of 40,440,000,000. Of course, he is willing to spend this money , so these entrepreneurs are not Fool, think about Xi Jinping's visit this time. Logically speaking, if the relationship between China and the United States is really as described by the United States, it is unprofitable to invest in mainland China. There is no money to be made in China. Companies are being suppressed. Why are everyone so anxious to meet and have dinner with Xi Jinping ? Obviously, from the perspective of these businessmen, the market in mainland China is not what the United States describes at all. They go there because it is profitable. I think Xi Jinping’s strategy is now very clear. On the surface, it is enough for me to maintain a situation with the U.S. government where we do not completely break up. So I don’t think there will be any major progress during Xi ’s visit this time , which is probably to ease the relationship between us. But Xi Jinping is now putting all his hopes and all his power into the process of people-to-people communication. Through this interaction between people and the business community, he will slowly influence and change some of Americans' thinking about mainland China. I think this is This is his current tactic that is very obvious. He is also carrying out this situation all over the world. If you follow the perspective of the United States or the Democratic Progressive Party, this is called using business to force government. For the mainland themselves, It is because we have deepened our relationship with each other through economic exchanges . What is wrong with this ? I think this is normal. Don’t we in Taiwan also expect this? It’s just that we can’t do this. Who is honest and who is dishonest? Of course, this is also the case in international wars. As we just talked about the news of the plane crash, in fact, there was an incident in the Middle East that attracted international attention. A U.S. military plane actually crashed here in the Eastern Mediterranean. The U.S. side immediately issued a clarification. What is the key point? This unfortunate accident was purely training and had nothing to do with any hostile activities. Of course, what he was afraid of was that it would be said that the crash was related to the so-called Iran or Israel or related conflicts in the Middle East . This would expand the war , so he emphasized that there was nothing Incidents involved in hostile activities , but I don’t know which model this aircraft is, or the relevant content, time, and location. Even the number of casualties is not provided. Why is it so mysterious? Of course, the US military’s layout in the Mediterranean has the Ford. There are two aircraft carriers , these attack ships , and of course there are also nuclear submarines guarding here. I hope that the related war will not escalate into such a situation. So of course, it is close to Lebanon and Syria. On November 8, the Reaper drone was attacked by Yemen. There is news about the shooting down. The US military dispatched F15s to bomb retaliatory bases in Syria. There are also related attacks. He believes that there must be a retaliation. Therefore, the atmosphere of Iran joining forces with the Arab region to oppose Israel is now getting stronger. The joint Arab-Israeli- Islamic summit is already being held. Iranian President Raisi said that we must kiss the hand of Hamas. He supported Hamas and called on Muslim countries. The Israeli military set the tone and labeled it a terrorist organization. He turned him upside down and said that Israel is a terrorist organization. The Saudi Crown Prince said to our brothers. Palestine launched a barbaric war. Saudi Arabia firmly condemned it and categorically opposed it. Turkey even directly said that Israel was operating on babies, children and women in Gaza . This has created an atmosphere of unity, but what can be done? Several Arab countries, led by Algeria, Everyone advocates that Israel should immediately cut off diplomatic relations , but there is still no way. Water far away cannot save the fire close by. What is the actual approach? What I saw is the news coming from the hospital here in Gaza . After the newborn is born, it needs to be protected in an incubator, but because of the lack of fuel, there is no way. The newborn died directly in the baby's incubator. There have been 45 newborns in this hospital. One has died and many are in critical condition . There is no electricity and no medical resources. This is what is happening in Gaza right now . Medical supplies are still not getting in . When news came out that a hospital in Gaza was attacked and a baby was killed, Israel strongly countered, saying it was all fake news. They did not attack the hospital. They had admitted it before, but they did not admit it. Therefore, the problem of medical collapse in Gaza was described as every 10 A child dies every minute. What a horrific hell on earth. Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Brown said the civilian casualties in Gaza will only spawn more Hamas because the death of these children will only create hatred. Hatred promotes hatred . More Will Hamas create more Hamas? Musk also jumped out to the entrepreneur. He said that killing children will only create more Hamas . So will Israel insist on taking over Gaza? The control does not require you to control and supervise, but Netanyahu insisted that today's military operations are still ongoing, including ground battles. He said that after the elimination of Hamas, Israel will not support the Palestinian authority to continue to lead Gaza. What does it mean, do I want to control it next? And Palestinian President Abbas did not condemn Hamas 30 days after this terrible massacre broke out , so he demanded that the Palestinians can no longer be led by the relevant government. Who will lead it? Is Israel going to directly occupy it? Israel is also breaking out now. The largest wave of demonstrations since the war began. Crowds gathered in Tel Aviv to call for a ceasefire and release. Pictures of tens of thousands of protesters gathered here in the capital demanding the release of hostages and a ceasefire in Israel . Has Netanyahu's political life also been greatly impacted and challenged? Not only here in Israel, US President Joe Biden , who is the most supportive of Israel's Netanyahu, also had protests in his voting district. Let's take a look at the picture. This protest was against Biden. This was in Biden's home state of Delaware. Protesters in support of Gaza surrounded Biden's hometown and shouted that if there is no ceasefire, there will be no vote. So if you continue to support Israel's behavior, when they vote in November, they will remember that this place has been called La Delava since 1992. So far, all have voted for the Democratic Party. It is said to be the state that has never made a comeback and is the strongest support for Biden. Now there are large-scale protests in the area. Brother Liang, when we are watching this war, of course I have been saying that I want a ceasefire and a suspension of various modes , but there is obviously no way to do it. But there are some actions that are heating up. For example, you said that the Arab Islamic Summit was the first time that the Iranian president went to Saudi Arabia for a meeting. They made a resolution , one of which was to prohibit any outside country from providing Israeli ammunition . So this will be directly hit. Is the United States right? If the United States continues to provide ammunition , these Arab countries will definitely heat up again. I think this is a step-by-step approach , and then what can they do ? If Israel breaks off diplomatic relations , then this is considered a vigorous move. Is Israel really going to do this? If it goes one step further and imposes economic sanctions, there is nothing wrong with it. I can't defeat you militarily, but I have many ways to support Palestine. For example, the Arabs are Saudi Arabia. Just say that they will set up a financial group to assist in raising funds for relief supplies . If they go further, maybe they can provide military aid. Although they are not sending troops themselves, should Israel face this situation because Israel basically has no energy ? Can you ask where your energy comes from? Where does it come from? If the Arab embargo targets you first, then help the United States transport it. Can the United States continue to transport it? The United States now has an entire aircraft carrier fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean. Where does Israel’s energy come from ? This is also a problem, so I think they It's very slow. Frankly speaking, they were forced out, especially Saudi Arabia, because Saudi Arabia didn't want to get involved so deeply , but there was no way. You are the boss, you Sunnis, you are the boss. Today I saw Saudi Arabia again. The government issued a 12-point statement and went into more detail. He said that their secretariat will set up a media monitoring unit and then it will collect statistics on the massacre in Israel . Then its judicial unit will also assist and help them mention international crimes. The court wants to directly accuse Israel of war crimes , so they are slowly brewing some actions. I really don’t know the effect of this , but I think it will put pressure on the United States. Frankly speaking, the opposition voices in the United States, including civil servants in the White House and the State Department, are getting louder and louder . Biden 's own polls are also falling. There are currently two contradictions that have emerged, namely the inconsistency between the United States and Israel. The first is whether the Palestinians who left can come back after the war. I don't think it will be a big controversy if Israel agrees to this. Now it seems that Israel is going to clear out Northern Gaza. Then it will think that if the Palestinians want to come back , maybe Hamas is mixed in . But can you do this? Can you occupy it and not let them come back? This is the second The first point and the second point is how to establish the new government. Because the United States advocates the return of the Palestinian autonomous government, right? It opposes Israel and says that it wants to establish it on its own. So he said that he can maintain security in this way , but this means that his troops will not withdraw. Because he believes that only the Israeli army staying on site can ensure the security of that place. This must be in conflict with all countries. All Arab countries, mainland China, and Russia will definitely oppose it strongly in the United Nations . How can you occupy it? And Blinken is the first Time also says that Israel cannot occupy. I think this contradiction will become more and more serious. What does the general think ? Although other countries related to Saudi Arabia have to stand up and support, the war is still going on very fiercely. Israel has no intention of stopping at all. This means that Israel will face increasing pressure in the future . We know that the hostage families , including 240 hostages, have put pressure on the government . Therefore, we have to rescue the hostages first and then don’t rush to fight on the ground before continuing . If the war expands, the pressure on Israeli society will become greater and greater. Of course, it will feed back to Natanyahu. The pressure on Natanyahu will also become greater. He currently has 78% of people who want Netanyahu to step down , so Natanyahu will step down. Tanyahu will be more active in military affairs. Why is it that in order to keep his position, the more war and austerity there is, the more secure it will be for Netanyahu to sit in the position of prime minister. This is his thinking. Let’s speculate on the second one. I think international pressure will become more and more intense. It includes the 22 Arab League countries . After the Arab League expands, it will become 48 Muslim countries. They will put pressure on Israel, including diplomatic pressure and pressure to break off diplomatic relations. The pressure to withdraw the ambassador is also political pressure that Israel must bear , and the United States may not be completely in sync with Israel in the future . Because the United States also has to face its own internal pressure, these Muslim countries will also support Palestine . Will be anti-Semitic? Although the financial resources of Jews in the United States are very poor , the control of the media is also very large, and the influence of this film and television series is also very broad . However, the problem is that many Arabs will form such words. There will be internal pressure , because next year's US election will also be faced, and it will start now, because it will be at the end of next year. The third one, I think, is that Natanyahu is now carrying out 30,000 metric tons of carpet bombing in Northern Gaza. When the bomb exploded over there, he had filled it with water. It seemed that the effect was limited now. Now the Marine Corps went into the tunnel and responded to this whole situation. He killed more than 11,000 people like this. It has seriously exceeded the principle of proportionality by more than 6 times , and 4,000 of the 11,000 people here are children , so North Gaza has become a children's slaughterhouse, and you can become a baby slaughterhouse, or a children's slaughterhouse, right ? World Human Rights , you have committed war crimes. It is not the case that Palestine has committed war crimes. Israel has also committed serious war crimes and crimes against humanity. It is not right for you to do this because you have exceeded it too much. The ratio is more than 6 times. You must at least have a standard . Then you are still here. After the occupation, it may become a semi-takeover in the future, a bit like the semi-takeover of the West Bank, which will become a full takeover in the future. If you do this, what will happen to the Arab world? What will happen to the 22 countries, they will definitely intervene , so it is like this The overall possibility that Israel will face in the future will be smooth militarily , but it will face considerable pressure in terms of international politics and domestic social stability. It is difficult to say whether it will be smooth militarily because there is no way to break through the tunnel and there is no way to remove it. How do you call it smooth when you rescue the hostages ? Or call it smooth when you occupy the land and transform it? What does Professor Zuo think? In fact, I think the next move of the United States is the most worthy of attention because the United States is the country that can most influence Israel . At this Arab summit held in Saudi Arabia, they unanimously condemned the United States and believed that the United States did not play the role it should play. What exactly is the United States doing now? First, we have recently seen some changes in the United States. One is that we have seen Blinken himself. Because Blinken himself is Jewish, he publicly said that many people died in Gaza, so he also expressed his concerns about this war and his very weak But I think the most critical action behind the scenes is the director of the CIA, William Burns. He is now representing the United States to negotiate the release of the hostages. They are currently negotiating, which means that there are 12 hostages, including 6. Is it possible that the American hostages will be released in the first wave ? Now Hamas is saying that when they went to capture these hostages, they only captured soldiers. Others because there are some Palestinians or other military groups they may capture. They have captured some other Israelis , so there is nothing they can do. He said that there are about 30 people in the middle. Whether they were captured by Hamas, so there is no way to confirm just how many people were captured and who is in their hands. So this makes the issue of rescuing the hostages very difficult , but now both sides are stuck on the issue of hostages , because the hostages are the only one that can make Israel cease-fire. This is the most important reason. If there is no way to take stock of the hostages, of course it will be difficult to cease-fire . But The hostages must be further released. Of course, the information must be clarified. I just talked about the trends in the United States. The second very important key is the U.S. government. Because of the Biden administration, during the 2020 election, 70% of the Arab voters in the United States were The above is the vote for him. Recently, everyone has noticed that there is now a Palestinian congressman in the United States who publicly spoke in support of Palestine. As a result, Congress passed a resolution condemning this, which caused a lot of controversy in his hometown, his constituency, Michigan. They believe that the current U.S. Congress and even the Biden administration have not effectively responded to their voices. As we all know, Michigan is an important swing state and these Palestinian residents will affect Biden's 2024 election. So it will be very difficult for Biden to deal with him. If many people say that if there is no ceasefire, there will be no vote in 2024. So now he has become that he must take positive actions. At least on the one hand, he must save the hostages , because there will also be hostages in his country. The second aspect of the pressure on the family is to significantly reduce the casualties of this humanitarian . Otherwise, he will not be able to deal with it at home. Because he is different from the Republican Party, these Arab voters are his important supporters. There are many reasons why the United States is now overwhelmed with self- care . What is coming up this week is that APEC is about to hold a visit meeting in San Francisco , but it has been described as a Hongmen Banquet. Of course, many media reports used this title. CNN also specifically reported that in order to welcome APEC, a visit meeting was held in San Francisco . A very special city-wide cleanup. Isn’t it normal? But what was removed in this big cleanup that many people found incredible was the use of high-pressure water cannons to clean up the drug addicts who had been plaguing the city for a long time. Before we last Haven't you seen the video of drug addicts wandering and stranded on the roadside ? The problem of homeless people and the problems of homeless people have all miraculously disappeared. They have all disappeared within this week. I don't know how long it can last. Residents are asking , of course APEC? Is the prospect of the meeting with Xi Jinping a happy meeting or a banquet? Media around the world are paying attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The attitude of APEC-related members towards Israel is very polarized. In fact, the ratio is very different. But the United States still has the final say? So what about participating in the APEC summit? A visit to Xi from 21 countries with different political stances would be a diplomatic setback for the United States . If there are no results, it would be a setback, and it would be even less conducive to Biden's election. Therefore, such a struggle or dialogue between the two countries has become an American-style one. The Hongmen Banquet is an analysis report by the media. He Lifeng is currently meeting with U.S. officials during a marathon meeting with Yellen. He met with Yellen for 10 hours and met with the Minister of Economy and the Minister of Economic Affairs. Of course, the focus is on whether the economy is U.S. debt or is it related? Is there any way to loosen the issue of technology regulation ? During the 10-hour conversation, we agreed that the US- China economy will not decouple and that we need to strengthen communication. So is it possible not to sell US debt? Of course, this is still a question mark , but No matter what, the U.S. economy is in danger, and many credit ratings are being downgraded. Among the three major credit rating agencies in the world, Moody's , which is the only one that has always given the United States the three highest credit rating indexes, AAA , has also downgraded the credit rating outlook of the United States from AAA to AAA. The stability dropped to negative mainly because the government's debt servicing costs have increased significantly. There is too much debt and it has been borrowing. The deep-rooted political polarization has changed too much, which has created risks for the entire government. The US Deputy Treasury Secretary even jumped out and said: "Absolutely." I don’t agree with Moody ’s that U.S. Treasuries are the safest and most liquid assets in the world . But the question is, is the U.S. Congress going to shut down the government again? There is only one week left. How difficult is it to remember? The last time the speaker stepped down, the whole case was allowed to pass and continue . But this is only a temporary pass. Now the new House Speaker has proposed a bill to shut down the country in stages. In addition to APEC, there is also the question of US government funding this week. Can the two parties reach an agreement on whether the congressional budget can be passed? Consensus , otherwise we will face another shutdown crisis in a week. Of course, U.S. debt is very important to the stability of the U.S. economy. But is there anyone who doesn’t want China to sell U.S. debt? This is called a conspiracy theory because the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was hacked and forced to manually settle the U.S. I don’t know, but there are always conspiracy theories. During the negotiation process, China and the United States are facing technological confrontation. Huawei is offering a bounty of 8.8 million to break through many key technologies. It is said to be related to storing data . It is difficult to break through the two major technologies, and some methods are needed to break through them. Among them , 2 Olympus Awards and 5 Olympus Pioneer Awards have been set up in 2023. What is the purpose? It is to solicit more technologies. If each question can be solved, The technical difficulty level can award bonuses up to 4.4 million yuan. Of course, in the hope of finding an outlet for technology in this breakthrough, there is another company involved in patent infringement, Yangtze Memory, which has been sued in the United States. Yangtze Memory has sued Micron Technology and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. The reason for Micron’s consumer products is that it infringes eight of its patents in the United States. Sorry, it’s a mainland memory company that is suing Micron. The lawsuit related to the technology war is also ongoing. Of course, Huida is particularly involved in China’s various controls. Is there any way to get the release of the three tailor-made chips from the US ? After the US tightened relevant policies, export restrictions continued in less than a month. Huida made various responses to make substantial easing. Is there any way to bypass the sanctions? It also remains to be seen. Brother Liang will take a look at the latest developments of APEC. I think it is very difficult to achieve substantive consensus. Basically, mainland China’s final decision to go is mainly to show the posture of a responsible big country . Especially this is APEC , so he may We also hold summits with some countries on the sidelines. The main purpose of the summit is to stabilize the situation and say that our two major countries will not fall out and break up. We can still develop the economy well . We want to convey this message , so generally everyone takes it. It is understood that thawing means restoring various dialogue mechanisms. Since Trump started the trade war in 2018, there were more than 100 dialogue mechanisms between China and the United States. Many middle- and lower-level officials have stopped this. This is to be restored . Those dialogue mechanisms , of course, what the United States hopes most is to restore the military dialogue mechanism. One place that may be able to show this is the ASEAN, which is the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting. China has determined that Vice Chairman of the Military Commission Zhang Youxia will go to the United States and Austin will also go . The interaction between the two of them here is a test, that is, whether the military has resumed one-on-one dialogue between the two parties . But I think basically the positive thing is the restoration of the dialogue mechanism in various fields. As for the big headlines How is it possible for China to promise that we will no longer sell U.S. debt ? Just like it is impossible for the United States to promise that it will no longer impose technology sanctions and declare a comprehensive policy such as this, it is absolutely impossible. At most, we will only maintain cooperation on relatively non-controversial issues such as climate change, because after all, the United States has the highest per capita emissions, and China has the highest total emissions. If you two countries don’t cooperate on climate change, what will the world do to show off? It is responsible , so issues like this will probably commit to the United States' fentanyl anti-drug cooperation , which can cooperate with green energy. This is possible , but mainland China is more clear that cooperation with states is not necessarily with the Ministry of Commerce. Cooperation , so I think the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance are frankly just restoring communication. As for specific economic and trade cooperation, they will be held in states, such as California or on October 31, the COFCO Group went to Iowa and Shanghai. The Import Expo was also held in Georgia, California, and Idaho, either at the governor's level or in the business world. Of course, the business world can come and go . For example, Nvidia went around again and produced three chips . It can be sold , so in the future technology war in the United States, it is likely that the government will tell companies that they will seek permission or exemptions on a case-by-case basis. This has been done in the past, and I think it will be the same in the future. But it is impossible for the government to say that our technology war is over. It is impossible to even relax. I can't see it now. He will not make such a declaration . But the exemption or permission you apply for on a case-by-case basis may be the same with the Taiwan issue. I will mention it, but there will be no breakthrough. It is difficult to reach consensus and advance on major policies , but maybe there is a goodwill overlap . It is just a formality and there are more opportunities for development. I will take a break and come back to discuss it soon. Can there be any further results? What are the expectations of the outside world, Professor Zuo ? First of all, let’s look at this summit. In fact , the United States mainly hopes to stabilize U.S.-China relations. In fact, some polling organizations in the United States have also conducted surveys saying that 70% of people in the United States do not want the United States . There is a military conflict with mainland China , so especially before the United States enters the election next year, of course Biden hopes to stabilize the relationship between the two sides. From the perspective of mainland China , of course he hopes to achieve an economic breakthrough. So you see, the ones he will send before the meeting are He Lifeng and What did Yellen come to talk about , including tariffs, export controls to the mainland, and whether there have been any results on mainland China's investment in the United States ? According to a report by the People's Daily , the talks have now ended. People's Daily Probably the first of these three is to prevent this from happening again and not to raise the tension. In other words, what it wants to ensure is that there will be no new sanctions in the future . In fact, I think this signal is very important . I think I have no illusions about whether the existing sanctions can be lowered and removed immediately. At the very least, there should be no new ones in the future. The second one is that both sides can say no to decoupling , no to decoupling. What does it mean ? It will further restrict the investment of both parties . Of course, the third and more important thing is that the two sides have some specific cooperation. What does climate change include? It includes the so-called international financial stability . But because in fact, the United States is raising interest rates now . The price support of the RMB has become very difficult , so in the past, the United States hoped that the RMB would not depreciate, but now it is the Chinese mainland that hopes that the overall monetary environment of the United States will not put the RMB under such great pressure to depreciate. Well, let’s talk about the U.S. Treasury bonds later. The main problem now is that the new Speaker Johnson has proposed a new plan , but this plan is of course to further cut the budget, because what the Republican Party requires is that if you want to pass this budget, you must cut the budget, and I am willing to accept it. But it is impossible for his budget reduction plan to be passed with the support of the Democratic Party. But without the support of the Democratic Party, it may be difficult for him to pass it. So why did the whole issue become the so-called two stages ? The reason is that it is stuck here , which is actually the McCarthy of the past. It’s the same problem as Johnson and Johnson now. On the Republican side, they are very radical. Radical Republicans are very vocal and very influential. Their focus is not on whether the United States has a government budget. The focus is on whether the voters have heard it. Did his voice show his stance of defending the so-called small government ? So this made it increasingly difficult for them to take a break and come back immediately. The two met and talked for 10 hours about the U.S. debt or the issue of the national debt. Is it possible? What is the consensus that the United States has been worried about money because the U.S. national debt is too high, nearly 34 trillion U.S. dollars, which is incredible. 34 trillion U.S. dollars is about to be paid in interest every year. Now is the era of high interest rates. The core interest rate is 5.25%. You only have to pay interest every year. They have to pay 1 trillion US dollars , but the problem of the United States is that the US economy has a trade deficit every year because it buys too many foreign things. The annual trade deficit is nearly 1 trillion US dollars, and the interest rate is another 1 trillion US dollars. The annual national debt is about 2 trillion US dollars now. 34 trillion US dollars, an increase of 2 trillion U.S. dollars every year. What is the approximate concept of 2 trillion U.S. dollars? It is three times the total income of more than 23 million people in Taiwan. Look at this incredible thing. It increases by 3 trillion U.S. dollars every year. Three times the total income of Taiwan. You see, this is quite heavy for the United States . I hope mainland China will stop selling. When China held the highest US Treasury debt, it was 1.4 trillion US dollars. Now this year, it has been selling off the US debt. Now the remaining 820 billion US dollars are also being sold. Don’t sell anymore. Because if you continue to sell, the US will raise interest rates. US interest rates are already very high. In order to stop the sell-off, you have to raise interest rates. This is the situation , so the US is burning trade on both sides. The trade deficit is high. The U.S. trade deficit is high. I hope that APEC will come this time. I hope there will be no more selling. The second one is that I hope mainland China will buy more American products , especially agricultural products . Now, I just bought 600,000 tons of corn first. Buy it first. Because what does it mean for mainland China to import agricultural products to the United States ? If this is the case, we can make some money on agricultural products. The second CIIE is the same. Now I feel that the United States is very hot. Every state has to ask mainland China. State and local governments are always looking to the mainland . be able to make some money
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Id: 3-v1QHHNGi4
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Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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