[SUB]伊朗沙國捅破美以?陸再對日本下禁令 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231110 (字幕版)

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Audience friends, we have seen that many complicated things are actually happening in every corner of the world , especially the war that is still spreading. Israel and Palestine are still bombing each other. Especially the part where Israel bombed the Gaza Corridor is very tragic . So in Under the coordination of the United States, Israel agreed to suspend military operations for 4 hours a day. Originally, Biden said it would be at least 3 days, but it seems that Israel did not agree, and it might only be 1 day. The communication process was not smooth because Israel's attitude was very tough, and now The British media followed the Israeli soldiers into the underground city of Hamas 's tunnel network in Gaza because everyone knows that there are spider web-like passages underground where there may be prisoners, there may be many Hamas generals. There are many things in the arsenal , but the media found that its entrance is actually hidden behind the kindergarten, so this is Israel. He keeps telling the international community that I bombed hospitals, I bombed refugee camps, and I bombed schools was not indiscriminate bombing because it was Gaza. These are the entrances to Hamas's tunnel system. In addition, we have seen maps of these tunnels here. They have many uses. So you can also see that Israeli soldiers mapped these discovered tunnels and occupied them in the future . There may be other uses for the tunnels in Gaza. The Israeli army is in a dilemma because even GPS positioning equipment is useless here , so they can only send people down to explore and then occupy it first and map it and write it down. In addition, we see Gaza has now become a living hell. Children line up to get food and limited drinking water. You see that these children are very young and some are following their mothers. Mothers are actually wearing masked clothes . Besides, the local area is very chaotic . Knowing that when there is chaos, someone will attack randomly , so when they are queuing up to receive food, some people have to carry sticks because riots will break out at the supply station. This is what a chaotic world looks like . In addition, infectious diseases are also increasing at this time. There has been a significant increase in sanitary conditions due to insufficient water, so you can see that there have been more than 33,000 cases of diarrhea in this place since mid-October. Diarrhea is probably a variety of diseases , half of which are children under 5 years old . If these children were told more cruelly or more realistically, they might have been killed by bombings or died of illness. A whole generation might have been exterminated because of this war. In addition, when we see the conflict in the Middle East, everyone is worried that it will spread again. Because including Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia, he actually said some relatively neutral words , but Netanyahu told him that although the fighting in the Gaza corridor is fierce , we still need to reach a peace agreement with your country. Our peace The possibility of an agreement still exists. In addition, we know that there are rebels here in Yemen. They will also launch rockets or drone attacks from time to time to target some Israeli military fortresses , so you can also see it. The rebels in Yemen recently shot down an MQ9 drone and launched a series of ballistic missiles towards southern Israel. As we all know, MQ9 is a weapon from the US military , and the US military has actually been attacked at least 4 times in the Middle East. So has a proxy war begun? Everyone knows that Iran has not intervened , but it has supported some rebels, including in Yemen . Or some people say that Hezbollah is actually engaged in various wars, so a proxy war has begun. Is the war really happening in the Middle East? We see that Hezbollah has Russian-made anti-ship missiles in its hands. It also threatens to attack the US aircraft carrier strike group . So you can see that the current situation in the Middle East is very chaotic . Some people say no... Some people live in Hold , but it's hard to tell whether a person may accidentally shoot or a person may attack suddenly. This place is like a gunpowder magazine. Once it is ignited, the whole thing will explode. First, let me ask Mr. Lai what he thinks. I personally think of the Middle East . The chaos in the region will make U.S. diplomacy increasingly isolated and difficult. Because the U.S. supports Israel, its hatred among the entire Muslim community will continue to rise with the tragic experience of the Palestinians in Gaza. At present, we have observed that the US State Department has made some assessments that this generation of Muslims and the entire generation of Muslims around the world will hate Americans and will hate Israelis for an entire generation because they have witnessed it vividly throughout Canada. The 12 million Palestinians, civilians and innocent children in the Sasan area have been killed like this... and then these people are helpless. These people can only wait there one day and the shells will fall. The children said sadly that they They didn't make any mistakes . Why should they endure so much suffering ? His companions are dead, his parents are dead, his uncles and uncles in his family are dead, his cousins, etc. are dying one by one. He doesn't know if he will be able to survive tomorrow. They can't live. Now they have to queue up just for a meal. They have to queue up for a bottle of water . The infectious disease is very serious and the diarrhea is very serious. They don't get good medical care. Many of these Red Cross volunteers in these hospitals can't stand it . Because hospitals are often bombed , but the question is whether it is possible to stop, because it is absolutely impossible for Israel to stop us. Another question is how long can the United States support Israel? 2 weeks, 3 weeks or a month . I also noticed that the United States The Chief of Staff is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is currently in Japan. When he was interviewed by reporters, he said that if Israel cannot achieve a quick victory, the situation will be very bad for Israel and American soldiers. The first is that if Israel cannot achieve a quick victory, every time you kill a Palestinian, you will Just create a Hamas , so there will be tens of thousands of Hamas, and they will always give you cold shots. Even if you rule the Gaza region after the war and impose military martial law , your troops may be patrolling. Someone is taking a cold shot at you , and now we have seen the U.S. military bases in the Middle East. In fact, they are a warning attack. So you see, so far, U.S. military bases have not really reported large-scale deaths of American soldiers. It can be seen that when they bombed or attacked US military bases, they did not use these very powerful and highly accurate missiles to bomb the dormitories where the US military lived. This was obviously a category. A warning attack means that the U.S. military should not intervene anymore. But we have also seen that as the war becomes more and more intense, the proportion of attacks on U.S. military bases will become higher and higher in the future , and the accuracy will become greater and greater . The weapons and ammunition used may become more and more powerful. If you think about this situation, the United States will eventually send its soldiers back in body bags. This situation means that the United States will be forced to get involved in this base. We have to ask Israel if it has It is absolutely impossible to end this war briefly. It seems impossible because tunnel warfare is definitely not that easy to fight. We have said it many times. Yes, but now it seems that the proxy war between the United States and Iran has begun. In fact, what is the local captain in East Asia? Isn’t the Philippines also an agent in East Asia ? Who is the agent? It is the United States. But I believe that the mainland will not necessarily respond with strategic patience to you, the Philippines. As for us, talking about this MQ -9 Generally speaking, it is judged that it should be shot down in the form of MQ-9A. Don’t forget that the United States said it would also give us MQ-9A. Didn’t it buy it? We bought MQ-9B, which is not the same model. That MQ-9 is The Reaper MQ-9B is the Sea Guardian. The fact that it can carry so many pods is actually highly confidential to the United States because it can be used by other countries to learn about drones through so-called reverse engineering. Combat capabilities have improved. In this era, we actually have to say that drones are not omnipotent. But without drones, they are absolutely impossible. But are drones really so omnipotent? We must talk about how drones can connect data. This is the top priority. Do you remember the picture we just saw? What the picture we just saw tells us is that the satellite that was launched yesterday is that it carries ChinaSat 6E. Of course, this satellite can also provide C-band to remote areas in the mainland. That is, you can put a big pot and a satellite receiving antenna to watch TV. But it also has Ku and Ka-band on it . These are military channels. They are used by the military in Taiwan. They say we also need MQ-9A or MQ-9B. Which one do you use? Do you use Zhongxin 2? Now everyone is rushing to use Zhongxin 2. Your Weixing system, your investigation bureau, your National Security Bureau all use yours. Are there more than 20 channels? So let’s talk about it this way. Why does the United States say it wants to give us Taiwan Link-22? Because it knows the problem of insufficient satellites. That’s why I want to talk about it. In fact, Yangming Jiaotong University ’s forward-looking rocket research The center has always wanted to break through this satellite launch. Those people will hide behind the keyboard and talk about other programs. Are you like Little Captain? In 2020, when they had no money to do online fundraising, Little Captain raised money. General Yu, you claim to have 30 announcements a day and a week. Have you done this? Have you done anything to help our country? You will only divide us. Do you think you can be called a major general? It looks embarrassing . The captain is very angry with the general for not discussing matters as they are, but we have the same space here. If General Yu thinks our comments are wrong , you can call us and we will give you the same opportunity to explain . Ask Brother Dong whether it is worth it for people like this. Should I criticize? This seems to be a famous saying of Feng Shikuan. Minister Dapeng said that. Minister Dapeng is right. In fact, you can look at the United States because it started the Russia-Ukraine war to incite Ukraine to provoke the Russians and then caused this war. Then this one with Israel Do you know what the latest development is in Hamas's war ? Israel, because it came out to accuse him and said that you media have no idea about the accusations. The four major media, New York Times, Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, you all know that Hamas wants to fight us. Why don't you tell us first? The media must tip him off , otherwise why did you go to the border in the first place and take so many photos? Now you want to start blaming him. Why is it because during the entire war, the most incredible thing for everyone, Israel, the world's three major intelligence and control units, didn't even have one? A little information and then being beaten like this, 1,400 people died. How many people have they killed in the Gaza corridor now? There are more than 18,000 people there . Most of them are children and civilians , so he now becomes He is under a lot of pressure , but his pressure comes from two international pressures and his own internal pressure. Now, Natanyahu is a super politician. His conduct is not good , but he is also a militant. Now many people want him to step down. How can he not step down to maintain the war situation? How can you ask your Prime Minister to step down during the war ? So he is playing a political role now. The United States cannot convince him now. The United States now has to meet with Xi Jinping and has a war with Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, the United States itself is also under great pressure. We are now the most affected by the United States in the world because when the United States makes decisions to elect the president of the United States, it will think of its own election . When you are in such a general situation, you will think that when we talk about how we are dealing with ourselves in Taiwan now, we will think of this. We are also conducting elections , so if there are all these things, you will see that many people are more insincere, right? You have seen so many today. As a child , 300,000 people in the United States protested in Washington. Why should they support Israel? Europe, London , and Paris. Needless to say, all the countries that used human rights as a rallying point for many people spontaneously came out. In this war, if the United States supports Israel, it will not only In addition to becoming public enemies of the Arab world, many people who have some human rights or universal values ​​in their hearts will spurn the United States. If this influence continues, many things in the world will change . There is nothing wrong with this hatred. The seeds will only be buried deeper and deeper , and more people want revenge. But let’s take a look , including the confrontation between China and the United States. Are there any signs of loosening now? Is it possible for relations between China and the United States to warm up? All this will start on November 15th. In terms of the meeting with Xi Jinping, it seems that the two giants are about to meet, so you can see that the China Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives said that since Biden is going to meet with Xi Jinping, you must ask Xi Jinping to achieve the ten demands . Use this Sincerity to improve our U.S.-China relations includes stopping all military actions in the Taiwan Strait. Moreover, these members of the House of Representatives also supervise their own president. Although Biden ’s competitive relationship with the United States and China and his external stance have not changed , it is obviously in order to follow up. Beijing is engaging in so-called zombie-like contact and sacrificing competition. I think you are suspected of giving in. In fact, mainland China has some so-called well-intentioned responses, including direct flights like this. Direct passenger flights between China and the United States are now increasing by 70 per week. This is Is China extending an olive branch? We also know that trade is a matter of great need for American companies . So we can see that although Xi Jinping has not yet arrived in the United States , there are already rumors that the American business community wants to sit at the same table with Xi Jinping at a dinner party. Spend NT$1.3 million. This is a report from the New York Times. American businessmen want to have close contact with Xi Jinping . If I sit at the same table with Xi Jinping, I have to pay NT$1.3 million first. In addition, we see that there is now an expo in mainland China called the Import Expo. There were many stalls at the event , and some people wanted to sell their goods to mainland China. People from various countries came, including Iran, Uruguay, and the Western world. Interestingly, there were media reports from mainland China in this expo , although it seemed that Foreigners all have foreign faces , but everyone speaks Chinese very fluently, including a buyer in Russia. Originally, I wanted to ask about the price in English because everyone is more accustomed to it, so I asked in English. I didn't expect this Russian buyer. The girl speaks Chinese very well , so you can also discover the whole world from here. In order to do business , of course I have to send people from my company who can speak Chinese to participate in this booth and this exhibition. In addition , Canada is a small country in the United States. Brother , the relationship with China has not been good in the past period. This brand, Canada Goose, sells down jackets and has participated in the China International Import Expo for the second consecutive year. So it seems that in the corporate world, you must , you must still go to the Chinese market. This is back to Hui. Huang Renxun , CEO of Da, said that there is another China in the world. There is only one China. The Chinese market is irreplaceable and irreplaceable. What does that mean ? There is no such a big market. Without Vietnam, it is impossible to find a market that can match it . They are the same size , so people who do business actually know it very well. Countries such as Japan and South Korea now seem to have a very deep alliance with the United States. This is in terms of military and diplomacy , but in terms of business, they also need the Chinese market. You see the biography of Fumio Kishida and Yin Xiyue. It is impossible to hold sideline talks with Xi Jinping in this grand event like APEC . Now it is a question mark because we don’t know whether the chip market or Japan needs China’s aquatic products market. Wang Yi met with Japan’s National Security Bureau Director Qiu on the 9th. Ye Gang and the two sides held high-level political dialogue mechanism consultations , but they did not mention whether there will be a meeting between Chinese and Japanese leaders during APEC. It is still to be determined and is still hanging there. In addition, we see that China has not updated a new license, so Japan’s The export of koi to China will be banned in November because there are many people in mainland China raising Japanese koi for ornamental use , which is also a large export. If mainland China now calls for a ban, it will be urgent for many people. Like ants on a hot pot, we saw statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. In 2022, ornamental fish exports reached 6.3 billion yen. Exports to mainland China accounted for the largest amount of 1.2 billion yen. Therefore, including aquatic products, now mainland China is boycotting Japan like this. I originally thought that ornamental carp and ornamental fish should be safe and OK , but I didn’t expect that it is also banned now. Let’s ask Mr. Lai about this CIIE Shanghai CIIE It has only been a few days since their transaction amount has come out to NT$2.35 billion. In just a few days, mainland China's purchasing power is still very strong and very strong. Most of the people who are going to the exhibition The booths were all so happy. In fact, we in Taiwan are really a little sad when it comes to this because things are so bad between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwanese manufacturers really want to sell their products to the mainland , but they can’t sell them. I think other things The relationship between the United States , Japan, and Mainland China is tense , but their booths are the biggest and they are desperately trying to sell them , and the turnover is so huge, more than NT $2.3 trillion. The Taiwan Twin Cities Forum must start to play a role if the governments on both sides , especially the Democratic Progressive Party , If the government can't do it, Taipei City can be more proactive. I really think we haven't made good use of the CIIE. Taiwan is really, really, really, really , really bad. The Democratic Progressive Party doesn't talk about this good relationship between China and the United States. You can see that American entrepreneurs are scrambling. In fact, they are letting their bodies and actions speak for themselves because they are trying their best to buy tickets to attend a dinner with Xi Jinping. I still remember that very early on in this program, I mentioned the possibility of Xi Jinping going to San Francisco this time. Sex is very high , and it is quite possible to have a dinner with the American business community . Sure enough, there is such a dinner, because this was relatively rare in the past. In the past, generally speaking, we were engaged in political activities and diplomatic activities , but this time we saw that It is more related to non-governmental activities. This is because I have discovered at that time that the mainland has no longer placed hope on the political circles in Washington, whether it is the Senate, the House of Representatives , or the White House executive branch . They have already set the tone very early on . I hope that in the American civil society, business community and local governments, when the governor of California visited mainland China this time, we saw that the interaction between them was very active. I guess there are also big agricultural states in the United States like Texas. These big oil states will have more active activities with mainland China. The conditions set by the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate are that you must be sincere. I personally think that the mainland will not pay attention to these two houses. Why ? The reason is very simple. For the United States, From a human perspective, mainland China will be fine as long as its relations with China and the United States stop falling and stabilize. There is no need to expect a return to the impossible things in the past . Let’s take a look at the advertisement, including the current situation between the United States and China and the Import Expo. We are now What we see is that the heads of state of China and the United States will meet at APEC , but now do they want the mainland to continue to make concessions? In fact , does China want something from the United States? Or does the United States want something from the mainland? Of course, the United States wants something from the mainland , because The United States is about to elect. As for the issue of Huida, we have to say this. It has previously specially built two types of chips, A800 and H800. These two chips meet the standards of the U.S. Department of Commerce and can be exported to mainland China for sale . Suddenly they said no, even before they started selling. In addition to this, the BBC news on October 25th also specifically mentioned a related control on advanced artificial intelligence chips that was originally scheduled to be implemented 30 days after October 17th. To start on October 25th, does that mean that China and the United States will be at war with each other in the technology market before the heads of state of the two countries meet ? We must talk about why Huida needs the mainland market so much . The president of Huida himself made it very clear that at this moment, the mainland itself has begun to develop chips, whether in the fields of game graphics and artificial intelligence, it will slowly catch up with the United States and other countries . This problem has been solved by the captain before. They have done a lot of research on papers related to China National Knowledge Infrastructure , so not only that, not only Huida said this, but even the president of Asmore said the same thing : I will give up this market now so that China can do it on its own. I will be sorry later. You, the United States, and the Netherlands have no chance at all. So this is for sure. Biden’s high-end chip wall in this small courtyard is actually unworkable. Let’s take a look. In San Francisco in the United States, we have seen that Xi Jinping may follow Biden. Of course, November 15th has been set for the meeting . Kishida Fumio plans to hold it on November 16th. However, mainland China has not yet announced whether it wants to meet him. Everyone remembers that the APEC meeting in Bali last year was also attended by leaders from all over the world. Taking this opportunity to queue up to meet with Xi Jinping , many of the things you see in the media are actually not very real , because in fact leaders from all over the world are vying to meet with him. The media seems to be against China all over the world. You can actually see it in the U.S. House of Representatives . The House of Representatives is throwing difficult questions to Biden, saying, Biden, if you want to meet with him, ask him first. Xi Jinping must agree to 10 conditions first . Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai first asked for such a proposition at the Dragon King's Corner of the East China Sea . You actually talked about it. In fact, I feel very guilty. Why , because the Republican Party wants to elect the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party wants to elect ? Then my Congress will throw a difficult problem to you. For example, what the House of Representatives threw at you a few days ago is that you Biden, the money you want to give is 106 billion U.S. dollars. We only passed a little bit. This little bit is to subsidize Israel. I am Qian Zi to introduce the guests for this hour. First of all, Dong Zhisen, a senior media person, hello everyone, international politics expert Lai Yueqian, host, hello everyone, and former navy captain Lu Lishi Qian Zi, hello everyone, viewers. Dear audience friends, let’s take a look at the anti-China card . It has always been a main force used by our ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party , to operate in the election campaign . Now, Vice President Lai Qingde has spoken again. He said that the proxy law To deal with China's infiltration, he believed that he heard a voice in society calling for the adoption of the agency bill to more effectively and proactively face various threats and infiltration from China. During this period, we can also see that including the Party Central Committee , including our ruling party, the People 's Republic of China The Communist Party keeps saying that the Chinese Communist Party is introducing elections , so the local chicks should also connect in series , including the Wenjie connection you see. What does this mean ? This is Ms. Lin Zhijie. She is from the Democratic Progressive Party launched by Hsinchu . Another legislator represents another one. She is also a lawyer. Zheng Wenting wants to elect Keelung. They said today that we are both lawyers and we have become a connection called Wenjie Connection. We want to expose the mask of the CCP and use this method to elect. Will the public pay the bill? Including the Foundation Progressive Party as you have seen, which regards resisting China and safeguarding Taiwan as their main focus to attract votes. Zhang Boyang filed a complaint in Kaohsiung and said that exchanges with China must be reported. He believes that there are many reasons for this. These groups in long- term neighbors need to be entertained by the other side to play and travel. This must be reported. Some netizens said that you are too involved. People who eat dog food don't bark around. What do you mean? If you have noticed the news , please There was a news a while ago that Zhang Boyang was fed dog food by the mayor of Kaohsiung City, so many people will think that you have had enough, you can stop. The cross-strait card has been heated up every time the election is approaching , including as you saw in Yu Beichen recently talked a lot about Xu Chunying on a program on a friendly station. He criticized Xu Chunying because she was born in mainland China and has grown up in mainland China and her heart is not in Taiwan . In addition, he also said that I don't know if Xu Chunying will betray her, but as long as I don’t even allow 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000. That’s a serious statement. Hou Hanting said that according to his logic, no one should be alive. Maybe this person has 1 in 1,000 to think that he might kill someone or do something . We have to stop bad things first . Is this like this? Is this a thought prisoner? Then let’s take a look at it, including this. Lai Qingde said that including this, an incident happened in 2016. Do you still remember the Hong Suzhu incident ? This woman who calls herself a citizen journalist is called Hong Suzhu. She went to do street interviews and ended up choking with an old farmer uncle. In fact, the scene had been circulated on the Internet for some time in the past . Many people thought your attitude was too exaggerated . Now, now, Yu Beichen has followed The Hong Suzhu he hated back then is exactly the same , because at that time you knew that this Yu Beichen was also a son of a soldier, an old veteran, including our family who were from other provinces, they would all feel pitiful just because they didn’t speak Mandarin well and couldn’t speak Taiwanese, so they were discriminated against. Okay, so you are exactly the same as Hong Suzhu, who you hated back then. But for Lai Qingde, the basis for his election operations is that as long as I win 40%, I can use this 40% guarantee to resist the mid-term guarantee platform or the dark green guarantee. He was re-elected reliably, and now we have a look at it, including the Federation of Hakka Political Associations, which supports Blue and White cooperation to enhance cross-Strait peace and development and maintain stability across the Taiwan Strait. We have seen the CEO say that they hope for Blue and White cooperation. So this is also possible or hopeful. It has become a new milestone in the operation of Taiwan's party politics and constitutional government . Now there is a big figure who has jumped out. Former President Ma Ying-jeou threw a shock bomb this morning. The method of Ke Pei or Ke Hou Pei was compared with Lai Xiaopei through public opinion polls to determine the final combination. Now it seems that the fermentation has begun in society , especially among the politicians of the blue camp and the supporters of the blue camp . Do you support it? Wait a moment. We will invite guests on site to discuss it. The competition between the United States, China and Taiwan in the South China Sea continues. Mainland China’s Long March rocket flew over Taiwan at night. The Ministry of National Defense also responded urgently. He told us It is said that at 9 o'clock in the morning on November 9, China's Sichuan Satellite Launch Center has carried out the mission of launching a satellite on board the Long March carrier rocket . Then tell us all 24 million compatriots that the flight path of the rocket has passed over me. Tell us about this , but you still remember it. Last year, US Speaker Pelosi visited Taiwan and the People's Liberation Army used the word "high alert" for the second time after the Taiwan encirclement exercise. At that time, "high alert" was used. This was also the first high alert this year . We saw Dongfeng missiles flying over the Taiwan Strait. At that time, it was a concealment, remember? Japan said that only if we dare to admit it, now is the rocket Long March 2 flying over us. Taiwan is on high alert. What does this mean? The intensity is different. One is for scientific research and the other is a threat of force , so the people may have been very disturbed. In addition, we have seen the movements of the Shandong ship and the aircraft carrier battle group of mainland China. We can also see the movements of the Shandong ship in the past 9 days , including its navigation trajectory, Hainan Island and then passing through our Bashi Channel . We went to the west side of the Pacific for training and then crossed the Bashi Strait to the South China Sea and crossed Taiwan from south to north. The media in mainland China said that someone was following us, so they made our whereabouts clear and clear . Now the international The war between Israel and Hamas that occurred during the period was very tragic. Everyone knows what the lesson is for Taiwan. When we saw this report from Xin Media, we said that this was a taboo for the enemy’s military actions to become accustomed to. Audience friends Hamas The raid on Israel was successful. In fact, some people said that the location of their rocket launchers might be a little different , but the Israeli soldiers ignored it. Now we have planes and warships coming from the other side all day long. We are used to it. Is it like boiling a frog in warm water for us ? Is this a taboo? In addition, the United States, the Philippines, Japan and South Korea have launched joint military exercises with two aircraft carriers. To counter China's military expansion, we have seen that the United States and Japan have such exercises at sea and have completed military exercises in the South China Sea. In addition, the United States and the Philippines have also conducted joint military exercises. The United States, the Philippines, Japan and South Korea have combined to form a defense force. Is it a front to block the rise of mainland China or its military expansion ? Is this countering the threat from China? After all, this is what the US says . He said that the US military’s small ground forces are flexibly deployed in the Pacific , including deployment in Hawaii for exercises. The new approach also deploys small mobile forces to islands off the coast of China. Troops from New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand and the UK are being exercised. Projects include paratrooper airdrops and long-range air strikes. Is this a new strategy? The new US strategy is to use Chinese magic against China. What does this mean? Let’s first ask, including Brother Dong, how everyone reacts to the shock bomb thrown by former President Ma to use a national poll . Because we know that the registration date is November 20, which means it is today. There are only 9 days left until now. Of course, many people are very anxious. Where does this anxiety come from ? Time is so tight. If blue and white do not cooperate, it seems that they will lose. This includes former President Ma and Han Han. Everyone feels that the enemy is approaching. In fact, it happens to be here. In Ke Wenzhe's calculation, because the Kuomintang has been talking to Ke Wenzhe for the past two months, you can see that Ke Wenzhe actually refused to give him an inch of ground. From the beginning to the end, the Kuomintang proposed a lot of things that Ke Wenzhe vetoed, and he was unwilling to say that you didn't have any. The only sincerity is to ask the Kuomintang to agree to his national polls. Of course, many people in the Kuomintang now think that it is okay and just give him this. This is the current situation that former President Ma and the others are encountering. This situation is actually because we also know that Taipei City today There is a big event. Do you know that our big dome is going to be opened? Starting today, you can come and apply for tickets for free. The flash sale is no longer available. Scalper tickets are 13,000 yuan. You can be the first in the world to enter the big dome at the first time. To watch this baseball game in the Dome , all you have to do is take a photo or something like that. It’s great , right ? Dear friends, do you know that the Dome has been played by Ke Wenzhe for 8 years and has achieved nothing? Jiang Wanan took office less than a year ago . It was supposed to be completed in October 2015 , it could start in April 2016, and the Universiade could be held in 2017. However, when Ke Wenzhe took office, he said that this was the product of collusion between government and businessmen, so I wanted to investigate . He wanted to check the results of the big dome of the five major scandals. After two years of checking, there was nothing. Then he got angry and stopped it for 5 years. After 7 years, he found out that he was about to leave office after 8 years. What should he do? Hurry up and get it passed. Because he is so At that time, the Democratic Progressive Party and the Democratic Progressive Party were already on a par with each other , so the central government of the Democratic Progressive Party was also stuck. He couldn't get stuck. As soon as Jiang Wanan took office, I won't play politics with you . I will communicate with the central government . Then I asked Wang Zhenji to kick off this shock. President Tsai also Wow, who wouldn’t want this? There is no politics at all. Why is it because baseball is the national sport that everyone knows in Taiwan ? Everyone wants to be able to play a good game indoors and in such a big scene. I tell you that as long as politics is eliminated from many things, it can be solved. But as long as you have politics in Taiwan, you will have a plan . Today, former President Ma Ying-jeou encountered this situation. He was very anxious when the army was approaching, so he came out. When Ko Wenzhe came out , you had to accept this. This is the entire current situation. But I and I Let me be very frank. Whether it is Hou Kepei or Ke Houpei, you may win Lai Qingde in the polls you do now. But when you actually vote, I may not be completely pessimistic because it is already a big dome that has been played. The final concept is that if you want to solve this problem today, you can actually see that almost 60% of people in Taiwan want to be able to quickly give him that one because it is like when we sometimes walk on the street or at the MRT station. Everyone is asking you what will happen to the blue and white combination, whether it will be combined or not, and they are very anxious. But your anxiety cannot make people from the two major parties think that we should quickly deal with it. This is to put a giant It ’s a concept that is ruined. In the end, no matter who cooperates with this concept , many people will leave. Now Ke Wenzhe has teased the KMT for the past two months, and Terry Gou has teased the KMT for the past three months. He has lost a lot of opportunities. I say this is actually very important. Pessimistic people say that we will integrate him back when the time comes. Many people will leave and never come back. This situation is actually very, very bad . But I think former President Ma is worried about the country and the people . He said that he is willing to Korea . Yu also said that I am willing and we are all willing to cooperate with Ke Wenzhe, so I will give it to you. But if Ke Wenzhe really leads this election campaign, people in the blue camp will not be able to vote. You have ruined us and humiliated us to this point. In the end, I will still vote. You Ke Wenzhe, with his quick words, you can't win the election of the Kuomintang. I'll give you 3% or something like that. He has actually injured many people in the Blue Army. In fact, I think it is very pessimistic about whether it is compatible or not. So do you think it is better not to cooperate or not to leave it alone. Now whether it is compatible or not is not bad . So Brother Dong thinks there is not a big difference. The difference is not big . Let Ke Wenzhe finish playing the dome. It is already finished. Okay, come on, let’s ask. Captain, can you tell us something? Because the trajectory of the Shandong ship has been completely exposed in the media recently , what does this mean? The little captain you all know is probably the 600-ton Xinjiang warship . The captain of a warship may have been an instructor at a naval academy. But what everyone doesn’t know is what a junior captain is. After I was discharged from the army, I went to a remote village where no one wanted to be a teacher. I taught mathematics for 2 years because At that time, many media said who was teaching our rural children? We were teaching these at that time , whether it was missile principles or combat systems, we also had to use engineering mathematics, we also had to use calculus, so I thought I could go . I also passed the exam. I brought up a lot of these children at that time. Their mothers were all mainland spouses or foreign spouses. But we are all for the benefit of the next generation. Why do some people in our country want to divide each other and form small groups ? I am a Major General and I am repairing a Major. It is nothing. Now, I will repair you in the future. Looks good. OK, let’s get back to the topic. That is, when we talked about the missile flying over, I’m sorry. Isn’t it the first time that a Long March rocket flew over Taiwan and cut a watermelon? This is not the first time. This is not the first time. When was the first time? The first time was on July 13, 2022. I had already cut a watermelon once. Did the Ministry of National Defense tell everyone that they were on high alert at that time ? Isn't it the same as what Qian Zi said just now? Did you tell everyone that missiles flew over Taipei on August 4 last year ? You didn't tell us why you were elected now. You just said that the Ministry of National Defense is on high alert and should not cooperate with the government's operations . It feels like national subjugation. It makes people look down on us. We talk about this year. This was yesterday. The number has reached 496 times. How many rockets have been launched this year ? That is how many times it has been launched. The captain of the Long March rocket helped everyone count 37. That is, it has launched 37 rockets . The Long March rocket goes up to the satellite. It has one rocket and multiple satellites, so it’s not just 37 satellites. The Ministry of National Defense needs to be on high alert. You said your Leshan radar is very powerful. I want to ask you . This is November 5, 2023, which is when they launched from Xichang a few days ago. What is the two-missile window to Xinjiang ? It is a two-section rocket. Have you told everyone? Are you on high alert? Why? Because of that , don’t we want to be the core of the Indo-Pacific strategy in the future ? Have you helped these countries in the Indo-Pacific understand? Don't you have a good job? You must do the homework you just gave me. That is what we just mentioned. It was announced by the Integrated Staff and Supervision Department of the Ministry of Defense of Japan on November 6 that it directly crossed the Bashi Strait . But later it was said that the Shandong ship did so. What I don’t know about the Taiwan Strait is that on November 9th, it made a comeback. It went directly north from the Taiwan Strait. Isn’t it fully under control? It’s not fully monitored . Isn’t it on high alert? Have you told our people where the Shandong ship is now ? It’s not a ship. It's just a ship, it's a strike group. Did you tell everyone that you didn't? You just manipulated the sense of national subjugation, but you didn't mention a word about the crisis that is really the most dangerous to Taiwan. I came here to ask Teacher Lai. I will continue what the little captain said. Mainland China is different from North Korea. Sometimes North Korea will launch satellites to test the altitude and range of its missiles. However, China does not need it because it is a formal nuclear weapons state. When China tests intercontinental ballistic missiles, it is a test launch. Intercontinental test-firing of medium-range means test-firing of medium-range satellites, which means launching satellites. I think the Department of Defense should not engage in this issue at the last moment of the election because it is very clear that it is launching satellites and is not launching intermediate-range or intercontinental ballistic missiles . In the skies over Taiwan , I think the Ministry of National Defense is cooperating with the ruling party's strategy of hating China and manipulating the sense of national subjugation. This is wrong. The military belongs to the country, not to the political party. We must always keep this point. In addition, Lai Qingde is saying that there is a voice in society that wants to use agents. In society, there are only those who have racial discrimination, racial hatred , and violate human rights. He has a voice that wants to establish an agent bill. Only this This kind of people will want to enact an agency bill. So 60% of Taiwanese society will not want to enact this bill . So those who want to enact this bill are those people who are intolerant, racially hostile, and racially hateful and say that I want to enact an agency program . The truth is very clear, so people with such voices in society are a group of people with racial discrimination and racial hatred . Yu Beichen betrayed the Kuomintang , and his betrayal was very clear . He betrayed the Kuomintang just because the official refused to give him a nomination . If this kind of person goes by his experience of betrayal, he is definitely the kind of person who is 1 in 10,000. He should never allow himself because Xiao Meiqin was not born in Taiwan and Lai Qingde’s grandson was not born in Taiwan. So they are most in line with the 1 in 1,000 people. You must resolutely not allow it to the extreme and must stand up. Once Xiao Meiqin returns to Taiwan , you must stand up and say that you are the most likely It’s 1 in 1,000. 1 in 10,000. Because you were not born in Taiwan, we will never allow you to hold public office in Taiwan. I think you should stand up and oppose it first because you can’t do what you say. I can’t do the last one. I think the national poll I have argued from the beginning that this should have been done long ago , but the problem is that it is almost too late now. Strictly speaking, it is too late. Why? Because if we even talk about blue and white combined like this, then how do we operate the deputy spokesperson in the entire group? In the future, how to vote for political parties, how to elect legislators, how to elect legislators , so I think it has become a mess and everyone has gone their own way. It is a huge project.
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Id: dxE31PoArEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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