[SUB]習近平開口以色列停火 拜登暴跳如雷? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231122 (字幕版)

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At the BRICS summit, some leaders of the BRICS countries called for an urgent ceasefire, especially during the special video summit on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Let’s first take a look at Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said that the top priority now is to immediately cease fire and end the war. To ensure the safety and smoothness of humanitarian relief channels , and for the international community to take practical measures, the BRICS countries will also issue a voice of justice on the Palestinian-Israeli issue . The voice of peace is very immediate and necessary. In addition, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, MBS, said this Calling on all countries to stop exporting weapons to Israel , even India this time stood together and made its voice through Foreign Minister Jaishankar. They strongly condemned the death of civilians and must seriously address the concerns of the Palestinian people. We see the President of South Africa. He even said that it was a bit suspected of genocide and war crimes to accuse Israel , so they even voted in the parliament to close the Israeli embassy. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar has also been calling for it because he is actually involved in the Palestinian matter. I have been speaking out for Palestine , hoping that the international community will pay more attention to humanitarianism. Let’s see if Israel will cease fire because it can’t bear the pressure. It seems that there is finally a turning point. Natanyahu finally nodded and said that he wanted a truce and replaced him. He said It seems that if you give 10 more hostages, I will suspend the war for one more day to negotiate . The leader of Hamas also confirmed that the ceasefire agreement with Israel is now close to being reached. Netanyahu on the Israeli side said that on the 22nd Through the truce agreement, they are now convening the cabinet to vote , but he said that the truce does not mean that the truce will never give up, which means that there may be a temporary ceasefire for four days and the exchange of some hostages. In addition, we We also saw 1,000 ships from 40 countries gathering on the Turkish side to head to Gaza to block Israel’s international trade. According to the Times of Israel, 1,000 ships gathered on the Turkish side and headed toward Gaza. The convener of the protests, which are moving forward in an attempt to break Israel's blockade and disrupt Israel's maritime trade, said the demonstrators will not carry any weapons because they are gathering like this. They say they want to avoid giving Israel any excuses, so they are using Is it possible for Israel to use a peace fleet to block your trade and then promote a ceasefire in Israel ? But let’s also take a look at it. On November 18th, the United Nations mentioned that there is a serious shortage of fuel in Gaza , so the communication has been The whole process was suspended again, but on the 19th, the Israeli military released a video saying that the underground of the Western Hospital was used by Hamas to cover terrorist activities . It just said that a lot of information in Gaza has been leaked by Israel and the United States . So we have to control whether there is a real ceasefire or whether it will be a four-day ceasefire like what Natanyahu said. I'm afraid it still needs to be confirmed. It is difficult to know whether the information they released is true or false. Let's look at the United States. It feels like it has always been there. It seems that there is no way to ask everyone to cease fire and control Israel , so why is Blinken urgently sent to increase its presence? In addition, in the past few days, probably next week, Blinken will meet again for the fourth time since the war started on October 7 . We have seen this during my four visits to Israel. When Wang Yi met with the Middle East delegation, he also called for a ceasefire and hoped to play a more active role in intervention. The U.S. State Department said it welcomed China to play a constructive role , but in fact, in the Middle East There is also a balance of power between China and the United States because we have seen that Arab and Islamic countries now speak highly of China on the Palestinian issue. They say that China is in a fair position, so their intervention in the situation in the Middle East is actually not It is limited to mediation and humanitarianism but is a strategic pressure and check on the United States. Therefore, it is fighting fires on multiple fronts and cannot fully support Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Therefore, the Middle East has now provoked a confrontation between Israel and the entire Islamic world , so mainland China plays a role. A very important role. Let’s compare it again. Because Assad’s air base was attacked, the US military has also dispatched air gunboats to retaliate against Hezbollah in Iraq. First, let’s ask the introduction teacher about this BRIC. This summit was specially held for the Israeli-Palestinian issue, and it was an urgent video conference. This is also the first time that the BRICS organization has held a special summit on regional military hotspot issues , because most of the BRICS talks in the past were relatively Economic and trade issues are the main topic. The issue of war this time is security. This is the first time since the expansion of the BRICS that it has expanded the scope of its concerns to the security field and put forward specific proposals. All parties involved have participated . There are specific voices coming out, and I think they are talking about Xi Jinping. Of course, his speech is mainland China's consistent position on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. There are many specific calls for an immediate ceasefire and the immediate provision of humanitarian corridors , right ? That's right immediately. These victims are taking various rescue measures. The long-term solution is of course to have a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. This section also specifically mentions the need to implement the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I think these resolutions contain what the Arab crown prince said. This is very, very specific. He wants everyone to stop exporting weapons to Israel. This very simple sentence is what he said to the United States. Now it has not only provided a large amount of weapons, but also If we continue to provide weapons continuously, there will be only one country. So I think this meeting is a big highlight of the entire meeting. India is originally quite speculative because the relationship between India and Islamic countries has always been relatively tense , and internally it is Hinduism and its methods are very cruel towards Muslims . It is really not easy this time because India actually stood on Israel's side at the beginning of the conflict to express condolences to Israel for the trauma it suffered . However, he probably did not expect that Israel's backhand was so cruel and had caused 10,000 injuries. More than 5,000 civilians died , and most of them were children and women. I think India basically only talked about this matter but did not take any specific actions. So I feel that India did not propose more specific actions on this important occasion. It is very unfavorable for a country to become an important member of the world . I think what the president of South Africa said is actually on point. In fact, the international law of war does not allow collective punishment, which is what Israel is doing in the Gaza Strip now. So he specifically raised this point. I think it represents the international voice. Whether it is a legal voice based on international law , whether there will be a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine , especially between Hamas. It seems that it is mainly Qatar that will come out to promote peace. In fact, Qatar is the most pro-American country in the entire Arab world , so it should be that the United States will at least not interfere , so it will be Qatar that will step in. So I think this time the ceasefire is more feasible. It is more likely that the sex meeting will actually see a very important development come true. Let me ask Teacher Lai for advice. During the Kazakhstan-Kazakhstan conflict, mainland China made several suggestions. The first one was to condemn both sides for causing civilian casualties. This action, this military action Any action that is disagreeable or disapproved of must be condemned and must be stopped immediately . The second is that both sides must immediately cease fire and then engage in political negotiations . The third is to provide humanitarian assistance . The fundamental solution is two. This was China 's consistent proposition at the beginning. Obviously, the entire international community has now taken control of this voice. Most of the international community has tended to China's proposition. The United States has lost its voice . Therefore, the United States has lost its voice . Internationally, in the international community and in the Middle East society, it lost its past leadership position and was marginalized. Then it found itself in a very embarrassing role because it completely fell in favor of Israel. At that time, other European countries had also It fell into a split. For example, Von der Leyen continued to support Israel , but its foreign minister and the French president clearly opposed it, that is, they opposed Israel's continued military actions. Then the UK was in ambiguity , sometimes abstaining and sometimes voting veto. In such a naughty and ambiguous way, it is obvious that mainland China has achieved this leadership position in the entire international community. The relevant parties and related parties, that is, the entire Arab world, are related to Islam, that is, this alliance of Muslims . Including the foreign ministers of Indonesia , the foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine, as well as the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, their alliance came to Beijing together. This means that they value China much more than they value the United States, and now they control the international discourse. Then it started to promote, so the BRICS meeting came in time , and the resolution of the BRICS also created a certain amount of pressure. This also raised the status of the BRICS in the international community , which means that it has changed from the pure status of the past. Economic issues have turned to geopolitical issues. These have seen subtle changes in the international situation . Now it is the actions of the United Nations that will test Israel . Thousands of ships approaching the Gaza area and breaking through the Israeli blockade will also test Israel. I would like to ask the captain for advice. In the video summit of these leaders of the BRICS countries, the mainland leader President Xi Jinping specifically proposed three points. The first point is to immediately cease fire and war , then stop all violence and attacks . The second point is to ensure humanitarian relief channels. Safety and smooth flow means that anyone who is willing to leave now should ensure his safety. The third is that the international community must take practical measures. What are practical measures ? In fact, this month, China is the rotating chair of the United Nations Security Council. It should take action at this time. A solution. Since both Israel and Palestine now say that they have entered a ceasefire , should they organize this peacekeeping force as soon as possible ? Because it is said that it is a ceasefire, but the result is still sporadic fighting. Who is fighting whom? Only after the peacekeeping force is stationed can the two sides be dragged down . Keep a safe distance. In addition, we just saw that Anwar , the Prime Minister of Malaysia, also put forward some opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He said that in fact, he had no choice but to express his position , otherwise there would be more women and Children are being killed. We must say this. What we should really pay attention to is the country with the largest Muslim population. The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia. What exactly did Jokowi of Indonesia say? What he said is that a ceasefire is necessary for the sake of mankind . That is to say, now Whether it is the BRICS or Muslim countries or, as Teacher Lai just said, the foreign ministers of these Muslim countries and Arab countries all come to China, which represents China’s true international status at this time. That’s why President Xi said that . China and the United States can coexist and prosper on the same earth. Now everyone talks so much, but is there really any real support for Palestine comparable to the Bucha massacre that occurred near Kiev in March 2022? No, it is not comparable to the Bucha massacre at that time. As long as you turn on the TV, it will be talking about Bucha from beginning to end. Help you count how many people there are. How is that person lying down? What happened? Is there any situation now? No , so the world is still biased towards Israel, biased towards Israel . If there is, in fact, there will never be peace. Good for us. After taking a break for commercials, he came back immediately to show everyone a photo and it caught fire. It turned out that his candles were too dense because he was old, so he inserted a lot of candles and the fire was raging . Then he made fun of his age. He said that it looked like there was indeed a flaming birthday cake . He also came to the White House to hold a turkey pardon event because Thursday was Thanksgiving, so he also said that this pardon event was more difficult than getting a ticket for this star. It was just him. This star seems to have made a mistake. When we listen to it, we are also very embarrassed. How can it be 60? Well, anyway, the New York Times will talk about whether the 81-year-old Biden is really too old. The BBC will also talk about being in his 80s . Is it too old to run the country? So I see a lot of media are worried about whether Biden is too old now . Because the world is changing so fast, might there be a misfire somewhere or something happen? So I don’t know. So you see , isn’t it happening recently? This British nuclear submarine was almost destroyed. There were 140 crew members and several doomsday missiles on the ship . And then, because they kept diving, it was not until the tail was working that the engineer discovered why the numbers on the backup depth gauge were there. The alarm was triggered only when an abnormality occurred and this accident was avoided . This reminds everyone that the China Post talked about it two days ago. How could the 81-year-old Biden be shaken awake in the middle of the night to deal with the tense relations across the Taiwan Strait ? So I think he shouldn't. We are re-elected, and now we see what is reflected in the movie The Sum of Fear , because the sum of fear and ignorance will bring about a devastating tragedy. So if the judgment made by this limited cognition is easy to lead to the path of What are the consequences of a dead end? What this is talking about is, can he really cope with the ever-changing world situation at his age? Then his competitor Trump is 77 years old. He also uses letters from doctors to show off that he is very healthy. Is this right? When preparing ironic birthday gifts for Biden , in fact, even the Democratic Party , its officials and donors are very anxious, wondering whether Biden will lose the election because he is too old . Even an ABC poll showed that 74% of voters think Biden is too old now. He is no longer in office, so I am afraid that the Democratic president and the majority advantage in the Senate will all be lost . Of course, he will have to have some confrontational relations with mainland China to boost his electoral support. Now this Huida was arrested a while ago. Due to the chip ban, H800 cannot be sold as a special model in mainland China. Now he is planning to develop a new compliant chip. It is said that the development will only start in mid-November and may not be official until mid-December. Launched , but in the end I'm afraid it depends on the face of the US government. Such a chip war also lets us look at the author of the chip war. He is predicting the subsequent global situation. He said that Xi Jinping symbolizes the improvement of Sino-US relations in the past few months , not the future . It is said that the current chip war will probably lead to further competition between China and the United States. Therefore, the United States has also launched a US$3 billion plan. It is said to promote the development of advanced chip packaging in the United States and to open a front with mainland China. First, let us ask for advice. Let me introduce the teacher to Biden. In fact , this Biden is actually 81 years old. Everyone is very worried. That is to say, it is not only his current age that is a problem. Of course, this age cannot be said to be a problem. Some people are 81 years old and have a clear mind. They cannot walk. Those who can wrestle won’t often call the wrong names, right? And they won’t make gaffes. I’ve met many people in their 80s who have very clear minds . But his problem is his physical ability and mental state. There is a problem , but at his age, if he is allowed to serve for another 4 years, his mind and health will decline rapidly every year. He will be 85 and 86 years old when he leaves office , so if something happens In the third and fourth years of his second term, whether he is capable enough is a very serious question. In contrast, although Trump is not bad in age , he can eat three burgers in one meal at a fast food restaurant . He eats and drinks a lot every day to see how his health is. In fact, no matter what, he looks much better than Biden in terms of mental state and physical fitness. The actual age difference between the two is 4 years, one is 81 years old and the other is 77 years old. In fact, there is a gap between them. Distance , so I think the health issue alone is not only troubling Biden himself, it is also a difficult choice for all Democrats who hope that the Democratic Party will continue to be in power for the next four years. But so far, Biden has not done anything. This kind of concession has been expressed that he will continue to run... However, I think as the pace of the American election campaign continues to advance very quickly , Biden must make a decision, and the Democratic Party of the United States must also make a decision, because if it is delayed any longer, the candidate It’s hard to say because Jinli Harris is a box-office poison now . If you want to find someone other than Jinli Harris, it will take some time. Now everyone is guessing who it is. It’s the governor of California, Newsom, who is young, powerful , and graceful. Sometimes in this democratic politics , not only does he choose his inner qualities, but also his inner qualities . If the Democratic Party chooses him because of his appearance, in fact, it is very likely that the Democratic Party will eventually stage a drama in which a group of heroes persuades him to quit. Everyone respectfully asks Mr. Biden to accept young people to succeed him as soon as he sees fit. Now it seems that the possibility is getting higher and higher... Is this good for the world ? To be honest, it is really better because the United States is really the number one in the world. The powerful country has the nuclear bomb button again. We really hope that the person who pressed the nuclear button will always keep his mind clear and not think he is pressing something to turn on the TV . If he presses the wrong button and presses a nuclear bomb button , everyone will be ruined. I would like to ask Teacher Lai. The problem with Biden seems to be his age , but in fact the real reason comes from his old age, his language expression ability, his cognitive ability , and serious problems with his posture. Of course, we want to say that you can see him on the TV screen almost every day. This fog means that he has lost his sense of direction or suddenly does some incredible actions , such as saying that he is very close to the little girl and saying that your ears are so beautiful. ... and then get so close that we feel weird , or lying on a glass and looking at primary school students like a peeping weird old man lying there and looking, or touching the little girl's hair . These actions make people feel very uncomfortable . These moves, which are comfortable and strange. These moves, these moves, his attitude, methods in international negotiations , and his physical strength actually make the United States always want to be great again. This presents unfavorable factors because the United States is no longer great, and then the United States People miss their greatness in the past , so Americans want to be great again. But electing Trump has made Americans not only less great , but more embarrassing. Now, electing Biden has made Americans feel almost desperate. What should we do now? Well, since democratic politics is a system based on the public opinion of the majority , but more than 70% of voters say I don’t want Biden, and I don’t want Trump. In the end, these two old gentlemen still control the power. Why ? Because the minority decides politics, it is always the minority, definitely not the majority. The majority decision is a pretense and deceptive. It will always be the minority decision. Always believe in the concept I proposed. It will always be the minority that controls this country and this machine. Well, if Biden comes to the end , because now there are 56 people in the Democratic Party who do not support Biden . 56 So in the end, if the Democrats think that Biden can't win, I think based on the reality of Americans, they will put these poll numbers in front of them and say that you don't want to elect us . I think another group of people will elect Biden. It is very likely that the end result will be like this. The last thing you just talked about about Huida is like this in the United States. The chain expo held in mainland China this time is the supply chain global supply chain expo in the United States. Do you know how many exhibitors there are? It accounts for 20. What does this mean ? It is the company with the largest number of foreign exhibitors. This means that the government and companies are confrontational. Therefore, the U.S. government wants to curb China’s development, but U.S. companies want to cooperate with mainland China. In this section, companies and the government How will the confrontation between the two continue? We have to figure it out. Please ask the captain . What we saw was a vanguard-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine. Although this incident did not cause any accidents , what does this incident tell us? Tell us that this Pioneer-class submarine has actually reached a certain age. In fact, there were 4 ships in total before. In fact, our navy generally speaking is 1/3 combat, 1/3 training, and 3/3. 1 repair , but in fact it is no longer. There are only 2 ships that can be put into use now . The others are undergoing in-depth repairs or sea trials after repairs . This ship has been the latest since it was the last type of ship . It was in 1999 , which means it has been in service for 24 years now. If we look at the Pioneer class we just talked about, its first ship is called Pioneer, it was put into service in 1993 and it has been in service until now. The thing that broke this time for such an old ship that has been 30 years old is actually one of its depth gauges, that is, after it failed, it was unable to understand the actual condition of the ship. It is not like our surface ships, our surface ships can just open their eyes and see . You can see the current condition of the water surface. It doesn't work. You can only see the instrument display . But it actually doesn't just have these electronic instruments. It also has a level with a bubble in the middle. But now everyone doesn't like to use this older equipment. Do you think it has it? It must have it. Why ? Because this is a kind of protection to prevent all electronic equipment from malfunctioning. Let’s put it this way. Let’s think about our Hailong and Haihu. Our Hailong was formed in 1987. It has been 36 years now. Although we have maintained it well , we do need performance improvements . Indeed, we need a new submarine . But this new submarine does not mean that it is unsupervised. It must be supervised . It is the normal state of democratic politics. It does not mean that if you ask the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Defense will not enter the situation. If you ask the Chief of Naval Staff, the Chief of Naval Staff will not enter the situation. Then those who actually enter the situation do not need to enter the Legislative Yuan for inquiry. So what is this situation? In fact, let’s take a look . Why do submarines have such a high bonus ? In fact, our Sea Dragon and Sea Tiger also had this situation before , that is, they would dive deep for a month and only have a small amount of time to surface in between. So what we see above is everything . It’s all seaweed. This is a vanguard-class submarine. That’s a symbol. In fact, we have been saying that there is a problem with our recruitment. What kind of incentives do you give people? Your only incentive is to give money. If you give money, do you really think so ? Can it be compared with the outside world? How valuable is freedom ? How much does it cost to pay for it? So our current situation of recruiting troops is actually very difficult. Come and welcome us at this stage and join us for discussion. Guests, former ambassador, Ji Wen, Zhai Di, hello, friends, hello, international affairs expert, Professor Lai Yueqian, host, friends, audience. Hello, former navy captain Lu Lishi and Zhai Yi, hello everyone, everyone, hello. Nowadays , some big bosses or influential people in the blue camp, where there are many blue and white combinations , have come out to speak out. For example, Lian Shengwen has also come to speak out about the past . Competitor Ke Wenzhe said what a miserable situation it would be if the new trend were allowed to engulf Taiwan. Hou Youyi has been extremely tolerant for the land and people of Taiwan, so he hopes that Ke Wenzhe will still consider the heaven and earth and the common people not to miss the opportunity to launch Taiwan's third The opportunity for political reform in Poland is indeed due to the Qing Dynasty, which means that the new trend can take over. Indeed, everyone is not happy to see this situation. Zheng Liwen also said that political consultations should be carried out as soon as possible. I am afraid that in the end, a political solution will be used. But the conclusion is that when the matter gets here, both parties must not only When you speak for yourself, you must also restrain your own people from attacking the other party for no reason. The United Daily News had an instant short comment today. Just after Huang Shanshan came out to hold a press conference, he said that if the blue and white are not in harmony, both sides will lose . No matter the blue and white, there is no need to imagine that they can overtake Lai Qingde by abandoning the bail . After these critical three days of negotiations broke down, both sides suffered losses. Brother Liang also had a theory, saying that there is only one solution left, which is for Hou Ke to talk directly one-on-one. Hou Youyi directly asked Ke Wenzhe, what do you think if I ask you to be my deputy ? What kind of cooperation is needed from me? This is the only way it will happen. If it comes to this level, we really don’t want to go back to talk about polls. So the press conference held by both sides today seems to be still entangled in the poll numbers , so it seems that it is going to be. Only one-on-one negotiation will really make it possible for the blue-white alliance to become a success . Let's take a look at the double standard of the DPP. Lai Ching-de actually said that he hopes to be friends with the mainland and does not want to be an enemy . Many people know that Taiwan is independent and golden. I was shocked when he said this. It was very different from his original personality. He said he wanted to be friends with mainland China and not enemies. The Democratic Progressive Party did not talk like this before. Let’s listen to what he said first. He said of course . The DPP will not agree with the illusion of reunification. Taiwan should continue to improve international economic and trade connections to ensure that it continues to be an indispensable member of the international economy. Just a while ago, he said that he wanted to treat Xi Jinping to dinner with shrimp rice and milk tea, but he was still criticized. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council advised him to be more pragmatic. In addition, when Xi Jinping was asked whether he would attack Taiwan in 2027, he complained to the American media and said, " I have never heard of this matter." When Lai Qingde mentioned this matter, Xi Jinping said no. It will attack Taiwan , so this is a slap in the face to the Kuomintang. As a result, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council persuaded Lai Qingde to ask, " Are you hyping this matter?" Lai Qingde's explanation was to say that the apparent calm within the framework of the One China was not real peace. He said that Ma Ying-jeou was ashamed of himself. The people of Taiwan used to talk like this. What did he stand for at the time of the Ma-Xi meeting ? Tsai Ing-wen also said that the Ma-Xi meeting limited Taiwan and the choice of cross-strait relations was not to hold a press conference even if it was democracy. This is what the people of Taiwan do not want. I can believe where Ma Ying-jeou is , but now these words seem to be a direct slap in the face. Now Lai Qingde's so-called friend talk, Lai Xiaopei seems to be just a change of packaging , because Lai Qingde is actually a pragmatic Taiwan independence worker at heart , even if he changes it now Different packaging feels like you want to have a meal, drink milk tea, and be friends with someone , but the content in your heart has not changed. You are still a pragmatic Taiwan independence worker, so you have also laid the foundation for the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan and the United States. Not to mention the detonated landmines, the Democratic Progressive Party felt very radical about all these cross-strait exchanges. Let’s turn back time to the Zhang Mingqing incident in 2008. At that time , Zhang Mingqing, the vice president of the ARATS, was invited to attend an academic seminar. On the first day in Taiwan , the current Tainan City Councilor Wang Baqian called on the crowd to surround Zhang Mingqing's restaurant. Finally, Zhang Mingqing was asked to change his itinerary and even had a conflict over this body. Zhang Mingqing was followed all the way and was finally beaten. He overturned Wang Dingyu and became famous because of it. It seemed very Taiwanese and very embarrassing. This was done in exchange for his political voice. Then let’s talk about the Chen Yunlin incident. From November 3rd to 6th, 2008, Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qingde also came together. Let's sit quietly outside this famous hotel and let's take a look at these pictures. At that time, the Chairman of the Kuomintang Wu Boxiong hosted a banquet in a famous hotel for Chen Yunlin and his party . Tsai Ing-wen and a large number of public opinion representatives led the crowd to surround the hotel to protest against the police's security standards . Because of this , Chen Yunlin was trapped in the hotel until around 2 a.m. before leaving. There were many bloody clashes between police and civilians. At that time, Tsai Ing-wen was called a violent little hero because of this. Then the next day, the well-known hotel was actually besieged. I remember the incident very clearly , because I was there that night, so I also saw that filthy thing being thrown around in the air and flying around. At that time, because I was on the friendly channel, I had to take my I took off the microphone cover to avoid being surrounded by the crowd, so I remember this very clearly. The spiral of hostility was rising. But now that you have taken off your mask of hostility and pretended to be friends with others, who would believe it? What about you? Let’s take a look at the current China Post columnist’s warning : Is Xi Jinping sincere during Xi’s visit? He said that the positions of Washington and Beijing on the Taiwan issue are to go further and further. Xi Jinping’s words also expressed that His impatience with the status quo was considered a negative sign by current and former U.S. officials. Then yesterday, an unexpected situation occurred . North Korea launched the spy satellite. Fumio Kishida came overnight to carry out some related measures, which also triggered some criticism from the United States, Japan and South Korea . North Korea later announced that the launch was successful, and Japanese officials said it was an emergency release. In addition to such an alarm, we are also analyzing the results of the launch. This reminds everyone that during our military exercise around Taiwan, four missiles flew over our Taipei. In fact, our Ministry of National Defense also said that there was no such thing, but the Dongfeng missiles flew over. But in a concealed way, we didn't know until Japan told us, and we didn't respond. Now it seems that the littoral combat ships that the US military doesn't want are sold to Taiwan, and they say Taiwan will purchase them from the US. The navy was ordered to purchase these US military decommissionings from the US. Some Littoral Combat Ships are currently undergoing some purchase negotiations . The Naval Command said that in fact, there is currently no relevant plan to purchase Littoral Combat Ships from the United States. However, this tense atmosphere has been felt . Let's first ask for an introduction. The teacher said to me, I feel that the negotiation between Blue and White has entered the final stage. Of course, the time is up to November 24th, and it will be about the same. If you count it now, it will probably be less than 2 days. In these 2 days, a lot of things can happen. In fact, the negotiation It was all achieved under this time pressure , so I think now many elders have come out to speak out , and some politicians with actual political experience, whom we are very sure of, have also come out to speak out. In fact, they are all very right. That is to say, you must consider where you will place the people of Taiwan in the future. You keep saying that Taiwan wants to change Taiwan. Why don't you cooperate now that the opportunity is in front of you ? If you don't cooperate, basically both sides will definitely lose the election . Lai Qingde will be walked. It's not a walk back to home base , so there's no need to select later. The rest is all wasted work. If there is no blue-white tie before November 24th, then the result on January 13th will be on November 24th. Announced in advance, announced in advance, the negative impact on Taiwan will also start in advance , so it is a very serious matter. These two are in high positions, so they are concerned with the safety of the country. I think these are all correct. Are we still conducting polls? We are still conducting polls. Now it is political consultation. Politics should be placed at the highest level. Politics should consider the ability of both parties to compromise . Then we should consider reality and consider the commitment to the people and this land. This is the most important thing. Of course, both sides of the political consultation must compromise and make concessions, so I think it is best for the staff to withdraw at this time. These staff who are shouting over there are those who use chicken feathers as arrows . Stop shouting . I think the coaches of the two parties involved should sit down and talk face to face. This is a very important time. At this critical moment, we are optimistic about the success and we are waiting for good news . On the other hand, Lai Qingde suddenly changed again. If you want to be friends with the other side, your attitude has changed too quickly, right? He used to be a shouting and killing person all day long, and he was full of hostility towards the mainland without any pretense. Suddenly he wanted to make friends with the mainland. I checked him carefully. This is for the Times. He wants to tell the outside world , especially the Americans, how to make American friends clean up his excessive provocation and hostility towards the mainland due to his Taiwanese independence tendencies . So this is for the outside world. Speaking to the inside, I think the first one doesn’t believe it himself, right? Do you believe it? Do you believe it? I don’t believe it at all. The most important thing is that Mainland China doesn’t believe it at all. Mainland China basically said something. I think Lai Qingde needs to reflect on himself. Is it right for you? It's obviously not enough. You want to be friends and people don't believe you. The mainland says that pragmatic Taiwan independence workers are the makers of war. He chose Xiao Meiqin. Mainland's comment is that he is independent and independent. Please ask Lai Qingde. His identity was brought by his mainland identity. It will bring disaster to Taiwan , so he still will not bring security to Taiwan. He will only bring risks and disasters to Taiwan. So I think he must do well. If he really wants to aspire to the top, he must show it well with actions. Words cannot deceive people. There are also people like Wang Baqian who came to our Taiwan in the past and pushed them to the ground. Later, people like this still walked in the political arena in Taiwan. How do you make people believe you ? So this is a big problem. Action DPP Lai Ching-te wants to whitewash you. You are not Taiwan independent. You have no hostility to the mainland. Please show it with actions. Only then can we come up with effective methods for the future of Taiwan. Please ask Mr. Lai. Blue and white are combined. If blue and white are combined, we win. The probability is very high , but if blue and white don't match up, it is almost impossible to win, so you will lose everything, lose everything, and have nothing. Even if you say you won some seats in the Legislative Yuan, frankly speaking, legislators are not of much use. Let's be honest. If there are no legislators, More than 1/2 , and if they had not united into one, the legislators of the pro-national and pro-national parties in the past would obviously have exceeded the opposition party's legislative Yuan, and the president at that time was Chen Shui-bian, right? But what's the use? Because our constitutional system is The constitutional system in the Lee Teng-hui era. At that time, these Kuomintang people helped Lee Teng-hui transfer all power It is all concentrated on the president , so the constitutional system tells you that all civil and military officials, budgets, major policies, and all power are concentrated in one person. This is called the president. He does not accept any supervision and does not need to take any responsibility. If the executive he appoints If the dean of the hospital does not execute his will, he can replace him at any time. He can replace anyone he wants to replace, so everyone must execute his will. His power is so great . In this situation, everyone knows it. It is well understood that since the power of the president is so great, frankly speaking , the role of political parties is not that great. More importantly, the role of the Legislative Yuan is not that great either. That is very easy to defeat, because as long as the legislators are given a little benefit, they can settle it. Under such circumstances, if there is only one way to unite Blue and White, that is, Ke Wenzhe and Hou Youyi, two quiet and quiet people, do not want anyone else , including the party chairman, to have a good relationship with these two people. Let’s talk about it. If who is the president, he will be responsible for which area. The vice president will be responsible for which area, and his power will be directly allocated to him. That is, if I am the vice president, I will be in charge of which area, budget and personnel in that area, and all the powers. Give me everything in black and white. Everyone should write it down in a confidential file. If any party violates it, it will be published. It is a violation of the contract principle. I think we should have a good discussion on how to divide the spoils. It doesn’t matter how the DPP scolds you for dividing the spoils . It's his family's business. As long as the two of you have negotiated with him, everything that needs to be discussed will be discussed. After the discussion is over, who will be in charge and who will be in charge? Who disagrees? Because at this time, everyone must give in . It's time , so I personally think that judging from the current situation, both sides must make a big step forward , that is, both sides must give up a big step, so that both parties can get a bigger step , because only by giving in can you get a bigger step. Otherwise , you have nothing. If you lose, you have nothing. I think this truth is so clear and clear. In addition, some think tanks or experts in the United States are judging Xi Jinping and Biden . His impatience when talking about the Taiwan issue actually has a very important meaning. That is to say, Taiwan can no longer become an issue. When the leaders of mainland China have made up their minds, Taiwan can no longer become an issue hyped by foreign forces. Once you are capable and strong enough, you will know what to do. At this time, I believe you all already know the conclusion. I don’t need to state the conclusion anymore. Please ask the captain. We just saw Zhai Di talking about Xi Jinping’s denial of attacking Taiwan in 2027. Maybe the US will take this matter seriously because they don't know much about China or the strategic culture of the East. In fact, they Americans know what Deng Xiaoping said about keeping a low profile and never taking the lead. It was only very late that they understood what it means to keep a low profile and bide their time. In fact, from the high point of Chairman Xi, he did not say that it would be in 2027, but what Chairman Xi often said means that when you recruit, you can fight and you will win. That is to say, when he launched the cold start, he asked the troops to ask the Shandong ship to directly cross the Bashi Channel and cross the Bashi Channel to do whatever drills he wanted to do instead of saying that he really had to wait for a complete plan. In addition, if we look at the world from the last 12 years, this is January 10, 2022. This is what the United States Public Television said. At a high-risk meeting, Russia told the United States that it does not plan to invade Ukraine. I don’t think this matter is heard now . Does it sound weird? In addition, CBS also made a similar report. When did it report it in 2022, that is, before the special military operation on February 24? What did he say? What did he report? Russia insisted that it would not launch a war. Now it seems that these words have some truth. Isn’t it true? Now we are talking about purchasing littoral combat ships that the U.S. military does not want from Taiwan . I’m sorry, Captain, I guessed it, so you should watch the news frequently because Captain Captain once said it on this program. Why do we talk about this matter? I have produced evidence to say that it is not just two-sided talk. Let’s look at this. This is the report of going abroad on June 26, 108. This report of going abroad is very interesting. How to say that this report is very interesting? It is this report of going abroad. The report actually only does one thing. In fact, it flew from Taiwan on May 4th and arrived in Washington on May 5th. After that, he was going to attend what he was going to attend, which was a 2019 Maritime Alliance Exhibition. After the exhibition, You can fly directly back to Taiwan from the east coast. Instead of running to San Diego, why are you looking at the Littoral Combat Ship ? To make this light frigate, if all the equipment on it is the same as that of the Tajiang ship and the Tuojiang ship, then it will be better to make the Tuojiang ship. It will be better to make the Tajiang ship . Why do you want to make a light frigate and it takes so long? Isn't it the same process to make the Hero 2, Hero 3 , and Sea Sword 2 with the same equipment? So in fact, the Littoral Combat Ship is not bad , and it has reached the so-called sweet spot , which means that its equipment has been completed . There's nothing wrong with buying from time to time. Let's take a break. Be right back after commercial
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Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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