[SUB]CIA摩薩德暗殺令?習近平簽中東三國大單 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20231203 (字幕版)

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The Chain Expo just ended yesterday. The Chain Expo can be said to be the first in the world . It was held in Beijing. In fact, this event brought a lot of opportunities to China because it further strengthened the relationship with the Middle East. First of all, I saw that more than 200 agreements have been signed , involving a total amount of more than 150 billion yuan. Many companies have already booked to participate in the next exhibition. As for the Arab League scholar, he saw He further mentioned that in fact, it has brought a lot of opportunities not only to China but also to all Arab countries. What does this opportunity include? It includes data, 5G, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, AI, etc. They particularly emphasized that they hope that China will establish more in Arab countries. Logistics hubs can help them better integrate into the Belt and Road framework. When talking about the Belt and Road framework, first of all, let’s see that for the first time in the world, the mainland has accepted the Afghan Taliban to send an ambassador. This matter has been official. The move was announced and praised as a very important chapter in the development of relations between the two neighboring countries. Currently, Afghan theologians have been stationed in China and their ambassadors have arrived in Beijing. The part of the Belt and Road just mentioned is now also significant. The progress is that China has signed a memorandum of understanding with Jordan to promote the construction of the Belt and Road. Not only that, let’s look down at the China Belt and Road Network. The promotion conference has been held in Saudi Arabia. China is not only a force that does not stop at the Belt and Road. Expansion has also attracted considerable attention in the currency part , especially in the de-dollarization part. Now that China and Saudi Arabia have signed a currency exchange agreement, the promotion of de-dollarization is to reduce any further sanctions risks that may arise in the future , especially in recent years. The United States has imposed one wave of sanctions after another , so the process of de-dollarization has been accelerating. In addition, the mainland central bank has also renewed a local currency swap agreement with the United Arab Emirates . The scale has reached 35 billion yuan. In addition to currency In addition to the Belt and Road Initiative, we also see the energy strategy part. We all know that this energy part may continue to soar in the future . Goldman Sachs has said that there is a risk of supply interruption in the Middle East. Oil prices may soar to as high as 100 US dollars next year . Now in China Has the layout in the Middle East been completed in advance? Because we have seen that at the summit of this organization, Saudi Arabia , which is the oil exporting organization, has voluntarily taken measures to reduce production by an additional million barrels per day . This matter will It has been confirmed that the extension will be until March next year , and Brazil will also join the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries next month. It will also plan to open a branch in the Middle East and is expected to join the group in January next year and will not be subject to crude oil output quotas. Speaking of relevant constraints, Brazil actually plays a very important role because it is the largest crude oil producer in Latin America. It produces a very, very large amount of more than 3 million barrels of crude oil every day , which is roughly equivalent to the output of Iran and the United Arab Emirates, members of OPEC. It has come up so much and further talked about the relationship between mainland China and other countries. Isn’t the Sino- Indian relationship a bit strange now ? Especially now there seems to be some disputes. Is the United States going to further provoke? We know that in this conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan In fact, mainland China has a very strong position , but India maintains a very delicate balance. Wang Yi particularly emphasized that China is a good friend and brother of Arab and Muslim countries . In this regard, India maintains a less obvious and even a bit China has chosen to adopt the same script as more than 100 countries in the Global South , but India just mentioned that it does not have the role of neutrality . Now the US ambassador to India has made a special trip to visit the sensitive area on the China-India border . This move has also caused dissatisfaction in Beijing. I saw this because I just saw that he was visiting this place on the Sino-Indian border. In fact, this place is very sensitive because China regards this place as southern Tibet and never recognizes it as Indian territory , so it came here to shine its shoes. When you wear small shoes and prick small needles , you will be relatively scrutinized. When it comes to India, India is building a new aircraft carrier again. Is it because the United States is instigating it from behind ? The Chinese media further criticized you. You are really not suitable to compete with China now. Because your first ship was launched so many times just after it was launched. This mention means that India took more than ten years to build its first domestically produced aircraft carrier , and it was tested many times or even three times just before it was launched into the water. In fact, the situation is really not suitable for you. It would be better if you don't do it. Just target China. What you should consider first is how to offset the influence of the United States in the Indian Ocean. First, let me ask Brother Han Bing, what do you think ? I think mainland China is going all out now. In developing its economy, because everyone knows that after two years of the new crown epidemic, the economy of mainland China has also been hit hard, so it also needs to quickly revive the economy. So you can see that it is holding CIIEs and chain expos one by one. On the one hand, it is hoped that On the other hand, stimulating more advanced economic growth is actually keeping pace with the United States , because the United States has recently been working on things related to this industrial chain. However, the United States' industrial chain development is mainly to contain mainland China and prevent Sino-US competition in the future. Under the fierce situation, some industrial chains will have supply shortage problems . Therefore, the United States is completely in its own interests. But the way of mainland China is that everyone can make money and these countries have a deeper economic integration , and then let everyone can be rich together I think this is where the starting points of the two sides are quite different. So if you look at mainland China and Afghanistan, although it is of course impossible for Afghan Americans to establish diplomatic relations with the Taliban , mainland China has also established diplomatic relations with them because the United States has withdrawn here anyway. Well , let me ask you, are the people in Afghanistan not human beings? They also have the right to live. Should we just ignore them? In the same way, he and Jordan continue to promote the Belt and Road Initiative and are even cooperating with several Middle Eastern countries on currency swaps. So I think these are very important. Mainland China is taking its own path step by step and can reduce the risk of US sanctions against it and make itself more stable in the world economic system . Of course, Brazil is As a major oil-producing country in Latin America, this cannot be ignored. But in fact, if you look at it, the oil production in mainland China is actually higher than it. This is quite special. Although we have always been under the impression that mainland China is an oil importing country , in fact Mainland China's daily crude oil output is 3.8 million barrels . In fact, it is quite large , just because its domestic consumption is larger. So for Mainland China, its economy certainly depends on this crude oil as its lifeblood , so it continues to be produced here in the South China Sea. The ground construction is also a matter of protecting itself. It also constantly has fleets cruising in the Indian Ocean. In fact, it is also to ensure that its own economic lifeline is developed at sea. In fact, it is also developing on land. Recently, it is building some to Kyrgyzstan. Then the Uzbek railways are now starting to be repaired because Russia has agreed. After this is repaired, it can be more closely integrated with Central Asia. There are some places in Central Asia and there are many oil-producing countries , so it can transport oil from there . It is also developing domestically . Just two days ago, there was news that another 100-million-ton crude oil reserve was dug up in Gansu. So it itself is constantly patrolling oil sources internally, externally, and on land , because it only needs to be in If you can find its energy source on land , this transportation method will not be controlled by the United States in the future because everyone knows that the U.S. Navy is very powerful and is afraid that if your crude oil comes from the sea, it will easily be blocked by the United States . If such supply can be ensured on land , it will be less likely to be directly blocked by the United States . Therefore, mainland China continues to carry out its related strategic layout . Of course, India has always wanted to argue with mainland China over there. I am I don’t know why India has always regarded mainland China as its number one competitor . But in fact, India has many internal problems. I think it is not necessarily beneficial to itself to engage in such a competition. Captain, what do you think? That ’s included. Now that India is once again building a new aircraft carrier , are there any relevant aspects that can be highlighted ? When we say this, in fact, there are many countries , especially the G7 countries we are talking about , from the United States to Japan , the United Kingdom , and even Taiwan. Some people have been slandering the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that the Belt and Road Initiative is actually a debt trap. If it is really a debt trap, I would like to ask why Jordan still jumped into this trap after so long. It can be seen that it is not a debt trap . And what we just talked about Supply Chain Expo The countries participating in the Supply Chain Expo are actually mainly countries in the Middle East , and what it has reached is actually mainly about 5G, the Internet of Things, and AI . Why is this because the countries in the Middle East have already faced it ? It is impossible to live a lifetime by selling oil. In the future, it will also improve its ICT industry . This tells us one thing. On November 20, the foreign ministers of five Islamic countries visited Beijing. What did they tell us about their visit to Beijing? Tell us that the economic corridor from India to the Middle East to Europe that the United States talked about was blocked. Why is it blocked? You see, Saudi Arabia is blocked here , and the pink one is Jordan. So Jordan is blocked . Is it really that simple to join the Belt and Road Initiative ? Wrong. Everyone only sees the Belt and Road Initiative. Wrong. Why ? In fact, the Belt and Road Initiative constitutes a lot of economic corridors. What everyone is familiar with is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In fact, there are many more. If we look at the economic corridor a little further north , there are also economic corridors in China, Mongolia and Russia. Then we see so many corridors. The captain once said that we will wait and see in the future. There will be this one about Oceania, Australia and New Zealand. Economic Corridor Well, Wen Yue just asked a question , and he must talk about this aircraft carrier. Yes, this aircraft carrier is so small. How do you compare with the People's Liberation Army ? Everyone keeps saying that the People's Liberation Army is so small. How do you compare with Nimitz ? How do you compare with the Ford class? Using the same logic, let's look at this. What India has done before is only 45,000 tons. Look at the Liaoning ship, which is 66,000 tons. Then you look at the Shandong ship, which is 70,000 tons . It is about to undergo sea trials now. The Fujian ship has a weight of 85,000 tons , and everyone says it has been launched many times. Captain, are there really any photos here that can prove the previous times? Yes, you don’t even have a ship island. You have to tell others where it is. What are you going to do in sea trials? What exactly are you going to do in the water ? That’s it . And there are not many people who dislike the People’s Liberation Army’s ski-jump deck. They say that the aircraft can’t fly many sorties. Why doesn’t India say it? That’s why these people say these things. These are actually very double standards. From these perspectives, in fact, the next century is the century of the Indian Ocean. What we are seeing now is that India is preparing for its innovation , so it has always regarded China as one of its opponents . But You're too late because you're too late. Your economy can't get up . Even if it gets up, it's very limited . It's not just military, it includes money, energy, and the Belt and Road Initiative . In fact, China 's power in the entire world is really growing. I would like to extend my question to Brother Da Zhong. Let me continue the topic of India for a moment because the upper right corner specifically mentions the differences between China and India . To be honest, from last year to now, the whole world, including our audience, is paying attention to two things: the Russia-Ukraine war and the past. Kazakhstan conflict , but it is intriguing to compare the attitude adopted by India in these two wars. The Russo-Ukrainian War. Although there are many conflicts between China and India, they support a relatively moderate attitude on many issues , including many votes in the Security Council. Everyone in Central Europe and India who condemned Russia or supported sanctions against Russia abstained from voting and even sometimes voted against it. But we know that after the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan, we can see that India is based on the leader's personal worldview and his own most important country. In terms of interest judgment , he is actually more biased towards Israel on the spectrum. But at the same time, we can see that Central Europe is based on a more South-South cooperation attitude, and its support for Palestine is obviously much higher than that of India. This is actually very, very interesting, because to be honest, from this perspective, Palestine At the beginning of the founding of the country, India actually had a close relationship with it. In 1974, it was the first non-Arab country to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the only legal representative of Palestine. In 1988, India recognized Palestine. Sorry, India recognized the Palestinian autonomous government , but We can see that with regard to Israel, India actually recognized the independent establishment of Israel in 1950, but it did not establish diplomatic relations with Israel until 1992. The Indian government only visited Israel in 2017. We can see that it was almost the first time that its prime minister visited Israel . An Indian Prime Minister visited Israel , so it was very, very special. But after the Israel-Kazakhstan conflict broke out, we saw that Prime Minister Modi immediately made remarks on social media, highly affirming his support for Israel and condemning Kazakhstan. The attitude that Mas is a terrorist attack is actually very different from that of mainland China . Even the foreign minister of India will specifically say that its traditional policy is to support the independent establishment of Palestine and call out this so-called humanitarian crisis for Palestine . But there are A very important indicator is that on October 26, the Security Council voted to call for a humanitarian truce. However, India’s true attitude can be seen in this vote. It voted a so-called abstention. A vote to abstain is basically a vote. He has a relatively vague attitude and does not have a very deep-rooted and unflinching support for the humanitarian armistice that is supported by the majority of the world's Security Council and the international community. Therefore, it can be seen from this that India is often a It is a typical textbook example that he will make judgments based on his own best national interests. Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Kazakhstan conflict last year, we can see that the attitudes of India and mainland China are obviously different and inconsistent . And we can see that mainland China is advancing in science and technology. This part is also very scary. Now China's supercomputers have appeared , and the efficiency of this technology is so advanced that even the United States cannot see the taillights of the advertisement. Let's get to grips with this part of graphite. China's graphite export ban will officially take effect on December 12. It was officially launched on the 1st of the month, three days ago. Of course, this is a headache for Japanese and Korean car companies. However, the overall so-called export ban is mainly regarded as the U.S. export ban on advanced semiconductor equipment. Although it will affect other countries, we have seen that Raimondo warned that China is the biggest threat and called for blocking the acquisition of advanced chips. She specifically said that the Beijing authorities are the biggest threat we have ever encountered . China is not our friend . I know that the chip company CEOs here are a little unhappy because you are losing related revenue, but this is life. Protecting our national security is more important than short-term revenue. This is said very helplessly, and it also needs those who are in the authorities . Just swallow these companies and CEOs. This is life. There is no way. Please follow our government’s policies and treat China as the biggest threat. Let’s boycott it. This new battlefield in the card also includes new targets , which is to target the mainland. This thing that is going to crush the global industry is electric vehicles. Now the U.S. government has announced new regulations on subsidies for electric vehicles. If you use batteries from the mainland supply chain for U.S. electric vehicles, you won’t be able to enjoy subsidies for this thing. Sorry, okay, it’s okay. The United States Now that there are these related sanctions, how about the mainland handles them all on its own ? It ignores the US sanctions. Now it has a so-called brand new supercomputer. How powerful is this supercomputer? We have seen that whether it is a speed or Some technologies far exceed those currently available in the United States, including the so-called heart of electronic computers. They announced that in November the company successfully delivered self-produced superconducting quantum chips to some research institutions in the Middle East , and further details See related technologies In fact, it solves specific problems 100 million times faster than the so-called American supercomputer mentioned earlier. It is not 100 million times , but 100 billion times faster than what they originally had in the United States. Look at how fast this is. Amazing. This mainly talks about how it is faster than the fastest supercomputer when sampling mathematical problems. It also mentions the highest complexity that Jiuzhang No. 3 can handle in one millionth of a second. The sample requires the most powerful one in the United States. I just mentioned that the supercomputer takes more than 20 billion years. This speed is incredible when compared. Furthermore, we can see that this next-generation technology powerful engine is the patented technology of Continental Quantum Technology. There are also related The scale of investment is all about world domination. As of 2022, whether it is quantum information technology or the amount of investment, it is far ahead of Europe's US$8.4 billion and the United States' US$3.7 billion. Let's see. As for the minister of defense, the so-called cooperation between the United States, Britain and Australia focuses on deep space radar and quantum technology. During this meeting, these things were strengthened. The goal is to deal with the threat from China. Seeing that China is now going all out to sprint for what it has. The east and west are now in the Yangtze River Delta, where science and technology innovation clusters are very, very successful. Mainland China is gradually overtaking the United States, mainly because this science and technology innovation center has the so- called Wild Geese Cluster . There are 23 cities from China, second only to the United States with 26 cities. Among them , 5 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region have entered the top 100 in the world. Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Suzhou are in the first square. This is very impressive . China also specifically mentioned that the implementation of humanoid robot technology has gone from catching up to now leading the way . Let me ask Brother Han Bing what he thinks. In fact, we have said before that even after Xi’s visit, the relationship between the two parties began to show a state of relaxation. It seems that the hostility is not as strong as it has been in the past few months , but the competition between the two sides still exists. Both sides are also competing with each other. Earth fighting laws impose mutual sanctions , so mainland China actually follows its own steps in banning the export of graphite , but it is not a complete ban, that is, you have to apply to him , and then he will make a judgment based on the situation , which means he retains a certain amount of flexibility. Then decide whether to give it to you or not . So this is a process of fighting between the two sides. This will of course have a certain impact on the manufacturing of electric vehicles in countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan , but there is no way around it because basically this There has been a situation in which mainland China is confronting the entire Western system . As for Raimondo, he can really stand and talk without pain in his back. So I think this is really life. Just swallow it. Well, can I ask them if they swallow it ? Have you helped your manufacturers think about where to find a market comparable to China ? Because I think Raimondo’s approach itself is very strange . Because the United States wants to compete with mainland China. Do you think mainland China will endanger it? Your national security , but if these manufacturers fail, will it endanger the national security of the United States ? So before you ask these manufacturers to cooperate, should you help these manufacturers find a way to help them find, for example, which country can replace China? The mainland has become their sales direction , or they should hurry up and help these manufacturers negotiate other cooperation plans with other countries so that they can have a way out . As a result, you are not, you just said that you should swallow it yourself. This is life. So, may I ask, are you these manufacturers? Are you convinced? Raimondo, don’t forget that the United States is a democratic country after all. Behind these manufacturers are actually a lot of huge financial backers. Will these financial backers affect the outcome of the election? Is this what Biden wants to see? So I think Raimondo herself thinks it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t have to vote. This may be a great harm to your boss , so I think she really needs to think carefully about whether she can say this. As for Chapter Nine Three In fact, No. 9 Chapter 3 is also a process , but the process is very fast because it comes all the way from No. 9 Chapter 2 to No. 9 Chapter 3. In fact, No. 9 Chapter 2 is in 2021 and now it is 2023 and it has only appeared again more than 2 years ago. The new speed has been improved to the point where it is now more than 1 million times faster than the computing speed of Jiuzhang-2 . In fact, this is an amazing progress , but he also admitted that it is still slightly better than the Frontier , the American computer that is now the most sophisticated in the world. This difference is inevitable. In fact, he himself said that because he uses a large number of CPUs to stack them to create such a calculation result , it will only be ahead of Frontier in these specific calculation methods , but it will still lose to Frontier in other aspects. Because the core of Frontier's practical CPU is only about one-fifth of its size , under this situation, it is undeniable that the United States is still ahead in technology , but mainland China is now essentially the second China in the world. The mainland is stepping up to catch up , so it continues to invest more funds. Relatively speaking, Europe and the United States cannot invest so much money because they have many other things to do. So now you can see that Europe and the United States have adopted a trend, which is me. A single country may not be able to invest more than mainland China , so we have several countries joining together to share this resource. But the question arises. After you share this resource, can the results of this resource be shared by everyone? This is probably a problem. Because we can see from the F35 cooperation that in the end it was the United States Having mastered all the technologies, it only provides fighter jets to these other cooperating countries . In some countries, such as Turkey, I paid and then refused to provide them just because I had something that dissatisfied the United States. Therefore , there is a certain limit to cooperation with the United States. Risks exist , and in the end the technology is still in the hands of the Americans. Are the other participating countries really willing to make such sacrifices? So I think these are all problems. Of course, mainland China has been making every effort to develop high technology in recent years. Why are these researches and patents done? Because he also knows that the future world will be a high-tech world. I personally think this battle will last for decades. What do you think of Brother Li Shi’s battle ? Let’s take a look at the latest one about supercomputers. If the ranking is the latest from this computer ranking, I'm sorry that this little captain didn't do a good job even if he zoomed in and couldn't see clearly. But it's made into two and everyone probably thinks it's crazy why there are so many. The first one is the American Frontier. In fact, it just happened. What Brother Han Bing talked about about Nine Chapter Three is not in this ranking , but the 11th one is what we generally know as Sunway Taihu Light. The 14th one is Tianhe 2 and other supercomputers. Ranked 11th and 14th in the world. It’s strange why they are 11th and 14th. We are now seeing the development of these technologies in mainland China. We must recognize that one thing may have many hidden effects . Why? Because of the facts. After the mainland called out 2025 Made in China and 2035 China Standards, it resulted in a trade war and then a technology war. So now it is best to develop these without talking and just develop by yourself . So what is the development of mainland China? We actually look at the results. Okay, in addition to comparing the speed, we have to see how practical it is. What is called the result ? First , we just talked about Qian Xuesen ballistics in the previous sections. Why can Qian Xuesen ballistics be used to ride waves with Dongfeng 17 ? Why is this ballistic body ? Because it is through the calculation of this supercomputer, not to mention Dongfeng 27. Dongfeng 27 was leaked before and we only found out that there is Dongfeng 27. In fact, they are all wave-riding bodies . But the Dongfeng 17 we just talked about uses It is the launch vehicle of Dongfeng 21. Dongfeng 27 uses the launch vehicle of Dongfeng 26, so its range is far beyond the distance of Guam. In the future, when US warships enter the second island chain, they will always be thinking about whether they will be attacked. In addition to the attack of these missiles, it also has other development needs. For example, we talked about why the H-20, which we will see soon, can be made into such a curvature , why it can be made, for example, we all They all say that it may be made very similar to the B2 . Of course, like the B2 airplane, you make the airplane and I make the airplane. Since it uses the same aerodynamic principle , of course it will be the same. Otherwise , we talk about it this way. It uses these supercomputers to calculate. What comes out is the actual practicality just mentioned. Another thing is that the quantitative improvement in the performance of nuclear bombs mentioned in the 2023 China Military Power Report is also inseparable from this super computer. Let me ask again. The professor quite agreed with me . Even though the orientation meeting had just passed , it seemed that the relationship between the United States and China was relatively calm. But I think there was actually a turbulent undercurrent under the surface , which meant that we should block some of the other side's technologies . In fact, this struggle is As we continue, I would like to ask all viewers to pay special attention to AUKUS, the trilateral security cooperation between the United States, Britain and Australia, because for the United States , it is a treaty ally in the Asia-Pacific region. South Korea and Japan are the most important. In addition, everyone is familiar with the mechanism of the quadrilateral security dialogue and cooperation. The United States Japan, India , and Australia really talk about these in-depth cooperation in safety technology. Specifically, it is actually in AUKUS. It started with Australia building the next generation of nuclear-powered submarines. Now, of course, the United States will provide three Virginia-class submarines first. Then Britain will work with Australia to build the so-called AUKUS class submarine. However, recently the foreign ministers of the three countries mentioned that they need to enhance cooperation in underwater and sonar data and information, and use AI to detect some of the movements of mainland China's submarines. There is a lot of cooperation , including quantum computing, AI , and cyberattacks, etc. Because this cooperation is actually very close , and the three parties involved are all the three countries of the Five Eyes Alliance. Compared with the United States, Japan, India, and Australia, it looks vast. However , the four-party cooperation between the United States, Japan, India and Australia is more like a political or institutional dialogue platform, far less than the help AUKUS can provide to the United States, so I think in the long run Let’s look at the South China Sea and China-Vietnam relations. We also discussed the China part yesterday because Wang Yi just visited Vietnam and reached a consensus to improve the relationship between the two countries. Therefore, the two sides need to carry out discussions on Vietnam’s rare earth reserves, which is the second largest in the world . More cooperation can counter the U.S. ’s control and containment of China regarding rare earths . In particular, China and Vietnam plan to upgrade railway connections and have a new route passing through Vietnam’s largest rare earth zone. This railway will allow both parties to The intermodal transportation of materials will be smoother. Will there be a direct meeting between the two leaders soon to visit Vietnam? Everyone is also watching whether Southeast Asia will become the biggest winner of the US-China decoupling . The first is that a lot of foreign investment will not If you dare to invest , invest in other Southeast Asian countries , so foreign capital will flow in. Hitting a new high of US$222.5 billion , many investment projects in China and the United States, which are worried about being controlled due to mutual confrontation , are going to Southeast Asia. Therefore, Nikkei Asia reported that Southeast Asia’s regional strategy has become a buffer zone for competition between the United States and China , whether it is Vietnam or other As a country, Thailand is also using various favorable policies to attract foreign investment. Last year’s investment reached a new high, which also means that Southeast Asia has found the best opportunity in the confrontation between the United States and China. But what about Taiwan , or the various cross-strait relations like the Fujian Ship? Concerned about regional risks, the Fujian ship mooring test conducted by the mainland means that it is about to launch a sea trial. In this signal, there is a tense message in the South China Sea. Xi Jinping also asked China’s Coast Guard to strengthen law enforcement and protect sovereignty. The signal was sent out to resolutely defend territorial sovereignty and oceans. Rights and Interests This is because China, the Philippines and China and Japan often have small-scale frictions in the South China Sea and are worried about the risk of evolving into an expansion. Therefore, the United States also comes to escort the China- Vietnam Coast Guard to jointly tour the Beibu Gulf for the second time this year. The mainland considers cooperation in the South China Sea. Models need to be more vigilant , and China and Myanmar are also the same. Because of the turmoil in Myanmar, the navies of China and Myanmar have conducted joint military exercises. The turmoil in Myanmar has tested Beijing’s position because the mainland’s naval fleet group No. 1 has completed a four-day goodwill visit to Myanmar . Is the confrontation between the rebels inside and the government forces here already well connected, so that joint maritime exercises can be conducted? At the same time, the recent exchange of arms between the armed forces in the north and the military government is now to prevent the civil war in Myanmar from overflowing as the main strategy . The Philippines is looking for allies in Europe and the United States . Of course, the Philippines monitors the illegal presence of more than 135 Chinese ships in the South China Sea. It has a very tough attitude , so it keeps having all kinds of conflicts and shoutings . So does the United States give the Philippines the confidence to build one ? I saw this yesterday. A three-story Coast Guard station . But at the same time, not only the United States and the Philippines are also seeking a new defense agreement between Europe and France, which allows the two sides to have mutual military visits , especially the Philippine Minister of Justice and Defense said that he will seek to sign this agreement . The archipelago countries in the South China Sea are the latest to seek various cooperation , so this signing also makes the Philippines feel that there is more reassurance given by European countries besides the United States. We are looking at the South China Sea Southeast Asian countries in addition to investment. Of course, because of the confrontation between China and the United States, they have gained a lot. In addition to the cooperation of more foreign capital, there are actually a lot of mutual confrontations in the military. In fact, China and the Philippines are not called military confrontations because the Philippines has 40 ships . They are all civilian ships and their tonnage is very small. They just want to break through . So To transport building materials to the broken ship on Ren'ai Reef, I think it is possible for mainland China. The first is that they will still build the buoy to surround you and make it difficult for you to pass. The second is to mobilize more ships to come over because there were people there last time. I found that he mobilized 38 ships. In fact, there are an estimated 135 ships here. I have also read, I know, I have also seen a report in the United States that said there are 200 ships in mainland China because the South China Sea is very large. This is intentional because the South China Sea is really large. It's very big , so there are all kinds of ships from mainland China, coast guard ships, warships, and armed fishing boats. If they all gathered around and frankly said that their tonnage exceeds that of private ships in the Philippines , would it be another show to show off their muscles ? The Philippines feels like a small fight to me , so why does it keep repeating such fruitless things ? It’s clear. Because Xi Jinping is likely to visit Vietnam this month , and he will probably discuss the South China Sea Code of Conduct . The United States is clear . If you make a fool of yourself in the Philippines , just create an incident . For example, you'd better spray water on me or I have someone injured in a collision. That will make Vietnam a little embarrassed because it is the Philippines that has had conflicts with China in the South China Sea. Vietnam and China are the two main ones. Obviously, mainland China and Vietnam have probably reached the same level. In fact , the South China Sea Code of Conduct has already reached its third edition , and other countries have read it. Only the Philippines has not signed it, and now it is stuck here. Everyone knows this fact. If Xi Jinping goes to Vietnam, I think they will not only talk about the South China Sea because of the mining of rare earths, because Vietnam has really found a large rare earth mine , but whether it is mining, refining or transportation , it requires railway freight from north to south. I heard that if the railway is to be built , it will have to be built around 2030, which is a long time . And the future is whether the two sides should cooperate because the relevant extraction patents are in the hands of mainland China . It is true that the United States wants to fight , but the United States does not have the confidence. Come to compete with mainland China because there are no manufacturers in the United States that can help build railways. How do you do it? And the manufacturers of rare earth refining are almost all in mainland China. So the United States has a problem. Although it wants to have better relations with Vietnam , it really doesn’t have this project. The only thing that can't help is that he may be able to help build some semiconductor packaging and testing plants , and some American companies can invest in them . However, building railways and refining rare earths are not the expertise of the United States , so I think Vietnam is really looking for help in this round. China is not allowed , so he probably has to talk about these things because he also saw that the China-Laos Railway was opened to Laos , and then Jakarta and Bandung in Indonesia were also opened to Vietnam . He knew that from north to south, Vietnam would also be in a hurry. Until now, there is no decent railway, right? So Vietnam is not without money. In fact, the economy is developing quite well, so it is a little anxious. But it is not a high-speed rail , this is a freight railway. High-speed rail is very expensive. This railway requires about 11 billion US dollars. The last time Japan valued the high-speed rail was 58.7 billion U.S. dollars. That’s why it couldn’t be built. It’s not wrong to say it can’t be built now. So I think mainland China will still struggle with him for a while because he also tried to help him build the public construction process. The relationship between the two parties is also unclear. It’s not very good . What does the general think of the conflict in the South China Sea ? Of course, Brother Liang thinks that the Philippines is just trying to tell China that I am here , and then it looks to the United States and Europe for support. But isn’t it possible that there are so many small-scale conflicts in the event that the gun is accidentally wiped? I think the Philippines relies on the United States for support, of course, including India, Japan, and Australia. Australia has sent P8A Poseidon aircraft to help him come here to provide blessings and help him conduct joint sea and air exercises. But we look at the Philippines because this is about Thitu Island, I think these three islands include Thitu Island, Ren'ai Reef, and Scarborough Shoal . Things often happen to these three islands. However, the Philippines has not sincerely increased its defense budget, nor has it expanded its military. It only has 110,000 people in its national defense force. The Philippines has a population of 110 million , but its national defense force is only 110,000. It has not expanded its army , and it has not bought new equipment. The best fighter is the FA50. You will know that it does not even buy a second-hand F16 from the United States . His defense budget has not increased and he has not bought second-hand fighters. If so , we know that in the South China Sea, whether it is Ren'ai Reef, Scarborough Shoal or Thitu Island, air patrols need to be carried out and fighter planes can provide cover. His best aircraft are bought from South Korea. If you look at FA50, you will know what the Philippines means. The United States is supporting him, Japan is supporting him , India is supporting him, Australia is supporting him, and he has to go up. He feels that he is a little bit chasing ducks and has to become this situation. He originally wanted to go with China. If relations with the mainland are good, why should his agricultural products be sold to mainland China? His pineapples should be sold to mainland China; and his bananas should be sold to mainland China. This is how it is . But everyone supports me. No one joins the battle. I am the only one. Why is it only me? There is a relationship between the Philippines and mainland China. Japan does not have territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Neither the United States nor Australia has anything like this, so the Philippines has no choice but to face difficulties. We see that Vietnam and China also have issues in the South China Sea , but we see that Vietnam very much turns to China for its funds. One Belt One Road One Belt One Road to Mainland China One Belt One Road Vietnam also wants its economy to take off. Now the national income in Vietnam is only GDP and each person only has 3,000 US dollars. Vietnam has a large population of more than 98 million. What should we do? With such a large population , my economy needs to grow. It only costs 3,000 U.S. dollars per year. Of course, it needs money. Mainland China needs it because it is the most convenient for Vietnam. Transportation costs are the lowest and technology input is the fastest. Market supply and demand are To go to mainland China , Vietnam has to ask for help from mainland China , so Wang Yi goes there first and then Xi Jinping will arrange for Xi Jinping to visit Vietnam. With this situation , we see that there is another issue. We are talking about water resources , because Vietnam also has a very big problem. The important thing is that the upper reaches of the Mekong River is called the Lancang River in mainland China. The total distance from the Lancang River to the Mekong River is 4,000 kilometers , and of course it flows through the Indochina Peninsula . But its final outlet is in Vietnam, south of Saigon. Look at the Kowloon Bay area, which is where the Mekong River comes out to sea. Once the Lancang River is controlled, there will be less water below you. Vietnam is also an agricultural country. It also needs water resources , so they will also bring this water resource to the table . The reservoir above the Lancang River must release the water on time. In this way , it will be beneficial to the whole society. In Indochina, the water flowing into Vietnam can also be used for irrigation. Finally, let’s talk about the Fujian aircraft carrier. We call it the mooring test because in the future, it will include the J-15 and the stealth fighter J-35 . To do electromagnetic catapult , electromagnetic catapult is the most important part of the Fujian aircraft carrier because it does not have the 13-degree and 14-degree ski jump angles. It completely depends on the ejection system . The ejection has to be overcome because it is not nuclear-powered, it is traditional. The power is traditional power , which does not have such a large voltage. This electromagnetic ejection can make 20 metric tons accelerate from 0 to 280 kilometers per hour. So it has made breakthroughs in this experiment . I judge that if its ejection system can break through it The threshold of technology is that within one to two years, the Fujian warships will be ready. Professor , we are looking at the confrontation between China and the United States . Of course, many countries will suffer , but the beneficiaries seem to be Southeast Asian countries because of the transfer of a lot of foreign capital or in diplomatic relations. In terms of resources , Southeast Asian countries have to form separate cliques , so they have different opportunities. Indeed, because Southeast Asian countries benefit from both sides, they do not offend mainland China , and then they seek the support of the United States . So why they can benefit is them. take a Very flexible. For example, we have talked a lot about Vietnam . In fact, we used to think that East Asian countries rely on China for their economy, security and military, and the United States. In fact, Vietnam is very close to the mainland economically , but it also cooperates with the mainland in terms of security. In fact, people may have overlooked this aspect of interaction . For example, their coast guard and their navy jointly patrol the Beibu Gulf every year , because the Beibu Gulf is a sea area between mainland China and Vietnam. This place is because in In 2000, they crossed this border , so they started joint patrols in 2006. Of course, they were to crack down on some of these things, whether it was piracy or avoid cross-border crimes here. But this thing started in 2006. Now it is very stable twice a year. Even if the two sides conflict in the South China Sea, they continue to jointly patrol here. So you can see that their military cooperation has always existed. In fact, in the relationship between Vietnam and mainland China, you may think When I think of it, it means party-to-party relations , but there is also a lot of cooperation and exchange between their military, security, and police departments. Because to this day, Vietnam is still a country ruled by the Communist Party and a one-party dictatorship . So a country under the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship is facing the entire world. In integrating with Western countries and then cooperating closely with the United States, he will also worry about whether the United States will adopt a peaceful evolution towards him . In fact, the Viet Cong will also have this worry . Of course, it will naturally need to strengthen its so-called law enforcement with mainland China. Good security or even cooperation with the CCP in mainland China in terms of party building . So you see what identity Wang Yi used when he went to Vietnam. When he met Nguyen Phu Trong, who is the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, what was his identity? He first said that he is a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China. In fact, there is another point that everyone should pay attention to. Vietnam and the United States have previously established a so-called comprehensive strategic partnership. He specially sent a special envoy to mainland China to communicate and reassure mainland China . Of course, what is the identity of the other special envoy ? He is the Minister of Public Security of Vietnam, so you know that the connection between their public security departments is very deep. This year, if Xi Jinping goes to visit from December 14th to 16th according to the current plan, Vietnam will become This is the fourth country that Xi Jinping has visited this year. You can see its importance . The CCP regards this place as very important . Firstly, its neighbors. Secondly, in terms of its military, that is, in terms of its national defense and security. The third one is very important economically , because a lot of investment goes to Vietnam and exports from Vietnam to the United States. So I think from these aspects, the cooperative relationship between mainland China and Vietnam will become more and more extensive and deeper in the future. It’s getting better and closer . Let’s look at the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan. The ceasefire lasted for a few days. Now the war has resumed, and then a larger-scale attack has been launched again . The conflict continues to cause deaths. But what will happen next in this war between Israel and Kazakhstan ? Development: I don’t know what the plan Israel is shouting about now . Netanyahu ordered Israel’s top intelligence agency to make a plan to hunt down Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas in Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon . In other words, in addition to the continuous bombing, The so-called killing of the most important leaders outside this area is a repeat of the fate of Kharafat Arafat, who had different translations. The United States and Israel will jointly demand the expulsion of Hamas fighters. Is Gaza a way to shorten the war under consideration ? Use the example of 1982 to allow the troops or military aid led by Palestinian leader Arafat and others to leave Barut . Let them repeat history like this. Can Hamas's future troubles be permanently eliminated? But the situation here seems to be very different. Is it that simple? Even Reuters reported that Israel has told Arab countries that it is preparing to establish a buffer zone in Gaza after the war . That is to say, Egypt and regional sources said that it has notified several Arab countries on the Gaza border . If this buffer zone is set up, it can prevent future attacks. This will also be part of the possible proposals after the armistice. Saudi Arabia , which has no diplomatic relations with Israel, Saudi Arabia received the notice , so they also said that Saudi Arabia is promoting the normalization of relations with Israel under the mediation of the United States , but the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must call for a halt to the war as a priority. When will the ceasefire be announced? Is the pace getting closer? It's close , but because the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has seriously affected Biden's own election in the United States, he has to rush to stop the bleeding and find a way to stop the war? Because Muslim voters, including those in swing states in the United States, are so dissatisfied with Biden that even Recent poll numbers that are impacting his election are becoming increasingly pessimistic. For example, Muslim leaders in swing states in the United States held a meeting in the suburbs of Detroit. This is what happened on the 3rd and vowed to withdraw support for Biden. They are dissatisfied with Gaza. Biden's handling of the conflict warned that he would lose the support of the Arab-American community and even the entire impeachment investigation related to his family and children. Another opponent will be voted on in the near future. Trump, who is currently leading Biden in the polls, is about to be convicted and has so many crimes currently under investigation because he says he is being hunted politically. Therefore , there is still a high chance of winning the primary and he will represent the Republican Party in 2024. Will it change its support for Trump? And now in the U.S. House of Representatives, Republicans have made several records that have created history, including the removal of the speaker of the same party and the expulsion of colleagues . This is a relatively unstable political period , but Biden has to rely on resistance to China. To save votes? This includes drastically reducing China's supply chain , including restricting battery electric vehicles. Even the U.S. Secretary of Commerce forcefully shouted that democracy and the rule of law must prevent China from obtaining advanced chips. The biggest threat we encounter is China. My friend, this is becoming more and more obvious. Is this also a way to boost votes in the election ? But in the past, in October, the United States announced that it would comprehensively restrict the export of supercomputer parts to China , etc. But the mainland On the other hand, it was announced that the so-called nationally produced chip performance is the second in the world. They announced the new supercomputer Shenwei Ocean Light. They showed that the performance they are building is higher than that of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Laboratory, the most powerful in the world . So this cutting-edge supercomputer Even though the United States emphasizes the use of legal restrictions, it is still preparing to make an appearance. From the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan, it seems that the problems Biden is facing are really heavy now. I feel that the United States has repeatedly betrayed international trust because in fact During his three visits to Israel, Blinken said that we must not fight in the south. Now Israel wants to fight in the south , that is, in southern Gaza. Now he has chosen two places to start fighting . The fighting has started on the Rafah border in Egypt . There is another place , a relatively large city called Younis, who also started to fight against Blinken. Your authority has completely collapsed. Now he has changed his mind. Do you know that he changed his mind and said that he hopes Israel will distinguish between civilians in the new wave of war ? How is that possible? Here it comes again . Today, the American media also said that the United States is preparing to provide the United States with a large number of bunker bombs, and give it the kind of bombs that can open up that bunker. He said that the United States will simultaneously transport such bunker bombs to Israel and on the one hand, deliver more humanitarian bombs. The arrival of supplies to Gaza is simply inexplicable . It is both a god and a ghost. Moreover, the humanitarian resources in Gaza cannot be transported at all. Now that the war has started, how can you transport it? So this kind of thing, you know what is behind it being controlled by Israel or the Jews. So let me tell you that next week you will definitely see the Democratic Party become radicalized again and start to fight back. The Biden administration is like this , because in fact, everyone knows that it has been divided , and you have already warned Israel that you cannot continue. He attacked the southern part of the country , and he attacked directly to the Rafah border, which was to the Egyptian side. So obviously his strategy was this , that is, he wanted to attack the largest city in southern Gaza. We talked about Younis, and then he attacked the border. He said that the border was full of He has to completely cut off all kinds of smuggling tunnels. Then, as you just mentioned, Israel and the United States jointly advocated that if you leave, you will repeat the history of Arafat's expulsion. As a result, a large number of Palestinian guerrillas fled. Going to Lebanon and going to the east bank of the Jordan River is history repeating itself , so people are right to suspect that the United States is colluding with Israel. You just want to eat up Gaza . Didn’t he tell Arab countries to build a buffer zone? This is what he wants. Establish a military government , otherwise how can you set up a buffer zone ? If there is no military government, how can there be a buffer zone? Then if you want to fight again , you have to hit it until all its possible defense facilities and attack facilities have been wiped out by you , and then you will have no place to hide. Then I will make a message saying that you should leave here, and then he will say that this is a humanitarian measure. I will let you Hamas leave , and then we will create a Gaza without Hamas. The military government in Gaza must be what Israel wants to establish . This is a complete violation of the promise , let alone the so-called humanitarian issue. In fact, more people are continuing to fight in the war. After the ceasefire, go back to the starting point. Take a break and come back soon . Welcome back. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has now entered a conflict. How is it going to be resolved ? Is it a headache for the United States to continue to fight south? The so-called plan may be drawn up to expel all Hamas people. This phenomenon may be the next development of the situation. I think if Israel wants to take action against the Hamas organization , It's not that simple to kill them all because they all went underground and dispersed to other places. It turned into a long-term war. It may not be beneficial to Israel. The first thing Israel faced was economic pressure. Israel has a population of 9.5 million , but it has a population of 9.5 million. The national income is now 52,000 yuan. Now during the war, everyone has run away and divested. They have divested because they are no longer good. Sometimes it is not just the Hamas organization in the north. Sometimes Lebanon also attacks him with rockets. Sometimes when Syria comes over , in the Golan Heights, which we call Syria, there are also artillery coming over. Sometimes, the Youth Army of the Houthi organization in Yemen also shoots missiles and hits Israel. This is how Israel becomes . One is unstable. The other is under unstable conditions. Look, let’s take the United States as an example. The United States is in the war in Iraq. And the war in Afghanistan has dragged the United States down. The national debt of the United States has been rising. Why is it because he used troops in Iraq ? Because he used troops in Afghanistan, Afghanistan did not withdraw its troops in Afghanistan in 2021 the year before last. The United States withdrew its troops. So now it is the Taliban regime, which controls the entire Afghanistan , but the national debt of the United States has increased. Is this the case now in Israel ? Israel is also facing international pressure, because it is not just the Hamas organization, 22 Arab countries in the Arab world , including Muslim countries, 47 of them are Muslim countries. There are 47 Muslim countries in total. There are now a total of 1.8 billion Muslims . Our current world population is only 8 billion, but 1.8 billion people are Muslims . The largest Muslim country in Southeast Asia is Indonesia. Indonesia has a population of 270 million. There is a second one when we talk about Malaysia. Malaysia is also a Muslim country. In other words, Muslim countries are very influential in the world. Will Israel have this influence ? And we know that Muslims in the United States have these Muslim Arabs will also put pressure on the U.S. government . So you see, if Biden is elected at the end of next year, Biden will also be unstable. Why will these Arab or Muslim immigrants in the United States also vote against it? Going to another Republican Party will have this situation , so it will have this kind of impact on the American political situation. So if Israel continues to wipe out the Hamas organization, I think it will be very difficult. What it will face is the domestic situation. Pressure , international pressure , and pressure from economic growth are all problems. In addition, we talked about the U.S. sanctions on mainland China. We talked about chip sanctions. Sanctions on advanced chips may have a certain degree of effect , but they will not affect maturity. The manufacturing process is not as good as Huawei's mobile phone, the Mate 60 Pro. Is it still effective when it comes out ? Why can I make a good mobile phone as long as I use mature process chips ? So some things like this have alternatives . Partial substitution: using mature chips to replace advanced chips. This has certain substitutability. The effect of the United States’ technological containment on mainland China has become relatively limited. Let’s take a break and come back soon. Welcome back because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has also affected the election in the United States , especially Biden's attitude, which has caused a review of Manchuria University in China. Professor Zuo said that in fact, the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is that the Democratic Party is the first one. It is a multi-ethnic group , so immigrants and other minority groups are all It is a traditional supporter of the Democratic Party. Secondly, the Democratic Party has a very strong progressive flavor , so they think that the so-called international cooperation or ethnic reconciliation are the goals they care about and pursue . Therefore, it can be imagined that under the Biden administration in the United States, It is conceivable that the elites in the Democratic Party will have a lot of dissatisfaction when they are unable to resolve the Israel-Kazakhstan conflict. But now they mainly see these Arab voters , because now they want to convene a convention of these people. From Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania , and Florida, these are so-called swing states . But in fact, someone did a calculation and found that the impact is really big. For example, Michigan last week Biden won about 150,000 votes last time. But how many Arab voters are there ? 270,000 in states like Georgia and Arizona.
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Id: jem15_YbgX0
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Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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