Styling Short Hair | Using a Flat Iron

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okay the time has come short hairstyle using a flat iron that is what we're rolling out today it has been a hot minute since I showed you this and I'm so stoked because this is what I personally call the flat iron flip the flat iron flip is we're going to take this right here just a flat iron all we're using today is a flat iron and my short hair but I'm going to show you how to make this flip it's so quick it's so easy it's a little bit funky it's going to give just a light wave with your short hair and you're gonna love it let's do it right now I'm Jocelyn McClellan if you are new here welcome to this channel make sure you subscribe if you want to see more hopefully that I can you will feel that I provide content for you that you can really learn from so let's rock this puppy out and make sure that this short hairstyle is quick and easy to the point that is how I roll I have a haircut right now where everything is pretty much a blunt cut but there is internal layers so I can have a little bit more volume without seeing um solid layers all right first things first is you definitely have to go into this hairstyle with um parting it out and making sure that you have things out of your way because we are moving through it so quickly one tip for you is if you're starting out with having dry hands and tis the season for staticky hair you're gonna put a little bit of lotion on your hands before you start it out all right I got my moisturizer ready to rock and roll this just helps it so that your hands aren't sticking to it and you can do it and it just tames it down too so I went through and I blow dried my hair and made things straight but since I slept on it after the fact we're just gonna go through and make sure that the ends are nice and under how I want the ends and then making sure that everything is how I want it to be done before I go in I'm not hitting it on the whole entire hair shaft because I don't want to lose my ability to hold a curl so if you go in and flat iron everything first your hair won't be able to have that curl like you want it which is defeating the purpose of your quick hairstyle so we're gonna start it out now first things first is when I do the underside I'm going to keep closer to this top part right here and then as I come through it's just flip and bring it down so you just do one flip and bring it down they're all gonna show up like be different with how you flip it because the goal isn't to make it the same the goal is to make it to make it even it's going to be such a light easy quick hairstyle foreign so I'm using a titanium flat iron you want to make sure titanium is the way to go if your hair does not hold the curl easy or it's definitely not Virgin Hair you want a ceramic flat iron if you have virgin hair super fine baby hair and it holds a curl just fine so my daughters prefer a ceramic flat iron butter and I prefer a titanium okay we're just gonna go through and make these little flipper rooskis so I seriously just called the flip and the reason why I call it the flat iron flip is because you're mostly just kinking it and then bringing it down okay and so as you go through and the hair is going to get longer and longer you're staying close to the scalp you're gonna see that I'm still keeping that flat iron flip but well we might have to make adjustments once I'm done um doing the the wave I still call it curl I mean if you're raised in my era where you're curling your hair sometimes I'll be doing all this and somebody will harass me because they're like those aren't curls those are waves and I'm like okay well I'm doing it with a curling iron and when I talk to people I don't say I'm waving my hair I say I'm curling my hair whether or not it turns out to be more of a wave or not I say I'm curling my hair so that is what we're gonna call it wave or however you like to see it as we move on up and these flips are just gonna start doing their own thing again this is like such a light wave that you're doing so it's not going to be very intense it's going to be pretty dang minimal and we're just adding texture and body and a little bit of Funk let me talk about really quickly why we go through this so before you blow dry your hair you are going to have less likely chance that your hair is going to start or turn out when you don't put product in your hair before you blow dry I know that we want to be able to have healthy hair and I gotta be honest with you I don't think my healthy hair would have come had I not been using protection for my hair and also using other things that can help smooth the hair and take care of the hair so you want to have things in your hair before you blow dry so I take care of those and I do have a Blog and I'll put in the blog you can see what I put in my hair before I blow dry it you can that blog is kept very current so if you're seeing this video three years down the road that blog is being kept very current with what I currently use with what I put in my hair before I blow dry and watch so about when I get right here I'm going to take this product this is the Stardust dry shampoo from launch I haven't seen a product like this that I really like there are texturizing powders but I and probably you are I will put a little too much in and I can't take it back I've had freshly washed hair and I've completely hosed myself so this just sprays that into the hair that one I sprayed a lot it's a brand new thing and I'm used to spraying my older ones so I'm gonna I'm gonna simmer on down with that and just do a little bit so I put in this to create more texture within the hair so one little one little poof is all you need so it is for dry shampoo but it adds texture it adds volume and then I like to take the Moroccan oil luminous hairspray it's a finish in a medium so it's not a heavy spray and I like to do this throughout the hair as I go so we just are creating that texture in that volume and see how it looked like I was seriously doing nothing to my hair when we were getting going in it and now it's like oh my gosh it's it's seriously coming to life and it just adds that texture it just adds that fun and it's a quick hairstyle part it off I love this one it's actually been a hot minute since I've styled it in this way especially in a tutorial so I'm super stoked for this because we can go back and find old ones that I did but it's been a hot minute okay so we're getting closer and to the front I will now that we're getting closer um sorry the hair is longer because we're not working in the underneath so I will go not so close to my scalp so I'll do like mid shaft and do that flip and I'll have these ones be at different lengths this one will go up higher and so that's going to change the the overall look of the hair as well and then on each side I try and do it kind of like I did before but you gotta pay attention to how your hands take it because your hands take it differently that's why you always feel like you have two different things going so if you can kind of pay attention how this wrist moves and how this wrist moves otherwise don't care that they're not the same on both sides and even when you try like crazy they're gonna be different your angles are different your hand hold is different um because of that so notice when I do this flat iron flip um how I style this Bob is by making everything so I don't go round and round so if you've seen somebody use a flat iron to curl their curls are going round and round and round all the way through where this one is seriously just coming doing that flip and then coming out and so that's the difference in the two we're not going round and round we're just getting it just one little round piece okay and I'm going to spray that with the spray like I said it is so fast okay then we're on as we come to the top let's take smaller sections and again some are gonna be low and some are going to be high okay smaller sections so we have more character with it take this one and break it in half then the back and how I know if I got the back because I'm never doing it with a mirror behind me is I just kind of turned my head and it's funny how like your hair will move because it's it's no it knows it's not being tied down from other hair so things will kind of just you'll be able to tell sometimes you might miss one but you pretty much get it um I mean yeah you can grab a mirror and look in the back but I can usually gauge and tell if I got all the hair now I'm just going to come in with that dry shampoo powder again get it up there and then chill out any of those hairs so I'm actually going to turn around oh I want to show you something one more thing really fast so this side's pretty good but this side do you see how it kind of looks flat right here so if that happens and you do this to your hair and you're like okay then there's body like this isn't working all you have to do is where it looks flat take those pieces and now you're going to do that flat iron flip just down lower okay so you're just going to grab random pieces just down lower and then that like wakes it up [Music] oh yeah totally better [Music] if you want to change your part if you want like whatever you want to do you can do with this seriously the coolest hairstyle so if you wanted to go in add pieces make it more PC you could always use a Pomade you could use some type of texture spray but adding in the um the dry shampoo paste that gives it good texture but you could come in with a texture spray I don't like texture sprays a ton with having more on the fine hair I feel like for me they're just not my favorite but we can do it however your heart desires you can do so this one's probably one of my favorite texture sprays even though I told you they're not my favorite but if you have more medium um hair or thick hair a texture spray I think you'd like more with having more fine hair I have to be careful with what I put in my hair and that's why I really like adding in texture so if you feel like you're in the fine Department medium to fine um using like this dry shampoo paste or powder sorry it's so helpful because it's not weighing down with oils and these have oils in them the texture sprays so all I really put into it was a medium hold and the dry shampoo powder but I can definitely go in with a Pomade and make this even more fun if I wanted to or you could save that for day three hair or day two hair um if you're trying not to add too much to it from the get-go okay that's all she wrote so here is that hairstyle I took my short hair I only used one hair tool I used my straightener today for this I wanted to show show up for you today and we're styling the short hair giving you a feel for that sense I have not been posting as frequently I apologize we're getting we're getting through that we're working through it it takes a long time to post a YouTube video let alone make a YouTube video so anyways if you're not following me on this page then give me a follow if you would like you can subscribe to this channel you can make sure that you comment on the videos I try to get through through into the comment section and see what's going on and see if there's a way that I can help you can always email me at Jocelyn and then on uh on Instagram come and say hi get into my DMs I try there's always one we've never written before if they're on the hidden messages I try so hard to find those so Instagram is Jocelyn dot McClellan and then Facebook is a fit Mission makeup with Jocelyn McClellan and I always go live and be more in depth with my tutorials on Tuesdays and Thursdays with other ones in the in the mix where they're shorter smaller um to be able to give more help so thank you so much for watching this tutorial and we'll talk to you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fit Mission Makeup Jocelyn McClellan
Views: 552,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: styling short hair using a flat iron, flat iron dos and donts, how i use my hair tools, how to use hair curling tools, best tool for curling hair, best curling tool for short hair, best hair curling tools short hair, how to curl short hair with a flat iron for beginners, how to curl short hair with a flat iron, short hair curling techniques, short hair beach waves with straightener, short hair waves tutorial, short hair tools for curling, flat iron curls, flat iron hairstyling
Id: XO1vKTXSz8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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