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[Music] hi and welcome to this week's video it is in fact the hair tutorial inspired by two things number one Christmas parties and number two you all responded incredibly favorably to my hairstyle in last week's video which was my top ten girlfriend gift guide on a budget and I'm honored and flattered that you like the new do with the bangs and the waves that I put in so her requests I am here with a wavy fun hair tutorial which i think will work really well for a holiday party it incorporates one of the latest trends which is sort of that beachy wave but the ends are a little bit straight it's it's quasi messy quasi controlled it's a hybrid type of a hairstyle very very simple to do so I'm starting at scratch here my hair has been blown dry and it is relatively straight and I had to do that because with this particular style you want the ends of your hair very smooth and if I let my hair air dry there would just be too much kink and curl going on so I had to smoothen out the bangs are pretty much straight let me turn around just so I can show you the nature of this cut it is a bob but with a lot of kind of choppy long layers and that's really important when you want it and get some curl and wave going on there you need a little bit of a lift because if you don't have layers in there what happens all of this it's very flat and then you get wide here at the ends this way you get movement and you get some height and I I'm just one of those gals who likes to have height in her hair so anyway layers are long it's a little bit shorter here at the crown and then it has more layers in the back then say the front and the side the bangs as you know I did myself and I just sort of cut in a little triangle right here and did in a little kind of side long ish bang so anyway I'm dry what I used to dry was the usual got to be fantastic by Schwartz cup for volume I also used because I'm having to use a lot of flat iron curling iron to create this look got to be has a product called guardian-angel and it's for those high heat styles for flat irons that can get up to 450 degrees this is a protectant so before I blow dry I spray it all over my hair most especially the ends and in particular the blonde ones because they struggle in high heat and then next I'm going to do two things first of all I will grab a little brush right here now I'm going to create some lift so it's not so flat and for that I've got my velcro rollers on standby so I'm going to take my hair it's it's almost a center part but in this case just a tad bit off-center and I'm going to go right here along the part line maybe about an inch in thickness and I'm just going to wrap this around the velcro roller you may not need to secure it you may just pop in a little clip I'm going to do the same okay stinker get over here okay yeah yeah okay that's what little boys like to do in YouTube videos okay you may be excused now that you've pretty much given me a heart attack oh cool thank you Stiles okay so now you take the next section and you you move on back and take this and wrap your hair around it and stir it I wonder if Santa saw that too Betty doesn't believe in Santa anymore okay next section right here and again just going around the part line secure and the same thing for this back section and just lock it down now I'm gonna hit the just the root here with hairspray and because I will curl these areas but I'm just looking for a little extra volume at this point so you take your blow dryer high heat and just warm the root and that's it and then you're going to let it cool and we will save these guys for last and curl them at the very end okay moving on I have a flat iron this one's by cloud9 I have it almost to the highest heat but not quite and then I have a Hot Tools curling iron inch and a quarter barrel up to the highest heat and you can I just I brought both out to show you that you can create this look with both a flat iron and a curling iron the flat iron makes it just a little bit more modern in that I'll show you so you grip it here you create a little bit of lift at the root start pulling and twisting it through and then you can leave your ends out just a tiny bit and it's just more of a modern kind of a wavy look with the ends that are straight which is what's really popular these days if that's just a little too messy for you and you like more of a controlled curl just use your curling iron same thing lift it at the root and then just pull it through and then have your ends wrap around the barrel as well for a more curled type of a look so anyway it's it's up to you I just wanted to present both options for you and and then you can choose which way you want to go but the key here is you lift at the root and that's where most of your heat is going and then you just swivel it through and then release and you're just going to section it off I start with my upper layer heat at the root and then just keep twisting pulling it through and release and then we're just going to let these cool I'm just going to work my way around my head and you can also with a curling iron leave the ends out and create a similar look as well so you just need to play around with it and find what style you like best right right but I'm just actually it's it's interesting if you mix the two you can do flat iron curling iron flat iron curling iron and then it's not so uniform so I leave that up to you as well but I I like showing options every girl needs them okay and you just gently move those aside grab the under section same lift at the root because again you do want to create some volume at the roots you don't want it to be just flat and you can play around you can do some forward some backward if your hair is longer I would recommend that I think that makes it more interesting as well doing it in different directions as opposed to one you're a little bit more limited when it's shorter like this so now with these under layers it'll get tricky because you don't have as much hair to play with so what I will do for instance you know with this little section I can try to get a little bend to it and I make it a little bit there but the under ones I just sort of take them and I kick them out let's kick them out gives a little bit more volume in the back so the hair won't lay so flat against the nape of your neck it makes it look like you've got bigger hair which all of these waves and volume will most certainly create so I'm just kicking ends out okay I need to cheat take a look at the back of my hair here make sure I don't have any holes in my head yep all right so now that these have cooled the primary purpose was just to create volume at the root so now you're going to take these out and the ends of your hair will be straight because velcro rollers aren't there to put curl in your hair they're there to give you lift and volume so now that you have these you can either take your curling iron a flat iron whichever and just roll them in the same direction that you have everything else going in these front hairs I tend to roll back a little bit almost there and with the top ones I'm going kind of up at the crown and then rolling back okay and then I'm going to let these guys cool before I touch it and I need to grab one product food memento okay I'm back couldn't do it without my living proof amp to finish up the look okay so at this point before I even piece it out or do anything I'm going to add even more volume I'm going to make a huge and then you can bring it down to whatever size you want but you take a little bit of this product it's kind of white and creamy and I'd say no more than a dime size I'm going to take it rub it through palms in my hands you go upside down with this you grab from almost the root and pull it straight out because what you're doing is you're creating lift at the root lines here we go almost there now I'm going to flip it back and this is when you take your hands and you just start getting everything into place I see you Stiles he's trying to scare us again but it won't work okay and so this leaves you with that nice kind of beachy messy wave and you can even your hands still have a little residual product you can take it and just sort of scrunch it at the ends and this is a good time to separate so where you see you have if you have highlights and lowlights you can take your color and you can separate them to really showcase the contrast in your hair color I've get your bangs in place and these guys go in and just sort of work run here no brushes no combs no teasing no nothing you are simply using your hands at this point and then when you get everything where you like it you're just gonna take your hairspray really I had to shoot this video on a day he was home I think I love you okay all righty so you take your hairspray and you uh you hit it huh you just hit it but again you see how sort of loose and wavy this is it's it's a controlled uncontrolled kind of a look which is what makes it so modern so just take it and when you get things where you like it hit it spray from underneath get hair in its place and just knock yourself out okay so I'm going to turn around and you can see and you can play you can play with part lines you can do whatever you want if you want more of a center part you can do that you know these things are totally up to you and you can also tweak I mean for instance if I think this one's getting a little too crazy or sticking out too much which it might be I can take my flat iron and I can start to smooth it down or if it needs a little bit more of a twist I can do that to get a little more curl in there so you just kind of play with it as need be there you go a very fun party look for Christmas capitalizes on the bangs you can do straight down you can do to the side just play until your heart is content okay so I I hope I'm doing all right back here I'm trying to cheat with this little back mirror but I just sort of want you to see all angles of what's happening and it's always best just to take your hand and pull so you don't we always get holes right in the round here so just take it and pull it and and that's it and you are ready to go for any holiday party that might come your way or if you have a bob with bangs and you haven't quite ventured out into the wavy messy look well I hope that this is an entree to a new look for you and just play experiment have fun in your bathroom that's how I got here and that's how we all get here when it comes to finding our signature styles whatever they may be anyway comments and suggestions below I hope you are enjoying December getting ready for the holidays and have all kinds of fun things planned because that's what it's all about it's about celebrating and being with family and enjoying the joy of the season so go out this week after you follow me on social media please and we stay connected be bold be blessed and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 2,022,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, hair tutorial, messy chic hair, short hair, short hair styles, bob hairstyles, messy short hair, wavy short hair, wavy hair tutorial, wavy bob, easy hairstyles, easy hair tutorial, mature hair, mature hairstyles
Id: tfajEWnrpVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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