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okay I'm about to reveal the step-by-step process that I use as a stylist to style a bob haircut this is the exact process that if you were my client I would actually teach you so that you could address all of the normal concerns that come up with styling a Bob at home now if you haven't already checked it out I did a makeover a couple of weeks ago on an awesome woman named Lori and that video took an incredible turn I had no idea it would take I'll make sure if you haven't seen it I'll go ahead and Link that in the description so that you can check it out as well as in the pin comment and this is the exact behind this seen kind of video of me explaining her step byep how she's going to style her hair at home there's a bunch of little tricks that I've learned in my 30 years as well as some stuff that I promise you've never heard before but either way sit back and relax and enjoy the walkth through okay so the process is going to be I'm going to walk you through how you style your hair but I'm going to have you do some of it there's some specific things that I need to make sure that you do correctly again understanding that you're going to be doing none of this over the next 6 months but I want to give you a little bit of foundation for when you do get home you'll know what to do so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to add some sort of volumizing now I realize that you don't want a lot of volume regardless right like even you know just on of day-to-day when you're really styling it we don't want to see a ton of volume but we want to little something and it's not so much to get it big it's just to give us a little bit of control um and really anytime we're talking about volume or control meaning like if you want this to stay back off your face control lift volume they're created from the same thing and the same thing is essentially Bend okay Bend is going to do both of those things for you so what we want to do first if we're going to use any product to create any Bend or controller volume want to make sure that it's an even amount of moisture throughout the hair so in this case we've been cutting it so it's gotten a little bit dry but you can see it's damp like this is towel dried and then if you let it dry right for a while and that's a little bit too dry for us so I'm going to go through and I don't need it dripping wet but I want to just kind of get the moisture levels more even so that at least when I put the product in it distributes evenly throughout the hair my favorite little volumizer brush here so we'll comb through this just to make sure again that it's all evenly damp first thing first you can use either or okay I know that some people think that you need to use these in a specific order I don't honestly know that there's a big difference I'm finding either way so you can either use the volumizer first and then a heat protectant or heat protectant first and then a volumizer today I'm going to be using a volumizer first and then a heat protectant actually you know what I'm going to have you put your hand out I'm going to have you do this so that's what we're going to start out with okay now let that foam up a second just because it's a moose so moose isn't need that time to kind of reach actual full foam okay now start working that through your hair just like you normally would okay because we're trying to get this through every hair on your head you're fine with the way you just applied it I would typically say though the one thing you want to pay attention to is try to start back here okay because most of that product is going to come off when you first hit your head right and if most of it lands just in the very front you really want volume back here in the crown so start where you want that but yeah you the second place that you went was right back here so we did get a good amount of saturation back there so I'm not very stressed about it now because this is a bob specifically because this is a bob shape we don't need a lot of volume in the nape okay right and so therefore if you don't get a lot of product in the nape you're going to be okay and you didn't just naturally because of the way that you applied it which worked well for you but just at home kind of pay attention if you don't put product right back here you're okay we really want to get it up through here next thing we're going to do is spray on a little bit of heat protectant so you're going to spray that in and then we're going to comb that through just to make sure again that we're getting good distribution I in most cases try to keep it off the scalp so typically what we would do is we' have you bend over to the side and try to spray this way so you don't get anything on the scalp just in case that that particular protectant does have an oil base or a silicone base which a lot of them do that one does and it can have a tendency to weigh The Roots down a little bit not bad but just something that you want to be mindful of in your situation again we're not trying to get a ton of volume so a little bit of an oil or something like that that minimizes some volume at the roofs I'm not really stressed about then the next thing you want to do is comb through your hair just to make sure that you get both of those distributed as equally from Roots to the ends even if it doesn't get back here on the other hairs we still want it roots to end so we're just going to comb it through just to be sure and just a heads up I'm going to make sure that I link all of the products that we use and some of my other favorite stuff in the description below so if you want to check that out it'll be in the description as well as the pin comment so you really see it now that you got the product distributed next thing you're going to do is just get your hair dry and the point of this is really just to get it dry as fast as you possibly can okay so in your case again even though you don't want to turn a volume we we do want to start with a little bit more than you ultimately want and then we're going to actually just let that fall down because it's going to especially when I take you to the flat iron process of this but I do want to actually have you take these and I want to show I want you to show me how you would typically blow dry your hair so just give me a rough idea of like what would you do um basically you just F okay so here's the first thing that I want to switch with with you when you when you do it at home okay so even if you don't use a brush that's fine but I want you to tilt your head back over like you did right so good and instead I want you to bring this up and I want you to blow your hair even though I know that it seems crazy the reason that you're tiling head off is to get these roots off of your scout but we still want to direct the air flow down the hair shaft okay more than completely up it right okay so still do this and then lifp that up if you went all the way upside down that would be ideal which I typically went at home exactly yeah but still try to keep that it's going to help to smooth some of the texture out as well anytime you have airor especially hot air coming out of but that's direct directly at your hair shaft or against it one if it's directly at your hair shaft if you're not moving that around a lot there's going to be a heat stress that lands right where that's hitting intersecting the hair that can be a little bit more damaging for the hair but also if you're blow drying it up then you're encouraging more of that frizz that you'll see and unfortunately as hormones change and hair texture changes starts to get a little bit more gray a lot of times we can see more frizz involved in that as well so one of the ways that we minimize that is to start from the very beginning everything that we can do to get that hair that air flowing down the hair shaft to minimize some of that fizz the minute we go against it we're adding it and so essentially like once you start getting your hair dry from the point that's it's wet to the point that's dry a lot of the things you do are either enhancing frizz or taking it away but there's nothing in the middle it's not just like not doing either or so if you're not inherently Trying to minimize it you're also inherently adding it and so I'm basically doing the same thing as if you were going all the way upside down I'm still blow drying that air down the shaft or I'm just using this brush to get this up off the scalp and to kind of control where some of that air is going you can also use your hands it's something we used to call wrapping right just use your hair basically using your head as a round brush to help smooth it so you can go literally like this and use your hands to start smoothing out some of that hair and then you go back to the other side so you can do that too and just your hands going through it and pulling it that can help to smooth it a bit as well now here's the bonus because we're going to be flattering it afterward you can get a little bit more crazy with it because we're going to control the frizz with the flat iron if you were not going to flat iron it we again don't have that Liberty but even if we're trying to get it dry faster and not worried about the frizz we still do want to take into account the potential damage so we want to still minimize how much we're actually impacting the hair now I'm still doing this I'm still boying it down the hair shaft and I'm moving this around so I'm not leaving in a one spot that's just getting hot but I'm moving this around a little bit more and I'm not as concerned about potentially get creating frizz because I'm knowing that I'm going to take all that frizz out with that flat iron that's what heat does even back here right when I'm drying from this I've got the air going but I'm not drying it from this way doing that I'm drying it from this way doing that right so no matter what we're doing even if we're manipulating a lot I'm constantly focused on making sure that that eror is going down the hair shaft whatever direction that hair shaft is moving I'm going to have you put this in your hand real quick and do this F yeah I want you to bring your arm back here this is going to go up and I want you just to do this and turn circles like really fast there just around your just around your knee just that especially down in here there you go did you see how that felt right so as crazy as it sounds that it does a really good job of getting your hair just to kind of lay if you do that right and we cut it right you might not even need to use a flat iron back here at all no in the very front you've got that calic you've always been told to dry it one way not to dry it one way or the other to go back and forth and that's exactly what you should do if you've got a calic right through here anywhere in the front that's bothering you drying it one way or the other specifically is going to cause 90% problems 10% benefit but if you actually go back and forth with it it's what we call non-directional then that's where you're going to get all the benefit you're going to get the metallic doing whatever you want it to do versus fighting against what it wants to do because you dried it in One Direction so what we do instead is we go this way back this way down it doesn't mean that you're just going one way or the other way back and forth It's you're going back again off your face into your face this way it's every way 360 not just back and forth does that make sense okay so because your hair does get that kind of volume in the front right on that calac which is I I really think a good thing because it's going to work for us but I'm going to play this down a little bit and I want to use a round brush just in the very bang area this little shorter area to smooth some of those out a little bit we might still hit with the flat iron afterward but this is just going to give me a little bit more control of the kind of Bend I'm getting out of it and help to smooth those ends out a little bit the key is that we're just going to put this in your hair okay just like that great and the key is that we're just going to be go ahead yeah how you know perfect but I'm just going to just slightly turn just like that okay and then you're going to move them both at the same time there you go and back up yeah you see the difference between this and this right even if it's back here that's a huge difference this not so bad for the hair this immediately dangerous really want to pay attention to that I take this and then and then you just keep on moving it okay so you never stop and then on yours typically we always say lift this up because that's how you're going to get more volume so if you want volume that's what you would do you would lift this up so yours because I don't want actually that much volume I'm actually going to to bring it more down which is going to help take some of that volume out and I don't want a lot of Bend I'm just really trying to smooth the ends out a little bit and give it a little bit more control you see how that kind of flatten that out a little bit right and then I'll let that cool down and for you that's going to be more than enough to get control for me if for some reason you are uncomfortable with using both of those tools because it can't be very combersome you can use a blow dry brush I'll make sure to go ahead and Link those in the description as well I've got some favorites I've actually done a video that I'll link right over here where you can check that out also if you're going to use those just pay attention to the fact that they can give your hair a little bit more frizz because you don't have as much control of where that air is going right with the blow dryer you're controlling that air and it's going straight down the hair shaft with the blow dryer brushes it's coming from inside the brush so there's a little bit less control there it's really not a big deal and if that's the only way you can do it I'd rather have you use that than not do it at all okay so I'm going to have you take this flat iron I'm just going to start with this piece right here so I'm we take this now if you flat IR on your hair do you usually use a comb a brush anything what uh usually a brush brush does this one okay yeah sure perfect okay show me what you would typically do I know it is so awkward I don't have enough hands but I would typically like take this perfect uh brush it straight and then um and then just iron it okay so right there I don't want to put this back in your hair to do it because it it's hot right but at the very end you twisted your wrist just a little bit okay what I want you to do is actually pretend like this is the iron forest for a second and what you're going to do is when you put that in I want you to actually bring this down but I want you to lock your wrist here and I don't want you to actually turn it all so all you're going to be doing is this okay so what you're really doing is you're going to put that in and you're just going to make this draw this really big c right here but this does not move the second you move your wrist you start to add a bunch of curl just to the very bottom now in some cases that's okay but because of the Bob that you're doing we want that very geometric strong line and we want it the flat iron is going to create that more than anything else can because of the way it smooth hair out it's going to create this very strong line but we don't want that line to come down and then sausage curl under at the bottom right so to keep from that we just want to see this and that is created just by locking That Elbow or locking that wrist and just doing this it's automatically going to create that if you put it in tilt your head over and pull it straight out it could actually look like it kicks out at the bottom a little bit and it's actually not going to give you as much of that bend now also the thing that you do that I really like is that you move it at the same Pace all the way through so you don't put it in and go slow slow slow fast over the ends like a lot of people do you did it slow and then all the way was the exact same Pace that's a really big deal because it really makes sure that those ends look strong especially again on these Bob shapes if we want those ends to look healthy and strong and geometric we got to make sure that we pay attention to them it's the same kind of thing the difference back here is that if you want to feel like it's a little bit higher you actually can put this in and twist a little bit more and get a little bit more Bend just behind the ear in this very back here because it doesn't doesn't matter if there's too much Bend there you don't see it as much right it doesn't transit in the front you see this little curl but in the back you don't see that right so if you feel like that's something you want to do you can but you don't need to because this is going to be cut to Bevel in and lay so it gives us the amount of curl that we're looking for I'll take a section pull it out comb through it once make sure the tangles are out I put this in pretty close to the roots one pass same Speed come through if your Flat Iron's warm enough for it and it's a good flat iron meaning that it's evenly heated along the entire plate so it's all the same heat you put it in you move it at the same Pace you really only need to go through it once and you're going to get a lot of control out of it and you're going to get a shine you also notice that I put that in went through the Section and then I'm letting it sit I'm not combing through it right now so I'm going let sit because there's a little bit of lift right there and I want to keep that lift so I don't want to comb through it while it's cooling down so I go up the section above it [Music] same thing and then I'll let that sit and in this section and I'm just kind of building a house I'm just working my way from the bottom to the top and then what I might do and I do this a lot of times on bobs because I want that those ends to be so kind of strong a lot of times I'll go through and just do one fast little pass on a large section just at the very ends just to kind of finish them off it's just kind of like a polishing thing so I'm going to give this to you again okay it's going to feel award I'm going to have you just grab a section of hair back here first thing that I would probably do is I would try to comb some of your hair out of the way and get this stuff like right up here so you're only dealing with this area Okay grab a section and all you're going to do is you're going to put this in your hair yeah grab a section put the flat iron in it and you're going to twist it towards your neck there like that yep just like this and so when you comb that down you might see a little bit of line here okay you can't see it but there's a little bit of line here so if you go a little bit slower and then don't twist it as fast just kind of Make it try to make it as fluid as you can you might take some of that stuff out but the it lays in just fine so yeah there you go if you take a smaller section it would be it would be easier for you as well but yeah there you go perfect just like that and so that's going to lay in and even though it has more Bend at the bottom than we typically want you don't see it because it's laying in your neck right so that was perfect you didn't do it too slow you didn't do it too fast is an even pull the only thing that I would say is if you want to be really picky about it you might just take smaller sections okay but this hair that's coming from up here sits over that so you're not going to see if there's a little crease in it which is all that take a slower section is really going to help you with at that point my ideal way for styling a bob if you're going to do it straight is to use a flat iron on these side pieces at least just down here just to get that really crisp and clean but in some cases people want a little bit more volume around the top so a lot of times what I'll say is do just this part underneath with the flat iron get it really smooth and then take a round brush and style all of the stuff other stuff with a round brush and get more Bend because that bottom is actually done with the flat iron it's going to look really strong but you're still going to get the lift and bend and volume that round brush creates without the little bit of extra bend that a round brush will create at that very line okay now before you take off I actually need your help really I need your opinion so in a lot of my videos I talk quite a bit about what I do Behind the Chair and in a lot of them I'm actually getting pretty technical as to how I actually go about cutting certain haircuts or texturizing in a certain way so that you as a client have a better understanding of what we as stylists are doing and why we do it now my goal with all of this has always been to give you as much information as you possibly can get so that you can have better communication with your stylist so ultimately you can get more of what you want with your hair now on my last video where I actually cut my wife's hair a little bit shorter I received this comment commenter seems to be a cosmetology instructor and is not a fan of the fact that I would ever teach you as a client anything about what we do so my question to you is am I off base and I'm curious to know what you think so comment below let me know after you know with that go ahead and check out this video right there because uh in that one I think you're going to love it and I'll be hanging out over there so we'll see you there
Channel: Justin Hickox
Views: 474,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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