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do you see these curls i got my marilyn monroe vibes i just want to like get some good volume and jazz up this makeup but if you want to see how i got these curls overnight curls from a rope excuse me not a rope wrap a robe wrap check this out [Music] and i'm back and i feel a million times better i actually feel like i can be productive which i did not feel like that before so let's do this you know what i know what this coolest thing is about this tutorial is i don't know what i'm doing therefore if you feel like you're watching this tutorial and you won't know what you're doing either when you go to go to try this then we should be best friends because i don't know what i'm doing either but i do know that they used a robe um there's looks the peoples that i've watched this looks fluffier than mine mine's pretty flat which does make me a little nervous but so what i am going to do though is i did notice in the other tutorials that they pulled they said pull it tight but this is one thing that you have to think about as well i have more fine hair i have a lot of it but i have a lot of fine hair and if i pull it insanely tight i'm gonna feel like shirley temples even tighter so maybe annie maybe we'll go as tight as annie too so um what i'm gonna do here is i know that these are really awesome heatless curls and that a lot of people do make these overnight curls so we um yeah i'm not gonna do mine overnight and they're not gonna be exactly heatless because i am gonna show you blow drying it so it gets done faster but here's the thing everybody who slept on there so far that i've watched which is only two they said that it sucks sleeping in it so if you're somebody who you grew up with your mom using hair curlers you're set but if you're somebody who did not like that like myself then maybe blow dry it but only blow drying and not adding a wand after so you have double the heat great also i can turn down my heat if i want to as well one of the girls that i watched she even said she wouldn't do it overnight again she would do it this way so take it how you want to but i'm gonna roll with it okay so i'm gonna put my very favorite product in my hair really fast i'll link below the products that i use so because we're not gonna really that's not what this is about so anytime you guys every single time in all of my videos i always link uh things that i use every single time all right then a little bit of mousse and if i ever get to if you ever feel like you get too much in your hands don't use it all because then you will feel like you have too much product so if your hands ever feel like uh i shouldn't have done that wipe it off don't use it nobody wants over product hair all right then i'm gonna just kind of scrunch that mousse in there really well and move it all around and then see spray now what i'm going to do is i'm going to blow dry my hair just a little bit and not all the way but i'm gonna blow dry my hair a little bit so it's not this wet and then i'll come back and i'll show you what i'm gonna do next all right now what i tried to do was i tried to get myself some good volume when i was blow drying because when you're gonna let things air dry it's gonna go more get more flat right um everybody that i saw do this they like spray bottled their hair just a little bit not too wet and you have to remember this if you have thicker hair the wetter your hair is when you go to do it and you go to bed in it the more chance when you wake up it'll still be wet so remember that too you might want to blow dries yours a little bit or just make sure that you have let it air dry um as much as possible before it just feels too dry and make it even so also remember that back here you're gonna have more in the braid than up here like it's gonna get thicker as it goes back so that part is gonna take longer to dry as well okay so i have i'm gonna part this as good as i can oh look who do i look like princess leia okay i'm gonna take this baby let's get this even down the center then we're going to put it about two inches back and then i'm going to include this in here like so all right this is how we're going to do it so they took about like an inch i don't know i have to take more that's about two inches wide right there for me and we're gonna twist it around around it okay and i'm gonna i wanted to go back because i'm seriously scared that this is all gonna be stiff straight and lame but i don't wanna pull i'm seriously going to leave a little bit of volume right here because i don't want to pull it down too hard okay and then i take this section and i want to keep it really clean and this is all going to come over top of this now i saw people do it two different ways one's kind of like a braid and one's more so like a twist so you're gonna twist it within it and have it be under it and then you're gonna add in this piece and you're gonna twist it within it like like a just a twist at least that's how i'm doing it we're gonna see how this sucker turns out okay and then again you're gonna twist it the opposite of so almost like almost like a legit twist but this is one of your pieces of hair and this isn't okay then we're gonna and i'm bringing it back like so so then i'm gonna add another piece i can't lose my mirror though if i lose my mirror i'll lose my train of thought okay and then we're twisting that and then another piece then we go this piece and i don't want this one to be too thick because this is easy with short hair to make it be too thick okay and then again everything's gonna have to come under this so i haven't seen people do a heatless uh this rope or robe robe wrap um with short hair before i've just seen all the longer ones so we shall see all right the ends i have a feeling since it's short hair that my ends i'm going to have to flat iron straight but here is this baby and i i just pulled it through and i made sure that my ends are completely out and i did the robe like this so here is that and now we're gonna pray we're gonna pray that this side works out okay so right here i have this one coming under i'm gonna grab this piece right here and twist opposite of that okay and then i'm having i seriously pray i'm doing this right youtube will tell me if i'm doing it wrong all the people will be like yeah you suck just kidding i got nice people i got nice people on my page okay oh i need to take i need to loosen this so i don't lose that volume in the beginning all right now we're gonna come again back in here all right so then we got this one underneath and i'm bringing it back always remember to bring it back because it's easy to bring it just straight down okay twist it so opposite okay opposite and then bring them together again and then twist it the opposite oh don't lose it don't lose it all right and i'm just gonna bring these around here i might with having this short of hair i might have to go in after and add like a couple curls from a flat iron or something okay so here is my handy dandy short hair robe wrap with the heatless curl of how it's supposed to be so you sit with this go through the night everything you can sleep on it um i do know that with longer hair it's a million times easier because you don't have any of this in your way but with short hair it's harder so i'm actually going to blow dry mine here i'm going to show you don't judge i'm going to show you how jack this looks but that's okay cause if the theory works i just need to perfect it right okay i'm actually gonna blow dry mine but you can do whatever you want just don't harass me that it's not a hateless girl because because i gotta film other tutorials too and i got a lot to do today so actually you know what i'm gonna do real fast while it's drying i'm gonna put on my makeup really quick like i'll put on my makeup and then give it a little bit more time and then i'll blow dry so hold tight all right let's do this so these are not gonna be your regular overnight curls getting those overnight waves filling them out um but it's quicker no i don't have to use two sets of heat just one so i still am getting a heatless curl but again you can do it however you please i won't judge you okay so i'm gonna blow dry just okay if this really does work this would be so fast you already blow-dried a little bit put these in blow-dried a bit more if you can get it to be like right on point this would actually be really boss because one where the person that i read about they said that their curls lasted them the day so remember before i wash my hair i said hey i curl my hair on day one i don't have to touch my curl until day till i wash it again if you could get that i might mess with this and toy around with this a bit more i don't know we'll see how well it turns out [Music] okay i'm gonna i'm going to do a little bit of work whoa i definitely have missed some phone calls and whatnot so i'm gonna get a little bit of work done but another thing that you want to remember too if you do use the blow dryer in order to dry your um robe curls you want to make sure that you give it time then for the heat to escape because if the heat is still present when you unwrap it that's going to loosen that curl too and we want the heat to be there nice and strong too so do some things brush your teeth eat some cereal drink your coffee whatever you want to do while you're waiting for it to completely dry from the heat as well so that we preserve that curl as long as possible all right you know what i have realized i think that youtubers are impractical people i think the only way that this is gonna work honestly is if you sleep in it and if you go to bed with it not very wet like i'm gonna be real with you so where i'm gonna pull this out just because you know how like you can tell you just want to see i just want to see so badly but i really don't think it's all the way dry but we're gonna we're gonna row with this so you're gonna see oh shoot it's curly it's curly bro oh my lands oh okay it's a little damp still but so it's definitely not going to hold the curls for days upon days because it is a little wet especially i think yeah it's damp okay but you get to see what the curls look what kind of curls it pulls out so definitely part it down the center ah i wish i had all day to leave this in but that's not the point of this your hair is definitely soft this is very wet down here see that's what i'm talking about you got to make sure that before you do this this right here isn't too wet this is actually really cute i i really like this okay let me get my handy-dandy mirror is the what the backs though jack jay that goes straight okay so let's see then what happens if i part my hair i don't i like it down the center like that's just fun like i could get some good hollywood hair going on here like that really does add a ton of volume i can get some i mean that's cute now i just need to that's not cute so we i just need it i would need to add my own curl to that or wrap it differently but my wrap that i didn't think was gonna work totally worked totally did okay this is pretty awesome but i will say i don't like the back so we would have to fight around with it but i'm gonna part it over to the other side i like it down the center though i would mess around with this i probably put a more glam makeup look and just really have fun with this but i am definitely glad that when you know how i blow blue dr blowed it dry blew it dry and i put got a little volume here i'm definitely glad i did that i'm definitely glad when i blowed it dry while it was in those that like you might have noticed me kind of going like this to that root to kind of push it up because i have volume otherwise everything would have been so matted to my head and that's most definitely not what we want um okay i'm gonna part it over to the side though and see if i can create a look and also see if that will help the back have a little more curl to it too well there you go guys like there's definitely more than one way that you can do that you can either blow it dry which is gonna take a while um or honestly leaving it just barely damp and then blow drying it or sleeping in it through the night though getting those overnight curls um is gonna help you out a lot if you can stand to sleep on it but i might i think i'm honestly gonna mess around with this a bit more and try it and honestly try sleeping on it um another time we'll do that in another video and see if we can get those robe curls even better i hope that this gave you some ideas i don't know if you're fully gonna like it but i hope that this gave you some ideas me talking about both ways that you could really do these rope curls i do feel like it's crazy if you are trying to blow them dry um maybe not like maybe leave it um not as damp as i left mine so it doesn't take as long but there is definitely a way here that you can have more heatless curls that i do think can last you i think there's definitely a way all right you guys i don't know if i do it every day i think i'll stick to my wants if i'm being completely truthful but i um i hope that you like this if you did make sure you subscribe for more and in the comments below will you let me know if you've ever tried this would you ever try it and would you ever try this if now watching me do it you're probably gonna say no you might say no i don't know we'll see but take care again you can find me on instagram at jocelyn.mcclellan on facebook at the mission makeup with jocelyn mcclellan on pinterest you can find me as well with even more hairstyle different or makeup either one ideas but i'm always live on facebook and i'm definitely always present on instagram so you'll find me there take care and have a good one you
Channel: Fit Mission Makeup Jocelyn McClellan
Views: 624,765
Rating: 4.8368955 out of 5
Keywords: heatless curls, heatless curls using a robe belt, heatless overnight curls, jocelyn mcclellan, heatless waves overnight, robe curls hair tutorial, heatless waves for short hair, heatless curls for short hair, robe curls tutorial short hair, robe curls tiktok, robe curls tutorial, robe curls thin hair, overnight curls for short hair, no heat curls, short hair tutorial, heatless hairstyles for short hair, overnight waves, heatless robe curls on short hair, my honest review
Id: 7KvItegM90k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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