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welcome everyone to another video and this is a setup tour of what I have in my office what I game on would I create content on there's a lot of cool gear that I'm using so let's get straight into it let's start with the gaming PC and gaming rig and my gaming station so for peripherals honestly right now I'm switching a lot I'm going to be honest with you right now I'm not on a team so I get this luxury of not traveling to the tournaments all the time and I have actually time to test proper stuff and uh that's why I'm switching between a couple of stuff but for now I'm using still series Apex uh this uh keyboard I did review with and uh I I got it on my channel and it's been really cool to test these analog kind of keyboards and see the rapid trigger feature and I think it's big deal for Counter Strike so I think it's going to eventually come into the market in much more broader concept but for now I'm using steel series I'm pretty happy with it minimal issues some of them were like pre fixed like it was all right enough for the headset I still use the Logitech the old version uh wireless headset I don't know gr Pro whatever it's called um pretty solid I have no issue with it really easy to travel comfortable at the same time I know there's a new version out there but I didn't get chance to test it yet maybe one day Logitech hit me up razor Mouse this is what I've been uh starting my gaming career on but throughout the career I switched to different bunch of mes Logitech and Zoe etc etc but I came back right now to the razor one uh the wireless version obviously that other V3 pro version pretty happy with it everything's really fine with the shape and and uh the whole weight of the mouse I think it really suits my grip and Suits my aiming style so for the mouse pad actually I'm using something something new okay so I've been using Saturn Pro and it's pretty nice uh cloth or fabric that they're using I think I think it's pretty solid it really goes well with uh with the mouse that I'm using and um honestly I'm just testing a bunch of other mouse pads because I really got into glass mouse pad as well which is by the way right behind you you can check it out right now you can turn turn turn this is glass mouse pad that I was using but you know I had one issue with it and that was that I couldn't really travel so it was unfortunate because whenever you travel with these kind of glass BS you are bound to break them at some point and I really didn't want to do it but uh I was traveling to a land I was practicing with this uh mouse pad before so glass pad is all right I think it's a good General mouse pad or glass Pad but uh I think I'm sticking with the fabric one so I'm going back to the old ways let's talk about the table I think it's the same one as I did in the last setup tour I think it's from Ikea I will put an exact name on the screen it's height adjustable I don't really really adjust height I think it's still 73 CM or 74 um nothing too crazy for the for the chair still using the same thing shout out to mous sports for getting me this like five six years ago um I'm still representing them but I just cover up the logo I'm sorry guys uh I have a floor pad as well just to fix my you know rolling around the room uh when the officer I got one question for you what are those when when I'm gaming at night so my neighbors are not really not not really pissed at me for rolling and moving around my chair way too much but it is it is nice I think I got it as a as a kind of sponsorship or gift deal so um if your if your neighbors are mad worth considering this investment for the displays I have something that is pretty standard within Cs and that is Zoe Bank Q uh the right model is going to be on the screen because I don't remember all the letters and numbers this one is uh my secondary monitor which I use purely because of productivity and I primarily play on this one this one is there to you know browse internet watch streams watch YouTube listen to music do stuff but this is my gaming primary monitor this is my love and this is what I use and what I look at for the most of my day um webcam pretty standard I got a Logitech C9 130 I believe this is what I use for streaming but we will get into stream setups soon first we will cover the whole gameing setup and Nvidia settings and ingame settings so I think looking around I think I covered everything that I needed and I think we can go into setup of the computer let's start with Nvidia control panel because this is you know Alpha Omega of every s single Pro Player they want to change this as soon as they get to the computer to the new one this is what I use so right now right now I have uh 3D image settings maxed out to Performance for managing 3D settings I think I have everything on default apart from few things vertical synchronization is off and uh also power management mode is preferring maximum performance and last thing I have low latency mode on Ultra so this is what I use and I've been pretty happy with it I don't know you know I don't know every single detail what is happening in every single option but this is what other Pro players are usually using and therefore I don't want to be any different so I'm using the same stuff uh for the resolution I on 360 HZ this is 360 monitor so I would be stupid not to use it for color settings everything is on default very boring stuff uh very boring stuff as well and uh for adjusting desktop size I have scaling on GPU and I'm overriding the scaling mode in the games and programs everything everything looks pretty fine I would say this is all for NVIDIA settings let's move on into my steam settings let's start with the steam settings so steam settings is also very very easy I just speedrun through it where's the oh it's here now so settings for ingame stuff I have overlay shortcut on Dell so I don't accidentally you know shift tab into into the Ste overlay whenever I want to walk and check scoreboard in CS so I instantly change that and for ingame launch options I'm using Dash nod which I don't think in CS2 ever really works so I don't think you need to have that tick rate 128 which I think just creates a 128 server whenever you want to go offline and allowing third party software whenever I need to launch any program that is not within CS for for for recording or antiche and stuff like that so this is what I use and it's pretty straightforward for Mouse I think we can head real quickly into control panel so you can see what I use but it's going to be pretty defaul is I turn off pointer Precision so that's like a how is it called in English really uh acceleration I turn it off and my sensitivity is 6 out of 11 default let's move into to razor synapse because I'm using that Eder as I said let's go here I don't want I don't want any these okay let's go here so my that Eder V3 Pro is uh on 400 DPI and 8,000 htz pulling rate this is thanks to obviously the hyper pooling wireless dongle that I have from Razer so this is coming you know you have to I think buy it separately I'm not sure but this is what I received and it's going pretty well so I'm using 8,000 Hertz and then everything here is pretty much defaul is uh let's move into another driver which is Apex GG and that's for my keyboard it's going to be very straightforward as well so as I said the keyboard is Apex Pro T tkl and um my settings for Rapid trigger is that I enabled rapid trigger function for w and D keys and my sensitivity on those is 0.1 so it's the lowest sensitive the possible or highest if you would say like most sensitive and uh for the rest of the keys it's 0.8 so I don't accidentally press those as much as W as s and D everything else pretty much the same key bindings nothing too special dual actuations nothing too special dual bindings no I'm not using any of those let's get into the game okay so we're in the game and here I have most interesting thing and that's video settings every one is probably interested in those Advanced video setting so we have no clue as Pro players even what is the best setting right now so we're using kind of what we feel like is kind of good and this is what I not really came up with but ended up with so this is Boost player contrast is on enabled vertical synchronization is disabled and my preset is custom so listen up this is what I have anti-aliasing mode four times MSA Global Shadow quality very high I really want to see those Shadows behind the corners to give me advantage in the game model SL texture detail is on high texture filtering mode is an isotropic 16x Shader detail High particle detail is very high ambient occlusion is high and then High Dynamic wrenches on quality Fidelity fic which super resolution is on disabled so that means highest quality and reflex low latency is actually for some reason disabled but it should be enabled and on the Boost so for some reason I had it switched off and this is how it should be um everything else that comes to the config I will link down in the description below of this video because it's kind of pointless for me to go over everything um I have a couple of binds that I'm using I have demo binds that I'm using everything will be found down in the description so feel free to do that and um yeah there's nothing much that I can really talk about within CS so I think I think we can move on we're moving on into to the setup of my streaming PC which I'm using whenever I want to stream I hate streaming on one setup because it's lag it's lagging my FPS is dropping like crazy and I just really can tilt because of these things that's why I set up secondary PC which is good enough for me to stream and maintain good performance on my actual gaming PC so I'm going to I'm going to put on the screen all the peripherals that I'm having inside of this computer all the you know software and Hardware Ware that I'm using and uh it's pretty it's pretty easy like it's it's nothing too crazy whenever I upgrade something on my gaming PC that upgraded thing or the the thing that got upgraded is going into the streaming PC so I kind of had both PCS ready to play on in case I'm playing offishal tournament and this PC dies for some reason well I have backup ready right here so I'm going to just switch up the cables I'm going to boot up the game and I'm ready to jump into the game so we don't have to Forfeit the game or call a St which doesn't know how to you know play um so this is streaming PC as I said um it's pretty powerful but at the same time it's maybe a little bit overpowered for streaming but I don't mind it's a backup PC so I'm moving slightly here as you can see I'm I'm slowly drifting away from the gaming PC into the second table which is something that I'm using quite a lot actually lately and um that is my content kind of station uh this is where I create content for YouTube for for any kind of social media that I have short form or long form and it's been fun I've had a lot of time lately thanks to me being not on a team and that's why content creation is something that I try to you know dabble with and it's been it's been really enjoyable process so far I'm using a couple of cameras here and couple of you know I have a ring light right there I have like a laptop here which I can create scripts on and uh it's it's really all just neatly ready for me to shoot I want this place to be as ready as possible so whenever I have an idea I'm going to come here note it down prepare it a little bit launch a camera is right here I'll just I'll just pop it in I will put my mic on which is right here so this is like I have right now this one but this one is ready for a Content creation I'm going to put the mic on and I'm ready to talk to the camera putting up a little bit of light here TDA and and this is how I easily create the video so within 10 or 15 seconds I'm basically ready to create the content which is really really important for me to have like this minimal friction between my idea and actually executing on the idea because it makes my workflow into the YouTube much more enjoyable and much more productive much more faster so it's how I set it up I don't know if it's optimal I'm new to YouTube and new to content Creation in general but this is how it goes I like it if there's some improvements to be made just let me know I guess I don't know anything about it but it's fun and this journey of content is actually the reason I'm making this video as well because you guys asked me how is you know how is my setup what am I using what am I not using what am I recommending and I think this is kind of important to you know update my setup tour every now and then because I get to try a lot of cool stuff some of them are really nice that I wish more people know about and maybe through my content and through my twitch streams and and through this video you get to realize that there's actually nice pieces out there that you can you can go for and you can test out yourself to improve yourself in the game and I'm quite happy to share those so if you like this video maybe drop a like maybe subscribe if you consider it I'm going to be really really happy and also if you want or are interested or of any gear from this setup that I did you can find all the links down in the description below and I'm going to be I'm going to be honored if you if you if you check them out so without further Ado let's move on into the next video that YouTube thinks you will like
Channel: STYKO
Views: 8,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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