NiKo shows ALL of his CS2 SETTINGS! - The Setup

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how often you change in the Crosset after every bed game really okay well there you [Music] go I'm here joined by Nico from G2 and today we are doing an SSD setup now we've done this before we're going to try and do it again and this time it's a CS2 version mate so let's start with the basics you walk up you come to a computer at any event you get ready to sit down what are the first things that you'd go through obviously take my gear out place look at this it's already out here mouse pad over here place the mouse over there let me plug it in for you right V2 guys give you some some help give it a try and in that's the only gear I have here look at that I forgot my LOD the keyboard at the hotel then I would sit down probably check out the chair make sure it's fine it's not too hard it's not too soft so you're more of about the feel yeah you know you know measurements I don't see with a tape measure or anything crazy like that no not not not with the chair I guess then I usually I just put on the lowest the lowest the lowest yeah okay what about the mouse pad right I see some people hang it off the edge some people putting it vertically you g the hard the more standard Mouse variation me just a standard all the way like towards the edge so I could place my monitor as well cuz I measure my monitor I just like some somewhere towards the end over there but this is usually like where I place my monitor the distance between me and the monitor is usually this much okay so you're using the mouse pad to measure where you placeing the monitor you going for the turn of the stand why do you like the turn of the stand actually I don't know like what was the reason back then but I just been using this for like 10 years or something so I think just because give you gives you more space like to because if I think if you place monitor like this like it takes more space like so yeah I think that's the biggest reason I think just like this you get more of like a space over here to move your mouse around okay I guess it also can impact the keyboard placement as well I guess so but I don't really have anything uh crazy for the keyboard just I play with the keyboard pretty like far out on the left do you play with the watch on no I don't okay I was going to say should I take it off no no no that's fine dude I just wanted to check I check no I take everything off and lately what I started doing I have the bracelet yeah and when I die I just start playing with the BRAC okay instead of the hand warness all right all right I remember like when I was playing in my the PC Cafe like 15 years ago I was always having issues with other people next to me because we didn't have too much space and they're like can you move your keyboard a bit I'm like no I cannot like this like it has to be like this so yeah it's pretty far out and uh so the height of the monitor is on six six six but I don't see anything right now so yeah we've lost a little red KN wait hold up we got it here uh six bang that is where it would be you're pretty much bang on the table is a bit too high for my standards we can adjust that it's a it's a manual jobby so what you can do is like put it on the lowest and then turn two times around put it on the lowest the Le UPS wa there we go and two cranks two cranks yeah one one more two yeah that should be it okay but normally you get the ones that are powered so if you were going to have it on one of the power desks you know what number you have it at 71 around 71 is okay we talk about the city do you doing anything weird with your legs I've spoken to some people I've seen people sit like yaka sits on his leg a Le sits on his leg are you just sitting standard at defense I play like this mostly sometimes I have my leg up as well but that's more like is that Casual Gamer mode or is that serious gamer mode no be serious I use this in Cologne a lot for example okay that to make me like more relaxed as well if it's like a bit tense or pressured I just try to like sit a bit more relaxed so like I don't feel really yeah okay so it's helping with the mental if it helps like if if it help for everyone but it does for me a bit so uh yeah right now in CS2 I feel like I cannot have the perfect colors for all the maps but first of all like I always reset to the to the factory settings just so I don't uh miss anything then right now I put it on gamer one put on gamer one then black equalizer I put it on 15 okay so that's still pretty high it is the Vibrance is on 20 wa okay that's really high that is really high I put I never use this but now in CS2 I put the low blue light on five I use gamma on gamma 4 it's just a bit uh it's a bit more dark okay I use user defined for color temperature uh this one the red is on 93 green is 88 and the blue is 98 okay uh the color weakness I don't touch anything uh I use the Eon premium the brightness is on 80 contrast is on 40 and sharpness I use on Max you're looking like a bit of an expert with this right now man the speed at which you're flying through this I feel like you've done this once or twice before I go to 3D again restore default just to make sure that's no one's been messing with anything crazy power management mode I use it on uh maximum performance and the texture filtering quality I also use on high performance and then the Casual vertical syn is uh always off apply so 20 dig Vibrance on the monitor yeah and it's maxed out here do you have was going to say in CS I us 100 and I was very s but in CS2 it's just but actually I prefer this way because when I have it 100 and then when I Google something everything is like yellow and so on so now it's like actually a bit better uh full screen over here I actually use display for first game here it felt like pretty bad so now I'm back to the GPU okay that's pretty much when it comes to Nvidia all [Music] right so yeah the only thing I changed in Windows is just uh the mouse Exel just this thing make sure that's off everybody at home cuz we don't know if we have raar input in CS2 or not that's actually true yeah it's not a setting right yeah but some people use this I think caran is using this still really I think so Mouse Excel that's actually wild okay a couple of players are using this for people who aren't familiar the standard is six that's what you want to get to on the side up and turn off I think I used five in 1.6 and then I switch to six okay so sense a little bit higher all right all right all right uh let's log in no one look turn the cameras off all right so let's start with uh launch options what launch options are there even for CS2 these days are you still using no Force n Palms M Speed I don't use anything the only thing I use is insecure now for the the aimbots thing and that's it okay I don't know I don't use anything the only thing I Chang is like this controller thing this is like IIA told me to use the this disabled steam input so I just use this over here okay I don't know what it does so this is a bit of Witchcraft yeah yeah all right and then there's one more thing that he also told me to change is you go to interface and these three things that requires restart like he told me to disable it so I just listen to the young guy he knows more or at least he thinks he does Olaf invited me to play CS2 this [ __ ] doesn't even know where I am are you're using things I imagine if you're using 4x3 you're probably using things on low medium um most of them are low yeah 43 128 960 240 full screen brightness default on 92 or 93 Advanced video I don't know about BL play cont now yeah that's the thing some people have it on some people have it off I think simple was saying that with the r that he was using he has it off right I think I have it off as well I think I have it off as well this is disabled and then obviously custom I put this on aex okay or aex sorry uh Global shut quality on high everything else is on low the extra filtering is a billionaire Shader low particle detail low ambient occlusion this is on high I think this helps you with the Shadows so I think you should have this high as of right now in CS yeah I think adren made a video about that we close to walls with the ambient inclusion for sure okay then High dynamic range uh you should have this on performance I had it on quality until I came here and then IIA told me that I should have it on performance so I have them performance now I think this should be disabled how pretty sure it is and the last thing is enable so I change hard scale to the max y right now I use the H Color right white just for visibility purposes I just like white coloring game I use I like the white Crosser a lot so combine with the white H it looks cool okay I use the player count now I don't use the icons dadar I don't use them anymore so I just use this now I feel like just easier to kind of see like how many people are alive right now mhm so I use that on yes I don't change anything here I don't change anything here either I don't think I change anything here either okay this is all default as well this is all default The View model I just Ed the the default one the desktop the classic the classic one okay the view model yeah the 60 pral Three that's when I use okay so see and this is the thing if I take the console away you're not going to know where to find it in the menu it's right yeah it's right this is the thing as well cuz we do so much stuff to the console you position right here what the hell yeah did we have in CSO yeah really yeah I I never used this holy [ __ ] what about radar stuff because I know people are quite particular about this do you have like a toggle bind to make it larger and smaller like CS I had it in csgo but I don't I didn't bind it in CS2 yet okay for now I just use the rather scale on 0.4 I don't know if it's the same here like I guess it is this is the scale right yeah so I just on the 0.4 I have that I had the the toggle in CSO I don't have it in CS2 yet okay so I probably should add I think I just used the One Robs recommended okay I think uh this thing left and right isolation is on Max and the this perspective correction should be opposite of default and I think default is yes I think sh with a no okay if I'm not mistaken and you're run with natural yes okay I think so yeah natural people are still playing around with this a lot so yeah but I think everyone just says the audio sucks regardless of the settings it does sucks a lot how often you change in the crossair after every bed game really okay well there you go not not that not that often but uh in CS2 for me I really have a hard time finding a good crossair like a really really really hard time so now I'm just keep changing it and see like what's the best for the first two days I used different one but the latest one it was yesterday it was 2.5 size thickness zero Gap minus three style four the fact you know all this manually is insane to me I just get the code and I just throw that in really yeah uh I walk on the normal Keys jump is on M down just m down you have a multibind just down okay unbind the space because I press it accident sometimes because I I use it like very far so sometimes I just like yeah press it accident so I need to unbind that I use C to take out the moloto okay I use X for the smoke for flashh and H I don't use anything you're just using four yeah I just use four for them cuz I feel like these two are like a bit critical aren't they you need to be able to pull them out quickly yeah especially the moloto like if I have to extinguish quick or something like I have to pull them out quick obviously the jump for bind as well that I use it's in config are you doing the step jump throw as well or just the standard jump throw just a standard jump throw okay so nothing too tricky nothing too tricky yeah the communication K I just use the mic on Space actually ah play Premier you're a man of class yes yeah that's kind of important it is make sure to communicate guys when you're uh setting up team speak are you a push to talk kind of guy online or are you a voice activation I Ed Bush talk my whole life up until like 3 years ago but that also start because I was playing in a PC Cafe so I had to mute all the noise when I was speaking so I was just using that like my whole life but now like there's like actually advantage that like you shouldn't use a key to speak because it takes away a bit of the focus or I think IIA is still using push to talk I don't know why but uh yeah I'm I'm on the voice activation right now all right all right all right we're uh in a warm-up server we can take a look at uh well the Crosshair we can take what sensitivity you useing I use right right now 1.45 I'm trying to go up okay on 400 DPI on 400 DPI yeah like at cologne I was at I think 1.32 or something that was my lowest and I really want to go high because like in some situations I feel like I'm just not capable of doing some things all right shoot some bots so we can take a look at how cuz people want to know people are interested how you hold your mouse do you think yours doesn't look that unorthodox looks like a pretty standard you pretty standard yeah nothing too crazy it's not a claw grip it's just looks like a standard bit of a palm grip yeah doesn't press Mouse wheel accidentally but uh it happens so overall let's say uh you were missing something from csgo coming into CS2 maybe setting wise is there anything that you feel that you'd want actually I don't really have too many issues like with the view model and with the Bob because I started using Bob 15 towards the end in CS go and I don't really have issue with that uh the view model I used the the same I think we have way too many settings okay because if you like look at the other games they don't have all these crazy like he's a valve sympathizer over here I see I mean I'm like I think we're just used to it so that's why we are missing it but I think in general like we don't really need way too many crazy settings I feel like we can have like everyone could use something similar okay all right well uh this has been nik's SSD setup if you use those settings guys you're up for a bright career awesome thank you [Music] niik
Channel: ESL Counter-Strike
Views: 429,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESL, Counter-Strike, ESL CS, ESLCS, ESL CSGO, ESL Counter-Strike, IEM, IEM CS, IEM CSGO, CSGO
Id: f7TgVh_XQLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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