Stung By Bees But Honestly, That Wasn't The Worst Of It!

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oh Howdy Folks I'm in Mandeville today this is what we have in front of us the guy who called me he wants to keep these bees hopefully everything goes well and I'll take them with me and then the moment to get up on the other side of the lake maybe in about four or five days something like that when people want to Hive I always want to set them up and then inspect them time or two just to make sure everything's going well in the Queensland and all that good stuff so that's interesting look at all the insulation that they've pushed out yep the bees did all that folks well it's just piping in the way but uh I guess my back will be feeling great after this one I don't think so folks we got chicken wire got some hog chain here I have to cut the chicken wire pull it down you know we don't know all four this way it goes but uh be that big of a deal I'm hoping because they've been busy good let me go grab my wire cutters see if we can't expose this thing coat over here and make it make it easier to reattach more extra in case they try to run over here I don't have to cut it twice right there on the floor joist you know busy that's kind of what I was thinking nice healthy huh actually they got a little a little more going on than I thought that which is good because I didn't think they had much going on nice looking wallabies and should have fairly decent access I am going to fire up the v-back in a minute though so we could get our numbers down and you know we're in the working in an awkward position so the b-backs got to come out on this folks they may have been here last year you know before winter I think that they said they were seeing them before winter this is the newest stuff see how white that though is right there and this is where they started so this comb is going to be a little bit darker but normally the the new stuff is white like this so just think thank goodness they didn't continue back this way right or I would have you know had to deal with the hog chain and so I think we caught them just at the right time so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] folks this part of the process is done uh I'll bring him on the other side of the lake set them up and release the queen in a couple of days or so and then uh I'll show you you doing that and then I'll give you an update to see you know if she's laying if we got eggs and so forth and uh anyway you know I've been here a while folks and it wasn't that it was it should have been that complicated of a removal but I had literally lay on a six inch pipe the whole time and it was uncomfortable folks so uh that's what took so long and then I had this hog chain retaining fence thing underneath there so I was against that and laying on a six inch pipe I'm just glad it's over folks mention one a little thing here so I decided to uh go ahead and put the the catch box the big catch box on top The Brood box and uh and pull them so that they could drop down and tend to the queen she was looking a little squirrely there folks so you know sometimes those Queens they'll get stressed you know and uh you just need to get some bees on them and loving on them and then they you know they're fine after that you know so but I was seeing it right on the wall so I set up at a go ahead and set them up so uh they should be fine and more updates coming well let's uh let's see if our Mandeville crawl space bees have dropped down cover blue they they should have they could put Peak yeah for the most part I have to live with that that's a lot of bees so I'll go ahead and take that catch box off but I'm gonna give them a little smoke because uh just a lot of beads and I would consider these guys pretty gentle even though I got stung like at least 20 times yesterday but I was in tight quarters you know a bee's coming and going constantly and it was just awkward I don't blame them girls but I am going to give them a little smoke and then I'm gonna take that catch box off that goes down and then this guy goes on top all right next time you see me go in it would be to release the queen another day or two okay all right folks it's been two days since we've removed the bees from Mr Dale from the crawl space in Mandeville I was gonna maybe go in uh release it yesterday but I usually wait two to three days but uh as you can see we had bunch of rain see the droplets on top the telescoping cover but let's go ahead and uh we're gonna release it today okay she uh was looking a little stressed and that's why we went ahead and combined the bees with her on site but let's see how she's doing hopefully hopefully you know she perked back up as they normally do as long as they have a little bit of a life life uh and then not too too stressed they uh you know once you combine the bees with them they usually perked up so let's go ahead and take off the telescope and cover I think it's here we got uh so it looks like some healthy bees here give them a little little Puff go ahead and take the inner cover off we'll go ahead and get a frame out move it aside so that we have room to pull the other ones we got one in my face right now but uh I guess it's been really care for my intrusion pull this aside and definitely drawing out new comb see that see what this looks like actually you know what I remember I recall now I put her on a frame I believe with foundation so they've uh attached the comb to the frame here they've done a pretty good job of that you seeing that see this is the top I inverted it see how they they attached new comb did the frame so it's pretty secure let's put this back and let's go ahead and let's go ahead and find Our Queen let's put this down how they've secured this one too they're looking looking strong looking real strong let's just sit here [Music] got okay okay yeah see they they draw it out some new comb up here attached it at the top they're doing a pretty good job got a queen cell over here a little Queen cup all right the uh so they've chewed through the rubber bands and the queen cage uh has fallen onto the bottom board so we need to reach in and get her out of there bear with me a second while I do that I got to be flying around in my face foreign reach down and grab okay here we go it's down here so we need to go ahead and uh let's go ahead and put our frames back together and then we'll release a queen just slip this one back in I said uh earlier these are going to Mr Dale put that on all right maybe we'll release it right though right on top of the inner cover I don't know now the first of all let's shake some bees up see what she's looking like she's looking good all right see you're running around in there good looking plump okay all right so uh let's see let's let her go oh there she goes all right well there she goes all right I hope you got that that just didn't take long at all okay look at that folks give him a Little Smoke and uh see what I do with the hive too let's just go in uh we're gonna pull a frame like we normally do so that we have some room to work with the lowest pull out the frames and uh look at this they're drawing this out nicely honestly uh when I come across eggs that's that's gonna be it because I'm trying to work on the next video folks so I just want to give them give a good peek and if I find eggs then uh I don't know if we're gonna pull too many frames then this is this is one that they kind of just started working a little bit you can see there's some some fresh nectar the Chinese taliflow is on Big Time right now a couple of drones so now we have room to go in and deal with these other frames they're ready for another box now and I talked to Dale earlier and I told him that hey look these bees are probably busting out uh they're gonna need more room soon well let me go ahead and check on yell at you and see if you need to come pick them up this weekend teleflow it's on and these girls or busy I see I got two in my face right now they let me know we don't like you too much right now well guess what hits some a little adjustment for you see something happened look how pretty this is I mean I think I've seen seeing some fresh stuff here um um see royal jelly there's some eggs down there I think I'm seeing some eggs we're gonna get these bees to move out I don't want to blow on them I'm going to smoke them a little bit just because they seem like they're a little bit more I'm gonna get in the move okay I'm singing eggs don't sting me I'm gonna put one more maybe it'll be more obvious on that oh God that next one's just covered we definitely got eggs and young Mobby on this one though folks we got a crap load of bees on this side I don't know if it's coming in now folks we definitely have some eggs and larvae or young larvae it's terrible love these cells I don't want to zoom in at the bottom of themselves anyway I'm putting this one back and just for the heck of it I think I will pull the next one all right next one I know one side was loaded all right foreign eggs pretty good on this one you know that fresh neck is dripping on my leg folks all right well this is far as I'm gonna go okay but they're doing great they really are doing fantastic so anybody will be happy with these bees Mr Dale's gonna be happy with these giving me signals you know yeah I think they're good it's back all right everybody get out the way okay good now give him a little smoke run them down so these girls are doing great great some good bees yeah folks productive I'd say pretty gentle you know pretty gentle that's it hope you all enjoyed the video folks another one from JP to be man I'm having a fantastic day and I hope you are too to the next one
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 27,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I was stung by bees, this wasn't the worst part, not the worst of it, JPthebeeman, JP the bee man, JP bee man, jp the bee man 2023, the louisiana bee man, louisiana, louisiana bee man, mandeville, my daughter has bees, bees in her crawlspace, she's got bees, how to remove bees, how to remove honey bees, live bee removal, live honey bee removal, bee removal and relocation, beekeeper, save the bees, what a mess, my neck, my back, killer bees, got stung up, bee removal videos
Id: _4uwRrf3TzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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