Stuffed Salmon Recipe | Easy Salmon Recipe

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if you want to see how to make this absolutely delicious spinach and shrimp stuffed salmon you better keep watching i catch you guys in another video see you tomorrow for this recipe we're going to need salmon we're also going to need shrimp as well as cream cheese some spinach i'm going to be using frozen spinach if you don't have frozen of course you could buy a bag of spinach and just cook it down basically until it reduces just like the cooked spinach that's in the bowl also we have obey seasoning we have lemon butter minced garlic dried parsley creole seasoning salmon seasoning of course my favorite cedar plank salmon seasoning we have some parmesan cheese on deck and smoked paprika if there's anything else that i forgot to mention trust me i'm definitely mention it in the video let's get in there and season our shrimp as you can see we have some shrimp that's cut into bite-sized pieces and we have some with the tail still on only reason is because we're gonna be using this for staging at the end so we gotta have that presentation you know what i mean so what we're gonna do is we are gonna add some crayola seasoning of course use your favorite brand don't add too much but add enough because you want your shrimp to have flavor and we're also going to go in there and add my favorite cedar plank salmon seasoning and this seasoning has lemon bits in there as well as well as different things it's so good and we're going to also add a little smoked paprika smoked paprika is going to give it that smoky flavor and it's also going to be good when it comes to presentation it's going to give it a nice color all right time to get in here mix it all up make sure you get every piece of shrimp you want it to be packed with flavor you don't want no bland shrimp all right all right this is perfect everything has color and we are good to go so our cast iron skillet we're going to add some butter when it comes down to adding the butter there's really no measurements involved it's just you add the amount based on what you're going to be frying up or should i say what you're going to be searing up just like that and i am going to go in and add some shallots which i forgot to mention when i was introducing the ingredients we're going to add the shallots i like shallots because even though they're onions it has like a little sweet taste to it so it balances out perfectly just going to allow those shallots to cook down just a bit how do you know when to add your shrimp trust me once those aromatics are released from the shallots you are going to know trust me perfect they smell so good if you think onions smell good chop up some shallots and add it to a pan and allow it to do its thing you're going to see for yourself it smells so good we're not going to cook the shrimp all the way through right now because we're going to place it into our oven we're going to hit it with the spritz of lemon juice because we want these flavors to pop we want flavors in these shrimp from beginning to end so as of this point what we're going to do is we're going to allow that shrimp to cool down just a bit because we're going to add it to our mixture and everything and incorporate it with the cream cheese and so on and so forth so right now let's work on making our cream cheese mixture in this bowl i have cream cheese and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add spinach just like that it's just sitting on top i'm also going to add some parmesan cheese uh-huh just like that add as much as you want to add because everything goes according to your desired preference we're going to add a little crayola seasoning [Music] we're going to go in with the minced garlic also gonna add some parsley and this is gonna give it a nice flavor as well and we're gonna go in with our spoon and we're gonna mix this concoction all together now here's the thing guys whenever you're making this cream cheese mixture make sure that your cream cheese is room temperature you want it to be room temperature it's so much easier to deal with it's just like when you're making cheesecake it has to be room temperature anything other than that it's going to be tough mix it together really good into this mixture as well we're going to go in there and we're going to add our shrimp i want all of the juice that's in here i want it in this bowl right here we're going to incorporate the shrimp with the spinach mixture perfect if you want to add lump crab to this you can as well to this mixture i'm going to hit it off with a little bit of lemon juice just like that add a little obey seasoning to the mix as well that's perfect we're gonna set it aside because it's time for us to work on our salmon all right i'm working with this piece of salmon right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut it down the middle just like that you see this pan right here where all of the bits at the bottom we have the shallots and everything and we still have that shrimp sauce that's in the bottom guess what we keep in this pan we're not going to wipe it out we're not cleaning it out we're not starting from scratch we're going to keep this pan because this pan is going to be filled with a ton of flavor what i am going to do however is i'm going to add a little oil to the bottom because we don't want to sand it to stick [Music] all right we're going to go in with a little bit of obey a little bit not too much and we're going to take some of that delicious filling and we're going to place it right on top just like that make sure you get those shrimp pieces all up in the mix this will make the perfect sunday dinner so flavorful and so pretty on presentation we're going to take the other piece of the salmon and put it right on top just like that and of course we gotta season it guys yes we do so we're gonna go in with a little bit of crayola seasoning give it a little extra flavor a little obey of course a little salmon plank seasoning a little butter just drop it on the top just like that it's going to give it a nice brown color put some up here as well a little bit of parsley make it look sexy and some fresh lemon juice right now our oven is set to 350 degrees fahrenheit we're going to place it in the oven allow it to bake through while our beautiful stuffed salmon is in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit i am going to be making some mashed potatoes to go with our salmon so here's what we got to do using our potato masher we're going to get in there we're going to mash these potatoes really really good once everything is nice and mashed so what we're going to do is we're going to add some butter yeah it looks like a lot of butter but guess what this is a whole bag of potatoes we're going to add that butter because we want a nice buttery flavor after adding the butter we're going to add a little salt because we want that flavor of course you want your mashed potatoes to have flavor obviously we're going to add some heavy cream now when i make my mashed potatoes i love to add heavy cream it gives it that delicious rich flavor add the gruyere cheese to step these mashed potatoes up a couple notches put your back into it let's go if you haven't worked out for the day now here you go if anybody asks you did you work out today you'd be like yes and own it with conviction what did you do i mashed some potatoes oh my god all right now that our mashed potatoes are done we are going to go and check on our salmon and woo look at how beautiful nice and oh my goodness nice and juicy it's glistening it just looks absolutely perfect we're gonna take that sauce and we're gonna drizzle it onto the salmon just like we're basting a turkey because don't nobody want no dry salmon we like our fish wet you hear me so we're just gonna take that sauce and keep drizzling it onto the salmon and because it's the last two to three minutes of the cooking process we're also gonna put that shrimp on top for that beautiful finishing effect and yeah we're gonna drizzle some more sauce onto it and it's about that time guys we're gonna take our salmon out of the oven and it's time to plate this bad boy absolutely amazing you can't tell me this right here is not everything this would make the perfect sunday dinner it would make the perfect date dinner i mean just dinner in general it's just so absolutely amazing not to mention the different contrast of flavors trust me this recipe right here is definitely a winner anyway guys as always it's been fun thank you so much for cooking with tammy and i will catch you guys in another video bye guys you
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 437,240
Rating: 4.9677167 out of 5
Keywords: salmon, stuffed salmon, easy stuffed salmon recipe, how to make stuffed salmon, easy recipes, baked salmon recipe, salmon recipe, stuffed salmon with real crab meat, salmon recipes, how to cook salmon, how to make salmon, seafood, how to cook, easy salmon recipe, romantic dinner recipes, creamy spinach salmon, creamed spinach recipes, easy stuffed salmon, easy salmon recipes, garlic salmon recipe, fast dinner recipes, how to bake seafood, cooking salmon, easy salmon, southern
Id: iBBZj3oYNfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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