Student Finds Hidden Devices in the College Library - Are they nefarious?

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Tldw: nothing bad, just some student project to calculate area busyness with rasberry pi devices that scan for phones.

edit: typos

👍︎︎ 801 👤︎︎ u/Sbeaudette 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

A comment from the Waitz team on the YouTube channel:

Waitz Team Hey everyone, Waitz here! As everyone has commented, it was pretty stupid to leave an unmarked device in the open. This particular device was meant for a 24 hr test and we (foolishly) did not put an accompanying logo with it. All other devices we have up are covered and marked with our logo and we're making new markings with more clear contact info. Great video!

👍︎︎ 163 👤︎︎ u/imfilichino 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

gotta love how that redditor had put 'yeah it's a man in the middle scam' and everyone just agreed with him. Classic reddit.

👍︎︎ 256 👤︎︎ u/murphysclaw1 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Its interesting that once you found the service name a little more "social" detective work and less technical detective work would have returned the solution earlier.

Also of note that this is a failure on the library's part to better track their property. Hardware tags should include information usable by non-library staff, like just a line saying "UCSD Library Property" above the serial number would have sufficed. Or even "UCSD Waitz". This was standard practice when I worked for my old universities IT department. And all of the property tags on my work equipment follow this practice.

edit: By no means do I mean to criticize the technical work in the video. Just an interesting parallel to social versus technological hacking.

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/roburrito 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Hooooly shit they took the long way around mounting that disk partition. As a tech professional this was kind of painful to watch.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/BEAR-OVERDRIVE 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Hey everyone, Waitz here! We are the mysterious non-hacker that owns the devices. Answers to a couple common questions:

  1. What do these devices do?
    - /u/LiveOverflow hit the nail on the head. We use these to tell how many people are in a given area by normalizing the number of signals gathered. This is used at UCSD to let students know how busy places like the library and gym are in real-time and we are also developing ways to improve sustainability through HVAC (air-conditioning) efficiency
  2. What about my privacy?
    - Our only interest is the total number of people in an area, not specific people. The technical answer is that all signals are irreversibly hashed before leaving the device and no individual information is seen by us (would be happy to go more in depth if anybody is curious :))
  3. Why is the device unmarked in the wild?
    - We're stupid. This was meant to be a 24 hr test device and we foolishly thought that no one would notice when we got it the next day...we were wrong. All other installed devices are covered, locked, and labeled with our logo, but we're making more with contact info so this sort of thing doesn't happened.
  4. This is a pr stunt led by the big pharma lizards
    - we're not that smart and most of us are human

So yeah. Lesson learned, people look behind trash cans. We're Sorry.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/WaitzSD 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 đź—«︎ replies

I love how quick reddit commenters are to dismiss this guy as an "idiot" or something for making an interesting video that describes the entire process he went through, just so they may feel a bit better about themselves.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Wow, way overkill on basic computing fundamentals and watching them them try and mount linux partitions in windows.

This could have been a 3 minute video.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/EggdropBotnet 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies

ITT: People who know very little about computers and IT people shitting on them for their stupid comments.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Quetzal_Pretzel 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2018 đź—«︎ replies
This post caught my attention. A reddit user posted pictures of a mysterious raspberry pi zero. He wrote that his roommate found a bunch of these hidden behind desks, vending machines and trashcans in the college library. Some people were speculating: a wifi dongle attached and used to intercept internet traffic... Looks like a pi he was using it as a rogue access point to do a man-in-the-middle attack. YEP. definitely So I reached out to them and offered my help to figure out what it does. And to my surprise, they were interested and we hopped onto a Skype call. So in this video I want to tell you the process of us analysing this raspberry pi zero and how we figured out what it does. Before I joined this fun, they already took the SD card out of the raspberry pi and plugged it into a PC. This caused an F: drive to show up. It’s called boot and contains some weird files that can be really confusing. they first thought it’s encrypted stuff, But they quickly realized that maybe windows is not the best operating system to look at this. Actually when you open the Windows Disk management utility, you can see that the F drive is only one partition on this whole removable disk. And there are 3.6GB in another partition. But Windows didn’t mount this. Windows only automatically mounted, and made the filesystem accessible for the first partition called boot. That filesystem was FAT32. The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a computer file system. The FAT file system is a [...] , legacy file system and proves to be simple and robust. If you're a windows user you definitely have seen FAT before. It’s very simple and very old, so a lot of systems support that. And so it’s used for the boot partition of the raspberry pi. Also google is your best friend, if you are confused by those files here, you can simply pick one and google it. You will immediately find this repository with that file, and it looks exactly like that partition. And as you can see this is part of the official raspberrypi firmware repository. This repository contains pre-compiled binaries of the current Raspberry Pi kernel and modules, userspace libraries, and bootloader/GPU firmware. Because we are looking here for whatever this raspberry pi does, these files are mostly uninteresting. They are just part of the raspberry pi system and we can ignore them. However when you are very careful you might notice that there is one weird file. Waitz.txt. And it contains the wifi and bluetooth mac address. We didn’t know what to make from it, just keep that name in the back of your mind, it will come up again. So our goal was it to look at the second partition. And the issue why Windows can’t mount it is, because it’s very likely a typical linux filesystem like ext4. The ext4 or fourth extended filesystem is a journaling file system for Linux, developed as the successor to ext3. And Windows just doesn’t have filesystem drivers to understand that filesystem. Those bits and bytes on there just don’t make sense for Windows. Because I was in a skype call with this guy, we first tried to make this work on his windows machine. And we found and downloaded a program called ext2fsd, hoping it would allow windows to mount it, but it later said that it can’t process ext4. So that didn’t work. Of course we were also thinking about different options. Either we try to create an image of the sd card, and upload it so I can have a look at it on a linux machine, or he could install a linux virtual machine. Before we install a full VM, we tried the windows linux subsystem, where you get kinda like a ubunut VM inside of windows and I thought that could then just mount it. Then we thought about using dd in linux to create an image. But nope. The drives are not exposed and accessible from in there… This was all so frustrating… okay… so I guess we have to download a tool for windows to create an image of the sd card. I did a quick google search for windows dd alternatives and I found this image burner tool. Hoping it could just create a damn image from the card. And now something very embarrassing happened. So… when downloading that tool we made sure to use the site’s own mirror, so we don’t get malware bundled software from these shady mirrors, and when he installs it, this happened… next next next. Installed. Then we execute it… Search Manager added… uhmmmm…… ooooops... this doesn’t look good…. Virus threat protection. Doing a quick scan… and… 1 Threats found. Cleaning that up… hopefully… We are so dumb… I’m such an idiot… later during editing I actually noticed that we just cliked next next next when the installer asked if we want to install that crapware. I feel so embarrassed. I’m supposed to be a security professional here, and I just made some computer science student install some malware… And even I fall for these shitty tools once in a while out of frustration… I’m so sorry that I did that to your laptop… And it turns out this tool is crap and can’t create an image from the disk… goddamit… Then I had some other idea… maybe the git bash comes with dd??? I remember that git for windows comes with a nice bash terminal where you get a lot of linux tools… so I made him install that and to my surprise, it does list the drives in /dev as sda, sdb and so forth… And it also has dd… awesome!! dd is a command-line utility for Unix and Unix-like operating systems whose primary purpose is to convert and copy files. But here comes the cool things. On Unix, device drivers for hardware (such as hard disk drives) [...] appear in the file system just like normal files; thus dd can also read and/or write from/to these files. As a result, dd can be used for tasks such as backing up the boot sector of a hard drive. I link an older video from me where I talk a bit more about linux files as well. But what this means is we can now use dd, and then specify the correct device drive, in our case sdc as in file… so sdc is the whole drive, and sdc1 and sdc2 are the two single partitions. But let’s take an image of the whole card. the input file, IF, is the sdc drive. And as out file, OF, we can write a sd.img file somewhere. And then he uplaoded it for me and then I downlaoded it. All of that took a while because it’s a full like 7GB image of the whole disk. Anyway… so here I have it now on my linux. The first thing I did was using fdisk. For computer file systems, fdisk is a command-line utility that provides disk partitioning functions. As we know the SD card contains two partitions, so fdisk can help us understand the raw bits and bytes of that sd.image file to understand the partitions. And it finds two. It also specifies at what exact sectors inside of the sd.img this particular partition starts and ends… a sector is simply a unit of 512 bytes. and now you can also understand why you can’t easily move or insert partitions in front of another, because they are at fixed places in there on that disk. At exactly this offset. So now we are going to mount that second filesystem. To do this we have to find the byte offset, so we can take the sector offset from fdisk times the sector size in bytes and this is it. Then we use the mount command to create a loop device from this particular sd.image’s byte offset… A loop device is like a virtual or pseudo device that doesn’t physically exist. We could also write that partition onto a real disk, like a usb stick and then plug it in and mount it, or we use that loop feature. And we tell the mount command to mount it into the folder partition2. So now it will take the sd.img file and understands it as if it was a disk that was just plugged in. And ubuntu automatically noticed that a new file system got mounted and opens the file explorer of that device… see here, the device now shows up as rootfs… the name of that partition was root filesystem. When we look at these folder, we can already tell that this is a typical linux filesystem. Here are well known folders like bin, dev, etc, home, lib, media, mnt, opt and so forth… We also can immediately see a tshark.txt file… TShark is a network protocol analyzer like wireshark, just as commandline tool… sooo… were the people right? Does this try to sniff and man-in-the-middle WIFI connections? Is this a malicious device? So now we need to find out how it works. This is actually just a bit of boring detective work. We have here a linux system and we have to look for programs that could run here… But like with the boot partition, here experience really helps. If you know how a typical linux filesystem looks like, you can just ignore that stuff and directly look for non-typical files. And looking at locations where a developer might have placed the programs that are executed on here. You could also directly look for scripts and config files that determine what will be automatically executed on start. All this is just experience you acquire over time if you work on linux. So I start with the home folder. When you login as a user, this is your default folder, so maybe important or interesting files are located there. And we can then immediatly find a script. That is definetly not a standard linux file. And here we can see a systemctl call to stop the waitz service. You remember that name, right? So there is a systemd service called waitz running. There are also other intersting paths here which are definetly worth investigating too. But before we moved on, we thought that waitz is maybe the person’s nickname. So we did a quick google search for things like a potential github profile, but no luck. Now that we know there is a service called waitz, and waitz appears to be an important string, we can search for files and folders with that name… And this reveals that there is a folder in home/pi/hubCode/bin/com/waitz… and there are java classes in here… so com.waitz.hub.scanning blah are typical java paths. This is a java program. And look at those class names… CommandListener, NetworkThread, Channel Hopper, WifiData, WifiPacket, BluetoothPacket, BluetoothReader, SHELL COMMAND THREAD? Whow… okay… At this point I was wondering if hubCode is maybe a known tool that people use. So we can google for names and snippets like that, and search on github directly, but nothing shows up. So then the detective work continues. Let’s look at some of these files here… the state.txt turned out to be itnersting. There is a wifiCmd specified with a tcpdump, so a packet reading dump of the wlan1 interface… there is also a flood 1 config and maybe some bt, bluetooth settings… mhmhhm… really suspicious. here we also found the systemd waitz service configuration file. systemd will use this config file to automatically start the service described in here… the name is Waitz MQTT Service… huh?? I know MQTT, it’s a machine-to-machine connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations. For example, it has been used in sensors communicating [...] and in a range of home automation and small device scenarios.. It kinda would make sense because the person said that there were multiple raspberry pies scattered around the library, hidden in various places. And so maybe MQTT is used to create a distributed network of wifi and bluetooth things… for whatever purpose?! Well.. We can also learn from the systemd service config here, that the following script is executed on start.… And in there are a few interesting comments… get device information, download bundle. Unzipping bundle… blah… looks like an update mechanism… And then when that is done it will call the hubCode scripts, And look at that one… this prints “starting waitz service script”. It will make sure the system has tshark installed. Then it will call tshark on the wlan1 interface. And it also seems to get some broker credentials… broker is a term from MQTT, so this again reinforces that MQTT is infact used here. And then later the java application is executed… the waitz.hub.production program and it even sets include path for a mqtt library… so yep okay, there is some mqtt communication going on. We can also have a look at the getcreds python script, because credentials are always cool. And it will use this amazon API to get them. But to do so you need to know those parameters sent along that request. And in the gen_token module we should be able to find those parameters. And that module will actually execute a shell script called and take the output as a secret, and then calculate like a secret token… crc32 of the secret + the current time… Okay… my code audit inner-self is screaming loud right now. Because I see what they try to do here. But they use crc32 with a secret concatenated to the time t. My chest hurts… They actually want to use HMAC instead… but in the end it doesn’t matter too much, because while the fingerprint is like a unique hardware ID based on the bluetooth mac, the wifi mac and the pi serial number, this is not perfect. Anybody with access to such a raspberry pi can easily extract or possibly even guess those values, because none of these are really random. So becasue anybody with physical access can always extract those tokens, I suggest to just use preshared secret unique to each device, like an API token. It can be compromised but you can then also revoke access for that particular api token. This little bit of obfuscation here is useless for anybody who actually wants to do harm and figure out the secret… it just takes like 1minute longer to get it, but adds unecessary development complexity… You actually can’t do this better with a raspberry pi. It’s not a secure hardware device. Anyway… we were going basically slowly through all scripts and codes… at some point even used JD-gui to look at the java classes to understand what they are doing. I mean at this point it’s just like reading code of any programming project. It’s just like a code audit or getting familiar with a new project. You just have to know how to read code and how software projects might be structured and deployed. Our main goal was to determine if this is a malicious actor who wanted to attack or sniff wifi of students in the library, or if this is a harmless school project… So we spent maybe 1 or 2 hours on looking around, reading those files and slowly assemble the mysterious puzzles of “what this is”. So fast forward a bit. We slowly realized that it doesn’t do much. It does not collect any packet data or trying to sniff passwords or whatever. Actually it just logs MAC addresses that it finds from bluetooth and wifi devices in the area… This is to 99% just to track people… This is a very typical application. Probably every public place you go has stuff like that. Probably most shopping malls or airports do that… it helps to autoamtically record how busy areas are and how people are moving through a building. This is very valuable data for businesses… they don’t care about the individual person, it’s just to understand the flow of people. So this is probably doing a similar thing... One other thing we did was, We knew the raspberry pi zero has bluetooth and the wifi dongle is actually dual band and offers two wifi interfaces. So if it is monitoring bluetooth and wifi in the area, it probably would use the second wifi to connect to the school’s wifi to use MQTT and send away the data. So we thought it would be interesting to find the username and password they are using to connect to the wifi. So I can easily search for that in files on the raspberry pi. he told me the name of the school and the name of the school’s wifi. He is from UCSD… and like I often do, I google stuff… and for whatever reason I decided to google “waitz ucsd”,l to see if there is any connection… and this reddit thread pops up… UCSD - the name of the school - Waitz. Did they stop supporting the app? Now listen to this beautiful reaction. Oh wowowowo… what?! And we find this website… Is this it?! What does Waitz do?? Waitz reports the real-time "busyness" for locations around campus. How does waitz work? Waitz gathers our data through small hardware devices. These devices pick up smartphone signals in the area around them. We then normalize these signals to reach a "busyness" measurement. Don't waste time Know before you go So this was just part of a network to give students indication how busy certain areas at the school are… actually that’s a really cool and useful project… but Oh man… Oh my god! Hahahahah… you found it… I guess I contact them and and say I found one of their cthings… And you know what makes the whole story even more beautiful? There was actually a comment 9h before we figured it out, on the original thread on reddit. Please return this to the Library, this is the property of Waitz, it isn’t nefarious, it is extremely basic and giving you an idea of how many people are in the library. Waitz was started by a recent graduate who did this as a project while enrolled at the university. This was so much fun...
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 5,442,695
Rating: 4.7735257 out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, raspberry pi, raspberry pi zero, raspbi, raspbian, boot partition, fdisk, waitz, ucsd, waitz app, cellege library, student, computer science, sd card image, mounting file, loopback device, reverse engineering, embedded device, linux, jd-gui, python, credentials, mqtt, wifi, tshark, tcpdump, bluemon, bluetooth, hidden devices, penetration testing, mitm, man in the middle, pentester, red teaming, read team, wifi hack
Id: UeAKTjx_eKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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