Solving a JavaScript crackme: JS SAFE 2.0 (web) - Google CTF 2018

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Barely understands when x and x() is used now js is weird

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ariana1729 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 đź—«︎ replies
Recently I get too little time to play CTFs but John Hammond, who also has a CTF and hacking YouTube channel approached me and asked if I was playing the Google CTF 2018, and so I was persuaded into playing a few hours with him. Because we are both noobs, we chose a challenge that already had a high number of solves. This way we know it shouldn’t be too hard and thus perfect for us. JS SAFE 2.0 was a web challenge for the Google CTF 2018. “You stumbled upon someone's "JS Safe" on the web. It's a simple HTML file that can store secrets in the browser's localStorage. This means that you won't be able to extract any secret from it (the secrets are on the computer of the owner), but it looks like it was hand-crafted to work only with the password of the owner…” Ok, so let’s download the attachment, which is a zip file and unpack it. There is a single js_safe_2.html file in it. So let’s open it in Chrome and have a first look at it. We have a key input field and a cool spinning cube animation. If we enter something we get an “Access Denied” and we have to reload the page to try again. Next let’s have a look at the source code. There are some texts here, so let’s read them because maybe they provide some hints for us: JS safe v2.0 - the leading localStorage based safe solution with military grade JS anti-debug technology Anti-debug. Okay that already sounds annoying. Let’s see what that is about. Advertisement: Looking for a hand-crafted, browser based virtual safe to store your most interesting secrets? Look no further, you have found it. You can order your own by sending a mail to When ordering, please specify the password you'd like to use to open and close the safe. We'll hand craft a unique safe just for you, that only works with your password of choice. WOW! I’m SOLD! Then we have some CSS, and oh. Keyframe animations. The cube is actually animated in HTML and CSS. No webgl or anything. That’s a cool solution. And then we have two scripts here. One is minified and the other one not. Down here we see the keyhole input element which on a change, so when we entered a key, will call open_safe(). And that function will execute a regular expression in our input, so it has to be this flag format. So out input password has to start with CTF and in curly braces some regular characters. This means the correct password for this safe will also be the solution, the flag, that we can submit for points. And then it will call x with the extracted password. So it will call x with the part inside of the curly braces. And if x returns a 0, or false, it will fail and return with denied. But if that function x returned a 1 or true, it will do the stuff here and show that access is granted. Now just simply removing the check here and jump to granted doesn’t help us, because the challenge is about finding the correct password. That is the flag. So we have to check out the function x. Now x() is up here in the minified version. I will copy this file now to keep the original, but then we can use jsbeautifier to prettify the script and work with this now. Immediately that really weird string is poking out. But let’s see. X first defines three helper functions. Ord to get the numer, the char code for a given character, chr is converting from a number to the character string and str is simply making sure the a value is a string. This is pretty much the javascript equivalent for the python functions ord, chr and str. Then x defines two function h and c. h is a bit weird, it takes a string, sums up values onto a and b and then returns some stuff. And c is a for loop over the a input, and it appears to XOR the a string with the key b. So c is, I guess, just a XOR implementation. Then there is a for loop calling debugger many times. I guess that’s the anti-debugging trick. And then we call h on the string x. And x is our password we gave in as a parameter? And after that we define this source, overwrite the toString of it. So if you would attempt to get the string representation of source, it would call XOR decryption with itself again and x. No clue what the f that does. And then we have a try catch that attempts to eval, the eval of a XOR on source and x. Mhmh… very odd. Let’s move on to a more dynamic approach and see if we can debug this. We can open the developer tools and go to the sources tab. And then let’s just set a breakpoint just before we pass our password to the x function, by clicking the line number here. And then let’s enter a easy test input with CTF{AAAABBBB}. Boom. breakpoint hit. And now we can ivnestigate. So at this point the regex was already executed and password looks like this. And the second element of password is passed to x as a parameter. Then let’s single step forward into x. But at some point we reach the debugger loop. So let’s remove that first. Now here you have to be very careful. A very simple mistake you could make here is to remove the whole loop. But the function h uses a and b. If a is undefined it initializes it with 1, but a is used in this loop here. And I think because the loop variable is here not defined with the var keyword, it makes the variable extend out of that scope of the loop. So it affects the global state of a. So actually a is 1000 when h is called right afterwards. So you just have to make the loop empty. So let’s rerun this change with our input. Cool, now we reached the h. So h gets passed in the x, right? And x was the parameter of the function, so it’s our password, right? But when you print x now with the developer tools it prints the function x instead. The function x uses the parameter x. And str on x will simply get the source code of x as a string.Is that a bug of the debugger tools or is h really using the source code of x? Let’s single step forward into h and let’s see. NO! The parameter s is in fact the source code of our function. And it now loops over this string character by character and is now creating a sum of these characters with a and b. If we let that loop run we can inspect the final state of a and b. And now that is assembled into a string and returned. Here is another easy mistake you could make. We modified the code, right? We replaced the debugger statement and we beautified the code. It was minified before. So now we pass in a wrong string to h. So let’s go back to our original html file and try to extract the correct source string. To do that I open the developer tools and set a breakpoint again just before we call x. Then we can let it run until it hits the debugger loop. And to bypass that now I simply set a to a very high value by hand, so we don’t have to execute that 1000 times. And then we can single step forward into h. And now here we get s. BTW if you prettify on-the-fly with chrome developer tools like that, that doesn’t affect the string sources of the function. It’s not modifying the real sources. So no worries here. We can also quickly verify here that indeed the a used inside of h is already at 1000 because of the loop before. Cool. So let’s copy that string into our modified version and harcode that as a parameter for the call to h. But just to make sure we got everything right, let’s go back to the original source, set a breakpoint after the loop and extract the final state of a and b. This way we can verify that with the hardcoded parameter we get the same result! So 2714 33310. We go to our modified html again, set a breakpoint at the end of h, and let it run. And we check a and b. YES! Same values. Perfect. Now let’s step forward again and now we reach this weird source string. Ok we set it. We overwrite the to String function and now we call console.log on the source. I assume that will trigger the toString function and then does this call to c with recursively itself? Not really sure what javascript will do in this case. I’m not that familiar with quirky code liket that. But in any way. Our single step attempt over console.log caused the debugger to become unresponsive and after 30 seconds or so the whole tab is killed by chrome. Okay. that really looks like anti debugging here. I wonder if it’s just that line here that is bad, or more. I remove it for now and try it again. With a breakpoint here. Run again. But damn… it will again hang. That was probably the most annoying part and where I spent the most time on. Because I needed to get some way to debug and get visibility into the code but it always hangs. My assumption was, it has to do with this overwritten toString. And I kinda assumed that the developer tools, when trying to display variables in the current scope will try to get the string representation. And that then causes a DoS (denial of service). So I played around with that a lot and tried different things, debug statements in different places. Changing the toString, adding console log outputs and so forth. Probably did easily for an hour or more. But then I had a big breakthrough. one of my tests was console.log in the XOR decryption function to print the xor result. The c. Check it out. It printed two outputs and while they both look like garbage data, the first one definetly isn’t. This is javascript code. X == and then a call to c, the XOR decryption with some crazy string and as an XOR key it will call h with x. So at this point x has to be equal to this part decrypted with a key that is derived from x as well. Huh?! So two questions. What is x at this point and how does that fit into the larger picture. Let’s look at the latter one first. When you look at the eval you see that it is an eval inside an eval. And the first call to XOR decrypt, so the inner most eval, resulted in this x==. And then this eval will now execute that string and, and that string has another call to c, which is this ouput. So the eval comapres this output to the x. That is then either true or false and then that result is evaled too and returned from this function. And if this returned a true, we get into the access granted. Ok how does that x work. Is that x again the source code of the function x? A simple way to find out what x is, to add a console.log inside of h. Because x is passed into that. And when we do that and run it with our test input, we of course see the first call to h with the source code, but then the second time it uses our input string. So this time x is not the source code but it’s the parameter. WHAT THE FFFFFF I don’t understand Javascript Namespacing or Variable scopes. Goddamit. I dind’;t fully investigate that, but I guess it has to do with the with() statement. Here is a short quote from the mozilla developer docs: “The with statement makes it hard for a human reader or JavaScript compiler to decide whether an unqualified name will be found along the scope chain, and if so, in which object. Yeah ok. Basically nobody in the world knows what it does. It just does what we observe here. Anyway. Now we have basically everything we need to solve it. Our input has to generate the correct xor key when passed to h, to decrypt this string with xor to the original input again. I want you to take a second and think about what the weakness here is. How can this be attacked? How can we possibly find the correct input, that decrypts to the correct input. Isn’t that a chicken and egg problem? Well, the fail is the h function. H is essentially a key or password derivation function. It takes a secret or a seed and generates a key, in this case used for XOR, based on some kind of algorithm. It doesn’t really matter now what h exactly does, important is just that the result of h is always 4 bytes. The XOR decryption only uses a 4 byte key, that is obviously always repeated. So no matter what our input is, this secret can be decrypted with the correct key, and the decrypted result has to be a valid character in our flag. And that is super easy to bruteforce now. Because of the repeating nature of the key we can bruteforce each byte of the key individually. Basically we take every 4th byte of the secret, and decrypt it with the first key byte. We bruteforce all the 256 possible byte values and if one results in all of the chars to be valid flag characters, it’s a good chance that the key is real. And we do the same for each 4th byte starting with the second and so forth. Makes sense, right? And if we do that, and combine all 4 bytes together, we are able to find a pssoible decrypted secret. Which of course is now tested against our input, which means this is the flag input. We can test it, CTF, curly braces, next version has anti, anti, anti debug. Access granted. And we can submit the string now to the CTF and get points. Awesome. By the way you should checkout John Hammond’s YouTube channel, he has a lot of CTF video writeups as well and could use a few new subscribers. He also has a few more content about the google ctf.6
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 459,304
Rating: 4.9525127 out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, john hammond, google ctf, googlectf, ctf, capture the flag, capture-the-flag, ctf writeup, ctf video writeup, write-up, tutorial, crackme, anti-debugging, anti debugging, anti debug, keygen, js safe 2.0, crack me, obfuscation, obfuscated, javascript, js, java script, chrome, developer tools, reverse engineering, algorithm
Id: 8yWUaqEcXr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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