Analysing a Firefox Malware browserassist.dll - FLARE-On 2018

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/wertercatt 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 đź—«︎ replies

IE is the malware

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Preisschild 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 đź—«︎ replies
It is time to get serious. Reverse Engineering isn’t about toys and games. Sometimes it’s about malicious software. I recommend you run this next challenge in a VM or someone else’s computer you have gained access to, especially if they are a Firefox user. Okay, this time I needed to get a VM. And I saw that they also offer this Flare VM which is like the Kali Linux of Windows Malware Analysis. And because I have no clue, I go with that. For this I used a free Windows Test VM and then executed the Flare installer to install all tools. The challenge description is hinting at malicious software and itt may target Firefox? So I also install firefox. And then we can get started Before we head into it, I have to say again. I have very little experience with windows. I would say about myself, that “I have no clue what I am doing”. Of course that is not completly true. You can’t go a few years in this field without picking up some knowledge over time. Actually my very first introduction into reverse engineering and exploitation WAS with windows, namely a friend who introduced me to game cracking with olly debugger and then the corelan and lena tutorials. And generally by having a more abstract computer science knowledge and a basic understanding of how computers work, I don’t feel completely lost. I have a rough idea what I want to do, and I can somehow figure it out. I just very much lack detailed technical knowledge and experience. for example I have very limited knowledge about the windows APIs. And I only know a FEW popular TOOLS. And so I will be a lot more inefficient and my approach is a lot less structured than usual. But let’s learn together and share your tips in the comments. So here we have the binary. If you forgot to turn off windows defender, then windows will actually detect it as malware and then remove it. So make sure to deal with that. Because I’m unsure how to approach this I decided to throw it into virus total. Of course somebody else did that before. But I’m not really interested in what tool flagged this as malware, I was actually interested in the file details tab. That one provides a good first quick overview over the binary, without executing it yourself. So binstall is a browser assitant installer, which would match with the firefox hint in the description. And it appears to be .net, so maybe another c# program? We can also go on the comments tab where other plattform analysis tools posted their results. For example we can checkout the joe sandbox result. That service appears to run the binary and record what it does. It also labeled it malicious. And here are some great first hints. It creates an undocumented autostart registry key. And it drops a PE file. PE file is a regular windows binary file. And you can see it drops a browserassist.dll. But into the Internet Explorer folder? Not firefox? Mhmh.. There is a lot more nice information there, but let’s move into our own VM. So Flare installed a lot of tools in various folders. Disassemblers, debuggers, decompilers and other utility tools. One of the first tools that were ever showed to me wa PEID, so I use that again. It’s a tool to detect what kind of binary it is. And for binstall it detects that it’s a C# .net binary. Extra information will also show some guesses, that the binary might be packed, so parts of it might be encrypted. Because it’s C# we can also trhow it into IlSpy again, but you can quickly see it got obfuscated. So while all the names are gone, you can still click on them and follow their references, but also the functions them selve appear to implement decryption or deobfuscation routines. So not something we want to really analyse if we don’t have to. And we know it drops a .dll anyway, so it’s probably also not important. Nontheless I was playing around a bit with it a bit. And so I used Process Monitor to monitor all events on the system as well as checking out API monitor to monitor all calls. So when running binstall we can then use the filters or the search in Process monitor to hopefully find interesting things it did. Like accessing the registry or creating a file. And so after a bit of digging we can also discover here the dropped dll location. I also tried API monitor and selected a few possibly itnersting APIs such as file system or networking stuff. And then I wanted to launch and attach to the binstall .exe. But it didn’t really work and crashed. But trying out different attach methods I found one that works. And so API monitor recorded all the Windows APIs that binstall was using and we selected to trace. And also here with a bit of digging we can find the file it creates. The browserassist.dll. With peid we can also investigate the dropped dll. And this one looks like a regular binary. So not C#. And the extra information checks also think that it doesn’t look encrypted. Great. We can also throw it into the ida free version here and check a bit the strings. Here are references to typical HTTP header values. Content-type, encoding, POST, GET and so forth. So again it makes sense that it does something with the browser. Now I was confused why the dll was dropped into the internet explorer folder, so I actually thought maybe it does infect IE. And when I opened the internet explorer, I noticed this weird smiley face. Send a smile, send a frown? Did the malware inject that? That’s funny. Mhmh.. it appears to fake a Internet Explored feedback form. That’s quite interesting. Let’s have a quick look at the privacy statement. Mhmh… that looks like the normal microsoft privacy statement? Ehhmmm…. Oh… whaaat? This is not the challenge? This is actually in the Internet Explorer? Let’s pretend this didn’t happen. We move on. Now in the meantime it was kinda hard to avoid spoilers on reddit and twitter becasue people talked about the challenges publicly. SHAME YOU! Just kidding, I think it’s great that you help eachother. And somewhere I read that you should use an older firefox version, something like firefox version 40, so that’s why I also downloaded that one. In that moment I was kinda annoyed that it would only work with older firefox versions and was wondering how you could even figure that out. Anyway… so I opened the old firefox version and now I was wondering what to do. There didn’t appear to be anything obviously different, but it’s a malware right? So it would do something a bit more sneaky. Next I thought I could try to trace calls to the browserassist.dll in case firefox does anything with it. You can add external dlls to the API monitor, but it says that it doesn’t export any functions. So the .dll appears to not work like a typical .dll with exported functions… mhmh… next I decided to attach the x32 debugger to firefox. And I wasn’t really sure how to approach it, but I thought a good start would be to see if the dll is loaded somewhere in memory, so I checked the Memory Map tab and also found it in there. Over her eyou also se a description of the different segments, but for the debugger the text segment, the code is obviously the most interesting. This lead me to this area here. So that’s kinda like the entry point of the dll, I guess. And because I didn’t know what it does I simply set a breakpiint at the start and end of it. But it didn’t trigger right away when using the browser, only when I restarted it. And while pressing the button to continue execution after that breakpoint, I noticed that this code was executed quite a lot on load. And I happen to notice some ascii strings being referenced at some point earlier on the stack. This is the stack view here. That’s just memory that’s still around. For example I saw an injects and content string. So while I kept doing this continue break continue break thing, and looking at the stack, eventually I noticed this json data… Code, addCmd. After. askPassword. Ont he path js/view.js? On the host * What? That looks like a filter. It applies to all domains, includign subdomains. And js/views.js is obviously a javascript file. So I went into the browser, went to where we had this simple command line interface, opened js/views.js and noticed some very suspicious javascript. I mean that looks very obfuscated. So I opened up the same javascript file on my regular host chrome browser and compared it. And holy cat. Look at the difference. The malware in firefox appears to have injected javascript into this script. In theory this could be now injecting ads or a script to steal your credit car dinfo or so. But this challenge apparently added an askPassword function. So clearly this comamndline interface was extended with some functionality, but what exactly? I just randomly tried some stuff but it didn’t work. But askPassword is a javascript function, so we can open the developer tools and just directly call it. Now the function itself was defined inside of com.fireye.flareon.view. So here is the function. When we call it, we see that we are now asked to enter a password. And when we enter something, we get a su, authentication failure… ahhh.. So su is the secret command. Switch user. So now we need to find the password. By looking around the other javascript files I noticed a controller.js which also had additional code injected. A cp function which seems to be called when the password is Entered. We can also set a breakpoint in cp, then trgger su and enter a password. And here we go. So we see that p in this case is the password we entered. The first check is if the length is 10. So we know the password must be 10 characters long. And then we check the first character. The first character xored with 16 must result in 123. Because it’s xor, we can simply xor 123 with 16, and the result will be the first valid character of our password. And peaking ahead we can see that there are similar rules like that for all other characters of the password. So I copied the javascript code into a new html file, to more easily work on it and cleaned up the if-case a bit. But then we quickly reach some of these functions. So the 5th character is equal to an integer which is returned by this function. If you carefully check how far this function spans, you can just copy the whole thing, let it evaluate, and this is the result. The whole thing is just obfuscation for the number 66. And there are a few more like that, but same principle. Here are all the rules cleaned up. Oh f. That’s the problem with using this test vm. I think it expired and after a little bit of time it will, you know, shut down. This is annoying…. Ok… we are back… here are all the rules cleaned up. And then I started to write the reverse of each of these conditions to create the whole password. We can simply use the String function fromCharCode, which takes ascii integer numbers as parameters and turns them into a regular ascii string. So the first character is 16 XOR 123. The second character is shifted to the left by two and must be equal to 228. This means if we shift 228 right by 2, we get the next valid character. Character three has a little twist, I will take about it in second. Next character was this obfuscatied function and so it’s just 66. Fifth character subtracted by 109 will result in -22. Which means if you subtract 22 from 109 you will get the correct password character. And it’s all kinda simple, but then in the end we reach two more rules that are a bit more complex. Feel free to practice your school level math to rearrange the equation so that our password character is alone on one side. But I’m not in school anymore. And I’m really lazy. So I just decided to bruteforce those two values. I mean each of them only has less than 128 options. we are talking ascii characters here. Oh and the 3ird character was a bit special because the check is doing here a shift right. Which means the lower bits of that number will be lost. So 14 is the result of a shift right, which means if we shift the 14 back, we don’t know what the lower bits were. And up here we do the reverse. We shift the bits up, but then remove them with %255, so now only the lower bits remain. So based on these two values you can easily assemble all bits of the whole ascii number. But again, I’m lazy. I just brute force it too. I clean up a bit more and here is the final script. If we find the correct password I alert it, and otherwise just return false. And then I have three nested for loops, each one is responsible for one of the three unknown characters. And then I just open that file in the browser, and basically instantly it finds the correct password. Awesome. We can copy it now, execute su, enter it and BOOM!. We are root. Awesome………. Right?... ehm… how do we get the flag now? I was hoping this was it? Goddamit. After a short moment of rage I tried to approach it again with logic and saw that when we enter the password correct, it sets the root variable to 1. So I searched the sources for location where this variable is used. And I find one location here. And scrolling up we can see it’s in the function changeDirectory. So that’s interesting. The other aprt in the if case where it checks for root is again obfuscated. When we carefully copy that out again and evaluate it, it evaluates to “key”... sooooo… let’s try that. Let’s try to cd to key. Oh wow that works. We are now in key. And as we learned in the first video, we can enter “ls”. Urgh… what is that… so first time I saw that I was a bit shocked, but I think I screwed up some internal state. Because I had the clever idea to refresh the browser and do it again, on a clean session where I didn’t debug, and now it works. We get the flag. Command Injection. Let’s submit the flag and we are done… awesome. Oh and btw. At the end I checked also the latest version of firefox, and the malicious javascript was also injected there. So the spoiler or tip to use an old firefox version wasn’t actually necessary. Eeehhh… LiveOverflow from the future again. I was just editing this part, happy that I’m almost done and then I realized. Wait a moment. Could it be that the js file was just locally cached and the new firefox used the old firefox’s cache? So here is the old firefox, showing the injected js. Then I open the new firefox, open that js file and we also see the injected JS. But now I force a refresh with CTRL+SHIFT R and boom. File is actually loaded and the injection is gone. I first thought not to include that part in the video, but I thought it’s quite interesting that the new browser version 60 was able to still use the cache written by the older version. AND this also means another question stands. How could you have figured out that you needed an older version. Were there any references in the dll to that? Please let me know in the comments.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 220,454
Rating: 4.9650211 out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, browser malware, virus, trojan, dll injection, malicious dll, windows events, drop files, anti virus, ollydbg, javascript, injected javascript, secret password, firefox, internet explorer, ie, x32dbg, flare-on, flareon, vm virtual machine, virustotal
Id: 5cvpGSSUZI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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