Student Body President - Episode 1 Season 2 - Freelancers

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[Music] hi i'm zona goodwin producer at video production company you may have heard some nasty things about us like our work is subpar we just got evicted or we once made a car wash ad so bad the judge ruled it a drive by shooting well i say you should hire us to make a video as beautiful as this one because we definitely made it ourselves and we didn't hire a better company to do it for us [Music] so for a video this beautiful hire video production company today you didn't make that did you no we did not [Music] [Applause] just wait for the rest of the episode and if you want to help us make more family-friendly content check out the link in the description [Music] thank you for having me in your home oh this isn't our home devon and i just work here oh good i thought we live in a tent on the lawn well at least no one lives here we live here we just moved four months ago when life hands you an eviction find a new place to get evicted why were you evicted we had more pets than we were supposed to they weren't pets they were employees well at least you have your health we do not moving on my name is william vanderchild and i'm here because i require your production skills hurtful what business do you run no business i'm 17. 17. don't make me laugh i'm kidding please make me laugh whenever you can i love it if you're 17 what are we recording you're bar mitzvah i'm not jewish quinceanera i'm not latino or female how am i supposed to know that stop guessing you know we're bad at it retirement party i'm running for student body president and i want you to make my campaign video oh well that's gonna be a problem we don't get involved in politics unless it's bernie not because of political reasons we just think he's adorable i just want to squeeze him i'll pay double your fee well goodbye principles hello money and you needn't worry i'm running unopposed mine is the only side you can take you tricked me i abandoned my principles for nothing if you're running unopposed why make a campaign video at all sona he's paying us double let him do as he do i want the student body to have a very specific image of their ruler ruler a complacent population is far easier to control than an informed one hmm good point you want to make a video to trick your school into thinking you're benevolent sona precisely carry on there are rumors that i'm disingenuous you shed your leaves annually that's deciduous oh i'm not hearing the difference if i am to manipulate the student body i need those rumors quelled a carefully curated propaganda film before the election tomorrow afternoon should do nicely what and if we say no don't very well i'll see you all on campus tomorrow at 10 a.m i'll have you clear to be there but try to blend in if you can a revoir oh that kid is a sociopath guys shouldn't we talk about this we need food zona it's either take this job or accept help from mr gandolfini some hearty cantaloupe for my favorite neighbors no way you want to talk to him [Laughter] do you want to eat that cantaloupe don't shut me up i still can't believe he moved to be closer to us yeah so i don't know maybe who are you oh we're your new neighbors i guess the previous tenants were evicted for running some kind of monkey sweatshop are you okay i need to grab my job and sell my house my friends need me we need this i do them as food i don't know pictures of food are really good too hmm nothing you want some no don't just cut it all over my pants you can own an nft from this very episode click the link in description and enjoy the show [Music] i haven't set foot in a school in so long being back now feels powerful i know exactly what you mean ah what is on your head you look like america's next top golem i super glued all this on to blend in with who or what the teens have you ever seen or been a teenager devin of course i have you know they go through hormonal changes the voice lowers the hairline recedes the fingers get longer dad dad i thought i told you never to oh my gosh i just thought from the front you look i'm so sorry i'm slightly worried now who is her dad all right we figured out what shots we need we just need to we just need to wait for a break between classes as directors shouldn't i be planning our shots that won't be necessary for my self-esteem this is our man of the people shot get as many of those plebeians as you can always make sure i'm the focus and we're moving it's so good to see you john becky are you coming to the pep rally leanne let me kiss your flower baby he can't be that bad right he knows like every student's name he's making it up he said he just wants it to look friendly without the tedious valuing of individuals balthazar you rogue you nearly bested me on the tennis court yesterday i enjoy sports and extracurricular activities you know what i'm talking about look at all these strong hairlines are they staring because they're jealous that i had developed sooner than they did oh no baby no you got a depressed version of a molar going on business foreclosure in the front funeral party in the back cut that was acceptable the women and ryan will come with me to the classroom to start the montage scene you two stay here and prepare buttons with my face on them demoted to button maker i've become my grandfather the populace loves such trinkets bread and circuses for the masses come on all right let's go devin can i just fix my extra real estate here i'm trying to belong since when do you care so much about fitting in these walls have a power over me i had no idea school could make you feel this way so you were pretty confident in high school define high school okay we don't have time for this come on devin we'll fix your billy crystal look later i'm too young for that reverence no you're not i'm sure i don't know what you mean here take my camera i'll meet you guys there i just got to get a quick drink oh my i forgot how gross these are oh memories get to class young man huh oh i'm not a student i said to class now yes ma'am [Music] okay lord william let's see if you [Music] he's cheating on camera has he no shame that's the kind of confidence i need no that's not confidence devin that's okay it is but it's bad i just feel so powerless and shiny i have no control over my environs the only control you need is over yourself not others so this is what learning feels like hey what are you doing you can't expect people to turn a blind eye to blatant wrongdoing this isn't hollywood in the 20s and still hey get a shot of me twirling my pen all cool and swath is cool perhaps if i completely copy someone who's cool target acquired devin what is going on with you why do you care about the approval of these teenagers i have no idea i don't know what's up or down in this place zones i gotta get free then free your mind you are really channeling some mystic guru energy right now right yeah i've been going to therapy you can afford therapy [Music] oh yeah oh that is some good advice yeah oh oh i definitely wasn't supposed to hear that what did they say kevin i can't violate patient therapist confidentiality you are neither of those things okay so if our goal is to graph the function then who can solve for x ryan ten thousand nice one ryan you rascal the answer is six oh i was close [Music] okay just like zona said i gotta free my mind hey cool melon what are you doing here i am your mind devin who put you in this cage you did what but i haven't smelted iron since i was a team no devin the cage is metaphorical so it doesn't exist oh melon of lies you can't punch your way out of this one i see you need the key cages are unlocked by keys come on so where is it then no stop dipping the lights you know where it is don't you eat healthy [Music] jail melon it's the same thing you're doing the same thing are you seriously not finished there are literally 5 000 buttons you made three our fingers aren't nimble enough for this kind of thing okay oh so the women should do it i was thinking ryan oh so the women shouldn't do it calm down zona where is ryan anyway he's not with you i lost him am i a terrible mother maybe he's embarrassed to be seen with me i'm a breath away from looking like stephen king's it half a breath i think it is more concerned about looking like you yeah owen micah come get a shot of me being hilarious and everyone around me being enthralled by my humor the women will finish the buttons maybe i'll be accepted if i wear one of these buttons i stabbed myself like this shirt you can earn free merch in the nft marketplace click the link below hey ryan hi [Music] what's this you've been nominated for homecoming court really i haven't made that many friends hey bobby jane joel marcus ricardo anya hey gregory i just really haven't hey calvin cool shirt michaela boom good day sir julia kelsey p kelsey d kelsey h i haven't made that many megan ugh i can't believe no one is running against that jerk he probably threatened or bought off anyone who wanted to weak yeah who would let themselves be intimidated by a high schooler i know you didn't intend for that to mean anything to me but it did the cage surrounding my brain is fear okay which means the key to unlock it is probably chainsaws or courage zona that random idea also meant something to me that you didn't intend that was the worst you get a shot of his amazing joke bet it was sexist you notice how he never called devon and me by our names yeah and that joke was the most offensive thing i've ever heard what was it i'm not gonna repeat it i don't want to get struck by lightning he said oh no did you just cross yourself no that's not micah heptagon of protection i need that you do a joke that bad could totally derail his campaign i don't even care that i put all these buttons together you got through all 5 000 buttons you have a gift or a problem it's both most of my gifts are that way and most of your problems no unfortunate doesn't matter how terrible he is he's running unopposed we have to take a stand if we don't i'll never be able to look my therapist in the eye which i hope to do one day we can't let him be in charge of this school what would bernie do he'd run against him without any real chance of winning such a cutie then that's what i'll do but you're not even a student is that even possible it is possible this seems like a huge problem not for me here's my formal application thanks principal she's older than i am but i suppose whatever's best for the students especially this one my little buddy but no i'm sorry i where i stole her from a huge baby was there dirt all over it we fought did you win no i'm not proud the elections this afternoon but nobody here knows who i am so there's a chance worth it so we need to go full smear campaign bagels smear not schmear we're not passing out bagels assure me you understand this but of course fortunately we have plenty of footage of william being william had footage oh fine i took the liberty of confiscating the video files i thought you might turn against me what tipped you off here's my formal application thanks principal well that was suspicious your smear campaign is over before it even started so the schmear campaign is back on the polls open in one hour and no one knows who you are not yet but these 5000 buttons should fix that you changed every button how when i never stopped working owen you are everything i don't want to be now's our chance pass these buttons out to everyone you see quickly go i wouldn't come back here devin stay back william no time to face the fear i can i don't have the courage or the punch strength then you're not the one living your life what is there a clone of me you know we have to kill it right no the fear devin you're letting fear live your life for you oh you're right no one ruins my life except me and sometimes the government that's kind of the spirit brain i've come for you you have the key i am the key i'm so proud of [Applause] [Music] devin i'm technically out of the cage but thought you might just open it you're welcome you have a key in your hand yeah it was a simple deadbolt goodbye oh did you look at the sun again i'm back baby [Music] what up there view high give me some did she look at the sun again let me see that skateboard [Music] box me hey kid vote persona vote for zara hopefully she's one cool watermelon [Applause] [Music] the only thing bigger than my confidence is my forehead well i don't know if it's working y'all no one's wearing the buttons what do we do panic we're gonna lose and not get paid hey zona ryan's voting for zona if she's got ryan's vote she's got mine hey yo ryan's voting for that old lady yeah [Music] [Applause] it's a miracle the loaves and the buttons how did this happen oh hey guys ryan he's alive i am a good mother and they made me the mascot and the shoe drops well played woman i know you know my name is zona you're literally wearing one of my buttons when in rome admit it i've won have you you've created quite a lot of work for yourself you'll be planning the 20-year reunion when you're in your 80s i'm not 60. your neck skin disagrees you don't look at her gross neck flaps only we do that i don't know what i'm saying well i certainly hope you haven't bitten off more than you can chew don't worry zona you could chew through anything you're a powerful tigress a voracious woodchuck a cornered rat chicken thanks everyone that means a lot but we didn't get paid which means we still don't have food and i am hungry yeah it's fresh curse that man it's uncanny pretty cool if you like what we're doing and want more check out the link in the description below five six seven eight we are the riots we are nice we cherish everyone's worth and effort right cheer for the rights but also cheer for the other teams [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: JK! Studios
Views: 254,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6IJR7UsHdwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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