Stuart Batty demonstrates bowl turning with his 40/40 grind

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[Music] the enveloped and teaches the 40/40 grind that many of us use today that's such a versatile brine pennies could be turning a few pieces for us he's got stacked here under the table blow them all up I'll get lucky eventually another brick we appreciate having immunity here this evening currently out of all of Colorado and looking inside his own workshop there as well so look out for him having a workshop we can come in similar to what we have today and teaching without having to travel you know teaching but you know it's simply temporary somebody will further student thanks thanks for being here tonight I appreciate that I know it's your regular beating but I appreciate being here and it's great to have a class is pretty unusual where I did a five day class that isn't organized by what I would call a profit-making school like craft supplies would look at Emporium Mark Adams they're all act places where I'll do a five day class but this is where we've got they're all great lengths to which is so it's really if you know you get somewhere and you end up with some mini lathes with worn-out bearings and so it's really good so we got and asked me to supply the wood so the wood is good practice world we give them all kinds of different densities of words to practice but what we'll do tonight it's a think of tonight a little bit more there'll be some information there of course but think of it more as Sherman if you if you want to learn to turn at some stage you really need to do a hands-on with a really good competent Turner and you know lots of great toilets on this hands-on is what you learn think of today is a little bit more inspirational so I'm gonna make a bowl just and balls aren't super complex we are dealing with a little bit of a more complex wood orientation because what we have with a ball is this is how most of us think of our word is your box of spindle blanks and then what we've done is we've orientated this way the Vics balls both easier and harder to turn depending on whether you talk about a side grader angry involved but this is a Siberian bull which is what we turned 90 percent of the time the cherry ball over there Siberian the natural at once their psyche rien anyway and balls are a different dynamic and I don't normally recommend making em great balls and green balls became quite famous through few people in Hawaii who started making balls to sell but as he didn't know how to turn so they didn't know you weren't supposed to turn the ball out of n green alright so keep in mind and green balls are a different dynamic but cyber balls are the best way to turn so we don't we takin our spindle block and we've turned it sideways so we still want to cut into the side grain but we are dealt with and we'll have to cope with the end grain and when the angry ends spinning there's a proportion of that anger in here that cybron so if we look at this block that's hexed if we look at it right now this is n green this is anger in the same grid tiny bit of side grain and grain and grin and grit tiny bit of side grain so you end up with a problem you've gotta solve later which will I'll show you how to get around that which is when you press on the bevel I'll rub that babble as you told to do it will destroy the cuts so I know you're told to rub that bevel but it's wrong you don't rub the bevel you float it there's a big difference in rubbing and floating so bloating is the piece of wood you're cutting doesn't know the babble is there and rubbing means you're pressing on the fibers and then it reacts back so who's gonna try to push the runny outside the ball is bounced only one in the room you've all tried ok you can admit to it ok the problem is is cuz you're riding the bevel now I'll show you how to solve that problem tonight and then if you put a little practice in you could learn to do this car so 100 pass run a few gouges as I'll pass around three these are not free gifts so this one goes this way for this one the middle this is a forty forty right it doesn't look anything spectacular I started the laminate so we've been back and forth and then eventually I need to take them home Watty I need it for the class tomorrow okay so the forty forty crying what is it simply its evolution when I was turning for my dad I was hired by my dad so I apprenticed under my dad for a number of years but my dad apprenticed in the old traditional apprenticeship system which meant when you started at sixteen and he worked till you were 22 there was no arguing with the Grandmaster Turner so whatever he said that's what you did and you could not change a damn thing because he started with 20 by end of year one they had ten by end of year 2 D had five not five carried on which meant if you pack Chalian or had some better suggestion this guy has been turning 50 years first to get cut so nobody have a back challenge and so everything I used to deal with when I worked my dad was nothing like that it's always been done this way that's it but why well it's always you've done that way and I'm like but why that doesn't mean it's right so tradition doesn't always mean it's right so my dad had some things that were brought through from his traditional English style turning then I just disagree with they're just too inefficient and so what I want to be able to do when I turn is I want to take a very large cuts directly to sandable finish which means I have to UM grin I can't do that and so some of the stuff my dad did then you would cut the rough rough it one way and finish it another and modern ball turning if you use the Irish grind as a same which is you rough it with one Garrity and then you fix it afterwards so I decided to eliminate that and to do that I developed a 40 40 grand which allows me to remove up to say three cores within one pass directly to a finished surface ready the sand with 180 grit that's what we want to do that's why the guys are practicing it the downside of the to this technique is it is the most difficult to learn the reasonable Bologna it's the most sensitive to how you control the tool when you control the tool correctly it gives you this ultimate finish the probabilities but use it incorrectly if actually reacts back in it again not such a good finish so let's talk about it and I'll demonstrate it they'll say oh it looks pretty easy which one you do it right it is so the main thing is about the shape of the gouge the wings of the cavity must be straight so you're like totally be curved that is just my 3-dimensional droid that's what we're looking for here it doesn't look anything special say I want to see the ship for but really importance of bevel angle plants for cutting angles which is at the very tip is 40 degrees it's a magical angle for all words so when you go up or below on that it starts to react differently to me to the different words you know 40 is the angle that works for every species even spalted right up to super exotic we try the other day we were turning some punky wood I mean rotten punky and you can still cut it clean with 40 and then you can take a piece of honey locust this is pretty dense and cutting with 40 now you can take a piece of cocobolo and cut it with 40 once you go above and beyond by several degrees it starts to change we want the wing angle and also before any here so when you add the two angles together they equal 80 degrees of most importantly less than 90 the reason of us be less an idea is we're not trying to get any finished surface of the wing the wing is just a mulching machine it's gonna throw the chips in the air and clear it the finish comes just from the tip of the gouge so everybody else uses the wing to shape and they use the wing to finish I don't use it for that at all this is just a snowplow blade it's just chucking the chips to one side the finish comes right off the tip that the magic this tight radius and all the counties are we using we want to be using a gala qaeda with a V or an elliptical flute it cannot be a youth loose so must either be V like a Thompson that's a big urge or European ground which is elliptical very similar elliptical but they must be there are some form of E and not be real ouch like that where the sides are parallel it will not clear the chip and it can't be a spindle gouge because a spindle gouge Boni has a a very shallow depth of curve which is that amount that the fruit this has a very deep depth of cut so what we're doing it's a double action cut this is the most important thing now it doesn't mean that I don't use the wing because minute I'm going to use a week just to peel the face of this just to get it down flat but when I go for my finished cuts I'm gonna use a tip so this couch is not good on side grain surfaces where it's exceptional it's everywhere on the ball where this end grain so 90% this ball is M grain but 10% of the surface is side grid where it's I grain I use a different Gao Qi so it's exceptional across end grain and most of our cut some wood turning have n green somewhere in them in them the only time you've got side grain is on the perfectly flat surface and all the perfectly flat so as soon as you angle it it becomes end grain and that's when the 40/40 couch looks a little better so here's we got some side grain I want to level it real quick just to get out of the way this is gonna be my challenger not my dog so now I'm between Sanders weight between Sanders this is not particularly safe it's not extremely dangerous so I'm gonna keep the speed below a thousand rpm so if I was to pull out tail stock out the way his Bob Langer just in the floor by taking above a thousand rpm and he came up the lane then it will stop traveling so right now I'm running at 900 rpm so if I just pull this still something we just fall but ticket up to 1200 it will have on I don't want it I want to take over the 1200 eternity but I'm gonna get it ready and honored Chuck wants it's on the Chuck then it see right now it's just between seven seasons off a hundred cents a so I'm not starting in the full firing line right now inside this is going to give you a push minutes do not go to vibrate where is the next cut so I leveled it then I'm gonna make it smooth in so I got rid of my waist so what I've created a groove that I'm going to use a little sway that's yeah and I'm just gonna dovetail it so I'm gonna grip on a recess this little guy jumping in a second this is what I didn't shopping before paper wrapped up [Music] that's great fat it's just eggs with ten degrees from square and the last we just put in a little tough to grip on that so that one's prep and you see doesn't give a good finish on this surface it does tear out especially on crazy green this is not the ideal gout but sure workout it good for there but I didn't want people to tools thought they don't have to then I'm gonna prep this one which you believe is ash this would have already cracked in Colorado to Colorado ashes said grows everywhere but it does not like environment once you take the bark off so hums are there she's it cracks really quick so Colorado we have a lot drier humidity cause you guys are humid here so you guys got the same problem here you got the aura beetle you know and it's about that no yeah we felt the same problem in Colorado I guess it took a little bit longer to get that but they're taking down all the trees in in Boulder Colorado where I live they're all gonna come down the next few months $2,000 was a lot for little town a two hundred are going to go to my workshop that's what happens I got friends in in there the logging industry but so my main guy that cuts down all my trees he's really interested woodturning and so he dropped the logs off at the ranch we're live we're not were la where our workshop is and so a real blast bring him to the ranch and Artie drop him off on that up there back of that big truck so I don't have to do anything I just got to turn up and the logs already there and Tom who's branch it is and who is a collector of wood turnings I said to whatever you do don't shoulder the lot guy any of the wood turning says it will have a problem and so he's just one time he just couldn't help so he showed in the collector what earnings I'm like oh man we're not gonna get you bought log soon I'm so excited about woodturning and he's gonna keep it all the best logs okay same problem here to put speed down love to fast so build it up check with all your balance so we don't forget about eight nine hundred revs there's nine hundred just leveling [Music] and what I want to do this food subject because said tell the safety pin on your big mug shot by now cuz I forgot I made the gap as if I removed the safety pin so big mouth Chuck's have a safety pin and I got a feeling this might have the safety pin on it nobody has a range well perhaps your wrench you know what's a little the find out there's a safety pin here held on the safety pin perfect right safety pin blocks it off really early so this you go really wide so I get a nice big footprint even though it's not the ideal of heights I feel sighs yours for some reason or other this manufacturer that makes a great church which is the one wager in the big mark Chuck the manufacturer forgot to make three inch jaws so you only make two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve but they forgot about three inch drawers and finally big mark are big Barford Woodworks Emporium made big mark make three inch jaws so now you can buy the three inch doors would be missing for the last 15 years so they just arrived and they're almost already sold-out so Michael do you wanna get some better get McCall because they will be gone so I just want to check this how wide it can go so the white [Music] okay then for the screen a little that I can be simple [Music] is the safety pin revenge somebody to winding the jaws all the way out but I want to go out pretty far so I get this nice white footprint and I guess more stability when I hollow out and do it more to the outside the ball okay so I used to work for my dad anybody else said here ever worked for the parents QB how was it Oh JA yeah then you people don't realize what keep parents mad and not the same as virtual somebody else my dad was really hard on me it was good for me he is only ever believed he was yeah it was it was much harder on me and you guys if you work your parents are the same thing um whatever works my dad he would it was acting he was a child slave labor I think city below so what happened is my dad would pay me on a Friday you know my little bundle of cash I get home my mom said that's exactly the amount we want the board and keep and so like a zero I don't like isn't that what slavery is where you work all the time and you've got nothing left zero that's what I felt like I'm like so I said my dad um I said how do you pay me says I'll pay you buy the piece I says I'm going to get faster he says how I was in half he says I said I'm gonna change the way we turn this what this has been this way for these four centuries you can't change it I said let's stop using that time skew for a kickoff so we know other I read so I'm gonna just work out this cuz I've used it this way a little more complex enough dentist but it will work good all right here we go cuz it's limited space better idea I'd be sensible take it off well that's gonna let me do it it's like I've good it easier I'll talk a lot about tests around it there we go let me do this for the regular Alan key but we're sure they'll make your allen keys so I'm using this way go the other way should get it really tight so I mean this is gives you tighten might ever need so we don't start coming up anyway looking for my dad I sent my dad I need to turn a little faster and so I started getting like a little bit obsessed with how do I get faster how do I make balanced rates past there how do I turn a ball faster how do a hollow on endgrain faster so that's when I started working on and that's why I came up with the develop of using a bowl gouge the spindle 20 which horrified my dad you know I'm using a bowl gouge and spindle turning but that's it that's sacrilege and he says everything should be done with a skew that's what real men do I like that you didn't pay me enough to be a real man and so I can have enough money after a paid mom for ball to keep to go and do some fun stuff so anyway we're all familiar with skinny taking the ball down to the round and it's about a lot of people so what I see on YouTube the other day hopes on Facebook gonna be postman by the guy turned this big right open he says if meet that crap out of me and I'm like it needs a class it's not supposed to be to you well it's supposed to be would turn Indian 90s easy I know the student was 96 so ah and then I'm 10 so okay it's down to about 8 I don't usually to teach children under the age of 8 even aid a man prefer to farm in ten just safety wise they don't get everything about moves clue things like that so you can get the spinning tops in that but if your ball turning one be ten plus I started turning at ten so I had a little bit of familiarity of what was the enemies for Boston's and what have you now I know what I'm not wearing a face shield but here's something that's important I put it on a Chuck I've got the correct speed I locked in the tailstock it can't come off the lathe I even if I took in the max speed on this honest pulley the max speed is 12 and a half hundred rpm I know this ball doesn't have any cracks in it or any flaws there's nothing good hit you in the face now at home when I'm wearing face shield yeah I'm gonna wear official because I'm not talking to somebody so it hope you definitely want to wear a face shield but I saw somebody got a catch on Facebook the other day and the guy took a scraping tool this is a scraping tool and he pointed up hilt into the side of the ball and that is angry and I don't care what you haven't point up into endgrain it is a catch so it's coming locally he's only between centers he's standing right in front of it and you've got the speed way too fast so hit him in the face so I know I get the trouble DW because I demonstrate the safety passes all the time I said I'm wearing a face shield I can't talk unless I've got a bike and we don't always have mics so I said I'm okay with it because I'm making sure everything's safe I cut personally personally cut this piece of wood so I know it's a sound piece of wood and so I brought up the tail stock as an extra safety factor what would be dangerous is taking us off taking it to maximum speed standing in front of it now I'm going to square block of water like an octagonal piece of wood now I'm not saying so this tail stock is a magical safeguard it's much safer than a face plate with screws they can still give up but this can't give up there's no way and now I turn it up to maximum PD we just make the lathe and run around the room so right now we set the speed now I'm gonna take this up see we're comfortable so to sell fast because avoidance is running at maximum speed home on the slow walk so we're running in it snacks with peanut butter dog Vienna so I can't run it any faster and I'm gonna take this little bable bable that's this little guy here and I've shown it so it's just short and I'm gonna float it over the service I'm not gonna ride the bevel so floating it means it's gonna just glide over the surface understand we might be parallel and I miss food [Music] Guthries I'm not pushing into this surface here that serves that cut now it should be the nose on that I'm pushing it to the waste material so if I push into the surface [Music] so you want turning so fast it'd probably be yep right if you were like at 600 no I would just have I would have to just control the tool Bennett so I could turn it slower so you know the problem with what turnings very unusual characteristics when you turn to slow the gas becomes more grabby the higher the speed the cleaner it cuts now 1200 means the outside speed of this is about 40 miles an hour maybe used to 42 to 43 miles that's a mat so I'm ever gonna run I never run for 45 on the outside speed so the reason I am I want to turn it that kind of speed is I go through all the screen I have no tone fibers and it cut really easy I got a proficient cup now if this ball blind was bigger than I were talking speaker 900 600 maybe it's on a 24 inch but I'm there I just don't want the outside periphery to be above when I say 40 40 is 40 to me he's 45 absolute max and I would say we're gonna measure it on the calculate now I'd say that's probably running about four bars now which means I'm cutting a mile of chips every 90 seconds one mile of and it sounds fascinating this is not Merlin superfast it's just you listen to the motor I took it to the other colleague would sound quite quiet but what I'm going to do then is lose half my pushing power because I'm going to take away the torque of the motor so now now that level is always balanced it's on big draw big groups it's in good three eighths what I'm going to do here is level of things so back to that puker this couch is not particularly good at the peel car but none of this flat serve is going to be left so I'm just gonna peel it here not trying to pull out I agree right across there screen space me and then I can make this a wormhole in about four cuts and then it's the outside the boat is done so I do a series of straight straight straight then I cut now what I'm going to do here is because I'm using pushka what I need to do is remove the tail stock this guy off and usually this nexus hula we don't lose it so most ball turning is done with the tail stock there if you got the tail stock there that means you have to pull the guard round I mean I've got my handle low and I'm pulling round if I'm pulling round I get a really lousy finish so I'll show you how I would approach to go about it [Music] and I'm holding the handle with my left and using both hands and I'm getting a really poor finish here so torn out and damaged and ridges and then spend time fixing it and I'm not going to do that all I'm going to do is go directly to finish cuts but what I'm doing is a little bit trickier to control the tool cause it's sensitive to pressure one cup [Laughter] three cuts sharpen the gout it's done that's it so although I can't shape it as fast as Mahoney I can cut it with zero Tom Graham that's a difference I have no told ray whatsoever here and I wouldn't even be nice to the wooden I didn't sharpen the tool and used it for several minutes which means I've done several miles of cutting on the tip so the last cut here I'll sharpen it but I guess I should screw it up first goodnight because I'm going to show you what you're gonna do the very first time you try this cut because unfortunately everybody there's no exceptions I don't care who you are everybody messes is cut the first time it's not humanly possible to get it right and because you're gonna do this you're gonna how you some call whatever it is something it's called jogging the devil so a little rock about if I figure skater calcium at dawn these fingers council I'll be out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how it works is I need to add downward pressure with my thumb and downward pressure with my fingers both together cancelling each other out so I could actually let go the gouge and hold it and I just lay it down it is so hard to do this because everybody every human I am at all this is at least 5,000 people as soon as you put your hand only to rest you go oh just let go let go of the fingers or relaxer well you leave them underneath they must cancel what the thumb is doing although the thumb is pushing down it's a round bar it's still pushing it in by pushing it in you get this reaction on you can see the bounce wave bounce wave so what I'm happening is when I took my fingers away from behind my thumb was pushing in you see where the side grain is decompressed slightly and then the Ngram resisted and pushed it back which made a rocking motion and then it cut a little channel and then when the babble engages a little channel it drops back in an example to accentuates the rocking motion that's why it grows bigger and bigger and bigger so now could you bring it on top yeah you could agree but I'll talk a little bit I just get with a chisel I think I give it on top I'll use my column instead so when you took it on top make it stable you have to have your hand back here so you can do it like this this sounds a la casa de Kooning running it's on July behind here I can it work that's comfortable you can still do it but it's just as easy just hold it down there any good practice since you're looking the bounce here a nice clean cut but I guess I should finish this one up and demonstrate more on the championship in a minute about destroying us cut your dick is too small okay to sharpen I use the angle gauge the angle gauge is just a reference it's this guy's I mean with me so the other reason could people say like well because I what the all the angles are using we're turning on primarily on number one number two I had to sell it cheap because it's got just a couple of angles we use and we're turning there are eight angles on this that all I want men want to use and we're turning mainly for ball gouges plus the skew on here what I need I took the platform and I had the wheel just touched the bottom one sits in situ and sets the angle and I placed it flat now that we set the angle for the 40 degrees to the left and 40 degrees to the right and then what I do you when I'm sharpening you want me I'm chopping on this side so I've got a handle I'll sharpen I want to sharpen up with my counties on my left wheel my chisels on the right wheel my chisels work with the handle down here so I can stand wherever I like but at the gallery I don't want to sharpen too much on this side because I have to reach over the wheel as I'm right-handed so I do it on this wheel it's easier about troops and ankle [Music] the wheels really bouncy so that will be a bit of dressing so I've got one set up here that CPN so I'm going to touch up on the CDN so this one's all set up so give me a second as in ideally because I'd rather have the CV on this side but you can see that's just beaten the hell up the gap CBN's a lot smoother so it's the same grind it's just think about it it's $150 gouge and I'm sharpening it on a five color wheel it's a bit like having a Ferrari putting retreads on it so you're not gonna do it so you know if you've got these expensive gouge because there is no thing such thing as a cheap gouge or I had to roll at least 50 to 150 bucks so you know this CBN we don't even buy now for like 100 hundred bucks well worth the investment because it'll gonna save you the cost of your seat the CPM wheel will save you the cost of the couch in the least one yeah it's when you sharpen at CBN you take off pennies at the time the shop with this guy you taking off 15 20 cents with a guy wearing it out really fast and this we this is not designed for the exotic Steel's we use you know use em 42 M to 10 V so what this wheel is doing such a chipping the surface of the carbines it's nothing that car bites out of this deal cuz we use a lot of carbines in our skills this is CBN and it has you've just cuts through the car lines a bit like diamonds blue glass and this is like a spinning brick so it is way better than a cbn on this one have a person you haven't seen here on this side just so I sharpened this way simple as that now let's go for a finish cut a couple of things about this technique the flatter the handle but not completely flat the more enclose the flute the better the surface I can get on here by the way it's not affected by volume so this is try to get the elevator to get some info so I'll take a reason big kind of that so this penis is is call for you here so it's all super super fast here that's the end of my car there's beginning so what I did was this the end I step over to the tool so I can so I love doing in a series of little car it's like a postman now the secret erases slow to the slow athlete the cool the better the fish my fingers that kind of swing out myself we oversee lie right [Music] when I took it I'll take that out so right there when I run into a little bit of a bump I got a little blip just from the lathe just slowing down a tiny bit but I don't have Tom grin so I'm gonna take that out so it's gonna come in again so don't press on the surface just gliding in [Music] and then I'm going to use the same remember this doesn't give a good finish on my grave but this is not finished on the whole but it likes making the tenant remember any degrees include an angle itself right anime and then our Jam choking October 2012 the other Bacchus but before I do anything I'll just pass this round straight off the tool so I pass around your to join the two cuts there's always gonna get a little bit of a blip but it slows it like it send it out via feel there's no talking Korean and I got to cut basically while I went back took a little blip out so and that's actually I know it's wet but it'll give you the same result on dry wood it doesn't care if it's wet or dry this guy I'm going to show you the cuts again because this is a bit more vulnerable this is a little punky in places but it'll still cut super clean so this is a big mark choke I think I like the one way Chuck but the big ones my favorite on the market because the one weight doesn't come with dovetail jaws a standard it comes with them serenity to us and I was good enough till so till jaws have been around for five hundred years they're pretty good so we were invented and by ornamental Turner's those guys are used to turn Ivy on all the metal mess and they invented the dovetail doors in the 1500s but on the ivory but also it's really good now going back to safety here I'm in the most vulnerable point on would be octagonal piece of wood with corners it's on the chunk but is it a hose head secure so I'm gonna bring up the tail stock you know I think oh I'll just chance it it's just not working so Bradley stage we thought of said sure that everybody safe including people in the audience I'm just gonna throw the tail stock back on and use that as my safety guard now at home I use a longbed lid but it's a longer live it's a big mark long bed - it's about another 18 inches longer and the nice thing about it is I don't have to die that spring the tailstock out the way or he's pushing further back because in pushkar with ball turning whether you are the inside the outside I still have the same problem in fact everybody pushed put around the inside of the ball you still got the same problem with your handle is I can't get past the tailstock so you might say oh I'll have the tail the tail stock with my style of returning he's still gonna take it off to do the inside so it's some sage value go to swing it out the way or push it out the way of life ok back that I cut down to the round so lining up a little bevel up the battle I'm lining that paradox the outside the ball that's radius I'm going to be touching forth in this in here straight across so I'm looking down on the tool make sure it's in line starting with a food just open enough to throw the chips I don't it to open because then it becomes aggressive and the tips are also gonna hit interface and I just want a little bit of downward handle as I stop that flap drop the handle and stock drop the handle the tool longer pushes I'm after nepali long so by keeping it black and push it through the car so all the entities coming from my right hand but not my left or my left is doing is making it to a stable on the tour rest a little bit of loose bark enough so let's just take the crack that it's just on the corner it's not going anywhere so I'm standing at the end of the cup [Music] then okay so this one is pack wonder will exceed at all because I wasn't be careful so we've got to eliminate that so let's show you how that he eliminated so you see this what is pokey he was sitting on a log out in the e/m in the field and it's getting towards the point where it's starting to decay a little bit so but you can still cut it to make that disappear so the cut again give it to very flat there's a hidden to that later to low pretty large volume [Music] [Music] rendering complex cosas you put it back together is the last cut so about the speed of the P so if you ladies running very fast then you become an ambassador so I'm gonna get 1200 stars super fast for the piece of wood [Music] I want to enjoy like before off in the pool there's a toll where isn't it torn it's not talking even though the tool start to talk it stopped when they see the Tom green here where I wasn't be nice to it and now by closing the flute ball and I was for taking a pretty hefty chunk the Tom Green is gone and we know it's punky word we can see it's quite punky here it's got a little bit on it but he could be cut clean I'm gonna use this is the jam too but the other one later but let me give it one more car on this so at this point was the one thing is is the tool shop so I'm gonna sharpen again I'm CBN and I could cheat a little bit here sometimes I get a little lazy and I broke I'm just gonna sharpen half of the couch and we use it one half the gas halfway and I'll sharpen the other side letting the inside later I'd let you if that saving money and after I'm just being late okay so so about 45 days ever the cup let's see the mother-to-be no volume let's just paint so why does the Chuck become slightly loose in the time it took to do the outside why did it loosen slightly gray encroached yeah it compressed so the grain crushed down so it doesn't dry out that quick you quite humid here and this woods not soaking wet the reason being is all woods can be compressed especially over a period of about twelve hours now I used to work for company when I was in my 20s called Hardware dimensions limited they I used to help them in poor hair would free woodturning and they used to take these three inch square blocks at home in fact would be almost identical size to this maybes a little bit longer was hornbeam they would take a 3 inch block like that and in the morning it was inch and a half thick knowledge how thick cousin machined it down they compressed it to half this size overnight so you can do that with hornbeam and they used to use it for the weaving industry in Manchester so Manchester's where the Industrial Revolution started that's where they used to have them in all them these huge huge factories that used to do all the weaving for the whole world now there are no reading plans there whatsoever but the presses were still there used to import the home beam from texas LaMacchia and then they compress it overnight to half its size and now we had a super density of 1.4 which is denser than any wood in the world the heaviest when the world's 1.3 so they were then machining and it was like this incredible material was a compress of a night so they do it slow enough you can compress overnight and that's when I realized that I used to think the wood was right oh yeah well I'm dry quick you know I could get a quarter-turn hell no it didn't dry it compressed and I bet now just a minute so it's maple tiny bit more so the kids will fight where they'll stop but even that little bit of compression means I've lost a tiny bit of stability so the most stable the piece is the batter is going to hold on the lane that way I can pick it slightly bigger now I'm only running on two installs ideas okay well this one for five its tools but souter inches so riveting as strong as four inch but it's goofy so here's the car the handle is pulling down with my fingers [Music] [Laughter] the Greenville closing influences wall [Music] even though the wood is rotating faster the talk time school beats decelerating my job and I'll pass around then he did a blank back cuz I'm gonna haul about what happened that's his cane of my face that's good shot thank you much hello buddy he's just painted my face as his shop did he get wiser or did they keep it forgetting while they didn't have to support the sides great crested Endora didn't need to support the sides now he would get a fraction why the babies an eighth but the way they compressed it it didn't sandwich out like you know if you took puddy it would just keep squeezing out no we just kept getting smaller and you did over about 12 to 14 hours but without heat or anything in the wood was relatively dry now not all the woods will compress quite that clean but home view home being did resonate they in the water oh great quick question did I set up questions present is the best part about demonstrating is it is not a hand rest it doesn't help me with anything so I never has endeavor almost virtually never let my hand to answer to arrest there'll be a couple of occasions a start of a cup that's prevented from skinning but once I'm in the car no this guy is not my buddy this is going to deteriorate almost virtually all cuts deteriorate unless we're a perfectly straight line and I'm killing my hand like that I ain't touching it and even most the time most to arrest the straight lines are immediately lousy shaped Meehan won't fit sadly you can use it for that it's just to support the tool to prevent it from dropping that's all it does it's not yeah so my dad used to call the hand rest I like it which point dad I said this is a hand rest man I don't use my hand on it if I hand touches it if that's the cup think about the gouge it has to go from here to here anything that influences is path anything gets in front or behind it that isn't being pushed from the rear leaves a mark on a surface so if I come around the corner and I leave my hand in front by resting on a tourist I will start a bounce if I use it I can't use a tourist as a guide for the ship because it's straight and that's a curve so it doesn't help me and even if it was dead straight I might even set the tourist at the same angle and probably still not going to use it so it's a great quest in fact in a minute we did pummel curling today and what happens it just a touch the torres gonna cut a pole you screw up the cut yeah toss things so broken surfaces are the worst surfaces to do in fact we've got time to do that right now and for a whole of this out cuz let me take babies three or four minutes to hollow out and I'm gonna take it off so we want to go you know that's what happens if you do a class where you've got Nova chucks the gold left-handed and then your big mouth Chuck's in one weights that are right-handed in the same class and you walk around checking people's chucks while you're loosening them not meaning to okay so you see this is silver maple it's not you know it's not a great piece it's it so I happen it's not come clean so now there's always always two marks we are not looking for perfect after there's no such thing as a perfect cut it can't be done and what I say it can't be done what I mean by that is that is that's what some papers for it to take a really good cut or a good car or a really good cut and make a perfect because no matter how flawless I think I made the car a little bit of chipping they're helpful also made the cut there are tool marks it's a continuous spiral from the bottom to the top of the top the bottom whichever way you go which is what you know the old vinyl records are the same thing just is how bad or how deep are those groove marks case now one thing I didn't do here is use details normally this tailstock so it's running out of true that means I should have use the tailstock that's very pretty true but before we do how about I cut some holes yeah so we got some good questions there so like I said this and something at you is about touching the tourists and so I believe it influences a lot of people's turning work so the style attorney Hancock I named it push cut about 25 30 years ago after working with Mahoney otherwise my style didn't have a name and so when I worked at Mahoney rule we were turning in the same workshop Mike Mahoney I realized he was left-handed he was using her left to control the tool as well as his right who's using both to control the tool and let's say you pull the garage around he says yeah I do I'm pulled around I says he'll pull anything any two around I just push around and that's where we realized we had two very distinct styles that's what I realized that the iris grind required the gals to be pulled round the reason it couldn't be pushed round is the nose of the gouge and the Irish grind is 60 you can't push 60 degrees it'll ride right off the surface but the wing on the Irish brine is 40 because the Irish grave does not have a grind that is even all the way around and what I mean by that is if you take up a tractor if you could and you measure the wing the middle of the wing the tip and the other side the way it's constantly changing angles there's a big problem with that anybody know what that problem is when you use it for anything other than pole cutting what's the problem when your gouge bable changes angle would correct can you do that on certain cuts correct is it possible so therefore it's only good for one thing pulling around the ball if you want to push it when we push we have to say bomb today I'm going to push in at this angle so I'm gonna open a flute more oh push that will change it when you do that the bevel comes on and off the surface and so where do you put the handle demands that but if it's 40 all the way around is what if we had sharpening dusts because using a platform and not a pivot system what happens is is you're able to adjust so he notice for the maple I was a little bit more closed with my flute than I was with the ass with the attenti slightly more open but I've stored the Babel if my Babel was changing angle from the tip to the wing when I opened and closed the flute to find the magic spark then my bevel may be on or off the surface and when he babbles off the surface you darling control of the tool it's really simple this pencil is beautiful but if apples in contact I can sharpen this pencil really easy one-handed beautiful cut no Tom Grange no after what what happens when I take the bevel off it doesn't move I have to push it with my left now to damaging the pencil you can hear it screaming that's scraping that's slicing the slicing is don't one-handed I don't need two hands to slice so I don't need two hands turn good what my left hand is doing it isn't controlling the tool it's just stabilizing it and the reason is stabilizing in it all gouge cuts require the handle to be at the very minimum flat the usually down which means the tool is light so I'm making heavy in the front that's what stabilizes a tool is making it heavy at the front and on this case I'm definitely change the pulley speed because I'm on the low speed which won't work for pummels let's be on small block of wood and let's just show you okay okay so here's it to rest the cameraman hopefully you can pick up this up I'm gonna show you what a pummel looks like a bunch on this will use it different gas blends those on the cab you come back [Music] I'm very pretty quick twenty-two twenty-three hundred on this so a bubble is can't touch the two arrests watch I'm clean I pin it without touching the Torres [Applause] courage and it doesn't mean sense [Music] spindle turning [Music] it's got their little children so this pummel right off the tool is super super clean now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna at my hands it's the to arrest I'll do the pump and watch what happens to the problem so just good as a star the capitalist when they didn't know to arrest they interfere with it so anything that interferes with a path what you couldn't clean now as I'm going to go down a bit with my finger in front of the car Boadicea well I put my finger just on top so it's nocturnal the tourist is resting the tool hundred percent guide of the tool is that little bevel the bevel cuts really clean into that and it doesn't matter which direction you go in even if you're left-handed I'll do so that's how they would we did the cassidy direction [Music] I'm just talking about one way to go by going to the middle okay so I got straight in at an angle straight at an angle concave convex and you can see because super super clean cuz I'm floating the battle so let's just rub the battle on a couple of cuts and see what happens again so it's not going around with a balloon floating you mani heat on the surface this trick barely other sense here I'm just gonna press it they use this control but if I flew it with Barry on the surface any other way then that's what this guy's quote comp use on a ball by the way folks this page and this is actually but it's really really good to get in that corner wait so it's in a bunch like significance for passive so cause the exactly couldn't slow either but you see there is the cut real cleaning of the gouge holders so that's floating the bevel which will do on the inside of the morning so I need to go back to so by the way on the video video is that go into that quite a bit about floating the bevel there's a couple of videos where I'm showing across end rings we're showing you how I'm controlling the tool and not interference to path tool so you know my tool needs to so to travel a certain path then I'm just going with the tool to do that path I'm going around a big sphere I'm letting it travel I'm not interfering with the front all I'm doing is traveling padding mass to the front that's all I'm doing that's now the forty forty hours has limitations so we're about to see if limitations which is he does not like the bottom third of any board so it's gonna be good let's don't forget it's good because what happens to you sometimes when you tighten this up it'll squeeze it out just a little bit it can happen in the tailstock will prevent that so if you end up with any gap between the jaws and the word then you don't have a good location point the ball will run out of true and then I'll get a little bit more deflection when I'm following it out I think it's good yeah now holding out this maybe think about how many people work so hard to hollow out a ball and I'm like man that's not fun it's so easy to hollow out the ball is don't swing around the ball the straighter in you go would get rid of all the ball faster it is when I reached Mahoney we don't ever swing into the ball it's too slow we go in Street Street Street then we swing at the end if you swing is swinging towards end great it's a wall of anger in there don't swing until you have to and everything wants to be the strainer and I go oh that's a fast start get rid of the chips so here's what happens when you go towards angry listen to this Cup and that's how I see people hollow out the ball the timer like we're learning is power that what would I do when I flip the tool 90 degrees and cut side green or me which one's easier and the amount of professional see there they don't want to be turning balls gonna because just beating you up you want to go in straight greater in look how big big nice flat easy chips easy to cleaner no powder you don't want this powdery stuff so the problem is I can't go in straight right now can i because a solid wall so i make the boot cuffs screener and then get my jeans at that hole down the middle there's a gulf swinging the end up is going in straight this couch does not like to go around the corner it loves and grin when they go around the corner it's facing into ender instead of slicing and peeling it so so let's show you how this works so the couch wants to skin on entry so I just prevent it put your thumb there got to leverage [Music] so I noticed I'm leaving the groups at the bottom of the camera picks books in and they help me later then I hope you watched it but what turns 58 she's getting this kids on the fly but it called skit on read it to me so we'll get to those later so humbled interested I'm already swinging the same to match outside curve no more I'm not swinging to at least rate the middle look what happens when I swing into they're finding it a whole time that is not the territory of this couch dad - Tara - on this couch fallible couch this guy loves this area here this we're lost love sidekick no sigh grin this one does not like the side room when we do this cut let's give it up looks easy when he stopped blade is always torn this guy loves going across the end ring now I've gotta get rid of stop trying so you guys never it's on the high school a that's as far as this couch can go we can only do two thirds if it doesn't like this area here not for a finish car you see the mess it makes it makes a mess it loves gonna cross this stuff here thrown across the side great that's one will change over to this couch what we need to do now is finish this area here so house yesterday when we started cracking cracking I thought it might even in here tittle bit dry so a little bit of a crack here cuz yeah she's already vulnerable Colorado ash so I'm gonna do do a quick turn these fill the house side down because it's a prepping it cuz I don't want it to blow up on me what I'll do I'm just gonna cut up that outside we'll see why in a second let's just call the check I forgot that it smells pretty wonderful to my cry you know we turn it off half an hour ago so start the check so I'm gonna do a little cheat here and push that hand it of peace [Music] Disco's we got some checking I'm gonna put the tape on it so from drying out yeah it's gone otherwise when I make it thin in a minute it's gonna blow up I mean I don't want to go dude round it's just gonna stop from drying out Riley in great where the app is quite wonderful that's all and I put tape on backwards so it doesn't a white okay so if I want to make this thin I'm in school do it in one cut but I don't do one cut wago it thinner thinner then I'm gonna stages what I do here let's get this bit down you can keep you've got a great view but there's a price to paper for even get coveted chips all day and see what it's like when I walk around the lathe teach you guys you guys may be with chips all day and I have to put up with it yeah okay this is anything a little bit to make this thin lotuses can you see the snaps thinner little thicker okay I'm just gonna go pick my thickness at say an eight numbers gonna power through the next two steps so what's happening here is shutters falling warping yeah she's talked about structural strength so [Music] but five legs on that one on the CDN so a most important kind of the whole ball is right now the reason is the most important of all is because and it's inside the bowl which is hardest part of the whole ball stand never told you to shop at half the cow shop the other half okay so right I'm coming in here to talk now paper towel is gonna stop the wood from doing what pushing away burning fingers so vibration is the result of the vibration so then what happens when I when I try to cut the wood will trying to scape is gonna go oh hell I don't want to be here so it flexes once it gets thinner if it goes down get now the weight then it bounces back which creates a vibration cuz it doesn't want to be cut so what I do is that stop it from escaping I used to use my finger but I wore it down I don't need it for the whole way around this lady before so paper towel just on postage [Music] right there going towards entering and you see the ship went to more powdery because I was no longer peeling pure sacred because we're a really nice finishing there won't pass so I still able to do pretty thin and I'll make it fill up in the outside so now everything changes this couch can't go any further because they keep swinging I've hit the rim of the ball just change it out pull the bottom bolt out but only cause with the bottom feeder it's called the butterball it just doesn't know any better I think all the bottom ball goes for 25 years but ya have a different name for it so you can call that a different tool it's exactly right you know where you learn to problem so I've been Mahony complete all the time it's funny how when we raised you know it did we but when he says give up the push girl and there's a reason he doesn't push me around the acceptable I mean though I just push Grundy outside the pole it's really simple is that handed you didn't like it then working at Planet but on the inside the body just have a choice he has to turn right-handed but on the outside the ball is going to try to turn that pattern so he does but you can't turn the inside book all the time it's not humanly possible there's no way to even stand long as you turn on he further secondly so he's forced to right-handed but on the outside he doesn't like it so that's right to an attorney so I had you don't even teach a class at all the guys with this morning I used to ask is anybody left hand in the class and it's we've sent CSS stuff in return a right handed so may it be said of a right-handed people so I teach to the class in Richmond a camera where was and will be doing spindle to and then we did this morning all spill over the world out and secondly this guy is turning the balls all that handedness it oh why you turning that patents have you right annexed or right-handed says I'm not turning that handle says okay we do our says that gouge is in the left hand planet is held at some of onii-chan toises the mother was left-handed because sis you meet happy watching Mahoney's video for two years and I didn't know he was left-handed he doesn't mention in it maybe one he's turning left handed and so there's thousands of people out there they turn their hand about realizing if that's Alan okay so remember this chip that's what we want this couch can no longer make that chip because it's going into the end grain because the wings are so far back the wings that are parallel there in this position are hitting on the denrin and it makes the power but because I've taken the wings forwards and taking the angle the 60 degrees I hold back to the big peeling chip now what this couch called you cannot cut the side wall so the secret of this card in the recent we hard learn is everybody stands right here and it is still right there homework because what what happens best and right up against the late I'll come around the corner and I'll push it with my left because they can't swing the handle any further and forced to get it to move forwards by pushing it if I stand back here so look where the hello comfortable let's down the talk about him [Music] now this guy's doesn't like a sidewalk with a happy Versailles we put one workout [Applause] then I'm going shopping this guy Poseidon shop get up since I was in Hawaii which is a month ago so it's been sitting in my bags okay we're not back so a little touch it now chopping it up I'll demonstrate on this one but I'll do it on that one I grind it 40 degrees as the bait I normally use an angle game set at 60 but lazy like if I don't want to move the platform if you tell me in for a few seconds my finger there and I roll it round so I'm going to do that on the CBN exactly that's too bouncy this Lucy yeah that's been put my finger underneath that's about sixty give it a few degrees [Applause] okay so the other thing about this tool why it's hard to learn and if you watch the video I've got a Vimeo about this tool here's your mustn't grip it like this like this you're gripping it my gonna start looking like that then you release it and awesome I'm only holding it down in front of the tool not behind now we are not pushing it I don't wanna push it let it slide so just there no thumb behind no grip just let it slide so I'm sliding on my original their Center so you heard that little bit of vibration everybody know where that came from a vibration from no manufacturer era made the flute too long as tool and it vibrates to a little bit so Ashley Harwood my apprentice she had hers made with the flu and they shortened it doesn't vibrate he just had Thompson made the flu a little bit longer thinking's give me a better bargain but when his tool gets down to that shop I'm not using it it's already too short for Ibaka it won't reach weight mill the flute just an extra inch and it's quite thinner steel he because a lot of ball games have got quite a bit of material removed from it so it's got a little bit of deflection so you're just listening and you might say oh hang over to rest in it doesn't help look where I end up I still end up on the same spot of the two arrests when I finished the cup I get the same vibration so curve to rest might help but not always because it's usually not the right curvature and so let's pick up the cup one more time so I think I'm gonna go with my 40 40 just so who further round 8:25 plenty of time so here if I want to paly stop its gonna hear this wall [Applause] [Music] at the max and get the girls around [Music] the sale of senator about center finished on center the reasoning of both centers again at that appeal if I'm directly upon center the tools kind of flap and I'm not a chips coming down all the work coming down to the cutting edge so I wanted to coming up a little bit and the board coming down to it and that gives me nothing but don't worry have a plenty of wood [Music] that's all small peasant Amica more plenty of with that so [Music] I'm Bora Bora for at least 10 years the last bottle of blue oh because of a horny so they don't know Mike Mahoney oh we compete all the time and we have pretty make fun of each other but I was doing a bowl like this in Utah looking for a jam Chuck you know I made it to me and maybe this room a jam Chuck but I'd have a joke about I'm sharing a room with Mahoney so he has this quilted maple Blanc for his planet demo for next so I'm like yeah so I thought he's quilted maple blank on and I'm making it into a challenger but he walks in he's like he is like blown because like a 200 dollar piece of wood he says do whatever you do man I don't don't make that blanket he smaller so Mike my check it was almost fitting on my job jokes I squeezed it a bit tight and they cracked my bowl of it so I taped it up thank you both survived and switched to lathe on before I got my next cutting in blue because it just you'd already put a crack in it and half a bowl still sitting in the rafters thirty p m-- yeah don't get to it I believe a pony if you'd let me just take one more curl of this damn piece of the builded maple the bulb like trying to squeeze it on too tight okay so let's finish it still rises you're about more than buh-buh-buh whether your heels points it out on the raft us you know yes you about his balls sign it though right chicken let's not go there if I could get it back down I would but there's no way of climbing up there because the next 20 years it's gonna keep see your body fall still love that yeah it's a bit like when you if you blow up a ball the devil take all the bits away because what'll happen is it'll turn up the next time you turn up and somebody said can you sign it now hell no oh well cause they got on camera usually you know that I have Hammerstein lie well it's called what we call it plausible deniability yeah so this could be my jam tip and so it's actually easy to tail on this guy cuz it's already about shape to it so I'll just use a shape as a guide to where my actual diameter is so I remember turning a bowl like this many years ago when I turned the outside and it was what I call a public demonstration it's in a trade show so I was in London Alexandra Palace for my dad's demonstrating there as well I turn the outside the bowl I put my turn it on like this in a bunch of your butts on the inside so I pass the ball around while I change out my chores and get the check ready and then I'd the balls like after and I said fine folks hey can they get my bowl blank back and I'm like the bowl blank never comes back who would steal a half term or we sweep like finished it anyway go to visit my dad about three months later and that's my damn bowl sitting underneath these pens I says that's what that's my ball Texas yeah wasn't it funny dad sorry no it's embarrassing let me see thoughts will he's stolen it but well they did it's just my dad yeah yeah all cracked up yeah cuz it wasn't a dry ball so I did hear about doing pencil line that's roughly where the size is and what I'm gonna do here is cut a taper on it not a big taper just thinking it started and then I got to get the final size with scrape the top of the gouge right now so I think that's about the right size but let's make a tape run it just gonna sit aside so I'm a little bit above let see where it's on the tape I used to see that boys wear that's all over with us but I remember doing this is us as making spherical boxes there's this gallery in Oxford in England they power the many spherical boxes by selling for 20 pounds each they would buy them you know and it's a root of x we get hard sometimes and I'm like I'll make him another 20 boxes I hate making up for 20 pounds each because the wood was five pounds it so I'm going to making 15 pounds which $29 for perfect spherical box with a stand but anyway so I'm production turning them in my dad's workshop so I'm making a lot a lot of these boxes and my dad you should do named Sakhalin like the Buzzard move he's like a bus if he's hovering above me while I'm working what are you doing that man say who just wants you and so I'm going for the fit on my box I used to take three cuts to do it cut in which was tapered and feel where the fit it's on the taper straighten out the taper get it closer straighten it out completely get the fame so he comes in and he sees this my first car and he makes me jump and have a way to why not look at him kind of Crossman what do you want that fits perfectly he goes oh dad that was a good cursus what was a good car but he said yeah you got it wants this give me a break that again even one every time I made it look better it was so I'm going to tighten it a little bit so why don't we to tighten it up because it would fail does anybody know why that would be Emma's a great oh it's tapered it's fitting right at the end of the taper so it would fail why would it fail get that without ya trying to show you white fillings real real simply go home like this now I know why you must do what I'm about to do so you've got to fix it so what I've got I got lucky is this is my children hit my balls this is a bullet from color I said yeah I'm sure of course there's a township I got to fit exactly right right there like that but that is a disaster about happen a dead turn it on blow it up so that it's super tiny that's perfect he's also quite perfect but it was misspelled but it's still gonna fail why is going to fail so let me show you what should be correct it should be parallel by being parallel for distance that I pushed it up on the sin I am to all of it to get the shoulder it would have to wobble back that about to fall off if it comes a tiny tiny bit loose it will immediately release right now so right now though for the clothing thing maybe just wobbles a thousands of an inch it's gonna go off I'm off the tenant gone by sliding it on a parallel section that's a slight fact that far before visas so I could have something around cutting the tenon he it wobbles a bit it's not gonna fall off for me to be forget second chance of pushing it back on and then I'm also into a backup and I take that to the same diameter put tape over the joint then it can't creep so it's a double back and why don't want to be so fussy about jam chucking this is the end of the bull folks you've already sanded the inside it's a finished bowl it's worth now whatever a hundred two hundred three hundred dollars depending on what where you're selling it if you blow it up now you've whistle out of them you can't blow it up in the yoga stage it was a blow it up at the end so don't blow it up this thing so taking a scratch chisel all I'm gonna do is cut sideways at the same time service beautiful sideways and cut along so it's just power it out and then it's too tight what does it do for wheat especially the joke stressed if I push that all day at one go you'd be looking at what's you half the bubble they were just planted just like when you tighten the Chuck 20 seconds later they contain it again the wood will stretch one or two thousand that was a difference now it's rock solid I can't even get off after four stuff later so all I did was I've done it before I'd be an impatient but over the good faith that push it all the way up tight Nick rats but just by waiting just a handful of seconds 15 20 seconds the ball could take the extra pressure it's just be nice to see them crack and ash is really vulnerable to cracking you know that it was practiced editing now let's do the safeguard so double safe guard down Chuck's just you know don't care about the damn choke so turn it down the same diameter put the tape on backwards once round now we all the masking kids got no strength does it it's got no real strength but what it's really good at is stopping the ball from creeping so by putting it on it can't creep so now I can turn the ball there and it can't creep because the tip is strong in this direction not if you tear it and then even if it did creep it would have to creep a quarter-inch back before its fall off so I've got a double redundant safety I mean that you know I made a double redundant safety because that way if this was $150 $200 piece of wood which I'm sure you know piece of wood valuable before and then I blow it up and then you don't speak my mind it's all right $600 then I just lost $600 because I was too lazy to be said about the Ted in between an extra 30 seconds it says what the tape which cost 20 cents for the tape and it costs an extra 30 seconds to make it fit now there's no way that's coming on no matter how stupid I am now don't eat outside is where's the inside I don't know either we're just gonna find out right now so we'll give it a try so now here's something magical thing about jumping that's near now it does but it's something even more magical because to vacuum chucking cold yours all of that and let you finish the base but there's something incredibly magical about a genuine wooden jam truck jam shaking know what it is first of all does not know it's hollow anymore so there's no deflection so I don't make thin bowls from the inside out I make thin bowls from the outside in so I wanna make a thin bowl and add it's an expensive piece of wood that do not want to blow it up so let's say I'm making it really tall you know this and it's a I didn't $50 piece of wood I'm gonna jam chuck it and what other thickness the inside is which is finishing sander to this stage and then cut off the always make your TV - I would calibrate it and I wouldn't cut it that's on me thin and I can't blow it up as long as I don't take off the wrong amount I can't blown up because if I'm taking it from the outside from the inside out it's starting to flex starting the warp it started getting all you see it started towards it now it doesn't know when I can turn the whole thing I'm start to finish all the way around one more pass if I wanted to make it even thinner so I've no idea but I do it go ahead with too hot I think we woke up so there's a little cheat so let me show you couples another cheat here right okay let's say I need to get it off can't cut it I can oh that's nice thing about tail chicken - beautiful me is that what happens it's pretty true again so we play in a vacuum Chuck call Jules anything else it will be really true so now you couldn't again so that's a nice thing about vacuum cooking it doesn't know it's hollow it doesn't know it's thin and it cuts that's me to cut it one more time so this one nice cut all the way around so important cut so let's sharpen up the couch CDN so whole three pennies worth of bad ouch babies like pennies and the shorts at home so doesn't matter how think so if I see you don't wanna go ridiculously thin but if you wanted to go thin that I'm not working blindly here I know my thickness we could say with alliance as long as I don't take too much off I think [Music] for a spa and then that's a little bit long let's go shorten it a little bit it's like more happy super night stretcher because it's really Richard we've been good support now give you an entry Curtis of what to doesn't skip [Music] now if you want to take our tool box that's where negative rake scraping comes in so we'll just show you a little bit of that so I'm going to just look here on it so make a big scraping as I call it because I'm the one who named it 25 years ago is a double angle chisel with the burr if it has no bird is just a dull skew and it's gonna be a dull skew in 20 seconds anyway but what it's able to do which is magical blend out the toolbox better then like this landmark here with my god and so it's almost already so No [Music] [Applause] so why do people use Hispanic well the main reason people use see us bathing but what is the main reason people use why do they use sheer scrimping why do you use it over using a conventional scraper why would use shear scraping over conventions really that's why you take a conventional screen better you twist it outside why do you do that why did you choose the regular scraper Lester are you cutting instead of tearing that he's shaving it still to prevent it from grabbing that was a regular scrape on its side and hand grater yes it will grab as long as you're trying to get a nice curly little dusty you're preventing from grabbing this is called a negative rake screen because the secondary edge because it prevents it from grabbing it's the grabbing we can't cope with that's what blows up the piece that's what makes a tender green because it's attracted to the end grain so it goes yeah next thing you know so it's that's what negative we're experiencing does it repentance the grout because it has a second we angle it does not interact with the endgrain by self feeling it's neutral it doesn't push it away and it isn't attracted to it so it's in [Music] in the end grain with a 40-degree sharp edge and a massive burr it doesn't grab it I lose control almost there tiny bar CI so they're looking for the couch marcus here [Music] remember this is a reasonably Denis well you know hash is reasonably dense I mean it's all super dense like I'm going directly to angry but it's not ripping it off and then if you send me an email I'll send you darling panic on how it works [Music] I took this really far machine to do but they they could have a Greek script the inside so it's it really easily then I mean the wall to help some carrots Balinese that's okay but look at the finish up the negative really didn't tear it so but negative Rick is a refining tools so how does negative rings meaning would draw close after than this because then cuz I know it's late for you guys to okay so I'm gonna draw two scrapers that have the same end to them excusing my skills are drawing okay that's the bird Korean which is excess men will get foot back more committed with the further okay I did it's in giving my drawing skills I'll do the same tip okay I think it's a conventional scraper maybe it's important negative experience how did it seem cool not more for the same right here so this verb is is on this service here which is parallel to the surface to arrest - tourists what are those two services when that interacts with this surface because it's exactly parallel it is attracted to the surface those two arrows not parallel this pulls it in this that stops it blowing it up I just took I'm really shocked Hisle with a big very ver that I put on the courses balance wheel in the whole room and if nothing would abrade the surface if I take in this little Chisolm here this one which is a conventional scraper this one is just flat on top and it's half the width and I put a bit on it and I put in that end grid everybody in this room would have a piece of that ball instantaneously with it insert in it's got the parallel surface smash right through the side bloated pieces that's the difference negative Rick when you put a secondary anyone now my dad would never have discovered this technique could never discovered it no apprentice Turner in the world would ever have discovered this technique said the way is because how did my dad's shop nice you correctly hold it so if you take a skew with a sharp edge you hope beautifully home and you put it flat side into the wood what happens to that skew edge within three seconds the doctor so what's it do to the green mulching it the bird is like wild world glued to the front of an edge and it's wild wooly are breeding the surface the ndrine weeds making powder for look and finish it's really nice right off the tool it's really good but when the burr is gone what is it adults cutemon to dull skews work no so my dad at the Friday would never worked so how did they what did they use on ivory and into an I remember I read has a specific gravity of 1.8 that is 60% have well for you said having any in the world they used a skew on its side but because ivory is not a hollow tube its told strengths there are a solid calcified hair if you use a regular scraper with or without the burden if you hold the burner off it will instantaneously shatter ivory so the I return is discovered that if you put a second burrow second analog like a scooter-cide took the burr off it was great we need a bird because ours is still strands but a hollow strands because the hollow we don't have a bird and braid them away they don't they don't work away with a sharp edge but ivory can be work with a sharp edge plastics can be worked away with just a sharp edge to really knock wood that's why when I saw that easy wood tools have now brought out a negative rake scraping made from carbide with a negative angle and I my egg I think you just didn't get it did you without the bird is just a piece of crap he's not a breeding you're rubbing an edge even carbide dust and it doesn't work it's the bird it's magical remember how to get going back to grinder three times but look at me so like our I ended up with taking out all my carrots marks bring me back to true house even when working super thin and I didn't blow it up even with my cows I'd be pushing my luck and that's negative excreting so in all the articles on VAW in a one i'll send you guys if you email me my email is this an article in the padlock talking about negative activity if there is no blue in there is no second angle it is not a negative or experiment it's something else and I wish I called it a new valid now fifteen years ago I would have called it negative rig operation its abrasion it's a good like having 36 grit sandpaper that gives you a 220 finish if you ever use of course some pea but the problem is it's very effective but then when you go the next screen it has to be just a little bit less coarse a little bit less coarse if you started 36 you've got to go to 48 you gotta go to 16 no they go 80 120 you know you want to use by a grits but I'm getting the same amount of material offers a 36 grit sandpaper but with a 220 finish because that's what metal particles specially with high vanadium content is the abraded where the surface really effectively with that little guy without tearing it but it doesn't work on punky wood so this piece of maple from before by jamb Chuck that was not negative big screen but the ash wood honey locust wood oak does elms okay reasonable but soft punky woods don't work the reason it'll work is that burr as soon as it touches the surface the it takes off more material than you want and it blocks the bird it wraps onto the bird that grips it and stays there so to get rid of it you start pushing harder and you snap it off with any grab something lump again so it's not effective on punky wood the denser the wood the fibers brick really rapidly more brittle they just snap off and so it keeps clearing sweets keep doing the twist we saw in the after day it's not about finished with just a piece of wet all - in Colorado they were really quick because we we are - Sonia stay in the Union Colorado so if the tree gets irrigation hash just grows so fast that's why it checks is he's got more moisture in it and it really once ash in the UK does some crackers Quakers although he got a lot of moisture we we don't have any sunshine so my trees don't grow quick enough that in Colorado the quarry conditions a to idea that the trees irrigated ash trees and honey locust trees and maple trees they get like this one grew pretty slow so this one was in a garden with no with irrigation see how slow in it and how really close for three so it was a pretty nice piece until it rotted it Roddick was left in a field for him six months in a log but otherwise it's winter on it but by- ring scrape this I'm pretty sure it's gonna live the fiber so is it a big look so we'll wrap okay we'll find out David's okay with this piece name is still a problem so then work is it too soft they do that the ash did it really sweet course so it doesn't like it likes hard maple top neck soft maple he likes ash it likes honey locust it like Osage orange really dense woods likes cherry but as soon as you can't below that it doesn't like poplar does like awkward it doesn't like soft maple so it works on the dens of the wood remember it's an IT technique originally so the dense of the material the better it gets simpler SAP and I could have used negative expect on the inside that didn't cause and we little bit landed on time this is my negative very scraper and for the inside but something it is and this isn't the biggest one we do we do a 3-inch one are you about to put a three inch scraper inside a bowl you heart would stop when you like what they're doing this one's two-inch and it doesn't grab so I use this I just didn't get a chance to use the time but look how wide this is it's a big negative rig scraper with a super sharp edges forty degrees I don't see I think it's 50 anyway it's pretty big see it would be terrifying inside of old but not because it's negative break if this was a conventional scrape it it would instantaneously slope the bowl but that's the one I use on the inside and it doesn't matter if the whole surface is touching it once it just sits there it's mutual so negative rate comes from negative Rick on and crosscut saws so if you take a rip salt and you put it on the chop saw blade and chop if you take a ripping blade from a table saw and you put on a chop saw blade and a chop saw machine what happens it grabs doesn't it we just grab you've never really hit a work we just keep stalling because it's all feeds so a negative Rick does the reason I called it negative because it doesn't self eat anything that's got a negative angle on it doesn't solve it and that's why I give it the name negative rake but in my rules my terminology of what I call negative rake and if you look back me you don't you go inaudible eighteen years ago on it it says it must have the van Gogh and it must have a burr or it isn't negative rake it's just a dog shizzle on its side so keep that in mind it's a great technique but be careful with it well besides her tolling the tool pretty quick there's another downside to negative rake scraping that's not the worst thing in the world but you're happy careful with and you know what it is you get stupid lazy you go oh I will deal with a cow's I think it's to help you learn you just stop thinking for screaming and then next thing you know you better use new couch so she must be careful remember it's just a fine tuning machine it's just like using a super cool sound pivot you wouldn't hop hollow out a ball and then sand it to finish you get it really close you say you can't do a little better but I don't want a chance with the couch I'm just gonna skim it in just like that but really close then like it's not quite where I want it I'm just gonna use it for 30 or 40 seconds that's it otherwise if all of a sudden it'll be viewing you think you're using okay it's really good on acrylics it's really good if you take a piece of wood and you use the cactus juice where any piece of wood it's been affected hard you'd put superglue in it it's super neutral it doesn't have any effect because in bowls with a gouge what happens to the wall when you're cutting it walk away the blanks away you use the conventional scraper what's you're trying to do blanks into it and negative Rick is in the middle he doesn't push it away and it doesn't pull it in he's just neutral alright so are we out of time Europe one minute one minute left one minute over what never ends requested that's curious if you're when you're turning bull I want to think you to turn to spoil your passing around without all the teaching on it in your shop if I was just doing us back straight from the Gauss and I was racing because well I'm racing next week so I'll make a bowl that is 40 by 6 in 11 minutes including Jeff checking but 11 minutes yeah if it took less horsepower pits on the Powermatic it'll take me 12 that's when we original paramedics I took this 12 but we were three horse patents in a minute I can hog a lot faster but I remember I probably turned about five or six thousand balls so the main thing the main that makes me fast isn't because I'm cutting is because I don't make a mistake a mistake will cost you we know the time when you just blow it up that's where you gotta grow up so when I'm racing ask me next week if you'll take about 17 minutes and the only reason he knows I'm just more aggressive on the inside and I'm more comfortable thin wool than she is she doesn't make them all boss than I do and that's the only difference so if you do on the outside of banovina I'll be 20 seconds ahead and running outside when it comes to the inside that's when I'm throwing these chips I'm just gonna use more force that's how the only way I mean last time I was racing her and we raised in Las Vegas and I'm moving outside I'm like oh my hands just keep it up so because she's getting spa because he's risen to be the third time she's raised me so she's getting faster and I can't get much faster cuz I'm at my limit so you know how many bees are gonna have to cheat this town or something all the blood give her back use a wood chisel but sooner or later she's gonna bat you but no for fun so if I were to make a bowl from a square block like that and it's all ready to call it Chuck so it's you need products we do we have it ready to go Chuck we've already on the jump shot prepped so it's about 11 minutes I would say usually about 11 minutes give or take but if you want to make it better it would take me 15 to 20 but want to make it perfect you know as best I could but you know it's never it's never perfect when you're racing you know we've you know when we race egg comes me but honey race egg cups and we used to race Stewart more the man who's a very aggressive Turner spindle turning from England great Turner but very aggressive and Richard rafen who's just a speed merchant we can thrash him he used to beat a pen the more the harder they try the worse it got for him so how you race egg cups is you have to two arrests a two and a half inch square block of word on the Chuck you've got to hollow it out take it out in the round shape it pawn it off so me mahoney used to love raised him because they would get so upset because which is young kids and we'd always be them and folks that they were to go we will do it again we want to do it again under get into scan more and more embarrassing because now they get more aggressive so they're throwing it off the lathe and they get even catches and we're just the same thing great so how do we you always be - I don't know what was the secret was there's my homies what a fan right yeah it's like he doesn't bump me they're right-handed - fighting for the same space together Baca would so you in each other's paths and so the homies left-handed he's just does this thing where he just he's like Holland hollows out I take it down to the ground and is he's Halloween I'm taking on the ground I do a quick scallop to shave the egg come he reaches over with the party to listen he's back party leads other parts off how longs it take so up six seconds yeah so see it totally I did say it was pretty much me in six seconds anyway it's just about am as you guys you guys know you're not looking to make balls in 11 minutes you know if it takes you now it doesn't matter the main thing is is you want to reduce your sending time so no matter what your technique is sharpened for your last Cup especially inside and you know things like when you Jam choking think about okay I've got the perfect fit but how can I mean sure it's not gonna come off keep it till soft they're longer tape it up things that are given these mistakes are like they're good enough I don't need no tailstock go I'm gonna fit all need to table they've cost me badly because $100 piece of wood or a piece of wood is really precious to you you blow it up because oh man I was just too lazy to use the tape because I thought I was good enough not to so things like picking up the tail stop and I'm gonna fit down around safety things just those are things are important and practice makes permanent so whatever you practice becomes a permanent technique so when you're watching on YouTube if it's not a recognized good famous Will Turner no guarantee is teaching is something good a technique you know what Mahoney what Glen Lucas watch honestly Harwood Cindy draws the bunny client they're the people you want to watch no Michael hasta la this will class famous tears once a you guys invite demos otherwise this has so much trash on you internet on it it's just I know it's free but it's just teaching you how not to come because you know if the guys got torn grain or he's high he's fighting in like that like I said it was a guy who's posting you turn this 24 inch or ball but he said right then I'd beat the crap out of me and I'm like to be the crap buddy something's wrong with a technique I'm not getting tired woodturning I mean except for his standing in the lathe all day today nobody got tired we're gonna make six seven eight bowls - I know he's gonna be tired from the physical side of it cooked I because he's standing there and you're repeating it if you're not even tired from the physical it shouldn't be any physical exertion if you're pushing with more than 2 to 3 pounds of pressure something wrong with your technique if it's beating you up something wrong with your technique anyway I appreciate cuz I know it's really hard to sit there for whatever almost two hours so thanks for being here don't forget email me I'll send you three info slash returning if you want the free videos as well all right thanks [Applause] you
Channel: Mid-Maryland Woodturners Club
Views: 845,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mid-Maryland Woodturners Club, Woodturning,, stuart batty, 40/40 grind, bowl turning, stu batty
Id: N7BjRcSDurM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 38sec (6818 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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