Structural VS Non-structural Cracks

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what's up everyone Dave with M concrete and today we're going to talk about the difference between structural and non-structural cracks this is three minutes of Y with your foundation guy [Music] okay so today we're going to talk about the difference between a structural crack and a non structural crack we're gonna set our timer for three minutes and we're gonna stay under that time and give you as much information as we can here we go okay so you've got some cracks in your foundation or your foundation walls and you've been told or maybe you've heard the difference between is it a structural crack or a non structural crack we're gonna dive into that a little bit today but first I do need a caveat that sometimes just from the beginning just so you understand that a structural crack can hide itself as a non structural crack and a non structural crack can hide itself as a structural crack okay so just just know that that we're gonna not talk 100% absolutes so let's first dive in and let's first talk about structural cracks what is a structural crack typically a structural crack means that there is something going on with the home usually it might mean that you might have bowing basement walls you might have a little bit of settlement you might have a lien or a SAG in a floor or a wall that's coming in typically a structural crack is gonna start in the corner and it's gonna come down at an angle that usually a 45 ish de Greve angle or it might run horizontally across the wall that's going to be considered most of the time a structural crack and sometimes they'll be a little bit wider on the top then they will on the bottom not always again we're not talking in absolutes here the other side of the coin the flip of that is a non structural crack what would be considered a non structural crack typically that's going to be what we in our industry call a shrinkage crack so when you add a lot of water to concrete cement or mortar or anything like that it's gonna shrink and that would be considered a non structural crack it's still a crack in maybe your let's say your foundation but it's not necessarily meaning that there's a big issue going on it might just be that the product concrete shrunk and separated that's kind of a way that you the homeowner can kind of look does my crack goes straight down is it is a pretty much a a perfectly vertical crack that's typically going to be a non structural track or does it go at an angle or does it go horizontal debt that's usually gonna be a structural crack now they both can be fixed typically the fixes are a little bit different in how they're approached usually a non structural crack is usually just either carbon fiber maybe an epoxy injection things like that a structural crack might mean bowing a walls settlement so you may be wallplate anchors again carbon fiber maybe some steel driven push piers something like that so I hope that answers your questions I hope that you now kind of better understand the difference between a structural crack and a non structural crack so hey this is Dave F with F concrete I hope you found this video informative and helpful make sure to click up above and like and follow our page and this was three minutes of why with your foundation guy you [Music]
Channel: Epp Foundation Repair
Views: 38,231
Rating: 4.8120103 out of 5
Keywords: foundation crack, wall repair, crack in wall, horizontal crack, vertical crack, foundation
Id: 0La9oUocwrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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