Basement cracking SOLUTION! Fix major block foundation cracks without expensive contractors!

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hey guys I know this is a car Channel but I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about basement block wall repair now trust me at some point in your life this information is going to be useful to you or somebody that you know because when you get cracks in your basement walls it can be very very expensive to repair now that you can do it yourself if you know how to do it and you know where to get the right supplies so that's what this video is about so please stay tuned now I'm gonna admit when my basement walls started to crack I got extremely frustrated I did call a couple of companies to come in here and look at these walls you can see I've got a ladder crack here and I've got a horizontal crack over there and a vertical crack over there here you can see a close-up of the ladder cracking this is on one side of the basement in my main house and it is a sign of structural failure it's a pretty severe crack there this is the other side of the same building with a similar ladder crack with some other small cracks going all the way floor-to-ceiling now there's some significant movement there you can see in that top crack this is over on the other side of the house a side wall you can see that there's some center bowing at about ground level on the outside significant horizontal crack again there's some structural failure there to the other side of the house I have about one inch of deflection coming in on the wall this way okay so the ground outside is pushing the wall inward because this wall is coming in it sounds like the right solution is the rods like AFS said the problem is I have a septic system on the other side of this wall the other problem is AFS quoted me about fifteen thousand dollars to fix this structure I also have a house out back that has the same problems so there's another fifteen thousand dollars for that structure altogether it about $30,000 in repairs for the two structures just to fix the cracking block walls and their straighten them out another company that I called they came in and told me to use carbon fiber now I've worked with a lot of carbon fiber carbon fiber Kevlar as well now their solution is to come in here and lay carbon fiber against the wall put an epoxy resin on it and what that'll do is that'll keep these cracks from opening up now that is true carbon fiber will keep the cracks from getting worse problem is it doesn't fix the problem okay the wall the entire wall is coming in from the top so the carbon fiber really isn't gonna arrest the problem or correct the proper it will arrest the problem it won't correct the problem so what I needed to do was find a solution that that returned the wall to the original position it wasn't a carbon fiber and it didn't mean drilling through the wall into the yard into my septic system another issue that I have is I have trust floors right so you can see that this floor has come in about an inch here and I need to be able to push that back problem is you can't really put any pressure against the trust trust floor in this direction it'll basically fold these trusses over and lay them that way the solution I came up with was pretty simple when I started looking at what was available out on the market so the solution I settled on was the gorilla wall brace from resh enterprises these are about a hundred and forty dollars apiece so they're not cheap but they do give you a little bit of a break if you buy a bunch of them and they give you free shipping if you buy a bunch so basically this is a traditional steel beam wall brace and it's a reasonably easy install the only issue with this is you have to carry the load back into a main structural member or you'll just fold over fluor braces so that's what I did and I'll show you a quick shot now because I have a trust floor I had to come up with a different solution for installing these wall braces so I don't put some cross carriers across the floor trusses and pick up a large central beam that braced against both walls on each side so this is this is the product here gorilla wall braces from rush enterprises and to be clear I'm not sponsored not affiliated in any way with these guys they just happen to be the solution that I said alone so this is the wall brace here and this is a shot of one installed two bolts go into place there's a steel backing plate up here and it pushes against the beam and the beam slowly straightens the wall out over time you can just tighten this nut to keep it keep the pressure on your wall probably the most contain consuming part in the install on this wall brace is installing the support braces the wooden support braces to make sure that you're not going to ruin your house when you start putting pressure on it so you have to make sure have an engineer look at it and make sure that you're not going to move your structure when you start pushing against these walls on the bottom they're secured with a couple of Hilty bolts and I'll show you guys that really quickly so the bottom plate the beam sits on the bottom plate and you just take your healthy if you don't have a hill tee you can rent one from Home Depot or Lowe's they supply it with a drill bit and you drill down through this bracket and you install the supplied bolts it's pretty easy so that's a beam that's installed I just have to put these bolts into place and it's all done so it's a pretty quick and easy solution here there's also another product that they supply that it it's it's for if the beams are running perpendicular to your wall so I'll show you that product so this is a video sequence of me installing their perpendicular wall brace system you can see that the floor braces are the fuller joists are going perpendicular to the basement wall that I'm trying to push back these are the same prices the other system and I really like how these install so the main plate goes against the beam and then these rods you can see that I'm working with here they brace against the adjoining or the nearby floor braces so they use some bolts you drill through the floor joist you put the bolts through and then you bolt those bars to the nearby floor joist to brace it and then when you install your beam you're pushing against three floor joists instead of just one floor joist so here I'm installing the beam up to the floor joist when I get it in place I'll install the safety zip tie to make sure it doesn't fall in my full head and then I go down to the bottom and I'll kick the floor bracket into position got to lift up on the beam and kick this floor bracket into position it took a little bit of doing because you know that beams pretty heavy at that point I'll go in and I'll measure and I'll square it up and mark with a sharpie where the holes are so that I'm ready to drill with my Hilty I'll tap the beam off to the side and you'll see my little marks there and I'll go to work with a Hilty drill now they supply the bit with the Hilty drill so that's ready to go you might have to rent a drill if you have if you don't have one now keep in mind don't lean on the drill just let the drill the Hilty do its work on the other side I actually put the floor bracket into position and bolt it with the with the supplied bolt and drill the other hole so once you're done drilling the second hole put the beam back into position might take a little bit of coaxing with a thumb finder slide that over and then take the supplied bolt put it into place now I use an impact an impact gun a Dewalt impact if you don't have one of these you should probably have one in your arsenal they're pretty amazing so that's it all right well all I did after that was I marked a couple of spots on my wall and I measured that with a vernier caliper to make sure that I knew what the gaps were prior to tensioning the beams okay so those those long nuts on the top i tensioned those down to close the gap up I did see a little bit of movement initially not a lot but it did move a little bit and but I will be tracking that over time and writing on the wall with a sharpie marker what the measurements are so I can keep track of where we're at well I wanted to thank you guys very much for watching the video if you made it this far thank you for subscribing if you're already subscribed if you're not subscribed please feel free to subscribe to my videos I will be posting a lot more videos in the future there'll be some DIY videos some car related videos and some travel related videos so again thanks a lot guys for watching
Channel: rallycsx
Views: 67,906
Rating: 4.8397932 out of 5
Keywords: Basement repair, Masonry, cracked block, cracked cinder block, cracked basement, DIY basement crack repair, foundation, cracked foundation repair, cracked foundation, cracked basement wall, cinder block, cracked, wall brace
Id: 7W6rpXtk7ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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