What Serious Foundation Issues Look Like

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Hey everybody Kyle Sasser here with Keller Williams st Pete and I want to take a video today to show you an example of some foundation issues over here in Pinellas County So as you can see behind us here. I've got some wetlands back there, and then we also have a You know there's quite a bit of a slope back there And there's no retaining wall on the back to hold all this land up here Pinellas County You know it's all Beach. Even the stuff. That's got grass on it You know back in the tens of thousands of years ago. It was all beach And you know beach sand likes to move around a little bit unfortunately You know that does lead to some settling typically you only see like little hairline cracks in the stucco You know in the corners of houses not really a big deal not anything to be concerned about however There are occasions where you do hit significant foundation issues so This is what? significant foundation issues look like So basically what we have here we have This is one cinder block over here, and then this is another cinder block that starts here And this is a gap between the two The rule of thumb, I like to use is if you can if you can fit a quarter in it Edgewise you should probably have somebody look at it and that is Not edgewise and that is a you know full diameter quarter, so yeah, this is this is way past time for somebody to look at it let alone You know being able to store a Campbell Soup can or something like that in there? So basically the cause of this is you know the house sits on a slab There's no sinkhole here so far as anyone's aware. There's a pond back there But I spoke with some of the neighbors here, and they said that there's no you know no sinkhole or anything like that They've had structural engineers out and all that good stuff, so Yes, this is caused by house sitting on concrete slab on sand and Basically, you know just over this house was built in 1972 so over those you know 4550 years With the water you know ground gets saturated with rain everything moves just a couple grains of sand and compounded over 40 years you know basically the backside of the house has dropped a little bit and Then that's levered the front which is broken this this front part And I'm gonna take you inside and show you the damage on the inside as well But yeah, but this is way past It so someone needed to fix that the quote From RAM Jack, which is a you know a contractor that deals with? fixing foundation issues basically what they come out they come out and they set piers underneath the Foundation's so that the house sits on those piers instead of the sand, that's all shifting around and everything but the quote for this particular fix is forty thousand dollars so it can be significant so Let's go inside Yeah, I'm just gonna turn us this way I didn't feeling like tripping on myself, okay So here This is the back side of the house There you go, so you can see the wetlands out there, and then here we do have some cracking And this is kind of the bank back bedroom Probably there is also some there was probably some water penetration as well So you don't actually see any evidence of water, however the missing Rug is kind of a good indicator that there was probably some moisture in here at some point we also have A crack from settling here in the ceiling And then I I know you can't see it, but over here in the kitchen There's there's a slate Well, okay so there's a slight curve that I can see and if you can see it when you feel that you feel like you're Going down a rollercoaster when you walked that way so the house is the house is moving in about three different directions here the worst though Is here in this front bedroom So we have a huge crack Here, so this is where we were just looking out at outside, so that's over here this kind of Jags, jags of backway So we have a huge crack laterally across the length of the floor and Well so note, I know you all can't tell how big my finger is but That is that is one finger joint wide so that is definitely significant and needs to be remediated and then the other The other telltale sign here if you look at that baseboard, over here it's okay And then you hit that crack, and then there's a huge gab over there between the baseboard and the You know between the slab and then over here We also have more more cracking and damage up here Yeah, so that is what significant foundation damage looks like Your house if you have like just you know some little some little hairline cracks that you can't even get it You know can't get a dime or a piece of paper into that is very very very common here in Pinellas County of course if you have any concerns, please contact a Structural engineer they'll be happy to take a look at that Hope this was a little informative. Please don't let your house get to this point even though it is significant with you know the $40,000 for the foundation work here a lot of times there is you know if you can't do an insurance claim they will You know set up Financing and all that good stuff for you. I think they did so well not sure to be honest anyway if you have any questions or comments leave it below and Thanks for tuning in
Channel: Great Homes Tampa Bay - Kyle Sasser, Realtor
Views: 70,047
Rating: 4.7020316 out of 5
Keywords: foundation, homes, pinellas, foundation issues, broken house, foundation repair, pressed pilings, piers, slab, pier installation, florida, tampa bay, cracked foundation, cracked house, wall cracks, wall voids, repairs, real estate, home buying, realtor, things to watch for, what to watch out for
Id: fBYurqze-LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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