Foundation Repair Estimate - Dallas | Forth Worth | Houston

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okay what we're going to do here is go over a quick estimate I'll show you some of the things we look for and give you some of the terms and terminology that we use that you may or may not be familiar with here's a slight stress fracture in the concrete slab itself it's not necessarily indicative of a foundation problem that certainly could mean that there is an issue it should be evaluated here at the corners of homes that trim is called frieze board and if you have settlement that will pop that joint open like you see there and that nine times out of ten does mean there's a settlement issue large enough that would require peer work what we're looking at here is the joints where the brick meets the window often you would see some separation there here we'll look at the other corner you'll see a little pop out there on that joint as well not quite as severe as the other side we'll work our way down the side of the house here primarily what we'll be looking for is cracks in the brick facade and the mortar joints as well you'll see a crack here where the brick changes patterns that's a very common place to get a brick crack again not necessarily indicative of foundation problems as the house moves up and down it's just a very easy place to develop a crack same thing here on the corner piece I'd say 90% of homes have this issue here there's no rebar or post tension support in those corners and the friction rubbing against that concrete all year long as the house moves up and down with the weather crits and causes that corner piece to crack off here's a pretty significant brick crack in the brick it runs through the bricks as well as the mortar joints the majority of the time peer work will bring that crack back together bring it back together enough where we generally don't need any Neary mortar we'll check this freeze board out as well you'll see even less separation than we had in the front working our way around we want to check the windows again we've got a slight crack here above the window lines looked pretty good there not a lot of stretching the lines similar crack above this window and here we do have some separation you'll see where the brick is actually pulled from the window see another brick crack here in a similar location to the other two windows that we looked at here's the largest separation and gap that I noticed in the house we'll see a significant brick crack and as we go down the line here where the brick should touch that doorframe you'll see it's wide enough you can stick two fingers in at the time it carries substantially all the way down finally tightening up at the bottom but there at the top that's a large I'd say beyond typical separation and that gray color you're seeing between the brick and the wood frame is not actually mortar that's actually the building material behind the brick wall the gap is wide enough that you can actually see through you'll see in the most significant gapping here at this frieze board but we'd see with the Yellowjackets or wasps for up to today that's another thing that people don't realize when you've got unrepaired foundation issues you've got all kinds of entry points for pests as we're looking at the gap at those wind to joints where the caulk line is stretched or even opened up roaches water bugs and etc you've got an access point for them to enter your home as well as wasps and other things that can build nests behind your brick wall here we're looking at a very low dirt level the dirt is it washed away from the house combined with being so dry that it is actually shrunk away from the house I'd recommend building up the dirt level there on that side of the house after the repairs have been completed we'll quickly look at another joint they're not too much going on looks pretty good include the exterior want to go inside of course after we've looked at the exterior of a home we'll go back inside and see what kind of damages are there just want to give you a quick look around the front yard this is a very rural area which I think makes it a lot tougher to maintain your foundation there's not a lot of obviously neighboring properties that are watering so it's pretty difficult to keep enough moisture around your home here inside what we'll be looking for is sheetrock cracks as well as doors that are out of alignment and/or sticking and this is one of the only straight door frames in the house we're looking for the spacing there on the top of the door where it meets the door frame it's actually fairly level here's a crack coming off a window corner you have to excuse the camera focusing in on these beige plain walls the camera had some issues focusing actually more difficult than I anticipated trying to focus in on cracks in the sheet rock there's actually a pretty significant crack here once we can get focused in this goes all the way up to the top of the wall and actually into the ceiling as well so we're cracking off of the both corners of the both both the doors and this door doesn't even come close to fitting inside the jamb I would anticipate in taking a significant amount of leveling to get that door back inside its frame again cracking up off the corner of the door as well as up the seam there we've got two bedrooms here on the left side of the house we'll check the back bedroom cracking in the sheetrock as well right along the seam and all the way up to the ceiling and this door is in a similar condition to the front bedroom that's me pushing on the door again not even really close to getting inside the jamb believe we've got got into the dining room here not too much damage in there now work our way into the kitchen and nuke I'm looking there for is kind of the door casing framing of the door looks fairly straight good-sized crack here coming off the back door and here you can tell where the spacing above the door and the door frame is not level we've got a door that's fairly difficult for me to open again just showing you the rural area try shut this door is going to be a little bit difficult due to the pinching of the frame there on the top right corner could get into a lot quickly because it's out of alignment work our way into the master the master and had the carpets pulled up a significant amount of cracking in the slide itself there you'll see a crooked door it's narrower to the left there which indicates settlement on the left side of that door frame relative to the right side the master bedroom had the most significant amount of damage in the house which happens to coincide if you'll remember outside the side that was at the low dirt level and also it had the dirt shrink where the dirt had shrank away from the house indicating a severe lack of moisture on that side in particular going into the master bath again we'll see a pretty significant crack here through the floor have this house still have the Tollan place I'm pretty sure we'd see a brick I'm sorry cracks through the tile get some separation here the where the drywall meets the shower and the significant crack above the door this is another door that really isn't even close to being able to be shut working our way back through the kitchen into the living room wanted to show you where the floor is actually dropped a decent amount beneath the baseboard widen up there at the corner where you could probably stick a finger after leveling the back of the house I would expect that gap to be gone we finally get back to where we're fairly level there in the living room and again why is there towards the back end of the house you so that kind of concludes a walk around the house as well as walking around the interior
Channel: Stratum FoundationRepair
Views: 295,601
Rating: 4.215292 out of 5
Keywords: foundation repair, dallas, fort worth, plano, brick cracks, slab, sheetrock cracks, estimate, Houston, McKinney, TX, Texas
Id: H7v2EQ_tsQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2010
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