Strongman With Golfers Elbow? (TENDONITIS FIX)

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today's video is all about how to fix elbow pain hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the youtube channel today i'm joined by my friend olu who's having some medial elbow pain right on the inside of his right elbow so what we're going to do today is i'm going to bring him through a full evaluation process to find out exactly why his elbow pain's there and then we're going to see if we can start some early rehab and see how it feels so first and foremost uh point to where your elbow pain's at so right yeah okay and usually you were telling me beforehand that it's usually when it uh coming out whenever you're doing a bench press yes or if you were getting into a more close grip with a back squat exactly okay so what i want to do is let's test and re-test i want to dry something that triggers your pain let's test for how much it hurts and then we'll go through the eval process so let's try a push-up and rate your pain 0-10 10 being the worst pain you can think of [Music] very good all right so zero to ten times the worst pain you could think of how much does that hurt i can give you that five overtime five okay all right so anatomy lesson guys want to come over here to tommy the skeleton now what medial elbow pain or inside elbow pain is often referred to as golfer's elbow it's obviously because the golf swing and the the movement and forces that are placed on it a lot of golf will develop it there but also as you can see a lot of strength athletes will also develop medial elbow pain whenever they're in a close grip back squat position or from any pressing motions now the big thing you want to understand is that this is only the site of symptoms and often the cause of this elbow pain is something all the way up the chain at the shoulder now what we're going to do is go through a testing regimen in real time and i'm going to show you what i do to look at sort of find the root cause of this pain or see if we can get on the right track to fixing it uh today so what i'm going to have you do is lay on your back with your head down on this side so we are going to first start by testing for lat flexibility now in this position we're going to look at the left side first now we do have a prior history of injury on the left side so we're going to make sure that we look at that as well but the lats are these big powerful v-shaped muscles that come on the back side of your body and they internally rotate the shoulders so in this position we're in a shortened position for the lats i'm going to take his arm and goes high overhead a little painful on that side yep so you can see how far we're able to go with the lats got a little bit of impingement on that side now what i'm going to do is externally rotate so i'm going to take his thumbs and go out like this now for him he actually gets to about the same range so what we're looking for is is there a difference side to side so internally rotated he gets to about ear level before he feels a little pinching pain because of a prior injury and then with an externally rotated again right about ear level maybe even a little bit better so stiff lats are not a problem on this side so let's go to the opposite side and evan you can just swing over here because you'll be able to see from the side view so internal rotation on this side from right here i can get much further so again this is not the shoulder issue side but you can see i can bring his arm all the way overhead now let's externally rotate right there that's a bottle like that can you feel a difference so with external rotation we're putting a stretch on the lats i'm holding down his shoulder blade so that he doesn't shoot and pull the shoulder blade out to the side and he can only get to about right there before his whole shoulder blade wants to kick out to cheat so if i don't hold down the shoulder blade he can cheat and get more motion but this is showing me right here one of his issues side to side is in lat flexibility so what we're going to do is see if in real time we can fix that so come on over here i'm going to show you just one quick motion we're going to stretch out that lat you're going to take your right hand hold under here hand on top you're going to sit back and twist into it until you feel a light stretch in your lateral armpit right yep and then sort of hold back yeah that bar won't come too far okay and then sort of drop your chest and swivel to the side or this way good do you feel a light stretch here good very good okay now what i want you to do is hold that for about five deep breaths in and out okay so it'll be roughly about 10 seconds and i just want you to do three of them right now okay any pain in the shoulder at all okay good so again what we're doing is a lat stretch so he's externally rotating placing a little bit of stretch on the lat and then he's pulling back and swiveling to the side to where we're pulling out a good stretch in that lateral armpit so about five deep breaths and you can come up and actually we'll do just two of them right now so we'll do one more and then immediately we're going to retest so always test retest when you're doing flexibility or mobility work to see if you're actually going to bring out any change which is for him a little bit better mobility in that shoulder so he's going to again do five deep breaths in and out very good okay so let's jump back up on the bed or in the pt clinic i have an actual pt bed externally rotated we were blocked at about the ear level and now look at that a lot more freedom of movement so again in order to get into a good back squat position with your elbows close to your side you have to have a good amount of lat flexibility to open up that shoulder and bring it in close so all those power lifters out there if you're stuck having a really wide grip because of elbow pain doing some lat flexibility work like that can allow you to get into a little bit better position now that's just one factor we also have to look at the shoulder strength and stability of the muscles on the back side of the shoulder blade that will often impact forces at the elbow so what i want you to do lay on your stomach we'll put your head down on this side now what we're going to do is look at his left side first so i want your arm out to the side like a t on this side okay so right here i'm going to have him hold right here so hold it up nice and strong okay don't let me push down so hold up as strong as you can hold it hold hold hold hold hold a little popping going on not too bad not too bad let's go over to the other side okay i want you to take your right arm out to the side like a t and hold it now in this position what i'm testing for is the strength of the muscles on the back side rhomboids mid trap the muscles that attach and hold up the back side of the shoulder blade okay palm towards the ground okay hold it up here don't let me push down hold it hold it hold it much weaker huh let's try that one more time so how much can you bench right now i it gets very irritating to when i stop being close to 380. 380. yeah and hold it up here nice and strong and i'm going to try to push this down with two fingers okay so hold it right here blowing push down two fingers so you can see how weak that is that's just me pushing with two fingers right there that's showing a big difference side to side in the muscles and the strength that these muscles are producing on the back side of the body now again anatomy wise if these muscles are weak and imbalanced compared to the muscles on the front side of the body because of the type of way in which we're working you're going to have this imbalance that is going to lead to basically a cascade of problems like a whip cracking this is where the symptoms are but the problem stemming from all the way up here so we found an imbalance in lat flexibility and also strength and stability on the back side of the shoulder so we're going to do a couple of exercises or one more test hands right here okay don't let me push your hands in so hold them nice and strong and actually have your hands straight out in front so this is external rotation strength hold right here oh hold hold hold hold hold okay maybe a little bit weaker on that right side did you feel the difference yeah it was a little bit harder for you to hold it right there okay take this hand hold it up here at 90 degrees okay now don't let me push down hold it good okay same thing on the side fold right here nice and strong don't let me push down hold hold hold a little bit harder yeah so again that's external rotation strength and stability so rotator cuff muscles muscles that lie on the back side like a mid-trap and low trap a little bit weaker than the other side so i'm going to show you uh two exercises right now that will help with that and then we're going to get back down on the ground and see if that feels any different okay first one [Music] okay guys i'm just going to be using theraband for this but at home if you wanted to mimic these exercises and you don't have a band like this just a light or just very skinny monster band can be helpful as well so you're going to take this and we're going to keep the elbows closed shoulder blades pulled back out to the side you're going to hold for 10 seconds okay try that so palms up elbows close out to the side so we're externally rotating that uh-huh out to the side just like that now the 10-second hold is key okay now you will be feeling this on the outside part of the shoulder right here eventually does that feel okay so far yeah good okay and then once you're done just hold it back in do you have any elbow pain with this no very good i want you to do for right now i want you to do five of these for a 10 second hold very good so what we're looking at guys with this is the muscles that lie on the back and lateral part of the shoulder your rotator cuff a lot of times when people are looking at the rotator cuff we're thinking about each specific muscle and what they all do in reality all those muscles work together to keep the scent the humerus centered in the hip socket the golf ball in the middle of the golf tee if you want to use that analogy and what we're working on is the back side of the shoulder making sure that it's centralizing the humerus in the hips or into in the shoulder socket because if there's an imbalance where these muscles are not as strong as this side the way in which the shoulder joint is being positioned and moved during any loaded motion is going to continue to place excessive load again like that whip cracking the problems up here the symptoms come all the way down here how you feeling with this one good these muscles burning pretty good uh i think the left side that i had the shoulder issue okay was burning more than this okay gotcha yeah okay so but uh i could feel a little bit of uh stretch and on that yeah especially with the with me doing that the last directive actually feels better because i've been having because of all my years of doing strongman you know all over at person like i said you know i don't really know all days because i started you know coming here you know move down the air and i start you know looking up with resources on how to function better yeah so um i think i feel better with it though this left shoulder is still impeding me so i think with my injury um because this shoulder wasn't functioning well i put a lot of load on this exactly so on that irritates this elbow but uh and a big reason why it's also important when we're looking at injuries not to just look at the one part and focus on that one injury because you have a left shoulder injury too and when you're doing a lot of these bilateral movements pressing squatting and stuff like that we have to look at you as a full person as an athlete and take into account that hey an issue on this left shoulder could lead you to be moving in a sub-optimal manner which then overloads this side of the body yeah so if we don't focus on fixing that shoulder two with a complete rehab program we're never actually going to fully fix this issue because we could do all the stuff to that elbow we want do dry needling scraping stuff to get the symptoms to go away for a short turn but until we take that step back look at the full body you don't actually truly fix the problem yeah i think what you said i can i tested that because um for the last few months when i started you know feeling better on this left side yeah my person start feeling better i mean before before my injury i was you know benching close to like you know in the mid um close to close to 500 i think my best bench then like five years ago was 450 pounds okay but you know as soon as the injury started kicking in it was so difficult because it was a grind and it frustrates me a lot but right now as i you know i showed you before off camera how my shoulder mobility got better you know by watching you and doing all kinds of stuff to this left shoulder it puts less strain on my elbow because this shoulder i started doing its job again yes so one person i'm not leaning on to this side to make my elbows you know this right elbow work more exactly you're moving symmetrically exactly exactly that's awesome that's awesome so a true testament to why we have to take that full body approach exactly okay so we did the first motion which was just elbow like this now we definitely got to work on the back side of the shoulder because arm out to the side that right shoulder was definitely weaker now here's what we're going to do i'm going to take this bar put it in the rack and we will take this band and i'm going to stand on it just because i know you're going to have a lot of force through there you're going to wrap this around here okay you're going to start with shoulder retractions you're going to pull your shoulder blades back and then you're going to pull the band out to the side like that keeping your elbows straight the whole time now i'm just going to stand on this part so the whole rack doesn't come with it so retract right there okay so elbow straight okay now you're gonna start pull your shoulder blades back and then arms out to the side it won't go very far hold there for five seconds that way exactly just like that now again the idea behind this is that it's not just pulling it's not just strength but it's stability because strength is different than stability strength is just your ability to produce force stability is your ability to limit excessive or unwanted motion basically your control of the mobility that you do have okay so for you you want to get those shoulder blades back and then get those arms out to the side keeping the elbows straight and then hold right there five seconds two three four five slow back in okay can you do eight of those in a row right now yeah now again the idea behind this is that we're making sure that those muscles on the back side of the shoulder blade not one specifically but all of them working together so we have rhomboids we have mid trap a little bit of low trough you've got your poster shoulder rotator cuff they're all working to control the motion to own your stability you feel that right side working pretty good yeah yeah and again the hold is key so it's the tempo and then that five second hold now for you at home if you're watching this if the band is too tough for you the resistance is too tough you'll see a couple things happen that elbow will bend or you'll shrug upwards you won't be able to maintain that retracted and sort of depressed shoulder position you'll want to shrug up as compensation so always pull straight back with this one to sort of make a t with your body usually in clinic if i'm having someone do something like this i'll have them do maybe two to three sets of eight to ten reps for a five second hold yeah burning pretty good yeah that was good yeah that's a really that's a really really good one okay now the very last one we're gonna do is let's see here we'll mimic this with a band and actually i want you to do this on the ground what we're going to do is almost like a floor press so obviously it's going to be like the opposite of the push-up that we're going to test after you're going to use a resistance band now this is what we're going to do we're going to get down on the ground you're going to pull apart okay and then from here because you're engaging those lateral shoulders you're going to slowly control it down i'm talking like a 5 second temple all the way down and then you're going to hold that position for three seconds and then slow back up so i want a five three three tempo okay okay let's try that so on your back now if we had a bench uh that we could actually get into obviously the lego bench is a little bit higher for seal rows but we're just going to do this like a floor press so on your back yeah watch your head okay so um i want as if you were to bench okay so i had that pronoun grip so like you're breaking the band okay now as you're slowly going down we got a five second lower keep that tension on the lateral shoulders keep those lats locked in pull those shoulder blades down okay do you have any elbow pain at all no good do you feel the lateral shoulders kick on no okay three second hold slow back up good do you feel when you try to break that band you feel like the lateral shoulder tension start yeah and i kind of feel like my elbows like running through down to the lat you you can feel here yeah okay do you have any medial level pain okay good that's what i want okay so band slow down five four three two one three second hold down there one two three three seconds up one two three i want you to do three more of those so again what we're doing is we're sort of priming the exact stability coordination of those lateral shoulders in the lats during a pressing like motion which is his push-up and eventually his bench press as well but sort of working through the proper sequencing of making sure that our lats are being engaged and our posterior shoulder rotator cuff muscles are really working to put the shoulder in a more optimal position now again if you're doing this correctly you will not have elbow pain with this if you do see if you can try to break that band a little bit more um and go a little bit slower with it and also you don't need to go as deep so if you're bringing this down and you're feeling any elbow pain with this maybe start off with a little bit more of a a graded movement let's go not bad yeah okay let's take that off uh make sure to get your thing in your pocket okay and let's flip over and try a push-up again so we went through we did our lat flexibility we did a little bit of strength let's try it push up one more time and let's see what it feels like after all that and when you go down really try just like we did before engage those lats shoulder blades in okay slow tempo back up okay all right zero to ten what does that feel like pain wise i think i'll drop it down from the previous one minus two down so it was like three like a three okay so we were able to take it from a five to a three yeah again you've been dealing with this for how many years that since two from alcohol summer of 2017 17. so what we do in here is not going to be a full fix it's not matched but our goal is that we uncovered the root cause and you had a lat restriction on your right side compared to your left side and also left shoulder issue and then we uncovered a little bit of strength and stability issue especially that right side was worse than the left so finding that root cause and then developing the plan that works towards those in real time you're able to make it feel a little bit better meaning that this plan set in place will allow you to slowly over time get out of pain and build back that capacity and resiliency so i'll ask you a question now from a pt standpoint especially for my squat though i usually like do all my warm-ups on my mobility a day before my score i'm not a big fan of doing mobility prior to my lift whenever it comes to being a strong man or a power lifter competitor what we want to find is tuned mobility you come in and do so much mobility work you're just going to teach yourself how to get loose under the bar so it's about priming your body to get into optimal positions without doing too much mobility work that you lose the stiffness that you need to be able to lift big weight okay so if you yeah like you said if you come in and you do a lot of flexibility it's going to teach you to not be as stiff underneath the bar which is what you need if you're trying to put 8900 pounds on your back so what i love the ability to do like the active mobility work prior to yeah like you said i do like maybe a night before yeah i mean when i come in i just try to just loosen up and yeah you know get under the bar for you what i would probably do when it comes to lat flexibility is we would maybe do just a little bit of soft tissue work so maybe not as much lat maybe you could do like two of them so just just a little just just a little bit of that one okay just two maybe not a lot of them because i want just enough to be able to get into a better position and then maybe even a little bit of lat uh soft tissue mobility work so you could take a lacrosse ball and go right into that area or a foam roller i'm about to train yes as you're about to take because what that shows us is that you're going to help improve the flexibility of that tissue right there but it's not going to harm your performance because research shows that a little bit of soft tissue work like foam rolling will improve your flexibility in the short term but it doesn't have any harmful effects on the performance of the muscle so far like how long because i used to get on people yeah at the gym like you know you're foam rolling for yeah come on like the reason i'm here losing your hair so literally why are you still warming up for like 30 minutes for each area so like the lats your area right one minute that's good that's all you need all right so yeah you get under lay on the foam roller for one minute you're ready to go so again the biggest thing when you get to the gym we need to be efficient and effective with our warm-up we do too much we're just wasting time and we're actually going to hurt our performance because we're getting so flexible that we may be especially for a strength actually we're decreasing that stiffness that we do need the tuned stiffness for the lifts okay does that make sense cool all right all right guys so i want you right now if you are uh enjoying all this stuff go follow this man's youtube page i'm gonna link it below um and also follow him on instagram so you can check out all of his training and all the other content that he makes so until next time guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so i pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats scratching so caught up in their egos these people have
Channel: Squat University
Views: 30,378
Rating: 4.9852724 out of 5
Keywords: elbow pain, elbow pain fix, elbow pain athlean x, elbow pain powerlifting, elbow pain strongman, elbow pain cure, elbow pain bench press, elbow pain pull ups, elbow pain push ups, elbow pain exercises, elbow pain relief, elbow pain after benching, elbow pain bodybuilding, squat university, Olu, how to fix elbow pain, elbow pain when lifting
Id: U_eA1hSiCrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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