3 Best Golfers Elbow Treatment Exercises

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in this video we're gonna go through three of the best golfer's elbow treatment exercises to help you get back to golfing throwing lifting or going about your life pain-free. hey what's up it's Coach E here and in this video I've got three exercises to help you get out of pain from golfer's elbow golfer's elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis and it's called that because golfers are the ones who often feel it but it's also known as throwers elbow okay because the same kind of stresses occur in the elbow here in this area in the muscles that cause the pain in this area so the medial epicondyle is if your palms palm is supinated pointing up palms up the medial epicondyle is right here yeah in the middle of the elbow yep this is lateral that would be tennis elbow this medial golfer's elbow okay so the reason why this happens is because of the pattern the movement pattern and the force is going through the forearm and the elbow from sports like golf and from throwing a baseball especially if you're a pitcher okay so the forces that occur is imagine you're gripping on to the golf club here you're coming up you're kind of cocking your wrist a little bit and as you hit the ball there's big impact okay between the ball and the club and then at that impact point you're flexing the wrist here and you're bringing it up and around okay so we've got a lot of flexion happening in the wrist and the elbow and pronation that's going to cause these muscles to be become overused and if they're not strong enough to deal with the forces that go through them you get some damage and let's say you go and you've got a golf vacation you're doing you know you're golfing every day for a week you're not ever recovering and that's gonna that can lead to chronic problems chronic pain in this area okay now it's called medial epicondylitis but that can be a bit of a misnomer because when it's acute within the first couple weeks up to maybe four weeks there's inflammation there so itis is the suffix that stands for inflammation okay however after that if you've got chronic golfer's elbow there's no longer inflammation if inflammation is no longer present in that area what's actually happening is degeneration of the tendons that attach into the medial epicondyle here okay in those tendons control flexion pronation and a little bit of elbow flexion okay so what do we gotta do to deal with that okay so if you've got acute pain then icing and resting is good and as long as you're not coming back too early and coming back too fast you should be okay but if this is a becomes a chronic issue what you've got to do is do some exercises to restore proper wrist function and balance because muscular imbalances can occur here very easily because we're always gripping and flexing the wrists we're never working the extensors yeah so we're losing that extension mobility and strength in the extensors we've got to restore that balance and number two we've got to work these muscles to get blood flow to this area because that's the only way that we're gonna heal the degeneration and damage that occurs and then stimulate the muscles to strengthen and to repair because when we're working the muscles properly we're consistently working them the brain is like oh these these guys need help we got to repair them and get them stronger okay so here's what we're going to start with we're gonna start with an active wrist mobilization this is a great technique because we're not going to only improve mobility we're also going to improve strength this technique is straight from my upper limb control course so what you want to do is get into the four point position you kind of sit back a little bit I'm just gonna show you the basic version is easiest version for you you're gonna sit back a little bit and you're gonna extend the wrist and extend the fingers here bring the hand up towards you off the floor you're keeping the elbow straight the whole time you're gonna rock forward maintaining that extension and the contraction of the extensors of the wrist in there fingers until we get into some pressure on the hand and a little passive mobilisation there okay now when you come back you're gonna lift the fingers in the hand off the ground as quickly as possible okay and then we're gonna do that again so the whole time the extensors of the wrist and the fingers are active you're never shutting them off okay and you're just going into a little bit of passive mobilization there okay back and forth just like that do both wrists good for both risk because we're working these extensors and do that for anywhere from four to six reps okay nice and slow just like I was showing you there all right it's really important that you do the techniques properly otherwise you're not gonna get the most benefit okay so when you're holding your hand there's another little point that I teach in upper limb control do the flare so the flare is extension of the fingers and abduction of the fingers you're spreading them out as much as you can do the hand flare and hold that the whole time you're doing that technique okay so that's the active wrist extension mobilization next up we want to start working these flexor muscles to get blood flow and to restore strength and to heal the tendons and the muscles themselves so what we're going to do is a little bit of eccentric work we're gonna do eccentric dumbbell wrist curls okay so to do this you need a dumbbell and you can go anywhere from start and you're probably around five pounds depending on how much pain you're in but you can start with two pounds that's totally cool you just want to work your way up okay so what we're gonna do is three sets of twelve repetitions nice and slow and you're going to focus on the eccentric so you're going to help yourself lift it into full range of motion and then you're going to slowly uncurl okay just about that pace could be around four to five seconds okay so you're gonna help it up so don't you're not concentrically contracting and help it up hold it there for a second let go and then slowly extend the wrist alright help it up slowly extend the wrist now key points here you've got to have a strong grip on the dumbbell the whole time doesn't have to be a max grip trying to crush it but you got a strong grip the whole time and you never let that go even at the full wrist flexion position okay key point number two is make sure you get the full wrist flexion and not just kind of 80% of the way but full wrist flexion keep that strong grip control it slowly down okay and what this is doing is working all these flexor muscles that in original medial epicondyle bring blood flow to them strengthening them and ensuring that the tendons and the muscles are healing okay so that's really critical three sets of 12 you can do that daily yeah when you're doing this now one thing to note when you do this exercise you might feel pain in that area and especially if it's chronic that's a good thing if it's cute don't do these exercises just rest I sit for three days and you'll probably progressively improve as long as you don't jump back to golf right away but if it's chronic like four weeks or Beyond and you're still feeling that pain there then it's time to incorporate these exercises and when you start doing them you're gonna feel some pain in that area and possibly in the muscle bellies in the floor okay just know that that's completely normal and just a light weight like this with this technique is not going to cause long-term damage okay so that's technique number two now technique number three there's another unique technique from upper limb control I call it the extended elbow flex whist flexion extension okay so what is that extended elbow is straight elbow you want to lock it out and what you're gonna do is you're gonna make a strong fist okay again not max like 80% and you're gonna start with flexion keeping the elbow locked out and keeping the grip strong okay so the tendency when you make us a fist and then flex is to loosen up the fist a little bit because it's harder for these muscles to contract because they're in the fully shortened position okay so the the fist relaxes a little bit so you can get more wrist flexion but we don't want that to happen we want to contract okay strong grip fully extended elbow and then flex the wrist hold it for five seconds and then you go into an extended flair keeping the elbow locked out it's locked out extended flare hold it for five seconds and back to you the flexed fist okay so don't let that elbow Bend again what we're doing here is we're creating a new movement pattern to allow the risk to move independent of the elbow so we're stretching out in this extended flare position we're lengthening and through the floor our muscles the flexors and then we're strengthening the flexors again so further getting further blood flow in this area in the full range of motion okay so now we're stretching out the extensors and we're getting strength in this gripped position okay because if you're golfing you're hitting and then you get into this flexed wrist position here through the follow-through and you don't have that strong grip the club is going to kind of rattle around in your hand and those shock wave forces are going to go up and through the joints all the joints of the body but a lot of its gonna come through the elbow again get absorbed in those tendons and that's going to cause that medial epicondylitis pain or the golfer's elbow alright so this technique you want to hold for five seconds and you can do anywhere from three to six cycles of that all right now like I said these three techniques these are some of the most effective exercises that you'll use for golfers elbow and you might find that doing this just for anywhere from two to four weeks is going to completely eliminate your pain which is amazing however these are just three techniques and I've got many more techniques to restore full function of the elbow wrist hands fingers grip strength mobility in the upper limb control course okay so this course you can check it out at the link at the end of this video watch the presentation you'll see why you know this golfer's elbow might just be a symptom of a greater problem that you've got to address otherwise other injuries in other areas might be occurring especially the shoulders because if you've got golfer's elbow now this means something else is not working right that's gonna cause shoulder pain in the future okay so check out that presentation you'll see the link at the end of this video and definitely start using these exercises to get you out of pain from golfer's elbow so you can get back on the greens and do your thing all right Coach E here again from precision movement thanks for watching I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Precision Movement
Views: 229,211
Rating: 4.920269 out of 5
Keywords: golfers elbow exercises, best golfers elbow exercises, best treatment for golfer's elbow, 3 Best Golfers Elbow Treatment Exercises, golfers elbow, throwers elbow, thrower's elbow, throwers elbow treatment, throwers elbow exercises, elbow pain, medial epicondylitis, golfers elbow treatment, golfers elbow test, upper limb, golf, flexibility, pmcoach
Id: kIYDcsOpnyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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