Rehab for Golfer’s Elbow | Theraband Flexbar

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[Music] so I want to give you guys some exercises for medial epicondylitis which is gonna be commonly known as golfer's elbow where you gonna feel it you feel right here on the inside of your elbow usually it's a little bit below the actual elbow more into the forearm but you can feel it a little bit of bug - or even right on the elbow because that's where some of these wrist flexors are coming in and attaching and then I've also seen it where you get it down here towards the roots so what do you need for this you've got to get a thera-band flex bar these things are kind of the gold standard for rehabbing this type of injury golfer's elbow or tennis elbow either one of them so the hardest thing to get is to get this exercise down so let's just show you how to do this one quick so let's say that this is my affected arm I have pain right here what I want to do is I want to grab this bar just like this so my palm is facing towards me flex my wrist a little bit then with this other hand I'm gonna reach over and I'm gonna face my hand away from me so towards you guys and then as I turn this over both palms are gonna be facing up and then I want to slowly release my effective one which is my right one don't be afraid to give it a huge twist when you do this because you want to get it like as much torque into the Flex bar as you can so again what we do affect it arm palm towards me grab it flex the wrist a little bit other arm up over top palm facing away then we're really gonna twist this around both palms facing up and then let that unwind just like that on the right side okay so in not slo-mo let's do it again grab it here flex over twist and then around so that's when you gotta get down three by ten with this fatigue this out as much as you can one of the other things I like to use on it everybody's seen these this is a hyperbole so basically what it does is it just allows you to kind of get into that tight tender tissue and work it I mean it feels good to use it this is on the low setting but don't hammer it to our right over the painful spot but just kind of work through those muscles right there along these wrist flexors it's gonna feel pretty good it's gonna bring some blood in there it's not gonna like help you be a better 100 percent just using this you're gonna have to do some of the other exercises but it'll make a huge difference let's talk about a couple more you can do some eccentric wrist curls so eccentric means you're gonna shorten the muscle and then provide resistance as it lengthens so with a dumbbell we can do these we're just going to flex our wrist up like this and then slowly let it down so this might be too easy for you use a heavier wave the other thing that you can do is you can kind of grab the weight by the end here and do the same thing that'll just move the lever out a little bit farther and make it a little bit more difficult okay and we can do it that way we can do it with a thera-band same company that makes this I just have this one tied I'll post the link so you can figure out where to find these but just tie it in a loop put it on your foot go ahead and support yourself you can even go like on a table rest your arm on a table with your wrist hanging up just to make it a little bit easier then you want to start in that flexed position and then come all the way down like that okay and then back up and all the way down if you do these you're going to fatigue and you're gonna feel it in here and that's exactly what we want I mean it's all part of building the capacity of that tendon back up another good one that you wanna do you can use a hammer I'm just gonna pretend this is a hammer this works good so take a hammer hold it by the end so the head is up this way just support yourself and then turn it nice and slow like that okay just that supination pronation which is the rotation of the forearm is going to be good for this stuff too so kind of put these in a superset and do them all together it'll take you maybe 10 minutes do it once or twice a day do a little bit of self massage in here too if you want to wear a little compression brace sometimes that helps other things you can do you can get some really educated guided rehab you can get some dry needling in there you can get some more focused stuff tissue work like a grass stand you can try k tape you can try some manipulation upper back shoulder elbow make sure all those joints are moving well see a chiropractor or somebody else too worse with these conditions and get it figured out so if you guys got questions just drop them and I will do my best to answer what hopefully that helps you
Channel: AccessHealth Chiropractic Center
Views: 56,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golfers elbow flexbar, theraband flexbar golfers elbow, theraband flexbar exercises for golfers elbow, golfers elbow exercise, golfers elbow theraband flexbar, medial epicondylitis flexbar, theraband flexbar medial epicondylitis, theraband flexbar relieve tendonitis pain, theraband flexbar elbow tendonitis, theraband flexbar elbow exercises, reverse tyler twist, accesshealth chiropractic, flexbar golfers elbow, flexbar elbow pain, flexbar elbow, theraband golfers elbow
Id: fXggnbIEdEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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