Escape from Ocala | Florida to Phoenix in a PA46 Piper Malibu | Garmin TXi

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[Music] okay Sophie complete alright now let's go to 800 feeling 2300 broken 3700 broken hot temperature two six two point two three and I'll to order three zero zero three ILS approach in you slam the railway three six the far departures advisors ground control the duration of flight advise on initial contact you have information hotel around Malibu's 444 delta tangos its shelf there with hotel I'm ready to pick ready to taxi and ready to pick up our IFR to Alexandria there were four four four Delta tango chronologically alexandria has filed 19 2001 six thousand once or Mets after departure departure stacks approach one one eight point six o'clock one zero seven five clear to Alexandria as filed up to two thousand expect one 6010 one one eight point six and one zero seven five on the spot for Malibu for Delta Cinco before Delta tango Rebecca's correctly three six next to be alpha three six via alpha four del tango okay cleared to 2000 and one 18.6 we've already gotten that set up our Malibu 4.4 del tango is ready to go 36 at alpha 9 gonna move toward that 10 grand wait three six at F and then clear for takeoff so I run like hitting run away heading clear they got three six nine four don't think 7480 [Music] and there is 80 [Music] are they still out there yeah that was nice of them [Music] Melvin before dr. Tang will count a national approach over to approach Melvin poor deaf mingle and here 1 alpha approach Melvin 4 4 4 Delta tango as 804 mm runway heading November 4 4 4 Delta tango Jack's departure I then finally seen a 1-0 thousand won't see of course that the other thing I Denton up to 1 0 thousand and 292 is on course over for Delta tango rider radar contact 2000 north of Ocala report expect on force enough in mouth for till town remember for Delta tangos be direct that thing third direct this nation for dope tango that's awesome ok activate and here comes a left turn that will keep us out of that rain and out of that rain wait it's right there that's the prison for 1/2 1/4 mile yeah cleared are now firmly not our protocol see ya it's under the wing right now I just saw moles right across from it so Katie since most people aren't that excited about seeing a prison maybe you can explain why you're excited about seeing a prison and specifically what you've been doing here for the last two years well for the past two years I've been living here in Florida in Ocala volunteering in a women's prison doing Bible studies in there with a prison ministry and so we've been going in there every weekday for the tango traffic 12 o'clock and wonder about north-south I thought you know for dope tango we're IMC so we're in there a lot and we've developed a lot of relationships with the inmates just being able to decipher a Bible study so it's kind of like my second because I'm in there all the time and that time so excited to see from the air and I didn't know if we would so so you haven't committed any felonies no and that's not why you've been in a Florida prison for two yes it was volunteer that's really they let me out every day as a parent I can say that I'm glad you're not out stealing hubcaps and heading felonies and I am very very proud of you k4 hello Jackie what you've done and what the Lord has done for you in your time here there one on gang feedback Rose I couldn't be more proud zero zero thing okay we are on our way to Alexandria Louisiana aka Texas Roadhouse aka Texas Roadhouse Katy's favorite spot where no pulled pork sandwich is safe they'll have like solid signal up here do you do yeah well it's not gonna last long I've ever poured off the whiskey I thank deck that are one three five point seven five is that for for delta-tango for those Bengal a from the one three five point seven five 3575 for dill pickles jacks good afternoon Malibu four four four del tango five point seven four one zero thousand only four four four double team by that's enter twenty two seven zero two seven zero for deaf tango for Delta tango climb and maintain one six thousand the sing any op toner three zero zero six zero six and heading two seven zero and up to one six thousand four Delta angle vectors for the quorum all these in 1519 sexiest approach to shower curtain that Lambie said I won 33.9 her 33:9 I leave in 1519 so long table 51 okay so six thousand for 16,000 heading two seven zero right now hey that's a great picture who took that no did she send it to you three point three two three three three clearly that's my good ninety-six those 27:44 traffic one o'clock for miles king air to five-o southeast all right well I see no points of the four double finger clitoris Seminoles here is Uli with even Alexandria direct Seminole and direct Alexandria for del tango Syrah Zulu isn't wait until you're at a tent for that - leaving one zero thousand direct Seminole than Alexandria for Delta tango Roger Kevin did here Delta 44 all right what was the spelling on that 18 you remember five point one seven all right where I see Delta 4 double tango clitter Seminole here is hilly with Ethan Allen Sierra Zulu whiskey out of 10 or direct Syrah Zulu whiskey then direct insert before Sierra's Zulu whiskey please ok enter all right now as soon as we hit 10,000 we'll go direct there activate okay well I don't have any excuse for a bad landing in Alexandria because we have so much weight in the back of this thing get out of sit right down like a butterfly those 23:29 kind of clement ain't put up a few six yeah therefore $44 tango contact at center one two seven twenty today twenty seven point eight good a portable Jack's good afternoon Malibu for for for delta-tango ten point nine four one six thousand report before Talbot and codex enter toss a fender three zero zero five zero five four don't think you've already been flying for what three hours you have to play direct five yeah it'll be a 6 or 6 plus hour day like that huh so what do you like that I can't Oh report I'm staying at that Center Cross City out seven three zero zero three zero three four dope angle it didn't seem like three hours it went by quickly in fact it was smooth and nice and so I pulled out my laptop and edited video who names these little points in space I don't know this one's called reluctant gremlin what where that one yeah no that's a that's an airport oh that is yeah we're looked at gremlin as an airport is any different see the waypoints are usually five oh yeah yeah that's an airport it's very we yeah well when it when you have a private Airport I guess you can call it what you want all right so all of the storms are behind us except for that where that Oklahoma Zuri to fill aircraft has a photo fresh pigmen 21 that arethe developer won at a 500 for Turkish water supply available how effects reduce the fullfil for deltas a new approach on January 2000 owner to make the visual Pro 21 for digital one for for dope tango in 94 delta-tango de Sena pause the stretch of maintain 3000 under 3000 for Delta 46 miles out and expect a visual tu-142 let's see I think our next frequency is going to be tower on one to 735 and we've got a sauce and ground there they were on the ground when you went to Olive Garden did it smell like dirty feet now every Olive Garden I've ever been to smells like dirty feet like all across the country no matter where I go I walk in it's so gross and I'm like do they not when they get to work walk in and smell that or I mean you get used to it but are you sure it's not you I'm positive dad it's Olive Garden I don't spell that in Applebee's why don't you write them a letter let them know yeah probably get a petition going too yeah we want to eat not smell feet [Music] we had a restful night in Louisiana and were able to get into the Texas Roadhouse for dinner Katie chose a healthy breakfast this morning and we're off to the airport to continue our way home the airport now is andrea sits on what used to be England Air Force Base which was decommissioned back in 1992 they've done a remarkable job keeping the grounds and the facilities looking great and in the five or six times that I have stayed in Alexandria so far the folks at millionaire have always gone above and beyond to accommodate us because of the weight we're carrying and the headwinds we can't carry enough fuel to make it all the way home so we're planning a stop in Odessa Texas for gas okay so the plan today or right now is to go from here to Oh Tessa Texas for fuel and Texas burger Texas burger yeah well it's nice to stop part way anyway because that would just be way too long but yeah and our snack supplies diminishing so it'd probably be the best yeah by the way this is the snack supply it was a gift they opened very easily speaking of which is it Thursday our Malibu for for for delta-tango is ready to go one for number 4 for $4 a go on to petrify on course run away one for win one for zero f5 cleared for takeoff clear for takeoff one for and on course for for Delta angle fuel flow is advancing manifold pressure is good airspeed is liming centerline [Music] and we're flying deer is up [Music] laughs up and we turn on course [Music] sort of same contact book one 3205 good like good day overdue both have a good day for don't approach Malibu for for for delta-tango 700 in the climb for 1-0 thousands for fold up single book departure radar contact well I was not at all happy with my landing in Alexandria yesterday know what I did wrong I was sleeping carrying too much power I mean three four zero because I wanted to set it down real gently and as soon as we hit ground effect I didn't believe the power off and just kind of let itself down oh so we heard is that why you said there's a balloon yes oh I was literally looking up and we doing for her balloon like whatever how did those looking up in the sky okay here we are now 14,000 feet and air speeds above 140 so bring the power back to 29 inches right there I go a little below 29 and you'll see why here in a second the way to deliver clear Albert yes when I bring the proper our behavior to either going back to 20 for the manifold pressure is going to increase [Music] there we go and now next year we're burning 28 and a half 28.8 pills per hour don't know I'm gonna pull the mixture back we just went over peak you can hear it and now about 15 and a half gallons per hour and we're watching these temperatures to get these two numbers right there about 1550 and make sure that stays below 380 that's how it all works the rest of the flight to Odessa was smooth and uneventful after landing we got fuel then borrowed the crew car for a trip to Texas burger which has apparently been remodeled since we were here last one thing that hasn't changed is the jalapeno burger which is world-class in the interest of time I'm gonna cut right to the arrival into Phoenix I'm just sitting out of 12.7 for 4,500 I've set up a V nav target thirteen point three miles east falcon field which is right on the edge of the Phoenix last Bravo so that shelf begins at five thousand feet so our target has to be at 4,500 before we get there leave us a little bit of room weight been a pretty good fight where we're being far now simply because as soon as we crossed over El Paso they gave us some crazy routing down south over Tucson and then up up through Casa Grande which is typical because of the the MOS you can see we're getting an active in my way actually right now but yeah so we passed through these anyway so what I did as soon as we made the turn at El Paso better therefore I want to have one antelope London when we just proceed it direct to you feel don't pull their contact they fell to murder 207 others gonna have to pound your boy it's gonna be this here factor first Inga time to 0-5 for Zilla when very low six temperature three zero two point three I'll turn where to nine or eight one fish approach to music wrong way to two left and right yes about three and five unusable Oh suffering so no like under car 24 foot six no one runs I like that they're terrible one I put seven by this contact you're fishing hang on hey we have tank oh those are some pretty high mountains out they're gonna produce on the one to five point one i-25 oneself but don't worry boy there's a lot of death row zero five over here a lot of trees there oh that's Pinal peak seventy eight hundred forty eight feet above sea level though we are three hundred feet about that [Applause] you know what you think you'd learn never to do math in public dad okay we are 10,000 feet above sea level right now right those mountains are therefore we are 301 mm yeah just I'm recording 300 3000 you know at least I got happen stop quit while you're behind at least I got half of it correctly the number three yeah thirty fourteen contact a proton to eight point six five I'm gonna kick their an emergency I'm going to declare a math emergency you're defying everything okay well people can comment down below if they understand where I'm coming from because last time there were people out there that help me out and reliable actually she's kind of right so wherever you are you are good for 34 descent of 1995 9000 for 31 oh we're dough it's just like all mountains and there's nothing and but we're ten minutes away it just kind of appears out of nowhere yep parked car 35:35 clear directive birdie defender make a photo shoot for zero Jim was girl strike 30 American five three five six months ago I parked a car there that is a sleeve that throw that thing out the window Apple knows way too much Wow is scary Oh for a 3-wood about to take three with kalfa Creek affirmative coladas November 8th 3 with kalfus fault Lake City approach Melvin four foot board delta-tango sending out a 7.5 and we've got sang good Falcon I could set a 30 40 left eight three three zero cephalopod real called out on land lines hit again sure Malibu 444 jump single descending out of 7.4 we've got to angle it dump a little forceful for dos an extractor thank you for a tango Asaka need to set a restricted your session current Phoenix outfitter cannot erase your own it's your old for don't thing and plus 8/3 with the alpha I'd been neither is jobless history whiskey offer at zero contact and half mile southwest the four peaks at eight thousand six hundred traveler twelve o'clock ten miles off direction opposite indicates one zero bounce 406 walk one five five zero look for traffic III whiskey alpha by the three whiskey alpha suggested heading three one zero still applies three one zero we're going to 83 scalpel three whiskey offer enter once again to return contact Imam selfless the four peaks I show that ninety four hundred easy terms climbing out of $9,700 to reach Calais III whiskey alpha Roger sighs when you're ready to copy your honest part of Salt Lake wittekop the clearance it's risky alpha plus a33 42 traffic 11 direction a Malibu 4,300 heading in a falcon 342 your inner context odd north of the Willing VOR maintain VFR you're ready for vector to the top three professors the size of P 340 340 is gonna give you a present heading traffic be me right side about three o'clock and two miles east bound converging out to escape 3,700 fast moving up showing 160 over the ground definitely shoeless resourceful $4 English at eleven o'clock two miles east-southeast I'm talking to an archer 3500 additional traffic 2 o'clock two miles off direction opposite indicates 4600 you'll pass in between both of them we're dopest angle we're looking for thanks problem okay we're gonna pass between and he's plus 500 - horn I could be a guy higher this side the guy lower off this side I've got up here the guy the tire seems to be turning right at us p3 42 the traffic's no factor he'll pass over the top yeah so 3700 indicated 3242 of portal tango or main on the beacon code radar service terminated connect stopping heroine to 4.6 we're little tango Tara Malibu 4 4 4 Delta tango tango and we're each southeast Atlanta full stop now the 444 Delta tango Kundera our left base runway t2 left but please dude you left for dope down all right I've got the field in sight Oxford 324 challenge Berkshire perfect on ATT left everything and we're set up or internal 82 right contact our 119.7 now before delta thing go runway t2 left : did you left turn left Portofino target our system at a diner full 5 Quebec totally shortened way to - left at alpha niner niner for final pilot keeps you left it out the tax ramp for you Delta monogrammed ears down extras full rich prop is full forward and it's bumpy our archery seven seven one Charlie right face if you left behind the Balaban after someone Charlie stock star Roger number Q followed mile we were on we teach you left glute align clear the land number two two two left eight seven seven one Charlie five hundred hey ears down all right Katie let's have a good landing here looking good so far [Music] I don't know that was pretty good it was a little bumpy but the approach was really there is the welcome in this look nobody's got flowers [Music]
Channel: Malibu Flyer
Views: 49,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #homeschoolmath, #olivegarden, #SMTWTFS, #bigbrothertech
Id: 2_ruk6yqBug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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